#team frightfur watches zexal
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team-frightfur · 1 year ago
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This is the Yugioh equivalent of cosmic horror. Turnless, phaseless Yugioh. The best part is that no one ever normal summons more than 1 monster at a time, implying that you still only get one normal summon per... per... oh god. Per what...
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team-frightfur · 1 year ago
I wish I'd watched Zexal before starting DMTG bc Heartland is truly insane. Utterly mad. Incomprehensible. There's no safety precautions on anything.
All their trains are caterpillars that crawl through the air. If power goes down in summer, everyone inside dies from heatstroke.
Yuma nearly dies during his duel with III because he nearly walks off the unrailed edge of a highway. Said highway is not only over the sea, but ends suddenly and is also a motherfucking spiral.
Their duelling rollercoasters have safety bars but the safety bars don't move. They're just there for aesthetic. Instead, your only support is a flimsy seatbelt that some people choose not to wear. Five stands on top of his duel coaster to flip a 4k burn trap. The Duel Coaster rail occasionally turns horizontal.
I fully believe that Heartland only has such advanced technology because they fired their OSHA staff and replaced them with RnD. I also choose to believe that Arc V Heartland is exactly like this and that is why Kurosaki has no fear when riding unsecured atop his Raidraptors.
Shun: This is actually safer than driving.
Ruri: Balance is a critical Heartlander skill.
Yuto: If you can't balance you die at the age of 5, which is when you start taking the duel coaster to school. It's natural selection.
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team-frightfur · 1 year ago
House caught on fire but MORE IMPORTANTLY we finished Yugioh Zexal.
My main takeaway is that Zexal's strongest plotline is Yuma and Astral's developing relationship (I think they're gay but it works even if platonic). As a result, Astral's arc is pretty strong! Yuma, however, doesn't benefit from this relationship plotline at all. True, his skill as a duellist increases but, in terms of personality, principles, motivations, flaws, etc, his character arc is a straight fuckin line.
Like, they literally just went "Let's do Yusei again but, this time, we'll give him a bunch of cosmetic character flaws to trick viewers into thinking he's interesting and multifaceted."
And then reddit's mind exploded.
Other strong plotlines include The Tron Family plotline in Zexal I and Shark's arc in Zexal II, but both of them are just barely too short to really beat Yuma and Astral's relationship arc.
My greatest gripe is. It's the sexism. I'm sorry. It's just. Really egregious. I thought Arc V's sexism was bad. Zexal makes Arc V look feminist.
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team-frightfur · 1 year ago
Girag's design may be uncomfy racist trash but man is he kind of adorable.
I love the barely concealed implication that all the monster of the week bullshit is just a side gig to him as he tries out all the clubs in Yuma's school. Like he hit the open day and took every pamphlet with the giddy glee of a wealthy tourist in a local festival.
I fully believe that the reason he found the Numbers club in that one sports duel comedy ep (where Kotori gets brainwashed. For the THIRD TIME) was because they officiated it as a club and his club sensor Pinged.
I can also see how Alito is. Very gay. Still think Yudias is gayer tho.
Anyway, as funny and charming as it is, I am kinda disappointed in Zexal right now. Everyone on reddit screams that this is the best arc in all of Yugioh. "Zexal gets better after 70 episodes!" they say. Welp, I'm 12 episodes in and it's literally JUST monster of the week shenanigans. I think the plot drops soon because Mizael showed up, though. But also like, this is a big letdown.
They can't impress me with "The Galaxy Eyes Dragons are resonating and calling to each other!" Because I have seen it done BETTER!
Mizael showed up, like, yesterday. But they're tryna fabricate an entire rivalry btwn Kaito and Mizael on Zero Buildup because "Only one Galaxy Eyes User can exist". Like Kaito was Kaiba this whole time.
Kaito is not Kaiba. he has themes. He's a family man. He loves his bro. He feels guilty about his misdeeds but covers his guilt up in a sadistic face.
Mizael interacts with None of these themes. they're only linked because of resonating dragons.
How hard would it be to make Mizael buy the last caramel slice from the store and make Haruto cry. I'd buy them fighting over that.
Like, like let's talk Arc V, ok. In Arc V
Yugo doesn't hate Yuri because they both have Adjective Body Part Summoning Style Dragons, he hates Yuri because Yuri kidnapped Rin. Yuto hates him because he's Fusion. Yuya hates him because of the dad-killing and yandere stalking.
Yuto and Yuya resonate in the mid 30s episode wise. This is early enough to be valid.
Yuto is introduced in ep 7. Yuzu links him to Yuya immediately. There is a built-up connection between them (due to same face syndrome).
But the resonation in ep 30 isn't even the best analogue for Mizael vs Kaito. That would be episode 92. The one where they get all 4 dragons in the same subway station and start chanting Zarcisms.
I want you to imagine episode 92, but without Yuya, Yuto, Yugo or Yuri having ever met. I want you to imagine episode 92, but in an alternative universe where Yuto, Yuri, and Yugo were introduced THAT episode.
That is Mizael vs Kaito round 1 to me.
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team-frightfur · 1 year ago
The more I watch Zexal, the more I begin to slowly, unironically believe that A5 may actually be the second best Gallop Yugioh series.
Now, I say this and you think "HUH!? But Xyz Arc!!!! Most of Fusion!!! Synchro's Length!!! The poor Time Management!!!! The poor use of the Side Cast!!! How can you defend that!?!?!?!?"
I'm not defending it. That's all true. Thing is, Zexal, GX, and 5ds all use their casts just as poorly, have just as much filler, manage their time with just as much incompetence, and have just as much nonsense going on.
Remember when GX just killed off half its sidecast for a season? Remember how Aki was relegated to benchwarmer and Ruka and Leo got sub 10 duels over 142 episodes? Remember how Zexal brainwashed and hostaged the numbers club 5 separate times?
Remember the 30-episode gap between 5ds Dark Signers finale and the WRGP where nothing of value happens? Remember, like, the entirety of Zexal I, the temple run arc of Zexal II, and the fuckin Mr Heartland and his miniboss-trio-mini-arc created purely to clumsily jam the Tron bros back into the script? Remember GX season 1 and 2?
You know what A5 has that all those series don't have? A single continuous narrative that doesn't awkwardly jump between seventeen tenuously connected arcs. A final boss that is foreshadowed in Episode 1. An established, if lame as fuck, main villain. An emphasis on card games that doesn't occasionally leap into people fighting monsters with swords. A consistent, if shitty as fuck, set of themes.
I, myself, cannot believe I'm saying this, but I think A5 is genuinely, like, one of the good eggs.
What is this franchise...
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team-frightfur · 1 year ago
Imo, Shark vs IV round 1 (where Tron eggs IV on into throwing so he can brainwash Shark) is the peak of Zexal. Great duel, great animation, great characters, great buildup. It also establishes IV as a wet, beat-up, yet rabid and feral kitten. Just the sight of their raggedy fur and watery eyes makes you want to reach out and pet them but, the instant you get close enough, they latch onto your fingers with their teeth and try to kill you.
Shark vs IV round 2, otoh, is pretty bad. It's good in theory, but lacking in execution. Basically, Shark is having an identity crisis over being Nasch vs being Shark, so IV duels him to try and 'bring him back'.
This is actually really good because it makes the duel a redemptive foil to R1. IV was abused but, as Tron's son, was simultaneously deeply dedicated to his abuser. As a result, he was forced to bend himself painfully out of shape to (try and) please Tron. In reality, though, his efforts to please Tron were bad for everyone involved. III, IV, V, and Tron ALL suffered for not standing up to their abuser.
Shark isn't abused, but he IS loyal to his past life's soldiers, kingdom, and the Barian world. OTOH, he also clearly hates the thought of hurting his friends, including IV. As a result, he, too, is bending himself out of shape (and into Nasch). Thus, IV trying to 'bend him back' is his way of thanking Shark.
I love this! In theory! Just a few issues.
First off, IV keeps on talking about friendship. He and Shark are, like, barely friends. They've duelled together Once.
Secondly, it seems like IV lost all his personality traits along with his villainy. This is fair IF you consider his sadism as a coping mechanism (he was lashing out from his father's abuse and trying to feel powerful/in control/ worthwhile) since it would frame his new niceness as healing. Thing is, even if that WAS the case, having IV recover offscreen is extremely underwhelming. Have that shit happen onscreen! Show him struggling with his sadism! Don't Yuri him!
Thirdly, having IV die after failing to reach Shark comes off as more meanspirited than tragic because it wastes IV as a character. This guy had the best duel in all of Zexal, dropped off the face of the earth for 50 eps, came back for (1) tag duel against a Jellyfish Man, and then got killed by Shark. III and V don't even grieve him too heavily, they just pretend to mourn so they can give Yuma a pep talk!
Anyway, Here's Stuff We Needed in Zexal: I Can't Believe They Did IV Like That Edition
1. Shark having his own weird barian flashback dreams of his past as early as Zexal I. This not only matches Rio and foreshadows his past life as Nasch, but also allows the writers to develop his relationship with Dumon, his men, and his kingdom.
2. Rio should have been conscious during her first coma (the one IV caused), causing her to develop an emotional dependence on Shark. Since their parents are dead, Shark is her lifeline. Once he gives up on her, she's finished. This explains why she switches to being Merag so easily. For years, 'I go where Shark goes' has been her reality and she needs to unlearn that.
(I know that Rio is implied to switch to being Merag first but, in canon, she has, like, no reason to do that. Which is weak.)
(If you want to make things even rougher, make Shark's chronic class skipping a result of his trying to support Rio. This makes her feel guilty for 'ruining his high school life', further encouraging her to sacrifice her own 'life' as Rio for him.
3. A joke episode after Rio's second coma (from being possessed by Abyss) where IV turns out to be visiting Rio in secret (but only when Shark isn't around). Shark finds out about this 'mystery visitor' and stakes out Rio's room for three whole days. When the inevitable confrontation happens, IV swears to Shark that he'll protect Rio alongside him, causing the boys to form a Rio Protection Squad. This not only leads nicely into their duel with Jellyfish Man, but also provides an opportunity to develop IV, III and V in a 'normal' setting.
Example: Shark gets into a motorbike accident on the way to the hospital. While Shark is fine, his locket breaks in the crash. IV finds it and has it fixed, returning it to Shark shortly afterwards. Then, to pay IV back since "I hate owing favours" Shark offers to spot IV for something.
(Bonus: this makes Shark's act of throwing away his pendant even stronger as, rather than throwing away his past with his parents (who are dead) he's throwing away his past with a living friend.)
IV proceeds to stare blankly. Years of Middle Child Syndrome, Deranged Revenge Schemes, and Severe Parental Abuse have made a 'normal life' feel foreign to him. As a result, he has no hobbies or preferences (aside from the...sadomasochism).
Cue an annoyed, tired, and weary Shark watching IV wander around an amusement park. Somehow, they end up duelling a clown.
Unbeknownst to them, III and V are both stalking the pair . III is happy to see that IV and Shark made up, while V recognises that, in failing to stand up to Tron, he failed III and IV as a brother (and Tron as a son). You know, the big theme of his duel with Kaito in Zexal I (Where Kaito is like 'It's because I still love my Dad that I have to punch him out of all this villain bullshit' and V is like 'you have such wisdom. I wish it wasn't too late to sock my dad...').
Ultimately, IV reveals that he hates amusement parks, causing Shark to push him into oncoming traffic. As a fight breaks out, III admits to V that he wanted to try out the rides with IV. V smiles and says he'll take them both sometime.
The implication is that IV liked the park but wanted something to hold over Shark, nodding to his social awkwardness, communication issues, and lingering sadistic tendencies.
4. A scene where, after IV dies, we see III and V genuinely grieve.
Example: Recall that III and V spent ages separated from V. Recall that, once V and Tron got them back, they were stuck in an abusive situation. Recall that they only escaped that situation like, 3 months ago. One way to communicate the tragedy of this is to have them flashback to happy moments, but all those happy moments are either from when III and IV are VERY young + the last three months. This visually hammers in the tragedy of the situation. V, in his eyes, wasted his time with IV. III, in his eyes, will never get to have a future with IV. IV, in trying to save Shark from going through the same pain as he went through (being bent out of shape) sacrificed the future with his brothers he was fighting for.
As for time, idk. Just. Cut the Tomato guy or someshit. There's so much useless filler in Zexal. if Zexal had HALF the planning power of Arc V they could EASILY have built up this plot.
Sorry, I just. Needed to rant. IV is my favourite character but he got done SO dirty.
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team-frightfur · 1 year ago
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Unironically the most deranged thing I've seen in my ygo experience
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team-frightfur · 1 year ago
Got to Vector vs Nasch in Zexal today. Vector is GREAT. He's really Yuri but better. Pity the show around him… exists.
To be frank, I think redditors just see characters die in droves and think "Wow! what a dark and mature story!"
They see sympathetic villains and say "wow, what a morally complex story!"
In reality, the show is mainly killing characters for shock value and none of the relationships are built up. You can't even describe Durbe, Rio, and Mizael without referring to another character! (Ryoga/Kaito) That's how little they work as an individual! Tell me, does Durbe know what Shark's least favourite foods are? What is Durbe's card waifu? Why did Rio join the barian world? Unanswerable, basic questions!
Admittedly, though, Alito and Girag's deaths were pretty good. Not only are they clearly, genuinely friends, but they both have endearing qualities and a lot of humanisation. Alito is an honourable bi-disaster who falls for everyone he meets. Girag is a club-obsessed mahou shoujo fanboy with questionable morals and zany ideas.
In turn, Kaito's death is very impacting because, despite how little he gets in Zexal II, he had Zexal I to be built up. Haruto watches his brother die mere months after their family is fixed. Kaito sacrifices himself in an undeniable show of friendship, revealing the dere beneath the tsun. Good shit.
Durbe and Rio, though? They exist just to die and make Shark angry. It's just fridging (gender equal fridging, mind you).
Secondly, its not complex morality if literally everything ever is Don Thousand's fault. Having sympathetic villains makes a tragedy! Not complex morality! Complex morality would be if:
Don Thousand witnessed the Astral World violently raze the Barian World and grey terrified of their military might. Thus, he DID brainwash the emperors, but refused to consume them. Instead, he was simply keeping military resources (the emperors and their mythic numbers) out of Astral hands.
The seven Barian Emperors weren't brainwashed and the most tragic version of their memories is what is true. (Ie. Alito WAS betrayed, etc). This forces the story to contend with the tragedy and give them a REASON to forgive rather than "I guess it was all Don Thousand's fault!"
The worlds are under existential threat. For example, when the Astral World separated, it not only created the Barian World, but the Human World as well. Because of this, the worlds are slowly fading from existence and crumbling apart. The only way to save the worlds are to unite them again. Unfortunately, uniting the worlds will incur damages.
Imagine it as literal burn. All the worlds have 5000 LP, uniting the worlds incurs 1000 burn on each world, but conquering a world incurs 0 burn for the victor and 1500 burn for both losers. If two worlds team up, they can divert their 1000 burn onto the loser.
Unification: AW: 4000 LP
BW: 4000 LP
HW: 4000 LP
B conquers all:
BW: 5000LP
AW: 3000LP
HW: 3000LP
B and H conquer A:
BW: 5000 LP
HW: 5000LP
AW: 2000 LP
Relevant questions:
Is it better for everyone to suffer equally? Together, can we bear the pain?
Does the Astral World's precipitating this disaster justify diverting the burn onto them?
If the Barian World and the Human World join forces to conquer the Astral World, thereby sacrificing them to save themselves, does that make those who support a unification 'traitors'? Are they responsible for what happens to other humans and barians?
Wow! Look at that! It's a trolley problem! The most basic moral dilemma in academic ethics!
Instead, the answer is always :Just kill Don Thousand lol.
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team-frightfur · 1 year ago
Konami Hire us.
Me: Mizael's existence + his 12-episode absence definitely proves that the writers had NO plans for Kaito. IRLFriend: What can you even do with Kaito? Zexal is in its comedy phase. You can't make Kaito funny! Me: What do you MEAN!? You could make Kaito funny easily! Me: He's a platonic 17 yr old brocon with only middle schoolers for friends! He's automatically funny! Me: I can see it already. Yuma walks into school. The teacher says "I'd like to introduce a new transfer student". In walks Kaito. He's wearing the school uniform. IRLFriend: Didn't he graduate? Me: He was homeschooled it doesn't count. Anyway, if he's really too old he can transfer into Shark's class the one day Shark is attending instead of doing Uber Eats deliveries. They hate each other. IrlFriend: He should be a teacher. Me: He's unqualified. IrlFriend: No he needs to be in a stupid adult job at school. Me: Janitor. He makes Orbital 7 do all the work. Me: Wait, no, holy shit. He can be the Numbers Club's CLUB ADVISOR. IrlFriend: He takes it way too seriously. Me: He gets them a fancy room and brings in all the fucked-up tech his dad invents. Most technologically advanced club in the school. Me: Girag visits. IrlFriend: He brings Haruto to hang out. It becomes a Haruto club. Me: When they're choosing the mascot he suggests Haruto and duels solo vs everyone else's pairs. Me: He wears the pink shirt and white pants. Me: See? Easy.
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team-frightfur · 1 year ago
Kaito: I don't need friends or lovers as long as I have Haruto.
Kaito: I'll play with him every day and every night. I'll teach him how to read, how to cook, how to do laundry.
Kaito: I'll set him up with a girl so that he can have kids and I can be a cool uncle.
Kaito: I'm older so I'll die first and won't have to live a day without him.
Kaito: If he dies first I'll commit a brother's suicide and join him in death. Unless he has a kid in which case I'll have a reason to live.
Kaito: this is all entirely platonic /genuine.
Kaito: Now we're gonna platonically get married in a platonic version of that time Yuma and Astral literally gayed themselves into an Xyz summon.
*For the record, the /g is me. I really do think it's wholly platonic and I love that. Love the way YGO consistently desexualises archetypes that are normally so sexualised the sexuality is treated as inextricable. I want more platonic yanderes and sibcons.
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team-frightfur · 1 year ago
Sudden avalanche of sexism in episode 19. I think Kazuma is my least fav Yudad. Move over Yusho! You’re SOmEHOW better.
Episode 24 now. Just saw Yuma kick out a mech.
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Friend, watching ZeXal appear: I hate this. I’m erasing this from my mind.
Me: are you homophobic.
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team-frightfur · 1 year ago
Revelations from Zexal blind watch.
Ep 7 and 8: How did Fuya not get submitted to Gayest Yugioh character poll? This kid is a textbook small gay.
I like when Astral reveals he's just a little stupid. I love how he cannot tell apart fiction and reality. I love how Yuma is too stupid to explain the difference. "It's just TV!" Astral: I see, so TV records the history of a different dimension! We must investigate further!
I hope this trend continues. Seeing him find his legs/compassion and empathy is delightful. Maybe he can find his toes, too.
Omg! Yuma set a card on his first turn without being asked! He's learning! Sadly, it seems to have come at the cost of his jumping ability. Episode 1 Yuma could easily chase Fuya.
Edit: spoke too soon. For someone who refuses to think of the future or the past, Yuma sure runs a lot of traps.
So like, in episode 7, Yuma says 'Haction' and the subs translate that a to 'Live Action'. Honestly shocked and appalled that he was actually just mispronouncing 'Fiction'. I love this stupid dog.
Shark wins the prize for Worst Duel Runner.
Ep 9: This is the kind of episode where you watch as a kid and like, its funny, but as an adult its just terrifying. Like has this catgirl been stripping Yuma naked at night? 5 times a week? I'm scared. Please lock your windows.
I love how Astral is completely oblivious. "I thought stalkers coming into your room was normal." Today on 'Astral Learns Common Sense': the right to privacy!
Omg I'm so proud of Yuma, if he tries he can do it. He can strategise! He can win! he doesn't even need Astral... sometimes! Go go go!
The implication that Astral understands romance more than Yuma. The implication he's been watching romance shows on TV.
Ep 10
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Shark: So like, I'll duel you, but I gotta head home and grab my deck first. Don't move ok. I gotta walk to the gang hole, grab my duel runner, drive home, grab my deck, drive back. Won't take a moment.
Omg my boy has been improving for real! Yuma set a card all on his own! Too bad Shark runs fucking MST! Actual pro. Whats next? Book of Moon? Crackdown? Compulsory Evacuation Device?
Me: Astral is salting Yuma for not reading graveyards as if anyone reads graveyards.
My Irl Friend: I read graveyards.
Me: Don't talk to me.
Shark deserved that win. He deserved that win so much I'm so proud of him! He spent the last three weeks imagining their next duel, how he'd win, all Yuma's weaknesses. Excellent.
Ep 11 and 12: What genre does shark think he's in. Gangster flick?
Tetsuo is so mad at Yuma for using Numbers but like, what else is he supposed to use? Gagaga beatdown?
Also, everyone keeps saying Yuma's playing this tag duel suboptimally, but without seeing his hand how are we supposed to know? Did he specifically summon Utopia before using S/T removal? Did he have S/T removal? No? then it's not a 'Reckless' summon, Astral! It's 'getting two future Xyz mats off my field and replacing them with a substantial protective body!'
Glad to see Yuma's genuine improvement, though. Admittedly, the end of the duel involving 6 different backrow made me want to just. Drop in. Summon Sat Cannon. Watch the chaos.
Ep 13 and 14: Kaito walking in here freezing time and unleashing a magical girl tranformation. Walked out of a different show. Good for him. Powerful. I like how deranged he is here. Already better.
For a guy who supposedly doesnt like eating souls, you sure did make "Imma eat your soul" a catchphrase, Kaito. You sure smile alot while killing people, Kaito. Holy shit tho, he runs 3 of his monsters. C o n s i s t e n c y.
Kaito truly is a magical girl, specifically, he's a dark magical girl in the vein of Fate Testarossa. Your days are numbered, Kaito. Friendship is coming.
Yuma you were doing so well. Why did you not set that card befoooooore.
Episode 15 and 16: Does this imply that Zexal is the timeline of Gx and Dm but 5ds was deleted from the universe along with synchro summoning? Anyway I literally lined my comm while my friend watched because I lost interest instantly.
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team-frightfur · 1 year ago
Kazunori Takahashi had a fucking VISION for episode 26.
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team-frightfur · 1 year ago
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The thrilling sequel.
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Unironically the most deranged thing I've seen in my ygo experience
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