lovelygirlnicole15 · 8 months
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Here's something angsty about Sven.
Honestly in my Au Sven has been in a deep coma for one year and a half, all because he almost kills himself, the reason why Sven almost kills himself was because he was so tired of everyone ignoring him, bullying him and not appreciating all of his efforts watching over the Toppat Clan when Reginald and RHM were away, only his closest friends Burt, Carol, Nicole, Mercudi, Geoffrey, Thomas and his sister Sasha (Earrings) appreciate his efforts, but it wasn't enough for him, he wanted the whole Toppat Clan to respect him because he was next in line of becoming leader of the Toppat Clan, but almost everyone didn't respected him, not even as a Elite Toppat, all of that caused him to secretly cut himself with a knife and fall into depression for a very long time, until he couldn't handle it anymore and decided to kill himself, however, when he was about to kill himself, Burt saw him and manage to stop him right before he completely dies, worried about his condition, he rapidly called Reginald and Doctor Milfra to help him. Milfra contacted her med friends from the Toppat Underwater Submarine Division (T.U.S.D) to help Sven because the medical technology there will be a lot helpful because of his condition. As soon as Sven was transferred to the Medbay of the T.U.S.D, she received all the information about Sven's current condition, not only everyone in the Toppat Clan learned about Sven's self harm, but also about due to the severe cuts and the fact he almost kills himself, he has fallen into a deep coma that'll take so much time to wake up from.
Note: all of this was inspired by @capturecharlesau before anyone says "girl you stole this from capturedcharlesau!" Or "Stop annoying Capturedcharlesau, girl! They're probably thinking you're annoying!" Also sorry for tagging you again Minnie, I promise this will be the last time for now.
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annashadowstar · 10 months
Hey AnnaShad! Here's an oc react to this scene challenge! But this one's gonna be based on my THSC Au (if you read my pinned post you'll understand better).
Lay will... well... how to say it... Tie Burt up and lock him in the room because they didn't like or trust CC! Burt. If CC! Burt was in TCWCT! Burt's body, they surely will lock him up until the TCWCT! Burt got back to his body.
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yeslaencina · 4 years
via Dzogchen Meditation Center
~ Trungpa Rinpoche
“People actually have no idea what non-reference point experience is.”
“At this point I would like to shift our attitude from being big babies and discuss absolute symbolism. I hope you are up to it. Absolute symbolism is not a dream world at all, but realistic. As far as linguistics is concerned, absolute means “needing no reference point.” Otherwise, absolute would become relative, because it would have a relationship with something else. So absolute is free from reference point. It is wholesome, complete by itself, self-existing.
The idea of absolute symbolism is also passionless and egoless. How come? Actually, as far as absolute is concerned, you don’t come but you go. It is a going process rather than a coming process, not a collector’s mentality, in which you store everything in your big bank with fat money behind it, or your big bottle. Absolute symbolism is egoless, because you have already abandoned your psychological reference point. That doesn’t mean you have abandoned your parents, or your body, or anything of that nature. So what is that reference point? It is a sense of reassurance that makes you feel better. It’s like when you are crying and your friends come along and hold you and say, “Don’t cry, everything’s going to be okay. There’s nothing to worry about. We’ll take care of you. Take a sip of milk. Let’s take a walk in the woods, have a drink together.” That type of psychological reference point is based on the idea of relative truth.
The absolute truth of egolessness does not need any of those comforts. But that is actually a very dangerous thing to mention at this point. I have my reservations as to whether I should talk about these things, and since I have lost my boss, I have no one to talk to. So I decided to go ahead and tell you. A sense of empty-heartedness takes place when we lose our reference point. If you do not have any reference point at all, you have nothing to work with, nothing to compare with, nothing to fight, nothing to try to subtract or add into your system at all. You find yourself absolutely nowhere, just empty heart, big hole in your brain. Your nervous system doesn’t connect with anything and there’s no logic particularly, just empty heart. That empty-heartedness could be regarded in some circles as an attack of the evil ones and in other circles as an experience of satori, or sudden enlightenment.
People actually have no idea what non-reference point experience is. When you begin to abandon all possibilities of any kind of reference point that would comfort you, tell you to do something, help you to see through everything make you a better and greater person—when you lose all those reference points, including your ambition, the strangest thing takes place. Usually people think that if you lose everything—your ambition, your self-centeredness, your integrity and dignities—you will become a vegetable, a jellyfish. But it’s not so. You don’t become a jellyfish. Instead, you are suspended in space, in a big hole of some kind. It is quite titillating. Big hole of suspension! It’s as if you were suspended in outer space without a space suit or rocket ship. You are just floating and circulating around the planets forever and ever.”
*** Trungpa Rinpoche “Empty Gap of Mind” pp.52 TCWCT volume 7
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lovelygirlnicole15 · 3 months
THSC Toppat Clan with Chaos The Show Au
A Princess and a Beast 3/????
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Disclaimer: No characters were harmed during the make of this comic.
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lovelygirlnicole15 · 3 months
THSC Toppat Clan with Chaos The Show Au
A Princess and a Beast 2/????
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Disclaimer: Trixie Sparkwoof is NOT the bad guy/villain of my Au (the real villain of my Au will appear after a few episodes but he'll make some early appearances), she just hates the Toppat Clan with a fiery passion.
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lovelygirlnicole15 · 3 months
THSC Toppat Clan with Chaos The Show Au
A Princess and a Beast 1/????
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Note: the Triple Threat house belongs to @stephaniestar06
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lovelygirlnicole15 · 7 months
THSC Toppat Clan with Chaos The Show Au
Who is Pregnant? 2/????
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Lay Copperbottom belongs to @annashadowstar
Amelia Copperbottom belongs to @androidcharles
Toppat!Cameron belongs to @rarestdoge
Holly Copperbottom belongs to @bor0wik
Morgana Price belongs to @smoresthehalloweenqueen
Kathi (The Naga), Chilly (The Purple Alien) belongs to me
Note for Smores: Kathi and Chilly are Morgana's friends in this Au, when Kathi was first introduced into the Toppat clan, most of the toppats saw her as a threat (She's still seem as a threat) because all Toppats have heard stories about nagas and their hypnotic powers, but toppats like Morgana gave her a warm welcome, Kathi was not like the other nagas, she wanted human friends because she was always so lonely, there are few toppats who see her as a friend (Like Reginald, Nicole, Sven, Burt, Carol, Mercudi, Bonnie, etc) but there are very few, all Toppats don't want to get close to Kathi and they don't trust her as much as they trust Chilly (a alien that escaped Area 51 and was found by the toppats), mostly all Toppats see Kathi as a "monster" who hypnotizes humans, but she's not like that, and she wants to prove everyone they're wrong (even tho it's really hard for her).
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lovelygirlnicole15 · 7 months
THSC Toppat Clan with Chaos The Show Au
The HUGE Lie 9/9 (Last Part of EP 1)
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Pollo Miller belongs to @00lari00
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lovelygirlnicole15 · 9 months
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"M-miss Witch?"
"Nicole! You're back to normal!"
"what happened? I am no longer a Sugar Glider?"
"well... Yeah! You're finally a human! But, do you remember what happened?"
"Not really, but I had the weirdest dream ever."
"Yeah, It was like I was turned into a baby."
"O-oh... Well... That's a really cute dream! (💭 Let's not tell her about it."
Yep! After months searching, Nocciola (Aka the Witch) has returned and manage to turn Nicole was into her 16 yrs old age! And just in time because her birthday is on Saturday of next week.
And it's not a joke, my birthday is next Saturday.
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lovelygirlnicole15 · 5 months
Honestly this post from @capturecharlesau had remember me about the random and weird logics of my THSC Au, one of them is this:
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And yes my THSC TCWCTS Au characters can break the 4th wall whenever they want, they even know about the existence of Ashley Nicole (the creator and narrator of the story, short words: me)
If anyone wanna ask me something about my Au, just ask me through messages (private).
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lovelygirlnicole15 · 6 months
THSC Toppat Clan with Chaos The Show Au
Who is Pregnant? 4/????
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Meet Hiccup Hendrix!! Irma and DJ Via's little chicken nugget!
Amelia Copperbottom belongs to @androidcharles
Violin, Aurelia and Florence belong to @bluetorchsky
Irma Hendrix and Hiccup Hendrix belong to me
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lovelygirlnicole15 · 6 months
THSC Toppat Clan with Chaos The Show Au
Who is Pregnant? 3/????
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Lay Copperbottom belongs to @annashadowstar
Morgana Price, Brutus (I forgot his last name) and Gayle (mention) belongs to @smoresthehalloweenqueen
Toppat!Cameron (mention) belongs to @rarestdoge
Kathi and Chilly belongs to me
Also before anyone ask... They all split up.
Also Smores... You kinda own me an explanation of the entire shipping with Morgana... I'm extremely confused
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lovelygirlnicole15 · 7 months
THSC Toppat Clan with Chaos The Show Au
The HUGE Lie 8/????
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lovelygirlnicole15 · 3 months
THSC Toppat Clan with Chaos The Show Au
Jewel Down 9/9
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In case anyone wonders, don't worry! The episode won't end like that! I'm actually gonna turn in into a small side-plot for the next episode of my Au, while I was doing the last pages of this episode I decided to turn it into a side-plot for the next episode, BUT, I'll make some small fanarts for it and post it on the side of the shorts.
Ike Pennyroyal (small cameo) belongs to @hon3yra1nbowz
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lovelygirlnicole15 · 5 months
THSC Toppat Clan with CHAOS the Show Au
Who is Pregnant? 7/????
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Holly Copperbottom belongs to @bor0wik
Gingercloud and Trolly belongs to me.
Note: Gingercloud is an ex-pirate who has been kicked out of his pirate crew because his parents and sister got mad at him because he didn't accept his sister's fiancee, and due to his hair color he's mostly confused with RHM, his real name is unknown so everyone in the Toppat Clan calls him Gingercloud because of his hair color and because his beard is soft like a cloud, and he's the same tall as Accordion (oc belongs to @bluetorchsky ).
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lovelygirlnicole15 · 2 months
U thought I was going to post about the Suave Siblings, right? Well hear me out! This time I drew the fathers! (Ft. Tumblr stickman)
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The version of Terrence of the left belongs to @lumyious-studios (Who is Harper's actual father, I don't know how exactly he looks like so I did what I could)
CC!Terrence belongs to @capturecharlesau
CoR!Terrence belongs to @crown-of-roses-thsc
And lastly TCWCTS!Terrence belongs to me.
Disclaimer: That's not Tumblr's official stickman design, I'll change it soon.
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