#team leader rooster
wearerandomlyyours · 2 years
"I can fly it."
Hangman looked at Rooster in disbelief, finally tearing his eyes away from the bucket of bolts that might be their only way out of this mess.
"That piece of shit is older than both of us, Bradshaw, how the fuck are you going to even get it started? 'Cause I sure as hell don't know the startup sequence. We don't even know if it can fly!"
Rooster turned to him and gave him a slanted smirk that seemed both out of place and horribly familiar.
"Let's find out."
Hangman gaped as Rooster, reserved, stuck on his perch Rooster, started marching strait across the ruined airfield.
"Roost.....! Fuck."
The hair-raising thirty seconds it took to get across the tarmac felt like an eternity, but they made it safely to the Tomcat that would hopefully get them out of there.
Rooster flipped a switch, "Okay, we've got power. Once I give you the signal for 'air', I need you to hold this switch until the needle gets to 120. Once I start the engine, hit this button to stop the air feed, then pull all the pins and disconnect everything, got it?"
"Yeah, but you're explaining everything once we get back to the boat."
Rooster slanted that same strangely familiar smirk as he hit the button to start the airfeed, giving a little cheer when it did so without a hitch, "Sure, man. Stow the ladder once I'm up!"
It took less than a minute to get the old Tomcat ready for takeoff, but as they taxied out of the hutch, Hangman saw the next obstacle.
"The runways are wrecked! How are we gonna get this museum piece airborne?"
No response. Then...
"Uhhhh, Roo? Why are the wings coming out?"
Silence from the front seat.
"Rooster, this is a taxiway. This is a VERY SHORT taxiway, Rooster."
Hangman felt the rumble as the afterbuners wound up, "Shortest takeoff distance ever achieved by a Tomcat was 1,400 feet without a catapult, just hold on."
Hangman didn't get a chance to say anything to that as Rooster released the brakes and the old jet rocketed forward, hurtling towards the fuel towers in front of them.
"Needle's alive, c'mon sweetheart..."
The towers were getting closer at an alarming rate.
"Almost, almost...."
Closer still.
"Hold on!"
With a gut-wrenching lurch, they were airborne, Hangman absently noting the jolt of their front landing gear getting torn away as he activated his ESAT.
"Hoooooly shit."
"If we get out of this alive, I'm gonna kill you, Roo."
"That's fair."
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mattastr0phic · 5 months
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Thanks for all the kind words about our Simmons!
Meanwhile, stuff about RvB S19 Spoilers under the cut.
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I want to start out with the movie definitely felt like they tried to put what love they could in it, but with time constraints, Rooster Teeth being shut down, and budgeting, a lot of character development and general awareness of where the characters would be left where they put them suffered. But Church and Tex reuniting with her being made of the memories of how she wanted to be remembered was beautiful.
I would talk more about how other characters felt completely sidelined, and it was definitely hurtful that Donut got basically nothing even if he was a part of the main team (literally just make an excuse about his armor. Or hue change him in editing. Not like it hasn't been done before) but I feel like most of it's already been said by others.
My most important note is: If Simmons is now the leader of Red Team.... what Red Team? What war? What people is he leading? His "leadership" developments consisted of: Running at the Meta, being called 'sir', and throwing something really well. He hadn't even displayed leadership qualities before he was handed the torch here, unless you count previous seasons where he still didn't manage it well, and realized it was a part of his own issues with authority.
I know it's all over already, but it would've worked better if he had been helping out as a leader earlier on, and properly earned it, achieving some sort of small victory against the Meta even if they were still beaten back for Carolina and Tex to take charge in combat. He'd learn that the position was exhausting, and that he would be done when their war ended. Maybe even funnel it into a different occupation. Go home with Grif. It's over.
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shakespeareanwannabe · 8 months
As You Wish, Chapter 3
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Summary: When arriving at Camp Silver Star, Abby Floyd was anticipating a summer of adventure with an ocean separating her from the three people she loved most: her mom, her Uncle Bob and her Aunt Natasha. But after a run in with Charlie Seresin, an extremely familiar looking and irritating camper in a different cabin, her summer plans take a turn that neither girl ever could have expected.
Trigger Warnings: reader's children are described as being blond with green eyes because genetics are wild and Jake's genes are strong, reader is canonically Bob's sister, reader goes by Buttercup and is tattooed, swearing, verbal arguing, references to divorce, death of a character, injuries, misinformation about the US Navy and how it works (I tried my best)
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Briefing Room, Classified Location, 11 years ago
Briefing rooms after missions go horrifically sideways were typically quiet. Those who were involved in the mission were usually too busy inside their own heads, trying to shove feelings and memories into tiny little lockboxes that would then get shoved into other boxes and hidden in the dark recesses of the mind, only springing free when things got…dark. The top brass was usually reading reports and gathering steam, preparing to bring the hand of God down upon the person (or people) who were responsible for the mission going…poorly. Therefore, the rooms were usually can-hear-a-pin-drop quiet, but they were never this…still. This silent.
The fifteen lieutenants stood in four rows and, while most of them were four people deep, the one missing a person stood out in cold contrast, as did the empty spot at the front of the room, where the team leader usually stood. Cyclone, Warlock and Hondo stood just past that spot; heads ducked together in a whispered conversation. Besides that, nobody moved. Nobody stirred. Not Bob, balancing on a pair of crutches with a cast bracing his leg up to his knee. Not Fritz, his arm strapped against his chest to immobilize it. Not Rooster, with a black and purple bruise on his temple, or Coyote, a neat row of stitches gracing his cheek, or Hangman, who felt a painful twinge every time he breathed, the binding protecting his bruised and fractured ribs pulling taut with every inhale. None dared to move or fidget.
Finally, Admiral Simpson moved into the empty space at the front of the room and sighed.
“Well, ladies and gentlemen…I don’t think I need to tell you what an absolute clusterfuck that was.” Fanboy flinched, his head ducking fractionally as the words carried clear across the gathering. “In fact, it was such an absolute clusterfuck that Rear Admiral Cain has decided to disband the Dagger Squad. Immediately.”
Jake heard Yale gasp behind him, and he would have too, if it weren’t for the sinking weight in his chest. The mission had been a clusterfuck, there was no doubt about it, but they had achieved their mission. He had risked his ass after watching Maverick’s plane get shot out of the sky, putting all thought of his little Charlie girl waiting for him at home and the whisper of ‘god damnit, Buttercup was right’ out of his head, and he had taken charge. He had been the one to pull Rooster out of his single-minded mission to avenge Mav’s death, he had been the one to take down the jet that had been targeting an ejected Bob and Natasha, and he, Payback and Fanboy had been the ones to deliver the payload in the end, effectively taking out the target.
He had brought all but one of them home safely, but he didn’t feel any sense of relief, or even grief over Mav’s death. All he felt was the warmth of his baby girls, curled up against his chest as he rocked them in their nursery. All he tasted was the sweetness of Buttercup’s kiss, all he smelled was that newborn baby smell that he swore to God was the best thing he’d ever smelled in his life. All he saw was Buttercup’s tear-stained face as she gathered Abby in her arms and left, the sound of the door clicking shut echoing in his ears. If his reaction time had been even a millisecond slower, he could’ve been in Mav’s position, and then what? What would happen to his Charlie then?
“…because of the nature of this mission, disbanding the Dagger Squad, and because you all are the best of the best, the Rear Admiral has decided to make you an offer. As you know, the Navy doesn’t often let you make very many decisions, so I want you to think carefully before you respond, because we do need your answer today. Your first option is to be absorbed into another Squad; in which case you would be shipping out today for your new assignments. Yes, Lieutenant Fitch, if both members of your team decide to go with option one, you will be keeping your WSO. Your second option is—”
The clatter of metal against wood stole the words from Cyclone’s lips, and everyone turned towards the mild-mannered, quiet, shy WSO standing behind the glaringly empty space in the third row.
“—retirement, with a full pension and an honourable discharge,” Cyclone finished, staring down at Bob’s nameplate, lying on the desk beside him.
“I think it’s pretty clear what I choose,” the WSO spoke softly, but no one in the squad could miss the barely tempered rage in his voice.
“Lieutenant Floyd—”
“Permission to speak freely, sir?”
“Granted,” Warlock stepped up next to Cyclone.
“I almost died on this mission,” Bob stated frankly, his gaze never wavering from Cyclone’s face. “I had to eject Lieutenant Trace and I from our aircraft after she was struck in the face by shrapnel that broke through our windshield and destroyed her helmet. Debris that came from Maverick’s plane.” The silence was heavy, tension mounting with every word, but Bob pressed on. “Nat’s never going to fly again. They already told me. And frankly, sir? I don’t know if I have it in me to bond with another pilot after holding my best friend’s body as we waited for rescue, already knowing that our team lead was KIA.”
Cyclone opened his mouth to speak, but a gentle hand on his shoulder stopped him.
“I understand, son. If you, or anyone else, decide to retire, know that you’ll be going with the full gratitude of the US Navy,” Warlock responded.
“Thank you, sir,” Bob saluted, then propelled himself out of line, crutching past the waiting rows of his friends and coworkers as he headed for the door. “I’ll fill out any paperwork you need, and then I’ll be out of your hair.”
“There’s no need to pack and go so quickly.”
“All due respect, sir, but yes, there is,” he came to a stop in front of Jake and fixed him with a steely look. “My family needs me. And if I don’t help them, who will?”
Jake swallowed painfully, his heart pressing against his aching ribs with every heartbroken beat, the roar of fear and shame and anxiety swirling around in his head, blocking out every sound other than the whispers of his regrets.
This wasn’t how his life was supposed to go. Football captain, homecoming king, star pupil of the Naval Academy, he flew through OCS and aced his ASTB. He was the only pilot of his generation with a confirmed air to air kill, handpicked for Top Gun and their top-secret uranium mission. And, on top of all of that, up until six months ago, he’d had the most perfect, beautiful wife waiting for him at home with their precious newborn twins.
Now, he was a divorced single dad of one beautiful little girl. A beautiful little girl that he’d had to leave in the capable hands of Penny Benjamin when the Squad had been deployed. A beautiful little girl whose sister he missed so incredibly much that it threatened to bring him to his knees. Whose mother had been right about damn near everything.
“Lieutenant Seresin?”
Jake blinked, his vision and hearing coming back into focus as Cyclone stepped down to face him.
“I’m going to be frank with you, Lieutenant. You’re the best of the best,” Cyclone stated, stepping closer. “Your skills in the cockpit are unmatched and you showed the type of leadership qualities we need in this line of work. There are whispers of promoting you due to your actions on this last mission. With the loss of Captain Mitchell and your actions on this mission, you are now the only ace pilot that the Navy has to offer. You’d have your choice of assignments, should you choose to stay. It would be a damn shame to lose you, son.”
Jake felt something squeeze in his chest, and this time it wasn’t his busted ribs. Being a Naval aviator was the only thing he had ever wanted to be, and Jake Seresin always got what he wanted. He should be elated, planning for his move to the best naval base in the country, where they would probably let him lead his own squad after the way he led the Dagger Squad home safely, tearing victory from the jaws of defeat. He could be Lieutenant Commander Seresin.
Buttercup’s tears and the clicking of his apartment door as it swung shut.
Those bright baby blues that were just now starting to darken into the very same light green he saw in the mirror every morning.
The powdery scent of diaper powder and formula, and the solid warmth and weight of his baby girl in his arms.
“With all due respect, Admiral?” Jake pushed through the catch in his throat. “It would be even more of a damn shame for my daughter to lose her dad. I’m all she’s got. I…I can’t let her down. I can’t let her ever think there’s a chance in hell that her daddy ain’t comin’ back to her. I’m afraid I have to thank you for the opportunity and request that you tender my resignation. Sir.”
Cyclone sighed, a wave of disappointment cresting over his face as he opened his mouth to argue, to convince him to stay, but a firm hand gripped his shoulder.
“We understand,” Warlock reached out and shook his hand. “Thank you for your service, Lieutenant Seresin.”
Jake nodded, shaking his hand before turning and saluting Cyclone. “Thank you, sir.”
“I…I’m with him.” Jake turned and saw Javy saluting the two members of the brass.
“Whatever you’re about to say, don’t. I followed your ass on the football field, I followed your ass to the Naval Academy, and now I’m following your ass out the door. You’re not the only one Charlie’s got, man. You both got me.”
“And me.”
The two men turned to see Rooster fiddling with his name plate.
“Bradshaw…” Cyclone’s voice rose in shock.
“My mama never wanted this for me,” Bradley continued, as if he hadn’t heard him. “I know she didn’t. Hell, my mama never stepped another foot on a plane after my daddy died. She was too terrified of bein’ in the air, thinkin’ I might lose her too. I used to think that flying brought me closer to my dad, that I could feel him when I was alone in the cockpit.” He unpinned his name plate carefully, studying the engraving. Lt. Bradshaw. “I can’t feel him anymore,” he murmured. “I’m older than he ever got to be. And now Mav’s gone…” Rooster sighed. “I don’t think I’ll be able to shake this last mission, sir. I’d be a detriment to any team I join, and I don’t want to put anyone in that position. So…I’m walking away.”
“I…understand. Thank you, gentlemen, for your years of service.”
Rooster saluted, then the three men walked out of the briefing room, the weight of their actions blanketing them.
“So…what now?”
Jake rubbed at his ribs. “We go to Mav’s funeral…then I guess we go home.”
“And where exactly is home?” Rooster drawled. “I can’t imagine you want to stay in your apartment after…everything.”
Jake shook his head, his tactician’s brain kicking into high gear. “Javy?”
“Yeah, man?”
“I think it’s time we introduce Bradshaw here to some Texas barbecue.”
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The Brig, Camp Silver Star, Present Day
“Amelia? You…you knew?” Charlie yanked at the t-shirt that felt like it was closing in around her neck.
Amelia kicked off her rainboots, shed her yellow raincoat, and shuffled towards them, gingerly taking a seat on Abby’s bed.
“Yeah…I knew.”
“Why didn’t you tell me?” Charlie’s hands clenched rhythmically as she tried to breathe.
“I didn’t know the two of you were here at the same time,” Amelia soothed. “I found out that day that cantaloupe ended up in the fruit salad. You both came to me to ask about it, and I went to find my mom right away. That’s when she told me that she had sent emails about the camp to your aunt and uncles, offering a friends and family discount if you came for these specific weeks.”
“A-Aunt Penny knew too?” Charlie croaked.
“She did. Charlie, I—”
Charlie shook her head, sending her blond braid flying, the end whipping at her face with the force of it. “No. No. This is all a coincidence. It has to be one big coincidence. My dad and your m-mom…them knowing each other doesn’t mean anything.”
“Charlie…” Amelia started, but Abby felt something snap inside of her.
“You’re not actually stupid enough to believe that, are you?” she spat. “Why can’t you just admit that it all makes sense? Our parents knew each other, they got married, and they had us. We have the same birthday, we look identical, and we have these pictures to prove it! Why is that so difficult for you to see?”
“Because it means he lied to me!” Charlie shrieked, burying her head in her hands. “He lied to me. My whole life. He hid my mom and my sister from me for twelve years! He’s my best friend, we tell each other everything, we do everything together, and he lied to me!”
Charlie’s shoulders shook with the force of heavy sobs as the wind whipped at the windows, making the cabin shake. She’d asked her dad about her mother for years, and he had never told her. And neither had Javy or Rooster, who so clearly knew her mother too. Her chest ached with the sting of betrayal, and she had no idea how she was supposed to go home and look her three favourite people in the eyes after finding out they had been hiding such a massive secret from her.
Charlie flinched as she felt an arm wrap around her shoulders, and she sniffled as her head was tugged onto Abby’s shoulder.
“W-why aren’t you angry?” she whispered.
“I honestly don’t know,” Abby murmured back, staring sightlessly out the window. “I know that I should be. I know that my mum and Uncle Bob and Auntie Nat lied by omission by not telling me about you and dad, but I just…can’t.”
“Why would they do this to us?” Charlie scrubbed at her face with the sleeve of her sweater. “How is it legal to say that each parent gets a kid, and they never have to see the other one?”
“They had a custody arrangement…” Amelia had moved to kneel at the edge of Charlie’s bed.
“What sick judge would agree to something like this?” Charlie hiccupped as Abby removed her arm and leaned forward, desperation shining in her eyes.
“No one,” Amelia sighed and turned her face downwards. “Now, I don’t have all the information. I was just a kid when your parents split up, and my mom and Mav tried to shield me from the worst of it. All I know is that they got engaged after dating for like a really short amount of time, then your mom found out she was pregnant with you two, and they eloped in Las Vegas. Mav was pissed.”
“Didn’t he like my mum?”
“He loved your parents, both of them. Hangman was a pain in the butt, but Mav wouldn’t have wanted it any other way. After that first mission they flew together, when Hangman saved Mav and Rooster’s life, nobody really cared that Hangman was cocky. The way he could needle at the other members of his squad, it only ever pushed them to be the best that they could be. I know Mav saw a lot of good in your dad, and he really cared about him. And your mom? I think Mav loved your mom because she really helped bring Hangman down to earth. He once told me, ‘Buttercup keeps Hangman’s feet on the ground while his brain is racing through the sky’,” Amelia chuckled. “God, I loved hanging around with your parents. They were so cool.”
“Wait…Buttercup?” Abby bit her lip. “That’s what my aunt and uncle call my mum. Well, that and kiddo.”
“Yeah, nicknames around Miramar kinda just…stuck. Your dad started calling your mom Buttercup, and that was that. She was Buttercup from then on.”
“She even has a buttercup tattoo on her collarbone,” Abby said excitedly, her mind racing with the implication.
“That’s great and all, but can we get back to the story? Why was Mav angry?”
“Because he wanted to be there when they got married,” Amelia laughed quietly. “The Dagger Squad got chosen to do an air show in Las Vegas, and Hangman was able to work it so that your mom could come. Mav didn’t question it at all, even though he knew they were engaged and expecting. Your dad had to do 200 pushups when he got back for not telling Mav the plan so that he could be there,” Amelia giggled. “But I never heard him complain about it. He thought your mom was worth it.”
“So then…what happened?”
“Like I said, I don’t know. My mom and dad split when I was younger, and I guess my mom thought that watching one of my favourite couples in the world split up might bring up some bad memories, so she and Mav sheltered me from a lot of it. I know they had a really bad fight, they both said some things, and then they split, and they each took one of you.”
“H-how did they decide who to take?” Charlie trembled.
“I honestly don’t know. But I know it was never supposed to be permanent. The custody arrangement, I mean.”
“Then what happened? Why did they keep us from each other?”
Amelia shrugged. “I know that it was partly your dad’s deployment schedule. It was hard to set up a visitation schedule when Dagger Squad was being called into action so often. Then, the pandemic hit, and nobody wanted to be sending really young kids on international flights where they could get sick and potentially have lasting complications. After that, I really don’t know.”
Charlie took a deep, shuddering breath as Abby chewed on her lower lip. The cabin was silent, save for the wind and rain lashing at the windows.
Finally, Amelia sighed. “I know this a big revelation for the two of you, and I hate to leave when you probably have a billion more questions. But I do have to get back. I’ll be back later tonight to collect your tray, and I’ll hopefully have more time to answer your questions. Okay?”
Abby nodded but Charlie sat stock still, staring into space.
“Charlie?” Amelia called softly, ducking her head to catch her gaze. “Are we okay, hon?”
Charlie nodded mutely and Amelia returning it with a tight-lipped smile. “I’ll see you both later.”
“Bye Amelia,” Abby called softly as the door swung shut behind her.
Silence fell for a brief moment before Abby looked over at Charlie.
“What are you thinking?”
“Shhh…” Charlie hissed, but Abby didn’t take offense. It was clear from the deep set of Charlie’s eyebrows and the pensive look in her eyes that she was planning something. No…plotting something.
Abby shrugged and walked over to the small card table that held their trays of food. Two small Thermos’ of chili, an array of Ziploc bags filled with cheese, chili flakes, bacon bits, and sour cream, and two snack sized bags of tortilla chips were seated neatly on the silver trays, and Abby felt her stomach grumble.
She had just sat down to her freshly topped chili when Charlie moved, sitting across from her with a steely look in her eyes.
“I want to get to know my mom,” she stated simply, as though she was saying that the sky was blue or that grass was green.
Abby nodded eagerly. “I know! I can’t wait to get to know dad! Maybe we could call him together on Friday and talk to him together? And then we could do the same for mum!”
Charlie shook her head. “No. I mean really get to know her. I want to meet her in person. I want to be able to hug her. I want to spend time with her, and I want to be able to do that without having to spend time answering questions about how we found each other or her trying to tell me about what happened between her and dad.”
“I…I want that too,” Abby confessed, though Charlie’s words were confusing her. “And we can do that. Once they know that we know, we’ll be able to use that custody agreement and see mum and dad, and each other, more often.”
Charlie shook her head again. “You don’t understand. I don’t want to talk to dad. Or Rooster. Or Javy. They lied to me for my whole entire life! I’m so mad at them that I’ll probably just scream the whole time we’re talking to them. Besides, whose to say that they won’t make excuses and not let us see each other again? What happens if they just decide that I can’t see mom and you don’t get to see dad?”
“They wouldn’t do that!”
“Abby, they already did do that!” Charlie reached out and grabbed Abby’s wrist, her gaze pleading. “Don’t you want to get to know dad without having to deal with all of this? Don’t you want to be able to meet him and get to know him without all the awkward stuff, like him asking you what your favourite colour is or what you got for your tenth birthday?”
“Well…yeah. Of course, I do. But…how would we do that? It’s not like I could just go to Texas when camp is over.”
“Why not?” Charlie’s eyes shone bright with excitement. “Who says you couldn’t just take my boarding pass and fly to Texas to meet dad? Who says I couldn’t just take your boarding pass and fly to London to meet mom?”
“Charlie, you sound insane,” Abby gently removed her hand from her wrist and picked up her spoon. “First of all, I don’t have a boarding pass. I fly stand-by because my uncle is a pilot and gets me on the plane for free, so long as he’s the one flying. Second, we might look a like, but there are still some cosmetic differences! My hair is shorter than yours, I have pierced ears, and we have different accents. They would certainly notice all that. And third, our parents have known us since birth. Surely they would be able to tell that we’re not us!”
“We can fix those things!” Charlie leaned forward. “I can teach you all about my life in Texas. I can show you the layout of the ranch, which cows to avoid, how to tack up my horse at home. I can teach you all about dad and Javy and Rooster. I can cut my hair! And listen, it’s not even that hard to fake a British accent. Pip, pip, cheerio!”
Abby snorted. “And what? You expect me to teach you all about London? Where to catch the tube, the layout of the flat, where the best fish and chips are? You want me to tell you all about mum, and where Uncle Bob hides his glasses cleaning cloth, and how not to stare at Auntie Nat’s scar? You want me to start talking like a cowboy? And what about my ears being pierced?”
“Why not?” Charlie begged, her green eyes shining. “We’ve got like a month to teach each other everything we would ever need to know. And we both have cell phones, so it’s not like we would be completely cut off from each other. If I had a question, I could just text you and ask!”
“Charlie, you sound ridiculous!” Abby threw her spoon down and rubbed her eyes. “There’s no way I can teach you about my life in a month. You want us to try to pull one over on the people that know us best. It would never work.”
Charlie bit her lip then leaned in for the kill. “I saw the way you lit up when Amelia mentioned mom’s nickname being Buttercup. I know how excited you got when you realized that mom has a tattoo of a buttercup. I know you were thinking the exact same thing I was.”
“Which is?”
“That if the people around her still call her Buttercup, maybe she still has feelings for dad. The nickname obviously meant enough to her that she got it tattooed on her body, and she hasn’t tried to get it removed or anything.”
“Mum, she…she’s never dated,” Abby admitted quietly. “She always says she just doesn’t have the time, but…I’ve always hoped that maybe it’s because she still has feelings for my dad.”
“Dad is the same way,” Charlie whispered. “He says I’m his best girl, but I know from Rooster and Javy that dad could be going on lots of dates if he wanted to. They love to tease him about it, and he tells them that he’s too busy with me and the ranch. But I know it’s because he still loves mom.” Charlie reached for her wrist again and this time Abby didn’t pull away. “Abby, if we do this, they will eventually have to switch us back. I’m not suggesting we do this forever. We can get to know them for a bit, then tell them the truth, and they’ll have to meet to switch us back. And when they meet…”
“…they could fall in love again,” Abby murmured.
“They could. Or, at the very least, they can talk and figure out a schedule so we don’t have to be separated again. C’mon…isn’t it at least worth a shot?” Charlie blinked over at her; the puppy dog eyes she had learned from her dad shining in full force.
Abby sighed. “Do you really think we can do it?”
“We’ve got a month, we’ve got social media, and we’ve got access to the computers once a week. I don’t see how we couldn’t pull this off.”
Abby chewed on her bottom lip. “O-okay…but if I don’t feel comfortable with this later, I want to be able to change my mind.”
“Done.” Charlie stuck her hand out and Abby grasped it, pumping it twice in the air with a grin on her face. “Now…let’s get to work.”
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Tags List: @mamachasesmayhem @jessicab1991 @waltermis @buckysteveloki-me @allepaula @yuckosworld @seresinsbrat @ahopelessromanticwritersworld @kim-stark @cierra715 @high-speed-r @helpmepleasethanks @starsrfun @tomanyfandomstrash @averyhotchner @the-blueatlas @princessliz86 @dashes-dizzydisaster @a-girl-who-loves-disney @boiolay @djs8891 @torimcc @tgmreader @kmc1989 @landpiranha-blog @sydthekid1518 @lynnevanss @hello7442 @mackenzieblair @minejungwoo @starset21 @ssa-sadboi @tgmavericklover @dempy @rockbottomphilosophies-blog @lovemarvelousfics @starkleila @magical-spit @whatislovevavy @simplyreading96 @vivalas-vega @itsdesiree86 @inky-sun @books-are-escapes @abaker74 @clockworkballerina
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The Cowgirl and The Aviator Ch15
Next Chapter! WARNINGS: Military Inaccuracies, Near Death Experience, Smut (The Smuttiest Smut), Vibrators, Alluding to Squirting, P in V (Wrap It Before You Tap It), Teasing and Fluff!
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If Jake had been team leader before he had met you he wouldn’t care about his team as much as he does now. The mission was going to plan as they flew the terrain they had been training for. Rooster was his wingman, Nat and Bob dagger three and Payback and Fanboy dagger four. It was a night mission and to any civilian wouldn’t seem very hard, but it wasn’t the target that was the problem. The problem was hoping not to get into a dog fight if at all possible. 
He looked down to your photo praying that he gets to come back with the other members of the squad. You were asleep waiting for your shift at the Hard Deck when you woke in a cold sweat screaming. You’re hands shooting to Jake’s side of the bed calling for him. When you couldn’t feel him there you started yelling for him in the apartment. Then in your panic you realize he was gone on a mission and that sent you spiraling even more.
You didn’t have anyone to call as you tried to calm down. It was just a dream you kept telling yourself as you pushed the nightmare away. Jake was going to be fine and the team was going to come back safe. You couldn’t go back to sleep as you clean to keep yourself busy. As you stand at the sink a storm is rolling in and you can see the rough waves outside. It unsettles you even more as you do the dishes from the night before.
Jake and the team have a clean run as they head back for the carrier. On approach to the carrier Jake realizes that his tail hook is malfunctioning. “Hangman here I have a malfunctioning tail hook and low on fuel”, Jake radio’s in. “Acknowledged Hangman we will land the others first then raise the net for you”, he’s told. He circles as they raise the barricade for him. He takes a deep breath and grabs your picture to put in his pocket. 
His wheels hit the deck wrong as he bounces only catching the back wheels as he is headed for the edge. He goes over as his heart drops, but the jet jerks back causing his shoulders to jerk against the harness. It knocks the breath out of him, but he powers everything off as all he can see is the waves lapping at the ship. The creaking of the back two wheels tells him he needs to get out as soon as possible. He opens the cockpit as they are getting a man harnessed to come get him.
The jet creaks again and Jake knows he has a split second decision to make. The carrier had stopped a while ago. He puts his hand over his pocket with your picture and jumps. When he hits the water it’s freezing and when he surfaces he can hear the jet let go. It crashes too close and as it sinks he can feel it trying to suck him down. He can hear the yells of man overboard. Rooster hears the call of “OSCAR OSCAR OSCAR” go out and he panics as the others race to the edge to see Hangman's jet sinking.
Jake swims for his life as he gets clear of the wreckage. They send out the helicopter to search as Rooster can only think of you standing over a casket just like his mother did for his father. It takes him to his knees as Phoenix tries to shake him out of it. Jake feels like he has been in the water forever as the helicopter searches with the searchlight. He knows they won’t be able to hear him over the rotors, but soon enough they spot him. 
They send a man down to harness him in and lift him into the helicopter. Rooster only comes around when he hears that they have retrieved him. By the time the helicopter lands they immediately take him to the infirmary. Jake can’t remember the last time he felt so cold as they helped him strip out of all of his wet clothes. They take protocol and get him dry clothes as they tend to him. He must have inhaled water because he continues to cough. They get him squared away and tell him they are keeping him for monitoring. 
Maverick is the first to come to check on him. The debriefing he is told can wait until he has rested and they know he will be okay. He still feels cold even with the extra blankets as he drifts off into sleep shivering. His mind goes to you and how you would be curled up beside him if you were here. He misses you more than ever at this moment knowing that today could have been his last. He knows you would be fretting over him like he had with you when you were in the hospital. He coughs a little, but eventually gets some sleep. 
You go to work and Penny keeps an eye on you as you seem off. “(Y/N) are you alright?”, Penny asks. “I don’t know, I woke up after a bad dream and I haven’t been able to shake it. The storms today probably aren’t helping”, you reply. “Well let me know if you need a break I know how it feels when your man is away on a carrier”, she tells you. “Thanks Penny”, you reply. The shift goes by slowly as the storms get worse. When your break comes Penny comes running to you.
“(Y/N) you need to come with me right now”, she tells you. She brings you to her office where her laptop sits and Maverick is on the screen. You look at Penny as she offers you the chair sitting in front of it. That feeling you had worsens and then you go numb as Mav waits for you to sit down. Once you sit down Penny grabs another chair and sits beside you. “(Y/N) I’m not really supposed to be doing this on my video call, but I thought you should know there was an accident”, Mav says. 
“Jake”, you whisper. “(Y/N), his jet's tailhook malfunctioned and the landing was bad. He went over the deck and into the water. He is safe onboard now, but the doctors are monitoring him. Their main concern was hypothermia and they believe he may have inhaled some water. I’ll continue to give updates to Penny when I can alright”, Mav relays. “So does this mean you all will be coming home early?”, you question. “No (Y/N), but I’ll keep you updated. I have to go, my times up”, he tells you. “Thank you Mav”, you reply. He nods as the call screen goes off, and Penny watches you carefully.
“Thanks for coming to get me. I’m gonna’ go back to work”, you tell her. You feel weightless as you stand up and you don’t even get a step towards the door when you go to your knees as the room spins. “(Y/N) are you alright sweetheart?”, Penny asks. “I could have lost him”, you whisper. She knows you're in shock as she helps you to sit back down in a chair and tells one of the other staff members to get you some water. You kept telling yourself that he was okay, but you wanted to see proof. 
Eventually you collect yourself to finish out your shift and Penny tells you to stay over with her and Amelia. It was a good decision as the storm gets bad and you can hear it getting even worse. The howling wind and thunder get to a point where the lights go out. Penny and Amelia help you settle in for the night as you take the couch. You just keep thinking about Jake and praying that he is okay as you fall into a fitful sleep.
You don’t hear from Mav for another two weeks. He tells you Jake caught pneumonia and that they are treating him for it. Then four weeks until Mav can call again and tell you Jake is alright, but that the pneumonia took a toll on him, but he was ready to fly again. You knew what that meant and you continued to pray that he came home safe and sound. You get a letter back from Jake telling you he is feeling better and not to worry that Bradley has been keeping a close eye on him ever since the accident. 
You send a letter back telling him to stay safe and next time he better tell you when something happens. When Jake gets that letter he laughs as he tells the squad what you had said. Also tucked in the envelope was a picture and he pulls it out and immediately puts it back into the envelope. “Well I’m heading off to bed”, he tells the group. Rooster quirks an eyebrow as Jake hurries back to his bunk. 
When he pulled out the photo it was you in his bed, hair spread out like a halo around you and dressed in a green lace teddy. The smirk told him everything he needed to know and what really topped the cake was in that smirk you had one of his dog tags between your teeth. He wished he could be there in person to see you like that, but his imagination would have to do. He wasn’t proud of jacking off to your picture, but it was a release he didn’t realize he needed. 
He swore to himself that when he got back he was going to rock your world. Every once in a while he would have a coughing fit, but he was getting better every day. He was counting down the days that he could come back home to you. A couple more times in the air and then they would all be on their way home. You on the other hand looked like a wreck as Penny could tell you weren’t getting enough sleep. 
Nights spent at the Hard Deck helped with your anxiety of waiting for Jake to return. A call came in to the Hard Deck that they would be getting back a week late due to some unforeseen issues. Penny could tell it was eating at you, but you held strong as Mav was able to tell you that Jake was back to one hundred percent. “Penny, I think we should plan a welcome back party”, you say. “I think that would do everyone some good”, she responds. The next week is making the Hard Deck look more festive than it ever has with a banner that reads ‘WELCOME BACK DAGGER SQUAD’. 
When pick up day came around you were first at the pick up point. You paced for what felt like forever when the door opened and the Dagger Squad exited. You spotted Jake right away and took off at a sprint. Jake didn’t have time to react as you launched yourself at him. He dropped his duffle bag and caught you as your shoulders shook. He knew you were crying as he tried to comfort you. “Darlin’ I’m alright. I’m here baby, I’m here”, he soothed. 
You pulled back giving him a serious look and Rooster smirked at him already knowing what’s coming. “If you ever pull some crazy shit like that again I’ll kill you”, you scolded. Jake looked taken aback but couldn’t stop from smiling. You looked beautiful even when you were angry as he swooped in for a kiss. Your anger quickly melting as he continued to kiss you breathless. “Let’s go home darlin’ this outfit needs washing”, he said, winking at you.
“Yes sir”, you replied. You walked with him back to the truck stealing kisses as you went. When he pulled into the apartment parking lot you went straight inside while he got his stuff. When he entered the apartment there you stood in a scanty sailor uniform with his dog tags hanging between your breasts. “Lieutenant Seresin sir. Welcome home”, you say in a sultry tone. Jake can already feel his cock hardening at the sight of you. 
He wastes no time in giving orders for you to go to the bedroom and wait for him. You do as you’re told as Jake goes to the kitchen filling a pitcher of water and bringing a glass with him. When he enters you stand at attention at the end of the bed. “On your knees”, Jake says. You immediately go to your knees as he places the pitcher and glass on the bedside table. You watch as he comes to stand in front of you. He looks damn good in his khaki uniform as he admires you.
He unzips his fly and pulls himself out of his boxers. You note that he is hard as a rock and he gives you the nod to continue. You automatically wrap your lips around his head as he groans deep and loud. “Darlin’ I’ve missed you”, he hums. You take him deeper at his admission until you gag. One hand comes back to wrap around your hair guiding you on his shaft. “That’s it. Fuck”, Jake hisses. He continues for a couple more minutes until he pulls you off. 
He pulls you back up to your feet ordering you to strip, but to keep the tags on. You do as he commands then watch as he admires the view. “Get on the bed all fours”, Jake barks. You move as if your life depends on it as he takes up position behind you. He swipes his fingers through your folds and whistles. “You’re so wet already”, he hums. “Only for you Lieutenant”, you reply. You wiggle your hips to urge him to do something and it earns you a slap to your ass.
You jump with a small shout as Jake checks in with you. You promise him that you’re fine, that you just weren’t expecting it. “Stay still and obey my orders or there will be consequences. Am I understood?”, he asks. “Yes”, you speak. Another slap to your ass as Jake says, “Yes what”. “Yes Lieutenant Seresin sir!”, you sound off. “That’s right”, he tells you. He soothes your ass then skirted down to your pussy where he thrusts two fingers into you. 
You moan as he starts curling his fingers and the closer you get the weaker your arms seem to get. You lay your head down on the bed and it earns you another slap. “Up on all fours darlin”, he drawls. You do as told and Jake speeds up his ministrations as you mewl as you're about to fall over the edge. “Jake I’m gonna…”, you don’t get to finish as you shudder through your orgasm. When you come back around Jake is rifling through your underwear drawer and pulls out your vibrator. 
“Alright on your back”, he tells you. You shakily lie on your back as Jake pulls you to the edge of the bed. You watch him in his uniform as he drags his cock through your folds. You moan each time he bumps your clit and he smirks as you whine for him to put it in already. “What do you say?”, he asks. “Please Lieutenant”, you whine. Jake smiles but it’s soon wiped away when he pushes all the way into you.  He stays like that for a moment then when he opens his eyes to look into yours your smile has him melting. 
He leans down to kiss you as he starts to thrust into you. You moan into his mouth until he pulls away to get better leverage as he starts a brutal pace. The noises coming from you spur him on as he grabs the vibrator. As soon as it touches your clit you fall over the edge to another orgasm. He is right behind you as a couple thrusts later he cums hard. His moans are heavenly and you want more. He pulls out of you to shed all of his clothes as you notice he is getting hard again. 
Once he is naked he goes to take off his dog tags when you hook your finger into them and pull him down for another kiss. He goes willingly as he enters you again. You can’t seem to get enough of each other as he starts up a slow pace and punctuating each thrust. You go along with his movements as each kiss seems longer and more sincere. “I missed you”, he whispers. “I did too. When Mav told me what happened I thought I would never see you again”, you say. He pulls back to look into your eyes.
He can see the pain behind those eyes as he kisses your forehead. “Me too darlin’ I was so scared that I wasn’t going to make it back”, he admits. You pull him back to you to kiss him more, reveling in the fact he was alive and here with you. “We should go to the Hard Deck tonight”, you say. His next thrust pushes the air from your lungs. “Well we have some time to kill before it opens”, he smiles. 
“Well let’s make the most of it”, you gasp, as he thrusts again. He continues with a slow pace as he hikes your leg into the crook of his elbow. The new angle has you mewling as he hits parts of you that you didn’t know existed. Everything feels drawn out like this as if you're both savoring each other's company. He reaches for the vibrator he had placed on the bed earlier as you hear it start on its lowest setting. He places it onto your clit as he continues the slow thrust and grind.
It’s a slow burn low in your gut as you start to climb to the peak of your orgasm. “Jake”, you sigh. “That’s me”, he chuckles. You giggle until he turns the vibrator up a notch. It has you climbing to that peak faster. It hits you suddenly and out of left field as you clamp down with a moan. Jake hisses as he has to come to a stop, but doesn’t take the vibrator away. You start to try to push him away as it becomes too much.
He holds fast and starts up a pace that has you grabbing his biceps and digging your nails into his flesh. The next orgasm is slow and goes through your veins like lava as Jake swallows your moans with his kisses. Then he placed both legs over his shoulders and amped the vibrator to the max. You couldn’t do anything as tears came to your eyes as you tried to breathe. Jake noticed the tears and asked, “You okay? Do I need to stop”. You couldn’t speak as you shook your head no as you could feel him twitching more often now. 
“Feel so good Jake”, you cry out. “Darlin please tell me your close”, he pleads. “Yea”, you gasp. “Where”, he shudders. “I want you…to cum deep inside. Make me feel you when I’m at the Hard Deck”, you say. “Fuck Darlin’ you can’t say things like that when I’m this close”, he huffs. That gives you the bright idea to keep going. “You feel so good please cum inside me pleasepleaseplease”, you whimper. “Fuck”, Jake curses.
He’s almost there, but your orgasm barrels into you so hard that your body spasms. Jake curses as he feels the wetness coat him and that has him burying himself as deep as possible. He groans long and loud broken by little whimpers as he emptied himself into you. He turns the vibrator off and places it on the bedside table as your body trembles underneath him. “Jake”, you whisper. “Yea’ darlin?”, he replies. “That was amazing. You’re amazing”, you announce. 
You can feel his shoulders move with a breathless laugh as you finally come down from your high. Jake gently puts your legs on either side of his waist as he stays fully seated inside you. You give a couple experimental spasms around his cock. He hunches his back a little as he hiccups a groan. “Darlin’ I can’t too…Mphm”, he groans again as you grind a little. His hands grab your hips in a bruising grip as he goes in for another kiss to distract you. 
You both go a couple more rounds until you both have to get in the shower to get ready. When you arrive at the Hard Deck and walk in Jake understands why you wanted to come. The bar is decorated and has the welcome home banner above the piano. You hug Bradley and say hello to his girlfriend as Coyote comes over with his wife. Nat squeezes the life out of you when she sees you and Bob pulls you into a hug. You could tell Bob had more beers than normal because he normally wasn’t a hugger. 
“You look good Hangman”, Bradley says. “I am good Rooster. I’m very good”, he replies with a wink to you. You go red as Bradley raises an eyebrow until he spots something on your neck. “(Y/N) is that a brui… Nevermind”, Bradley states. You look confused until Nat tells you that your shirt is showing off a very noticeable hickey. You go red and try to cover it to no avail. “What’s the matter darlin’ they know we’re together”, Jake says. You go to retort but laugh when you realize Jake has a few on his neck as well.
You point them out, but Jake just pulls his shirt to show them off more. “I can’t believe you”, you laugh. You go to the bar to get a beer for Jake and yourself, but when you come back a woman that you know for certain knows Jake well by the way she runs her hand down his chest and says something to him. You watch as Nat slides up next to you and watches the scene. Jake shakes his head and you can’t tell what he says until he looks up to point you out. The woman says something back and seems upset as she looks at you then stomps away. 
“Wow I never thought I would see the day”, Nat says. “What?”, you ask. “Even when he was “dating” he never turned that girl away. I think you’ve changed him for the better”, Nat replies, taking a swig of her beer. When you bring the beer to Jake he makes a show of kissing you in front of everybody. You smile up at him then hand him his beer. “Love you darlin’ now how about a game of pool Rooster. Me and (Y/N) against you and your girlfriend”, Jake says. Bradley looks at his girlfriend as she nods. You get deemed to rack ‘em and while you’re bent over the pool table Jake leans over you. “Darlin’ keep lookin’ like this and we might have to go to the truck”, he grins. 
He slaps your ass as you finish up and you just shake your head. “You’re insatiable”, you tell him. “Only for you darlin’. Only for you”, he replies. You and Jake make a pretty great team as you win. You challenge Payback and Fanboy next as the jukebox plays ‘Slow Ride’. “I love this song”, Jake whispers in your ear. “Maybe I can ride you to it at some point”, you reply nonchalantly. “(Y/N)”, he groans in your ear. From his lap you can feel him getting hard underneath you. “Your turn”, Payback calls.
You kiss Jake and get off his lap to play as Jake readjusts himself before getting up. You and Jake end up winning that game too, but then challenge Phoenix and Bob. This proves a more challenging game, but only because Jake’s focus is on you and how you keep teasing him. The party lasts late into the night as Jake holds you close as Bradley takes over the piano after unplugging the jukebox. Jake for the first time ever joins in singing with the squad as you sing beside him.
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fictionadventurer · 27 days
1940s Hans Christian Andersen shorts: Intended as animated segments within a live-action film about the author's life, these would have adapted The Little Mermaid, The Fir Tree, Through the Picture Frame, The Emperor's Nightingale, and The Steadfast Tin Soldier. (Yes, I know we got adaptations of several of these, but I still want to share the concept art for old versions).
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Gremlins: A film they worked on a lot during WWII but couldn't crack the story (or find money to make it)
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Don Quixote: They tried to adapt the story in various ways in the '40s, '50s, and '00s, which is too long to get into here, but it led to some interesting concept art.
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Chanticleer: A story about an arrogant rooster who thought his crow made the sun rise, and used this to rule over the other farmyard animals. Reynard the Fox was a villain who tried to take advantage of the discontent in the farm animals to take over as their leader (with plans to eat them), which leads to Chanticleer saving them and learning humility. Work started on it in the 1940s, and it was so close to being made in the 1960s, but they decided to go with The Sword in the Stone instead. Some of the animators loved it, though, and some of the character concepts were later adapted into Robin Hood.
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Catfish Bend: I haven't found much about the story beyond "talking animals in the South", but the concept art intrigues me. It would have been released in 1981, but after it was shelved, some of the concepts went on to inspire The Rescuers.
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Mistress Masham's Repose: An adaptation of T.H. White's novel, pitched in the late 1980s
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Fraidy Cat: 2009 film about a pampered housecat named Oscar who is falsely accused of kidnapping another pet and has to team up with a cockatoo and try to find the real culprit to clear his name. Shelved because they figured kids and general audiences wouldn't understand the Hitchcock references (which seems like a terrible reason, but alas).
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King of the Elves: Announced in 2009, it was a 3D animated film scheduled for 2012, before being shelved in 2016. Adapted from a Philip K. Dick story, it was about an ordinary man who saves some elves from a troll and (apparently reluctantly) gets declared their king.
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Gigantic: A retelling of Jack and the Beanstalk set during the Spanish exploration, it involves Jack meeting an 11-year-old female giant who treats him like a doll, and eventually fighting much larger Storm Giants. Would have had songs written by the team from Frozen and was set to be released in 2018, then moved to 2020 before being cancelled because apparently they couldn't figure out the story.
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shadowsndaisies · 2 months
the hard deck: slow ride (pt 2)
wc: ~1k
synopsis: a glimpse through Jake's eyes
main masterlist
athena-verse master post
a/n: here is part 2!
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Look, Jake knew he was a great pilot. He knew it before he got sent to Top Gun; he knew it after. And he knew it before he got invited to this special detachment. In order to be a great pilot, there is a certain level of intelligence involved, so yes, Jake would say he's a smart guy. Which is why he feels confident in saying something has happened between you and Bradley.
You were by far the best person Jake had ever met. Pilot or not, hands-down, you were the best. There was something about you. That was just so innately trustworthy. Something bold and clever. He could put his life in your hands and wouldn't doubt them for a second. It'll be a cold day in hell before he admits it out loud, but Natasha Trace was a close second; it's the only reason he didn't go completely territorial over your friendship, that, and the fact that Phoenix probably would've thrown him overboard if he had even tried.
Since your assignment to the Tophatters, Jake has found himself with plenty of time to get to know you. And while you mentioned some of the people you attended Top Gun with, usually Harvard and Yale, you never once mentioned Rooster. Yet, there was something about the way you were staring at him, the way you watched how he and Natasha interacted; it set off all kinds of alarms in his head. He made a joke with the kiss and tell, and while you denied it, he knew there was something you weren't saying.
He's starting toward the pool table but pauses; whatever the truth was, whatever was going on, Bradley Bradshaw did something that hurt you, that much was clear, and well, if there was one thing Jake excelled at, more than flying, it was pushing all the wrong buttons. He looks back at you, gripping the G&T he'd gotten you, knowing you'd drink a beer but never enjoy it. You're playing with the condensation; he can see how your chest moves with deep breaths. And he decides there's no reason to build a bridge that was on fire from the start.
He turns and walks up to the Juke, scanning the listing and then smirking when he finds what he wants, putting in a quarter and clicking the numbers. Then he turns back to the pool table, "Bradshaw!" he calls, and out of the corner of his eye, he sees you turn. Jake hands the beers off, one to Nat and the other three to Javi for the moment being. "As I live and breathe," he smirks, stealing the pool cue out of Bob's hands.
It's a dick move, he knows, but well, right now, that's who he needed to be.
"Hangman," Rooster greets, a slight head tilt, and his lip quirks. "You look… good," he concedes, and Jake smirks.
"Well, I am good, Rooster," Jake starts, lining up his shot, and like he'd done to you earlier, he makes eye contact with Rooster as he hits the ball. However, there is a distinct rise in testosterone; unfortunately, Rooster is not nearly as fun to flirt with as you are. "I'm very good. In fact, I am too good to be true," Jake smirks again.
"So," Payback calls, and Jake notices how you've begun to inch forward. "Anybody know what this special detachment is all about?"
"No, mission's a mission. They don't confront me," Jake is the first to answer as he lines up his next shot, splitting his vision between the pool table and you. You're still far enough to keep everyone from seeing you but close enough to likely hear what's being said, even over the sounds of the bar. "What I want to know," he continues, "is who's gonna be team leader?" he emphasizes the question while landing another ball in a pocket before standing and looking around the table. "And who's has what it takes to follow me?" Jake doesn't mean to linger on you, but it seems to have an okay reaction because you quirk a smile in challenge, as if asking what makes you think you won't be following me? And honestly, he probably would. He'd follow you anywhere if you asked him to.
"Hangman, the only place you'll lead anyone is an early grave," Rooster says lowly, and every Aviator around the table freezes.
Fanboy lets out a nervous laugh that Jake sure earns him a few glares, but his gaze doesn't move off of you; instead, he watches your shoulders tense, you bite your lip, and then he sees as you uncomfortably force yourself forward. He was a dick, he knew that, but he wasn't about to let you force yourself into this conversation when your feet weren't firmly on the ground.
Jake keeps the cocky smirk on his face and stands up straight before walking over to Rooster, "Well," he begins, looking Rooster up and down. "Anyone who follows you is just going to run out of fuel. But that's just you, ain't it, Rooster?" Jake quips. "You're snug on that perch, waiting for just the right moment… that never comes," Jake takes slow steps, getting in Rooster's face.
The chorus of the song Jake had typed in came on at the perfect time.
Slow ride… take it easy…
Jake smirks, "I love this song!"
Jake had moved to go back to the game. Still, vaguely, he's aware that you're now speaking to another aviator and that Phoenix and Rooster are talking about him.
"Well, he hasn't changed," Phoenix notes, and though she's being quieter, it's not quiet enough.
"Nope, sure hasn't," Rooster affirms.
"Check it out," Fanboy calls, nodding past the table, and everybody's attention shifts, "more patches."
"That's Omaha, Halo, Fritz, and shit, is that Harvard and Yale talking to Athena," Payback notes.
Rooster pauses, "Wait, Athena's here?"
everything: @butterfly-skinnylegend
athena’s tags: @omgbrianab @smoothdogsgirl @bazellawriz @sbrewer21 @inky-sun @djs8891 @rory-cakes
91 notes · View notes
What Goes Around (Comes Around)
Summary: Bradley didn’t do relationships, and neither did you. The arrangement you had worked perfectly for ten years, getting together whenever your paths crossed. But after the two of you were stationed permanently on the same squad, suddenly what you have isn’t quite enough for him anymore. It’s not until a close call in the air that he finally gathers the courage to admit it. 
Pairing: Bradley Bradshaw x Reader (no use of y/n, can be read as unnamed OC)
Word Count: 4K
Warnings: friends with benefits relationship, smut (porn with feelings, basically), language, close calls in the air.
His hands, normally steady while he was in the cockpit, were shaking. His knuckles strained from how hard he was gripping the throttle to make sure he kept control of his aircraft. He could hear you joking with Phoenix over the comms and the laughter that normally made him smile had the fear he was feeling just moments before transitioning into a white hot anger. 
“Maybe I should steal your callsign, Phoenix. I’m the one who is rising from the ashes now.” 
He couldn’t fucking believe you. 
“Karma,” he snapped, cutting off Phoenix’s response and yours and Bob’s laughter. “Get back to base.”
“Now,” he barked. It was quiet over the comms as the three others in the air with him processed his tone. “Karma.” 
“You got it, Lieutenant Bradshaw.” 
He clenched his jaw so tight that it started to ache. Your voice was tinted with sarcasm, but you followed his orders nonetheless.
“Lighten up, Rooster. We’re all fine.” 
He knew that Phoenix was right. The three pilots, himself included, and the one WSO in the air under his command as Team Leader were fine. But that almost wasn’t the case, and he seemed to be the only one taking it seriously. 
“Exercise is over. Let’s get back.” he said, unbuckling the mask on his helmet and letting it fall. He didn’t have anything left to say that would be appropriate with everyone listening. 
You were still standing near your plane when he descended from his, your arms crossed over your chest and a blank expression on your face. He had never known someone as capable of hiding every single one of their emotions until he met you. But it had been ten years, and he knew you intimately enough to catch your tells now. You were tapping your finger just the slightest bit against your opposite arm as you waited for him; you were nervous. 
He kept his gaze straight ahead as he walked in your direction. He didn’t stop as he passed you, barely even slowed down, but he spoke lowly enough that only you would be able to hear his words.
“I’ll see you at my place tonight.” 
You’re already there when he pulled the Bronco into his driveway.  He had stayed on base to shower and change, but by the looks of you still in your flight suit sitting on the steps leading up to his small porch, you had come straight here. You hadn’t let yourself in despite having a key. 
You raised your head in his direction when he slammed the driver’s side door closed. He thought the shower and drive home would calm some of his nerves, but seeing you just made the anger flood his veins all over again. He forced himself to take a deep breath before he moved toward the house. 
“Hey,” you greeted. 
He walked up the stairs beside you and crossed the porch to unlock the front door without a word. He heard the sigh you let out and the shuffle when you stood to follow him inside. You closed the door behind you as he made his way into the kitchen. 
“What’s your problem?” 
He still didn’t respond to you, focusing instead on grabbing the bottle of cheap whiskey he kept in the cabinet and downing a heavy shot of it. When he went to pour himself a second, you scoffed. 
“Are you planning on giving me the silent treatment all night? Because if you are, I’ll just le-” 
He slammed the bottle down and grabbed you, hauling your body against his as he brought his lips down to yours roughly. You gasped at the suddenness of it and he used the opportunity to deepen the kiss. He felt the moment you started to relax against him and just as quickly as he initiated it, he pulled away. 
“What the fuck were you thinking?” 
Your chest heaved and your eyes were wide, already slightly glassed over. “What are you talking about?” 
“I told you not to go above 7Gs. Not in that terrain.” 
It took a moment but he watched as your eyes cleared and what he was talking about clicked in your head. 
“This is about the training exercise?” 
“No, Karma. This is about you going into fucking g-loc because you disobeyed direct orders and climbed to over 9Gs after I explicitly told you not to.” 
You gave him an incredulous look and shook your head like you couldn’t believe what he was saying. It made the anger flash hotter. “Rooster, I - are you kidding me right now?” 
“Are you kidding me right now?” he snapped back, his voice raising. You seemed startled at his tone but you didn’t back down - you never did. 
“The point of the exercise was seeing what we would need to execute a mission in that environment. 7 wasn’t going to cut it.” 
“And instead of waiting for the go ahead, you force yourself into more, even as I’m telling you to stop.”
“Is that what this is? Your ego is bruised because I didn’t listen to you when you were team leader?” You laughed humorlessly like you had him all figured out when really, you didn’t have a clue.
“You went into g-loc!” he repeated loudly. 
“You got tone on me and snapped me out of it.” 
“But what if I wouldn’t have? Huh? I would have had to watch you crash into a goddamn mountain. And then you laugh with Phoenix after you level out like I almost didn’t just watch you burn in? I’m not watching you fucking die!” he yelled. 
You looked at him with wide, shocked eyes. Bradley felt like he was going to choke as all the emotions from earlier washed back over him. His voice was gentler this time when he spoke. “I can’t, baby. I can’t.”   
The sound of his heavy breathing was the only sound filling the space around you. After a long moment, you take in a shaky breath, releasing it slowly. You licked your lips as you no doubt contemplated your response to him. 
“Rooster…Bradley, I don’t understand,” you finally said. 
“What part of me not being able to lose you do you not understand?” he asked, taking a step closer to you. “You’re everything to me, Karma. You have to know that by now.” 
Your eyes widened even further, your lips parting in surprise. You stuttered over your words. “I..We..we aren’t even together, Bradley.”
And wasn’t that the unfortunate truth. 
You weren’t together.
Bradley had met you ten years ago when you were both stationed in Key West. The attraction was almost immediate and it only took a few months before you were sneaking into each other's base housing on a regular basis to work out all of your pent up energy and find comfort in another human body. Bradley didn’t do relationships and neither did you; it was a perfect arrangement. You could keep what happened within the four walls of your respective rooms on the ground and not have it go up in the air with you because there were no emotions that risked flying away. 
When you got called for a change of station a year and a half into it, it wasn’t a hard goodbye. Bradley could find another woman to warm his bed, even if she didn’t come with your wit and the natural ability you had to make him laugh.
A year later, you both were deployed on the same carrier. Neither of you slept alone the 12 weeks you were on board. Then came the 6 weeks a year after that, and then the two months  in Korea the year after that.
And then you were part of the same Top Gun class. Bradley thought that’s when things started to shift. He started thinking about you between your random run ins, wondering where you were or what you were doing. You started texting and keeping up with each other outside of when you fell into bed together, though that certainly never stopped when you found yourselves in the same vicinity. 
When the Uranium mission happened, Bradley wasn’t surprised to see you there. If he was considered the best of the best, there was no doubt in his mind that you were, too. You were the first person he sought out after he and Mav crash landed back onto the carrier. You slipped away from the crowds on deck to an abandoned, stuffy storage closet. You didn’t fuck, but you held onto one another tightly for several long moments. In some ways, it was the most intimate the two of you had ever been. 
It went unspoken that the arrangement you had would continue when the both of you got permanently stationed in Fightertown. But it was more than just a release of tension and a warm body in bed, now. It was bringing each other coffee in the morning and dinners and movie nights and spending time together with no intentions. Neither of you ever brought up exactly what that meant. 
When you pulled that stupid maneuver this afternoon and stopped responding to him over the comms at the same time your plane started dipping, his heart stopped. Every word he never said flashed in his mind in bright neon letters. 
He had thought you knew how he felt. But apparently, you hadn’t. 
That had to change. 
“You think there’s anyone else?” he asked. 
He stepped closer, crowding you against the fridge. A paper he had stuck there with a magnet fluttered to the ground when your back hit against it. His arms caged you in. You tilted your head back when he got so close that it was the only way you’d be able to meet his eyes. 
“You think there’s anyone else I want to see at night, even after seeing them all day at work? Anyone else that I want to spend my weekends with, or who I can stay up talking to for hours without ever getting bored? Anyone else who makes me feel the way that you do, both in and out of my bed?” 
Your lips parted and you let out a small gasp. You brought your hands up to rest gently on his hips because he was standing so close to you that you wouldn’t be able to lay them on his chest without pushing him away. He leant down, placing a soft kiss that almost didn’t fit the moment on your cheek before he whispered in your ear. 
“You think there’s anyone else I want moaning my name while I touch them?”
You sucked in a sharp breath, the motion brushing your chest against his. Bradley shuffled back half a step to allow just enough room for him to grab one of your hands, slowly bringing it down between your bodies and pressing it against where he’s hardening under the zipper of his jeans. 
“You think there’s anyone else that can do this to me, baby?” 
You let out a soft sound that had more blood rushing south and your eyes fluttered closed as you let your head fall forward and rest against his chest. You curl your fingers around him as much as you can through the thick denim, squeezing gently. He let out a grunt at the feeling, leaning further into you. 
“Do you?” 
“No,” you whispered into his black t-shirt. A thought hit him, then, that had his heart racing and his jaw clenching for an entirely different reason. You spent the majority of your free time together, but not every single moment. There was no one else for him - but that didn’t mean there was no one else for you. He gripped your jaw between his fingers and tilted your head back again so he could meet your eyes. They were dark and slightly glazed over in the same way they always got when you were turned on. 
“Is there anyone else for you?” he asked. Your eyebrows furrowed together like you couldn’t quite understand what he was asking. He pushed you harder into the fridge, slotting his thigh between your own. He knew if your flight suit wasn’t in the way, he’d find you wet. He wanted it to just be for him.
“Answer me,” he demanded. 
“No,” you finally whimpered, shaking your head as much as you could with his hold on your jaw. “There’s no one else.” 
You were both breathing heavily as you stared at one another, almost as if you were both weighing who would move first. Finally, when you flexed your fingers over where you were still cupping him, he growled and took a step back. He didn’t give you time to worry why he was pulling away.
“Take it off,” he commanded, nodding toward your flight suit. He yanked his shirt over his head and then worked at his belt as you fumbled with your uniform. You were still struggling with it when he kicked his pants and briefs off. He moved back to you to help, pulling the thick material down and off as you removed your shirt and sports bra. When you were completely naked in front of him, he couldn’t resist bringing his hand between your legs. You soaked his fingers as soon as he touched you. 
You choked out a moan as you grabbed onto his biceps. If he wasn’t so focused on completely possessing you, he would have smirked at the way your knees shook. 
“Who are you wet for right now, baby?” 
“You, Bradley. You.” 
He wrapped his free hand around the back of your neck, the other still sliding through your wetness, and pulled you into another rough kiss. You whimpered as he pushed his tongue into your mouth, dueling with his own. It was a messy exchange of spit and moans and he swore he could feel you getting even wetter. He flicked your clit with his finger before pulling his hand back, only to bring it forward with a quick, sharp smack to your pussy. 
This time, when your knees threatened to give out and your fingers pressed harder into his arms, he let himself smirk into your kiss. Your eyes were completely glazed over when he came up for air. He pulled you away from the fridge, twisting both of your bodies and walking you backwards a few steps to the other side of the small kitchen. He spun you around, pushing your front down with a hand on the center of your back. You hissed when your nipples brushed against the cool granite countertops beside the sink. 
“Here?” you asked, looking at him over your shoulder. 
“Yes,” he confirmed. “Right here.” 
He slid his cock along your pussy to slicken himself with your wetness before he lined himself up and pushed into you, bottoming out in a single thrust. Your loud, drawn out moan sounded like music to him. You were as tight and as warm as you always were and he never wanted to not feel this. The thought that he almost lost you today, that you were so careless with your own life, had that angry, possessive feeling taking over him again. He slid the hand that was holding your upper body down to thread itself into your hair, pulling at it until your back was flush against his chest.
“Tell me who’s making you feel this good,” he demanded, followed by another rough thrust of his hips. 
You moaned his name in response, the syllables coming out breathy and broken in the pleasure he was giving you. But it wasn’t enough. He pulled your hair back again, baring your throat. 
“You are!” you screamed, tears forming in the corner of your eyes as you grasped at the counter top for purchase. “Oh god, Bradley. You are.” 
“That’s right, baby. I am. No one else.” 
He released your hair and grabbed onto your hips as he ground his against yours. He wanted to bury himself in you to the point where you’d never not feel him, if only that were possible. He wanted to leave as much of a mark on you as you have on him, and he knew at this point that you would let him. 
“You’re mine,” he rasped in your ear. Your pussy clenched tight around him at his words.
“Yours,” you gasped. 
“Good girl,” he murmured, pressing his lips to the pulse point on your neck. 
You moaned, nodding frantically. You turned as much as you could to look at him and he met your lips in another sloppy kiss. He hissed when you nipped at his bottom lip.
Bradley could feel his orgasm building quickly, but he wasn’t ready for this to be over yet. He pulled out of you with a grunt. Your body was pliant in his hands as he turned you to him. There was a dazed, fucked out look on your face. Glancing down, he could see your wetness glistening on your thighs. What a sight you made.
“Tell me what you want,” he said. 
“Wanna ride you,” you gasped out, reaching for him. “Please. Wanna see your face.”
With a muttered curse, he turned your bodies again, switching positions so that it was him against the counters. He slid to the floor without a word, tugging on your hips. You lowered yourself slowly, sinking back down on his cock with another drawn out moan, until you settled fully in his lap. He was even deeper from this angle. You wrapped yourself completely around him and he bent his knees slightly to keep you pressed to his body.
You brushed your nose against his, and your breath tickled his mustache. He helped raise you up and you moaned together when you dropped back down. 
“You’re everything,” he whispered against your lips. Your pussy spasmed around him and he could feel some of your wetness smearing against his lap. 
“You’re mine too,” you whimpered. He groaned at the words, thrusting up into you.
You could do nothing but babble his name over and over again as you bounced on his cock, meeting each of his thrusts with a grind of your hips. You were one of the strongest women that he knew, better than everyone in a way few could be, so it made him dizzy, knowing that you got like this because of him. 
Bradley could feel you tightening around him, the lift of your hips growing shallower and less defined as you neared your peak. He kept a firm hold of your hips as his own thrusts up into you turned sloppy. He knew both of you were nearing that final edge and he was determined to get you there. 
“Come for me, baby,” he panted. You gasped when he touched that spot inside of you that always made you feel stars and he focused on hitting it with every movement.  “I want to feel you come for me, knowing that no man will ever make you feel like I can, and no woman can ever compare. Come for me.” 
He captured your lips with his at the same time you crashed over the edge. Your pussy clenched around him like a vice and it only took two more thrusts for him to follow right after you. 
Your body trembled with sensitivity and he could feel his cum pushing out of you, but he didn’t dare move from this spot on the floor. Your bodies were both damp with sweat but he couldn’t bring himself to care, wrapping his arms more securely around you. In the afterglow, you rested your forehead against his and scratched lightly at his skull with your short nails. You simply existed together for several long moments, but Bradley knew you wouldn’t stay quiet forever - it wasn’t in your nature. He couldn’t help the amused smile that pulled at his lips when you proved him right almost as soon as your breathing evened out. 
“Are we going to talk about it?” you asked quietly. 
He hummed softly in response, nudging your nose with his. “Do you want me to get you cleaned up first?” 
“Mmm, no,” you said, tightening your grip on him, too. His softened cock twitched inside of you. “Want to feel full for a little while more.” 
He let out a low groan. Minx. 
When he opened his eyes, you were smirking softly. You knew exactly what you were doing to him. He gave you a gentle kiss before letting out a deep sigh.
“I’ve lost a lot of people in my life, Karma.” 
“I know,” you murmured, fingers still running through his hair. 
“I’ve learned how to deal with it but…you’re different. I can’t take it if it’s you. When you went into g-loc today…it felt like my world was ending.” 
You drew your bottom lip between your teeth as you looked at him. He could almost see the cogs turning in your head as you contemplated his words. 
“When did things change?” you finally asked, your voice barely above a whisper. You suck in a small breath when he tells you the first time you were at Top Gun together. “That was years ago.” 
“Yeah,” he shrugged. “You kind of snuck up on me, you know? And here I thought karma always hit you all at once.” 
You rolled your eyes and he chuckled. His smile was touched with reverence as he drew shapes into your soft skin, waiting you out. 
“You’re my best friend, Bradley. You know that?” 
“I know,” he nodded. And he did know that. The friendship he had developed with you over the years, especially in the last few, meant more to him than any other he’s had. It was the foundation of these deep feelings he had for you. He valued you more than anyone. If relationships and feelings were hard for him, though, they were nearly impossible for you. He knew what it meant that you trusted him like you did and held him in such high regard. It wasn’t inconsequential by any means. 
“Hey,” he murmured, noticing how your eyes had strayed away from his. He wanted you to be looking at him when he said what was on the tip of his tongue, so he waited until you looked back up. That carefully blank look was on your face again, but your index finger tapped gently against his skull; you were nervous again, and he wasn’t surprised that you knew him well enough to perhaps guess what was coming. “I love you. You know that?” 
You breathed in deeply and he did his best not to hold his. Slowly, the mask you had on your face slipped. You leaned forward, breathing him in, before placing your lips on his. It was the first kiss you had initiated the whole night and he returned it eagerly. When you pulled away, you let a smile climb on your lips and your eyes twinkled. His rapidly pounding heart slowed just the smallest amount. 
“I know,” you said. 
He supposed that, for now, that would be enough. 
Notes: This one was fun! Big thanks to @roosterforme and @mak-32 for their help, as per usual.
Tag List: @roosterforme - @mak-32 - @hoyaharper - @wildxwidow - @gretagerwigsmuse - @bradshawburner - @iamaslytherin0 - @lilyevanswhore - @too-fangirl-to-fuction - @fav-fanficssss - @benhardysdrumstick - @fandomxpreferences - @acatwriteshere - @1234-angelika - @double-j - @cocoskween - @sunflowersteves - @teacupsandtopgun - @littlezee80 - @sometimesanalice - @je-suis-prest-rachel - @khaylin27 - @infamous-reindeer - @hotch-meeeeeuppppp - @sarahjoestewy-blog - @sunnysidesidra - @notroosterbradshaw - @yanna-banana - @inthestars-underthesun -@avengersfan25 - @wkndwlff - @zbeez-outlet - @lt-spork - @indynerdgirl - @loveforaugust - @mssleepy876b
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cherrycola27 · 1 year
Red, White, and Rooster
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Series Warnings: Language, alcohol consumption. Frenemies to lovers, relationship of convenience. Political situations. Allegations of affairs, military and political inaccuracies. Smut. 18+ Minors DNI. Banner Credit: @thedroneranger
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Chapter 16: Executive Orders
After Bradley threatened to steal an Air Force One plane, it was like a fire was lit under Dante and the rest of the security team. Units were immediately moved. Boots would be on the ground in twelve hours, and forces would move in in less than twenty-four.
Bradley, Maverick, Penny, Jake, and Jaycee were on a plane to North Carolina. Bradley was on the phone with Nat and the rest of the Dagger Squad the entire time. He briefed them on how important this mission was and how they were there for air support and surveillance.
They all assured Bradley that they would do whatever it took to get you back.
After coordinating with local law enforcement, a command center was set up just outside the property line of the farm Preston has brought.
At 0700 hours, the Dagger Squad led by Captain Trace departed from the U.S.S. Bush in Virginia.
At 0900 hours, Phoenix made contact with Maverick, who, even though he wasn't flying, still wanted to be a part of the mission. He was corridinating from the ground along with Bradley.
"Mav, everything seems to be clear. There are no signs of movement around the perimeter. Daggers Two and Three, do you confirm?" Phoenix says.
"Confirm Dagger One. No signs of moment to the north." Coyote says. "South is clear too, Cap." Payback." Echos. "Copy that, Daggers. SEAL team Alpha, you are clear to move in from the north. Bravo team move in from the south. Air coverage will let you know if anything changes." Maverick radios.
Bradley grips the arms of the chair he is sitting in. "Mav—" He breaths out. "What if we're too late?"
"Bradley, stop. You can't think like that. She's going to be okay." Mav tries to comfort him.
"Sir. Some of us are going in behind the SEAL teams to provide support. We'll let you know as soon as the First Lady is secure." Dante tells Bradley.
"I want to go with you, Dante. I need to be there." Bradley urges. "Mr. President. With all due respect, we don't know what is waiting for us in that house. We don't know if the Baxter brothers are armed. I can not allow you to go. You need to stay here. It's safer." Dante says.
"Dante, do you enjoy being the head of the secret service?" Bradley asks him.
"Yes, sir." Dante responds.
"Would you like to continue to be the head of the secret service?" Bradley asks him. Dante nods.
"Do you think you can continue to be the head of the secret service if you tell me no, Dante?" Bradley states. Dante doesn't respond.
"I'm going with you. I'm the president, and I'm not asking you for permission, I'm telling you what I'm going to do." Bradley tells him.
Dante looks past him to Maverick, who just shakes his head. "Fine. But you need to stay in the SUV, sir." Dante sighs before the two of them exit.
Maverick continues to listen in to the Daggers flying above. "Maverick, there is movement in the northwest sector. Make sure the Alpha team is advised." Bob radios in. "Copy Bob. Alpha team, be advised there is movement on your left flank." Maverick relays the information.
"Copy that Admiral." The leader of the team replies.
"Alpha team, you are still clear for breech, but stay vigilant." Maverick warns them.
"No signs of moment near Bravo team, Mav." Fanboy states.
"Copy that Dagger Three. Bravo team be ready in case they try to escape in your direction." Maverick commands.
"Copy that, sir. Bravo team is ready."
"Sir, we have eyes on the building. The surrounding area is clear. Are we a go for extraction?" The captain of the Alpha team asks. Maverick sends up a silent prayer and plea to Goose and Carole before speaking. "You are a go for extraction."
The sound of a door bursting and shouting jolts you awake. Voices fill the house, and you aren't sure what's going on. You're disoriented from the mental and physical torture Preston has been putting you through. You barely register him, uncuffing you and dragging you towards the door of the room. Once your mind catches up to the fact that your body is free, you attempt to fight him off. You claw and slap and punch at him, ignoring the pain in your limbs. But you're weak, and your effort seems useless.
A bright flash and a loud bang stun you. Your ears are ringing as white spots cloud your vision. You don't register the sea of uniformed men and women who fill the small room.
You're vaguely aware that they are yelling. Soon, a strong pair of arms wraps around you, and the adrenaline kicks in. You're determined to break free. You struggle like a crazied animal until they grab your shoulders and force you to look at them.
"Ma'am, my name is Lieutenant Xander Finley with the U.S. Navy SEALs. We are here to take you home." The young officer tells you. "H—home?" You stutter out, afraid this is some sick delusion your mind has concocted.
"Yes, Ma'am. You're safe now." He assures you. You collapse against his chest and cry as he and others escort you out. "Admiral Mitchell. We have her, sir. We've got the First Lady." Lieutenant Finley calls into his radio.
Maverick lets out the breath he has been holding and cheers. "Daggers, we have her." He tells the pilots who cheer.
He grabs the other radio and calls into. "Rooster, Mr. President, this is Maverick. Do you copy?" He asks.
"I copy Mav." Bradley says into the radio he has been holding onto for the past half hour as he waits for news. "They have her, Bradley. They've got your girl." Maverick smiles as he realys the news to Bradley.
"Thank you." Is all Bradley can manage to say as tears fill his eyes.
Dante and the rest of the secret service team are waiting with guns drawn. An ambulance is parked close by with a medical team in standby. No one knows what shape you're in.
Bradley exits the vehicle as the first SEALs start to make their way down the dirt road. He stands beside Dante, waiting to catch a glimpse of you.
He holds his breath as more uniforms emerge. They all seem in good spirits.
Then, it happens. He sees you. Two SEALs are helping you walk. Bradley breaks out into a sprint towards you, ignoring the yells of the people around him. He doesn't care. It's been eighteen days, twelve hours, and thirty-six minutes since he's held you in his arms. He doesn't want to was another second.
"Sweetheart." He gasps as he wraps his arms around you, holding you close to him. He let's go of the sob he was holding in as he feverishly kissed your hair. His large arms hold you snug to him, as his scent and fills your nostrils, enveloping you in a sense of safety and comfort.
"Bradley, Dearest." You mumble against his chest as you bury your face into him and cry.
Bradley held you close to his chest as you sobbed. He kissed the top of your head and stroked your hair as his arms tightened around you.
You pulled back to look at him. He cupped your face in his hands. You didn't miss the tick in his jaw as he took stock of you.
You were bloody and bruised and broken. His heart ached for you, knowing that you must be in so much pain right now. But through it all, you smiled at him. He smiled back at you, but it quickly faded as he caught sight of two members of the SEAL team escorting Preston towards your location.
"You piece of shit!" Bradley screamed as he released you and ran towards Preston. The men holding onto him didn't know what to do as Bradley charged at them. The jump from his side just as Bradley's fist made contact with the other man's face and knocked him to the ground.
"You fucking bastard!" Bradley raged as jumped on top of Preston and delivered blow after blow to his face. Everyone stood there frozen as they watched the scene unfold. No one was sure what to do, and no one moved to stop him.
"You son of a bitch! You tried to take her from me! You tried to take my everything from me!" Bradley screamed.
Bradley continued to hit Preston over and over again. He didn't stop when he heard the crunch of his nose breaking. He didn't stop when his knuckles were bruised and bloody. He didn't stop when Preston was no longer struggling to fight him off. He didn't stop when Maverick and Jake tried to pull him off because they were afraid Bradley would kill him.
He only stopped when you called out his name and grabbed his arm. You looked at him with tearful eyes. "Bradley—he's not worth it." You whispered.
Bradley sighed and shook his head. He knew you were right. He looked at the people who were around him before locking eyes with the captain of the SEAL teams. "Mr. President, sir, as far as I'm concerned, we didn't see anything. Mr. Baxter sustained these injuries as a result of resisting arrest and attempting to flee the scene. Everyone here agrees." The man speaks while others nodded their heads. "I wanted to let you know that Alexander Baxter surrendered peacefully and is willing to cooperate with us." He finished. Bradley nodded and thanked him for his efforts.
He quickly helped you over to the EMTs who were waiting for you. Bradley held your hand as they assessed and treated you. Maverick came over to comfort both of you. He offered you the radio that was connected to the Dagger Squad. Each of them cheered when they heard your voice, and you told them they were clear to head home. Bradley phoned Jake and Jaycee, who were waiting back at the makeshift headquarters and let them know you were alive and being transported to the nearest hospital.
He held your hand and whispered how brave and smart and strong you were the whole time. He looped his fingers with yours, and you placed both of them on your stomach. You shared a silent understanding and worry. Neither of you said anything, but you both knew what news could be waiting for you once you arrived at the hospital.
You felt like you had been waiting for hours once you were admitted to the hospital. They quickly set your broken fingers and broke arm that you had acquired. They treated the wounds on your face and iced it to help with the swelling. They also had to stich a laceration near your hairline. You would be able to hide it with your hair, but you joked with Bradley that the two of you would have matching face scars.
You were given more fluids because of dehydration and a liquid nutrition cocktail. Several vials of blood were drawn from you. Everything came back normal for you and your baby, but an obstetrician was needed to confirm
Soon, Dr. Fraser came in to perform an ultrasound and an exam. You and Bradley held your breath as you were waiting for something, anything to appear on that screen.
"Ah, right there. Do you see? There's Baby Bradshaw." Dr. Fraser smiled before clicking a few things and turning a dial. Soon, the whooshing sound of a heartbeat filled the room.
"Heartbeat is nice and strong. Baby seems to be in good shape, all things considered. You're measuring about twelve weeks and a few days, which puts you due around late January or early February. We'll know know for sure in a few more weeks." The doctor tells you.
You and Bradley breathe a sigh of relief as the doctor exits and gives the two of you some privacy.
"I'm so glad we—I got you back. Both of you. You're my everything, Sweetheart. I don't know what I would have done if I had lost you." He says as he rests his hand on your belly. You grab his hand and bring his bruised knuckles to your lips and kiss them.
"You need to have someone look at these." You tell him. He rolls his eyes and tells you'll that he'll be fine.
You let out a yawn, and the overwhelming feeling of exhaustion fills your body. You're tired and weak, but you're terrified to close your eyes. Afraid that this is a dream and that if you fall asleep, Bradley will be gone when you wake up.
As if he can hear your thoughts, Bradley says. "Sleep, my love. I'll be right here when you wake up." He assures you. Another yawn escapes you as your eyelids become heavy. Bradley strokes your forehead as sleepover takes you.
He sits in the hospital room and watches the rise and fall of your chest as you breathe. He sends up a silent thank you to whatever higher power it was that brought you and his child back to him. He also thanks his mom and dad because he knows that Goose and Carole were definitely watching over you.
He lets out the breath he has been holding as he squeezes your hand. He takes your rings out of his pocket. He'd put them in there when you'd gotten to the hospital. He slipped them back on your fingers. His thumb traces over the bands as he thinks to himself that the two of you really are better together.
The long awaited rescue is here! Hope you guys enjoy it!
Taglist: @daggerspare-standingby @shanimallina87 @teacupsandtopgun @hecate-steps-on-me @roosterscock @roosterbruiser @roosterforme @seresinsbabe @startrekfangirl2233 @soulmates8 @xoxabs88xox @avengersfan25 @blackwidownat2814 @loveforaugust @mak-32 @cottagecori @amysteryspot @heyimmadisonn @princess76179 @bradshawseresinbabe @sunlightmurdock @lewmagoo @cassiemitchell @die-cunt @shipinabluebottle @malindacath @violyn20 @imawkwardlysoc @books-for-summer @blackroseboulevard @recordblues @desert-fern @luckyladycreator2 @katieshook02 @samhapner6 @sebsxphia @roosters-girl @diorrfairy @je-suis-prest-rachel @mizzzpink @a-linabean @amklibrary @gretagerwigsmuse @jstarr86 @actuallyazriel @krismdavis @bradshawsbaby @wkndwlff @dakotakazansky
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whohasthecards · 1 year
Top Gun AU Idea -- Jake is Mav's son and grew up in foster care.
Jake only has a beat up picture of his dad and that his name was "Pete". He didn't know his mother at all, not even his birth certificate. He was abandoned and whoever abandoned him made sure that his lineage would never be traced.
He figured out who his father was during his first time in Top Gun.
Pete "Maverick" Mitchell.
He also found out that his father was married to the COMPACFLT.
He didn't need a father anymore, right? And he wouldn't want to break up a family in his desperate attempt to maybe gain one. His father probably didn't know he existed. Hell, his father could even be the one that abandoned him (although why he would leave the picture makes that theory unlikely).
However, he did want to meet the one of the Navy's top pilots. It's all professional curiousity.
(He was in the same profession as his father, aviation is in his blood.)
He will become the best.
Maybe he'd meet Maverick once he's on top.
During his first air combat kill, Iceman was the one to shake his hand. The admiral gave him a clap on his shoulder and congratulated him.
The mission occured.
As a person, Maverick was not who he expected him to be.
As a pilot, Maverick was the best.
He was numb when Maverick and Rooster were shot down.
He never felt more alive and scared when he pushed his jet to save them.
He turned and walked away when he saw Rooster and Maverick hug it out, confirming his suspicions during training.
Rooster was Maverick's son, in every way that matters.
Blood doesn't matter, heck there isn't even a blood test that proves that Jake was his son. Only a battered photo with scripted handwriting.
Jake should let go.
After the mission, Dagger squad becomes a permanent squadron with Maverick as team leader.
Maverick got along with every single Dagger just fine, but there was an awkwardness between Hangman and himself that neither knew how to bridge. Mav never did know how to act around people who was just like himself.
Maverick acts paternal and caring to everybody, especially Bradley, and Jake had to swallow the growing jealousy (I don't need him, I don't need him, I don't need--). Why did everyone get a family and a Mav that would look their way for more than 10 seconds?
Why did Rooster get everything he ever wanted?
What did he do or not do that made him deserve this crippling feeling of jealousy and loneliness?
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awaywith-thefaeries · 2 years
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pairing: jake “hangman” seresin x wife!reader
summary: the dagger squad gets deployed on another mission and Jake is assigned as the mission leader. When he and Rooster’s planes go down in enemy territory, Jake’s only thought is getting back to his wife and daughters.
warnings: angst (with a happy ending), doubt, incorrect navy facts (I’m not that knowledgeable about the workings of the navy). Written mostly on my phone in the queues at Disney, so sorry if there are any spelling or punctuation errors.
a/n: based on this request. @cat998877 I hope you like it!
word count: 1.65k
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The first thing on Jake's mind is his family.
The faces of his Y/n, Olive, and Charlotte. His girls. As everything appears to go to shit, as trees rustle and move around him, and Rooster shouts and curses to his left, Jake's resolve hardens even more than ever.
The mission had been going so well. The dagger squad had successfully taken out the target they had been deployed to remove, and the flyback had just about started. The removal of the target had alerted the enemy (as they had expected) but none of the officers who had prepared the pilots for this mission could have foreseen just how quickly the enemy pilots would retaliate. They had calculated the times down to the second needed for the flyback to the ship, but the second the enemy pilots had engaged Hangman and Rooster's planes in a dogfight, the timing had gone out the window.
"Get back to the ship Daggers 3 and 4!" Jake yells to his team as he hears Phoenix and Payback talking over the radio about coming in as backup, "Dagger 2 and I will take out these guys and get back right behind you!"
"Hangman..." Phoenix sounds unsure, as she watches Payback and Fanboy obey their friend's (and leader's) orders and begin the route back to the ship.
"NOW, Dagger 3! Go, go go!" Jake yells as he and Rooster fly as if they are one mind, evading and attacking simultaneously to get the three enemy jets off their backs.
Phoenix has a bad feeling as she obeys, knowing she can't ignore a direct order from her mission leader. Images of Hangman's family plague her mind as she leaves her friends to fend for themselves. She thinks of you, and how wrecked you'll be if Jake doesn't come back.
"Dagger 1, watch your right side!" Rooster yells, spotting the third enemy plane trying to get into position to shoot Hangman down.
"I see him! I see him!" Jake’s voice is strained as he maneuvers his plane out of harm's way.
"One down, two to go," Rooster yells as he pulls up so that his plane inverts completely, letting the enemy pilot’s plane fly directly underneath his fast enough to drop behind it and shoot.
"One left!" Jake yells as the second plane goes up in an explosion. He's still cautious, but he's starting to believe that this setback will be just that, a setback.
That's when everything goes to shit.
"Dagger 1, watch your back!" Rooster yells, the panic evident in his voice, as he sees the final enemy pilot's plane release a missile that was headed straight for Hangman's wing.
"Shit! Shit! Shit!" Jake yells as the missile makes contact with the left wing of his jet.
Rooster can do nothing but watch as his friends plane goes down, shock coursing through him, causing him to miss that the final pilot had released another missile. He hears it coming towards him a second too late, and there’s nothing he can do but brace as it makes contact with his wing.
Jake manages to right his plane just enough to where ejection is a safe option and he pulls his lever, shooting out of his plane as he hears another explosion go off behind him.
"Fuck!" Rooster’s voice comes crackling through Jake’s helmet as he ejects too, the two pilots keeping each other’s gaze as they float to the ground.
As soon as Jake’s feet touch the ground, he’s off running, releasing his parachute and leaving it there in the grass.
Swinging his head from left to right, he searches through the tree coverage for any sign of life, trying to find his wingman so that they can find a way out of here together. They have to find a way back.
Just as he’s starting to wonder if Rooster’s plane going down was some sick hallucination, Jake feels a hand on his shoulder. He whirls around, already on high alert, but calms slightly when he spots that it’s just Rooster, panting slightly.
"You ok, man?" Jake pants out, breathing heavily.
"Yeah, yeah I’m fine. You?" Rooster looks almost pitying, knowing just what Jake stands to lose if they don’t make it out of this.
"Yeah," Jake says, but Rooster can see it in his friends eyes, he’s on the verge of panic.
"Hey, man, we’re gonna get you back to them."
Jake smiles briefly, nodding his thanks to Bradley as he pulls in a few ragged breaths.
"Ok," the two men straighten together and look around them, taking in their surroundings, "what’s our game plan?"
"Mama! Mama!" You breath deeply and paste a smile on your face, as you hear your daughter’s little voice yell from across the playground.
"Yes, Sugar?" You ask Olive as she skids to a stop next to the bench you’re sitting on.
"Are Dada and his team almost done with their mission yet?"
Your heart drops slightly at the reminder that your husband and his squad (who have quickly become your friends) are putting themselves in danger for their mission, but you don’t let it show on your face.
"I don’t know Liv, but you remember what Daddy told you and your sister right before he left, right?"
Your Olive nods eagerly, grinning up at you as she answers.
"Yeah, Daddy said that no matter what, he loves us and he will always come back to us. He said if anything goes wrong he will get home, come hell or high water! He promised."
She looks so proud of herself for remembering everything Jake told her a week ago, when he had bid them goodbye at the docks, you reach down and scoop her into your lap, careful not to jostle Charlotte, who is sleeping on the other side of the bench, head resting on the bag you had brought to the park with you.
"That’s right, Sugar," you coo, as your daughter tucks her head under your chin, curling into your lap.
"He promised, right Mama?"
Olive’s voice sounds so small, and your heart breaks a little at how unsure she sounds.
"Yeah, Liv, he did and you know that Daddy never breaks his promises, right?"
You feel Olive’s hair brush across your neck as she nods, and one of her hands comes up to play with the little heart shaped locket Jake had gotten you as a present, right before the twins had been born. Cuddling your little girl closer, you think back to the morning when he had given it too you, and the promise your husband had made.
You had been lying in bed, beyond tired because the twins kicking had kept you up all night, when Jake had come into the room after showering off his morning run.
"Hey darlin," he had whispered, slipping into the bed behind you, coming up to your back and reaching a hand around to rest on your baby bump, "how are my girls doing this morning?"
You had sighed, as your husband pressed soft kisses to the sensitive skin at the base of your neck.
When you hadn’t responded, Jake had gently turned your face to his, his green eyes lighting with worry as he took in your tear stained face.
"Oh baby…" he had cooed, brushing away your tears with the pad of his thumb, "what’s the matter?"
"I just…." You had taken a deep, shaky breath as Jake pressed gentle kisses to your cheeks, where the tears had been moments before, "I’m terrified that….that something will happen to…" you hadn’t been able to even voice the possibility of losing Jake. But, he had known, like he always did.
"Listen to me, darlin," he had said, leaning down to brush what was possibly the sweetest kiss of your life on your lips, "I know that my job is not the safest one there is and I can’t promise you that nothing will ever happen, because it’s out of my control."
Your eyes had refilled with tears, and Jake had leaned down, kissing you again while he wrapped his arm protectively and lovingly over your bump.
"But I can promise you that no matter what, wherever I am, whatever I’m doing, I will always fight to get back to you and our babies."
Jake had then let go of you for a moment, which caused you to whine slightly and Jake to smile as he had turned to pull a small box from his nightstands top drawer. He had turned back to you and held the small maroon box in between you.
"I wanted to give this to you when the girls were born, but I think now is better."
You had taken the box in your hands before glancing up at him, laughter in your eyes for the first time since the thoughts had started to plague your mind.
"Uh, Jakey, I don’t know if you remember, but you already did this part," you had teased, flashing your left ring finger at your husband, who had let out one of the laughs you loved so dearly, and pressed a kiss to the pair of rings sitting there.
"Darlin I’m not proposing again, this is something else. It’s just as important though…" he had trailed off and lifted his hand to the box easing the top up.
You had gasped at the beauty of the little heart shaped gold locket that lay nestled in the box. It was engraved with tiny little lilies, the first flowers Jake had ever gotten you when you started dating.
"Turn it over, baby," he had cut you off, and you did, seeing the small phrase on the back.
‘Come hell or high water’ was engraved within a ring of lilies, right in the center of the back side of the locket.
"It’s a promise," Jake had whispered, brushing a piece of hair back from your face to press a kiss to your temple. "No matter what, I will fight to get home to you, come hell or high water."
Charlotte’s sleepy voice breaks you out of the memory as she stirs on the bench next to you.
"Yeah, baby?" You say, bringing a hand up to stroke through Olive’s hair as she keeps her hand on the locket, cheek to your throat.
"Can we go home now?"
"Of course baby." You start to gather your things, gently easing Olive off of your lap, your heart warming as the twins grabbed each other’s hands.
The three of you make your way home, the girls holding onto each other the whole way there.
"Why don’t you guys go play for a little bit," you say as you unlock the door to your little house that you and Jake have slowly been making into a home, “I’ll bring you two some apple slices.”
"Ok, mama!" The two little girls say, before taking off down the hall to their bedroom, as you made your way into the kitchen.
Before grabbing the apples, you lean against the kitchen island and look down at your locket, opening the clasp and taking in the two pictures on the sides.
The first picture was one of you and Jake on your wedding day. It had been taken by the photographer right towards the end of the night. You were being dipped by Jake, who was smiling down at you with his heart in his eyes. Your head had been tipped back, mouth open mid-laugh. It was quite possibly your favorite picture from the day.
The second picture was a shot of Jake on the day your daughters had been born. Their birth had been relatively easy (considering that you had carried the twins to full term) and the picture in the locket captured the moment when Jake had first held Charlotte and Olive in his arms.
You sigh, stroking your hand over the pictures, not needing to remove them to see the 'Seresin Family' engraving in the windows. You raise the locket to your lips and brush a light kiss over the pictures, before closing the clasp and turning to grab a couple apples and a knife to make your daughters a snack.
Just as you're placing the apple slices into a bowl, your phone starts ringing from where you had left it in the bag by the door. Wiping your hands, you grab your phone and answer the call.
There's silence for a moment and then a shuddering breath comes over the line.
"Hi, Darlin," Jake's voice sounds shaky, which immediately gets your heart going fast, fear creeping into your bones.
"Jake," you say, as he lets out another shaking breath. is he crying?
"Baby, what's wrong? what's happened?"
"I...." Jake has to stop for a minute, and you stay quiet, letting him have a moment. "The mission is complete, we're returning to base right now."
Your heart soars and you can't keep the smile off of your face, and out of your voice.
"That's great, Jakey!"
There is silence again, and your smile drops a little.
"Jake, what happened?"
"I don't....I don't think I can talk about it all yet, but mine and Bradley's planes went down in enemy territory. We....it took us two days to find a way back into communication range with the ship."
"Oh, Jake...." You whisper, hand over your mouth, "I'm so sorry baby. What can I do to help you?"
"Just be waiting when I get home."
The next morning, you wake up at 5:30 am. After flipping over a few times, you give in to the fact that you aren’t going to be able to sleep. You sit up, swinging your feet over the edge of the bed, hand coming up to scrub over your eyes.
Getting out of bed, you walk into your closet and find a pastel green sweat suit to wear to protect against the slight chill in the air. You pull your hair up into a claw clip and head out into the kitchen and living room area. You tidy up a bit, and pour some cereal into a bowl for yourself as you sit at the island, scrolling through your phone idly.
By the time it’s a reasonable hour to wake the girls up, you’ve cleaned nearly the entire house and made a list of things you need to restock in the kitchen.
“Good Morning,” you sing softly, flipping on the fairy lights above your daughters beds as you go over to their closet to pull matching sweat suits to yours out, laying a pink one on the end of Charlotte’s bed and a purple one on Olive’s.
Olive is the first one to wake up, turning over under her mountain of blankets to blink blearily up at you.
“Good morning, Mama,” she says, a little smile pulling at the corners of her mouth.
You smile at her and ask her to please get dressed before making your way over to Charlotte’s bed, nestled in the corner of the room. The top of her dark blonde head is the only part of her visible under her soft white duvet with little pink flowers on it. You sit down, putting your hand on her shoulder, gently shaking her awake. She doesn’t say anything as her head turns over her shoulder, eyes blinking open slowly.
“Hey, baby,” you say, “it’s time to wake up!”
“Otay,” she says, her voice still scratchy from sleep and she allows you to pull the covers back far enough for her to scoot out of them.
As soon as her feet touch the ground, Olive is right there, fully dressed in the sweatpants and little matching hoodie. She holds out her arms for a hug and Charlotte steps straight into them, curling her own arms around her sisters waist.
“Good morning, Lottie.”
“Morning, Liv.”
You smile as you head to the door, calling over your shoulder.
“Your breakfast is on the table, girls, so please come out when Charlotte is dressed.”
“Otay!” You hear Olive shout back, making you smile.
A little while later, after the girls have finished their breakfast and the three of you had flopped onto the couch for some snuggles (a daily occurrence for you whenever Jake was deployed), Olive looks like she’s just about to nod off and Charlotte doesn’t look much more awake. Your daughters heads both snap up, however, as the doorbell ringing sounds through the house.
“Mama, is that…?” Olive is already up and bouncing on her toes as she looks at you expectantly. You smile, watching your daughter’s faces light up, as you nod.
“Let’s go welcome Daddy home, yeah?” You ask, already up and moving to the door, the twins hot on your heels.
Your heart is pounding as your hand comes up to the lock, turning it and pulling the door open. And just like that, your weeks of worry and stress melt off of you in an instant. Because he’s here, your Jake is right in front of you, looking tired, but whole. Looking alive.
“Hey, Darlin.” His tired smile seeps into your soul and you take a step forward, and then another and before you can even blink, Jake has dropped his duffle onto the front stoop and has you wrapped in a tight embrace. His face goes immediately to the crook of your neck, pressing into the sensitive skin there as he pulls you as close to his body as possible. You reciprocate the hug, and smile as you see and feel your girls attach themselves to a leg each.
“Hi Jakey,” you whisper, running your fingers through his hair, trailing your hands up and down his back.
You stand there for a long moment, before Jake finally manages to detach himself from you to bend and scoop his daughters into his arms. Olive and Charlotte both immediately curl their arms around his neck and start sprinkling kisses on his cheeks.
Later, when your little family has fallen asleep snuggled close together on the couch, the tv still playing a movie quietly, you look over at your husband, where he’s lying with Charlotte curled up on his chest and Olive plastered to his side. You softly stroke over the worry lines on his forehead. You know that he won’t be ready to open up for a while about what happened to him and Rooster, but you silently vow to just be there for him, for whatever he needs, in the next couple weeks.
Come hell or high water.
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a/n: thank you so much for reading! If you have any requests for this family or any other story ideas you’d like to see, I’m always open to them (just send them to my asks).
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howlingday · 6 months
A Brief History of Jaune
Jaune Arc is recognized by his own point on Rooster Teeth property RWBY, RWBY Chibi, RWBY: Ice Queendom, among others. Along together with Ruby Rose, Jaune Arc is additionally the siphoned leaver in this online web series, Lancaster.
Ruby: (Snickering)
Jaune: Space, period, no space.
Arc can be part of the secondary instrument team JNPR, as leader of Nora and Ren, along with Ruby Rose.
Ruby: I mean, kinda, yeah.
Jaune: ...Space, period, no space.
He is one of this temporary grouping argued as either Junior or Wrangler.
Together with Ren, Nora, and Ruby Rose. Jaune is made of Remnant and contains Remnant descent.
Ruby: (Cackling)
He is now twenty-three now years old.
Ruby: (Howling)
His Zodiac sign is Pisces. Arc is now a young child of father Nicholas Arc and mother Isabella Blanche.
Jaune: And then they decided to use.. Snrk! They used my pre-Beacon picture, which had to be taken right in the middle of the flight, so I look so airsick. That's... That's just hilarious.
Going back into his life, the multitalented man first landed on Remnant on February 29th.
Ruby: (Making spaceship noises)
His birth is Jaune Miles Arc. He has a younger brother named Patrick Arc who is a costume designer for "Entertainment Now!"
Jaune: That's not correct.
Arc was previously taken part in teams JNPR and JNRR.
Ruby: Taken part?!
Arc also taken part in notorious boy band legend Freely Vav of Achieve Men.
Ruby: (Laughing)
Jaune: ...I would have love meet Freely Vav. I have never met him in my life.
Arc has directly sexual orientation.
Jaune: Are... Are they trying to say I'm straight?
Ruby: (Choking for air)
Considering his body figures, Jaune Arc has sculpted muscle features and powerful body physique.
Ruby: Whoa~! Someone's thirsty~!
Arc is one man with a massive group of talent.
Jaune: (Nods)
Yang: Is that what you call it?
Jaune: It's very flattering, I'm not gonna lie. It's very sweet.
Arc stands in the elevation of five feet nine...
Jaune: Not correct.
...or one point eight and a half meters. His physique is strong..
Jaune: Probably also not correct.
The source of his body and weight dimension information are unknown.
Ruby: Whoa...
He has blue eyes along with his hair is blond. Connected to him using his Schneeter...
Jaune: Not true.
...also Scrollsgram.
Jaune: True.
His net worth is eight million as of six years ago.
Jaune: Not true. Cool.
Jaune: I would have loved to have had eight million lien six years ago. That is, uh... I friggin wish. Like, where are they getting their information?
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imthepunchlord · 1 month
I read your recent post about how ML should have stuck with 7 heroes and the polls for the Zodiac heroes. If the Zodiac needed to be used like in canon, how would you write it to work? Would it be similar to your idea of the Zodiac heroes, or would it be something else?
Well, for one thing, I would definitely set up that Fu doesn't have the Chinese Zodiac at the start. Not only does it back Fu choosing Ladybug and Cat and thinking they're best to send out, as Fox, Turtle, and Bee could be more limited in mass helping the city, and LB and Cat have the edge over Butterfly (should anyway), but Fu having the Zodiac this whole time just points to how much of an idiot he is.
Especially if doing the canon powers they have.
By the canon powers they have, Fu essentially wins as soon as Gabriel started up the Butterfly and alerted Wayzz of his intentions.
Fu has the time traveling Rabbit. Even if he's not allowed to change the past, he can go and look at the timeline. He can see who has Butterfly and who is misusing. Gabriel now starting this game of cat and mouse is now obsolete cause Fu knows who he is. He just needs to go get it, or pick ideal adults, tell them who has it, it's done.
Now, if going the route that Rabbit is with the Kudbels, there are still others that give Fu a huge edge to just win.
With Dragon, Fu can become literal air. He can go anywhere. And as we don't have clear definitions on Dragon's limitations, we can make assumptions on what can be done. As far as we know, he can spread himself out and scope out all of Paris. He could locate HM, blindside him with a sudden wind in his secret lair, and blow the Butterfly off Gabriel and carry all the way back home. It's done and over with.
Horse's Voyage, Fu can open up multiple portals and peek through them to see if he can find HM that way. Someone can clear this up for me as I'm not sure, but I do know that Kaalki did use Voyage to go see Chat Noir as Adrien, which could mean Voyage could be used to open up a way to go to another Miraculous holder. If this is so, Fu could use Voyage to blindside Gabriel while he's seeking victims.
Goat could be used to make a Miraculous finding item OR Rooster could be used to have a Miraculous finding power since the limitations of it are still not clear (like Gabriel literally gave himself au hopping powers in the Paris Special).
Dog's Fetch, I don't know if you need to see what you want, but potentially, Fetch could be used to just fetch a Miraculous and bring it back to you.
The inclusion of the Zodiac and the reveal that Fu had them this whole time, it just makes him look like an idiot. Plus the question of why send out the very two Gabriel needs when Fu has so many options to work with Ladybug and keep Cat safe from Gabriel.
I would make use of the Shanghai Special, have that be the intro and reveal of the Zodiac. Could've been Marinette's test for Guardianship. And then to be used by the heroes, I would vote they'd be spread out amongst the 7 with Marinette keeping the most as Guardian and leader, and to occasionally allow the occasional temporary hero as it is fun having a classmate join, but I don't think the entire class need to join and have a singular assigned Miraculous.
Alternatively, if doing a team of 7 heroes, and keeping that there's a clash between Miraculous, have the Zodiac be the next villains. Plus, having a big group of 12 villains could really validate doing a decent size group of 7 heroes.
Or maybe do like Xiaolin Showdown where the Zodiac are lost and scattered and there are rogue users who are unpredictable in use, and there's two groups are competing against each other for the Miraculous. And it could allow the occasional swapping as they win or lose. Like one ep Marinette could win the found Miraculous! One ep Marinette could lose that found Miraculous! One ep, Lila steals the Ladybug from Marinette! One finale, all the heroes could lose their Miraculous to the villains, and what do they do about it now that they're more limited?
So how Zodiacs could be done and made to work, one of these options is what I would pick.
Which, until there's a good alternative villainous force outside Miraculous misuse to face, I would probably vote scattered Zodiac to race and gather or villainous Zodiac team.
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natashatrace · 3 months
top gun: mav. post-canon, mavnix, could be background bob/rooster or hangman/rooster if you squint, dagger family vibes, comedy text chain, etc etc etc. 💜
“oh my god.”
maverick squints one eye open at the sound of phoenix’s voice, arms wrapped around the pillow beneath his head. it’s early enough that he’s still mostly asleep, even as he feels the dip of the bed from phoenix sitting up and running her thumb over his cheek.
“mmph. what.”
“you have a zit,” she replies, far too cheerfully for this hour of the morning. “oh my god. there's proof.”
“proof?” maverick rasps, swatting half-heartedly at her hand when he realizes she’s snapping a picture with her phone.
“proof that you’re human,” she grins. “and not just a beautiful robot with zero imperfections.”
maverick snorts, wiping at his eye and then feeling for the zit on his cheek that phoenix is so thrilled about. "doesn't feel like much of a spot. who're you sendin' the picture to?"
he can hear phoenix's thumbs tapping at her phone screen as she replies, "daggers, obviously. this is an important development for our squadron."
"that their former team leader has a zit?"
phoenix just shoots him a bright grin, nose wrinkling in the way he loves so much. "that their former team leader is human." after a moment, she tilts her head and adds, "fanboy is going to be the most upset, I think."
maverick rolls onto his back, stretching his arms over his head with a yawn. when he rolls the back of his head against his pillow to look over at phoenix, she's already looking back at him — well. looking at his hips, barely covered by the sheet. he smirks and breathes out a soft, "eyes up, tash. m'still half asleep."
she doesn't skip a beat. "you look pretty awake to me."
maverick takes a breath to reply, but he's stopped by the sound of phoenix's phone buzzing on the mattress between them. she reads through the messages and laughs, handing her phone over to maverick after a moment so he can read them.
coyote: he could still get it!!
hangman: and he clearly IS, ain't he, phoenix? 😉
payback: 30 second countdown to rooster threatening violence starts now
fanboy: this is OBVIOUSLY a ploy to throw us off. he knows we're onto him! get it trending my dudes #robotMav
phoenix: you can't hashtag in a text chain
fanboy: not with that attitude
bob: he could still be an alien. who else would survive mach 10
phoenix & hangman, simultaneously: 10.3
rooster: he blew the plane up, doesn't count
rooster: also if the zit is on his face, WHY is the photo a full length, nat. why.
maverick scrolls up, realizing that the picture not only includes the zit on his cheek, but it's angled to show the bare expanse of his back and half of his ass, uncovered by the sheets.
he sighs, laughing to himself. "natasha."
"what?" she asks innocently, barely containing the smirk and the gleam of mischief in her eyes. "maybe I wanted to show you off a little."
"mm. only a little?"
he drops the phone to the floor when phoenix slides onto his chest, leaning down to kiss him and laughing against his mouth. maverick can hear it buzzing with text after text, but phoenix expertly diverts his attention elsewhere.
hangman: cause a body like that is art, bradshaw.
rooster: shooting you down next hop.
payback: the violence!
coyote: nat, tell mav he's still the prettiest old man we know.
rooster: has left the group
bob: has added 'rooster' to the group
bob: I'd miss you
rooster: you're the only good one, bobby
hangman: nat stopped replying, y'all. what do we think THAT means? rooster? you wanna take a guess?
rooster: you're gonna look so pretty burning in
hangman: that's the nicest thing you've ever said to me
phoenix: sorry, did you guys need something? I was a little tied up
coyote: 😏
hangman: atta girl
rooster: blocking ur number
phoenix: 😘
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callsign-dexter · 1 year
I Apologize
Request: Ohhh mi lord I love your writing so damn much ! So let me be selfish and shoot in an idea ☺️ A Bradley Bradshaw one where you're dating but recently had a bad fight before he left for Top Gun and you haven't talked since then. Everyone notice him being grumpy and moody because if that so Maverick decided to do something. He calls you and makes you come to the base just before the mission starts to surprise Bradley. He's more than happy and you both apologize and it's all just terribly fluffy and cute ? 💕
Pairings: Bradley "Rooster" Bradshaw x Benjamin!Air Force Pilot!Reader
Warnings: angst, fluff, swearing, mentions of cheating, inaccurate military talk
A/N: I'm sorry if this is not what you asked for but I figured I would throw in some twists.
A/N Pt. 2: A captain in the Air Force is equivalent to a lieutenant in the Navy.
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Bradley "Rooster" Bradshaw knew he had fucked up royally when, you, his girlfriend of several years, when he first went to Top Gun, walked out and didn't return home. It honestly was a stupid fight he should've just told you what he was doing and not keeping a secret. He loved you so much that he wanted to marry you, you being Capt. Y/N 'Fireball' Benjamin an Air Force F-16 Pilot. With you being located in Luke Air Force Base located in Airzona you were only 5 hrs away from California.
Bradley arrived at The Hard Deck in his Hawaiian shirt after the fight in a sour mood looking for someone to take it out on and Jake 'Hangman' Seresin was just the target. The fight just kept playing through his head since he walked out of the house and took the 5 hr drive to California from Arizona after you had stormed out of the house, that you both owned together, to the base housing to stay with a coworker, At this point, he didn't even know if you were still together or not which just worsened his mood. He stood in the doorway of The Hard Deck when he heard Natasha's voice.
"Bradshaw! Is that you? This is how I find out you’re stateside?" She said seeing him in the doorway and walked over to her.
"Yeah, I just thought I’d surprise you. Hmm." He said and Natasha take her shot at the billiards making sure to hit him in the stomach making him double over holding his stomach. She already knew everything that happened and wanted to make him pay for hurting her friend.
"I guess I surprised you back." She said annoyed with him not telling her about being stateside and for what he did to you. If only she knew what he was planning.
"It’s good to see you." Natasha said truthfully but still pretty pissed.
"Good to see you too." He replied.
"How's Y/N?" She asked Bradley even tho she already knew the answer.
"Pissed. Stormed out of the house after a fight we had. She thought I was cheating on her when I wasn't." Bradley told her not telling her the full truth. Then Jake's voice comes through.
"Bradshaw. As I live and breathe." Jake said taking the pool stick from Bob who was about to shoot the ball.
"Hangman. You look… good." Bradley said to Jake.
"Well, I am good, Rooster. I’m very good. In fact, I am too good to be true." Jake said while taking his shot while looking up. "So, anybody know what this special detachment is all about? No, mission’s a mission. They don’t confront me. What I want to know: Who’s gonna be team leader?" Jake continues "And which one of y’all has what it takes to follow me?"
"Hangman, the only place you’ll lead anyone is an early grave." Bradley shot back. Everyone stopped talking and some faces fell as Jake stood up from taking his shot.
"Well, anyone who follows you is just gonna run out of fuel. But that’s just you, ain’t it, Rooster? You’re snug on that perch, waiting for just the right moment… That never comes." Jake fired back. The tension was thick and it didn't help that Bradley just fought with you, the woman he loved and wanted to marry and have kids with. He was wondering what she was doing at this exact moment. The music changed to Slow Ride. "I love this song." Jake said and walked off. Bradley really wanted to be with you right now, you were the only thing that kept him grounded.
The fight kept playing in your head as you drove back to your house after pouring your heart out to your wingman and then Natasha. What started the fight was that he was missing some dates and hiding his phone. You even called your mom, Penny Benjamin, and cried until you couldn't anymore.
Anything that could go wrong. Went wrong. Your jet had engine problems even though it was thoroughly checked over. Bradley had canceled the second time on you for a date night. You had a feeling that he was sneaking around and it was confirmed when his phone lit up while he was in the shower and you checked it.
Are we still on for tonight? You're gonna love it!
Your heart sped up seeing those words. You didn’t even see the name of the person who sent it. You locked his phone and got busy cleaning the kitchen over and over again, waiting for him to get out of the shower since he had to go back to Top Gun early that morning. When he finally got out of the shower the kitchen was spotless and you stood at the counter with your hands resting on it. You had a pissed-off look on your face but he didn't notice.
"Hey, Honey!" Bradley said and came over to kiss you but you didn't return it and turned your face so he kissed your cheek. He had started calling you 'Honey' because according to him you were as sweet as honey so he used that instead of your offical callsign. When you moved so he kissed you on the cheek instead of the lips confused him but you were so mad that you didn't see it just kept looking forward. "Everything ok, Honey?" He asked you but you didn't answer, just grabbed his phone and shoved it into his chest. He was confused until he saw the message from Eva and his heart dropped. "Baby, it's not what it looks like." He said dropping his phone you rolled your eyes and started off to your guys' room.
"I really thought you were better than that." You said pushing past him and down the hall to the bedroom. Bradley was behind you following behind you like a lost puppy. "All of these years that I loved you. You've been sleeping with another woman." You said and grabbed your duffle back and started to pack your clothes and uniform for the next day.
"Honey, it's not what you think! I'm not cheating on you. Trust me. I love you wholeheartedly!" Bradley pleaded standing in the doorway watching you pack. You scoffed.
"How long?" You asked looking at him and he looked at you crazily but you weren't paying attention. You rolled your eyes "Not going to answer me.... of course." You said and zipped your bag up and slung it over your shoulder and started walking out of the room and he stopped you.
"Y/N, baby. Nothing is going on between me and Eva." He said and his face fell further when your face paled and fell and tears started to form.
"Oh she has a name now." You said while pushing past him and started towards the door, dinner be damned he can fend for himself. You got to the kitchen and grabbed your keys.
"Where are you going?" He said and you jumped not hearing him come up behind you. You turned around.
"I'm going over to Whiskey's and Kasper's." Bradley's face paled and dropped. Jay 'Whiskey' Kean was not a threat far from it and neither was Ryan 'Kasper' Braxton. He is your wingman and Kasper was his husband and Bradley has met both of them. The reason Bradley's face paled was that you were leaving and he didn't know if you were coming back. He should've just told you what was going on and not have been so secretive. He knew about your past relationship and how to guy had cheated on you for all of the 6 months that you were in a relationship, he promised you he wouldn't do that to you.
"Baby. Honey. Y/N." He tired but you ignored him and walked out the door and to your Jeep.
As you were getting in you yelled over your shoulder "Have fun with Eva." You said you shut your door and started the engine and took off.
First, you called Natasha you had met when she went to Top Gun and you were at The Hard Deck and made instant friends. Second, you called your momma and bawled your eyes out, and told her where you were going. Finally, you called Whiskey and explained everything and he said that you're welcome to come over anytime and that Kasper, loves seeing you.
You arrived at Whiskey's place and he was standing out there with Kasper waiting for you. You pulled in and killed the engine. You got out and they came to you and Whiskey. Whiskey took in his arms and hugged and you hugged back letting the tears flow while Kasper got your bag. They walked you in and you started to tell them everything.
Meanwhile, Bradley was running his hands through his damp hair. He screwed up, big time. There was a knock at the door and he went to answer it hoping it was you but you would've just walked in. He opened the door and Eva was standing there with the ring box in her hand and a smile. Her smile fell when she saw the panicked look on his face.
"Everything ok?" Eva asked and Bradley shook his head.
"I messed up big time." He said and Eva didn't understand.
"Tell me what happened?" She said pushing her way into the house. Eva was from the ring store and she was helping Bradley get the perfect ring, she was happily married with a kid and a kid on the way.
"She thought I was cheating on her with you. She must've noticed that I was being secretive, coming home late, and hiding my phone. I tried to tell it was nothing and it really is. She left before I could explain.
"Oh Bradley I'm sorry. Do you still want the ring?" Eva asked.
"Yes please. I'm gonna give her a few days to cool down and explain to her. I want it to be with me just in case. I love her." Bradley said and Eva smiled.
"She'll forgive you. Here." Eva said and handed Bradley the black box. He opened it and a gorgeous princess-cut ring with diamonds coming up the side stared back at him. It was perfect. It was you.
Bradley waited all night for you to come home. You didn't come home. He knew he had to be in California soon. So he packed his bags for Top Gun and left a note in case you didn't decide to come home.
5 hrs later he arrived at The Hard Deck with the fight still playing and his mood soured. He wanted you back.
*End of flashback*
You wanted to believe him but you didn't know if you could. You should've just listened to him and heard him out but you couldn't take that chance.
"You think I'm wrong for walking out?" You asked Whiskey and Kasper and they shook their heads.
"No, we don't think so. Though you probably just need to cool down and then go talk to him tomorrow." Kasper said and you knew was right.
"I can't do it tomorrow he'll be gone back to Top Gun for a mission." You said and started to bawl again thinking that he could die and you both wouldn't be able to make up.
"Ok well let's get some sleep and get through work and then we can worry about it. How does that sound?" Whiskey asked you.
You nodded "Ok. Yea. That sounds good." And that is what you did.
The next day you got through work and luckily your jet was fixed and no problems arose. When you landed you did the post checklist and then left your jet to work on some other stuff. You went through several hops and each one was successful and you even did some dogfighting which you lost and won some.
When the end of the day rolled around Whiskey and Kasper strolled up to you. You greeted them both with a hug and you all walked out to your vehicles. You broke the silence.
"Thank you, guys, guys for letting me crash at your place. I'm gonna head home for lunch and see what damage was left behind, then meet you both back here. Bradley might not even be there." You said and the last part came out a little sad, both men noticed.
"Anything for you Fireball." They smiled and hugged you. They both came up with the callsign Fireball for you because one you rolled in with fire in your eyes and two when you all went out all you drank was Fireball Whiskey and still to this day you do.
You got in your Jeep and started it while they got in their truck. You rolled out before them. When you got home and didn't see the Bronco your suspensions were right and he had already left for California. You walked in and the house was silent and the only light was the sunlight coming in considering it was only noon. You weren't down with work but were home for lunch. There was a note addressed to you in his handwriting, you went to it and read it.
Dear Honey,
I just want to say I'm not cheating you. You have to believe me. You're the love of my life. I was trying to surprise you with something special and I still want to surprise you.
I love you with all of my heart and wouldn't dare break your heart. By the time you read this, I'll probably be in California at Top Gun.
By the time I get back, if I get back, I hope we can talk and work it out.
Love, Bradley
You rolled your eyes and made your lunch and sat down to eat in silence. You checked your phone, which you had turned on silent, and saw several missed notifications most from Bradley, some from Natasha, and some from your mom. You answered everyone's but Bradley’s. You finished lunch and headed back to base to finish out the work day.
2 days after the fight
The training for the mission was going smoothly for the most part but Bradley's mood soured. He hadn't heard from you in two days and was snapping at anyone and everyone and it didn't help that Maverick was his instructor.
Maverick noticed the bad attitude and wanted to get to the bottom of it. He knew that Bradley was dating Penny's daughter so when they had a break he went straight to her to find out the problem. Penny didn't want to tell her daughter's problems but she too had noticed the bad of Bradley and wanted it fixed so she spilled everything.
"They apparently had a big fight before he came here. She called me bawling her eyes out saying that they had a fight and that he was cheating on her with some girl named Eva." Penny told Maverick and he was shocked.
"Bradley? No Bradley wouldn't do that he's too much like Goose." Maverick said as they sat at the bar.
"That's what I'm saying but when she gets her mind set on something you can hardly change it. I tried talking to her but she wasn't listening. There is more to the story, I just know it." Penny replied.
"I want to bring her here and have them talk it out. He needs his attitude to change and work with his teammates." Maverick said and Penny agreed. She gave him your phone number and said if he couldn't reach you that way then try your office number and your extension.
"She may be up in the air if she doesn't answer either phone." She told and that surprised him. Before he could ask Penny answered him "She's a captain in the Air Force. She's an F-16 pilot." Penny said turning and walking away. Maverick was surprised by that, he knew that she was in the military but didn't know what branch or what she did.
He left The Hard Deck and decided when he got back to the base he would call her. As much as Bradley hated him, Maverick cared for that boy.
Maverick arrived back at base and went to his office to start calling. He tried your cell phone first hoping you would answer your cell phone first. Thankfully you answered your cell phone.
"Hello, this is Captain Y/N Benjamin." You said since the number was an unknown number.
"Hi, this is Pete Mitchell. You probably don't remember me but I've known you since you were little." Maverick said and you knew who he was instantly just by the sound of his voice.
"Hi, Pete. I remember you. What can I do for you?" You asked him.
"Please call me Maverick. This may sound strange but I work with Bradley and I know you are together and just had a big fight. But his attitude has been so bad and he hasn't been getting along with anyone. I was wondering if you would come down and talk to him, and see if his mood changes." He almost sounded like he was pleading and he heard you sighed he hoped it was a good sigh.
"Listen I don't know what my mom told you but he and I fought. He was cheating on me and I can't do that again. In my last relationship, my ex cheated on me the entire relationship. I don't know if I can trust him or forgive him." You told him.
"I know Bradley he's too much like his daddy and when he loves someone he loves them hard. All I'm asking is to hear him out and talk it out. Please." Pete 'Maverick' Mitchell was actually pleading. You thought about it.
"Fine. I'll head there after work. I'll be there around 5 PM." You finally said and you heard Maverick sigh in relief.
"Thank you so much. Meet us at The Hard Deck. Bye Y/N." He said.
"I'll listen but we'll see how it turns out. I'll see you there. Bye Maverick." You said and hung up.
You figured you would hear him out. 12 PM rolled around and you were done for the day. You didn't bother changing so you just got in your Jeep and started the 5 hr trip to California. You told Whiskey and Kasper and they wanted to come too but you told them you had to deal with it on your own and that you would see them tomorrow.
The Hard Deck wasn't that packed when you arrived at 5 PM then again most people were just getting off. You walked in and took off your cap and saw a bunch of flight suits and khaki uniforms, you really felt out of place in your Air Forced issued tiger stripped ACUs. You looked for Bradley but couldn't see him but you instantly spotted Maverick and Penny and went to them. Your mom spotted you and waves you behind the bar and gave you a hug. Then you turned attention to Maverick.
"Y/N I'm so glad you came!" Maverick exclaimed and you smiled and went to sit beside him and turned to him as he turned to you.
"Anything to help with his mood. Even though I pissed at him." You said mood dampening with the thought of what he did.
"I honestly don't think Bradley was cheating on you sweetheart. He's too much like Goose." Your mother told him and you were going to reply but heard the bell chime and looked back to see Bradley and he saw you and stopped in his tracks making the group he was with stop as well but they went on. Bradley walked up to you.
"Honey." Bradley said in an sigh of relief. You could cut the tension with a knife. "I'm so glad to see you." He continued.
"I'm still incredibly pissed at you." You said turning to look at him in his khaki uniform. You were very well aware of your mom and Maverick watching you. "I'm here to listen. So talk." You said and crossed your arms.
"Not here. Let's go outside." He told you and you let him take your hand and lead the way outside to the deck, where you could feel eyes on you but you didn't pay attention. He crossed your arms and gave him a nod to go on and so he did. "I didn't not cheat on you." He started and you wanted to say something but you said you would listen. "The reason I was missing dates, coming home late, and hiding my phone was because she was helping me with buying an engagement ring." He said and you were speechless. He looked at you to say something.
"How do I know you're not lying to me?" You asked him not wanting to be in another bad relationship.
"Because she's happily married and has a kid and kid on the way. She works at a jewelry store in Arizona." Bradley explained and you started to believe him. "If you don't believe than this might change your mind. I was going to do it at our spot but this is perfect, then again anywhere would be perfect." He pulled out the ring box that he had been carrying around since he got it that night of the fight.
"Bradley-" You began but he cut you off and got on one knee. He was holding the box open to display the gorgeous princess-cut dimond ring with diamonds coming up the side. It was exactly how you pictured your engagement ring.
"Y/N 'Fireball' Benjamin you stole my heart when I walked into this very same bar when I first went to Top Gun and you were at The bar helping your mom. I thought you were gorgeous and I knew that you were the one. I remember the flirting and the failed asks to ask you out. I never want to have a fight with you again and have the possibility of losing you again. I'm sorry and I apologize for keep this from you and not treating you right as a boyfriend should those past couple of weeks. I also apologize for making you think I was cheating on you and making you live your worst nightmare. I just have to ask. Will you marry me?" Bradley poured his heart out to you, you had your hand on covering your mouth and tears were falling. You were about to answer when someone yelled out the door.
"Say yes!" Someone yelled and then you heard a slap on the arm your hand fell and you laughed "Ow! Phoenix!" They yelled. You looked back yo find a blonde male aviator being slapped by none other Natasha 'Phoenix' Trace.
"Shut up Bagman let her answer." Natasha said. You and Bradley laughed and he looked at you.
"Yes, Bradley. I'll marry you." You said and he sighed in relief. He slid the ring on your finger and got up and kissed you both hands coming to your face and yours did the same. You pulled away for air and to say "I apologize for blowing up at you. I had a bad day that day and so many problems with my jet even tho it was checked thoroughly. Then I jumped to conclusions instead of talking to you so for that, I apologize to." You told him and his response was just to kiss you again.
Everything was right in the world of Y/N and Bradley. Penny also took pictures of the engagement.
Over the next couple of days and leading up to the mission Bradley's mood changed towards everyone and Maverick. Y/N went back to Arizona and told Whiskey and Kasper what happened and they practically squealed with excitement and a 'Finally! It's about time!' Which made you laugh.
The mission came and went and everyone got back safely. Some scrapes, bruises, and sore bodies were the only injuries. Bradley went home to Y/N and they started to plan a wedding.
They apologized to each other and Y/N got to meet Eva and she thanked her for helping Bradley pick out the ring. She even got to meet the family.
Everything was whole again in the Benjamin-Bradshaw houseold.
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nolita-fairytale · 1 year
call sign: tennessee whiskey | rooster x fem!reader & hangman x phoenix | chapter three
summary: the bird strike accident, and the stakes of life and death, push everyone a little closer to reconciling with their own feelings.
warnings: enemies to lovers, slow burn, eventual smut, swearing, mentions of death, strong possibility of military inaccuracies, second person pov, no use of y/n,
wc: 6.4k
listen to: the playlist
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chapter two | masterlist | chapter four Halfway through week two the stress of the mission has gotten to you. It’s gotten to everyone. It’s easy to compartmentalize when you’re used to being sent into war. Sure, you’ve had some time to decompress – like the night you and Halo roped everyone into a skin care night, or the beach day where, for the first time since arriving, this special detachment had finally begun to feel like a team. 
But the levity and your ability to compartmentalize are beginning to escape you as the intensity of this mission chisels away at every tool you have in the box. You can feel it in how exhausted you are, passing out for hours after training days end. You feel it in the way that your lungs feel virtually crushed by gravity when you pop up up, charging up from the hard deck – a number that seems to keep dropping lower and lower as time goes on. 
“Cool it, Whiskey,” Maverick had chastised you, by the time you’d debriefed in the classroom. “Your decision would have ensured an attack by enemy SAMs. Might I remind you that you were Team Leader in this exercise. It would’ve been a dogfight for all of you.”
“I’m sorry, sir. You’re right. We were too early,” you apologize, in reference to pulling up too soon. 
“You’re going to have to figure out how to fight gravity for just a little longer, Lieutenant. The timing has to be perfect for this mission,” Maverick instructs, a weight in his voice, like he hates doing this.
“Understood, sir,” you’d answered, accepting that you needed to pivot your strategy. 
After each debrief, one unsuccessful attempt after another, Maverick haunts each of you with the question no one wants to think about:
What will you tell their family?
It's the heaviest weight to carry, especially as pilot of a two-seater, and everyone’s responded differently to the ferocity of this mission. Regardless of the fact that the only pilot who’s made it to the target is Rooster, Hangman continues to hide behind his arrogant demeanor, snapping at anyone who questions it or him. Phoenix is focused, near-robotic, cold, and calculating as she continues to work tirelessly towards the new time limit that Maverick’s set. While you’re impulsive and rash, you’re quick to respond in high stress situations forcing you to take risks that you wouldn’t under normal circumstances. But Rooster’s hesitant – a thinker – and you can see that he’s getting too caught up in his head. He likes to wait, examine each option carefully, before making a decision, which only frustrates him as he falls behind schedule each time. 
It’s not till Jake’s very public, mal-intended, and vicious dig aimed at Rooster, that the tension snaps. What almost turns into a fight in the classroom makes everyone realize just how on the edge you’ve all been. As Maverick dismisses the group of aviators, you follow Hangman out of the room, hot on his heels, before shoving him into an empty classroom to talk. 
“What the hell were you thinking bringing up his father like that, Hangman? Are you insane?” you hiss, slamming the door behind him. 
With a smug, amused look on his face, he crosses his arms over his chest, leaning back against one of the desks. 
“Why do you fucking care, Whiskey?” he taunts you, as if he already knows the answer. 
His cool, unaffected act is really starting to piss you off, and you find yourself growing even more frustrated, the longer he sits there. 
“That was out of line, Seresin. And you know it!” you exclaim, in awe at how unkind your best friend had been.
He scoffs, looking away from you for a second. He runs his tongue over his bottom lip before his demeanor changes from arrogant to mean when he looks back at you. 
“Don’t think I haven’t seen how friendly you and him have been lately. You into him or something? Is that what this is about?” he snaps, his tone cool as he avoids taking any blame whatsoever for his outburst.
“That’s not what-. You didn’t have to bring up his father. Not like that,” you argue passionately before continuing your tirade. 
“Sometimes I don't know why you need to be so goddamn provocative all the time, Hangman. I mean what was the point? You want to get in his head? Congrats. You did it. You wanna piss off Maverick or something? I mean, what the hell, man?!”
Your answer doesn’t seem to satisfy him, his voice laced with venom as he spits:
“So this is about him. Rooster.”
“Why does it matter?!” you shout, frustrated by his attempts to answer any of your questions. 
And truthfully, you’re getting pretty fucking tired of him putting this all on you. 
“Because!” he yells, the anger bursting out of him. “You're taking his side, kid!” 
He pauses, taking a moment to collect himself before lowering his voice. Jake knows that you don’t deserve this – that he shouldn’t take this out on you – but watching you stand on Rooster’s side when the fight broke up had stung more than he had the words to express. 
He drops his gaze to the floor, his voice softening as he manages to get out, “It’s supposed to be me and you against the world, kid. Don't you remember?' 
It’s not an excuse for his poor behavior, but you know he’s hurt.
Your mind floats back to the look of betrayal on his face when he realized you had rushed to Rooster’s side – not his. Of course he wanted you to be happy. He knew you deserved that. You were his best friend, after all. 
You were the person he knew he could call after an exceptionally bad day, the only person on the planet who knew he joined the Navy just to piss off his dad, the person who’d seen every single side of him and hadn’t run in the other direction yet.
You were his one true friend. 
Jake thinks back to his graduation from the Naval Academy – the day you told off his father. Mr. Seresin had spent the entirety of his graduation dinner making snide remarks instead of celebrating his son’s incredible accomplishment. Something about the working class this, and how he’d never understand why his only son would want to ruin his life by becoming a public servant instead of following in his footsteps. 
And there you were, nineteen years old, standing up to the oil tycoon in a way he hadn’t even figured out yet. That’s the moment he knew: no matter what happened, no matter how much time passed, no matter the distance between the two of you, you were stuck with him, because no way in hell he would ever let go. 
You were like his kid sister. His Texan. His Tennessee Whiskey. 
And even though the idea that this was anything more than platonic was a long gone sentiment, he still hated the idea of having to share you.  
Especially with Rooster. 
He knows he’s being selfish, but he can’t help it, perhaps a symptom of his own stress from the last week. 
“That’s not fair,” you point out, breaking the silence between the two of you. 
He waits a beat before admitting, somberly:
“I know.”
You take a step towards him, softening your body language so that he knows you come in peace. 
“You weren’t in the right there, dude,” you say with a sigh, only mildly resenting the fact that you have to state that explicitly. “What you said to Rooster… about his dad? About Mav? That was cruel... and frankly, really unprofessional, dude.”
Jake’s still, his body frozen and his eyes are fixed to the floor as he listens to you. He feels like a kid who’s gotten in trouble. He can’t look at you yet – too embarrassed by his own behavior because he knows you’re right – so he just listens. 
“So yeah. I'm taking his side on this one…” you explain, as compassionately as you can. You take another step towards him, reassuring him with, “...but that doesn't mean I don't still have your back.”
“I’ll always have your back, Seresin,” you promise. The use of his name instead of his call sign is the thing that gets him to look up, his expression remorseful. 
“I know,” he repeats, in acceptance. 
You smile softly. 
“And sometimes… because you insist on being such an arrogant prick sometimes… having your back means calling you out on your bullshit when you fuck up,” you add, only teasing him a little to lighten up the mood. 
Even seated, Jake’s physical presence is still bigger than yours, but you match him with the amount of space you dare to take up.
“Yeah, whatever,” he smirks, looking away for a moment before returning his gaze back to you. 
You reach out a hand to squeeze his shoulder, letting him know that you’re here for him. 
“I’m sorry, Whiskey,” he mumbles, looking down once more, his lips pressed together in a thin line.  
“You’re… you’re what? Did you just say-, because I’m not sure I heard you the first time. Was that an… apology?” you tease, playfully. 
“Oh shut up,” he groans with an eye roll.  
“It’s just that… I’m gonna need to get this one on film because no one will believe me if I tell them that you, Jake Seresin, actually apologized to me,” you continue to poke fun at him, giving him shit because you can. 
“You better not!” he warns you with a laugh.
“Oh I’m telling everyone. I actually think I deserve a lifetime achievement award for this,” you celebrate, sarcastically. 
“Fine, I’ll say it again if you just quit it!” he exclaims, with an exasperated sigh. 
He takes a moment, before dramatically shouting towards the heavens:
“I said I’m sorry, Whiskey!” 
“Bullseye!” you cheer, as if you’ve beat him at darts at the Hard Deck. 
You watch as the corners of his lips twist up into a small smile while he holds his hands up in the air as a sign of surrender. His smile warms you, and you’re reminded for a moment of why you’ve put up with him for this damn long. The two of you exchange a laugh before allowing the comfortable quiet between the two of you to settle in. 
“I’m not the one you should be apologizing to,” you voice, as seriously as you can. 
And he knows you’re right about that too. 
All you want to do is crawl into bed and come out when all of this is over. No one goes into the military – no one gets to be in the top 1% of naval aviators – without understanding the risk that comes with being in a combat zone. It’s the unique, exceptionally difficult, and limited time of this mission that seems to be kicking everyone’s ass, and it all becomes more and more of a reality the day that Phoenix and Bob’s F/A-18 goes down. 
 Once the doctors had given the Dagger Squad the greenlight to visit with Bob and Phoenix, you’d all piled into their shared hospital room in an attempt to keep them company. While both of them seemed to be in good spirits, the accident had scared the shit out of you. You understand why it’s easier – not to have attachments when doing this job – and today is one of those days where it feels like it would just be easier not to. 
You look around the room, observing the wild cast of characters you call a detachment. Coyote’s just said something funny that’s got Jake howling with laughter, while Fanboy and Bob are fixated on some game they’re playing on Fanboy’s phone. Halo, Payback, and Fritz have gone for a coffee run, even though visiting hours are almost over. You can only imagine that it’s a sight for sore eyes: so many of you piled into one hospital room in your khakis. 
You’ve all decided that you’re going to stay for as long as possible. After spending some time with Bob and Fanboy, it’s time to visit with Nat. You examine each aviator and the extra chairs that the hospital staff brought into the room for your group. Hangman sits in a folding chair next to Javy in between Bob and Phoenix’s bed. As you stand up with the intention of making your way over to Phoenix, you can’t help but roll your eyes at the sight of him.
You fixate on the toothpick in Hangman’s mouth. He tosses it around, chewing on it while he scrolls through something on his phone as you walk by. 
“Stop that! This is a hospital room,” you deride, as you snatch the toothpick out of his mouth. You earn a look of agitation and shock as Jake watches you walk over to the small trash can, tossing his used toothpick into a small trashcan. 
“Hey!” he calls after you, before addressing the rest of the aviators in the room. “Does anyone want a little sister? I’m trying to get rid of one.”
“Always told you it was a nasty habit,” you shrug, and he glares at you in response. 
“Y’all are so cute,” Coyote gushes, sarcastically. 
“She has a point,” Bob backs you up, in reference to your previous comment. 
“Shut up, Baby On Board,” Hangman grumbles, returning his focus back on his phone. 
The scene you’ve caused gives you the perfect time to talk to Nat more privately, since everyone is focused on something else. It’s not that you haven’t spent much time together, but you’ve been surrounded by almost all of the other Dagger Squad members all day.
“How ya doin?” you ask Phoenix, as she flips through a trashy gossip rag you’d purchased for her at the gift shop. 
“I’m alright. More disappointed than anything. I hated having to eject,” she admits, a bitterness in her voice. You settle into the nicer hospital chair that someone’s moved over to her bedside.
“I know. But you know the bird strike wasn’t your fault,” you reinforce, making sure that she knows it. 
“Yeah,” she replies, though you’re not sure she believes it. She turns the page of the magazine. 
Even though you haven’t said anything, Natasha can tell that you’re worried about her. It’s written all over your face, and she can feel it in the way that you’ve refused to leave her side all afternoon. She’d practically had to beg you to go on a gift shop earlier so that she could take a nap. She changes the subject, putting on her best sing-song voice in an attempt to make you laugh. 
“Uh oh! Trouble in paradise?” she says, reading the headline out loud of the trashy magazine you’d bought her earlier. “Is it just a glitch or did Miley Cyrus unfollow Liam Hemsworth on instagram?!”
You laugh at the headline, leaning over so that you can take a peek at the magazine in her lap. 
“Woah! Miley Cyrus and Liam Hemsworth are splittin’ up? No way! Lemme see!” Coyote chimes in loudly, hopping up on Nat’s hospital bed to join in on the gossip session. 
“Seriously! You’re surprised? That relationship’s been a rollercoaster ride for the last… few years!” Jake practically exclaims, in the same kind of way he’d rattle off a fact about the Dallas Cowboys. 
“Didn’t take you as one to keep up with celebrity gossip,” Bob remarks snarkily, from his hospital bed, earning a laugh from everyone in the room but Jake. 
Jake’s face falls for a moment as he sighs, “Whatever, Floyd.”
“Let me see, Phoenix,” Coyote encourages, holding a hand out so that he can take a look at the article. “Unlike Hangman over here, I’m shameless when it comes to this shit. And there better be horoscopes at the back of this thing or I don’t want it at all.”
You and Nat exchange a glance, giggling. Jake sighs crankily, before mumbling something about going to go ask for more ice chips. Nat sits up in her hospital bed, handing the magazine over to Javy while he flips through it, desperately searching for the horoscope page.
“He’s always been a sore loser,” you comment, smugly, as soon as Jake’s out of earshot. 
“Hey, where’s Rooster?” Nat asks you, noticing that Bradley hasn’t been to visit at all. 
“Oh uh,” you hesitate, unsure of how she’ll take it. You’ve exchanged a few texts with Bradley since the accident, but you’re mostly making assumptions. “Think he’s back on base. Last I heard Maverick gave him an update about you guys…. I think between the accident… and Jake bringing up his dad the other day… this is all… a lot.”
She nods in understanding. 
“Do you want me to call him? I will if you-,” you begin to ask. 
“No!” she interrupts you. “No, I’m not upset. I-, I just want to make sure he’s okay, you know?”
“Yeah, of course,” you reply. You’re about to suggest that you FaceTime him when she grabs your hand, an ‘I need a favor’ kind of look plastered to her face. 
“You’ll go check on him, won’t you? For me?” she asks, batting her eyelashes a few times at you in an attempt to butter you up.
You roll your eyes playfully, glaring at her as you accuse, “You’re the shameless one here! Not Javy.” 
She shrugs, a fox-like grin on her face, because she knows exactly what she’s doing. 
“Pretty please?” she asks, so sweetly that you’re not sure how you’re going to say no. 
You sigh in surrender, standing up out of your chair. 
“You could’ve just said something if you wanted to get rid of me, Trace,” you chide, digging for your keys in the bag you brought to the hospital. 
“But that would be a lie! You’ve been so great at cheering us up here. I think your services may be needed…” she says before lowering her voice and wiggling her eyebrows, “...elsewhere.”
“Mhm. Sure,” you hum, with a playful eye roll to follow. 
You know exactly why she wants you to go check on Rooster.
And truthfully, you don’t mind being the one she’s asking to do it either.
“I am worried about him,” she confesses genuinely. “So thank you.” 
“‘Course, Nat,” you assure.
It’s not a long drive back to base. By the time you find Rooster, he’s in the rec room hunched over the piano that’s probably been in there for longer than you’ve been alive. You wouldn’t exactly call what he’s playing a song. He’s just running his fingers over the keys, playing a few notes, then a few stray riffs here and there, trying his best to keep his mind occupied. 
“Hey,” you say, your voice pulling him away from whatever he’s fixating on. 
He’s surprised to hear your voice – surprised to see you – as he turns around to face you, still seated on the piano bench. 
“I thought you’d be with Phoenix and Bob,” he replies, quietly. 
“Yeah, I was,” you say, beginning to approach him. “But… Phoenix wanted me to come check on you. See how you were doing.”
The smallest smile spreads across his face as he says, “Of course she did.”
You take a moment to take him in. He looks tired – more so than usual. 
“How are you?” you ask, softly. 
Rooster remains seated on the piano bench, his forearms resting on his knees. You can tell he’s been deep in thought. 
“Not so great,” he admits, giving you a half-smile. “But. Better? Now that you’re here.” 
You walk over to where he sits. Rooster pulls you into his arms for a hug, and it feels so good to be this close to him. It’s comforting: the way he feels warm against your skin, the way he smells like sweat and cologne from the day before. You hug him tightly and he’s burying his face in your neck.
“How are they? Bob and Phoenix,” Rooster asks, as he begins to pull away. 
You keep your arms wrapped around his neck while his hands remain on your waist. 
“They’re good,” you answer, trying to keep your tone positive. “Just being kept overnight for observation but I bet they’ll be back on base by tomorrow morning.”
He gives you the softest smile, before pulling you down onto his lap. You giggle in response, both of your legs shifted to one side of him as you stretch them across his and the piano bench. Your hands go to the back of his head, drawing comforting circles at the base of his neck. 
“It’s been a day, huh?” he sighs, enjoying the feel of your body against his. 
Ever since your date over the weekend, you’d spent as much time together as possible: going for early morning runs, grabbing coffees in between breaks, eating lunch together. But it hadn’t gone any further than flirtatious friends, which was kind of the whole point of not sleeping with him a few nights ago. This had been the most intimate physical contact you’d had so far, and you take note. It’s strange really – a good kind of strange – how easy it feels to slip into his arms like this, like you’ve been doing it for years. 
“What’s on your mind?” Rooster asks you, catching you deep in contemplation.
And as much as you’d love to kiss him right now, let him get you naked in the middle of the rec room and take you there, you can’t imagine what that would do to your focus. And you can’t lose it right now. Not after today. 
“Let’s go to the beach,” you declare, impulsively.
You practically jump out of his lap and onto your feet, earning a look from Rooster. 
“Right now?” he asks, unable to hide his surprise. 
“Right now,” you nod. 
There’s a light in your eyes that Rooster can’t ignore – it’s something he wants to learn inside and out – so he agrees, following you out of the rec room and down the path from the base to the beach. You don’t give either of you much more time to think about… or any time to change. You’re not sure what you did to deserve his trust, but you hold his hand the entire way there. The two of you kick your shoes off at the top of the beach entrance, then hurry down to the water before you bring the both of you to a halt at the water’s edge. 
“I love the ocean,” you sigh, as if a 500 pound weight’s been lifted off your shoulders. You take a deep breath, inhaling the salty air, focusing only on the sound of the waves crashing against each other. “It makes everything else feel so small, you know? Reminds me that we’re not in control. That there’s something so much bigger and that I’ve just got to trust.” 
You chuckle before continuing, before shooting him a look. 
“Guess that’s why I joined the Navy.”
In that moment, Rooster is completely enamored with you. He comes to the conclusion that he’s completely enchanted as he listens to you talk. You’re so vibrant, so full of life, and he likes that, while he gets so stuck in his head all the time, you’re the complete opposite. He’s so lost, so in awe of you, that he forgets to answer you. 
You giggle at his loss of words, turning to him. 
“Watcha thinkin’ about?” you ask.
He’s not sure what possesses him to say it when he answers:
With a wicked smile on your face you grab his hands in yours as you say, “What about me?”
“You’re magnificent,” he marvels, his fingers intertwined with yours. 
Your heart skips a beat and you can feel all the blood rush to your head in response to what he’s said. It makes you feel dizzy. 
God, you can’t wait for this mission to be over. 
“You’re not so bad yourself,” you flirt back. 
“Do you trust me?” you ask, a glimmer of mischief in your eyes. 
“Uh… yes…?” Rooster hesitates, as you let go of his hands. He watches as you take a few steps backwards, pulling your collared shirt out of the waist of your pants. Rooster bites down on his bottom lip as he watches you pull the shirt over your head, before tossing it onto the sand. 
“Shit,” he groans, his pants suddenly feeling much tighter. He doesn’t look away as you undo your belt buckle, shimmying out of your pants too. He wonders if he should look away – as it would be the respectful thing to do – since all you’re wearing now is your bra and a pair of seamless cheeky panties that has him gulping. 
“What’re you doing, Whiskey?” he wavers, his breath caught in his throat. 
“C’mon,” you encourage, winking at him. 
You take off, charging into the ocean. The cold water hits your feet, and you think it may be just what the both of you need. 
“Don’t be a chicken!” you taunt him cheekily, as a nod to his call sign. 
You look back at him over your shoulder, before wading further into the water, and it’s as if his pants couldn’t be any tighter than they are now. 
“God damn it, woman,” Rooster rasps, pulling his shirt over his head. 
He’s not going to let you do this alone, and your little strip tease on the beach pushes him forward, as he strips off his pants too. In seconds, Rooster’s chasing after you, using all the force in his legs to propel himself against the tide. It doesn’t matter that the water’s a less than ideal temperature, that his time back at TOPGUN has brought up so much shit about his dad and Mav, that he’s hard as a rock from watching you undress on the beach. 
You are intoxicating. 
He watches as you reach a point where the water is deep enough to swim. You dive into the water before egging him on to come with you. He follows, and the two of you swim further out to where the waves calm and you can just breathe for a moment. 
Rooster treads water, inching closer towards you, as the waves still. 
You steal a glance his way. The way the moonlight catches him takes makes you absolutely breathless, and you’re not sure how you’re going to keep your hands off of him. 
“Feel better?” you ask, optimistically.
“Yeah. You?” he grins back at you. 
Only, it’s not just the water that’s made him feel better. 
“Absolutely,” you answer, beaming back at him. “Cmon. Let’s just swim a little more.”
So you do, the two of you putting your military-grade swimming skills to the test. You enjoy the feel of the cold water against your body as you glide through the water, a feeling of relief washing over you. You finally settle on a spot where Bradley can stand, but you still have to tread water, moving closer and closer to him. 
“Wanna swim closer to shore?” he offers, as he notices that you’re still treading water. 
“No, it’s okay,” you reply with a shake of your head. 
Before you know it, Bradley’s pulling you into his arms, and you’re wrapping your legs around his waist, the ocean shielding both of your bodies from the surface. And it’s in that moment that you don’t think, all thoughts and hesitations about being too distracted to fly your F/A-18 go right out the door. Fuck it. Fuck the risk. Fuck not getting attached. Fuck not getting distracted – even if just for a night. 
It’s then that you decide to break all of your rules, placing your mouth over his into a passionate lip lock. 
Kissing you feels like heaven, as he memorizes the way you taste. His tongue snakes out against your bottom lip, and soon enough, his tongue is in your mouth, tangling with yours. You swear could get lost in the way Rooster feels pressed against you as your hands drag across over his shoulders, the tough scars that run along his neck and shoulders, the hard planes of his abdomen.
“Shit, Whiskey,” he moans into your mouth. “You keep kissing me like that and I don’t know if I’ll be able to wait till after the mission.”
You pull away for a brief moment, taking a deep breath so that you don’t give in right here. It takes all of your self restraint to say what you say next. 
“Well you’re just gonna have to,” you tease him, deviously. You press your forehead against his, your lips inches away from where you want them to be. “If either of us get chosen for this mission… think of it as an incentive.”
“For what?” he asks, breathlessly. He buries his face in your neck, tickling your soft skin with the texture of his mustache. He begins to tease you – since you seem to love teasing him so much – leaving soft love bites along your collarbone and tops of your left shoulder. 
You giggle at feeling, and when he raises his head, you kiss him again like it’s your last night on earth. You’re sucking on his bottom lip and he’s reaching up to cup your face, holding you close to him. You indulge yourself in him for a little longer, wanting to savor every single moment of this, before realizing you have a question to answer. You begin to slow down your kisses, pressing your forehead to his once more before finally whispering:
“To come home. Incentive to come home.”
It takes all of his power not to melt into a puddle right then and there. 
“Okay,” he agrees, with a nod, beaming across from you. 
If you don’t do something now, you’ll end up fucking him in the middle of the Pacific Ocean, so you plant one more soft kiss to his lips, reluctantly prying yourself away from his embrace. 
“Think you can beat me back to shore?” you challenge, playfully. 
“Jesus Christ,” he groans, a half smile on his face as he watches you take off. “You’re gonna be the death of me,”
But instead, he swims after you, racing you back to shore. If he were Hangman in this scenario, he probably wouldn’t let you win, using his much larger stature to propel himself further and faster through the waves. But instead, he lets you win, because he knows just how much you like the competition. By the time you reach the shore, you collect your clothes, but know it’s no use putting them back on when you have to report for duty at 0800 tomorrow morning. 
You stop by his car before heading back to the barracks, considering you both will be returning in questionable enough states as is. Bradley gives you the spare UVA pullover he has in his backseat, before slipping on one of his many Hawaiian button ups he had in his trunk. 
“Exactly how many of those do you own?” you question, curiously. 
But he doesn’t answer, instead distracted by the way you look in his pullover. He swallows, his Adam’s apple bobbing up and down, and he thinks he may come from just the sight of you in his clothes. Instead of answering, he takes your hand in his and walks you back to the barracks, unable to let go of your hand now that he knows what your lips feel like against his. 
About to part ways, you let go of his hand, even though you’d much rather follow him back to his room. He kisses you once, before turning to go, his room all the way down the hall from yours. 
“Hey, Bradshaw?” you call after him, stopping him after a few steps. 
“What’s up?” he asks, turning to face you once more, his eyes lighting up at the sight of you. 
“It’s gonna be worth it,” you state, confidently. 
He knows exactly what you’re talking about as his eyebrows raise and then lower before replying with an:
“Oh yeah?”
“Yeah,” you smirk. “I’m gonna rock your world, Lieutenant.”
His breath hitches in his throat. He’s so gonna have to get off by himself tonight. 
“Is that a promise?” he asks, unsure how his voice isn’t shaking yet. 
As much as he’d like to throw you over his shoulder and continue when you left off back at the beach, Rooster charges towards you, planting one last heated kiss on your lips till the end of this mission. The way he kisses you leaves you speechless, and you swear you look like the heart eye emoji symbol by the time he stops kissing you. 
“Thought I’d give you something to look forward to,” he whispers against your lips, because two can play at this game. 
And for a moment, you forget to breathe. 
He leaves one last kiss on your forehead, his lips soft against your skin, before properly pulling away. 
“Goodnight, Whiskey.”
Nat’s fallen asleep. 
As she begins to come to, stirring in her hospital bed, she hears the steady beeps of her and Bob’s heart rate monitors, and a scuffle of feet passing by in the hallway. She figures she must’ve dozed off because there’s no way that it’s morning already. Phoenix begins to blink her eyes open slowly, and the first face she sees is the last person she’s expecting to. 
“Bagman?” she groans, her voice raspy with sleep.
The blonde startles, her voice waking him from his slumber – or at least what little, restless sleep he’s managed to stumble into. 
“Phoenix,” he grumbles, peeking one eye open to look at her. 
“What’re you still doing here?” she asks, confused as she sits up taller. She feels around for her phone that’s been thrown somewhere on her bed. 
“Guess I fell asleep,” Hangman answers, with a shrug. He settles back into his chair, signaling to her that he’s not going anywhere any time soon. 
23:37 pm. 
“It’s late,” she states.
“No shit,” he’s quick to reply. 
Natasha rests her back against her pillow, closing her eyes again. She figures he’ll leave – realize that it’s almost midnight – that they’ve still got practice maneuvers to fly in the morning. As she waits to hear the shuffle of Jake collecting his things so that he can leave, she’s surprised when she’s not met with her expected response. 
She opens her eyes once more, checking to see if Bob is still asleep before asking:
“You good, Seresin?” she asks, her voice coming out strained. 
“Yeah, I'm always good, Phoenix,” he answers, leaning back in his chair, arms crossed his chest. “You worried about me?”
She wants to make a snarky comment, but something stops her. For once, Hangman looks tired, the crinkles at the corner of his eyes are more pronounced, and he looks like he hasn’t slept in days. 
“No, I just-,” she begins, her eyes traveling to the hospital room door that’s been closed. “Where’s everyone else?”
“Back on base. I let Coyote take the rest of ‘em home in my truck,” he answers, as if it’s no big deal at all. “Texted Whiskey an hour ago to see if she could come pick me up but she hasn’t answered. You wouldn’t have anything to do with that, would you?”
Jake had overheard parts of Phoenix’s conversation with Whiskey a few hours ago, but he wasn’t going to let either of them know what he knew just yet.  
She smirks, shaking her head as a dismissal of his question. 
“You could take a car home,” she points out, redirecting the conversation back to Jake’s presence. 
“Yeah, I could,” Jake replies, casually. “You that quick to get rid of me?”
Phoenix doesn’t answer, and he’s not expecting her to. And instead of getting up to leave, ordering a car and heading back to the barracks, he shifts in his chair, in an effort to get comfortable.
The way he avoids her questions, her attempts to send him home, make Natasha believe that Jake Seresin has no intention of leaving, which only confuses her more. Underneath his arrogant demeanor, and all of the back and forth between the two of them, did Jake Seresin have a genuine bone in his body after all? Could there be something… real… here? Could something else be hiding underneath all of the back and forth, the competitive nature of their relationship, the way they act like they can’t stand each other? Normally, she wouldn’t think twice about it, but between the accident and the fact that Jake won’t seem to leave her bedside, she can’t help but wonder. 
Jake observes her, searching for any kind of reaction on her face. Even though he hasn’t explicitly said that he’d like to stay with her for the rest of the night, that’s his plan. It’s why he gave Coyote the keys to his truck to take everyone else home. And why he’d lied about texting Whiskey an hour ago. He’s not sure he can be any more clear without explicitly stating it, which is not going to happen any time soon. 
As he searches her face, he’s almost annoyed with how good she still looks. Who looks good in a hospital gown after ejecting out of an on-fire super hornet? Natasha Trace. That’s who. But with her hair down, and the way it falls around her shoulders, he finds himself hypnotized by the woman that he pretends gets under his skin. 
The quiet between them is filled with tension. It’s just him and her. Jake double checks that Bob’s still asleep as he works up the nerve to say something real for once. 
“Gave me a real scare for a minute there, Trace,” he admits, breaking the silence between them. 
She shakes her head, a smirk on her face because she’s not sure whether or not he means it. 
“I didn’t know you could care about anyone but yourself,” she counters, testing him.
He scowls at her comment, crossing his arms over his chest again. 
“I don’t,” he says, as if it’s a challenge. 
“Whatever you say, Bagman.”
Jake returns his focus on his phone, sending a quick text to Whiskey that he won’t be back tonight and that she shouldn’t worry if she finds his room empty. He’s just trying his best to make it look like he’s busy with something else. Like he doesn’t care. Like none of this is a big deal. 
But it is. 
And he knows it. 
He just doesn’t know how to tell her the truth. 
With the words practically on the tip of his tongue, he swallows them instead of saying:
I care about you more than you know.
read: chapter four
a/n: i told @not-two-shrimp that hangman and phoenix are too both two people who have too much pride to tell each other how they really feel and that's that on that. JUICY hangman x phoenix chapter coming NEXT!!!
taglist: @not-two-shrimp @wishfulwithwine @hangmanscoming @thefourrealms @hlkwrites
209 notes · View notes
vivalas-vega · 1 year
easier / jake ‘hangman’ seresin x reader
this idea came to me very suddenly last night and I just knew I had to write it!!! pls lmk what you think - also lmk if you want a part two, i might have some more ideas for this one 
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easier / jake ‘hangman’ seresin x reader 
add yourself to my taglist
word count: 4k
warnings: language, mentions of death, definite flying inaccuracies
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The ride home on the carrier passed by in a blur, a mix of voices and sounds that didn’t quite reach your ears as you responded on autopilot. Your body taking over and saying what you thought people wanted to hear as your mind was somewhere else entirely, still replaying the mission over and over, focusing in on every little detail you were certain you weren’t ever going to forget. It was all the same, excited congratulations on a job well done, comments on the skills you’d exhibited, and praise for your first mission as a team leader going successfully. You were acutely aware of the fact that you needed to hold yourself together, getting picked as team leader was an incredible feat and you weren’t about to let anyone think you weren’t cut out for leadership long term by breaking down now, but that didn’t mean your mind was present. You weren’t even aware you’d docked back in San Diego until Bob was softly tugging on your arm and letting you know it was time to go, weren’t even sure how you’d gotten home until the sound of Rooster’s keys hitting the entryway table in your shared home somehow jolted you back into your body and you dropped your bag as you looked around. Home. You felt like sinking to your knees, kissing that damn creaky floor and never stepping foot outside again. 
“You haven’t said a word since we docked,” he commented, trying not to prod.
“Yeah, uh- tired. We prepped so hard for this mission and then uh… guess it’s finally catching up,” you muttered, slipping your boots off and pulling the pins from your hair. “Mind if I grab the first shower?” you asked and he just shook his head, watching you carefully as you made your way down the hall. The second the warm water hit your skin you gasped, suddenly feeling the weight crash against you and you braced yourself against the tile as you felt each emotion you’d been so carefully repressing for the past twenty-four hours. Shock, anger, shame, fear… they all cascaded over you and you almost willed them to mix with the water and wash down the drain but things don’t work that way. You forced yourself to go through your routine, trying to block out the sounds of bullets hitting your jet and your teammates panic in your ears. 
“Tally two, three o’clock!” Payback said and you cursed to yourself as things began to fall apart around you.
“Fuck, it’s a dogfight. Keep your eyes up, watch your teammates.” you yelled.
“Smoke in the air!” Rooster shouted in your ear and everything devolved into chaos, everyone trying to keep their line of sight straight as they bobbed and weaved around each other, the SAM’s, and the terrain around them.
“Stay low when you can!” you yelled, deploying flares and bailing Phoenix out seconds before Payback had to do the same for you. Enemy fire was raining over your jet and you couldn’t take much more, “cover me, we need to take them out.”
“I’m on you, Siren, go,” Phoenix affirmed as you veered off course and set your sights directly on one of the bandits, fighting back every survival instinct telling you to bail. “Backup, backup, on my six, we’re pinned.” she shouted and your blood ran cold. 
“Talk to me, what the hell is going on?” You were struggling to get tone on this guy, whizzing through the air as he seemingly played cat and mouse with you.
“Rooster and Payback are getting hammered,” Bob answered.
“Shit, shit, shit.” you muttered to yourself, trying to take a deep breath but it felt like all the oxygen had been sucked out of your lungs.
“Come on, kid, what would I do?” You suddenly heard Maverick in your ear, and somewhere in the back of your mind you wondered if he’d physically subdued Cyclone to get to the mic. “You can do this in your sleep, Siren, you just gotta do it.” you nodded, you knew what to do. Increasing speed you suddenly took a sharp right, disappearing behind a ridge and dropping below the radar.
“Comanche, talk to me.” 
“You’re parallel, they can’t see you.” 
“You know what to do.” Mav said and you swallowed all of your fear, it was now or never. Flipping over the ridge you cut them off, knowing you were putting yourself wide in the open but hoping the element of surprise would give you the two seconds you desperately needed to lock tone, and it did. You watched as your hit ripped through the canopy of their jet, pulling up on your throttle to avoid the inevitable explosion as it crashed into the rocks below and you didn’t even have time to process it as you whipped around. 
“Dagger One, confirmed bandit kill. Dagger Squad, proceed to carrier.” 
“What? Siren-” Rooster began to protest in your ear as you deployed counterstrikes against missiles that were headed directly for him. 
“Go, now. None of you can take anymore fire,” you ordered as you lifted yourself back onto the radar, giving your enemy a clear sight at where you were. You waited until they changed courses, abandoning Phoenix to take on the bigger threat: you. You waited until the last second before taking off in the opposite direction. 
“Is she-” Bob started to ask before you cut him off,
“I mean it, that is an order.” You whizzed through the canyon, taking each turn in stride as you dropped low enough to confuse your opponents radar. You knew this terrain. You studied it, made sure you knew it better than your old childhood neighborhood… you just needed to keep him locked in, distracted enough to lure him right where you wanted him. You lifted up, just briefly to keep him on edge, practically taunting him before dipping back down and hurtling directly towards the rocky hillside. Your calculations told you that you had about ten seconds to bail out before you became one with that hillside and Mavericks words in your ears kept you on track. “Three… two… one.” you whispered before roughly pulling up on the throttle, gasping at the sudden force of the incline, leveling out just as soon as you could to be sure your plan had worked, sighing at the smoking wreckage beneath you. 
You stepped out of the shower with shaky hands as you dried off before making the quick dash towards your bedroom where you changed into your comfiest sweats and sweatshirt, the sound of the tone still ringing in your ears. By the time you reemerged, Rooster was already in the bathroom and you made your way through the silent house to check the fridge, which was a wasted effort on your part as the two of you never kept it stocked, especially not before a deployment. You raked through the take-out menus from the junk drawer, narrowing down to pizza or Chinese and leaving it to Rooster to be the tie-breaker. You cracked open a beer, the one thing that was always stocked, and leaned against the island as you took measured breaths, mind slipping further and further away from the present until Rooster’s tap against the pizza menu startled you back.
“Get extra breadsticks,” he said, grabbing his own beer and you nodded as you grabbed your phone, exchanging pleasantries and your order quickly before setting it back down with a sigh. “You okay?” he asked and you lifted your gaze to meet his with a nod.
“Yeah, just ready for food and my own bed,” you said and it wasn’t entirely a lie. Rooster decided to accept this, for now, knowing it was best not to pry until you had some food in you. 
“Okay, Maddie texted. Said we had some packages delivered, I’m gonna go grab them, probably from your dad.” he said as he slipped his shoes on and you chuckled.
“Mmhm, is that all you’re going to do?” you asked, raising your eyebrows at him and he just stared back.
“She’s our neighbor, Siren.” 
“Our super hot, super single neighbor that you’ve had a crush on since we moved in… but if it’s not about anything else I can go grab them, since they’re probably for me anyways,” you teased as you stood and he all but pushed you back down. 
“My shoes are already on, I’ll be right back.”
“I’m not saving you any breadsticks if you aren’t.” You watched as the door shut behind him and exhaled forcefully, finally alone for probably the first time in weeks and you tried to decide what to do, settling on making your way through the house to take stock of any damage to your houseplants. None seemed too far gone, and you began gathering the ones that needed some extra love by the sink when a knock on your door startled you. Grabbing your wallet you went to meet the delivery driver but were only startled further when you swung open the door.
“Hangman? What are you doing here?” you asked, narrowing your eyes at the pizza boxes in his hand.
“Ran into the driver when I got here,” he said, pushing into your house and you stepped aside confused.
“By all means, come on in,” you sighed, watching as he set them in the kitchen. “What are you doing here?” you asked again.
“Mind if I?” he gestured to the box, grabbing plates down from the cabinet and making himself right at home as he grabbed the red pepper and ranch from their respective spots. 
“Clearly I can’t stop you,” you threw your hands up in exasperation before grabbing your own plate, eyeing him suspiciously and not waiting for him to explain himself. The second the smell hit your nose you realized it had been far too long since you’d eaten anything that didn’t come from a Naval carrier cafeteria, and all of that likely came out of a freezer. You ate in silence, and it wasn’t until you finished your second slice that you were reminded of his presence. “So, is there a reason why you’re here or is it just to steal my food?” 
“Well, I paid the driver so technically it’s you stealing my food,” he replied before taking another bite.
“That you intercepted. Seriously, Hangman, I am not in the mood for whatever is going on,  I just want to be alone and go to sleep, so if this is about the mission or another long-winded rant about me making you Dagger Spare can it please wait?”
“That right there is why I’m here.” 
“What is?”
“Being alone, not sure that’s such a good idea,” he grabbed both of your plates and set them in the sink before fixing you with a look that you couldn’t quite decipher and you felt your patience wearing thin.
“What does that mean?” you sighed. You were currently utilizing all of your energy at putting up a front and you weren’t sure how much you had left, and Hangman was just about the last person you wanted to crack in front of. 
“That mission was kind of a lot, and I know Rooster’s not coming home anytime soon, so…”
“So, you just decided to show up out of the blue? The mission was fine, Hangman, same as it always is,” you replied but it wasn’t convincing and you knew that… you just prayed that Hangman would accept it anyways and leave.
“Except, it wasn’t the same, was it? Some pretty big differences in this one over any of our other ones,” he said, popping the pizza boxes in the fridge and you just stared at him bewildered.
“What is going on right now? Why are you suddenly so interested in my well-being after a mission?” 
“Is it surprising that I consider you a friend, Siren?” he shot back. 
“Actually, yes it is.” He contemplated this for a moment but shrugged it off before walking into your living room and sinking into the couch and you tentatively followed. 
“Regardless, I know that any minute now you’re going to lose the thread that’s keeping you together and I just don’t think you should be alone when that happens.” he said and you just furrowed your brows.
“Again, what does that mean?” 
He sighed, “Siren, you have clearly been stuck in your head since the moment your jet landed on the carrier.”
“Hangman, I’m fine.” You felt it, the first clench of your chest as you lied through your teeth and you took a deep breath to steady your nerves. You hadn’t been able to shake the sound of that god awful tone ringing in your ears, the panic in Bob’s voice as he called out SAM’s in the air, the way Phoenix tried to keep it together to cover you only to be pinned with no way out. The image of a man, too far away and too distorted through the canopy to actually make out, but a man nonetheless before your shot ripped apart his jet and sent him plummeting to the ground. The sound of the explosion beneath you as you fought gravity after your hail mary. It was all there, at the forefront of your mind replaying so loudly and so clearly that if you closed your eyes you could be certain you were still there in the thick of it. And Hangman saw all of this, the internal struggle to keep it all buried. He heard it in the dismissive responses on the carrier, and he felt it in the faraway look in your eyes.
“You’re not fine,” he said softly and you just shook your head, suddenly feeling the oxygen in the room thin out, each breath beginning to feel more and more like a chore.
“I- I am fine, you don’t need to be here.” you whispered and he moved closer on the couch, carefully watching as your chest began to heave and your eyes fluttered shut. Flashes of SAM’s exploding in the air, white smoke, and that barely-there figure clouding your mind and that small crack gave way under the unbearable weight, allowing room for everything you’d been trying to keep at arm’s length. White hot tears fell down your cheeks but you hadn’t even noticed over the sights and sounds so sharp in your mind, not until you felt your hand being raised and pressed against something warm and firm.
“Open your eyes, Siren.” You heard it but it didn’t quite register, not until you felt another hand on your cheek wiping your tears, “open your eyes.” He repeated and this time you heard it, slowly allowing them to open as you hiccupped and noticed his other hand was pressing yours to his chest. He pulled away from your face, grabbing your free hand to press to your own chest and took a deep breath, nodding for you to do the same. The rise and fall of your chest was rapid and erratic in contrast to his, so measured and calm and you felt like you were fighting your lungs trying to get them to fall into the rhythm he’d set but eventually they relented and you began to feel calmer as the tears continued to stream silently down your face. He let your hands fall but kept one firmly wrapped in his grasp, offering you a physical tether, a reminder that you were here. “Do you want to try telling me what’s going on in your head?” he asked gently.
“I-” you started but shook your head, clearing your throat and trying to regain some composure. “It all happened so fast. We completed the mission and should have been home free, then the bandits came out of nowhere… I don’t- I don’t know what we missed, what we did wrong… we were below the radars level of detection. We let our guards down and then they were on us and we had to fly where we could trigger the SAM’s and it was just chaos I-I mean it was hard to tell up from down at one point,” you felt the emotion begin to build back up and Hangman just sat silently, rubbing the back of your hand with his thumb and giving you space to continue. “I was waiting for a command, waiting for someone to tell me what to do and I realized it was my call. Everyone was shouting, calling out their moves, trying to figure out what was going on… it was my responsibility to make sure everyone made it back. I knew what I had to do, hearing Maverick just confirmed it and I… I just went for it, followed the instinct and before I could even register what I’d done I had to get the other one off Phoenix… I had to get them home but I-” you choked on your words, “two people, Hangman, I-” you couldn’t finish around the sob that left your lips and he nodded knowingly before pulling your legs across his lap wrapping you in a hug. His arms held your shaking frame close to his as you sobbed, tears soaking through his shirt as he just rubbed your back and told you that you were okay. You weren’t sure how long you stayed like this, but when your cries quieted and your breathing evened out he pulled back just enough to cradle your head in his palms.
“I need you to hear me when I say this, Siren. What you did was brave, and you did exactly what you had to do. It was them or you, or Rooster, or Phoenix and Bob, or Payback and Fanboy. It was them or your team, and you did what any leader would have done. If you hadn’t someone wouldn’t have come home, and it was your skill and quick decisions that ensured everyone did. It’s because of you Rooster is with that hot neighbor right now, because of you Bob is on the phone with his Ma, Payback is with his kids, Phoenix is with her girlfriend, Fanboy is… I don’t know what Fanboy’s doing but the point is you pulled through, you protected your team.” 
“But, those people, I… I mean, fuck they’re just doing the same thing we were, right? For their own country? What about… their kids, their family-” another wave of tears pulled you under and he shook his head, forcing you to keep eye contact.
“They were doing the same thing we were. They knew what they were doing, knew the risks, same as we do. You did what you had to do to survive. You didn’t do anything wrong.”
“Then why does it feel like this?” you asked and Jake just smiled softly.
“Well sweetheart, if it didn’t feel wrong then we’d have a whole different set of issues right now,” he said and it managed to coax a laugh from you. Small and fleeting, but it was there. “It’s not supposed to be easy, and no one tells you about this part, mainly because so few people in our position have actually experienced it. They only focus on the victory and the glory, breeze right on over this part… and this part is shitty, I’m not here to tell you it’s anything but. I just need you to know you did what you had to.” 
“But you have… experienced it,” you stated and he nodded.
“Ever notice how I’m never the one to bring it up? It’s a lot easier to boast and move past it than to get into the nitty gritty of just how much it sucks. And believe me, it does.” 
“How did you- how do you move on from this?” you asked softly and he dropped his hands to rest on your thighs. 
“You just do, you keep telling yourself you did what you had to and eventually it gets a little easier. I’m not gonna sugarcoat it though, this will always be with you, it just gets a little easier to bear with time. And you have me, everyone’s going to want you to try and talk to them about it eventually and you should talk about it, but if you ever need someone that gets it… I’m here.” 
You nodded, “thank you.”
“Everyone always talks about what an accomplishment it is to have a confirmed air-to-air kill, they never talk about the burden that comes along with it. What people don’t know is that it looks good on the resume but it’s not a club you want to join, and I’m so sorry you did.” He squeezed your leg reassuringly, “but you’re strong, and you’re good… like, better than me, though I’ll deny it if you ever repeat it, you’re going to get through this, I know you are.”
You smiled softly, “I’m telling Phoenix you said that.” He squeezed your leg a little harder, intentionally hitting a pressure point causing you to squeal and giggle.
“I can’t believe you would do that, after all of that,” he said and his shocked expression only spurred your giggles further.
“I would never, I’ll take that high praise to the grave,” you promised, crossing your heart. 
“What is going on here?” Rooster asked tentatively from the doorway, taking in your position half draped over Hangman and you just narrowed your eyes at him, grabbing Hangman’s wrist to check his watch.
“An hour and a half to get some packages from next door and yet… I see no packages, do you, Hangman?” you asked, looking at him puzzled and he just smirked.
“I reckon there was a different package delivery that took place, wouldn’t you agree?”
“It seems so, Rooster, what do you have to say to that?” He just looked between the two of you, halfway between caught and confused before shaking his head.
“Whatever is going on here I don’t like it, and you better have saved me some breadsticks.” he muttered, walking into the kitchen. 
Hangman turned his attention back to you, his gaze softening, “you should get some rest, I know you didn’t sleep at all last night on the carrier.”
You nodded, “I know I just… every time I close my eyes-” you started but shook your head, not wanting to get worked up again. 
“I can stay, if you want me to,” he offered and your eyes widened though he mistook it for offense, “not that I- I mean-”
“Would you?” you cut him off and he nodded, and when you disappeared into the bathroom to get ready for bed you couldn’t help but chuckle as you heard him talking with Rooster in the kitchen.
“Spending the night?” You heard Rooster ask suspiciously, “should I make up the couch?”
“No, uh- gonna be in Siren’s room.” he replied.
“Seems a little… precarious, don’t you think? What are your intentions here?” 
“Listen you big dumb flightless bird, I’ve been where she’s at. Things are going to get really intense before they get better and I just… I don’t know, I don’t want her going through that alone. My intentions are to just be there for her.” You smiled to yourself, heart warming at the notion of Hangman, someone you’d once believed to be a bit of a pompous ass, being so selfless and helpful. 
When he entered your room you’d already climbed into bed, limbs aching and heavy and he noticed the change of clothes you’d set on the end of your bed. “I don’t know what you like to sleep in, I stole those from Rooster so you have options.” He smiled softly before leaving, quickly returning in a tee shirt and gym shorts before sliding in next to you and you almost sighed in relief at the prospect of finally getting some sleep.
“Get some rest, honey. I’m here and you’re safe,” he said as you laid your head down, “just close your eyes.” And when you did the images were there, the sounds and smells but so was Hangman… just as he’d promised he was there to anchor you to the Earth and keep the nightmares at bay the best he could and in that moment you knew. Things weren’t going to be easy again, not for a long time, but he would be there every step of the way and that alone made it just a little easier to bear.
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