#tcon one shot
kingorqueenofnarnia · 2 months
Peter used to be the tallest of the four, until Susan turned fourteen and shot up to six feet— one inch taller than him. It earned him weeks of teasing from his three little shits until he hit sixteen and and shot up half a foot, reaching an astounding six feet four inches. This was in the middle of a campaign against the Raiders of Korentha, and even he did not realise he had grown until he returned home from war and suddenly he had to tilt his head down to look at Susan. Susan sulked for days, and was only appeased when Peter gifted her a beautiful pair of high heels. Peter likes being tall, even though he's not as tall as a Centaur— Susan likes his bear hugs, and he gets to make fun of the younger ones for being tiny squirts. Lucy regularly climbs him like a jungle gym until she hits her own growth spurt.
Susan cut an imposing figure at 15, with wide shoulders and a slender torso, standing at an impressive 6 feet even without her famous heels. She hated it at first— girls from England were short, much shorter than her, and so were many of the men. She always felt a little self conscious in a crowd because of how she towered over the average human. In Narnia, however, it was different. Druids and Naiads and Dryads regularly reached six feet, and centaurs were rarely shorter than seven. Fauns were short, but Bears stood on their hind legs and towered over her only to hand out the warmest hugs Susan had ever experienced apart from Peter's. Secretly though, no matter how much she teased Peter about being shorter than her, she was glad when he grew taller than her. (His hugs aren't as comforting if you're taller than him, alright?)
Halfway through Edmund's fifteenth year of existence, he was both shocked and pleased to find out he did not need to tilt his head back to look at Peter anymore. Peter was 18 and a giant, bear-like warrior king, his furs and long braids and armour making him look even larger, and Edmund was a lanky teenager with remnants of baby fat still on his cheeks and wiry muscle wrapped around thin bones— both of them were the same height, but Edmund looked boyish where Peter looked manly. It took him till he was in his early twenties to match Peter's bulk, but he stayed as tall as Peter for the rest of his life, not an inch here or there. (and Peter thanks the Fates for that. He doesnt know if he could withstand the amount of heckling that would come with being shorter than his brother.)
Lucy was the shortest of them her entire life. Until she was 14, she was about 5ft 4 inches, at which point she started growing like a weed and stopped at the very admirable height of five feet ten inches— just two inches short of Susan's height. It infuriated her to no end; being shorter than everyone was annoying, and even more so when you weren't actually short at all, just shorter than your siblings. At 5'10, she towered over many Narnian species as well as her classmates when she returned to England and went through puberty a second time, but she loved it. She loved being taller, loved that she was only shorter than her siblings— they may annoy her by teasing her about their heights, but being smaller meant the hugs were better, and really, why would she give up on a chance to climb Peter like a monkey so she could sit on his shoulders? No, Su, she doesn't care that it looks uncouth.
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jessmalia · 3 years
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it is only logical | peter pevensie 
pairing: peter pevensie x fem!reader summary: valentine’s prompt 10 “everyone is going as a couple to the valentine’s day party and it would look stupid if we both went alone, right? maybe we can just go together.” requested by anonymous. peter and reader are college aged.  a/n: I DID IT I FUCKING DID IT! I mean it’s actually half past midnight here, but it’s still Valentine’s in some parts of the world, right? I DID IT ANON I DID NOT LET YOU DOWN! ps: peter is a slut and somehow I manage to write it into every fic I write lol.  warnings: drinking.  wordcount: 1525
   It was Friday the 13th of February, and Y/n and Peter had gone to the library to get in some extra studying before the weekend came around. They were sitting across from each other at an otherwise empty table. Y/n was writing, and Peter was reading through his textbook.
   “I heard Merissa is having a Valentine’s Day Party tomorrow,” said Peter.
   Y/n nodded, keeping her eyes on the notebook in front of her. “I’m not surprised. It’s most of what she talks about.”
   The side of Peter’s mouth pulled up ever so slightly into a small smirk. “Are you going?” he asked.
   “If I didn’t, you’d see my body being pulled out of a river on the News in a couple days.”
   Peter chuckled. “Why do I get the feeling that you’re not too excited about it?”
   “Your deduction skills truly are immaculate,” she said, before releasing a heavy sigh. “Yeah, not to sound like the nerdy girl in a Disney Channel movie, but literally everyone is going with someone. I’m not even exaggerating, I’m best friends with the host, everyone has a date. And being the only single person at a party on Valentine’s Day doesn’t exactly sound like the best time to me.”
   “Well, if it makes you feel any better,” said Peter, “I’m not going with anyone either.”
   That admission was what it took to make Y/n look up from her writing, eyes wide with shock. “Really?”
   Peter nodded.
   “But what happened to that brunette with the red headband?”
   Peter frowned. “Yeah, I dumped her ‘cause she blamed global warming on gay marriage.”
   Y/n’s eyebrows flew up. “Yikes.”
   “Well,” she said with a sarcastic smile, eyes returning to the paper once more, “at least I won’t be alone in my misery.”
   “Well…” Peter trailed off for a bit, “shouldn’t we just go together then?” he asked, and Y/n froze midway through her writing. Was Peter actually asking her out? If he was, she’d probably be jumping out the window within the next minute.
   Just to make sure, she slowly looked up and locked eyes with Peter again, who somehow looked like he’d just said something perfectly normal that didn’t change the very nature of their relationships, and raised her eyebrows to ask him to explain further.
   Peter understood the silent command, and said, “We’ll have someone to talk to the entire night and no one will be judgy. It would solve all our problems without it having to mean anything.”
   Oh. So Peter wasn’t asking her out. He was simply presenting a mutually beneficial deal. Good. Relief washed over her as the weight disappeared from her shoulders, but she could feel something else too, a twist in her stomach. Was it… disappointment? No, there was no way.
   Y/n bit her lip, considering the offer Peter had made. He was right that it made sense. They would get all the benefits of going with a date with none of the potential drawbacks. She couldn’t see anything wrong with the idea.
   “It is only logical,” she agreed.
Y/n had just finished getting ready when there was a knock on the front door. She opened it and was met by Peter Pevensie’s handsome figure. It was so incredibly cliche she was ashamed to admit it, but her breath really was taken away when she saw him. He was wearing dark grey dress pants, a white fitted button-up and a nice jacket. It was a simple look, but boy, did it look good on him.
   “Wow, you cleaned up nice.” Her words were nice in theory, but the sarcasm and bite in her voice was evident, and she was grateful that her words hadn’t failed her. Stomach twisting into intricate knots, insides fluttering, palms getting clammy — it was a miracle that she hadn’t tripped over her words.
   But Peter remained unaffected by her mockery. “You look beautiful,” he said earnestly.
   The genuine comment caught her off guard for a moment, before she rolled her eyes and walked past him towards Merissa’s house. “We’re not dating, Peter. We’re just going to a party together. Flirting isn’t required.”
   He just chuckled, stepping in to walk next to her. “You know, your inability to take a compliment is really hilarious sometimes.”
They had barely stepped through the door when Merissa accosted them.
   “There you are!” she exclaimed, running up to Y/n and wrapping her arms around her. “I thought you were gonna ditch there for a minute.”
   Y/n returned the hug, frowning. “We’re only like 15 minutes late.”
   “Yeah but you can’t lie to me,” Merissa pulled away, throwing a pointed stare at her, “you were considering it for a while.”
   Y/n gasped, and placed a hand against her chest in fake mockery. “How dare you accuse me of such a thing.” Merissa just rolled her eyes.
   “Come on, get in! The fun’s just about to start!” she said before running back to the party.
   “We haven't even taken our coats off, calm down!”
An hour in and Y/n was pleasantly surprised by the evening. Merissa might not know how to get anything over a C on a test, but she did know how to throw a party. Peter had been a sweet surprise, too. Even though they had been friends for a good while, they had never spent time with each other in this way before, but now she knew that Peter Pevensie was really good with dates. Which explained a couple of things, for sure.
   She had sneaked off into the kitchen after one of the Valentine’s themed games to pour herself a drink and get some breathing room. The place was empty, and she stood alone, silently sipping her drink, tapping her foot along to the beat of the Taylor Swift song coming from the living room until Merissa came in.
   They greeted each other, and when Merissa had poured a drink for herself, she turned back to Y/n.
   “So…” she said. “You and Peter, huh?”
   Y/n shook her head violently. “No. Not at all.”
   Merissa smirked. “Double negative. That’s a yes.”
   Rolling her eyes, Y/n replied, “You and I both know that’s not how it works. Peter and I just went together because we had no one else to go with. We’re friends, that’s all.”
   “I don’t think that’s how he feels about you.”
   Y/n frowned. “Pardon?”
   Merissa looked to the side, eyes glazed over like they were whenever she got day-dreamy, and a smile stretched across her face. “Man, you should see the way he looks at you when you’re not looking. It’s like you’re his whole world or something. I’m so jealous! I wish someone would look at me like that.”
   “Merissa, you have a girlfriend!”
   “Well, how am I supposed to know how she looks at me when I’m not looking?”
   Y/n rolled her eyes again. “You know what? Let’s get back in there and I’ll let you know.”
By the time Merissa had gotten so drunk that she’d started shooting people with a nerf gun, claiming to be Cupid, the two of them decided that it was time to head out. Peter had insisted on walking her home, and no matter how much she protested he wouldn't back down. He was a classic gentleman through and through. It was infuriating, but kind of cute in a way.
   They had just as much fun walking home from the party as they had during it. Peter was a great conversationalist, and Y/n was just tipsy enough that she had stopped evading every question and compliment with sarcasm.
   The conversation drifted away as they arrived at Y/n’s doorstep.
   Peter nodded. “So.”
   “Guess this is good night then,” he said slowly, yet — he did not move.
   The tension in between them was thick and palpable. They both let it sit there, simmering, until Y/n opened her mouth and whispered, “This kind of feels like that doorstep moment.” Her voice was so quiet, had Peter not been standing inches away, he probably wouldn’t have heard it.
   Peter smiled that perfect smile of his, lopsided and just the right amount of cocky. “What moment would that be?” he whispered back, taking a step closer to her while fixing his gaze on hers, a look in his eyes that she couldn’t describe as anything other than pure infatuation. And before she knew it, he had placed his hands on the back of her head and pulled her into a deep kiss.
   Y/n had only let herself think about what it would be like to kiss Peter a handful of times before, but even in her fantasies she hadn’t imagined his lips would be this soft, nor that he would be this gentle, letting her lead the way, to not overstep any boundaries. As she moved her hands to wrap around his neck, he placed his on the small of her back, shifting, getting closer.
   When they pulled apart his hands were still on her back, and hers had moved down to rest against his chest. Y/n stared at Peter’s swollen lips and let out a content sigh.
   “Something like that.”
A/n: Please reblog and tell me what you thought!
taglist: @valentine-melody​
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delicatel0vers · 2 years
Confessions pt. 2
Edmund pevensie X Reader
Summary: Things between Edmund and Y/N have seemed to have smoothed over, but she can't shake the feeling that Lucy and Susan may have been right...
A/N: i had the whole thing typed out, and then it kicked my off and didnt save anything😭👎 but here's pt. 2, finally. it's short:)
Part 1
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"Edmund! Wait up!" Y/n exclaims chasing the boy along the beach. He had finally stopped ignoring her, and it was back to normal between the two.
"No, come on Y/n!!" Edmund says laughing as his feet hit the water. The girl stops and takes a moment to study the boy as the sunlight glistens against his fair skin, his hair blowing slightly with the breeze. Ethereal she thinks to herself before running to him. "Took you long enough!" He teases and splashes some water up at her.
"Oh you're so on Pevensie!" She squeals before leaning down and splashing a handful back at the boy with a mischievous grin. He shakes his head smiling before (poorly) running after her through the water. Laughing and splashing the whole time. Edmund catches Y/n in the water and holds her close. His heart pounding so hard she can feel it against her chest. breathing heavily she looks up at him,
"I've missed this, us. I didnt mean to make you upset these past few weeks if thats what it was Ed, I'm just happy to have my best friend back," He pulls away, and looks at her with guilt,
"Y/n I'm sorry. You didn't make me upset, I just," he trails off thinking over what he's to say to the girl to make her believe it's not her fault.
Peter and Caspian had always teased the younger boy about his best friend, over any and everything.
He'd save her spot at the table beside him, and "ooos" could be heard from the two snickering boys across the table.
Once he'd finished a book and had annotated it for her as a birthday present. She was so happy with it she gave him a kiss on the cheek, making him turn ripe red.
"Did you see that? He's a red as a tomato!" Peter exclaimed with a shit eating grin nudging Caspian.
"Do you want one from me as well Ed?" Caspian said laughing, simply making the poor lovesick boy shrink back with embarrassment.
Even thinking about it now makes him cringe. He had just been so angry with them that he stopped talking to Y/n all together to avoid the teasing remarks. He feels terrible about it now, but with all the time away from her, he's come to realize he really does have feelings for the girl. Sighing, he shakes his head.
"Look, it really isn't your fault at all. I was just so sick and tired of the constant teasing I got about you from Caspian and Peter. I know that isn't a reason to avoid you, and I feel horrible about it honestly. Distancing myself from you has been terrible and boring and I wish to never do it again. It made me realize some things though Y/n." He takes a breath, "I am in love with you, truly and completely in love with you. I mean of course I am, you're so kind and understanding. You're lovely and funny. My family loves you. You're the only person I feel comfortable around one hundred percent of the time. I feel no need to hide any part of me from you. Y/n I don't know what I was thinking when I tried to push you away. I just know I don't want it to happen anymore, and I understand if you don't feel the same way and just want to be friends, but I need you to know I love you. So much and that I'm so sorry for making you think you did anything wrong."
He looks at her, scanning her face for a sign of resentment or disgust. Only to see her break out into a huge grin. She pushes him,
"You idiot!" She exclaims shaking her head, "Honestly Edmund, how stupid do you have to be to not realize that I've been in love with you for months." His eyes widen,
"what?" he questions her, "that's not funny. Did Peter put you up to this?" She shakes her head,
"No. Edmund Pevensie I am in awe of you. From your goofy grin to the bed head of yours, I love it all." She smiles at him.
"Can I kiss you?" he asks, his voice small, "Please?" A smile breaks out on her face and she nods. She'd thought about what'd it be like to kiss Edmund many times. It was nothing like this, this was everything and so much more. He was gentle, his lips soft against her own. Her hands went to his hair, and he smiled into the kiss before pulling away.
"You have no idea how long I've been wanting to do that." He says and she nods,
" I think I know how you feel," she laughs, "and for future reference. Don't ignore me again." she pushes him lightly, and he grins,
"I won't, I promise." He says as they start to walk back to the castle hand in hand.
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narniachronicles · 3 years
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delicatel0vers · 3 years
Confessions pt. 1?
Edmund pevensie X Reader
Summary: Edmund has been acting differently towards Y/n and the Pevensie sisters tease her about it.
Word count: 664
A/N: mmm, honestly idk about this one. Might do a part two where she confesses to Edmund!
Part 2
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He'd been ignoring her for days now.
"I don't know what Ed's deal is." She sighs talking with Lucy and Susan as they took their evening walk around the gardens, "I can't think of one thing I might have said or done to set him off recently. Honestly, I thought we were past the whole 'I can't stand you' thing!" Susan shrugs,
"He hasn't mentioned anything. If he was mad, he'd say something especially if you had pissed him off. All I ever hear is him talking about you y/n." Y/n blushes at that and furrows her brows, thinking to herself,
'So then he's not mad at me?'
"I bet I know what's up," Lucy says with a grin as the two girls turn to look at her with questioning eyes, "he's obviously realized his feelings for y/n. Pete and Caspian probably knocked some sense into him!" Y/n simply rolls her eyes and keeps walking, but Susan stops looking Lucy dead in the eyes,
"You mean to tell me he's finally acknowledging his feelings?!" A smile breaks out across her face as Lucy enthusiastically nods. Y/n blushes at her two best friends interactions and shakes her head,
"I've told you guys-"
"It's not like that!" Lucy cuts her off,
"We're just friends!" Susan continues, "yeah yeah, we all see how you two look at each other. You're not discrete at all." Y/n blushes at the realization they've noticed.
"You look into things too much. Really, he is just a friend." she laughs at herself,
'This has to be the dumbest thing I've lied about, honestly y/n do you hear yourself?'
"Oh yes, friends definitely sneak out late at night to go walk along the beach." Lucy says, sarcasm lacing her voice.
"That's just him letting off steam, he only let's me go with bc he knows how much I enjoy the sound of the water!" Y/n defends, her face turning a deep shade of red.
Susan rolls her eyes, "And the whole head in his lap as he reads to you nearly everynight?"
"I-" y/n starts just to be cut off again,
"Or how about the fact that the two of you will only dance with each other at balls?" Y/n rolls her eyes, and just let's them do their thing, there's no shutting them up once they've started with this.
"You do realize his eyes are always on you right? Like no matter what."
"He always makes sure you laugh at his jokes."
"He can hardly contain a smile when you look at him."
"If you're near him his hand is in yours or on the small of your back, on your thigh."
"He speaks to you with such softeness in his-"
"Okay I get it! Yes I do like him, of course I like Edmund." She cuts Lucy off, before thinking about what she's said. Lucy practically screams and Susan just laughs,
"I knew it!" Lucy exclaims, "this is amazing! I can't wait to tell Peter and Caspian oh my gosh!"
"No!" Y/n says, and Lucy turns to her confused, "You can't tell them. Honestly, I hadn't even planned on telling the two of you." they frowned at that, "I had just wanted to wait for it to go away, I mean it took so long for us to even get where we are now. I just couldn't stand the thought of messing it all up over some small crush." she sighs.
"How long have you known you like him?" Susan asks, Y/n looks down,
"About fourish months now."
"FOUR?!" Lucy and Susan both shouted, "that sounds like much more than 'a small crush' to me," Lucy says with a grin, and y/n shakes her head smiling,
"Okay yeah, I'm kind of in love with your brother."
"Well, good. Because I couldn't picture him with anyone else at this point. You two are perfect for one another," Susan winks at her and she rolls her eyes bumping the girl playfully.
"I'm glad I told you guys." Y/n says with a soft smile.
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