#tbh what shakespeare scholar *isnt* pretentious LMAO
inkykeiji · 2 years
Omg Wuthering Heights! I actually did like that book a lot and read it in high school. If you like that one, I think Great Expectations can be a good read. I think other books I enjoyed that is part of classical/well known literature is Great Gatsby, Ethan Frome, and Streetcar Named Desire (they have elements of cheating so drama~). The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, Bless Me Ultima, and Tuck Everlasting I would say is more fun to read. I think some slightly darker themes were Lord of the Flies and The Crucible. Very old timey books I thought were nice are Macbeth and the Odyssey. All have great perspectives on the social commentary of the time period!
I haven't been able to read any good books since high school and I miss having the time to read them. Sorry for the ramble and thanks for sharing your recommendations Clari💗💗💗
yes yes!!!! oh my fucking god i am LOVING it!!! heathcliff is such a !!!!!!!!! RASCAL and i am totally here for it like i have completely fallen in love with him (because of course i have 🙄🙄🙄 another one of my problematic faves i guess LMAO) but yeah!!! my boyfriend and i actually began reading great expectations but we ended up putting it down and forgot to pick it back up!! i’ll try it again after i finish wuthering heights!! <33
the great gatsby i’ve always been on the fence about and idk why??? i have absolutely no reason to keep avoiding it but i just keep skirting around it hahaha ._. i’ve never read a streetcar named desire but i do LOVE the film!!! huck finn i did read!! the other two i’ve never heard of but i will make a point to look them up!!! (´∀`)♡
AH lord of the flies has been on my to read list for SO long urgggggg one day i will read that book!!! the crucible i tried in high school and didn’t really like it but i was quite young at the time so i might enjoy it more now! oh my goshhh hahaha i have never attempted to tackle the odyssey but i have read the iliad! to me, reading ancient literature always feels like eating your vegetables LMAO like you know it’s good for you but goddamn sometimes they are difficult to get through!
i LOVE shakespeare though. like love love love love love shakespeare, i’ve read nearly all of his work!! my favourite shakespeare plays are hamlet, othello, and macbeth!!! his tragedies are by far my most preferred, and then his comedies, and then his histories (his histories are where i’m lacking ahaha D: ) but yeah!!
aw sweetpea i’m sorry to hear that :( because i minored in literature in uni i had to continue reading for my classes, so i think i’m quite lucky in that respect! but it can be difficult to find the time to read especially if lit isn’t ur area of study :( life is hectic!! you’ll find a balance tho <33 give yourself time!! even if you can find just half an hour a week to set aside for reading, as a treat or something, that’s a great start! and omg please don’t apologize!!!!!! i love talking about art, especially film and literature, so!! <33333
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