#team fortres 2 sniper
scarletv0id · 21 days
No matter the base, Medic always has a tendency to over work himself. With enough persuasion and sleep deprivation, however, he is likely to be dragged to bed by Sniper. Though, he is surprised by how intimate Sniper chooses to be once he gets there.
These character belong to the blog @blood-feathers on here. Medic: Gabriel (Eurasian Collared Dove) Sniper: Ray (Clouded Leopard)
No matter the universe, no Medic is ever prepared to admit when they're tired. That’s just a simple fact of working for Mann Co. If you fall into either the medical or engineering side of the team then it’s just statistically known that you are going to be more willing to engage in self destructive tendencies.  Long nights spent toiling over projects and even later days spent trying to stay awake. A normal sleep schedule wasn’t expected by most Mann Co employees to be sure, but it was still remarkable how quickly things could go sideways when it came to how work and sleep would come into conflict. 
Though, it was especially tenuous for the medic at the colloquially known ‘Team Beast’ base. The tenuousness of his choices were less related to concern from others, and more the complicated relationship to them that he’d created. 
Guilt was certainly a driving factor behind what he tended to work on now. His passion was, as any good medic for Mann Co would pursue, to overcome mortality. That had been, and still somewhat was, the end all be all of everything he could work on. It was a goal that had seemed obtainable a few years before. He’d taken his risk, he’d played a game with chance, and it had blown up in his face far greater than he ever could have expected. 
He wanted to fix the biggest proverbial flaw within the human body. That’s all. Just because he stole a book from a wizard didn’t mean his teammates needed to be punished too. It didn’t matter much now, of course. That wizard was long gone, and the attempts that had been made to find him had all turned up nothing. 
So they were stuck. 
Every single one of his teammates were damned, by him, to living the rest of their days as animal people. They were all people who were already on the fringes of society because of their professions, and then they suddenly just couldn’t exist within it. There was no amount of explanation or begging that could make it better for any of them. They were stuck together, and there was no clear way out either. 
There could be no way to dispute that his work had led to this outcome, there was no around the kind of guilt he had to forever sit with following his mistake, and there was no way for him to look any of his teammates in the eye and not be able to see his fallacies within. 
He fucked up. 
In plain and simple terminology that's what had happened. That was what the Soldier certainly kept reminding him of. That was what had led Soldier to his breaking point. The blame was on him for being the cause of the tragedy, but that didn’t justify the actions that came after it. His colleagues had assured him of that time and time again, even after they all realized there was no way his wings could ever come back intact. 
They were stuck together, scars and all. 
No one blamed Medic for still being jumpy whenever Soldier walked into a room though. They couldn’t fathom the feeling of having teeth sunk into your flesh and knowing your bones were being broken and skin split all in one motion. Soldier may have still, technically, been a human in that moment, but all other indicators showed he was nothing but a rabid dog. 
He took something from Medic then. He lashed out and took the one thing that he didn’t need to survive, but could still do the most unequivocal amount of damage to him. The very wings that he’d already experienced the horrors of having split through his skin and burst from his back, and just as quickly as they were there only blood could be found. 
They weren’t coming back. None of it was coming back. There was no wizard to fix his mistake and there was no way the respawn machine could mend what had been torn. 
So it was easier to just seclude himself from everyone then suck it up and put on a brave face on the daily. Especially with Soldier still roaming the halls. He got used to it too. He was fine with being by himself in his lab. Even if he extended himself past any sensible point, at least he was doing something with his time. 
Though, he wasn’t always alone in his lab. 
“Angel,” Sniper asked as he poked his head in, “How long have you been awake for?” 
“You know you don’t want me to answer that question for you, Catling.” He responded, he let his shoulders sink down toward the table in front of him while his head did the same. The outer layers of his outfit had come off at some point, though he couldn’t remember for the life of him when. He just knew that he was down to a button up that was already sliding down his shoulders. He felt pathetic knowing that Sniper had to see him like this, but he knew that he’d seen him worse. He could feel the bags under his eyes aching but he still couldn’t justify going to sleep. There was still so much that needed to be done. 
When two paws wrapped themselves around his waist he didn’t bother to pull away. Rather he let himself lean into the touch and allowed his body to rely on Sniper’s for support. 
“Is there any way I can tempt you to go there then?”
That got a chuckle out of him, “You can tempt me to do a lot, I'm sure you already know that, Ray.”  “You’re right,” He leaned his head down so that he could rest his head against the back of Medic’s neck. “Normally it wouldn’t be for something so mundane, though.” 
His feather’s prickled with the added sensation of the leopard’s breath at the back of his neck and, he couldn't deny, that he could feel himself melting into his partner’s body. He was too tired for his own good, and there was really no excuse for him not to accept whatever he might have planned.
“Am I actually going to go to sleep or are you planning anything else?” 
He could feel Sniper smile against his neck as his fangs pressed themself into his skin. “Maybe, you’ll have to join me to find out.” 
Medic let out a loud groan before he let Sniper start to drag him out of the room. Night had long since set in so there wasn’t any concern about anyone seeing the strange display of a partially limp Medic and Sniper half carrying half dragging him through the halls. With no energy left in him it made sense in the moment, but he already knew that he wouldn’t be able to live it down when he’d wake up. 
Once they reached Sniper’s room, it took one swift motion for Medic to find himself on the bed. His face was straight down against the shitty comforter. As the bed bounced slightly he knew that he’d been joined up there, but he prickled when he felt paws gliding up under his shirt. 
He opened his beak to ask what was happening but he instead sucked in a breath as the paws reached their destination. The scar tissue where his wings once connected to his body. They were rough and still had an off putting texture to them, but having someone else’s hands, paws, against them was something else entirely. 
“Can I see them, Gabriel?” Sniper, coyly, asked, his voice easily showing 
With a sigh, he lifted himself up by his elbows just enough to get the buttons undone and let Sniper slide it downwards. He expected to feel his partner’s paws on his back again, but instead his breath shuddered as he felt soft, fluffy, kisses being placed along the same area. 
“It’s okay, it's going to be okay, my Angel.” He whispered against the torn flesh. His teeth ran their way along the messy scar tissue just as much as his fluffy lips did. 
His paws were placed at Medic’s side as well. They slowly ran up and down his waist as he continued to do the same to the scars. 
He continued to whisper, “You’re okay. It’s okay. It’s going to be okay.” While Medic felt himself sinking into the bed more and more. The feeling of being comforted by his partner led him closer and closer to sleep than he could have realized. 
Eventually, Sniper made his way up to Medic’s neck and left one last kiss right there. “I’m here for you, Angel.” His paws finally made their way back to the scars and he spread his fingers as though they were his wings. 
They’d return to him, just not how he expected. 
“I know you are, Catling. I know.” The words came out soft, slightly slurred, and it was the last thing he remembered before the world sank away. 
He woke up a few hours later and found himself with Sniper enveloping him. He could feel his fur against his feathers as his arms were wrapped around him, and his face was right up against his chest. 
He felt briefly compelled to laugh at the sight, but instead he leaned his head down and let their foreheads touch, “I’m here for you too, Ray. I’m here for you too.” 
He knew he couldn't hear him but he still needed to say it. Even if he’d have to repeat again, eventually.
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thecrowslullaby · 1 year
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expectations vs reality
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timfortrs2 · 2 months
do snoipah and scit hang out
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yes they do in fact, but only when scit is like tired or not fully awake, otherwise it would be to much for Snoipah to handle, scit is to hyper for him but is also one of the only little mercs to actually want to hang out with him
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mothfulhansel · 2 years
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flashingbands · 2 months
Heres some random ideas of tf2 musical numbers (Based on the official comics) :
First: I am not affiliated with Vale in any way, this is a stupid musical theater kid who is hyper fixated on TF2 and wanted to combine their interests!
So to start... This is a stupid idea thats been floating around in my head for a bit! Anyways this is an overview of what teh songs would be called, where they are from, and the cast! I kept all of this in series order, and try playing match with the songs and their scene Idk, on with the musical idea!
Cast: Miss pauling, all the mercs (originals, TFC, and TF2 mercs) Zhanna, The people of Tuefort, Saxton hale, The mann family, Heavy's family, Scout's mom, Tom jones, mr. b+Bidwell & Mr. reddy, the pilot, Maggie, Soldier's raccoons, Merasmus, The administrator, God, the devil, the robots, and Demo's internal organs! (Let me know if I missed anybody I probably did miss one person at least) and one last note, I'm not noting everything as tf2 or TFC unless its important or there are tfc and a tf2 merc in the same song!
Also musicals usually have under 20 songs.... yeah we all know the TF2 musical if it was real would be 100 songs of pure madness all taking place in thirty minutes somehow.
Song 1 (Opener, takes place before the comics (Probably the catch up comic tbh) Meet the mercs! - all
Song 2 (Ring of fired): take the mann out of mann co. - saxton hale, Grey mann, Miss pauling, the Administrator, and Olivia mann
Song 3 (also ring of fired): gather em up! - Miss pauling, Soldier, Pyro, Demo, demo's mom, Tom jones (For about five seconds) the old people (The ensemble)
Song 6 (Unhappy returns): Like old times - Maggie & Saxton hale
Song 5 (unhappy returns): Hanging: - Scout, Spy, Soldier, Demoman, Miss Pauling, the citizens of tuefort
Song 6 (a cold day in hell): honey bears! - Scout, Soldier, Pyro, Heavy
Song 7 (Cold day in hell) : A man like you! - Soldier & Zhanna
Song 8 (Cold day in hell): I will protect you - Heavy & Heavy's family
Song 9 ( Cold day in hell): Clasical - Team clasic mercs - TFC medic :( + Tf2 medic
Song 10 ( Blood in the water): A new mission - Miss pauling & The Administrator
Song 11 (Blood in the water): He's gone - Heavy & Scout (With Scout's father (Spy) and Heavy's dad making a short cameo
Song 12 (Blood in the water): Neck Snaping! - Soldier & Zhanna (Spy interrupts for a moment)
Song 13 (Blood in the water): Life forever - BLU Engie & Administrator
Song 14(Blood in the water): Welcome home - Sniper, Sniper's parents, Sniper's adoptive parents
Intermission! (And a quick note: Dear god the comics are long (I knew BITW was long.... but not that long! also lots of Soldier/Zhanna songs :)
Song 15 (Old wounds): My little maggot bear - Zhanna, Soldier, Grey mann
Song 16 (Old wounds): Cell block issues - Demo, Demo's internal organs, Miss pauling, Spy, Pyro
Song 17 (Old wounds) : stay here - Sniper, Sniper's parents
Song 18 (The naked and the dead): A new mission reprise - Miss pauling, The Administrator
Song 19 (the naked and the dead): Cell block issues reprise - Demo, Demo's inturnal organs
Song 20 (The naked and the dead): Australiam - TFC heavy, TFC Engie
Song 21 (The naked and the dead): My closest ally - Scout & Pauling (WIth a silly medic moment) and Soldier & Zhanna
Song 22 (the naked and the dead): Mann Co submarine guns - Saxton hale, Maggie, Scout, Miss pauling, demo, Zhanna, heavy, soldier,
Song 23 (the naked and the dead): "Apricot" - Spy (Disguised as TFC engie, so he might sing that part), TFC Sniper, TF2 Sniper
Song 24 (The naked and the dead): Broken bodys - TFC heavy, TF2 heavy, TF2 Medic
Song 25 (The naked and the dead): Honey bears reprise - Soldier, Zhanna
Song 26 (The naked and the dead): Look for me at the light - Spy & Scout, (Tom jones is in it I guess) (So is Scout' ma)
Song 27 (The naked and the dead): God's perfect man - Scout, God
Song 28 (The naked and the dead): Devil's date - Medic & the devil
Song 29 (The naked and the dead): We are team fortress - all the tem fort mercs, Miss pauling, and TFC heavy
Song 30 (the naked and the dead): Last chance! - The administrator & BLU Engie
And thats all the comics so far! I might try my hand at writing lyrics for some of them but IDK, The seventh comic isn't out so if it ever comes out and anybody wantes me to finish this list I probably will! Also if ya people want me to do the update comics I would be delighted to! Seeing the size of TNaTD alone I think this list would be longer than Hamilton if i did the seventh comic! A last thing is: I tried to get every part of the comics that could be a musical number and was plot relevant without cloging the whole thing with nonstop songs! Musicals are called Musical theater productions for a reason! If you folk want to see any other ideas I had for songs that were not in the list or have suggestions about scenes I forgot, hit me up! (Also I was thinking about moving every song from gather 'em up a number over (IFYKYK) did not cus it looked better for valve!
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eguzkilorethelynx · 4 years
This is for @jackalitosfm
I made (how I called him) sniperwolf , I really like this character
Yeah , I know this is really bad
(sorry for bad English , I'm from Spain)
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tchijo · 5 years
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lol i did it xD
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eguzkilorethelynx · 4 years
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🔪🔪🔪🔪Er Christian 🔪🔪🔪🔪
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tchijo · 5 years
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buy my merch 
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