#tbh i'm just kind of tired of only seeing rise crossovers
Okay I’m gonna talk about the Samurai Rabbit show
So first of all I read a lot of the old comics before I started watching the show. Putting that out there because some people think it’s not valid to analyze an adaptation when they don’t have context of the source material. This is incorrect, but not the point.
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I was excited to have an animated series (as we all were). And I'll admit, when I first turned it on, I was kind of turned off. It took me a little while to really get into it. As such, I'll totally understand people who just didn't find it for them. I'm just here to talk about my experience watching (most) of the show. Because I hardly hear anything about this show online; I either see Rise of TMNT crossovers (a much more popular fandom) or see a lot of people really hating this show. Whenever I see that kind of attitude for a reboot/adaptation, I always wonder how much of the backlash is that phenomenon of people hating it on principle and not appreciating its merits. So I'm going to say this:
Did I want a show that captured the epic scale and action of the original? Absolutely.
However, did I still like the show outside of that context? I'd honestly say yes. I enjoyed a lot of aspects of the show, and I'd like to discuss them.
The world was pretty fun. I'm a sucker for traditional old timey x cyberpunk aesthetics. It was an interesting direction for Usagi, so it kept my attention. This was also true for the way it reimagined some of the characters. I mourn the loss of Tomoe, but I think the characters they chose for the "main team" made for a diverse group. The same goes for some of the new characters, too. The sentient car and the bird yokai were some standouts. While everyone knows the animation is not stellar, I thought a lot of the character designs were quite nice. If it had been 2d animated with the same designs, it would have looked a lot better. Sometimes the writing was kind of funny, beyond typical "kid show" stuff. It was also surprisingly brutal sometimes, too. Like, they really went with "They'll be cleaning you off the walls when I'm done with you." The lore and story was so wild. I mean "evil aliens from another dimension and we have to fight it with the magic sentient rock" is absolutely crazy. But that's what was fun about it!
So generally, I had a really fun time with this show. Everything about it was so wild and insane (even outside of the context of the comics) that I couldn't not have fun with it. While it wasn't always executed that well, I liked a lot of what they were trying to do and generally enjoyed watching the show. I even thought aspects of the show were genuinely good. It really did remind me of ROTMNT in that way. I can see why they're often compared.
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