#tbt Bratter saying he had to wash Nico's dishes for him
imperatorrrrr · 1 month
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new article/q&a about Nico Hischier just dropped.
best tidbits below:
Q: What moment in your life would you like to experience again? A: The moment when I stepped onto the ice before my first NHL game.
Q: Common misconception about hockey players? A: That goalies are a bit crazy for standing in goal and letting pucks get shot at them.
Q: Which sports star's training would you like to follow? A: I would be interested to know how Roger Federer trains.
Q: What title would you give your biography? A: From Little Valais to Big New York
Q: Last time you cried? A: After the World Cup final there were emotional moments and some tears were shed. I had never played in a final before, now I know what it feels like. And when you lose, the motivation for the next time is even greater so that you don't experience that feeling again.
Q: What didn't you eat as a child that you like to eat now? A: Onions! As a child I hated them, my mother was not allowed to cook anything with onions. And today I love them.
Q: Most emotional locker room moment? A: Difficult, because there were a few. Emotionally, it's not easy when players are traded during the season or coaches who have been with the club for a long time have to leave. These are not pleasant conversations as a team. In contrast, the moment when the playoffs are clinched, for example, is very special. That's why there is no one moment; in the locker room it's a rollercoaster of emotions.
Q: What advice do you give to young players who dream of the NHL? A: Don't be afraid to make mistakes, because you learn from them. Go your own way, have fun in training and in games.
Q: Are you afraid of getting older? A: No, I try to have the attitude of looking forward to what is still to come.
Q: Four weeks in a monastery or in prison – what would you choose? A: To the monastery, of course
Q: What could you never be persuaded to do? A: A dance competition
Q: What household chore do you put off the longest? A: Vacuuming
Q: What prank have your teammates played on you? A: In the locker room, your helmet is always on the top shelf. They put a cup of water underneath it. If you take your helmet off the shelf, you pour the water on your face. I found out a few years ago that this is a popular joke.
Q: When can you laugh at yourself? A: When I’m in a good mood I can always laugh at myself
Q: What are women better at than men? A: Oh, in many things. They are better at coordinating things, they can absorb a lot of information better and faster. Luckily there are women.
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