#team Larne
peterhill75 · 4 months
Ulster Masters 2024
For the 1st time in a while #Teamlarne had a team of master athletes at this competition. For many this is their 1st season either returning to the sport since leaving as a teenager, or indeed their 1st season ever. 9 Athletes made their way from Larne to South Lakes in Craigavon aiming to improve their times and show their younger team mates that age is no barrier. from the 30 swims, 15 were…
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stylesnews · 1 year
silentpartnersstudio: Harry Styles’ 2023 Love On Tour started on May 13 and will travel in Europe until the end of July. Congratulations to all the teams and collaborators! Artist: Harry Styles Creative Director: Molly Hawkins @mollyjane_x Producer: Baz Halpin @thebazhalpin Production Design: Silent House @silenthousegroup Content Producers: Silent Partners Studio @silentpartnersstudio _ SPS Team Leaders Creative Producers / Creative Directors: David Emmanuel Fafard @davidemmanuelfafard & Gabriel Coutu-Dumont @gabrielcoutudumont Content Project Manager: Leah Younesi @leahyounesi Lead Notch Designer : Heath Saunders @pureriphery Additional Notch Design : Rowan Glenn @rowanglenn _ Show Team Lighting Design: Silent House @silenthousegroup Lighting Director: Eric Marchwinski @emarchwinski Lighting Programmer: Tyler Santangelo @tylersantangelo Screens Programmer: Josh Key @joshkey28 Technical Direction: Earlybird @earlybirdvisual Video Director: Larn Poland @LarnPoland _ Interstitials AnimationWriter : Adam Tetreault @atetreault Writer, Art Director, Illustrator : Nick Stokes @nick___stokes Animation Studio: Open the Portal @opentheportal Producers : Silent Partners Studio @silentpartnersstudio
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skycowboys · 2 years
I feel like I’ve asked this before? But I can’t find if so: have you done lilac-breasted roller or quetzal bird pegs? I can imagine someone collecting a whole team of colorful pegs for a Cavalia-like performance aha
I've gotten requests for both of those birds before, but I haven't done too many super colorful birds as pegasi. I'm still a bit unsure how I want to approach those colors between the horse coat and plumage. Blue coats are easier to manage for me than greens or purples.
There are definitely fancy breeders and collectors! I like to think that traveling musicians have colorful pegasi.
~ Larn
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sebstanaddict · 1 year
The Distance
Bucky Barnes x OC Story
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Chapter 14 - The Chase
Summary : A space adventure where we follow Bucky Barnes around the universe as he struggles to reclaim the love of his life amidst the backdrop of war between humans and the Kree race.
Adriana confronted Bucky and accused him of lying to her about her ancestry. Dumbfounded at her accusation, they didn't have the chance to do anything about it because they continued to be hunted by the Kree. Will they survive the chase or will they finally be killed?
Pairings : Bucky Barnes x Adriana Weaver (OC)
Chapters: 14 / 20 (might add more as I write)
Chapter List >
Warning : angst, grief, slow burn, violence, gun use, knife use
Word count : 5,5k
This is a sequel to my first Bucky fic, New Beginning. Check it out here.
Supreme Intelligence Temple, Hala, Capital of Kree Civilization - May 2025
Zogg-Larn climbed the steps towards Supreme Intelligence's Temple. He was hoping Supreme Intelligence wouldn't summon him so he could slip out with a new team to continue his hunt for James Buchanan Barnes unnoticed. But of course it was wishful thinking. Supreme Intelligence knew everything that was going on in Hala, maybe even the whole universe. He couldn't possibly escape his notice. So with dread in the pit of his stomach he entered the Temple.
He stepped onto the hexagonal shape on the floor, right in the middle of the temple. Soon blue worm-like light crawled out from the floor and connected to his fingers and temples. He closed his eyes and when he opened them again he saw Supreme Intelligence, in the form of his older self but his face looked in so much wrath.
Without saying anything Supreme Intelligence turned to him and raised both his hands. Bright blue electricity beam came crackling out of his hands and zapped Zogg-Larn, making him fell down in agony. His body felt like it was on fire.
"I told you Zogg-Larn, if you fail you will be punished." Supreme Intelligence said as he continued zapping him and walked closer to him. His eyes glowed bright blue, rage filled his expression.
After what felt like forever, Supreme Intelligence finally stopped zapping him, the bright blue electricity beam extinguished from his hands.
Zogg-Larn knelt on the floor on all fours as he said a silent prayer in his heart, thankful the pain was finally gone. He could still feel the remnants of the burning pain but it was slowly diminishing.
"How hard could it be Zogg-Larn to kill just one human? Huh?" Supreme Intelligence asked cynically.
"My apologies Supreme Intelligence. But he isn't a normal human. So.." he trailed.
He didn't have the chance to answer because Supreme Intelligence zapped him again.
"He is not a normal human but he is not stronger than you. Or perhaps you have gotten weaker, Zogg-Larn?" Supreme Intelligence sneered after finally stopped zapping him again.
Zogg-Larn didn't respond. He just looked down to the floor as he felt the remnants of the pain in his body.
"You are in luck today, Zogg-Larn. I am in somewhat a good mood today. So I won't kill you." Supreme Intelligence said.
Zogg-Larn looked up and saw Supreme Intelligence giving him a side smile. Whatever made Supreme Intelligence happy that day, he was so grateful for it.
"Thank you, Supreme Intelligence." He croaked.
"Yes, Zogg-Larn. It's almost done. The weapon of destruction. The Nega-Bomb. All it needs is just one more component. Then it's ready to be unleashed." Supreme Intelligence said, rubbing his hands together gleefully.
"But, it is none of your concern. You still have a crucial mission to follow through Zogg-Larn. I decided to give you another chance." Supreme Intelligence said.
"Oh, thank you Supreme Intelligence." Zogg-Larn said. He couldn't believe his luck. It was very rare for Supreme Intelligence to give second let alone third chances. The fact the Nega-Bomb was almost finished must have made him very happy.
Supreme Intelligence then turned his back on him and made a sweeping gesture with his hand in front of him. A scene from a forest seen from above was shown. Supreme Intelligence was apparently showing him the scene from earlier that day when he was chasing down James Buchanan Barnes and the female Torfan at Torfa's forest. The footage was taken from his ship's camera.
He continued to watch as James and the female ran in the forest, avoiding his shots.
"Do you see that woman, Zogg-Larn?" Supreme Intelligence asked.
"Yes, Supreme Intelligence." He nodded.
"That woman is Adriana Weaver, James' fiancee who is supposed to be dead. I instructed Yon-Rogg to kill her right after our first invasion attempt to earth failed. But he apparently didn't kill her. He even faked his own death and defected from us. All for that woman." Supreme Intelligence spat.
Suddenly the footage changed and he saw a flying ship close to the camera. Yon-Rogg was inside that flying ship with the woman sitting next to him. Supreme Intelligence just showed the camera footage from Ka-Loss' ship.
A voice could be heard coming out of the footage. He noticed that it was the voice of Yon-Rogg.
"I failed a mission Supreme Intelligence gave me, Ka-Loss. I'm much too ashamed to go back. So, I decided to stay here and live the rest of my life as a lowly peasant."
"Hmm.. I see. Well I'm really sorry, Yon-Rogg but we have orders from Zogg-Larn to find you. So if you could just follow us, that would be great." Ka-Loss' voice could be heard.
He saw Yon-Rogg gave Ka-Loss a salute then he heard him sigh.
"Ka-Loss, I'm afraid I can't do that. I have my own life here. I have a wife now. I'm starting a family, would you believe it? After all these years, I'm finally settling down. I just don't think Kree military life is for me anymore." Yon-Rogg responded.
The footage was then paused and he could clearly see Yon-Rogg's face looking sad through the window of the ship.
"As you can see, Zogg-Larn. Yon-Rogg had defected. He disobeyed my order, faked his own death and continued to live, even married the woman I asked him to kill!" Supreme Intelligence roared in anger, making him cowered back in fear.
"Ka-Loss seemed to have been killed after this." Supreme Intelligence said as he fast forwarded the footage until it showed Ka-Loss' ship hitting a canyon and exploded.
"I haven't been able to track Yon-Rogg down. Somehow the woman ended up meeting his fiancee while Yon-Rogg was nowhere to be found. I suspect James might have killed him." Supreme Intelligence continued.
Zogg-Larn raised his eyebrow. Yon-Rogg was a strong warrior, the only one who could beat him in training when they were both in military academy together. So he doubted James could kill him. But then again, James was supposed to be a super soldier. So it wasn't entirely impossible.
"In any case Zogg-Larn. I'm giving you a third chance. Your focus right now should be on killing them both, James and Adriana. If you fail.." Supreme Intelligence said as he walked closer to Zogg-Larn and lifted his chin up with his hand.
"I will give you a punishment worse than death." He said, his voice cold and cruel, striking fear in Zogg-Larn's heart.
"Very well, Supreme Intelligence. I will try not to fail you again." He said, looking up and meeting Supreme Intelligence's cold gaze.
"You better not." Supreme Intelligence spat as he pushed Zogg-Larn's chin to the side and dropped his hand from Zogg-Larn's face in disgust.
"Now go. They're in Yahiri." Supreme Intelligence continued.
Zogg-Larn nodded and slowly got up to his feet. He gave Supreme Intelligence a salute then closed his eyes. Once he opened it the worm-like light detracted from his temples and fingers, then went down onto the floor. He turned around and slowly walked out of the Temple with weak knees and remnants of the pain from the electricity beam still coursing through his body.
Supreme Intelligence watched as Zogg-Larn's body disappeared. After years of seeing him always succeeded in every mission he gave him, it was somewhat disconcerting to see him fail again and again in killing James Buchanan Barnes. Apparently James was stronger and luckier than he thought.
Well, if Zogg-Larn failed one more time, he might have to take matters into his own hands.
Not many Kree knew, let alone other alien races. But he was not just a bodiless entity living in a giant mainframe computer like everyone thought he was. He had a body. A body he could use if he wanted to. Lying down inanimate inside a glass tube. Far under the ground of the Temple.
If Zogg-Larn failed again, he could inhabit the body and hunt James Buchanan Barnes himself. In fact, that was probably the only thing that could prevent the prophecy from coming true. Maybe he really needed to kill James and Adriana himself.
But he needed to focus on the Nega-Bomb first. It only needed one more component.
It was time to contact his mole on earth.
His consciousness went into the web. The web that connected all AI and computers around the universe. Soon he connected with his mole's computer inside the mole's cellphone. He made what seemed like a phone call on that cellphone, which the mole immediately picked up.
"Hello." A female voice answered his call.
"It's time to take what's mine back, Sharon." Supreme Intelligence said.
"Of course. I'm on it." The woman named Sharon answered.
"Good. Take the bangle and kill her. Getting rid of an Avenger will help when we attack earth again." Supreme Intelligence said.
"Very well, Supreme Intelligence." Sharon responded.
He disconnected the call and his consciousness went back to his temple in Hala, leaving Sharon's cellphone back on earth.
Soneva Fushi bungalow, Soneva Jani Resort, Yahiri - May 2025
Adriana was half-Kree?!
The information echoed in Bucky's head as he stared dumbfounded at Adriana's angry face.
"You lied, Bucky! Yon-Rogg was right! I am half-Kree! It's you that have been lying to me, Bucky!" Adriana yelled.
"No no, that can't be true Una. You're fully human! Who told you you're half-Kree?" Bucky asked curiously.
"The Sovereign I met at the restaurant." She replied.
"The Sovereign?" Bucky asked with eyebrows raised.
"Yes, I met two Sovereigns at the Titan restaurant earlier. A couple. I saved the female Sovereign from a bug eyed alien who was going to kill her. I ended up talking with them. They told me they have the abilities to know a person's genetic make up by just looking at them. They told me I have human and Kree genes." She explained.
"Okay. First of all I haven't learned much about the Sovereigns. But there's a possibility that they could be wrong, you know. I mean, it's such a weird power that they have. It doesn't make sense." He said.
"The universe is filled with weird aliens we don't know Bucky. I mean, did you know the native inhabitants from here can make other people feel happy just by being near them?" She responded.
"Oh.. so that's the reason why I felt so happy earlier and the feeling was gone once that bell boy went out."
"Exactly." Adriana said, looking up at him as if challenging him.
"Look, Una.. I never lied to you. Even if you're half-Kree I didn't know. Please.. believe me." Bucky said with desperation in his voice.
Adriana didn't respond immediately and just looked up at him, conflict in her eyes.
"Please.. I love you, Adriana.. I mean, Una. I would never.. lie to you.. ever.." He said gently as he went closer to her and placed his hands on the sides of her arms.
For a moment they just stared at each other. One pair of hazelnut eyes stared at one pair of ocean blue eyes. One filled with doubt while the other filled with love and hope.
Her eyes slowly showed recognition and he could feel that she believed him but then suddenly her eyes spaced out, as if she wasn't seeing him. It seemed she was in a trance. He remembered seeing the same look on Wanda and then on Adriana too back on earth whenever she had a vision. His heart pounded hard in his chest as he waited for Adriana to snap out of the vision.
After a while she blinked several times and her eyes stared back at him.
"What did you see?" Bucky asked gently.
"We have to go. Now." She said as she turned around and quickly headed towards the bedroom.
"What?! What's going on?" Bucky asked in confusion as he chased Adriana to the bedroom.
"I think I saw the future, Bucky." Adriana said as she walked towards the walk-in closet and opened the closet door.
She picked up a shopping bag from the closet and rummaged her hand in it.
"Back in Torfa I had a dream that you killed Yon-Rogg." She said slowly as she paused her movement. Her eyes immediately turned sad and making Bucky feel a pang in his heart.
"And then it came true." She sighed. "I just saw us being chased by the Kree right here on Yahiri. So I think it's better that we leave now. In case I really saw the future."
"You do have that ability, Una. I'm glad you realize that." He smiled as he approached her.
"A precognition ability?" She asked, her eyes wide.
"Yes." Bucky nodded.
She stared at him with a meaningful look on her face but then her eyes showed sadness again.
"It's a really cool ability to have. But it's hard too." She sighed.
He realized what she was talking about and felt the guilt again in his heart.
"I'm sorry again, Una, for killing Yon-Rogg." Bucky said.
He wished he could take the sadness away from her eyes. Even it meant that she was still with Yon-Rogg and not with him. He couldn't believe that he could think like that, but he preferred not to see her sad. Especially not because of him.
"I know you are. But I.. I still don't know if I can ever forgive you, Bucky. Just so you know." She said in regret.
"Okay.. but I really hope you will one day. Once you gain your memory back you will understand why I killed him." He said.
Adriana didn't respond and just stared at him. Then she averted her eyes and continued to rummage inside the shopping bag. Finally she produced a black leather jacket from it and gave it to him.
"I bought this for you." She said.
"Oh, thanks." Bucky said, surprised at the sudden change of behaviour from her.
"Yeah, I saw you wore that when we were being chased." She smiled.
"Oh! Well then we should get going." He said.
"Just a minute, I need to change myself." She said as she picked up a pair of trousers, a shirt and a leather jacket similar to his from the inside of the shopping bag.
"Umm.. could you get out while I.." She said, blushing a little.
"Oh.. yeah.. of course. Sorry. I'm just going to get ready myself." He said, blushing as well.
He turned around and quickly left her. He closed the door of the closet behind him and went to get his holsters and some knives which were still attached to his old jacket. Unfortunately he had left the Kree's laser gun back in the ship as he didn't want to scare the Yahirians, bringing weapons into their planet. His knives were small so he felt more comfortable bringing them.
He removed the holster from his old jacket. He then put on the leather jacket Adriana gave him, zipped the front up then put on holsters on his back and waist. He tried to move his arms around and realized he couldn't freely move his Vibranium arm. So he ripped the left sleeve of the jacket, revealing his Vibranium arm and started to move it around. Feeling satisfied at how he could move his Vibranium arm, he started to put on his boots.
He was just finished putting on his boots when Adriana opened the closet door and came out.
His jaw dropped as he looked at her.
Adriana came out looking so bad ass in an all black ensemble with black trousers, black leather jacket and black boots. Her hair was put up into a ponytail at the back of her head. She reminded him of Natasha, the Black Widow, somehow. The thought made him feel sad a little. But then it was not the time to feel yet another grief. He shook his head and smiled at her.
"Wow.. you look amazing." He complimented her, making her blushed again.
"You look.. amazing too." She replied and this time Bucky could feel himself blush.
They didn't have the time to admire each other longer because the front door of the bungalow was kicked open and several Krees came barging in. They didn't notice them in the bedroom yet so Bucky pushed Adriana gently back into the closet and quietly closed the door, hoping he could hide them both in there.
They froze inside the closet and stood facing each other. Their bodies were so close to each other that he could feel her warmth radiating out of her. They waited with bated breath as the Krees explored the bungalow.
He looked down at her and felt his heart rate quickened as he gazed at her eyes. So close, she was so close that it reminded him of those times he looked into those eyes and found love there. He glanced at her lips and felt the urge to just kiss her like he had done numerous times before. The way she gazed at him didn't help. He could see recognition and love in her eyes too.
Suddenly he felt the hair at the back of his neck stood up as one of the Kree was seemingly standing right outside the closet. Adriana looked at him in fear as the door of the closet was slowly opened.
With his super soldier speed Bucky rammed his Vibranium arm through the closet door, destroying it in the process, and caught the Kree's neck in his hand. He choked the Kree until the life was extinguished from his eyes and threw him down onto the floor. He quickly knelt down and picked up a laser gun which was in the Kree's hand and stood up.
Shots of laser beams suddenly rained down on them as the other Krees realized what just happened. Apparently they were also inside the bedroom.
Bucky deflected all the shots with his Vibranium arm and shot back at them. He successfully hit three out of five Krees, making them all fell down. The surviving Krees shot back at him and he ducked down.
"Go.. go..!" He yelled and pushed Adriana towards another door of the closet that faced the bathroom.
Adriana opened the door of the closet and immediately ran out into the bathroom. Bucky followed her with the Krees hot on their tail. Unfortunately the Krees were fast and were able to successfully caught up with them.
One of the Kree knocked the laser gun from his hand and Bucky ended up fighting one of them with his bare hands while the other one attacked Adriana.
He quickly pulled out his knife from a holster on his waist and started to attack the Kree with it. The Kree tried to block him but Bucky was fast. He successfully stabbed the Kree on multiple parts of his body. Eventually he succeeded in stabbing the knife on the side of the Kree's neck, killing him in the process and the Kree fell down onto the floor with a thud.
Bucky pulled out the knife from the Kree's neck and looked up to see Adriana, fighting with the other Kree. She was kicking the Kree's stomach and groin, making the Kree fell over in pain. She forcefully grabbed the back of the Kree's head and slammed it hard onto the nearby sink. Bucky heard a crack as the Kree's head hit the sink and he fell down onto the floor, dead.
Awe. That was the only feeling he could feel as he saw Adriana looking down at the Kree with disgust on her face. She had gotten really strong and skillful. She really was a force to be reckoned with. He thought in admiration.
"Come on, we should go." Adriana said, looking at him.
Bucky blinked and nodded. He put his knife back into the holster on his waist after cleaning it with a nearby towel. He then picked up a laser gun from one of the dead Kree and put it into the holster on his waist.
They ran towards the front door but as soon as they arrived they bumped into four more Krees who just came in from the front door. The Krees started to shoot laser beams at them as they quickly made a turn and ran towards the stairs.
They climbed up the stairs as the Krees continued to pursue them, shooting laser beams at them. Bucky ducked as the laser beams ricocheted around the walls surrounding the narrow stairs.
The stairs led them to an open terrace on the second floor where the only way out was through a slide that ended up onto the freshwater pool down below.
Seeing no other option, Adriana sat on the slide and quickly slid down, screaming on the way down. Bucky didn't have a choice so he sat on the slide and slid down too but not before pulling out the laser gun from the holster on his waist and putting it on top of his head. He hoped the laser gun would survive being wet. He didn't have any more weapons except some small knives.
With a splash he landed into the pool below and he quickly swam out of it, holding the small laser gun up on his head as he tried not to let it get wet. As he got out of the pool he could see two Krees sliding down as well.
"Bucky, come on!" Adriana yelled.
But in a split second Bucky knew what to do. He pointed his laser gun at the sliding Krees and shot at them. Thankfully the laser gun was still working. His shot hit one Kree on his chest while another hit him on his arm. The Kree that was shot on the chest landed in the water and once he did, he floated on the pool with his face and body facing down, dead. The other one landed in the water with a splash and Bucky quickly shot him multiple times before he had a chance to do anything. Soon the Kree stopped moving and floated on the pool too, dead.
"Bucky, come on! Let's go!" Adriana shouted as she extended her hand towards him.
He took Adriana's hand and they ran into the living room where he could find two other Krees standing, waiting for them.
They stood frozen side by side, facing the two menacing Kree. The Krees were both blue skinned. One had long black braided hair styled in a half up half down style while the other had short cropped black hair. Both had yellow creepy eyes.
"James.. we finally meet." The Kree with the braided hair tilted his head to the side and gave him a creepy smile.
"Yeah.. and who are you?" Bucky asked, staring at him defiantly while pointing the laser gun at him.
"Your worse nightmare." The Kree said as he started to quickly charge at Bucky.
He didn't have the chance to shoot the Kree as the Kree knocked the laser gun out of his hand. Soon they were fighting with their bare hands, throwing punches and kicks at one another. The other Kree attacked Adriana and they fought with their bare hands too.
Bucky managed to punch the Kree on his jaw and nose but the Kree was strong and he managed to punch Bucky on his head, making him see stars. The Kree caught his neck and started to strangle him, a deranged look on his face.
"You will die this time, James. You will not be my failure." He hissed.
Bucky choked as the Kree continued to strangle him and levitated his body off the floor a little. Then he remembered the lesson he told Sebastian to get out of a choke hold. He put his hands underneath the Kree's outstretched arms, put his thumbs on the Kree's eyes and his other fingers behind the Kree's head and he slammed his head onto the Kree's head. The Kree immediately let him go and grunted as he held his head in pain.
Bucky saw stars again as he fell down when the Kree dropped his neck from his hold. He shook his head to try to see clearer and once he did he quickly got up and picked up a knife from the holster on his waist. He attacked the Kree with his knife but the Kree blocked him. He switched hands and managed to stab the Kree with his knife on multiple parts of his body. The Kree continued to try and attack him but Bucky was fast. Eventually he managed to stab his knife into the Kree's left shoulder and the Kree fell on his knees, grunting in pain. Bucky pushed the knife harder into the Kree's shoulder, staring at him with a death stare as the Kree stared back at him with fear in his eyes.
"I guess I will be your failure after all." Bucky said coldly as he twisted the knife deeper, making the Kree scream in agony. Then he threw a punch onto the side of the Kree's head with his other hand, knocking him out and the Kree fell down onto the floor with a thud.
He turned his attention to Adriana and saw her still fighting with the other Kree. Unfortunately the Kree seemed to be winning. He picked up a laser gun from the ground and with precision shot the Kree on his head. The Kree stopped moving and fell down onto the floor, his eyes looked up at the ceiling blankly.
"Are you okay?" Bucky quickly rushed to Adriana's side and held both her arms tight.
Adriana nodded. He could see some bruises and cuts on her face but she didn't seem to have major wounds anywhere else on her body and he was really grateful for that.
"Let's go. We should get out of here." Bucky said and he gently guided Adriana out of the bungalow.
He was going to take her towards the reception building of the resort, intending to borrow their hover car to get to the hangar. But Adriana pulled him to the opposite direction, way towards the edge of the bridge, onto the open sea.
"Una.. where are we going?" Bucky asked, dumbfounded as she started to run.
"Trust me!" She yelled, glancing at him with a meaningful look on her face.
Bucky didn't have a choice but to follow her so he ran with her towards the edge of the bridge.
Shots of laser beams suddenly flashed by them again, making them duck their heads as they continued running. Bucky glanced back and his eyes widened as he saw a Kree stood up in front of their bungalow and pointed a rifle like laser gun at them. He wasn't sure which one the Kree was but apparently they didn't succeed in killing them all.
The Kree seemed to be badly injured so he couldn't run and chase them. But he continued to shoot at them, dragging his feet slowly towards them, as they ran towards the edge of the bridge. Soon they reached the edge of the bridge and didn't have anywhere else to go but to jump into the dark water.
"Come on, Bucky. Jump!" Adriana yelled, reaching out to hold his hand and they jumped into the water holding hands while laser beams were still being shot at them.
The shots from the Kree stopped as soon as they entered the water. Without any diving equipment they couldn't stay underwater too long so they had to come up to the surface.
Bucky panted as he finally reached the surface of the water. Adriana was swimming next to him but he noticed she looked a little pale.
"Are you okay?!" Bucky asked.
Adriana didn't respond but she glanced down to her left shoulder and Bucky saw that she had a wound on her left shoulder. The laser beam shot by the Kree managed to hit her shoulder.
"Adriana! Stay with me!" Bucky yelled as her eyes started to droop.
"You're gonna be okay!" Bucky yelled as he felt dread seeped into his stomach.
He couldn't. No, he couldn't watch her die yet again.
Please God, no.. please don't let her die. He thought in anguish as he continued to hold her tight in his arms, preventing her from drowning.
He looked back towards the bridge and saw the Kree standing near the edge of the bridge, pointing a laser gun at them.
He started to swim away from the bridge, dragging Adriana with him as laser beams were being shot at them.
He felt his body lifted up all of a sudden and a bright golden light showered them. The golden light levitated them up into the sky. Bucky looked up and saw a ship, hovering above them. The underbelly of the ship was opened wide and the golden light pulled them up towards it.
He closed his eyes as the golden light blinded him and took them into the ship, taking them somewhere safe from the Kree's attack.
Torfa, Outskirts of Greater Magellanic Cloud - May 2025
Bright blue light flickered on and off on top of a hill deep in the forest. He could see it from far away. He remembered the bright blue light seemed to come from a device only his race could make. Could it be that there were other Kree on the planet? He wondered as he steered his ship nearer to the source of the light.
Well, he did find a destroyed Kree ship that looked a lot like his old enemy's ship up near the Pentatigra's nest. He tried to find out who the ship belonged to. Despite being destroyed, the ship's main controls didn't seem to be too damaged so he had tried to turn it on. It was successfully turned on for a while but then it died and wouldn't turn on again. Eventually he left the ship and decided to look around hoping to find the ship's owner. And it seemed he might have found him.. or her.
The light suddenly stopped flickering and he could see another ship flying not far from him, a Kree military ship! He was thankful that his ship was in invisible mode. He really wasn't in the mood to fight with the Kree soldiers. The ship landed not far from the hill and he decided to land his ship as well. He thought it was better to investigate things on foot as he could get into places more discreetly.
He got out of his ship and swiftly walked towards the hill. He arrived moments later just as he saw a body falling down from on top of the hill and fell down with a splash into a small lake in front of him. He walked towards the lake fully expecting whoever it was that had fallen down into it to appear to the surface of the lake. But moments passed and no one came up from inside the water. So he took a deep breath and jumped into the lake.
He dove deep down into the lake and saw a body lying down immobile at the bottom of the lake. He quickly approached it and his eyes widened as he saw who the body belonged to.
He pulled the body and swam up onto the surface of the lake. He finally reached the surface of the lake and he continued to drag the body to the shore.
As soon as he arrived on shore he laid the body down on the ground gently and studied the face. There was no mistaking it. The body belonged to his mortal enemy, Yon-Rogg.
He checked Yon-Rogg's pulse and found it to still be beating but the pulse was very weak. He studied Yon-Rogg's whole body and found a wound on his stomach. He seemed to be injured badly. So he needed to move fast if he wanted to safe Yon-Rogg.
For a second he contemplated on not doing anything and just let Yon-Rogg die. Besides, Yon-Rogg was responsible for almost killing him multiple times in the past. But he couldn't do it. No matter how much he hated Yon-Rogg, he couldn't let him die. So he turned on a device on his wrist and directed it towards Yon-Rogg. Blue beam came out of the device and enveloped Yon-Rogg in its light. He then lifted his hand and Yon-Rogg's body was lifted as well. He directed Yon-Rogg's body towards his ship, walking as fast as he could and hoping he could still safe Yon-Rogg's life.
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market-news-24 · 5 months
Marvel Rivals development team issues an apology for imposing a contract that prevented creators from speaking out against the game. The controversial contract has sparked outrage among the gaming community. Stay tuned for updates on this developing story. Click to Claim Latest Airdrop for FREE Claim in 15 seconds Scroll Down to End of This Post const downloadBtn = document.getElementById('download-btn'); const timerBtn = document.getElementById('timer-btn'); const downloadLinkBtn = document.getElementById('download-link-btn'); downloadBtn.addEventListener('click', () => downloadBtn.style.display = 'none'; timerBtn.style.display = 'block'; let timeLeft = 15; const timerInterval = setInterval(() => if (timeLeft === 0) clearInterval(timerInterval); timerBtn.style.display = 'none'; downloadLinkBtn.style.display = 'inline-block'; // Add your download functionality here console.log('Download started!'); else timerBtn.textContent = `Claim in $timeLeft seconds`; timeLeft--; , 1000); ); Win Up To 93% Of Your Trades With The World's #1 Most Profitable Trading Indicators [ad_1] The developer of Marvel Rivals has issued an apology for the controversial clause in its content creator contract that prohibited streamers from criticizing the game. Marvel Rivals, which is a Marvel-themed hero shooter akin to Overwatch, came under scrutiny when it was revealed that content creators were not allowed to post negative reviews or compare the game to its competitors. Streamer and former professional Overwatch player Brandon Larned, known as Seagull, highlighted the non-disparagement clause in the contract, sparking backlash from the gaming community. In response to the criticism, developer NetEase has expressed regret for the confusion caused by the restrictive terms and announced plans to revise the contract to be more creator-friendly. NetEase emphasized that the Content Creator Program aims to support creators in producing quality content by encouraging them to share their honest feedback. The company acknowledged the importance of constructive criticism and assured that all feedback, both positive and negative, is valuable in enhancing the gaming experience for players. Marvel Rivals features popular characters from the Marvel universe, including Black Panther, Iron Man, Spider-Man, and many more, in a 6v6 team-based free-to-play shooter. Although a release date has not yet been announced, the game promises a multiversal adventure with a diverse roster of heroes and villains. Overall, the developer's apology and commitment to revising the contract demonstrate a willingness to listen to feedback and improve the gaming experience for players and content creators alike. As the controversy surrounding Marvel Rivals subsides, fans can look forward to enjoying the game and providing valuable input for its development. Win Up To 93% Of Your Trades With The World's #1 Most Profitable Trading Indicators [ad_2] 1. What happened with the Marvel Rivals contract that caused creators to be unable to criticize the game? - The contract originally prevented creators from giving negative feedback or criticism of the game. 2. Why did the developers apologize for the contract? - The developers apologized because they realized the contract was too restrictive and unfair to creators. 3. Are creators now allowed to freely criticize the game? - Yes, following the apology, creators are now free to give honest feedback and criticism of Marvel Rivals. 4. How will the developers ensure this doesn't happen again in the future? - The developers have promised to review their contracts more carefully and involve creators in the decision-making process. 5. Will there be any changes made to the game as a result of this incident? - The developers have not announced any specific changes to the game, but they have promised to listen to and consider all feedback from creators moving forward.
Win Up To 93% Of Your Trades With The World's #1 Most Profitable Trading Indicators [ad_1] Win Up To 93% Of Your Trades With The World's #1 Most Profitable Trading Indicators Claim Airdrop now Searching FREE Airdrops 20 seconds Sorry There is No FREE Airdrops Available now. Please visit Later function claimAirdrop() document.getElementById('claim-button').style.display = 'none'; document.getElementById('timer-container').style.display = 'block'; let countdownTimer = 20; const countdownInterval = setInterval(function() document.getElementById('countdown').textContent = countdownTimer; countdownTimer--; if (countdownTimer < 0) clearInterval(countdownInterval); document.getElementById('timer-container').style.display = 'none'; document.getElementById('sorry-button').style.display = 'block'; , 1000);
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automotive-75 · 7 months
Keep your Car clean with the best Car Trash can
Come to today’s age of convenience and innovation. Automotive accessories come with something new for driving. The HOTOR Car Trash Can has come out with rave reviews and is praised for its incredible -star rating. These different things have attracted the attention of customers looking for practical solutions to maintain their clean and tidy car interiors. It has amazing features, specifications, user testimonials, and lots of experience from our team. And I will discuss in detail the wide impact of HOTOR Car Trash Cans in the automotive accessory market.
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HOTOR Car Trash Can Features:
1. Adjustable Strap and Collapsible Shape: Its adjustable strap feature blends in with different vehicle structures for sure. As the collapsible shape saves space and offers various interior accessories of the car.
2. Magnetic Snap: It is equipped with metal magnetic snap, and facilitates easy replacement of trash bags. It also makes it more convenient than traditional options.
3. Durable LeakProof Inner Lining: Its waterproof and leakproof inner lining ensures easy cleaning and maintenance with no worries about spills or stains.
4. Multipurpose Functionality: In addition to serving as a trash container, this doubles as a multipurpose storage bag, transferring items such as cups, toys, and accessories. Even works as a car cooler
5. Great harmony: ensures an organized and uncluttered interior. Designed to fit seamlessly into a variety of vehicles including sedans, SUVs, and trucks.
My experience with HOTOR car trash can:
Based on my first experience with the HOTOR car trash can, it is a much needed product. Which helps the car drivers a lot in keeping the interior of the car clean. Besides, it is practical, durable, and compatible with different vehicles. With a spacious capacity and user-friendly design, it effortlessly accommodates various car setups. Its adjustable strap and foldable shape enhance its adaptability. Verify seamless integration into any vehicle. I found it easy to use and appreciated its convenience and efficiency in keeping the car tidy. Overall, my experience underscores the effectiveness of the HOTOR Car Trash Can in dealing with car clutter to enhance the overall driving experience.
Special Note: HOTOR Car Trash Can stands out as a game-changer in the automotive accessory market. Which offers unmatched convenience and functionality. Besides, with its durable construction, innovative features, and positive user feedback, it aims to improve the driving experience of all. A must have for any such person. Say goodbye to messy car interiors and say hello to a cleaner ride with the HOTOR car trash can. Larne more about the HOTOR car trash can
Deduction of car trash can:
The HOTOR Car Trash Can is a reliable user-friendly solution for maintaining a clean and organized car interior. And it has many roles as a versatile solution. Backed by its innovative features and positive real-world performance and user testimonials. It also positions itself as a valuable automotive accessory. Whether you need efficient trash disposal or a versatile storage solution, the HOTOR Car Trash Can offers a practical and well-received option to improve your car’s organization.
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theballisround · 8 months
Carrick Rangers 0 Cliftonville 1
Friday 26th January 2024 – Sports Direct Premiership – Taylors Avenue, Carrickfergus Friday night football is an established “thing” in Northern Ireland.  A few of the Premiership teams, notably the champions Larne and Newry City favour a Friday night under the lights as their preferred game day, whilst every week BBC Northern Ireland show a game live.  For anyone wanting to grab a couple of…
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peterhill75 · 7 months
Aquasprint 2024 gets underway
What a Great start to the 2024 Aquasprint season. a total of 37 swimmers across our 3 junior squads made up our biggest Aquasprint team in a few years. Of those 37 swimmers, 17 of them competed in their first ever Aquasprint & they did not disappoint. Lots of extremely close races, but even better finishes from Team Larne seen us on the right side of the points to getOur season off to a…
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aalapelevation · 1 year
Unveiling Kolkata's Finest: The Best B.Ed. Teacher Training Institute
Aspiring to become a successful educator? Look no further! Kolkata, the cultural capital of India, boasts some of the finest B.Ed. teacher training institutes that can equip you with the skills and knowledge needed to excel in the field of education. In this article, we will explore the top-rated B.Ed. teacher training institutes in Kolkata, where passionate individuals can transform their teaching dreams into reality. So, let's dive into the world of educational excellence and discover the best B.Ed. teacher training institute in Kolkata!
Abhi Institute for Teacher Education: Known for its holistic approach to teacher training, Abhi Institute for Teacher Education tops the list of the best B.Ed. teacher training institutes in Kolkata. With a team of highly experienced faculty members, state-of-the-art infrastructure, and a well-structured curriculum, this institute provides aspiring teachers with a comprehensive learning experience. From classroom management techniques to innovative teaching methodologies, Abhi Institute ensures that its students are well-prepared to meet the demands of the education sector.
NATUN Teachers' Academy: Recognized for its commitment to producing skilled and dynamic educators, NATUN Teachers' Academy has earned a stellar reputation in Kolkata. The institute offers a rigorous B.Ed. program that covers various aspects of teaching, including pedagogy, curriculum development, educational psychology, and classroom technology. With its emphasis on practical training, NATUN Teachers' Academy equips its students with real-world teaching experience, making them confident and competent professionals.
Best Educational Institute: Best Educational Institute stands out as a premier B.Ed. teacher training institute in Kolkata, focusing on empowering future teachers with the necessary skills and knowledge. The institute offers a well-structured curriculum that combines theoretical learning with practical application. Best's faculty comprises industry experts who provide personalized attention to each student, ensuring their growth and development as educators. Additionally, the institute provides opportunities for internships and hands-on teaching experience in reputed schools.
LMN School of Education: LMN School of Education is renowned for its innovative teaching methods and commitment to excellence. This institute offers a comprehensive B.Ed. program that emphasizes critical thinking, creativity, and effective communication skills. With its modern infrastructure and a range of co-curricular activities, LMN School of Education creates an enriching learning environment for aspiring teachers. The institute also focuses on personality development and provides career guidance to help students kickstart their teaching careers.
Larn Edutech: Institute of Teacher Training: Larn Edutech Institute of Teacher Training has gained popularity for its comprehensive B.Ed. program that blends theoretical knowledge with practical training. The institute's faculty comprises experienced professionals who bring their expertise into the classroom, nurturing the potential of aspiring teachers. Larn Edutech Institute's strong industry connections and collaborations with schools enable students to gain valuable teaching experience and build a strong network within the education community.
Conclusion: Embarking on a career in teaching requires the right foundation, and Kolkata's best B.Ed. teacher training institutes offer just that. Whether you choose Abhi Institute for Teacher Education, Best Teachers' Academy, Best Educational Institute, OLD School of Education, or New Institute of Teacher Training, you can be assured of receiving quality education and the necessary skills to become a successful educator. Invest in your future by selecting the best B.Ed. teacher training institute in Kolkata, and watch your teaching career soar to new heights!
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Larn Tile and Flooring | Tilling Services in Milford MA
We have a well-earned reputation as the most prominent Flooring contractor in Franklin MA, with years of working experience. Our team of skilled workers has the relevant tools and knowledge to tackle all of your flooring tasks. From installing to repairing aesthetically pleasing tile floors, we do it all with great accuracy and precision. Moreover, acquiring our exceptional Tilling Services in Milford MA, is the best choice to have a shiny and durable floor at your place. The highest caliber of our service is unmatched, and we have kept our charges low to meet the client’s budget. So, if you need our expert assistance, call us today.
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skycowboys · 2 years
Can't find if you've answered this before so, are some pegisi buoyant on water? Like how ducks and seagulls float with those special feathers? I imagine a rider would still have to the " Slide out of the saddle and lay on your belly to swim along/not drown your horse" thing on the water.
I think longwing pegasi could be that way, but only by using their wings as a flotation device of sorts. The horse body itself is covered in hair, so it wouldn't have the buoyant feather layer that bird bodies do. But using their very long wings, I feel like longwings could stay afloat after making a water landing. Then I suspect they would need to take advantage of some big waves to toss them out of the water to get enough air and take off from the sea.
In seas where a takeoff isn't necessary, like near another vessel or in the shallows, I'm thinking a longwing could hold it's wings out like a raft and swim forward with their legs. People could hang onto the wings as it swims, or it could tow something not too heavy.
~ Larn
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sydneyhamphrey1716 · 3 years
Watch Larne - Bala Town UEFA Europa Conference League Live 7/15/2021
Competition: Larne v Bala Town live
La Fiorita - Birkirkara match overview, prediction&tips
2nd leg. Playing home matches at a different stadium - San Marino Stadium. 1st leg result: 0-1.
La Fiorita could have advantage in physics - more days for rest in last days.
In this match Birkirkara is indisputable favorite.
Last 1 head-to-head matches La Fiorita won 0 matches, drawn 0 matches, lost 1 matches and goals 0-1.Sarajevo - Milsami match overview, prediction&tips
2nd leg. 1st leg result: 0-0.
Sarajevo is in real good shape (in the last 5 games wins - 2).
Sarajevo could have advantage in physics - more days for rest in last days.
Recently Sarajevo have a series of guest games.
In this match Sarajevo is absolute favorite.
Last 1 head-to-head matches Sarajevo won 0 matches, drawn 1 matches, lost 0 matches and goals 0-0.Dečić - Drita match overview, prediction&tips
2nd leg. 1st leg result: 1-2.
Dečić has a series of defeats in the last matches (in the last 5 games wins - 0).
Recently Dečić have a series of guest games.
In this match the chances to win of both teams are almost equal.
Last 1 head-to-head matches Dečić won 0 matches, drawn 0 matches, lost 1 matches and goals 1-2.
La Fiorita - Birkirkara match overview, prediction&tips
Birkirkara podría tener problemas con la física comparar con ella oponente - últimos días se jugó más partidos que sus oponentes. En este partido, el Birkirkara es el claro favorito.El pasado 1 head-to-head matches La Fiorita ganó 0 partidos, dibujados 0 partidos, perdieron 1 partidos, y 0-1.Sarajevo - Milsami match overview, prediction&tips Sarajevo en muy buena forma (en los últimos 5 juegos victorias - 2).
Milsami podría tener problemas con la física comparar con ella oponente - últimos días se jugó más partidos que sus oponentes. Recientemente Sarajevo tienen una serie de juegos de huéspedes. En este partido, el Sarajevo es el claro favorito.El pasado 1 head-to-head matches Sarajevo ganó 0 partidos, dibujados 1 partidos, perdieron 0 partidos, y 0-0.Dečić - Drita match overview, prediction&tips Dečić tiene una serie de derrotas en los últimos partidos (en los últimos 5 juegos victorias - 0). Recientemente Dečić tienen una serie de juegos de huéspedes. En este partido, las posibilidades de ganar los dos equipos son casi iguales.El pasado 1 head-to-head matches Dečić ganó 0 partidos, dibujados 0 partidos, perdieron 1 partidos, y 1-2.
La Fiorita - Birkirkara match overview, prediction&tips
Birkirkara könnte Probleme mit der Physik zu vergleichen mit ihr Gegner haben - letzten Tagen spielten sie mehr Spiele als ihre Gegner. In diesem Spiel ist Birkirkara der klare Favorit.Letzte 1 Kopf-an-Kopf-Spiele Heimmannschaft gewann 0 Spiele, 0 unentschieden Spiele, 1 Spiele verloren und Ziele 0-1.Sarajevo - Milsami match overview, prediction&tips Heimmannschaft in einem sehr guten Zustand (in den letzten 5 Spielen gewinnt - 2).
Milsami könnte Probleme mit der Physik zu vergleichen mit ihr Gegner haben - letzten Tagen spielten sie mehr Spiele als ihre Gegner. Kürzlich Sarajevo haben eine Reihe von Gastspielen. In diesem Spiel ist Sarajevo der klare Favorit.Letzte 1 Kopf-an-Kopf-Spiele Heimmannschaft gewann 0 Spiele, 1 unentschieden Spiele, 0 Spiele verloren und Ziele 0-0.Dečić - Drita match overview, prediction&tips Heimmannschaft hat eine Reihe von Niederlagen in den letzten Spielen (in den letzten 5 Spielen gewinnt - 0). Kürzlich Dečić haben eine Reihe von Gastspielen. In diesem Spiel eine Chance, beide Teams gewinnen sind fast gleich.Letzte 1 Kopf-an-Kopf-Spiele Heimmannschaft gewann 0 Spiele, 0 unentschieden Spiele, 1 Spiele verloren und Ziele 1-2.
La Fiorita - Birkirkara match overview, prediction&tips
У Birkirkara могут быть проблемы с физикой на фоне конкурента – в последние дни сыграно больше матчей чем у суперника. В этом матче Birkirkara является несомненным фаворитом.Последние матчи между этими соперниками La Fiorita выиграл 0, ничья 0, програл 1, разница голов 0-1.Sarajevo - Milsami match overview, prediction&tips Sarajevo в очень хорошей форме (в последних 5 матчах побед - 2).
У Sarajevo может быть преимущество в физической подготовке – было больше дней для отдыха в последние дни. У Sarajevo в последние время была гостевая серия матчей. В этом матче Sarajevo является несомненным фаворитом.Последние матчи между этими соперниками Sarajevo выиграл 0, ничья 1, програл 0, разница голов 0-0.Dečić - Drita match overview, prediction&tips Dečić имеет ряд поражений в последних матчах (в последних 5 матчах побед - 0). У Dečić в последние время была гостевая серия матчей. В этом матче шансы на победу обеих команд практически равны.Последние матчи между этими соперниками Dečić выиграл 0, ничья 0, програл 1, разница голов 1-2.
La Fiorita - Birkirkara match overview, prediction&tips
В La Fiorita може да бъде предимство в физическа подготовка - имаше повече дни, за да останат в последните дни. В този мач, Birkirkara е категоричен фаворит.Последните 1 главата до главата мачове La Fiorita спечели 0 мача, равенство 0 мача, загуби 1 мача и цели 0-1.Sarajevo - Milsami match overview, prediction&tips Sarajevo в много добра форма (в последните 5 мача победи - 2).
В Milsami може да има проблеми с физиката с съперник - през последните дни играе повече мачове, отколкото съперник. В Sarajevo в последно време е серията гост на мачове. В този мач, Sarajevo е категоричен фаворит.Последните 1 главата до главата мачове Sarajevo спечели 0 мача, равенство 1 мача, загуби 0 мача и цели 0-0.Dečić - Drita match overview, prediction&tips Dečić има редица загуби в последните игри (в последните 5 мача победи - 0). В Dečić в последно време е серията гост на мачове. В тази игра шанс да спечели и двата отбора са почти равни.Последните 1 главата до главата мачове Dečić спечели 0 мача, равенство 0 мача, загуби 1 мача и цели 1-2.
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sarahhawkins1711 · 3 years
Watch Foolad Khuzestan v Sepahan livestream July 15, 2021
Competition: Foolad Khuzestan vs Sepahan live
Larne - Bala Town match overview, prediction&tips
2nd leg. 1st leg result: 1-0.
Larne is in a very good shape now (in the last 5 games wins - 3).
Larne could have problems with physics compare with it opponent - last days they played more matches than their opponents.
Recently Larne have a series of home games.
Larne will have a mini benefit in this match.
Last 1 head-to-head matches Larne won 1 matches, drawn 0 matches, lost 0 matches and goals 1-0.Unión San Felipe - Deportes Iquique match overview, prediction&tips
Super game between a mid-table team and the outsider (ranked 14 and 10).
Unión San Felipe is in bad shape now (in the last 5 games wins - 1).
Recent matches Deportes Iquique is playing uncertain (in the last 5 games wins - 2).
Unión San Felipe could have advantage in physics - more days for rest in last days.
The possibility to win in this match is almost balanced for both teams.
Last 2 head-to-head matches Unión San Felipe won 0 matches, drawn 0 matches, lost 2 matches and goals 2-6.
Including matches at home between the teams Unión San Felipe won 0 matches, drawn 0 matches, lost 1 matches and goals 1-2.Villa Teresa - Defensor Sporting match overview, prediction&tips
One and the other team get a very uncertain game.
Defensor Sporting could have problems with physics compare with it opponent - last days they played more matches than their opponents.
Defensor Sporting will have a small advantage in this match.
Last 2 head-to-head matches Villa Teresa won 0 matches, drawn 2 matches, lost 0 matches and goals 3-3.
Including matches at home between the teams Villa Teresa won 0 matches, drawn 1 matches, lost 0 matches and goals 2-2.
Larne - Bala Town match overview, prediction&tips Larne en muy buena forma (en los últimos 5 juegos victorias - 3).
Larne podría tener problemas con la física comparar con ella oponente - últimos días se jugó más partidos que sus oponentes. Recientemente Larne tener una serie de partidos en casa. Larne tendrá una ligera ventaja en este juego.El pasado 1 head-to-head matches Larne ganó 1 partidos, dibujados 0 partidos, perdieron 0 partidos, y 1-0.Unión San Felipe - Deportes Iquique match overview, prediction&tips En un partido jugado por un extraño y un equipo de la mitad de la tabla de posiciones (en el puesto 14 y 10). Unión San Felipe ya están en mal estado (en los últimos 5 juegos victorias - 1). Últimos partidos Deportes Iquique juega inestable (en los últimos 5 juegos victorias - 2).
Deportes Iquique podría tener problemas con la física comparar con ella oponente - últimos días se jugó más partidos que sus oponentes. En este partido, las posibilidades de ganar los dos equipos son casi iguales.El pasado 2 head-to-head matches Unión San Felipe ganó 0 partidos, dibujados 0 partidos, perdieron 2 partidos, y 2-6. Incluyendo partidos en casa entre los equipos Unión San Felipe ganó 0 partidos, dibujados 0 partidos, perdieron 1 partidos, y 1-2.Villa Teresa - Defensor Sporting match overview, prediction&tips Ambos equipos están jugando inestable.
Villa Teresa podría tener ventaja en la física - más días de descanso en los últimos días. Defensor Sporting tendrá una ligera ventaja en este juego.El pasado 2 head-to-head matches Villa Teresa ganó 0 partidos, dibujados 2 partidos, perdieron 0 partidos, y 3-3. Incluyendo partidos en casa entre los equipos Villa Teresa ganó 0 partidos, dibujados 1 partidos, perdieron 0 partidos, y 2-2.
Larne - Bala Town match overview, prediction&tips Heimmannschaft in einem sehr guten Zustand (in den letzten 5 Spielen gewinnt - 3).
Larne könnte Probleme mit der Physik zu vergleichen mit ihr Gegner haben - letzten Tagen spielten sie mehr Spiele als ihre Gegner. Kürzlich Larne haben eine Reihe von Heimspielen. Larne haben einen leichten Vorteil in diesem Match.Letzte 1 Kopf-an-Kopf-Spiele Heimmannschaft gewann 1 Spiele, 0 unentschieden Spiele, 0 Spiele verloren und Ziele 1-0.Unión San Felipe - Deportes Iquique match overview, prediction&tips In einem Match spielte ein Außenseiter und ein Team aus der Mitte der Tabelle (Platz 14 und 10). Heimmannschaft ist in schlechter Verfassung (in den letzten 5 Spielen gewinnt - 1). Neue Spiele Gastmannschaft spielt unregelmäßig (in den letzten 5 Spielen gewinnt - 2).
Deportes Iquique könnte Probleme mit der Physik zu vergleichen mit ihr Gegner haben - letzten Tagen spielten sie mehr Spiele als ihre Gegner. In diesem Spiel eine Chance, beide Teams gewinnen sind fast gleich.Letzte 2 Kopf-an-Kopf-Spiele Heimmannschaft gewann 0 Spiele, 0 unentschieden Spiele, 2 Spiele verloren und Ziele 2-6. Inklusive Heimspiele zwischen den Teams Heimmannschaft gewann 0 Spiele, 0 unentschieden Spiele, 1 Spiele verloren und Ziele 1-2.Villa Teresa - Defensor Sporting match overview, prediction&tips Beide Teams jetzt unregelmäßig spielen.
Defensor Sporting könnte Probleme mit der Physik zu vergleichen mit ihr Gegner haben - letzten Tagen spielten sie mehr Spiele als ihre Gegner. Defensor Sporting haben einen leichten Vorteil in diesem Match.Letzte 2 Kopf-an-Kopf-Spiele Heimmannschaft gewann 0 Spiele, 2 unentschieden Spiele, 0 Spiele verloren und Ziele 3-3. Inklusive Heimspiele zwischen den Teams Heimmannschaft gewann 0 Spiele, 1 unentschieden Spiele, 0 Spiele verloren und Ziele 2-2.
Larne - Bala Town match overview, prediction&tips Larne в очень хорошей форме (в последних 5 матчах побед - 3).
У Larne могут быть проблемы с физикой на фоне конкурента – в последние дни сыграно больше матчей чем у суперника. У Larne в последние время была домашняя серия матчей. Larne будет иметь небольшое преимущество в этом матче.Последние матчи между этими соперниками Larne выиграл 1, ничья 0, програл 0, разница голов 1-0.Unión San Felipe - Deportes Iquique match overview, prediction&tips В матче играют аутсайдер и команда из середины турнирной таблицы (занимают места 14 и 10). Unión San Felipe сейчас в плохой форме (в последних 5 матчах побед - 1). Последние матчи Deportes Iquique играет нестабильно (в последних 5 матчах побед - 2).
У Deportes Iquique могут быть проблемы с физикой на фоне конкурента – в последние дни сыграно больше матчей чем у суперника. В этом матче шансы на победу обеих команд практически равны.Последние матчи между этими соперниками Unión San Felipe выиграл 0, ничья 0, програл 2, разница голов 2-6. В том числе матчи на своем поле между этими соперниками Unión San Felipe выиграл 0, ничья 0, програл 1, разница голов 1-2.Villa Teresa - Defensor Sporting match overview, prediction&tips Обе команды сейчас играют нестабильно.
У Defensor Sporting могут быть проблемы с физикой на фоне конкурента – в последние дни сыграно больше матчей чем у суперника. Defensor Sporting будет иметь небольшое преимущество в этом матче.Последние матчи между этими соперниками Villa Teresa выиграл 0, ничья 2, програл 0, разница голов 3-3. В том числе матчи на своем поле между этими соперниками Villa Teresa выиграл 0, ничья 1, програл 0, разница голов 2-2.
Larne - Bala Town match overview, prediction&tips Larne в много добра форма (в последните 5 мача победи - 3).
В Bala Town може да бъде предимство в физическа подготовка - имаше повече дни, за да останат в последните дни. В Larne в последно време е дом серия мачове. Larne ще имат леко предимство в този мач.Последните 1 главата до главата мачове Larne спечели 1 мача, равенство 0 мача, загуби 0 мача и цели 1-0.Unión San Felipe - Deportes Iquique match overview, prediction&tips В мач се играе аутсайдер и отбор от средата на класирането (класирана 14 и 10). Unión San Felipe е в лоша форма (в последните 5 мача победи - 1). Последните мачове Deportes Iquique играе хаотично (в последните 5 мача победи - 2).
В Deportes Iquique може да има проблеми с физиката с съперник - през последните дни играе повече мачове, отколкото съперник. В тази игра шанс да спечели и двата отбора са почти равни.Последните 2 главата до главата мачове Unión San Felipe спечели 0 мача, равенство 0 мача, загуби 2 мача и цели 2-6. Включително мачове у дома между тези съперници Unión San Felipe спечели 0 мача, равенство 0 мача, загуби 1 мача и цели 1-2.Villa Teresa - Defensor Sporting match overview, prediction&tips Двата отбора играят хаотично.
В Villa Teresa може да бъде предимство в физическа подготовка - имаше повече дни, за да останат в последните дни. Defensor Sporting ще имат леко предимство в този мач.Последните 2 главата до главата мачове Villa Teresa спечели 0 мача, равенство 2 мача, загуби 0 мача и цели 3-3. Включително мачове у дома между тези съперници Villa Teresa спечели 0 мача, равенство 1 мача, загуби 0 мача и цели 2-2.
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omar-rios · 4 years
Final Reflection
Omar Rios
Myth class
You know me Omar Rios from my post on this class. But where I started wasn’t Washington where I’m guessing most you all lived. I lived in California, Norwalk my hometown where I was born and raised for 15 years of my life. I wasn’t the smartest kid or the coolest in school I was just there. Relaxing with the lads in the 100-degree weather playing dodgeball on the 20 foot by 10 food concrete patch under the trees. Always be playing the same as always even teams the same rules. Summer days were nice long walks to the store or the park a few 10 mins down the road obviously not always peaceful many accidents happened because the road was really strangely built. Most of my elementary school I was pretty troublesome I got detention every once in a while ( like mostly every week ). Most of the time get lunch to eat walk over to the detention center write some things and left simple as that I found ways to make it faster and easier but these sons of ***** said to do it again like dam, not my problem yall got outsmarted. It was about 6th grade where I got my stuff together and started trying a little more in school. There was a teacher that helped me learn better I would relax in there class when there was a break or had lunch luckily my two favorite ones were mr.block and my history teacher both really great and had you understand the lecturer and all the subject, as well as mr.block he was so good my 7th year there he became an administrator his second year in the school system and had the chance to run there few first state test exams that now are used in the grade school systems. In 2016 I moved to Washington with my family we had gone to visit last year and we enjoyed it was really nice and we enjoyed the green view of trees and nice places. So we moved and we moved to the city of Kenmore. Nice place quiet and peaceful went to Kenmore middle school for 2 years and meet amazing people who I still know were still friends to this day. The peak was highschool Ingleemore highschool where do I start. Man whoever made that school I’m not sure what they were thinking with them putting it on a hill that takes years to get to rip to anyone who had a manual car like rip bro hows the clutch holding up. But it wasn’t entirely bad made more friend who is closer to me and we relate to each other a lot. Some of the teachers were pretty alright. Most clubs were pretty fun we did get in a lot of trouble doing dumb stuff but the man did we make a name for our selves we even had our own spot for I believe all four years we didn’t care if it was raining that was are spot we ain’t letting no one taking it over. It was a top tier spot you basically looked down over the entire courtyard and we would mostly control the table also under it. Everyone knew us so we played ball on the center not far from the spot. In my 11th year of high school, my parent wanted to mover over to a different part of Washington only about a 30 min highway drive to kent where I now live. Here I went to school at kent-meridian high school. Not that bad definitely got the spirit but are team wow. I had a blast here learning different skills of art like painting, ceramics, and welding one of the best classes I could take. I had a lot of ups and downs on my history test and math one, not my strongest subjects but teachers were great. Senior year I took a sports med class that was fun and interactive learning some cool sports accidents and treatments and some first aid with CPR. And some bandaging techniques that are very helpful for sprained ankles or you have planter fascitis which is just flat feet. Also during school, I got a job and started working a lot of hour towards my semester 2 I worked a lot more than what school wanted but they didn’t need to know that it also around the time I had completed my manger test or the ServSafe test which is the high level of food safety and mostly need to work in the high-performance kitchen so most chefs have this. It different from the food safety cards people need to work basic food jobs but I end it up closing most day even during school (12pm is when we closed) and go home shower and do homework for maybe a few hours and go to bed I didn’t have the first period so I could sleep in till like 8 ish 9 ish and still be on time. But I would be super tired and would fall asleep in most classes that were not interesting most teacher would be cool with it I was passing there class so they let me sleep. It was a blast with work and all that I picked up new hobbies meeting new people. I made a friend who learned stocks and larned how to trade currency and got me into cars. A guy who offered me a job in a companion he was starting up making a friendly company. And many usual customers with connection really great people. Now I still work at my job and attend school driving 1 hour and a half to get to Bothell which I don’t mind because I like driving but dam this traffic really be brutal. I was really unfortunate with this quarter and last quarter that I had some teachers not do to the fullest what they could have done to teach better. Not this class this one is top tier one of my favorites and I really enjoyed it.
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adastraradionews · 5 years
Hutchinson 44 Salina South 21
McPherson 31 Rose Hill 7
Newton 15 Eisenhower 13
Ark City 13 Valley Center 7
Great Bend 49 Liberal 20
Maize South 7 Goddard 0
Halstead 49 Smoky Valley 0
Hesston 43 Chapman 32
Rock Creek 54 Clay Center 14
Andale 50 Clearwater 12
Collegiate 49 Haven 0
Cheney 55 Wichita Trinity 14
Nickerson 32 Kingman 0
Holcomb 13 Pratt 6
Hugoton 39 Larned 15
Riley County 33 Southeast of Saline 29
Trinity Catholic 36 Remington 14
Garden Plain 64 Independent 8
Conway Springs 41 Chaparral 7
Cimarron 48 Lyons 14
Southwestern Heights 22 Ellinwood 0
Lakin 18 Sterling 13
Norton Ellsworth
Hoisington 56 Phillipsburg 28
Hillsboro 72 Bluestem 0
Olpe 48 Marion 6
Inman 19 Meade 0
Sedgwick 48 Sublette 8
  8-MAN I
Canton-Galva 60 Solomon 0
Bennington 54 Herington 8
Goessel 56 Peabody Burns 8
Moundridge 56 Central Plains 8
Little River 60 St. John 0
Skyline 42 Macksville 22
  8-MAN II
Norwich 46 Pretty Prairie 0
South Barber gets a forfeit win over Burrton, which forfeited the game Monday due to a lack of numbers.
South Haven 46 Fairfield 0
Central Christian 62 Stafford 14 (non district)
Otis Bison 54 Chase 6
Minneola 58 Ingalls 14
Bucklin Satanta
Golden Plains 68 Cunningham 19
  In 6A singles Hutchinson's Gracie Foster went 1-2 while in doubles freshmen Tia Hines and Elizabeth Jackson also went 1-2 while Caroline Fee and Lauren Davis lost both their matches.
  At 5A in Pittsburg McPherson's Taylor Bruce and CeAnna Allen are in the semi-finals this morning while Rachel Carlson and Patty Huerta went 1-2. Perrin Schneider lost her quarterfinal match and will be on the consolation bracket today while Sydney Achilles lost both her matches.
  At 4A in Winfield Buhler Payton Demeyer and Alex Hutton are in the doubles semi-finals this morning while Bethany Yutzy and Kendall Birney went 2-2 on the day with Hesston's Michaela Martin and MacKenzie Unruh on the back side bracket after falling in the quarterfinals. Buhler's Allyah Fredrick and Brittney Teufel and Hallie Krehbiel from Hesston are in the consolation rounds today after losing in the quarterfinals. Gracie Dawes from Hesston lost both her matches.
  At 3-2-1A in Prairie Village Kingman's Hanna Pearce and Central Plains' Emily Ryan advanced to the singles' semi-finals. Kristina Head of Lyons and Sterling's Karissa Wilson lost both their matches Friday.. Sterling's Kinzie Comley and Aubrey Anderson and Central Plains' Zoe Potter and Jennah Jeffrey advanced to the semi-finals. Still alive on the consolation bracket are Sterling's Natalie Schweizer and Riley Richter, Central Plains' Brynna Hammeke and Kyla Metro and Smoky Valley's Rachel Yenni and Karik Elliott.
  The Sterling College Warriors hit the road this afternoon as they head to Lindsborg to face Bethany in the latter's Hyllingsfest game. Pre-game begins at 1 on Oldies 95.9 HK-FM.
  The HCC Blue Dragons host Dodge City this afternoon at noon in their Homecoming game. The Blue Dragons are seeking to remain undefeated at Gowans Stadium while the Conqs are still looking for their first win of the year.
  The Kansas Jayhawks head south to Austin to face Texas tonight... the Crimson and Blue show begins our coverage at 4:30 this afternoon on 94.7 KSKU. K-State hosts TCU this afternoon at 1:30 on FSN
  The other big sports event in Hutch today is this evening at 6 at the Salthawk Sports Complex when HCC and Cloud County face off for the Jayhawk West title. There's no love lost between those two teams, especially in the wake of what happened when Cloud won the match in Concordia
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ihavenoside · 5 years
Systeme Failure
This was one of the more notable differences between androids and humans. While human hospitals were often filled with the chaos of trying to save someone's life, naturally. The androids version of it was a much slower paced version of it. Here everything was meticulously done in order to ensure everything returned to proper working order but some cases were much harder than others and Connor’s case was no exception. 
The accident spread like wildfire when the news got wind of an android being involved in a motor vehicular accident that shut down part Highway 375 for most of the morning. The accident alone was noteworthy simply due to its rarity in nature but once they learned the identity of the person behind the wheel, all sorts of rumors and speculation started to spread. Anywhere between the theories of someone having tried to kill him, to the accident being deliberate to ridiculous theories of an emp device having been used, all of which had no evidence to support.
Most citizens simply expressing their surprise and confusion over the situation. Other being more vocal, asking why an android was even driving a non-self driving car and how they were allowed to without a license. Several emergency services were on the scene. The police and traffic control investigating the cause of the accident, search and recuse making sure the car was secured and later towed after having to use the jaws of life to remove the driver from the car. While cleaning up the accident took about 3 hours, the footage was later leaked to the media of what happened with no answers or word yet of the driver.
Several street camera footages showed the path of the orange Dodge Viper heading westbound on Larned St. obeying traffic laws before passing Lafayette park and accelerating in speed. Running throw a red light on Rivard st, narrowly missing cars and pedestrians before running another red light on Chrysler and causing a truck to t-bone the Viper to the right and sending the car sailing down onto the freeway going north. Clearing two lanes before hitting the medium and flipping the car onto the south side where it came to rest, smoking before the footage stops there.
It had taken at least an hour before Connor was removed for the car. A mixture of confusion on how to treat the scene. Given that he was unresponsive, they weren’t sure if it should be classified as a fatality or a life or death situation since an accident of this nature had never happened before. His synthetic skin no longer active revealed the extent of his damages. Thirium slowly leaking from the cracks and broken areas of his face and body. No light came from his LED or other biocomponents which would indicate life.
Police had decided Connor would be taken to a nearby converted Cyberlife repair shop run by other androids, hoping that the damage he had could be fixed by simply replacing the parts and having him reactivated so they could get a statement but after three hours of extensive repairs, they could not keep him activated long enough to run a proper diagnostic to check for other problems. Defeated, transportation was arranged to have him return to the Tower where the labs there could run more significant testing to diagnose the issue. 
Once there and a total of fourteen hours after the accident, the staff there were growing just as defeated. Meticulously checking chips, making sure wires were connected properly, making sure replacement parts were compatible and functioning, they were left confused at the odd, erratic behavior. Once they where sure of something, they would attempt a force start to run a diagnostic but his systems would remain on from anywhere between thirty seconds to no longer than three minutes before completely shutting off with several different error code which never seemed to pertain to the issue at hand.
“Look, I’m sorry but I still don’t have any answers for you. When there’s a change, I’ll let you know but he’s an advanced model, so it might take us a while to pinpoint the critical error he’s running into.” Stated the Male MC500, an android once known to serve as a paramedic and administer first aid to humans was now helping repair android with a team of other androids. 
“He’s going to be fine, it’s just going to take time.” He tried to encourage, offering some hope. 
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