#teaching methods for nursery class
educationbangalore · 2 years
Early Childhood Education: Top Preschool Teaching Methods
As a teacher, you want nothing more than for your students to succeed. But what methods work best for nursery class students? This article gives you a rundown of the teaching methods for nursery class used in these classes.
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merakiui · 1 year
Might i offer you professor!arlecchino.. 😳 having some absolutely crazy brainrot about her letting you stay at hers during a storm or something… taking off her tie. Goodness
Imagine all of the Harbingers as professors… orz Arlecchino likely teaches something that has to do with education for children (nursery education perhaps), considering her background with overseeing an orphanage in canon. Or perhaps something that has to do with nursing… omg ob-gyn Arlecchino. 😵‍💫
That aside, she definitely has a soft spot for you. Arlecchino appreciates the work you do in her class, always so diligent and determined. She’s pleased to have you as a student, and the two of you have an amicable relationship as professor and student. You may view it as simply that, but Arlecchino sees you in a fonder light. That’s why she insists you stay with her to wait out a dangerous storm. Perhaps your car has broken down or you don’t have a method of transportation, so Arlecchino suggests you take shelter with her in the meantime.
She’s so professional in the classroom, but now that you’re standing inside her home, watching her shrug her soaked jacket off and undo her tie and roll her sleeves up…….. it’s a very nice sight. orz omg and maybe the trio (Lyney, Lynette, and Freminet) live with her because she adopted them in this modern au!!! And they’re all looking between the two of you, wondering if there’s something going on between you and “Father.” >:)
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When children are together, they develop their own rituals, traditions, games, and legends—essentially, their own folklore, or, as researchers call it, “childlore.” That lore can be widespread and long-lasting—the mind boggles to think how many generations of children have played tag, for instance. Even seemingly more modern inventions, such as the “cool S”—a blocky, graffiti-ish S that has been etched into countless spiral-bound notebooks—are a shared touchstone for many people who grew up in different times and places in the U.S. How is it that so many children across time and space come to know the exact same things?
Children themselves probably couldn’t tell you where their lore began. If you ask a kid where a particular game or rhyme came from, they’ll likely tell you they invented it, Rebekah Willett, a professor at the Information School at the University of Wisconsin at Madison who has studied childlore, told me: “They cannot trace it, and they have no investment in tracing it.” Indeed, thinking back to the lore of my own youth, I have no idea how my friends and I thought to give each other “cootie shots” with the lead of a mechanical pencil, or why everyone in my elementary-school art class would smear their hands with Elmer’s glue, wait for it to dry, and then methodically peel it off (other than the fact that it was super fun and I would do it again right now if I had some glue nearby). These things were almost like analog memes, micro-bits of culture that seemed to come from nowhere and everywhere.
Also like memes, where childlore comes from is arguably less important than how it spreads and why it gains traction in the first place. The main way childlore spreads is, perhaps obviously, by children teaching it to one another. Older kids mentor younger ones both at school and at home, where siblings play a vital role in passing jokes and games down through generations. As for how childlore spreads geographically, there are a couple of key players. One is the new kid, who shows up at school with a pocketful of lore from elsewhere. The other is cousins, who are many kids’ closest peers who don’t attend their school.
Adults have a role to play in perpetuating childlore as well, albeit a supporting one. Parents and teachers share nursery rhymes, folk songs, and games with kids, and adults create the movies, books, and TV shows that kids consume. Our nostalgia for our own childhood shapes what kids get exposed to. But Steve Roud, a British folklorist and the author of The Lore of the Playground, emphasized to me that folklore is by its nature not handed down by an authority. It is of the people, by the people—even if those people are children. So although kids may crib from pop culture and adopt things they learn from adults, making something their own and using it for their own purposes is what transmutes it into childlore. PAW Patrol is not childlore; a game that kids invent on the playground using PAW Patrol characters is.
As Iona and Peter Opie, two pioneers in the childlore field, wrote in their 1959 book, The Lore and Language of Schoolchildren, “The scraps of lore which children learn from each other are at once more real, more immediately serviceable, and more vastly entertaining to them than anything which they learn from grown-ups.” And some information—such as how to summon Bloody Mary in a mirror or guarantee a snow day by wearing your pajamas inside out—you simply cannot rely on grown-ups to impart anyway.
As for what kinds of things become popular, Alex Mesoudi, who studies cultural evolution at the University of Exeter, in the U.K., pointed me toward two main forces that influence whether a particular chunk of culture will spread. One, which you could call “catchiness,” is whether the content of the lore itself is likely to be “remembered, passed on and adopted by others,” he told me in an email: For instance, a pithy song that rhymes and repeats is probably more memorable than a long, winding one. The other is the context in which you learn about a thing, and how high-status that context is—it could be the hot pop-culture trend of the moment or just associated with the popular kids at school. I’ll call this “coolness.” (And, of course, the allure of naughtiness cannot be overstated. Anything adults have deemed taboo is a hot commodity in kid society.)
  —  How the Traditions of Childhood Get Passed Down
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owlbeastly · 1 year
Lilith's classes
Odalia used everything in her power to get Amity a place under a Coven Head's training. Though she would've preferred someone else, Lilith was the Emperor's Coven leader. Personal history or not, that was the best for the family. However, her ideas of rigid, ruthless training were a bit off...
Lilith's training was indeed tough, but when Amity got admitted, she was just a five-year-old and way under the age limit. The Head Witch knew she couldn't just use the same methods. So she got in contact with Bump to talk with some of Hexside's teachers and learn a bit from them.
Clawthorne's plan was to follow the school's curriculum, focusing on really reinforcing the basics so the child could build upon it steadily and faster, later. So, while Odalia hoped they were forcing her daughter to sit still and recite the Magic Law, something else was going on... Something like:
Nursery Rhymes! Lilith knew a thousand Nursery Rhymes that taught kids the basics of magic, history, and science. She picked the ones she considered best and would always sing them with Amity at the beginning of class, teaching her the hand gestures and what they meant. It was heartwarming to see the child learning the lyrics and following her excitedly. Lilith was scared she would be too embarrassed to do the dances and that Amity wouldn't join her, but the little girl watched her teacher with her eyes glistening and a big smile.
Drawing and painting! Lilith would bring images of the Isles for them to draw and color. She first focused on the whole Titan, then on specific parts of their body to help Amity get a better understanding of their geography and Titan biology. She also knew, as a future Abomination Coven member, Amity needed to develop geometrical and observation skills to correctly summon and build golems that looked the way she wanted them to look. It was a challenge, and most of the little girl's first drawings were an abstract mess. Lilith toned down the requirements and asked Amity to focus on basic shapes first. This helped the child greatly and soon she memorized the looks of many geographical spaces and demons.
Physical games! Body Awareness and Balance were the only subjects outside of the common school curriculum that Lilith taught, going hard on extra teachings. As someone who never had this type of specialized learning in her youth and had to teach herself later on to survive the Coven's training, she intended to make sure every student of hers would be prepared, and Amity was the first one that would grow up with such nurturing. There were plenty of physical exercises whose intent was to strengthen the witches' bodies and prepare them to endure magical attacks from others and themselves. Specific knowledge ensured that the individual could work smarter with her stamina, reserving as much of it as possible to keep their bile sack from exhausting itself. For most people, it would've seen like senseless training, but every crazy-looking exercise had a point. Amity loved the time they spend doing the exercises and was the only moment she was actually allowed to roll on the grass and be under the sun. Odalia wasn't happy when she found her child dirty and pink from the heat, but Lilith did notice an increase in Ames' immunological system after they began 'playing' outside.
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lilflowerpot · 2 years
Hey i was wondering how does the school system actually work. Like how in australia we have primary school that goes K-6 and high school that goes 7-12. And do they stay is one class room or move to a different classroom or area depending on the subject. Do they have set class of kits or do they change each subject aswell. Also do they teach religion in school and do some schools specialise is a specific religion. Do they also have the dread assessments and getting a good grade. Hopefully i didnt make this to confusing
Galra Children | Galra Parenting | Parental Relationships | Family Names | BoM Family Names | Neglect & Disownment | Adoption
The above are⁠—I think⁠—all my key posts concerning galra children and child-rearing practices thus far, but the only ones explicitly relevant to your question are those first three (galra children, galra parenting, & parental relationships) so please do give those a read if you have yet to do so!
⁠To very briefly reiterate that which the above covers much more thoroughly: it's overwhelmingly common (though not technically compulsory) for imperial children to be raised communally on nursery colonies, the average scale of which numbers at 40,000 children, with an equal if not greater number of parents doubling as educators, and a handful of Dayaks (likely a hundred or less) who are there in leadership roles as the most esteemed scholars in the Empire. In terms of scheduling, a typical galra child raised on a nursery colony would see their time divided up between their schooling for three movements (15 quintants straight), and then one movement to spend bonding with their immediate blood-family. Though this may seem rather full-on to humans (the galra have no concept of a weekend!) young galra have a great deal of restless energy and so need to be constantly stimulated, which is a full-time job; this communal system not only allows for the kitlings to bond with a large group of peers, but also allows for their parents to formulate their working schedules around their children so that they can actually spend more quality time with their offspring than they would otherwise be able to if they saw them for only a few vargas every evening.
But let's talk curriculum:
Galra parents may apply for a position upon any given nursery colony alongside their child/children providing their trade will benefit the community there rather than solely drain its resources (and the Galra abhor idleness, it goes against their entire culture as a very physical people, so this is not usually a problem): this includes soldiers, yes, but also agricultural workers, engineers, scientists, artists, and scholars most of all. Imperial children are provided the best of all things, and chief among these is a top-tier education as they are the future of the Empire. Rather than having designated “teachers” the galra believe in a hands-on approach to cultivating their youngest minds (kinetic learning is generally the most effective method for rambunctious little kitlings who would riot if kept at a desk from dawn til dusk) and so they’ll have people of all professions on-planet for the express purpose of allowing the children to really experience the world rather than just hear about it second-hand. They express an interest in science? Let’s go and see the new shuttles being built! Art? Well there’ll be no understanding how sunlight plays on water if you haven’t witnessed it for yourself! Agriculture? This is how we plow the fields and moderate the ph of the soil to produce only the finest food for the Empire! History? The druids have kept archives dating back millennia, and many of the recent ones take the form of AI, so why not ask your questions of Empress Zetian herself?
So as the above—from my galra parenting post—hopefully makes clear, the Empire's educational sector is infinitely more flexible and involved than that which we might recognise as the (western) human standard, without set classes let alone classrooms, though the younger kits are strongly encouraged to try a little bit of everything before they set their heart of one particular path. Nursery colonies are, therefore, functionally structured as kit-friendly microcosms of imperial society so that they may safely explore a wide variety of interests and naturally develop skillsets that they may then go on to fine-tune into a career to serve them in adult life. The curriculum is largely dictated by the children themselves, with the educators tailoring their lessons to the age/disposition of the specific children involved; all stationed personnel are able to interact with the kits of every family and contribute to their learning by imparting their own knowledge and expertise upon anyone who takes a particular interest, allowing the kits to form valuable emotional bonds with people they most naturally click with rather than attempting to force unnatural kinship based on arbitrary reasoning.
There are assignments of a sort, because the Empire does require some standard of formal recognition for how capable any given individual is in any given subject, but it's more long form with case-studies and practical projects rather than short form examinations; application of knowledge is deemed far more important than memorising facts and figures, so providing the individual in question can demonstrate a thorough understanding of their subject area, the Dayaks see little need to force them to do so under the unnecessary pressure of time-constraints. Indeed, outside of compulsory schooling, most Imperial career paths start out on an apprenticeship basis with new students learning on the job, as it were, because this makes the most practical sense: particularly when you consider that a lot of rudimentary desk-work can be done by specialist AI drones (they're not just foot soldiers!) allowing Imperial citizens proper to pursue more exciting things.
In terms of ages, I'll refer you to my posts concerning galra lifespans [ 1 | 2 ] for the details, but the physical galra aging process in terms of Imperial Decapheobs is, roughly speaking:
Infancy: 0–13 idp Childhood: 14–38 idp Adolescence: 39–63 idp Young Adult: 64–139 idp Older Adult: 140–229 idp Elder: 230–280 idp
Children are eligible to enter nursery colonies in the first Sa'meih after they've turned 14 idp of age (which is the human equivalent of approximately 4 years old), and will in all likelihood remain a member of whichever colony they enter for the next ~50idp, this being the duration of their entire childhood. The reason this number is an approximation, is because the line between galra childhood & adulthood is distinct, but not predefined, and dictated by the age at which any given individual triumphs at their Q'tskraal: a galra rite of passage that all galra must overcome to be formerly recognised as ready to contribute to imperial society as a mature and independent entity.
Now, is it really a post about imperial culture if I don't mention some form of militarism at least once? I think not. Older kits begin compulsory combat training at 40 IDP (the human equivalent of 11y/o) and those of galra blood are eligible to join the military programme at 60 IDP (17y/o)—if and only if they've triumphed at their Q'tskraal—wherein they would be required to complete a further 5 IDP of training before being deemed ready for combat,,, meaning that the absolute youngest a galra person could be when they officially enlist in the Imperial military is 65 IDP (19y/o).
Finally, all imperial citizens are indeed taught religion along with everything else—every branch equally without preference or prejudice—with members of all manner of churches (not just druidic! not even those solely galra in origin!) speaking to the children about their faith/history/practices with great enthusiasm. Much like the military track, kits of a certain age (60idp) are allowed to decide whether or not they would like to dedicate their lives to a particular faith and can therefore focus their studies in that area, but again cannot fully commit themselves to that lifestyle until after they have claimed victory at their Q'tskraal.
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Teacher!Phil Masterlist
Absolutely Smitten (ao3) - manchestereyes
Summary: Teacher AU wherein Dan is a much-adored primary school music teacher, and Phil is just the science teacher who can't keep his mind off of him. But when the students notice and try to get in on the action, will Phil finally work up the courage to ask Dan out?
"A" For Effort (ao3) - Bananna
Summary: Dan and Phil were once high school love birds, but as soon as Phil heads to uni, everything is different. After drifting apart, and not talking for years, the two end up teaching at their old high school of all places. Inevitably, they find each other again, convinced the other has moved on. Through hours of grading, and bearing through crazy parents, they still find their thoughts filled with the other. A single night could change everything.
All The Little Things (ao3) - kittengrapeleaves
Summary: Single dad Dan Howell has a hard time realizing how quickly his daughter is growing up. That is, until he meets her teacher as he drops her off on her first day of school and he realizes: maybe change isn't so bad.
Arrows that Pierces the Heart (ao3) - Star4545
Summary: Artist Dan is one of a few people that in a world full of soulmates is incapable of love, but his quirky neighbor Phil shows him that maybe there is love for him.
Colour-Smears Nursery (ao3) - gerardopoly
Summary: After a rough divorce, Dan Howell is left with full custody of his son Dil. For a while, life at home was calm between their little family, and Dan had started to notice that things for them were starting to look up. Except, Dil is going to begin his first year of nursery school, which puts Dan’s mind in a whirlwind of anxiety. With the help of loving friends and one quirky nursery school teacher, perhaps Dan will learn to let things go. And maybe his little family will grow.
Falling Flat - the-squirrel-queen
Summary: Dan is a pianist. A recent graduate from Juliard, he finds himself at a job playing music for school children. Phil is a music teacher at said school. They have a rather interesting relationship in class. A rather flirtatious relationship. The children see the interactions between the two and begin to wonder if they are in a relationship. Soon, a work relationship blooms into a romantic one through a love of music and each other.
Flash - botanistlester
Summary: Dan has been pining for his teacher, Mr. Lester, since he first laid eyes on him. When he tries to take a cheeky photo of Mr. Lester’s ass during class, the camera’s flash goes off.
It’s Beginning to look a lot like Christmas (ao3) - citizen101erased
Summary: Dan has just started as a new teacher at a secondary school in Manchester, and immediately gets put in charge of the annual Christmas celebration. But between constant budget cuts, the two main roles coming down with laryngitis, and the original teacher possibly coming back earlier than expected, it will take all of Dan’s creativity - and that of the cute English teacher, Mr. Lester - to keep the show going, whatever it takes.
L'Histoire Française - danfanciesphil
Summary: Since he can remember, Dan has had a bad experience with teachers. When desperate times call for him to take a job as a TA at his local secondary school, he is dreading the experience. Cue Phil Lester: eclectic, vivacious History teacher whom the students and teachers adore for his fantastical, unique methods and sincere passion for his job. Dan was expecting all sorts of drama in his new job, but falling for a member of the faculty was not part of it.
Like Father, Like Son (ao3) - INeverHadMyInternetPhase (BirbWatcher)
Summary: Phil is a good teacher, he is. He just can’t control Samuel Howell. And turns out he can’t control Samuel Howell’s single dad, either. (Or, the one where Dan's a single dad and a bad influence, and Phil's the teacher who has to deal with the consequences)
meet you there (ao3) - orphan_account
Summary: Dan's a new teacher and Phil's become his designated tour guide around the school.
Mr. Lester’s Husband - philipsenpai-fics
Summary: extreme parent fluff and Phil being a teacher.
Mr. Lester’s Husband (ao3) - nipsu
Summary: Phil Lester, a young teacher, takes his family to work and surprises his class of students.
Oh, Teacher - dxnhowell
Summary: Summer is over, and school is starting again. It’s Dan’s final year of high school. He’s a senior now, but that’s not the only thing that’s changed.
Parenting (wattpad) - helloanonymouswriter
Summary: Dan is a single and proud parent of his beautiful 2 year old daughter Lucy. Phil Lester was the preschool teacher at the preschool Dan was happening to take his daughter to.
Play Me A Song, Write Me A Story (ao3) - phanimist
Summary: Dan is an English teacher who loves words but doesn’t quite love his job, and Phil is the new band conductor/music teacher with bright blue eyes that Dan loves to describe.Their friendship blossoms instantly, despite both of them wanting more right from the start.
Or, alternate summary: A shit ton of fluff with teacher x teacher action that isn't smut i'm sorry
Preschool (ao3) - TheUKAmazingDan
Summary: After Cat decides to move away, Dan gets left with her child. After picking her up from preschool one day, he starts to fall for her hunk of a teacher, Mister Lester.
Shakespeare And Coffee - dansphlevels
Summary: Teacher!Phan au where Dan Howell is the new Language and Composition teacher at the high school where Phil Lester teaches English to a bunch of public schooled kids who want nothing to do with it. Includes lots of very un-subtle flirting, a minor caffeine addiction, and a shared love for Shakespeare.
The River (ao3) - Portia331
Summary: Dan arrived in Melbourne two weeks ago with just one suitcase crammed with running gear, psychology textbooks, and a mere fraction of his wardrobe especially curated to fit both his aesthetic and the Melbourne weather.
He's about to start in the role of a lifetime on a 12 month contract, but he's barely ready for the Australian summer heat, let alone what the world is about to throw at him.
The Thank You Incident (ao3) - koleen
Summary: AU where Phil is a preschool teacher and Dan is a graduating university student doing volunteer work. Out of lack of other options, they end up being two pretend dads for eight little children who have a knack for wanting their teacher to find someone to fall in love with because they wanted him to stop feeling alone.
Where Home Is (ao3) - americanphancakes
Summary: Phil is an adjunct Linguistics professor. At what school, you ask? Well, right now, he's teaching at two schools somewhere in the middle of nowhere U.S.A. All he wants is to finally stop moving to a new city every school term and get a full time, tenure-track position... but it never seems to work out that way.
Luckily, wherever he moves, Dan is right there with him. With dinner and back rubs.
You And Me Have Got A Whole Lot Of History - dxnhowell
Summary: Dan and Phil are both teachers at a school and everybody knows that they hate each other but they don’t know why, the students take it upon themselves to finally get Mr. Howell and Mr. Lester to stop fighting.
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mariacallous · 2 years
Story by Paula Erizanu. Edited by Eilish Hart.
The autonomous region of Gagauzia in southern Moldova is home to roughly 160,000 people. Also known as Gagauz Yeri, the region is mainly populated by Gagauz: a Turkic minority that is predominantly Orthodox Christian and, as a lasting consequence of Soviet hegemony, Russian speaking. Like the more famous breakaway region of Transnistria, Gagauzia declared itself independent in 1990 amid the USSR’s slow-motion collapse. And although it reintegrated with Moldova just four years later, Gagauzia’s relationship with the central government in Chișinău remains tense. In a dispatch for The Beet, Moldovan journalist Paula Erizanu reports on how this autonomous region, which was established to safeguard the Gagauz language and culture, has retained its Soviet-era Russification and Moscow’s political influence. 
This article first appeared in The Beet, a new email dispatch from Meduza featuring original reporting on Central and Eastern Europe, the Caucasus, and Central Asia. Sign up here to get our next issue delivered directly to your inbox.
As I arrive in Comrat, the capital of the autonomous Gagauz Yeri region in southern Moldova, I see a boutique near the bus station advertising consultancy services for getting Romanian citizenship — in Russian, the lingua franca of the region. Most of the ads posted on pillars around town offer job opportunities in the European Union. 
Like all state institutions here, the town hall has three inscriptions, written in Gagauz, Romanian, and Russian (the region’s official languages). A granite monument out front informs passersby about a 250,000-euro ($245,000) EU project that created a tourist information office inside the multipurpose building. (The office is empty, as the person who runs it is on holiday, according to the person in charge of the legal consultancy office next door).
A 77-year-old woman is resting in the hallway. “How am I supposed to live on a 2,300-lei [$118 monthly] pension while prices are skyrocketing?” Vasilisa asks with tears in her eyes. The ongoing energy crisis and Russia’s war in Ukraine has led to an astonishing 34 percent inflation in Moldova. 
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Lidia Ostaș, an energetic, 34-year-old woman working for Gagauzia’s education department and as a Romanian language teacher, arrives at the town hall to take me to a couple of trilingual kindergartens to observe the learning process there. I assist in two classes with children aged five to six, learning the days of the week in Romanian and Gagauz, respectively. The 20-minute lessons involve games, singing, and dancing to keep the children engaged, entertained, and learning. The kindergarten is mainly run in Russian, but children alternate Romanian and Gagauz language activities every day. 
In theory, the trilingual kindergarten program has existed since 1994, when Moldova adopted a law granting Gagauzia autonomy. “But we had no materials to work with, and no method to guide us,” Lidia recalls. Since 2021, after a four-year pilot program, all 57 state kindergartens in Gagauzia now share the same curriculum and books based on modern teaching methods. The teachers I meet are passionate about their jobs and go beyond their textbooks: they look for nursery rhymes and games online, or even translate or write new ones themselves. “While this is much better than what we had before, we can only do so much if there's no linguistic environment for them to practice their skills,” Lidia explains. 
Indeed, most people in Comrat speak to me in Russian and admit to knowing only a bit of Gagauz and even less Romanian, Moldova's official language. At her office in Gagauzia’s education department, even Lidia’s colleagues come to her for help with Romanian language documents destined for the capital, Chișinău. “There have been free programs to learn Romanian before, but they have to be complemented by career-progression incentives,” she says. “For instance, if you can't speak Romanian, maybe you shouldn't be allowed to become the head of a [public] institution.” 
‘The kids speak Russian with their families’
Despite the region’s autonomous status, the Gagauz language seems to have been dying rather than flourishing since 1994. Lidia’s mother is also a kindergarten teacher in Congazcicul de Sus, a village near Comrat. “When she first started working during the Soviet era, all the kids spoke Gagauz at home and she had to teach them Russian from scratch — ‘this is how you say hand, eye,’” Lidia tells me. “Now, the kids speak Russian with their families and she has to teach them how to say ‘hand’ and ‘eye’ in Gagauz.”
In response to the deliberate Soviet policy of Russification, the Gagauz language underwent a revival during the Glasnost era. In the late 1980s, as Romanian speakers across Moldova reclaimed their language and culture, the Gagauz also advocated for a return to their own heritage. The Ion Creangă State Pedagogical University in Chișinău launched a popular Gagauz language degree program. But in 2005, after Comrat State University successfully fought for a monopoly over the study of Gagauz, the department was closed down. Today, Gagauz is only taught there as a Master’s degree for teachers of the language. 
The Russian language’s dominance comes with political implications: it means Gagauz people consume more Russian than Moldovan media and tend to have pro-Kremlin political allegiances, despite the fact that most investment in local infrastructure comes from Chișinău, Turkey, and the European Union. “Our princess,” says one corner shop vendor, referring to Moldovan President Maia Sandu, “has gone to New York to ask for the withdrawal of Russian troops from Transnistria.” The breakaway region in Moldova’s east has had some 20,000 tons of Soviet ammunition and 1,500 Russian soldiers stationed there as “peacekeeping troops” since the Transnistria War in 1992. “But they have been there for 30 years, since we were one country, [the USSR],” the vendor adds.
Like Transnistria, but unlike the rest of Moldova, Gagauzia has preserved its Lenin statue in the center of Comrat, as well as its Soviet-era street names. Three years after Moldova gained independence from Moscow in 1991, the southern region was given autonomy following tensions and clashes between Chișinău and Comrat, which the Kremlin had fueled since the Soviet Union’s final years. (According to former MPs Ion Hadârcă and Alexandru Arseni, the last head of the USSR’s Supreme Soviet Anatoly Lukyanov threatened Moldova's officials with “two autonomies” if they didn't participate in the 1991 referendum, which would have legalized the 1940 Soviet annexation of present-day Moldova.) 
Speaking at Comrat State University in September, President Sandu announced a 2023 Romanian language program for adults in Gagauzia. Later that same day, during a meeting at Gagauzia’s legislature, the representatives of the People’s Assembly asked her why she calls her native tongue Romanian rather than “Moldovan” (as the Soviets called it, to promote a new national identity, separate from Romania). They also asked why she wasn’t going to Moscow to negotiate cheaper gas prices — a question popularized by pro-Kremlin political parties in Moldova, in an attempt to blame Sandu’s administration for rising energy prices and the ensuing inflation. Gagauz and Moldovan media affiliated with pro-Russian parties presented the visit as a defeat for Sandu.
A couple of weeks later, the Turkish Parliamentary Speaker Mustafa Şentop came to Comrat. He encouraged Gagauz people to learn Romanian and condemned Russia's aggression towards Ukraine. The Gagauz government-affiliated press did not report on these statements. 
‘I don’t want to lose my culture’
“In Gagauzia, all politicians are pro-Russian because Russia is financing these political projects. There is no pro-European political offer,” says journalistMihail Sirkeli, from the independent regional media portal nokta.md. (In Comrat, I counted at least four billboards advertising his Russian-language political show, The Cost of Freedom.) 
Having Gagauz as a native tongue and speaking both Russian and Romanian fluently, Mihail argues that the solution is for political parties entering Gagauzia’s People’s Assembly to be subsidized by the state budget, just like the parties that make it into the national parliament in Chișinău. “We need autonomy for Gagauzia to represent Gagauz interests and help with regional socio-economic and cultural development, not in order to promote Kremlin interests and Soviet nostalgia,” he underscores. “But Gagauz people are currently not demanding this. They don't care about Gagauz language or history. Formally, we have three official languages in Gagauzia, but all the laws are adopted and published in Russian only.”
One man who does care deeply about Gagauz heritage is hip-hop artist and producer Vitalii Manjul. In the early 1990s, Vitalii discovered hip-hop on MTV and started rapping in Gagauz. “I was rapping about money, cars, authority. Now I try to use humor to speak about more important issues, like spirituality, love,” the 51-year-old tells me. For the past 15 years, Vitalii has also been collecting old Gagauz songs and reinterpreting them with modern R&B and pop elements. “Young people think these are new songs, but I tell them these lyrics are 100 years old,” he says. 
In his mission to promote Gagauz culture among the new generations, Vitalii collaborates with other young singers at his Comrat studio, called Kolay. Kolay means “easy” in Gagauz, Vitalii, who is slowly transitioning from rap to reggae, explains. “I wish for there to be no war, no national misunderstanding, I want everything to be easy,” he says, alluding to his “Rastaman outlook to life.”
Vitalii declares himself a cosmopolitan with plenty of cultural influences from across the globe, but he still feels rooted in his Gagauz heritage. “I don't want to lose my culture,” he says. “Imagine if I forget my native tongue — who will I be?”
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OPG World School: A Premier Educational Institution in Dwarka
If you're searching for the best schools in Dwarka, OPG World School stands out as a top-rated institution that provides a world-class education. Known for its state-of-the-art facilities and excellent academic standards, OPG World School is often regarded as the top rated school in Dwarka, offering a holistic educational experience in a nurturing environment.
CBSE-Based Curriculum: Fostering Academic Excellence
OPG World School follows the CBSE curriculum, making it one of the most sought-after CBSE schools in Dwarka. If you're seeking a top rated CBSE school in Dwarka that offers quality education with modern amenities, OPG is an excellent choice. The school is recognized as one of the top CBSE schools near me for its dedicated faculty and commitment to academic rigor. Its CBSE school admission form for Dwarka can easily be accessed for parents looking to enroll their children in the upcoming academic year.
Air Conditioned Classrooms and Modern Infrastructure
Parents concerned about comfort will be pleased to know that OPG World School is also a top rated AC school in Dwarka, providing air-conditioned classrooms to enhance the learning experience. This makes it not just a CBSE based school in Dwarka but also a top rated AC school in Dwarka, offering a conducive environment for students to thrive.
A Global Outlook: International Education at Its Best
In addition to following the CBSE curriculum, OPG World School offers students a global perspective, earning its place as one of the international schools near me. The school incorporates international teaching methods and promotes a cross-cultural understanding, making it an ideal choice for parents searching for an international school that provides both local and global educational standards.
Admissions Now Open: Secure a Spot for Your Child
If you're looking for schools with open admissions, OPG World School is currently accepting applications for CBSE admission in Dwarka. The process for nursery admission in Dwarka is seamless, with clear guidelines and criteria provided for prospective parents. You can easily apply for schools online in Dwarka, making the admission process hassle-free. If you're specifically searching for private CBSE schools near me or schools offering a CBSE school admission near me, OPG World School should be at the top of your list.
Schools Nearby: A Convenient Location
Located in the heart of Dwarka, OPG World School is conveniently situated, making it an excellent choice for parents searching for schools near me or nearby schools in Dwarka. With its easy accessibility, it's often considered one of the top schools near me and a prime option for families living in the area. Whether you're interested in a CBSE school near me with a fee structure or simply the top 10 CBSE schools near me, OPG World School offers both quality education and convenience.
Why Choose OPG World School?
Here are a few reasons why OPG World School is regarded as one of the top 10 schools in Dwarka:
A strong focus on academic excellence through a well-structured CBSE education.
Comfortable, air-conditioned classrooms, making it a top rated AC school in Dwarka.
A blend of traditional CBSE teaching methods with modern, international perspectives.
Transparent and smooth admission process, whether for nursery admission in Dwarka or higher classes.
Convenient location, making it a school near me for many families in Dwarka.
Educational Services That Stand Out
OPG World School doesn’t just focus on academic learning but also offers a variety of educational services that cater to the overall development of each student. The school’s infrastructure, faculty, and innovative teaching techniques ensure that students are well-prepared for the future, making it a top choice among private schools near me.
Final Thoughts
Whether you're looking for an education school in Dwarka, an international school, or a CBSE school near me with a fee structure, OPG World School should be on your radar. With its excellent academic track record and nurturing environment, it ranks among the top schools in Dwarka and continues to offer a premier education to students. Explore CBSE admission in Dwarka at OPG World School today to secure a bright future for your child.
For more details, visit OPG World School's official website and take the first step towards enrolling your child in one of the best schools in Dwarka.
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creativematka09 · 15 days
Bal Bharati Noida Admission - A Comprehensive Guide to BBPS Noida
Bal Bharati Public School (BBPS) Noida is one of the most prestigious schools in the region, offering quality education and a nurturing environment for students. As one of the top educational institutions, it places emphasis on both academic excellence and holistic development. If you're looking for a school that prepares students for the challenges of the future while instilling strong values, BBPS Noida stands out as an excellent option. This article covers everything you need to know about the admission process, facilities, and what makes BBPS Noida a top choice for parents.
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Why Choose BBPS Noida?
BBPS Noida, under the aegis of the Child Education Society, has been committed to providing top-tier education for several decades. It is known for:
Academic Excellence: BBPS Noida follows the CBSE curriculum and boasts impressive results in both academic and co-curricular activities.
Holistic Development: The school emphasizes the all-round development of students through sports, arts, music, drama, and community engagement activities.
World-Class Infrastructure: BBPS Noida offers state-of-the-art facilities, ensuring students have access to modern classrooms, laboratories, libraries, and sports facilities.
Value-Based Education: The school instills strong values of discipline, integrity, and social responsibility in students.
Admission Process at BBPS Noida
1. Eligibility Criteria
The eligibility criteria for admission vary depending on the class for which the application is being made:
Pre-Primary and Primary Classes: Admission for the early classes (Nursery, KG, and Grade I) is typically based on the age of the child and basic interactive assessments.
Higher Classes (Grades II and Above): For admissions to higher classes, students might be required to clear an entrance exam, and the previous academic performance is considered.
2. Age Requirements
For admission to Nursery or Pre-Primary classes, the age requirement is usually:
Nursery: 3+ years
KG: 4+ years
Grade I: 5+ years It’s important to check the school’s specific age cutoff dates for admissions in a particular academic year.
3. Online Registration
BBPS Noida has streamlined the admission process, allowing parents to complete the registration online:
Step 1: Visit the official BBPS Noida website.
Step 2: Navigate to the “Admissions” section and fill out the online registration form.
Step 3: Upload the necessary documents, including the child's birth certificate, previous school reports (for higher classes), and a passport-sized photograph.
4. Documents Required
The following documents are usually required during the admission process:
Birth Certificate (issued by a competent authority)
Transfer Certificate (for students applying for higher classes)
Recent passport-sized photographs of the child
Proof of residence (for local applicants)
5. Entrance Examination (If Applicable)
For students applying to Grade II and above, an entrance examination may be required. This test evaluates the child’s proficiency in English, Mathematics, and Science, depending on the grade level.
6. Interaction and Interview
For pre-primary and primary admissions, BBPS Noida may conduct a simple interaction or interview with the child and parents to understand their aspirations and how the school can cater to the child's needs.
Fee Structure
The fee structure at BBPS Noida is competitive with other top schools in the region and offers value for the facilities and education provided. Parents are encouraged to visit the school’s website or contact the administration office for detailed information on the tuition fees, transportation fees, and other charges.
Facilities and Infrastructure at BBPS Noida
1. Smart Classrooms
BBPS Noida integrates technology into its teaching methods with smart classrooms, providing students with an engaging learning experience. These classrooms are equipped with projectors, digital boards, and internet access to facilitate modern education.
2. Science and Computer Laboratories
The school provides well-equipped science and computer laboratories that allow students to engage in hands-on learning. These labs cater to students from primary to senior secondary levels, offering them the opportunity to explore science and technology.
3. Sports and Physical Education
The school promotes a healthy lifestyle by offering extensive sports facilities, including playgrounds, basketball courts, a swimming pool, and more. BBPS Noida is known for its emphasis on both indoor and outdoor sports, helping students maintain physical fitness and develop teamwork skills.
4. Library
BBPS Noida has a vast library with an extensive collection of books, journals, and digital resources. This encourages reading and research, allowing students to explore various fields of knowledge outside the classroom curriculum.
Extracurricular Activities
BBPS Noida focuses on the holistic development of its students. Along with academics, the school provides ample opportunities for students to participate in extracurricular activities:
Music and Performing Arts: The school has a strong tradition of excellence in the arts, providing students with platforms to showcase their talents in music, dance, and drama.
Clubs and Societies: BBPS Noida offers various clubs, including the science club, debate club, and eco-club, giving students the chance to pursue their interests and develop skills outside the classroom.
Community Outreach: The school encourages students to engage in community service through its outreach programs, fostering a sense of social responsibility.
Parent Involvement
BBPS Noida encourages active involvement of parents in their child’s education. The school regularly conducts parent-teacher meetings, open houses, and workshops to keep parents informed about their child’s progress and school activities.
For parents seeking a top-tier school for their children, Bal Bharati Public School Noida stands out as a leader in academic excellence, holistic development, and value-based education. With a structured admission process, modern infrastructure, and a wide range of extracurricular activities, BBPS Noida provides students with the foundation they need to succeed academically and personally. The school’s focus on developing well-rounded individuals makes it the ideal choice for parents looking for quality education in Noida.
To begin the admission process or learn more, visit the official BBPS Noida website and explore how this institution can shape your child's future.
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oxfordkids · 16 days
How to Choose the Right Pre-Nursery School for Your Baby
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Picking the right Pre Nursery Syllabus for your baby is an important decision. It's the first step in their learning journey, and you want to make sure it's the best one. With so many options out there, it can be confusing. But don't worry! By thinking about a few key points, you can find the perfect school for your child.
1. Look at the Pre-Nursery Syllabus
One of the first things to check is the pre-nursery syllabus. The syllabus should help your child grow in all areas — thinking, moving, feeling, and socializing. Good schools offer a mix of activities like storytelling, painting, singing, and playing outside. These activities help your child learn to talk, create, and move better.
2. Check the School Environment
The school environment is very important for your child's growth. Visit the school to see if it is clean, safe, and friendly. Watch how the teachers talk to the children. They should be kind and patient. Also, look at the number of children in each class. Fewer children mean the teacher can give more attention to each child.
3. Find a School Near Your Home
A school close to home is always a good idea. It makes daily travel easier for both you and your child. Less time in traffic means more time for your child to play and learn.
4. Look at the School’s Facilities
Check what facilities the school has. Are there safe play areas, a library, and clean bathrooms? Does the school have safety measures like cameras and locked gates? Good facilities make sure your child is comfortable and safe.
5. Meet the Teachers
Teachers play a big role in how your child feels about school. They should be qualified, friendly, and love working with young children. Meet them and ask questions about how they teach and handle different situations. A good teacher can make school a fun and happy place for your child.
6. Consider the School's Reputation
Find out what other parents think about the school. You can ask around, read online reviews, or see if the school has won any awards. A school with a good reputation usually means it provides good care and learning.
7. Think About the Cost
It’s important to choose a school that fits your budget. Make sure you know all the costs involved, like fees, admission charges, and extra costs for things like uniforms or trips. Some schools offer discounts or allow you to pay in parts, so ask about these options too.
8. Trust Your Feelings
Lastly, trust yourself. After visiting a few schools and getting all the information, choose the one that feels right for you and your child. Your feelings often guide you toward the best decision.
9. Look for a Play-Based Learning Approach
Young children learn best through play. When choosing a pre-nursery school, find out if they use a play-based learning approach. This method makes learning fun and helps children explore the world around them. Activities like building blocks, puzzles, and pretend play can improve your child’s problem-solving skills and creativity. Schools that focus on play-based learning help children enjoy their time in the classroom and look forward to going to school.
10. Understand the School’s Values and Culture
Every school has its own set of values and culture. Some might focus more on discipline, while others might emphasize creativity or independence. Think about what values are important to you and your family. Choose a school whose culture matches your own beliefs and values. It will help your child feel more comfortable and confident in their new environment.
11. Ask About Communication with Parents
Good communication between the school and parents is essential. Find out how the school keeps parents informed about their child's progress and daily activities. Some schools send regular newsletters, emails, or use apps to keep parents updated. Open communication allows you to stay involved in your child's learning and address any concerns early on.
12. Observe the Children at the School
During your visit, take some time to observe the children already at the school. Are they happy, engaged, and busy with activities? Do they seem comfortable with the teachers? Watching how other children interact with their surroundings can give you a good sense of the school's atmosphere and how your child might feel there.
13. Find Out About Health and Safety Policies
Safety is a top priority for any parent. Make sure the school has strict health and safety policies in place. Ask about their procedures for handling accidents, illnesses, and emergencies. Check if they have trained staff to handle first aid and if they follow good hygiene practices. Knowing the school is prepared for any situation will give you peace of mind.
14. Get Feedback from Other Parents
Talking to other parents whose children attend or have attended the school can provide valuable insights. They can share their experiences, what they liked, or any issues they faced. Real feedback from other parents can help you make a more informed decision.
15. Don’t Rush Your Decision
Take your time to decide. Choosing a pre-nursery school is a big step, and it's important to feel confident in your choice. Visit multiple schools, ask questions, and gather all the information you need. Remember, it's okay to take your time to make sure you're making the right decision for your child.
Final Thoughts
Selecting the right pre-nursery school is a journey that involves careful thought and consideration. Focus on finding a school that aligns with your values and supports your child's growth and happiness. With patience and a bit of research, you can find the perfect place where your child will start their learning adventure, feel safe, happy, and excited to go to school every day.
By keeping these tips in mind, you can confidently choose the best pre-nursery school for your little one, setting them on the path to a bright and happy future.
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oxford-school-pune · 3 months
CBSE School Near Kharadi, Pune: Oxford World School
Best School In Kharadi Pune
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In the vibrant and rapidly growing area of Kharadi, Pune, parents are presented with numerous options for their children’s education. Among these, Oxford World School stands out as the best CBSE school, offering a comprehensive and nurturing learning environment from Nursery to Class 10. Here’s why Oxford World School should be your top choice for your child’s educational journey.
Do Want to know more about Oxford World School? Visit https://oxfordworldschool.com/ to know about it and for Admission Enquiry
Holistic Education from Nursery to Class 10
Oxford World School:provides a seamless educational experience that starts from Nursery and goes up to Class 10. This continuity ensures that children grow in a familiar and supportive environment, which is crucial for their overall development.
Why Choose Oxford World School?
1. CBSE Curriculum:
Oxford World School follows the CBSE (Central Board of Secondary Education) curriculum, which is renowned for its comprehensive and balanced approach. The CBSE curriculum is designed to foster critical thinking, creativity, and a love for learning, making it ideal for students’ all-round development.
2. Experienced Faculty:
The school boasts a team of highly qualified and experienced teachers who are dedicated to nurturing each student’s potential. The faculty at Oxford World School employs innovative teaching methods to make learning engaging and effective.
3. State-of-the-Art Infrastructure:
Oxford World School is equipped with modern facilities that enhance the learning experience. From well-equipped science and computer labs to a well-stocked library and spacious classrooms, the infrastructure supports a variety of educational activities.
4. Focus on Holistic Development:
The school emphasises the holistic development of students. In addition to academics, Oxford World School offers a wide range of extracurricular activities, including sports, arts, music, and dance. This approach ensures that students develop a well-rounded personality.
5. Individual Attention:
With a favourable student-teacher ratio, Oxford World School ensures that each student receives individual attention. This personalised approach helps in identifying and nurturing each child’s unique strengths and addressing their weaknesses effectively.
6. Safe and Supportive Environment:
The school provides a safe and supportive environment where students feel secure and valued. This positive atmosphere is essential for their emotional and social well-being, enabling them to thrive both academically and personally.
7. Focus on Technology:
In today’s digital age, Oxford World School integrates technology into the learning process. The use of smart classrooms and digital learning tools helps students stay updated with the latest educational trends and prepares them for future challenges.
8. Strong Parent-Teacher Collaboration:
Oxford World School believes in the importance of strong parent-teacher collaboration. Regular parent-teacher meetings and open communication channels ensure that parents are actively involved in their child’s education and development.
Choosing the right school for your child is a crucial decision, and Oxford World School in Kharadi, Pune, stands out as the best CBSE school that offers a nurturing and comprehensive educational experience from Nursery to Class 10. With its experienced faculty, state-of-the-art infrastructure, and focus on holistic development, Oxford World School ensures that your child receives the best education and grows into a confident and well-rounded individual. Invest in your child’s future by choosing Oxford World School — where learning meets excellence.
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vspk123 · 4 months
Best International School in Rohini  
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Education is the foundation of progress of the society, that is why choosing the right school for children is one of the most difficult decisions for parents. There are many good schools in the capital of India, Delhi which try to provide better education. One of the best schools among these is VSPK International School. This school provides children with traditional values as well as modern education.  
Let us know why parents and children living in Delhi choose VSPK International School.  
History and future 
 VSPK International School was established to create an environment where children can flourish in every way. The dream of the founders of this school was that this school should prepare children not only for examinations but for life.  
 Campus and Facilities  
The campus of VSPK International School is equipped with modern facilities and a variety of activities are conducted here, which include other things besides studies. This school is spread over a large area and has classrooms with latest technology, computer lab, science lab, big library and separate rooms for art, dance and music. 
The building of VSPK school itself has been built in such a way that children get a good study environment. The classrooms here are large and airy and have interactive whiteboards and other electronic equipment to help in teaching. So that children get interested in reading and understanding new things. 
In today's time, technology and science are very important for good schooling. VSPK School ensures that children get the best things for their studies. That is why the school's labs have modern equipment and are updated from time to time and children are made to practice with new equipment so that they get practical knowledge.  
The school library has a huge collection of books, magazines and many other things. All these things are a treasure trove of information, and digital resources are also available here. 
Academic Excellence 
 The main objective of VSPK International School is to make children top in studies. This school follows the curriculum of the Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE), which is known for good and balanced education. 
 experienced teacher 
 VSPK International School has very educated and experienced teachers. Here, only a small number of children are kept in each class, so that attention can be given to each child, and they can be helped in studies and all the subjects are taught by expert teachers of the same subject. 
Innovative Teaching Methods 
 VSPK School teaches children in new ways so that they enjoy studies and learn well. Children are motivated to be active in studies by using Project Based Learning, Flipped Classroom and Digital Tools. Digital television is installed for nursery and class students. In which Y sees many types of English and Hindi poems and learns to speak to them. 
Extracurricular Activities  
VSPK International School gives great importance to activities for the overall development of children. Many types of activities are organized in the school, which include sports, music, dance, drama and art. So that children can learn external things besides studies.   
Physical education is considered an important part of education in VSPK school. The school has excellent facilities for sports, such as basketball courts, cricket and football grounds and swimming pools. Sports competitions are also organized, and children are taken to participate in state level competition 
Culture and Arts 
VSPK School also focuses on enhancing the creativity of children. Many types of courses are offered in the school to learn art, music, dance and drama. The school also encourages children to participate in cultural events and competitions. 
Global Exposure  
In today's global world, it is very important for children to get international exposure. VSPK International School offers many programs that prepare children to succeed at the international level.  
foreign cooperation  
The schoolworks closely with many foreign institutions. This gives children exchange programs, group projects and an opportunity to learn about other cultures. 
language program 
 VSPK schools have excellent language programs, teaching Spanish, French and German. Learning multiple languages strengthens children's thinking abilities (Cognitive Abilities).  
Community Service and Social Responsibility 
 VSPK International School places great emphasis on social responsibility and community service. The school inspires children to participate in different types of social service projects. This creates empathy for others in children and they understand their social responsibility. 
Environmental Initiatives 
 Many types of environmental programs are organized in schools, the purpose of which is to make children aware about the environment and its care. These programs include campaigns to reduce plastic use, recycling and tree planting programs.  
social connection 
 VSPK School also organizes social service programs from time to time. These programs include conducting educational seminars for poor children and visiting old age homes or orphanages. This creates a sense of connection and responsibility among the children for the society. 
Involvement of parents 
 At VSPK International School, parents are considered an important part of children's education. The school engages with parents in a variety of ways, such as parent-teacher meetings, newsletters and an online portal where parents can track their children's progress. 
 Seminars and Workshops  
The school also organizes seminars and workshops for parents from time to time. In these, topics like child psychology, good parenting and health and wellness are discussed. 
Safety and Security 
 At VSPK International School, the safety of children is given utmost importance. The school has a completely safe environment, with trained security guards, safe entry and exit points and CCTV cameras. Anyone can come to the school without any unnecessary information and coming to the school without any knowledge is prohibited.  
Complete security measures 
In VSPK International School, full care is taken for the safety of children, teachers and staff. There is a high level of security throughout the school premises, such as trained security guards, secured entry and exit doors and round-the-clock surveillance by CCTV cameras.  
Emergency Preparedness and Response 
 VSPK International School conducts drills from time to time for the safety of children and teachers, such as what to do in case of earthquake and fire.  
Alumni network  
The success of any school can also be seen from the achievements of its past students. VSPK International School has a strong and active Alumni Network. VSPK alumni are successful in various fields like medicine, engineering, arts and business. The school regularly hosts alumni conferences, providing current students with role models and networking opportunities. 
 VSPK International School, located in Delhi, is a role model in the field of education, which emphasizes on all-round development along with rigorous academic programs. The modern facilities of the school, new methods of teaching and various activities create a good environment for the children, where both their mental development and personal development takes place. 
 Choosing a school for children is an important decision and VSPK International School is a great option for parents living in Delhi to provide better education to their children. VSPK's holistic approach to education not only helps students succeed in examinations but also equips them with the necessary skills and values to deal with the complexities of the modern world. 
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marryslittlelambs · 4 months
Best Early Learning Centre Melbourne
A high quality best early learning centre melbourne will have a strong commitment to children and their families. They will offer a broad curriculum that will prepare your child for lifelong learning. They will also offer flexible family support services.
The educators at Little Lane are passionate, experienced and knowledgeable. They have modern amenities including a separate art studio, large open classrooms flooded with natural light and outdoor learning classrooms.
Goodstart Melbourne
Goodstart is a national best early learning centre Melbourne that provides early learning and care for children aged 6 weeks to 5 years. Its qualified educators offer an evolving curriculum that reflects the children’s needs and interests. Goodstart also offers a range of learning experiences for the whole family, including vacation and beforeand-after school care.
The organisation has more than 660 child care centres nationwide and serves more than 72,000 families. It is one of the largest social enterprises of its kind in Australia and is owned by a consortium of not-for-profit organisations: Mission Australia, Brotherhood of St Laurence, Benevolent Society, and Social Ventures Australia.
Goodstart’s diversified revenue stream comes from the operation of childcare centres, preschool, kindergarten and vacation care. The company focuses on building positive learning experiences and environments for both children and teachers. It also invests in its workforce through scholarships, incentives,
traineeships and career advancement programs. Get a full view of Goodstart Early Learning Ltd’s financials by accessing key data points and ratios, as well as the latest quarterly results.
Wantirna South ELC
Wantirna South ELC is a brand-new state-of-the-art long day care centre that provides childcare for children from six weeks to kindergarten age. Its educators have a strong understanding of each child’s unique family and community context, which allows them to foster more meaningful relationships with the kids they teach. In addition, the centre offers a range of enrichment classes such as 2D and 3D art, music, and Chinese language.
The centre is also accredited and can offer parents access to the government’s childcare subsidy. It has modern amenities like a separate art studio, large open classrooms that are flooded with natural light, and outdoor learning spaces.
The centre is a good choice for families looking for quality care in a convenient location. It has a curated curriculum that is inspired by the Waldorf and Montessori methods, as well as the Reggio Emilia approach. It also emphasizes learning in nature and takes the CDC’s recommendations for masking, sanitizing, and distancing seriously.
Little Lane
Little Lane offers a warm and friendly environment with outstanding staff. They focus on each child’s individual needs and development. They also offer a variety of programs and activities, including the Kodaly music program, which uses the voice as the first instrument to develop musicality and the ear. Children enjoy weekly sports and dance classes, as well as daily outings to the local community.
Little Bourke Street is a culinary delight with a local renaissance, offering up
Vietnamese Pho at the best outside Hanoi in Hardware Lane, a Melbourne-style Italian menu at The Hardware Club, Israeli roasted cauliflower with a cult following at Miznon, and if liquid is your thing you can’t go past the ever enduring Kirks wine bar. The Little Lane Nursery is a fantastic setting, my little boy loved it so much he spent 3 years there. Nothing is too much trouble and his progress has been amazing over that time. Thank you to everyone at the Little Lane nursery for making my son’s experience there so wonderful.
Kinder Care
Kindercare is a large-scale child kinder care provider that offers a variety of programs. Its curriculum is influenced by Montessori and Reggio Emilia, with the emphasis on STEM-based activities and more independent play. It also emphasizes the importance of character development and leaves room for children to express themselves creatively.
KinderCare also puts its employees first. Its employee engagement strategy has helped it achieve 23 consecutive quarters of growth and win a Gallup Exceptional Workplace award. The company’s success has been fueled by discoveries about teacher talent, engagement strategies, and values alignment.
In the infant stage, Kindercare teachers meet each child where they are at on their developmental path and offer support as needed. Teachers often provide one-onone time with infants and group time that includes singing and stories. They also encourage outdoor play and follow a schedule that is based on your child’s needs, such as their napping and feeding patterns. Many parents love the photo and video updates they get throughout the day, as well as the frequent updates from their child’s teachers.
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nfccambridge · 4 months
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Online Admission Form for 1st Class
Cambridge School New Friends Colony is one of the best schools. They are famous for their innovative teaching methods, which help students learn effectively. If you want to get complete information about the online admission form for 1st class, visit their website now.
Cambridge Primary School, A-Block, 
New Friends Colony, New Delhi
011- 43063542
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landandbuildings · 4 months
Exploring the Best Preschools in Delhi NCR: Nurturing Young Minds for a Bright Future
Preschool education lays the foundation for a child's academic journey, shaping their cognitive, social, and emotional development. In the bustling region of Delhi NCR, parents are often spoiled for choice when it comes to selecting the right preschool for their little ones. With an array of options available, ranging from traditional to innovative teaching methodologies, finding the perfect fit can be a daunting task. Let's delve into some of the top preschools in Delhi NCR, renowned for their commitment to excellence in early childhood education.
The Shri Ram Early Years (TSEY): Known for its holistic approach to education, TSEY offers a stimulating environment where children can learn through exploration and play. With a child-centric curriculum that focuses on experiential learning, TSEY nurtures creativity, critical thinking, and problem-solving skills from an early age.
Pathways Early Years: Embracing a blend of Montessori, Reggio Emilia, and Waldorf philosophies, Pathways Early Years provides a dynamic learning environment that encourages curiosity and independence. The school's emphasis on individualized learning plans ensures that each child's unique strengths and interests are fostered.
G.D. Goenka La Petite: With a strong emphasis on personalized attention and innovative teaching methods, G.D. Goenka La Petite offers a vibrant learning community for preschoolers. The school's integrated curriculum encompasses academics, arts, and physical education, preparing children for future academic success.
EuroKids: Renowned for its child-friendly infrastructure and caring faculty, EuroKids is a popular choice among parents seeking a nurturing preschool environment. The school's play-based learning approach fosters social skills, emotional intelligence, and a love for learning.
Kangaroo Kids: Combining the best practices of early childhood education with contemporary teaching techniques, Kangaroo Kids aims to ignite a lifelong passion for learning in young children. The school's inquiry-based curriculum encourages exploration, experimentation, and discovery.
Amiown: As the preschool division of the renowned Amity Group, Amiown is committed to providing a world-class early childhood education experience. With a focus on holistic development and 21st-century skills, Amiown prepares children to thrive in an ever-changing global landscape .
Mother's Pride: With over two decades of experience in early childhood education, Mother's Pride is synonymous with excellence and innovation. The school's child-centric approach emphasizes the importance of joyful learning experiences that lay a strong foundation for future academic success.
Little Millennium: Tailoring its curriculum to suit the unique learning needs of each child, Little Millennium offers a nurturing environment where children can explore, create, and imagine. The school's focus on hands-on learning activities fosters curiosity, creativity, and a lifelong love for learning.
Choosing the right preschool is a crucial decision that can shape a child's educational journey and overall development. By opting for one of the top nursery school for sale, parents can rest assured that their little ones are receiving the best possible start in life, setting them on the path to success and happiness.
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Is your toddler ready for SPS education? 5 factors will help get admission
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Your little Ninja is growing rapidly and, in no time, will be active in a play school. Many parents still ask why burden their toddlers with activities and spoil their childhood. There are several reasons the child should be admitted into Lower KG in a school.
Siddhartha Public School is one of the popular CBSE schools in Hyderabad which actively takes care of your little Ninjas. We break down significant reasons for parents in doubt when it comes to admissions. Of course, there are reasons to choose CBSE school, which becomes the playground and the foundation for the best education.
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5 important factors which are non-negotiable 
As one of the best CBSE schools in Boduppal, Siddhartha Public School invites toddlers ready to learn at an early age. Being in this sector for decades, some valid points go in our favour as educators in Hyderabad.
The right nursery sets the tone for entire academics during school life for your toddler. Often, as a parent, you may have limitations due to school fees, location, and age factors of the child. These challenges can be overcome by thinking of these aspects of schooling:
School with a good reputation – Often, word-of-mouth and reviews are important. Parents speak to each other and get to know the strong and reliable teachings in the school. It is activated when admissions are open. Parents can ask:
What new things will the kid learn in the nursery class?
How do we know that the kid is enjoying playing with others?
Do the teachers have the right soft skills to handle children?
Can we (as parents) visit the school to check how the children spend their time?
What kind of activities are taught in the preschool?
Education and method of teaching
Your child will move out of the loving care and home for the first time. It will also help to socialise with others without fear. The playschool is the ideal environment for the toddler to adjust to the outside world. In our classes, devoted teachers help the children to adjust and learn new things. The settings, furniture, play activities, and safety are paramount as well.
We encourage parents to come and see for themselves how kids enjoy various activities like indoor and outdoor games. Each game helps in mental and physical development. Friendly ways are adopted to ensure the growth and imparting of education at the nursery level.
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Guidelines for CBSE School Admission
When our new academic year opens for admissions, parents can check the eligibility before the process begins. You can check the activity-based learning that will help the child to adjust to a full day of school later. Age-related programs allow the development to be stronger for any child to acquire unique skills.
The Siddhartha Public School admission process is one of the easiest in Boduppal. We welcome toddlers whose parents come from diverse backgrounds. If you are still looking for reasons to choose CBSE School, visit the campus and speak to the principal. She will assure you of the education our experienced faculty provides for children of all age groups.
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