#tea stained letters đŸ”
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cielcius · 2 years ago
i can’t fathom the idea of katsuki kissing you after you’ve just finished your nightly skin routine.
not to be misunderstood, you love his kisses, you really do, but gawd does it feel wrong when the last layer of lotion feels smudged somehow on your cheek. even though it’s been absorbed, you can’t help but inwardly cringe at the ruin.
and this cringe is physical, elbows digging into your sides, a slight crinkle in the softness of your face, and katsuki notices after pulling away. he frowns because there’s even a slight tug at the corners of your lips, though you try not to show it.
did you not like his kisses? are his kisses not appreciated anymore?
before you can even think to explain your reaction, katsuki’s frown grows deeper in thought. was it something he did before? are you trying to tell him that you’re mad? too lost in thought to think about his physical actions, his head subtly shakes. hmm, what could it be?
“uhh, katsuki?”
“are you okay?” he narrows his eyes. suspicious. what an odd way to tell him that you’re mad, indeed. catiously, he pokes the bear with his twenty yard stick.
“are you.. mad?”
you reel in shock, wide eyes looking up at him in confusion. “no?” it came out more of a question, only serving to rouse katsuki more as he furthers his investigation. “are.. you okay?”
you smile. you smiled!!! and laughed!!! so everything must be okay, right?
what he hadn’t seen was the dawn of realization in your eyes, only laughing at the fact that he must’ve thought you were mad at him and acted in retaliation. goodness, to think he’s been wandering in the dark, trying to find his way around this new situation.
“i’m sorry, katsuki. it just feels a little weird when my face is touched after doing my skincare stuff.” ah, so that’s what it is. wait! but does this mean no kisses after skincare every night?!
“no.. no kisses?” you smile. “you can kiss me, just on the lips!” you pucker your lips, a sign of good loyalty as katsuki indulges and pulls away with less of a frown than before. you do appreciate his kisses! “good.”
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cielcius · 2 years ago
katsuki loves smacking your ass. in the living room when you’re just getting up from the couch, in the kitchen when you’re cooking his favorite, in the bedroom when you’re
it’s such a regular occurrence that you don’t even think about how that might affect your first son who is completely wrapped around your finger from day one. cue the constant competitions for your attention—the small acts of service ranging from your son helping you with the keys and coats to katsuki whipping out plane tickets for two to your dream vacation (receiving little glares from his son who he lovingly smirks at).
all is well, your boys fighting for your love and affection, until it happens.
katsuki landing the hardest smack on your bottom you’ve ever felt since giving birth. it shocks you enough to bring out a small gasp before narrowing your eyes at your partner, pushing down a smile. but before you can retaliate, your sweet son comes running up to you, frantic as if you had just been attacked—and in his eyes, you have.
“are you okay?!! are you okay—are you hurt??” his concern is nothing to laugh at and yet, you can’t help but find it adorable of how protective he is over you. “it’s okay, i’m okay.”
“are you sure? why’d he hit you like that??” this time you can’t stop the laugh that bursts out, the cramps in your stomach getting worse when you hear katsuki getting slapped multiple times along with a chain of ‘ow ow!’.
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cielcius · 2 years ago
thinking barber!katsuki (?)
you take your little brother to the big boy salon for the first time, having been there multiple times yourself since your youth to watch your father get his hair cut. walking in, it’s all old, familiar faces.
what you don’t take into account is the new head of blond hair that’s taken up a spot in the midst of it all, looking as if he’s just finished up with a customer.
“bakugou’ll take you. here, i’ll call him over.” your father’s usual barber, and owner of the shop, calls the scowling man over. the blond’s biceps flex under his white button-up, the sleeves rolled up to reveal the subtle veins in his forearm. intimidating.
“he’s new but the kid’s plenty good,” the owner looks to your brother. “he don’t bite, but if he does, just spritz him.” the blond’s scowl that was already embedded before has now made a permanent home at the older man’s words but takes your brother nonetheless.
your hand still hovers over your mouth in shock as you watch the two walk away, bringing snickers out of the older man next to you. “don’t worry, hun. he may look like a hooligan but he’s nice—and not just for customers.”
you turn to the owner in question, quirking your head. in an almost comedic manner, the owner discreetly whispers to you behind the back of his hand. “and he’s single too.”
a wink and a cheeky smile makes you scoff with heat crawling up your neck, looking away to focus on your brother. though once you’re able to fully take the sight in, it’s almost as if your brother had never been nervous in the first place. chatting his ear off, you brother talks animatedly to the blond—bakugou. bakugou’s scowl has been replaced with a gentle smile, one that seems reserved and thoughtfully shown. he nods along to your brother’s words, patiently taking them in before dishing out an appropriate response.
it’s as bakugou is readying his tools, that his eyes meet yours. it’s quick and sudden before you break away from him, thumbs twiddling in nerves. maybe it was just you, but despite the briefness of it, you felt a sparking connection—
“oh you want my sibling’s number? yeah, they’re single, so you should definitely shoot your shot.”
your brother really couldn’t have said it louder. over your silent embarrassment, you can’t help but suppress your laughter, all the while the owner full on howls at your brother, slapping bakugou on the back and shooting him a promising look.
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cielcius · 2 years ago
bakugou x reader; fluff
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you’re relaxing on the couch one night after a long day. today was your date day with katsuki that usually comes at least once every two weeks, if not every week. snow is falling heavier than it did earlier that day and you accept a steaming cup in your hands from katsuki as he settles beside you.
you’re scrolling through the news on your phone until an article makes you stop, catching your full attention by the bold letters, titling:
you being his spouse, you click on the title in curiosity. “what’s that?” having caught a glimpse of his hero name, katsuki peeks over your shoulder curiously, raising an eyebrow at the published date of the article: just earlier today.
“jeez, these extras really don’t have anything else to do.” giving a light smack to katsuki’s chest, you feel him chuckle beside you as you read through the article, which didn’t provide much reading material. instead, it filled your screen with more pictures than words.
the two of you are displayed walking down a street, presumably on your way somewhere—and you were—but something rare had occurred: you had gotten lost. lo and behold, multiple pictures in the same angle show katsuki, one hand holding his phone, and the other dragging you at a small distance behind him.
suppose the kicker is you.
you, who practically waddled behind him in a big white puffer coat, a white scarf covering the lower half of your face, and a white hat to top it off. your hand in his is the only thing connecting the two of you and below the article, you catch multiple readers freshly commenting from just a minute ago.
adoration, mentions of being a walking marshmallow, and textual squealing in all caps is all that fills the comments. they adored you and your outfit that seems to have set a trend for the winter season. reading the last bit of the article, you smile at the last few words and squeal when katsuki tickles at your side, having forgotten that, he too, was reading.
“It seems Dynamight’s beloved spouse has become more popular among fans than the man himself
 And I don’t blame them.”
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cielcius · 2 years ago
the first time you shower at his place, bakugou needs to piss, really bad.
just his luck that your relationship is still relatively fresh, you showering at his place being a pretty big step (toward moving in). but he didn’t plan on that when he first bought the place.
there’s one bedroom, one bathroom, and one of him. one man, one dick, one bathroom, that’s all he ever was and all he ever really needed.
but now you’re in that one bathroom, the one bathroom that he really needs right now, so desperately that he finds himself looking at the sink.
i could—no. don’t you dare finish that fucking thought you nasty piece of shit. think of the dishes.
maybe he should just run over to his neighbor, you know, the one he never bothered to know or care about, nevertheless be close enough to knock on their door to use their bathroom. should he run down to the convenience store instead? no, too much of a hassle at that point, and by that time you’ll probably be done—
the sound of running water is no more, a silence so blissful on bakugou’s ears that he nearly runs to meet you as the bathroom door opens. “the hell were you doing in there for so long, playing extreme sports?” is all he gets out before he’s slamming the door.
after relieving the building tension, he walks out noticeably calmer, catching a sight of you as you giggle to yourself. “hehe, extreme sports.”
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cielcius · 2 years ago
you’re seated at your vanity, patting at the eyeshadow that sweeps across your eyelid. you layer on once more before closing your pallete and moving on to your lips. you can see katsuki through the mirror behind you, sitting on your bed in a black dress shirt that you once said was your favorite. though of course, anything for you on your special day. your birthday.
katsuki scrolls through his phone, going between games that use up way too much of his phone battery, actively avoiding his manager’s emails, and checking on his public rankings. though eventually, he finds himself watching you through the mirror.
watching the way you cover your lips and sweep over them with shiny gloss, the way you dig through your makeup bag for some other makeup product that he most likely wouldn’t be able to name unless it were eyeliner. katsuki looks at you and damn. you’re too fucking beautiful.
it makes him put his phone down, lean towards you as you pack up your makeup, before he’s towering over you at your vanity. his arms come over your shoulders before they wrap around them, bringing him down to press a kiss to your cheek before digging his nose into your neck. “so fucking pretty, baby.”
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cielcius · 2 years ago
you’re nearly passed-out drunk on katsuki’s back when he brings you back to your dorm, incomprehensible mumbling and occasional twitches coming from you as you try to keep yourself awake. he manages to open the door with one arm still holding you up, the other switching the light on to reveal an empty room. your other roommates must still be out partying.
the dorm is cramped with bunk beds and desks, seemingly scattered at random but you manage to make it work. katsuki finds your bed, a bottom bunk, and slowly turns his back to let you fall onto it. he’s mindful enough to make sure you won’t hit your head, turning to take your shoes off before draping a blanket over your figure. you peek at him when you feel a hand come up to smooth back your hair, the action making you lean into the palm of his hand that comes to rest on your cheek. “get some sleep, okay? i’m gonna go.”
your intoxicated mind takes control of your body when you see him start to pull away and stand from the bed, your hand reaching out to grasp at the hem of his shirt. “nooo. mm mm.” katsuki wants to smile at your disapproval of his departure, adoration swirling in his chest when he feels you tug him back. “hmm, what’s wrong?”
“don’ wan you to go.” katsuki lets himself smile this time, sitting back on the edge of your bed with a hand coming to unhook yours from his shirt before entangling them together. “you don’t want me to go?” you shake your head, your lips turned down in a pout. there’s a small whispered ‘no’ before silence falls, you being distracted by his hand as you grasp it with both of yours. he watches you for minutes manipulating the position of his hand, the curve of his fingers, before bringing his palm back to cup your cheek. there’s a pause, something that you want to say but won’t come out until you sit up.
“katsuki.” you look up at him, hands still playing with his in your lap. he waits quietly, watching as you look down at your hands before looking back up. there’s another pause, your eyes looking just below his. you’ve stopped playing with his hand, instead opting to hold onto it as if you’d lose him at any moment. you lean closer, eyes flicking back to his before settling on his lips, going back and forth once more until you finally slot your lips against his in a long-awaited kiss. katsuki closes his eyes as you do, thinking about nothing and everything at once. your hands holding his, your lips against his, and the feeling of you that surrounds him.
he doesn’t move, doesn’t get to before you pull back enough to whisper against his lips. “i like you. a lot.” he opens his eyes to meet you, looking up at him with emotions that drown and suffocate him until he can no longer find himself denying it. “i like you too. a lot.” he smiles when you do, eyes shining in excitement as he accepts and returns your confession.
“really?” he nods. “really.” he presses a kiss to your forehead, a kiss that says he’s liked you—loved you—for a long time now, and lets it rest there before pulling away. “you should sleep. okay?” he looks at you, hands cradling your face before he presses another kiss to your forehead. “you can’t stay?” katsuki smiles and shakes his head. he really wants to. “can i see you tomorrow?” katsuki nods, helping you lay back down before tucking you in. “i’ll work hard, so there’ll never be a day where you don’t see me.” you seem happy to hear him say that, excited, and so is he.
“and we’ll live together?” he nods. “and i’ll buy you the biggest house with anything you want.” your hands go back to playing with his. “i want to help too.” katsuki hums for you to continue. “i wanna give you things too, and buy you a house too, with anything you want.” katsuki’s chuckle comes watery, a shaky sigh that breezes through him before he nods. “okay. you can help.”
“and we’ll do it together?”
“and we’ll do it together.”
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cielcius · 2 years ago
bakugou x g/n!reader. drunk!fic, established relationship, injury, more crack than less hurt/more comfort, good ending (i promise)
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if there is one thing katsuki has ever gotten mad at you for, it’s ripping his clothes.
he’s not talking about his pro-hero costume, no, they have multiple copies of his costume and the patterns down to the secret inside pockets kept on the inside of his pants. he’s talking about his regular clothes, “civilian clothes”, not all particularly that expensive and nothing really all that special, but certain clothes tend to go out of style.
it just so happened that you ripped the one shirt that went out of style years ago, now unattainable, and completely heart-wrenching for katsuki to watch through the tears in his eyes. and it all started with a guys’ night out:
“y/n?” you hum into the speaker of your phone, confusion slowly starting to cloud your mind when you hear todoroki’s voice contrary to the caller id showing your husband. “um, do you think you can come and pick bakugou up? he keeps... crying.”
a silent gasp falls from your lips, almost in disbelief. not that the sight of katsuki crying was unheard of, but in public? “oh my, i'm coming now but what happened?” you can hear todoroki sigh into the receiver, and it’s a long sigh. “uh, i think something with wanting you. everybody else is too drunk.”
“and you?”
“i wish i was.” ah, so todoroki is driving. “ok, i’ll be there in a bit. watch him please.” you hear something like a noise of protest as you’re putting on your shoes. “it’s kinda weird to watch bakugou cry but i’ll try.”
arriving on the scene—the bar located halfway across the city—you’re greeted with the sight of katsuki on the ground, a beer bottle still in hand and his jacket acting as a blanket as he slumps back against todoroki’s legs. as you walk closer, you can hear the low drunken murmurs of your husband as he rambles to todoroki.
“’m miss y/n. wanna go to them. wan’ some ice cream. rocky road, no, mint chocolate. who eats sorbet? how do you even pronounce sorbet? where’s y/n?”
you can’t find yourself suppressing the smile that crawls onto your lips at katsuki’s drunken monologue, nodding at todoroki once he spots you. “oh good. you’re here.”
“who’s here? shut up, icyhot. ‘m talkin’ here.” kneeling down to katsuki’s line of sight, you watch as his eyes grow wide, brimmed in red and slightly swollen from the tears that had been spoken of over the phone. “katsuki,” you smile. “let’s go home.” nodding to todoroki again, you watch as he makes his way back into the bar while you make the venture back home with your husband slung heavily over your shoulders.
nearly gasping for air, you toss your keys into the dish placed by the doorway, setting katsuki down before working on getting both your shoes off. “y/n,” you hum in response. “are we home yet?” you huff in amusement. “yes katsuki, we’re home and need to get you some water.”
“mm. ‘m thirsty.” with a little help on katsuki’s behalf, you get him into a chair at the table before grabbing a glass of water and setting it down in front of him. that was your first mistake.
the glass falls at the attempt katsuki makes to grab for it, shattering into pieces against the hardwood floors. “oh no, katsuki, are you okay?” without answering your question, katsuki starts to reach down at the pieces, grabbing at the large pieces before he winces.
blood, lots of blood. the palm of his hand starts to bleed an unrealistic amount of red, dripping onto the floor slowly. letting the piece of glass fall from his hand, katsuki, almost comedically, falls out of his seat and onto the ground. you quickly make your way around the broken glass in a frantic state of panic. that was your second mistake.
not wanting to lose any more blood, you rip a strip of cloth off the bottom of katsuki’s shirt and quickly wrap it around his palm, paying no mind to the onslaught of tears that were soon to come with your actions. 
“you,” you look up at katsuki, eyes searching his and widening when you find them glossy with tears. “you ripped my shirt. my shirt...” you open your mouth, but you’re speechless.
slowly, you come to grasp your senses. “i'm sorry, katsuki, but you’re bleeding. we should go to the hospital in case there’s glass in your hand.” you stand, about to help katsuki up until he turns his head away with a hmph. you raise your eyebrows in disbelief. did he just “hmph” you?
“no. ‘m not going with you.”
“but katsuki, you’re bleeding.” crossing his arms, he looks back at you with hellfire in his eyes. “i. don’t. care.” as if he was reviving his teenage rebellion, katsuki narrows his eyes into a glare, challenging you to talk back, and talk back you did.
“you’re hurt, katsuki. i outta leave you here if you keep acting like this.”
“then do it!” your jaw drops at his response and you swear your eye is twitching, ears not believing a single thing you were hearing and yet you watch as your husband gives the sass to go along with his attitude. before you can act further, katsuki stumbles to his feet, the cloth around his hand covered in clouds of blood but he walks it off as he makes his way to your bedroom.
following him, still in disbelief, you watch as katsuki pulls out your duffel bag before throwing in an odd mix of his and your clothes. “are we going somewhere? like the hospital.” at your remark, katsuki shoots a glare at you once again before going back to packing. “no, me. ‘m going to kirishima’s cause at least he won’t rip my clothes.”
with a bag full of who-knows-what, katsuki gets to the front door, picking up a shoe to go on the opposite foot before his nose scrunches up at the discomfort.  “katsuki, kirishima is the one friend most likely to rip your clothes.”
“then i'll go somewhere else. even if it has to be icyhot’s place.” though contrary to his words, you see katsuki shiver in distaste at having to stay at todoroki’s house. the sight makes you laugh tiredly. “katsuki,” you bend down to where katsuki is seated, trying to get his other shoe on. “i'm sorry i ripped your shirt.” at your apology, katsuki stops and sits limp with a pout.
“’s my favorite shirt.”
“i know.”
“they don’t sell them anymore.”
“i know. but katsuki,” he looks up at you. “your parents made that shirt.”
“my parents made it.” his pout grows deeper, shoulders sagging.
“and i'm pretty sure they can make one more for you.” like a spring, katsuki bounces back with a small smile and a glimmer in his eyes. “really? you think they’ll make me another one?” you nod, quietly laughing at your husband’s boyish giddiness. “of course. you’re their son, and they love you very much.”
katsuki’s smile lasts for a few seconds before faltering. “but, i love you.” you pat his shoulder. “i know, katsuki. i love you too.” even then, katsuki begins to sport a small pout. “but, i yelled at you.” you smile, almost sadly.
“it’s okay, katsuki. you didn’t yell but you were mad and it was my fault. no matter what, as long as we can apologize and own up to our mistakes, we’ll always be okay.”
“always?” you nod. “always.” you smooth the bangs of his hair back, pressing a soft kiss to his forehead. “let’s go to the hospital to make sure you’re okay, and then we can sleep in all day tomorrow. okay?” nodding quietly, katsuki lets you put his shoes on the right feet, grab the keys, and guide him to the hospital, smiling as you take his hand in yours with a smile.
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cielcius · 2 years ago
You stand in the doorway, waiting for Katsuki as he tugs at his tie in front of the bathroom mirror. You smile at the crease in his eyebrows, a defeated huff blowing fast from his lips before he turns to you. It’s been forever since he’s had to put on a tie. More than well known for not wearing the red school-issued tie in high school, Katsuki sighs in defeat because he sure as hell isn’t looking up a video now when you’re right there.
He steps back to make room for you, hands going through the unconscious motions to hold you by the hips as you position yourself in front of him. The mess of a tie he’s left for you is wrapped around his neck almost hazardously, leaving a giant knot at the root of it all. You let your fingers work at the knot, not minding Katsuki as he shamelessly stares down your figure and back up multiple times.
Out of your peripheral vision, you can see a smile slowly grow on Katsuki’s lips. It’s a smile of giddiness, of the ecstatic little boy you met when you were barely walking, and of the man who’s gone to great lengths to see you standing at his side by the end of everything. It’s Katsuki’s smile that makes you smile back at him, tugging at the nearly undone knotted tie.
Across, around and around, under, over, and through. His tie now sits snug against a grey dress shirt, sealed with a clip you had gifted him for this special, special event. You look at Katsuki, meeting his eyes that shone with indescribable emotion, and yet, you could feel it all as you press a long kiss to his lips before pulling away, your forehead leaning on his when you whisper:
“Congratulations, Number One Hero.”
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cielcius · 2 years ago
pairings: Bakugou x g/n!reader
summary: If the doctor says you need skin-to-skin contact, then you need skin-to-skin contact.
from the writer: this was supposed to be a cute warm-u-up kinda thing
genre: injury fluff, hurt/comfort (?)
wc: 1k
notes & warnings: reader has cold based quirk, skin-to-skin contact, reader gets injured, not exactly romance but... yeah
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“(Hero Name)!” Your eyes draw attention to the voice, and your body starts to move on instinct to the call of your name until you see the smile of an officer. “Thank you for your help. We really couldn’t have done it without you.” You nod in appreciation, still kneeling on the ground littering in the ruins of a building that was, thankfully, empty for the most part.
You blink slowly, exhaustion overcoming you. Your torso folds over your legs to cover your forearms, hidden from the eyes of other pro-heroes that had arrived on the scene to help keep the crowds back and clean up, and yet, there is one that defies them all as the fall of their footsteps ring in your ears, getting closer until you see hints of orange among black. “Hey,” You look up at him. “Why the fuck are you still keeling on the ground like a fucking pill bug?”
You clench your jaw at his—Dynamight’s—words. “It’s nothing. Just a bit cold.” You shouldn’t be, but you know what happens when you are. Your breaths come out heavier than usual, a cloud of mist puffing out with every exhale. It’s supposed to be in the low eighties today, reaching peak temperature around this time. Still, your body violently shudders when a cold wave washes over you.
“Lemme see your hands.” You shake your head, keeping your eyes on the ground. All you had to do was go home, wrap up in a blanket, and you’d be fine, just like always. You close your eyes and faintly hear him repeat his question, a stubbornness in his tone peaking out to bring you in but you shake your head again. There’s something muttered under his breath before he crouches in front of you.
“Hey.” You don’t respond. “Look at me.” His voice is low, rough, and yet, not as abrasive. You open your eyes and look up, raising your eyebrows at the sight. He has one forearm laid over his knees, his other hand raised to show an open palm. You tilt your head in confusion. “Are you going to leave me hanging or are you going to fucking high-five me?”
You purse your lips together, almost feeling the need to laugh until you sigh, lifting one hand to touch your palm to his. Your fingers are numb by now, discoloration blooming at the tips of your fingers. You let out another sigh when you see his eyes widen. “Fuckin’ hell. Can you move?”
You’re not sure you can at this point, swaying when you try to stand up. Dynamight catches your shoulders, pulling you close and grunting quietly when he feels how cold you really are. He needs to get you to the hospital. “Come on.” By the time he’s gotten you to an ambulance, you’ve lost consciousness.
“How are they?” Bakugou walks up to the window, looking into the room specially built for cold-based quirks. You’re no longer in a constant state of shivering, now wrapped in a blanket and the heat produced by the room. “They’ve been in there for about an hour now but they’re still at risk. They’ll need someone to come and stabilize their temperature through skin-to-skin contact.”
Bakugou can see the clench in the doctor’s jaw when they see a shiver come from you, eyes narrowing in thought. “I’ll do it.” The doctor looks at him. “Mister Dynamight, sir, are you sure? Typically, we have another procedure where we call in a family member that is comfortable enough with the patient.” Bakugou walks to the door, looking over at the doctor expectedly to open the door. “It’s faster if I go in now. Let me in.”
“Alright, I’ll leave you to it. I will be alerting their family members so please use this call button for a nurse if there is any assistance needed.”
There’s a click and Bakugou opens the door, closing it behind him immediately and making his way over to you. The room is padded, leaving you to sit on the padded floor bundled in a thick blanket. Another shiver breaks through you, prompting Bakugou to slip off the top of his hero costume before pulling you to him. “W-What are you doing?”
Bakugou manipulates you into his lap, legs straddling his waist before he hugs you to his chest. “You need skin-to-skin. It’s been an hour already and you’re still fucking shivering.” With little choice left, you nod, knowing the possibilities of what could happen if your hands and arms were to sustain the cold temperatures any longer.
You bring your arms to hide yourself as Bakugou slowly opens the blanket, keeping his eyes on you as he brings the edges to wrap around his body. Your eyes slightly widen when you feel his skin against yours—hot, burning. You almost let out a small gasp when you feel his arms wrap around to your back to pull you closer.
He can feel your bandages scrape against his skin, almost like snow on bare skin that he can’t help but tense, yet the heat of the room forces dewdrops of sweat to form on his skin in contrast. He stares blankly at the wall for a minute, waiting to relax himself as he adjusts to your temperature.
You wait as well, sitting almost straight up against Bakugou with your arms between your bodies, your hands curving around your waist. Another shiver, and Bakugou feels the crease in his eyebrows twitch and deepen.
He brings his eyes to you, where you seem to stare at a spot in the wall over his shoulder, not knowing where else to look in this moment of physical intimacy. He’s not sure where to look either.
“Why are you doing this?” Your question is sudden, and Bakugou holds his breath. “Because you need it.” You turn to meet his eyes. “Did it have to be you?” Jeez, talk about ungrateful.
“If you didn’t want me then just say so, but just know that I’m also the only one who stayed.” For whatever reason, you feel a lump in the next heartbeat after hearing that, and your gaze falls from his. “’m sorry. Didn’t mean it like that.” Your body shakes, but not from the cold this time.
Still, Bakugou pulls you closer, and you relax against him this time. The unconscious need to keep your body still and arms in place leaves, just as Bakugou pushes you by the back of your head to lay on his shoulder. 
It’s quiet for a moment. “Thank you, for staying.”
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cielcius · 2 years ago
raking up the last of the leaves, you look out the window to see your husband smiling back at you, rake in hand as he presents to you the heart of leaves piled on your front lawn.
kaminari d., kirishima e., midoriya i., mirio t., atsumu m., bokuto k., hinata s., kuroo t., matsukawa i., nishinoya y., oikawa t., itadori y., gojo s., kunigami r.
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cielcius · 2 years ago
oh my oh my oh my
i went to pick up some food and saw in the restaurant a dad sitting across from his son who was in a high chair. and like, the amount of cuteness made me wanna agh— but now i can’t stop thinking about katsuki sitting across from his infant son.
he took the day off when you couldn’t, deciding that they were gonna have a father-son date out at his favorite hole-in-the-wall restaurant. katsuki has the baby carrier strapped to his chest, his son looking up at him with pudgy cheeks and a toothless smile.
katsuki gets to the restaurant, a ramen restaurant, and asks for a high chair at a two-seater table. sitting across from his son, katsuki orders his ramen from the owner and places the small plastic bowl in front of the infant for him to eat.
katsuki sends you a photo, smirking at the amount of crying emotes you spam him when you see the splashes of broth and pieces of noodle decorating your son’s face.
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cielcius · 2 years ago
i like to imagine that as katsuki gets older, his hair color changes and gets a bit darker, like a light brown, making him start to resemble his father more.
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cielcius · 2 years ago
writing this out so I can do homework in peace. mm maybe minors dont interact w this one. unedited 
bakugou doesn’t usually have one night stands. he’s often too busy to even be thinking about that stuff but when he was forced to take pto, he found himself on the summer sandy shores of a beach off some island a few hours away from home. the air was cool in the spot he chose in the shade of the trees, switching between lounging in the sounds of the waves and diving in to feel the cool water currents rush against him.
then came you. settling into a spot right under the sun with a few friends who chose to splash around in the water whilst you stayed behind. he was laying on his back, shades pushing his drying bangs back with a book to occupy him. he only looked over when he heard a small moan, eyes peering over in time to catch you stretching across the towel laid out beneath you before turning onto your stomach to scroll through your phone.
maybe it’s the amount of free time he has, the lack of communication with his friends who are all still working, or just pent-up un-dealt feelings, but bakugou couldn’t stop looking at the way your back arched. the top of your bikini was unhooked, not wanting an awkward tan, and bakugou found his eyes trailing over the curve of your legs, up your back to where you—oh shit.
you caught him. in a haste, bakugou’s eyes flitted away from your figure and back to his book, his jaw clenching in hopes that you would let it slide, but the sound of shifting sand told him you weren’t going to.
“hey,” he looks up from his book. “you got a problem or something?” yeah, you. in his position, bakugou refrained himself from making any physical moves, making sure to keep your eyes on his as he lowered his book strategically. “no, ma’am. just looking.”
“at me?” you tilt your head in question at him. “yeah, you have a nice body.” jeez, did he really just say that? bakugou is broken from his thoughts when you raise an eyebrow. “oh, thank you.” you say it as if you hadn’t expected him to say that, though to be fair, he hadn’t either.
one thing led to another, and he found himself basking in your presence under the open moonlight of his hotel room. the white linen sheets are the only thing covering your bodies, your skin hot against his when he pulls you to him. it was a one night stand, a mere summer fling, but in that moment, he didn’t want it to be.
he wanted to know you past the few drinks you had at the bar before making your way up to his room. more than the way you moved against him, the way your lips molded with his, he wanted to know what you wore outside the dress you wore here, what else you’d order for dinner on a night out.
he woke up entangled in you, early enough to see the middle of night and day where the sky greyed and the seagulls were pulling themselves together still. he doesn’t know how long he stayed there, lying in bed next to you with his lips level with your forehead, so close he could leave a kiss, but instead, he leaves a note as he climbs out of bed. his morning jog comes a little later, a smile growing when he goes through his trail and starts to near the hotel again for a shower.
you’re gone.
the bed is left empty, other than the shape of you that he wishes was still filled. your things are gone, and bakugou turns his note asking you to stay for breakfast over to the back where you’ve scribbled your own message.
sorry, I don’t do dates.
no phone number, name, nothing. he should’ve seen it coming, he should’ve known, but it was nice to hope when he did. so he went about his day, pretending that he knew better as he went back to the same beach you met at, definitely not waiting for another chance to see you. but by the time he was boarding his plane back home, he knew he’d probably never see you again.
he gets back to work, gets distracted enough to not think about it any longer than he should be. but on the nights he can’t distract himself any longer, nights where he can finally rest at home with no distractions, he finds himself wanting to go back to last summer.
it’s been a few months since then, the year rounding onto spring when a new batch of hires come rushing to work for the agency. bakugou is making his way down to the basement, down to get his gauntlets rewired and fixed when he meets the new hire, the head of the tech support department, y/n l/n.
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cielcius · 2 years ago
the saying goes, you never realized what you had until you lost it—though it might not exactly apply to this situation, you’d say it’s the closest thing to it.
you had just sent suna off at the airport for his first away game. it was exciting to get the news days ago when he came home from practice, but it was only this morning when the fact had dawned upon you that it meant you wouldn’t see him for a few days.
you were proud of him—of course you were—but damn did it hurt to see him off, on a trip that you wouldn’t be going on together, a trip that would leave you alone to tend to the house. you don’t think goodbyes will get any easier no matter what.
the first day, just after leaving the airport, you arrive to an empty home, though now knowing that no one else will be walking in through the front door for the rest of the day. you get ready to sleep in an empty bed and nearly cry from the ache of loneliness that had settled into your heart from the moment you sat down to eat dinner alone.
you get a call at around one in the morning, your phone buzzing in alarm and you don’t hesitate to pick up when you see the id caller. there’s some background noise as suna asks if he’s woken you up. in your sleep stupor, you shake your head ‘no’ before voicing it into the speaker of the phone.
you smile when you hear him chuckle. just hearing the sound of him almost makes it feel as if he were next to you as he was the night before, his hands rubbing your sides as he pecks a kiss against your forehead.
suddenly the background noise doesn’t matter. it goes unheard as his voice lulls you to sleep, until you’re woken by your alarm on the second day without suna. your phone takes up your pillow as you’ve rolled over to his side of the bed, and you groan, blindly searching for the off button before getting ready for work.
your friend group of coworkers ask you if you want to go out for dinner, and this time you don’t deny them. it had been a while since you’d talked outside of work, and it’s not like there was anything to come home to.
this time, he calls you when you’re on the way back home, commuting via metro, so you’re forced to end the call quickly, letting him know that you’ll call back in a bit.
suna’s contact is pulled up on your phone from then on, your thumb ready over the call button. you hear the dial ring, once, twice, and three times before it goes to voicemail. hours away, suna has been called back to practice, shooting the blank screen of his phone a longing glance before turning away. you’ve just missed each other for the day.
you wake up on the third day tired, the fourth day frustrated, and the fifth day gloomy. though you were able to have a few conversations here and there—his break, your break—it lasted no more than three minutes with time to check in on each other and ask how the other’s day has been going. even your bids of ‘i love you’s felt too brief.
you wake up on the sixth day telling yourself to keep it together. you’d breeze through today and wake up tomorrow to pick him up from the airport. yes, the crying stops today. you arise from the covers of the bed, ready to take the day on and clean the house head-to-toe, ready for suna’s arrival until you hear a click.
“oh, you’re up.” suna stands in the doorway of your bedroom, duffel in hand with his jacket sling over his shoulder. he opens his mouth but before he can say another word, you pounce.
“rin!” albeit, the name comes out in a sob, he holds you close to him nevertheless. he rubs your back in comfort, smiling when you pull back to reveal a pout. “i thought you were coming back tomorrow.”
“i wanted to surprise you. i bought your favorite on the way back.” he smiles and pecks your forehead, making you release a sigh of content at the familiar feeling.
he was finally back.
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cielcius · 3 years ago
“katsuki,” you look down. “you’ll never guess what i found out at work.” katsuki looks up, lifting his head from where he laid on your chest to show an adorably comedic shift in his hair.
“hm, what happened, baby?”
“i haven’t been able to work as much hours because my manager thinks i’m not fit for the job.”
now katsuki fully lifts himself up, supporting himself on his forearms to face you with a frown on his lips. “the one with cat whiskers for a mustache?” you nod, lips wavering and tempted to let out a giggle at the comparison.
“that little bitch-ass. say the word and i’ll deal with him.” you’re laughing until you realize how serious your boyfriend is, a stern look adorning his features without a hint of humor in sight. “oh? you’re—“
“just say it, i’m serious.” it’s almost as if he’s begging you to say it, red eyes hardening with every passing minute at the infuriating thought of your manager. “mhm, and i was serious when i said that i’d never say it. can’t have you going to jail for me.”
your tone seems to lighten the atmosphere, a smirk shared between you two as katsuki lowers himself but with his chin hooked on your shoulder. “oh, the things i’d do for you,” he pauses, his lips catch onto the shell of your ear, his voice lowering to a whisper.
“quit your job. you know i’ll take care of you, baby.”
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