#tbh their story gave “and everybody clapped” energy if you get what i mean.
alexhasalotofthoughts · 8 months
Wish 12 year old me knew about Mean by Taylor Swift.
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markleetrashh · 8 years
Boyfriend Chenle
yes this marks the end of the boyfriend! series for the chinaline , i’m so happy !
/coughs/ only hansol is left in this series whom no one has requested for yet /coughs/
okay let’s start with this ball of sunshine
so you met him one day when you were hanging out with mark
then this one kid who smiled non stop appeared beside him
and he kept laughing non stop
you were actually creeped out by him because he was always smiling and laughing like crazy
lots of ’ ohmygods ’
yet you were comfortable with him because despite meeting for the first time that day , chenle laughed at every word you said and he just made you feel so happy with his positivity
turns out he just transferred to the school and mark was tasked to take care of him since he’s absolutely fully capable
so the three of you always hang out together
and whenever you saw chenle working hard to study and understand the lessons in class ,
you found yourself smiling a lot ,
and whenever he spoke with an excited tone to you , you couldn’t help but be positive too and answer with excitement
soon enough you realised that you had feelings for him
and being mark’s bestfriend , you decided to tell him but not directly
yet mark being mark , was clueless af so he kinda sabotaged you ( in a good way )
“ mark , by any chance is chenle interested in anyone now ? ”
“ why are you asking me … ? ”
“ because i want to know ”
“ i’ll ask for you ”
yet you facepalmed when you saw the screenshots of their text messages that mark sent you after asking
“ chenle ah Y/N wants to know if you have a crush ”
“ Y/N … ? why ? ”
“ yes , so do you have a crush or ? ”
“ yes i do .. ”
“ okay thanks ”
then chenle called you right after that
“ Y/N ? Mark asked me something .. ”
“ yes chenle i know .. i’m just curious ”
“ the person is you though ”
“ wait .. what ? ”
“ i like you ”
“ you serious ? ”
“ yes .. are you free now ? ”
“ oh yeah .. yes i’m at home ”
then when he shows up infront of your door , you give him a big hug and confess too
he’d get super bubbly and happy
he also brought you sweets so yall can celebrate
such a cute couple ahh
and both of you would get more touchy with each other , but never revealed your relationship to others yet because yall wanted it to be a surprise
a perfect example is mark
while the three of you were eating lunch one day at the school cafeteria ,
chenle would happily feed you and pinch your cheeks probably saying pretty loudly ,
“ Y/N’s so cute ”
and mark would be staring at both of you with a ?? expression
and when chenle reveals your relationship ,
his reaction gets really big and he literally jumped out of his seat , shouting like “ OH SHIT YOU SERIOUS ? SINCE WHEN ? ”
and like that everyone in the cafeteria probably heard so …
okay chenle wouldn’t mind skinship at all and in fact , would love it A LOT
but he gets all red and shy everytime people tease the both of you
he could be holding your hand secretly and staring at you in class
and when the teacher caught him and called him out ,
he’d cover his face right away and he cant stop giggling too
and you can see his ears getting all red
having chenle as your boyfriend means you’ll hardly ever get sad tbh ,
since this boy’s so happy and cheery all the time , his positive vibes never fail to get to you
you could be sharing a story ( which wasn’t meant to be funny ) and he’d just burst into laughter randomly
and you’d be confused at first but end up giggling with him because he’s too cute
“ and then she just stopped talking to me one day- ”
“ HAHAHAHAH /claps hands like a seal/ ”
“ wait what’s so funny about that ”
“ babe what do you mean- ”
“ HAHAH /almost falls on the floor laughing/ ”
and you found his clumsiness so cute you just stopped sharing and laughed together for like the next 5 mins ??
and he’d keep saying that your facial expressions were cute
you couldn’t help but hug him because he never failed to make you feel better
why do i feel like he’d be the type of boyfriend to force all his friends to support you whenever you have activities ?
one time you participated in a school sports event ,
while you were preparing to go on the tracks ,
you saw a bunch of boys standing up and cheering for you
chenle standing in the middle with his dolphin screams , clapping endlessly
and his friends ( aka donghyuck and mark , okay maybe the whole nct dream ) were at the side holding banners which say “ I LOVE Y/N !! ”
but their facial expressions show otherwise because they were embarrassed since the people around were judging them
yet chenle was too oblivious so he kept screaming and jumping
and after your run he personally ran up to you to hug and compliment you , offering you a drink
and with both hands on your shoulders , he’d say to everyone on the way back to his seat , “ she’s my girlfriend !! ahh so cute ”
i bet even the school principal knows about your relationship
when he gets jealous he becomes really grumpy and extra clingy
“ you said you loved me yesterday Y/N !! ”
“ yes i do ? and i love you everyday chenle ”
“ then what were you doing just now /pouts/ ”
“ what was i doing- oh that ? he accidentally dropped my pen so he picked it up for me , nothing else ”
“ why’d he have to touch your shoulder though ”
“ it’s just a kind gesture . omg chenle i love you ”
“ i love you too ”
then he attacks you with a big hug and kisses your cheek
“ don’t do that to anybody else again ”
“ you’re such a jealous small child- ”
“ yes i am , now shush ”
lots of hugs and kisses on the forehead
he loves it when you give him small pecks on his lips and cheeks ,
and he’d smile even brighter the rest of the day because they’re his source of energy
“ chenle why are you so happy today ”
“ hehe nothing ”
“ must be Y/N ”
“ shhh secret .. ”
then he giggles to himself as his cheeks start turning red
when he gets sad he gets super affectionate ,
he’d hug you even more that day ,
as he places his head on your shoulder while backhugging you
and you’d know right away that he wasn’t feeling himself because he was quiet that day
you’d give in to all his hugs and kisses
and finally when you ask him if he wants to share his problems ,
he’d go on a long rant about why he’s feeling sad
and at the end you would cheer him up by dancing and singing ,
and he’d join in and it slowly becomes a karaoke session
he gets all happy and excited when he hears your name in school ,
and when you were absent for one day without notice he’d get a little pouty and worried ,
he’ll go straight to your house after school to visit you
and when he found out you were sick ,
he’d attempt to cook for you and take care of you
he’s so sweet too tbh
on your birthday he gave you a photo album of all the pictures you guys took together and almost in every one , he’d write at the side ,
“ we’re so cute kya ~ ”
“ i love you so much my jagi ”
“ we are the cutest couple ever ”
“ look how cute we look in this picture ”
ever since you met him your days got better
and the fact that he became your boyfriend made you feel so blessed
because you never once thought this sunshine would fall for someone like you
yet he tells you he loves you everyday and gives you the attention and love you want
stan cuteness stan chenle , everybody
bye i love my son too much
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