#tdawnrp request
pruehalliwll · 7 years
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back at it with the terribad request but basically, i (like everyone else in the world) have come off of s2 of stranger things with a great need!! so here i am!! i’m thinking the gang grew up together in staves on the same cul-de- sac and were essentially, the “nerds”. sometime during eighth grade, “the will” went missing in the woods for just over two weeks. it was front page news - you couldn’t turn a street corner or a shop window without seeing his face. the whole town of staves breaking up into search parties and they even went as far as holding a funeral. to the whole world, will was dead. 
then one day he appeared on his mothers front step on the verge of hypothermia with no recollection of where he’d been and the town collectively moved past it. i’m thinking he suffered from some sort of ptsd and it kind of put a strain on the relationships between his family and the town.
however, they tried to collectively move past it and it’s been virtually forgotten especially now that they’re older and in college now!! i don’t want to dictate too much of their lives bc we can translate so much of the spooky elements into a rl setting but they’re the best of friends and they have a wolf pack mentality. you never see one of them without the others trailing behind and their old asses probably still try to fit themselves into the old tree house headquarters. they protect each other tooth and nail, fight like cats and dogs but at the end of the day they are bonded together by this traumatic event (and who knows ,maybe the will can have an episode and trigger a hot mess)
soooo yeah!!! they don’t have to be EXACTLY like their show counterparts bc they are children after all but it’d be fun to see them have some similarities and quirks that fit in with who they are on the show!! also dynamics and romantic entanglements and those sorts of things don’t have to align with the show if thats not your thing!!
the tiny tots (mike, dustin, lucas, eleven, will, max) should be around 21-23 since i want to keep the same sort of age dynamics they have with the rest of the gang!! people like the nancy, jonathan and steve (and billy i guess lol) i figure would be mid to late twenties and the joyce + hopper would be in their thirties!! pls take them pls and thx!! 
"the eleven” ryan bishop, 22, played by lana
“the nancy” name, age, played by kelsey
“the will” name, age, played by caroline
“the max” name, age, played by bri
“the dustin” name, age, played by derek
“the hopper” name, age, played by meaghan
“the joyce” name, age, played by cat
“the steve” name, age, played by talia
“the mike” micah lastname, 22, played by cora
“the lucas” name, age, played by kathleen
“the jonathan” name, age, played by maddie
“the erica” name, age, played by emily
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matchesrps · 7 years
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what does the tag need? another huge family request? you’re welcome xoxo tw: parental death so this is a request for siblings for my john krasinski - hope you saw how creative i got with his surname. they’re kids of an irish mother, maura, and the son of a large polish, jewish immigrant family, bartholemew. so my john is called cormac dubanowski cos… all the heritage. buuut, when mac was seven, maura and bart were in a car accident and maura died and bart was severely disabled from that point on. so the kids all moved in with their paternal grandparents. and it was kind of crazy - great but crazy. they owned a restaurant (which all the kids worked at, at one point or another) and they were all crammed into a tiny little town house where they all shared rooms and their aunt’s family lived next door and their other aunt’s family lived a couple of doors down, and their other aunt sometimes needed a bed so one of them had to sleep on the floor, and basically they were this huge, crazy, busy family. imagine the polish-jewish version of my big fat greek wedding. no privacy, expectation to stay in the family business, and marry and produce great grand-babies, and to always be home for all holidays. and to be gossiped about by their gran and all her friends who would over-zealously feed all the kids and their friends whenever they had the opportunity to. like …violent feeding. and be prepared to be whacked by a dishcloth if you said the wrong thing at family meals - whether the kids were 10 or 30… their gran isn’t gonna hold back. so enough of me rambling on but please make siblings!! ages are a rough guide and if anyone wants to just add someone i’m open to it! just please give me a mix of genders! as for mac, he went to college and studied and had a reputable job, but then he quit it and joined the army, which his grandparents aren’t keen on, but you know, whatever you wanna do. i’m flexible!! —– dubanowski, 37-40, open —– dubanowski, 34-37, open cormac dubanowski, 33, john krasinski - emma —– dubanowski, 30-32, amber heard - reserved for jem —– dubanowski, 28-30, sam claflin - reserved for derek  —– dubanowski, 26-28, open
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                          calling all sugar daddies — help yo gurl get through college
          * for the sake of the request, we're going to refer to dude-o here as paul.
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so here is the skinny. my baby marilyn (zoey deutch) is new to the county. like, very new. and she honestly hasn't got a gotdamn clue what she's doing with herself. it's the first time she's been away from "home", the first time she's ever properly been on her own, and tbh, she's scared absolutely shitless about all of it.
this is where the SugarD app comes into the picture. (lol, get it? because she's a photographer... 'cept i didn't tell you that part yet. oops.)
after working a few odd jobs since arriving in staves county, marilyn has come to the conclusion that she can really see herself thriving here. but she's not currently doing so hot financially. all of her paychecks are going towards bills, food, toiletries... basically everything she absolutely needs atm. but she wants more. she wants to go to school. and she wants to have that consistency she'd never had growing up. (it used to be just her and her mom bouncing around from town to town, striving to make ends meet.)
this is where she downloads the SugarD app. granted it was kind of a lackadaisical move on her part—she didn't seriously think she'd meet anyone on it. but after a few weeks, she meets paul. and miraculously they just click. but she's also very cautious about meeting him in person. and so they keep their relationship strictly through the phone. little do either of them know, tho, is that her desire to begin building her portfolio once she starts classes will make their worlds collide.
basically, they'll wind up meeting irl when she does senior portraits for paul's 17-year-old daughter. (which will be fun because oh, they're so close in age. yikes.) and from there, things can either get really awkward and messy, or they can decide to figure it all out. like you have the teenage daughter in the mix, but maybe paul is also married. or maybe he's divorced. the ideas are honestly limitless? i'm trying not to make the plot too restricting bc i'd love to build it together with whoever chooses to take it! it can even be open ended (i.e. not finals) if you wish.
but yes, omg. my only real requirements are that paul be well off financially, and at least 32+. (the main reason i'm making the minimum age so young is for if you want him to have been a teen dad - there will still be 12 years of age difference between them!) everything else though is entirely open! give him whatever name, personality, and face you want. just please run them by me first. ♡
///   if you're interested pls contact me here on tumblr, or on discord @ kenzo#0780!
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mrlsmckinnon · 7 years
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okay so i’m making a more official, pretty looking request - go me. so like i mentioned i def want to do a """losers club""" inspired friendship group (from IT obvs) with my ana de armas as ~the beverly so pls hmu if u want in~~ the rest don’t have to be all boys (i’d enjoy a nice mix though?) and they don’t necessarily have to be 100% like the chars but a trait or two or a thing from their past that’s similar would be COOL. (eg: someone’s sibling died, someone mother was craaaazy overprotective, one was a bullied “””””chubby””””” kid etc. etc.) basically just give me a bunch of outcast losers that have been friends since school when they bonded over avoiding bullies and having no friends. (she’s gonna be around 30 so if they could all be around the same age too!!) the beverly - ana de armas, 30, irene the richie - tbd, 28, ana the eddie - tbd, tbd, sunny the bill - open the ben - tbd, tbd, kelsey the mike - open the stan - sam claflin, 30, derek
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julesrp · 7 years
it will come back
requesting a first love for kent caldwell (31, armie hammer)!!! for the sake of the ad i’m calling her odette, and this is the usual disclaimer saying her actual name is open. kent and odette started dating in high school or college and fell head over heels in love. they were mushy and disgusting, their friends shipped them hardcore, and for a while there, people thought they’d get married someday. for as young and naive they seemed, both of them are pretty level headed and had a Plan™. they even wore dumb promise rings, fully acknowledging that they’d be formally engaged once they both were done with school. they were committed, and kent fully imagined his future with her in mind. 
things changed when kent moved to los angeles for dental school. the plan was for odette to join him in california at some point, and from there, continue to save up for a wedding and starting their Dream Life™ back in staves county. whether she moved out to california at any point is up to you, but an opportunity shows up elsewhere for her–whether that’s a travel job, a big education/job/internship opportunity across the country, or a family crisis–something unexpected that he wasn’t going to hold her back from. long story short: long distance did them no favors, and they split. kent was crushed. he was ready to make it work wherever she was once he finished school??? but somewhere along the line kent got the feeling odette didn’t want him to follow (reason(s) up for discussion, could be as simple as she wasn’t going to live in banks any time soon and didn’t want to drive him away from that vision)... and he moved back home post-grad, devastated. 
soooo he’s been working and been doing his best to get over odette. he dated someone for over a year and they split a few months ago, and he’s pretty done with dating right now tbh. fuck love. he’s destined 2 be forever alone. but!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ODETTE RECENTLY MOVED TO TOWN AS A SINGLE WOMAN! and i basically want all the rekindling things... they’ve both done a lot of growing in their time apart and seeing as he was heartbroken and doesn’t really want a relationship right now... we have angst in store for them to work through. i’m going to leave it at that for us to develop??? but i would love to have her around! message me!!!
kent caldwell // 31 // dentist // armie hammer
open name // 30-33 // open occupation // open face  (suggested faces: odette annable, lily james, karen gillan, emily vancamp, brie larson, etc. tbh i’m pretty open to suggestions)
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philtreneuf · 7 years
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jude kennedy cross / twenty-seven / mechanic + more
the aesthetic: grease under nails / too much coffee / denim bisexual / works too much / a middle child / works with hands / bad with words / slow drawling talk / the same work boots for years / former all american / what future plans / old t shirts / whiskey out of a coffee mug / bitten off fingernails / hands through hair / needs to shave more
the boy: former all american quarter back, left for college, came back after a year and knee blow out, works as a mechanic and probably several other things, much more reserved than he was in high school, probably has himself a designated seat at a local bar
the needs: friends of some sort? old friends from high school that he doesn’t know how to connect with anymore? other mechanics? flings, exes, that sorta thing? roommates? all the question marks??????
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matchesrps · 7 years
no but for real i need a wife for armie hammer for a difficult marriage, where they have kids and broke up, he had a one night stand, they got back together and she doesn’t know about the ons. OR MAYBE SHE HAS HER SUSPICIONS. but come on, you know you want to do this (and not make me write a proper request) add me on discord  emma#5875
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matchesrps · 7 years
another low key not even real request - anyone want to play twin 21 year old daughters for my ryan reynolds??? thinking they still live at home (cos who can actually afford to move out at 21) and their mum isn’t in the picture (or will she crop back up???) bonus points if one of them is a science nerd too. 
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