#tbnw episode 7
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I think the NC was supposed to make us feel a little uncomfortable, and that's why they cut it short.
Don't get me wrong, the chemistry was there, of course. However Phu’s guilt was almost a palatable thing all the way through it. You can feel his suffering even at the same time as you feel his love for Cir. The boy was ripping himself apart emotionally. Phu may seem like a sunshine character, but he is one who hides his true pain.
Since that scene was unique to the series and not in the novel, then I can't say anything about Phu’s inner thoughts, but it's the way I felt during that scene.
This series is very visual, so I can see them using the NC scene that way.
I have often said Cir has never done anything wrong in his life, but this one crime I lay at his feet. He let Phu suffer the idea that he belongs to another Phu.
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ok love sea ep 7 running commentary
-theyre sooo cute
-mut wears his heart on his sleeve like no one else wow
-also he could write a book on emotional intelligence he saw it was all too intense for rak and started acting silly
-youre the one who brought a horny 20 year old to live with you
-whats my puppy still doing out this late?
-my poor meow meow hes so scared
-her ass whew
-im sorry that was uncouth
-we are getting closer to nasty lesbian sex
-"every part of you is fun to tease" OK
-a confession???
-this is the authentic lesbian experience bc she confessed and mook didnt even realize it
-in the end vi helps mook with her job
-bring your boytoy to work day
-this is just like in love sky
-pleaseeee give me old man yaoi try me pleaseee 2025 old man yaoi mame pleaseeee
-proud boytoy
-muts outfit would be so nice if he was just wearing normal jeans instead of cargo jeans jargos if you will (regular jeans and cowboy boots make him a sexy american hillbilly)
-prin is still annoying
-both rak and mook have cute outfits as well
-god shes a bitch
-how long does getting bn from the car take
-oh hiiii
-wow they look good
-the costume team for this episode showed out
-mook looks so mad
-dont touch her!
-oh its a little water calm down boss
-get her!
-she really is quite dumb
-where are the books?
-because hes in love with you
-again its mr emotional intelligence
-pleaseeee make try me next
-this is so meta bc tbnw did just have their pre production worship ceremony
-noeul giving peat heart eyes then realizing he has to be in character was so cute
-oh mook just clocked them
-guard dog boy toy
-chanya is acting her ass off and these two are being lovey dovey in the background
-sorta a date ngl
-her friend in her phone just being "friend"
-ughhh i need to make a mutrak dynamic post but that takes so much energy
-come on legs!
-ok so is mahasamut canonically 21
-and lastly a word from our sponsors
ugh the ending credits are everything
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Photos et gifs :
Partie I : Tableau Merton : https://www.cairn.info/loadimg.php?FILE=DEC_REP/DEC_SAINT_2013_01/DEC_SAINT_2013_01_0077/DEC_SAINT_2013_01_0077_0001.jpg http://img2.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20130722044536/breakingbad/images/4/43/Bluemeth.png http://images.google.fr/imgres?imgurl=http://vignette1.wikia.nocookie.net/breakingbad/images/8/80/Episode-7-Walt-Gale-2-760.jpg/revision/latest%3Fcb%3D20100518185453&imgrefurl=http://breakingbad.wikia.com/wiki/Superlab&h=535&w=760&tbnid=WbPPAH99HNf0GM:&vet=1&tbnh=90&tbnw=128&docid=7D1SxbBWIlgt9M&usg=__yxv1-dB8H18cM271ou8Uiw7lMAk=&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwjD9oOkofjQAhUHtBQKHYB3APYQ9QEIHjAA http://johan.lemarchand.free.fr/cartes/Monde1.html http://www.menestrelbluray.com/breaking-bad-integrale-avec-bryan-cranston-et-aaron-paul-revient-en-blu-ray-collector-tonneau http://breakingbad.wikia.com/wiki/Hazard_Pay Partie II : https://pyramides.revues.org/610 http://fav-meth-head-of-the-day.com/faces-of-meth/ http://www.emcdda.europa.eu/publications/drug-profiles/methamphetamine/de Partie III : http://www.melchior.fr/cours/question-2-comment-un-marche-concurrentiel-fonctionnel-t-il
http://giphy.com/ (site regroupant les différentes images animées)
Textes internet : Partie I : https://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Auto-entrepreneur#Critiques_du_r.C3.A9gime https://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Joseph_Schumpeter Partie II : http://www.psychoactif.org/psychowiki/index.php?title=Amph%C3%A9tamine-M%C3%A9thamph%C3%A9tamine,_effets,_risques,_t%C3%A9moignages http://fr.drugfreeworld.org/drugfacts/crystalmeth/the-deadly-effects-of-meth.html#methharm http://fr.drugfreeworld.org/drugfacts/crystalmeth.html Partie III : http://www.definitions-marketing.com/definition/demande/ https://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/%C3%89lasticit%C3%A9_(%C3%A9conomie) http://www.planetoscope.com/sante/drogues
Textes écrits: Partie I : Théorie de l'évolution économique, édition Dalloz
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The saddest part in the novel is here Phu is thinking that P'Cir looks at him with cold eyes. He might look at others like that, but never once has he looked at Phu like that.
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Yup, they were purposely trying to hit Phu, and Cir shoved him out of the way. Damn Ratri and her dog servants.
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Since they say boyfriend and not fiancé or husband, it seems as if they are keeping the timeline of TBNW happening shortly before Tharn Type 2.
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Lol Jin with the moves.
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No carry scene? NO CARRY SCENE?
Don't get me wrong NC scene was good and damn Phu is flexible.
But why were we cheated out of the carry scene? I have been drooling over that since the trailer. I was already going to buy the box set, you didn't have to do this to me.
#the boy next world#the boy next world the series#boy next world#tbnw episode 7#cirrus x phukan#we were robbed
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I have so many thoughts about this episode but I will start with Jin and Wim. I was giggling and kicking my feet over these two.
Poor Wim just traded one headache for another.
#the boy next world#the boy next world the series#boy next world#win x jin#tbnw jin#tbnw wim#tbnw Episode 7
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