The more I fidget with the Carbonite Sith AU the more I realize it makes really perfect sense that Marka is so deeply entrenched in the Dark Side’s philosophy.  Marka was the first Red Sith to become a Dark Lord under the Sith Order, but he was born a slave, born as a sign of status in the order the Dark Jedi founded.  His freedom itself was conditional on his own connection to the Force, a connection his people believed was sacred, but his masters wanted to exploit.
Most people modernly would probably see the Dark Jedi’s actions as unequivocally evil and we aren’t categorically wrong, but there is a flipside here that Marka does not believe in a peaceful solution once that level of exploitation is reached.  In Marka’s mind, if a society reaches a point where they are using and abusing living sentient beings to achieve their ends, there is no peaceful solution, there is no way to walk the middle ground, there is no such thing as a lesser of two evils.  That applies to the Republic just as much as it applies to the Separatists and is why he is so hostile to the idea of neutrality and pacifism in the Clone Wars.  The Jedi are willing to see the Clone Troopers as people and therefore they are, to Marka, the only option, the only truly correct side in this war even if they are not always in the right.
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princesspuresarahk · 6 years
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Asajj Ventress in her wedding dress in a au where she is betrothed to Savage Opress 
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