#tbh i'm really close to fraking out and cancelling
So, I have this dermatologist appointment tomorrow, and I'm feeling pretty nervous about it. Let me give you a little backstory on why this is such a big deal for me. See, ever since I was a kid, I've had to deal with health issues on my own. My mom always believed that going to the doctor for small issues was pointless, and I understand where she's coming from. I mean, why bother a busy doctor with something that seems trivial, right? 
But I think it's because of that upbringing that I developed this kind of aversion to doctors in general. It's not that I don't see the importance of seeking medical help when needed, but there's always this lingering feeling of unease whenever I have to face a doctor. Maybe it's the fear of being judged or feeling like I'm wasting their time, I don't know. But hey, time to put my big girl pants on and face the world, cause sometimes it’s hard getting things done when you’re naturally a loner. <3
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