noisycuckooclocks · 4 years
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bringmefaraway · 8 years
Voltage guys ranking
It has been awhile since I updated my voltage guys ranking.....and since I'm bored........=X So out of 110 guys that I have romanced, I like those below and rank them accordingly! [ 1⃣ ]Hiroshi Kirisawa (MPDCTY) [ 2⃣ ]Tadanobu Nomura (MPDCTY) [ 3⃣ ]Huedhaut ♒ (SCM) [ 4⃣ ]Shunichiro Tachibana (IM) [ 5⃣ ]Kyohei Rikudoh (SITS) [ 6⃣ ]Aki Fujishima (FILA) [ 7⃣ ]Hiroki Eniwa (MLFK) [ 8⃣ ]Ayame Suo (OTBS) [ 9⃣ ]Jin Namba (HLITF) [ 🔟 ]Kaoru Kirishima (OTBS) [ ] Hydra (AFK) [ ] Makoto Morimachi (MLFK) [ ] Eiki Yachigusa (MPDCTY) [ ] Ryoichi Hirose (SITSC) [ ] Masashi Himuro (MPDCTY) [ ] Ichigo Sato (DDIWT) [ ] Dui ♊ (SCM) [ ] Takashi Ninagawa (SITS) [ ] Hyogo Kaga (HLITF) [ ] Issei Sezaki (KOR) [ ] Hades (AFK) [ ] Yuma Akagi (BUM) [ ] Kazuki Serizawa (FILA) [ ] Luke Foster (KBTBB) [ ] Astraeus (AFK) [ ] Ren Shibasaki (MWASR) [ ] Reiji Uraga (DDIWT) [ ] Soryu Oh (KBTBB) [ ] Kenzo Yasukawa (ASA) [ ] Eisuke Ichinomiya (KBTBB) [ ] Kota Igarashi (SITS) [ ] Shiki Kurobane (TDWMD) [ ] Ash Winters (GIL) [ ] Yukinojo (EITM) [ ] Kyo Aizawa (BUM)
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fullmoon312 · 9 years
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please describe the term "fool around a little"..
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sleepydevils-princess · 10 years
Hey guys....
I’m a new RP acc! I do roleplaying with the guys from 10 Days With My Devil, send me an ask and I can RP with you, or you can RP with me too even!
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skybluehimawari · 10 years
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10 Days with My Devil Wedding Sequels are coming!
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themcdiaries-blog · 11 years
Otome Moments
That mind-blowing moment when you get a notification from your favourite character! *DIES*
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mangaxotomelover · 11 years
Haruhito fanfic!
Hey all! This is my 2nd fanfic for otome games! Pardon me if it’s OOC… I really wanted to write this! I also intend to write one for Shiki and Rein… But which one??? oo. Oh well. I hope you like this! ^^
Time. Time. Never before had it seemed to run so slowly. Whatever happened to time running when you’re running? Damn! Why did time always have to speed up when you don’t want it to, only to slow down when you desperately wish for time to pass?
  Haru strengthened his grip on her hand, afraid that she’ll break free and run back to the rest. He was afraid that if he lets go this once, she would disappear. That if he let her go, she would be toasted, like her fate so decreed 10 days ago.
  Fate… Haru wanted to laugh. It seemed so ironic. Just days ago, he would have toasted her without a moment’s hesitation, in the name of fate. Now, he was fighting against fate, trying to save her life, that of a person whom he could not bear to lose. 
  “Where are they?” “They’re not here. Try there!” Echoes of the others could be heard. Haru quickly ducked into an alley, pressing her into his chest. He glanced at his watch. One more hour to go. They had managed to evade the others for one hour with the help of Rein. The last one-hour was up to them. Thankfully, Rein’s help gave them a head start. It allowed them to maintain the distance between them and the other demons. It seemed as though it was a cat-and-mouse race, with them constantly dancing on the edges of the other demons.
“Why won’t time speed up? Ugh. Whatever happened to time running when you run?” He muttered. She looked up at him, her fern-green eyes full of confusion. Clearly she had no idea what he meant by that statement. No matter. It was not a priority.
“I searched there already. They’re not there! How bout there?” Satoru’s voice sounded. Haru had an idea. “Hey. It seems as though they’re been there. Let’s go!” He smiled at her, before tugging her towards the area that he heard the voice.
They wound up in the a little chapel. As she looked around, her eyes widened in recognition. “This is the church Iori got married in.” Haru looked around more carefully, and realized it was indeed so. What a coincidence. This place held special memories for them. The church was where he had confessed the truth about his “missing” memories. That church held meaning for the both of them.
He watched as she walked towards the stained windows. The moonlight shining through it onto her was magical. He sagged his shoulders in relief. He highly doubted that Kakeru and the others would ever think of searching here. True, they were most probably nearby, but then again, they do not know of the special place this church held in their hearts. Haru did not think they would ever think of searching here.
  Haru quietly made his way to the alter, knowing full well that she would follow him.
When both were standing side-by-side, Haru felt a thrill go through his heart. “Kinda feels like we’re getting married, huh?” He smiled fondly. He knew that that day might never come. He wanted to at least have that experience of standing next to his beloved at the alter just once. Just once would be enough.
  “… Yokubou, these past ten days… I really enjoyed them,” He said abruptly. He could see the confusion in her deep eyes. “ I never thought anything like this would happen when I first met you. You sure did an awful lot of worrying for other people, despite the fact you only had ten days. You even put your life on the line for me.” He wanted to cry then. He wanted to spend a lifetime with this girl. Yet, in a matter of minutes, he may yet again be torn from her side. But this time, it would not be her. He vowed that she would live through these ten days and to have more to come. It was a pity though, that he might not be able to spend the rest of her life with her. He reached out a hand and pulled her into his embrace, wanting to feel her warmth, even if it’s just for one more time.
“It’s because of you. Because of you, I want to try to change fate again. Ever since that little boy became toast, changing fate was a matter I tried to keep out of my mind.” “But I don’t want you to give up the chance to be an angel just for my sake!” She whimpered, her small hands clutching the back of his jacket. Haru stiffened, before clutching her tightly, squeezing her against his chest.
“… No matter what happens to me, if I can choose to keep you from becoming toast, well, that’s the choice I’ll make. And I will never regret it.” Haru murmured.
“Yokubou… I… I’m… I’m in love with you,” He confessed. This was his last chance to make his feelings clear. If all went well, only she would be safe. In exchange for her survival, Haru knew what would happen to him. He knew that the Fate Database was refreshed every ten days. Once those ten days was up, her name would be erased, and she would be free to live a normal life again. As for him… Well, as he was the one who preserved her life, his own life was in peril. He would most likely be… exterminated. Erased. Yet Haruhito could not bring himself to regret it. He only felt regret that he would not be able to ease her pain when she realized the truth, nor spend the rest of her days together.
  He checked his watch again. “It’s time,” He announced. According to his watch, it had just struck midnight. The last of the ten days was over. Her name would have disappeared from the Fate Database. She was free.
 The slamming of a door rang out. Kakeru and the others came running. “Haru… You…” Kakeru was stunned. He could not form a proper sentence. The other demons looked exhausted, and resigned. Haruhito could not help but chuckle. “Haha! Looks like I win!” Haru was overjoyed. His plan worked! He did not regret a single thing.
  When Kakeru made the announcement, her eyes widened in shock. She had been removed… from toasting candidacy? Did that mean… her head spun. She was saved! However, just as she was about to hug Haru, Kakeru dropped a bomb. “But there IS a big price to pay in return.”
Haruhito was arrested in front of her eyes. She learned the awful truth. In return for her survival, Haru had sacrificed himself. She learned that he might be exterminated. Tears brimming in her eyes, she chocked out, “ Why? Why did you do this? You’d get mad at me if I tried to do the same, so why would you do this to yourself?! This was not only about if you became an angel or not… I…”
Haru interrupted her, gently saying, “It just means my priorities changed. You became more important.” He would never regret this. If he had to make the decision again, he would have chosen the same thing: to save her life. He slowly followed Kakeru out.
“Haruhito!” Her shout made him stiffen. It was so full of pain and regret. It pained his heart, knowing that it was his entire fault. He slowly turned around. “Yokubou, I have one last wish. I can’t rest easy if you don’t stop crying. One last time, will you smile for me?” He knew this was an outrageous request. I mean, if he was in her shoes, he doubted he could do it. Yet, he wanted to see her smile. One last time. It would bring him some comfort. He could see her internal struggle, as she tried to smile naturally. It was not the best he’s seen, but it brought him happiness all the same. He flashed a grin at her. Engraving her smile into his memory, he turned his back. He was at peace.
  Kakeru and the others brought him to the demon world. He was placed in the dungeons. Haruhito sagged against the cold damp walls. It was dark, where no sunlight could ever penetrate through. He waited patiently. He knew that Kakeru and the others were most probably trying to change his fate. Yet the chances of that happening are… slim to none. No matter. He replayed her smile, and smiled reflexively. He missed her. He wondered if she was eating right, if she was sleeping right, whether she was still crying over him…
How many days has it been? Has it been a week, two weeks or a month already? Haruhito did not know. He did not keep track of the day. He was simply living one day at a time, awaiting his punishment.
Creak… The dungeon door opened. “Get out,” The guard said gruffly. Haruhito obeyed. His wrists were chained, and he was led to the grand hall. His teammates were there, and the Demon King. “Haruhito, your crime of letting a toast candidate free, you should be exterminated,” The deep voice of the Demon King rumbled. Haru closed his eyes. Here it comes… “But! Due to your service, and the pleading of your members, I have decided to turn you human, and banish you from the angel and demon realm. Henceforth, you are no longer a demon. You are banished to live the rest of your lives as a human in the human realm.”
Haruhito could not believe his ears. Shocked, he opened his eyes wide. He stole a glance at Kakeru, who smiled knowingly. Haruhito felt relief seeping through his bones. This meant that he could be with Yokubou! Barely containing his grin, he made his reply. “I accept.”
  Kakeru and the rest brought Haru back to the human realm. “That went rather well,” Remarked Satoru. Shiki nodded. “We all believed you would be exterminated,” Meguru was sniffling. Haruhito was glad. He was thankful for his friends, and for what they had done. All that was left was to reunite with her.
His heart had never felt as free as then. He was always acting free, when in reality, he was trapped by the fear of changing fate. He was always accepting things, claiming that they were done in the name of fate. He was now truly free.
  He contacted Rein. His old-time partner. Haru was saddened that he would never be able to work together with Rein. Nevertheless, the fact that they were friends would never change. He needed his help. He wanted to plan a surprise, and for that, he really needed Rein’s help. Rein, as usual, was pulled along Haru’s whims.
  Haru waited in the little chapel. To calm his nerves, he started playing the piano. He played a favourite of his, then another piece. He played until he ran out of pieces. His fingers paused over the fingerboards. What would he play next? An inspiration hit him. His fingers ran over the keys, playing that piece he only knew by ear.
The door creaked open. “Hello? Is there anyone here?” Her melodious voice echoed throughout the church. It sent shivers down his spine, but he continued to play. He could hear her walk down the aisle hesitantly. She had walked a fair bit before the steps abruptly stopped. “Haru… hito?” She whispered, barely believing her eyes. He looked up. “Yokubou… It’s been a while… How have you been?” His eyes checked out her face. He could see dark circles under her eyes. Her face was pale, and it looked as though she had lost some weight. His heart twisted. All those tiny changes were probably because of him. How many sleepless nights had she endured?
Haru quickly folded her into his embrace. They spent a few moments like this, before she asked about him. He quickly cleared up the issue, saying that he managed to escape extermination but was banished instead. Tears pooled in her eyes and she clung to him, sobbing her heart out. “Haruhito… I’ve missed you so much!” She hiccupped. He felt his heart warming. “I’ve missed you too. Everyday, I was thinking bout you, your last smile…” He admitted, tightening his arms around her. He looked down at her, and smiled a glittering smile. Ducking down, he pressed his lips against hers.
“Now now. I’m back, so smile for me, okay?” He wiped away the tears, but they were still pouring down in torrents. Sigh. Haruhito thought hard, before coming to a decision. “Alright! I’ll sing a song for you. Like the song from before. ‘A Song to make Yokubou Feel Better’ No. 2!” He beamed before starting.
“Yokubou will fall in love with me, that’s true.
  So deeply in love, she doesn’t know what to do!
  And to all other men, she’ll say ‘poo on you’!”
“… … So… Did it work?” He asked tentatively. He knew how he felt about her, and was confident that she liked him that way too. It was just that she had never said it outright. This was a bit worrying to him. He wanted to have it stated out, to ensure that there were no misunderstandings between them.
She stood motionless, frozen. Haru waited with bated breath. He had never felt this fearful in his life. Did he actually think wrongly? Was she not interested in him? Many what-ifs ran in his mind, which was unlike him. He could barely stand the tension.
All of a sudden, he felt her gentle lips against his. She was kissing him! Haruhito was shocked to say the least. “That song didn’t need to. I fell for you a long time ago. So deeply in love, I didn’t know what to do,” She whispered when they broke apart for air.
He stood motionless, trying to absorb what he just heard. When it sunk in, he could not help but cheer. “Yesss!!!” He picked her up and swung her round, feeling as though he was walking on cloud nine. As he swung her around, his euphoric mood soaring, he stumbled a bit and they tumbled to the ground, with him below her.
Looking at her blushing face, he could not help but kiss her. She did protest, but he only silenced it with more sweet kisses. Soon enough, she succumbed to him, her lips pressing eagerly against his.
Under the glass-stained window, they shared kiss after kiss. Despite all troubles in the future, Haruhito knew that as long as Yokubou was by his side, he could overcome it. Haruhito had never known true happiness until then, and this happiness was something he was determined to never let go. He and Yokubou would face the future together. Their journey had not ended. It had just begun.
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themcdiaries-blog · 11 years
My friends and voltage
Well recently I talked to my best friend about my obession with voltage pixel men. But she wasn't interested and she said that she would stick with real people and a realistic love.
I think she is absolutely right.
Since I played voltage games, my point of view on boys have changed.The way I looked at boys became high classed and now when I look at boys, I seem to compare with pixelated hotties. (no wonder I'm single XD)
And I also started expecting more stuff from the boys. Just like in the voltage games, his going to give me flowers, a cool trip for my birthday! And maybe he will do an event for me!But obviously, it didn't happen.
So the point is don't try to compare real life boys over otome character because you will be forever alone like me:'( 
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skybluehimawari · 11 years
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10 Days with my Devil - Shiki Kurobane Christmas Sub Story I'm melting....So much feels :3
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otome-musings · 11 years
Attempting self-control
Will not purchase any route on 10 Days with my Devil until Shiki’s route is released. So, yeah that is the plan.Let’s see if I have the willpower to keep myself from playing 10DWMD
Please Voltage, give us Shiki soon. For our (read: MY) sanity .
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