#tcm2 is my favorite romcom
applesontheground · 3 years
Okay so yknow how I requested for shy red-eyed reader? scratch that please; i feel like an outgoing S/O, who likes to tease their slasher bf by maintaining deep eye contact would make things more interesting 👀 those men would go INSANE omg let me stop- THANKS 😘😘
yes!!! both of these requests amused me haha, but i’d be glad to do this one!
also, like the tall s/o request, i have no foundation for what’s it like to be someone who’s good with eye contact, so let’s see how i manage lol! i like the challenge! ;w;
headcanons - Bo & Vincent Sinclair, Norman Bates, & Bubba Sawyer with an S/O who is really good with eye contact (GN reader)
contains: slight notsfw mentions in bubba’s section
Bo Sinclair 🕯️
☆ Oh, he’s not a fan at first. He’s more used to people averting his eyes when he meets theirs, so when you instead crane your neck to keep looking at him he’s distracted from whatever he’s doing in seconds. “Somebody got a starin’ problem?” ☆ He’s meeting your gaze sharply whenever he sees it linger again, tongue digging into his cheek because it pisses him off but he’s not about to let you one-up him on the intimidation factor. He’s learned solid eye contact from what he got out of being ingrained with manners growing up, but he personally detests it. ☆ It really depends on where you take it after that. If you treat it like an actual competition, he’s getting petty. Tipping his chin up so his eyes are now hiding under a layer of shadow from the bill of his hat, jutting himself in your direction to make you flinch, blowing in your eyes if you’re close enough... He really just wants them off of him, and if you don’t bow he’s either telling you again (and not being nice about it this time) or straight up walking away from you. “Don’t even think ‘bout following me.” ☆ Buuut, if you treat it like a game, something lighthearted and not meant to try and hold a candle to whatever it is that he thinks is on the line, he'll always break it off with a stifled giggle and a smirk instead. He might even say something sweeter than usual. Just proof that it all depends on how you frame your intentions. “Almost like you see somethin’ you like.”
Vincent Sinclair 🕯️
☆ Like Bo, Vincent isn’t a fan of eyes that aren’t either dying or already dead on him. The only people he’s really adjusted to with that sort of thing are his brothers, and at one point his parents. He’s grown comfortable around you, of course, but when you sink your eyes into him with a newfound intensity for the first time, he becomes...self conscious? ☆ If you make it feel like a tactic meant to throw him off, he will start fumbling with his sculpting tools, the ones he uses nearly every day. Forgetting what he’s trying to mold, not sure where he set down the bowl that was just in his hand... His mind is on you alone, and when you finally make eye contact it’s all over. He’ll meet your gaze, turn to face you fully, and manage a shrug along with a noise of annoyance. What? ☆ If you treat it as more of an admiring sort of scheme, he’ll still get fairly flustered, but instead of an actual grumble, he’ll just start signing as he tries to turn away from you. “Is there something on my face?” He’ll have to check the mirror or any reflective surface he catches, worried his mask is warped somewhere or damaged... ☆ When he’s frustrated enough, he’ll give it back. He’ll set down what he’s doing, come up to you without a hint or warning, and you will have his undivided attention. Don’t even try to duck from his eye, because he will follow you until you either crack or both of you are pulled away by an outside force. His eye will almost taunt you as it bores into you, twice as intense as a set would be. If you demur, he’ll just sign, “This is what you wanted, right?”
Norman Bates 🔪
☆ Do you want to see a man faint? That’s how you see a man faint. ☆ I’m exaggerating a little bit of course, but part of what makes the two of you work so well is your strong, outgoing nature alongside his more meek and careful one. When it works in harmony, you two are a great team that cover each other in times of weakness -- but when you turn it on him, even in a playful manner, it shows how a striking personality difference can be detrimental. ☆ At first, he’ll smile. He doesn’t mind looking in your eyes, it’s one of his favorite things to do when he gets the moment. If you don’t say anything to his usual conversation starters, he’ll maintain the eye contact but everything else will shut down with the longer you give him your undivided attention. His hands will stop moving on the front desk, his train of thought will be stuck to one or two things rather than the usual myriad...and finally, the stutter will start to show itself more prominently. “You know, people say that-that it’s rude to...rude to stare, [Y/N].”  ☆ The only thing that would break this moment would be a distraction taking your eyes off of him, or him trying to find something to take your attention elsewhere. Maybe on an inconsistency of the wallpaper that really isn’t there, or the way someone signed their name in a funny way on the records... You’ll have to assure him that you were just playing afterwards, or else he’ll be treading lightly around you until he figures it out for himself. He really doesn’t care to not understand someone’s intentions, especially his significant other’s.
Bubba Sawyer 🐖
☆ You signed up for something you may or may not be prepared to face, anon. I mean this in a good but slightly chaotic way. Working off what we saw in TCM2, Bubba is not afraid of eye contact -- especially if it’s from a love interest. 🥰 ☆ When your gazes meet, you guys would be caught in this for who knows how long depending on how many distractions are around you and what you’re trying to convey with this game. He’s half enamored with you -- the color of your eyes, the way your features are lining up to speak to him -- and half unsure of what to do. It’s not every day someone gazes at him with something other than raw fear, if at all before they look away or keep running from him... ☆ Every little disembodied mutter from his brothers or random noise could pull him away again, a reminder to get back to whatever chores that he knows need to be attended to, but if you’re touching or talking to him along with the staring? That’s when things hit another level. You’ll pull him right back in, believe me. ☆ You might excite him by giving such direct eye contact -- and in more ways than one. If you’re not careful, he’ll become restless and want nothing more than your attention in any way you can give it. He’s the kind of boyfriend that would be all over you for the most part, even in times of disagreement. (I’m sort of going off how he blew up after Stretch told him he was good, and I read that entire display with the chainsaw being thrusted at her as a bit of sexual frustration. You can give me a weird look, I welcome it.)
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