#tbh getting this invested into mario was like the last thing on my mind but here we are
kelpermoosee · 1 year
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“My friends did a luigi board and it mentioned me! PLEAS HELP!?”
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maggatron · 1 year
Get to Know Me
Name: Maggie // Маги
Age: As of writing this, I'm 24 years old.
City that you live in: Burgas, Bulgaria // Бургас, България
Hobbies: Game devving in Unreal Engine 5, 3D modeling, writing, reading.
What are your passions? Game devving in Unreal Engine, 3D modeling.
What do you search for in a significant other? Not actively searching. I'm spoken for, ladies ;3
Have you ever collected anything? What was it? When I was younger, I used to collect Hot Topic pins. Like the kind that you hook onto hats and jackets.
List 5 things off of your bucket list. - Visit Japan - Cosplay as my DnD character - Visit the Eyes of God (Prohodna Cave // Пещера "Проходна") in Karlukovo, Bulgaria - Help my fiancé make a DnD character for himself, so I can write stories of mine and his going on sweet quests and stuff - Meet Markiplier and/or Jacksepticeye someday.
What was the last thing you learned? Just earlier today, I learned how to properly export a Metahuman (3D model of a human) from Unreal Engine into Blender. I'm gonna make some fun stuff >w>
How many relationships have you been in? That's classified.
Favorite food Yellow apples // Жълти ябълки
Favorite drink Peach juice // Сок от праскова
Are you optimistic or pessimistic? I like to think of myself as optimistic, but considering how much I know I complain without really even meaning to, my fiancé would prolly say I'm leaning more toward being a pessimist.
What is the most expensive thing you own? I think my computer, the total sum of all the parts I've used to upgrade it over time.
What is the cheapest yet most useful thing you own? My fidget cubes. They help with my ADHD when my mind gets to be too much.
How many times a day on average do you check your phone? Not as often as I should.
Text or call? I... don't actually own a phone with an active sim card, so I'm kinda stuck texting for now. But I prefer calling.
Opinion on long distance? Not sure what there is to say tbh. I mean, my family in America, I miss them a lot. But I'm glad I can still (video)call them on Facebook. Time difference is a constant struggle tho ^^'
Favorite song? Currently, it's 'Hey, Mario' by Patent Pending. It's in my playlist on Tumblr blog, if you're curious what it sounds like. It's a good song.
Celebrity crush/crushes? Garrett Hedlund, Cara Delevingne, Sebastian Stan.
Favorite flower? Lily. I've always loved lilies. People always assume that my favorite flower must be the magnolia blossom (because my name), but nope.
What is the best gift you could receive right now? A new phone with a working sim card.
Any guilty pleasures? Mac and Cheese. Hear me out... Ever since I was younger, mac and cheese was always my comfort food. I'm talkin' homemade cheese sauce with the cartoon-level stretch. The way my fiancé makes it, the cheese is so stringy and gooey, I just mmmmmm
How many times have you said "I love you" in the past month? Prolly way too many, but my fiancé is literally the best thing to ever happen to me, so I mean it every time.
Where did you last go other than your room/home? I went to a little town called Vetren with my fiancé. We visited some family, had some pizza, stayed overnight, had a good time. It was fun. I'll miss them.
How many green shirts do you own? I think just one, and it's my long-sleeved sweatshirt/pullover that I mostly wear in the fall when it starts getting cold.
Do you like anime? Hell yes! I love anime! One Piece, Dragonball, Naruto, Boku no Hero, Black Clover, Avatar: The Last Airbender, Bakemonogatari, hell yeah!
What do you invest the most time in? Blender modeling on my computer. Shamefully, sometimes when I have my headphones on, I tend to lose myself in my work. I lose track of time really easily that way ^^'
Where are you most productive? On my computer.
Do you believe world peace will ever exist? I know it's possible, but it's entirely dependent on every human being on the planet agreeing and respecting each other.
Do you have any allergies? Mostly just seasonal allergies.
Do you consider yourself mature? I think I am, but I know sometimes I get overexcited about things, which makes me seem a little childish.
How many days in your life do you think you have wasted on tumblr? Dude, years ago, back in old yore of 2013~ish, I spent WAY too much time on Tumblr. I had a blog where I wrote/read fanfics on, but I think that particular blog has since been lost to time.
What do you think your soulmate is doing right now? I know what he's doing right now. He's at work in the city right now.
Do you have a job? No, but I wish I did.
How many all-nighters have you pulled before? No comment >w>
Is tumblr your favorite website? If not, then what is your favorite website? Reddit was my favorite website before the whole blow-up about the API. Now, all my feeds are dead/broken and Reddit as a whole feels... wounded. That's one of my reasons for returning to Tumblr, actually.
When was the last time you looked at the news? I choose not to keep track of the news. It tends to be pretty depressing, so...
If you could say one thing to the world, what would you say? Get over yourselves and love/respect each other equally.
What is your favorite animal? It used to be penguins. Now, it's frogs.
What time do you normally sleep? How many hours of sleep do you usually get? Lately, I've been getting to sleep at about 3am. I usually sleep for 7ish hours, which seems to be enough for me.
In the winter- beanies or gloves? Beanies.
Would you rather have wings or a fish tail? Wings.
If you had the power to erase one person from the world so that nobody remembered him or her except you, would you do it? Yes, I would erase my birth mom, for reasons I won't divulge here now...
How many digits of pi can you recite? 3.141759....? I think?
Describe yourself in one word. Emotional.
Describe your last victory. Does Fortnite count? ^^'
Have you ever broken a bone before? Nope.
Coffee or tea? Tea.
How many hours have you spend on tumblr today? Too many, already. It took me way too long just to get the code for my music player figured out xD
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chao-chachaslide · 3 years
I've talked positively about Rangers now it's time to do the opposite. Heard some shit about leaks earlier y'know sega being sega and fucking with lore again. Idk what the fuck they're doing tbh lmao.
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Under the cut bc possible leaks/spoilers
There's been some rumours fluttering around about how Rangers is either going to be a soft reboot or possibly even a full reboot. Personally I think this is a bad idea on Sega's part, but ESPECIALLY if it's a full reboot.
So a soft-reboot is essentially what we got between Sonic R and Sonic Adventure. Characters redesigned a bit, couple details changed such as ages, height etc, new gameplay style. However overall we're working with the same lore as we had before. Sonic's the hero, Tails' is pretty much his younger brother, Knuckles is his rival and Amy fangirls for him. They all fight Eggman because he wants to take over the world using the power of the Chaos Emeralds and Monster/Villain of the Week. The Chaos Emeralds are mysterious relics that make the wielder fucking overpowered. You get the drill. It didn't really change.
However Sega kinda fucked stuff up later down the line and now Classic is in spacetime purgatory. If they're going to soft reboot the franchise starting with Rangers, they should at least adress if it's a different dimension/timeline, or if everything prior is redundant now. Because god we do not need more of whatever's going on with Classic.
A full universe reboot is a risky move. Longer running franchises like Mario and LoZ have never had a universe-wide reboot (LoZ has timeskips that's why there's a bazillion different Links). I get it to an extent if they want to change some stuff that's been major lore for too long to go back on, but it's a big deal. A reboot is what we got from the Archie comics - to be fair it wasn't Sega's fault it happened - and it was a pretty rocky transition. The comics had been going for around 20 years at this point and suddenly all of that was fucking irrelevant and we're starting from scratch. Half the characters are gone. All the good plots never happened. We're at square one. The comics didn't even last much longer after that.
A soft reboot is better if you want to keep faithful fans around; full reboot is going to attract new audiences but also boot out plenty of old ones.
As someone who's been in fandoms with soft reboots (Winx; DC) and full reboots (TMNT; Teen Titans) this is actually something that I find rather surprising for Sega to consider, and I don't like it. Generally, I don't like it when a franchiss goes full 180 and completely reboots. Teen Titans is my favourite show but I don't like Teen Titans Go. And it does actually bother me a bit that what the franchise is actively delivering is something I really don't care about at all. And while I did end up liking rottmnt eventually, I still prefer the 2012 version (mainly because i grew up with it tbh). I usually get along better with soft reboots but even then Winx S5→ gradually pushed me out of the show. Basically I don't want the same thing to happen with Sonic lol because this (and Idol anime) is the most I've been invested in anything in years.
Also it's concerning in terms of sales and audience. Already talked about this a bit, but although rebooting brings in a new audience it can kick out the faithful fans who were guaranteed to buy your shit. Obviously Sonic will still make a fuck load of money but it could go up or down who knows lol. Oh and reviews might suffer but that happens like every fucking game.
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You made it this far have an Espio who accurately represents my state of mind.
Basically I just don't want this to be 06 2.0 where Sega is too scared to adress it's existence for 5 years after release
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albireonic-lustre · 4 years
Tag some people you’d like to get to know/catch up with! I was tagged by @gottahaveguts
Three ships: Not really much of a shipper tbh. I find it really difficult to get invested in fictional romances. But, if I had to put some out there: Naomi/Drummer (The Expanse), Akko/Diana (Little Witch Academia) and Peach/Bowser (Mario). That last one is pretty much exclusively because I find it kinda hot lmao.
Last song: Uhhhh... I think the last song I listened to was the leaked Beta Gym Leader theme from Sword and Shield, if that counts. I’ve never been a big music guy, which is embarrassing to admit because what kinda freak isn’t into music? Unfortunately, I am that freak.
Last movie: I watched the new Digimon Adventure movie a few days ago, which I had no idea was a thing until I saw a review for it pop up in my youtube recs, lol.
Currently reading: Not reading anything atm. Don’t read much anymore, though I’m trying to get back into it. Last thing I read was Tiamat’s Wrath when it released a year and a half ago. I really want to get reading some manga but weirdly I have more trouble concentrating on that than I do actual books.
Currently watching: Not watching much of anything beyond the occasional interesting youtube video, even then I’ve mostly been using it as background noise. Should probably finish watching Dark and Lovecraft Country though.
Currently playing: Been torn between Animal Crossing and Pokemon Shield lately. I was in the midst of major renos to my island when Crown Tundra dropped so I’m trying to juggle both. I also gotta continue playing Shantae Seven Sirens too. And finish Mario Odyssey.
Currently craving: Kinda craving instant ramen, At least that’s an easy craving to fill, lol
I’ll tag @unova-state-of-mind, @ghostmaoc, @urvsai, @shy-bewear, @thenightshepherd, @ravemst, @cristina-angel
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sage-nebula · 7 years
YGO - In Plain Sight - Outline
Thanks to @brooklynhype‘s prompt (“When does Jounouchi say ‘I love you’ back?”) and also encouragement (along with @severalbakuras’ encouragement), I’ve decided to share an outline I wrote up aaaages ago (like, two years ago) for a longfic showing exactly how Yuugi and Jounouchi’s relationship progresses to the romantic stage. This fic takes place when Yuugi and Jounouchi are ~22/23, in the post-canon headcanon I have where they ended up getting an apartment together when they were ~18/19 that was close to Yuugi’s university. I’ll still write this fic someday, and I’ve already written parts of it (which will be linked within). It may take a while, but I’ll still get to it someday. Someday . . . (Though that said, if you want to draw art just based on this, by all means, please do.)
That said . . . have a very detailed outline below the cut.
Chapter 1 --- April
Yuugi has lunch with Kisugi and Shiori; Shiori assumes that Yuugi and Jounouchi are a couple, and he assures her (and Kisugi) that they are not, but this gets him thinking about how he felt when she assumed that
Yuugi and Jounouchi watch a movie cuddled up (kind of—each one has a head on an armrest, Yuugi is sprawled across/on top of Jounouchi) on the couch; it’s not romantic but Yuugi can’t stop thinking about how it looks/what it feels like; Jounouchi goes to work (it’s late) and Yuugi falls asleep playing 3DS on the couch
Yuugi does not know this, but when Jounouchi gets home and sees Yuugi sleeping on the couch, Jounouchi carries him to bed
The next morning, Yuugi realizes Jounouchi carried him to bed (maybe?), and he makes coffee for Jounouchi, which wakes Jounouchi up; Yuugi brings up plans for after graduation and mentions he might apply to Nintendo, in Kyoto; Jounouchi tells him he should do that, after saying that he (Jounouchi) doesn’t know what he wants to do, and Yuugi bails
Yuugi ponders over his own feelings, that he doesn’t want to leave Jounouchi necessarily, that he doesn’t want Jounouchi to leave him, or maybe that he’s upset because it seems like Jounouchi doesn’t care as much? He’s distracted enough that he misses his train and opts against going to class. It’s the last day of the school week so after a few hours he decides to go his grandpa’s for the weekend to clear his head
He still ends up being distracted by recurring thoughts of Jounouchi; after talking with his mom (and his mom pressuring him about do this, do that, have you found a gf yet) he decides to ask out Mina since Kisugi mentioned that she was interested in him before
Yuugi successfully asks Mina to a carnival that’s in town the following weekend; when he tells Jounouchi this Jounouchi is very congratulatory and tells Yuugi to give him all the details of their date and Yuugi doesn’t really know how to feel about this
On their date, Yuugi thinks Mina looks very pretty, but throughout the date his heart isn’t really in it and he can’t help but thinking that he and Jounouchi would be doing this-or-that instead if he’d gone (and then he wonders if he’d have liked to go with Anzu as well, thinks probably, but Jounouchi was at the forefront of his mind); at the end Mina says she had a nice time and Yuugi says he did, too . . . but he thinks probably it’s not going to work out between them. Mina is hurt but Yuugi figures it’s better if he’s honest
When he gets home, Jounouchi asks how the date went, Yuugi said it’s over and Jounouchi says he’s sorry; Yuugi points out the carnival will be in town the next day as well and asks Jounouchi if he wants to go, to which Jounouchi says yeah, sure, and Yuugi is pretty happy about it, though he is determined to see this as just any other time of them hanging out
Throughout the next night at the carnival he can’t stop comparing it to how things were with Mina the previous night; things just get more confusing when they’re walking home and Jounouchi throws an arm around his shoulders; this never bothered him before, so why does it bother him now?? Yuugi can’t figure it out, things are 100% too confusing; he resolves to ask for help
Chapter 2 --- May
Yuugi’s main experiences in the areas of romance come in the form of 1.) his crush on Anzu, and 2.) porn videos, which are not informative at all. He tries to compare what he feels to Jounouchi to what he felt for Anzu, but the feelings are different (he thinks) and he’s honestly not sure if he still has feelings for Anzu or not given that she’s lived halfway around the world for the past few years, so it’s honestly pretty confusing in that regard, too
He tries to talk to Anzu on Skype to see if he can settle whether or not he has feelings for her; whether or not he succeeds (like, if she’s available) is tbd
Yuugi tries to ask his mom what it felt like when she fell in love with his dad; this conversation goes nowhere fast because she’s more invested on who he might be in love with rather than what love feels like
His grandpa doesn’t help by very nearly bringing up the porn tapes in front of Yuugi’s mom (“I bet I can guess who it is, I know from those tapes you have a ty—” “Grandpa!!”)
Many people at university now resent Yuugi for “playing” Mina and breaking her heart; more like they’re spreading gossip about him doing just that; Yuugi has to decide on his senior overview project and what it’s going to be
While eating lunch with Shiori and Kisugi (above bullet point comes into play here), Jounouchi shows up on a surprise visit because his shift at the radio station ended early that day for whatever reason; Kisugi flirts with Jounouchi, Jounouchi shoots him down, Shiori gives many meaningful looks to Yuugi and asks him again if he’s sure when Jounouchi leaves; Yuugi is not sure of anything tbh
That night Jounouchi ends up making dinner again (okonomiyaki—so nothing too fancy, but still good), and they make cookies and play Mario Kart or some other game and it’s really, really great night and Yuugi enjoys himself a lot—but again, confusing, because this is really domestic but?? Normal???
The next day he goes to Bakura’s for advice; Bakura says he’s not the best for advice because he’s aromantic so this isn’t really his area, but they talk for awhile and eventually Yuugi comes to the conclusion that he really, really, really cares for Jounouchi, obviously he loves him . . . but love doesn’t necessarily mean IN love . . . it’s different from how he felt about Anzu, like, it’s not like he has wet dreams about Jounouchi, but he thinks maybe he would like kissing him? Or he’d like to try. But mostly it’s that yeah, he loves him . . . he’s happy being with him, and being with Jounouchi makes him feel . . . safe? Secure? Warm? Happy? Like, it’s right, like this is how things are supposed to be, and living with him has been great. And whenever he thinks about not living with him in a year or whatever if he has to move to Kyoto for work or whatever he starts to feel anxious and unhappy, but it’s worse thinking that Jounouchi is okay with that, because Yuugi doesn’t want to leave but he also doesn’t want to stay if Jounouchi doesn’t want him to. And through all this ramble one thing becomes clear: Yuugi is for defo sure in srs love with Jounouchi; the question is: what does he do about it?
Chapter 3 --- June / July
Yuugi does nothing about it at first, continues to try and sort his feelings; he has started getting job offers for when he graduates in March (Jounouchi is not surprised by this, Yuugi feels a bit overwhelmed, esp because he hasn’t even done his senior overview yet wtf), but he doesn’t know what to do with them because he doesn’t know if he wants to leave Domino or not
The Tanabata festival is coming up; there is a celebration going on at Yuugi’s university, but also a big festival going on down at the docks; Jounouchi says that he’s going to that one because station management has asked him to make a video about it (sort of like a vlog, Jounouchi says) for the website, and he asks Yuugi to go with him; Yuugi says yes because of course he does, esp because he was going to celebrate Tanabata anyway
They are both a bit uncomfortable because it’s down near the docks, near where they had their duel, but it’s easier if they’re with each other and Jounouchi is good about fooling around with the camera for the vlog
Yuugi’s wish on the tanzaku (wish tag) that he hangs on the festival tree is something to the effect of “I wish for my future to work out, and for Jounouchi-kun to be part of it”
Jounouchi also writes a wish on the tanzaku (it’s bad luck not to and he’s superstitious anyway) but Yuugi does not know what it is
KaibaCorp was hosting some of the entertainment at the festival and so they run into Mokuba, who is in charge of that sort of thing (given that he is better at PR than Seto); Shizuka is there bc she wanted to surprise Jounouchi & also Mokuba invited her; they also run into Honda and Bakura as both came down to celebrate as well
They stay and watch as the festival tree is set out to sea and lit on fire at festival’s end
Shizuka stays the night after Tanabata, and because Jounouchi does not want his baby sis having to sleep on the couch, he has her take his bed; he plans to sleep on the couch, but Yuugi casually suggests they share his bed instead, and Jounouchi sees no problem with it once he’s sure they can both fit, so Yuugi’s pretty happy (even if his heart is beating ten thousand miles a minute)
The next morning, Shizuka is rather surprised to see her brother emerging from Yuugi’s room, and she starts to ask him, “Are you---?” before she decides against it; Jounouchi asks her what she was about to ask, and she says it’s nothing, so he threatens to tickle it out of her, and they get into an impromptu wrestling / tickling match, but she still never says anything, and Yuugi (who witnessed this) wonders what she thinks, and if she’s thinking what he thinks she’s thinking, and if she is, what she thinks the chances are of Jounouchi feeling the same way as him, then
Yuugi has final exams for the spring semester, which are pretty stressful, so they distract him from things for a time after Tanabata, but Jounouchi helps him through his finals
Within a day or so of Yuugi’s finals wrapping up and summer vacay starting, Jounouchi announces that the radio station offered him a permanent position as a radio co-host—on a trial basis but w/e, point is they were impressed by his vlog and how many hits it got so like??? He’s got a real job now, provided he makes it through the trial run of August, go him
Yuugi is super happy for Jounouchi, but this also means that Jounouchi will probably absolutely have to stay in Domino, so . . . that complicates things, frick
Chapter 4 --- August
Yuugi decides on his senior overview finally: it will be a largely text based adventure game in which the protagonist has to successfully avert the end of the world, albeit the end of the world is really a metaphor for the protagonist’s own life, with multiple endings
Since it is summer break for Yuugi and Honda, they agree that they’d like to take a vacation, only that is hard given that Bakura is pretty broke, and Jounouchi has to work; they decide that they’ll take mini vacations over each weekend in August since Jounouchi doesn’t work on weekends; since none of them have a lot of money, ultimately they settle on one four day weekend trip to Hokkaido
In Hokkaido:
Failed attempts at surfing, Honda and Jounouchi try to bury each other in the sand
They can’t afford hotels so they end up camping out on the beach and brought tents for this purpose
See some bikini clad ladies, and Yuugi, Jounouchi, and Honda all find them attractive while Bakura is just like “ok, you do that, I’m going to go get some ice cream”; Yuugi finds the ladies really attractive, but it’s seeing that and knowing he doesn’t feel the urge to go flirt or anything that lets him know his feelings are legit
Spooky stories around the campfire to Jounouchi’s dismay; Bakura is devious and tells extra spooky stories because he knows that Jounouchi and Yuugi are sharing a tent
Yuugi and Jounouchi share a tent; Yuugi innocently asks if Jounouchi is okay and Jounouchi says that ofc he is, everything is cool, but strange spooky noises are heard outside of the tent and so Yuugi “sacrifices” by sleeping closer and Jounouchi says that ofc he’ll keep Yuugi safe and hugs him close—for Yuugi’s benefit ofc
The spooky sounds were Bakura, that devious lil thing
Other summer shenanigans as they crop up maybe: impromptu beach volleyball tournament? Other beach games they can’t resist playing (Yuugi and Bakura especially)? Things like that
When they get back from Hokkaido Yuugi tries to tell Jounouchi how he feels, but chickens out at the last second and they go to bed
Chapter 5 --- September
School has started again and Yuugi presents his senior overview project idea to his advisor, who thinks it is a bit cliché; Yuugi is hurt and put-out by this but resolves to try and find a new idea
People at school have heard Jounouchi on the radio and Shiori and Kisugi approach Yuugi about it, to ask him what is up; specifically Shiori wants to know if this means Jounouchi is staying in Domino, has Yuugi thought about his options, has Yuugi talked to him? And she knows that they’re not dating, she knows it, but she figures, they’re still roommates, this is still probably something they should—but Yuugi cuts her off and says no, no, but he will, soon. Probably.
Since Jounouchi lasted the entire month of August and proved to be very adept at what he does, he’s officially an official radio host now at the station, congrats, go him. They officially slot him in at the mid-morning/afternoon show, and while they considered giving him a co-host at first they’ve decided against it, ultimately, because he talks enough for two people
That night, Jounouchi and Yuugi talk Yuugi’s career options again (discuss him leaving Domino, him staying in Domino, working for KaibaCorp etc), and this segues into Yuugi finally confessing how he feels in a roundabout way, and they talk about it; Jounouchi says that he can’t return Yuugi’s feelings, but he also promises that ofc they’re still best friends even if they’re not going to start dating, Yuugi is Yuugi etc; Yuugi is relieved but he still feels deep disappointment because ultimately his feelings weren’t returned (or so he thinks)
When he wakes up the next morning Jounouchi is already gone; Yuugi tries not to read into it and goes to class; Shiori and Kisugi ask what’s up, and Yuugi kind of wants to tell them, but opts against it; it’s hard to concentrate in class and he still doesn’t have a new idea for his senior overview
At work, Jounouchi (POV switch!) has a hard time concentrating on the radio; he manages to get through the show all right, except halfway through he starts rambling about unexpected changes and what to do when you’re in a jam like that and etc etc he ends up turning it into an extended Duel Monsters metaphor and caps off the entire thing by telling his listeners that sometimes they just have to take trap cards as they come and use a luck card to pull it through, only too bad luck cards don’t’ work in real life, right? Station management does not know wtf is up with this and they send him home and tell him to pls feel better tomorrow; Jounouchi texts Honda to tell him he’s coming to visit for a time (also texts Yuugi to let him know he’s going to Honda’s and says it’s bc Honda needs help with something, but he’s vague about what that something is)
Jounouchi tells Honda that this must keep this secret under threat of pain of death, but that Yuugi told him that he loved him; they talk about this for a long while, Jounouchi ends up spending the night; the next day before he leaves he resolves he’s going to be super careful from now on because he doesn’t want to lead Yuugi on or anything
This is where things get hard.
Chapter 6 --- October
Things are awkward in the apartment; Jounouchi is often out later, and when they are at home together there isn’t the same level of comfort they had before (e.g. no cuddling on the couch during movies)
Yuugi invites Jounouchi out to the arcade (“you know, just to hang out”) on a Saturday, and they go, and as they’re walking home Jounouchi goes to sling an arm around Yuugi’s shoulders—only to quickly pull it back and apologize, which makes the whole thing super awkward but really makes Yuugi feel like the world just split in two; Yuugi makes up an excuse about something he remembers he had to do and bails
Yuugi goes to Bakura’s and is basically already crying when Bakura opens the door (“I ruined everything”) and tries to seek counsel, but it’s hard because things are different and awkward and distant now and Yuugi doesn’t know what to do
Jounouchi calls Honda because he can tell he really hurt Yuugi pretty badly and he doesn’t know what to do either, because aren’t things better this way?? He doesn’t want to lead him on or make things harder, but is this a damned if he does, damned if he doesn’t??? (“Because it’s not like we can be together—” “Why can’t you?” “Why do you think? I can’t---I’m not gonna spell it out for you right now”)
Yuugi gets home that night, things are super awkward, sort of a “I’m sorry about before” “yeah no it’s ok” kind of situation; Yuugi excuses himself to go work on his senior overview and Jounouchi goes to his room to play guitar; both doors are shut (they were always open before) and both boys are unhappy
KaibaCorp hosts a Halloween event in the city that is basically like a fear trial utilizing their virtual reality/hologram technology in a massive complex supposedly built for this purpose (really it was an old weapons facility but shh no need to let anyone know this); the station sends Jounouchi to go vlog it like before much to his dismay, and when he tells Yuugi he asks if maybe Yuugi wants to go, and Yuugi excitedly says yes before he says, well, Bakura was already going because he helped with some of the ideas (“great” Jounouchi says, even less enthused than before), so the three of them can go together
At the fear trial event thing:
Bakura speaks with Mokuba beforehand to make things extra frightening for Jounouchi (unknown if this shown or will be referenced later, we’ll see)
The entire thing is actually underground in specifically designed tunnels and the like; each tunnel is fitted with holographic technology and the holograms and such adjust as guests wander through
Mokuba is present at the event again because, again, PR
As they go through things start out OK until the jump scares start in with demons and ghosts and things; there’s a particularly bad one at a three way split, and on pure instinct Jounouchi bolts down one corridor while Yuugi went down the other (and Bakura wondered which one he should pursue)
As they’re separated, Jounouchi tries to find Yuugi again while trying to explain himself to the camera, and spends a lot of time running; he ends up finding Yuugi again at another point in the maze, and it looks like Yuugi is being harassed by a big group of dudes
Jounouchi immediately rushes in to his defense, about to whoop some serious ass, but 1.) they’re holograms and 2.) they shift to demons whenever Jounouchi gets there, so he grabs Yuugi’s wrist and takes off running again
When they reach some distance away Jounouchi makes sure Yuugi’s all right, and Yuugi reminds him that everything’s a hologram, but they lost Bakura; Jounouchi is like “oh, right” and they go to look for Bakura
Everything feels normal as they battle their way through the underground maze; at one point they’re assaulted by Duel Monsters holograms and at another they have to avoid illusions of falling CapMon capsules (like Penalty Games, eh?)
It soon becomes apparent that to escape the maze (or maybe they knew from the start) they actually have to battle and play a game that is part riddle and part logic; KaibaCorp is a gaming company after all
When the event is over and Jounouchi and Yuugi go home together, it’s in silence, and it seems like maybe, tentatively, they just . . . won’t discuss Yuugi’s feelings, or Jounouchi’s feelings, or anything like that; things are still a little awkward but before anything can be discussed Jounouchi says he needs to transfer the video to station management for editing, and Yuugi says yeah, he needs to work on his senior overview; once again they’re in their own rooms, doors shut
Chapter 7 --- November
Yuugi has another meeting with his senior overview adviser to discuss his project; he starts throwing out random ideas like “maybe something with time travel so the player can fix their mistakes” (but cuts back on that because “no, that’s too much like Braid”) and basically throws out random ideas until, wishing that he had Atem to talk to about this whole mess with Jounouchi, he says, “what if the player has an alter ego they can switch to in order to skip over hard parts in the game for them, only in so doing they make the game longer every time they do it because they’re not actually clearing the obstacles themselves” and his adviser is like “I’m listening”
Jounouchi tries to force himself to be upbeat on the air, but it’s hard; station management has a talk with him about his “depressing demeanor” and consider sticking him with a co-host again (or giving him some time off if he needs it?) but he insists that’s not necessary and that he’s fine, really
A few days later (or so) Yuugi and Jounouchi are both home in the evening and Yuugi mentions off-hand that he made a resume and that he noticed Nintendo had an opening for a game developer and he was thinking about applying; Jounouchi tells him that he should go for it, and Yuugi says that he’d have to move to Kyoto, and Jounouchi says again, in as firm a voice as he can manage, he really thinks Yuugi should go for it; Yuugi takes this the wrong way (ofc he does) and goes to his room; Jounouchi takes a walk
The next day, Jounouchi is real depressed on air, and station management ends up sending him home basically immediately after with the note of “take tomorrow off if you have to, but this has gotta stop”; as he leaves he runs into Mai, who is in town for a gig with KaibaCorp, and she sought him out because “I’ve heard happier people presiding over funerals”
Jounouchi does not tell Mai all of the details; basically just talks to her in general terms about relationships etc; Mai tells him that he needs to take chances when he has them because otherwise he won’t, and wasn’t he always the recklessly courageous one? Jounouchi says this is easier said than done; in any case they talk over dinner
When Jounouchi gets home, Yuugi is in his room with the door closed; he is working on his senior overview project, but Jounouchi figures that’s probably a hint, too . . . and closes his own door all the same
The next morning, it’s small talk over breakfast until Yuugi brings up that Anzu will be in town next month, so, he figured, they could have a holiday party or something, if that was okay, and Jounouchi says that yeah, of course it is, they can invite everyone, it’ll be awesome; it’s a tentative, tiny band-aid over the issues between them
Chapter 8 --- December
Jounouchi and Yuugi plan for the holiday party together, though Jounouchi does much of the food purchasing and such as Yuugi still has to work on his senior overview/other homework and also prepare for his final exams
The holiday party is really just Yuugi, Jounouchi, Honda, Anzu(!!!), and Bakura
Midway through the party Anzu notices the odd distance between Yuugi and Jounouchi and she pulls Jounouchi into his room to talk about it; they discuss things for few seconds but when Jounouchi says he can’t talk about things there she declares to everyone that they are taking a walk and drags him out of the apartment
Jounouchi ends up spilling everything to Anzu in the park, and they talk about what has been going on (this bullet was originally more detailed, but the entire conversation is in the link so just read that)
In the next few days/week or so(?) Anzu and Yuugi are hanging out, and it feels kind of date-ish, and as they walk Anzu brings up the idea of the two of them dating, if they ever wanted to pursue a relationship etc; Yuugi is caught very off-guard and, much like she did with Jounouchi, Anzu takes Yuugi to the park so they can talk (and note, Anzu still does not have feelings for him, but more she wanted to create an opening to talk about Yuugi’s feelings for Jounouchi); Yuugi tells Anzu about his feelings for Jounouchi and what has been going on there and Anzu assures him everything will work out just fine (though she refuses to tell him why she thinks he shouldn’t give up hope just yet, because even if she doesn’t want him to give up / wants to reassure him, she’s not going to tell him everything Jounouchi told her in specific, it’s not her place to do so)
Yuugi has to buckle down and finish his senior overview after this (as well as study for his upcoming exams etc);  after some deliberation (including some not-vague-enough deliberation ON-AIR, FFS JOUNOUCHI PLS), Jounouchi decides they for sure need to talk about this when Yuugi’s exams are over
Chapter 9 --- January
Yuugi presents his senior overview to the committee for his department and it is accepted/he gets a pass on it; he also feels that he does all right on exams so with any luck he will graduate for sure come March
Jounouchi ends up asking him again about his future prospects, job-wise, after congratulating Yuugi on things going well and Yuugi says that oh, he doesn’t know, he’s applied to some places but he’s still deciding, you know; Jounouchi tries to tell him then, tries to talk to him about things, but he ends up chickening out and going for a walk instead
Jounouchi comes back that night, and Yuugi is playing a game in the living room; Jounouchi reminds himself that he’s got balls, he can do this, he’s faced scarier things, he did Kaiba’s fear trial bullshit back in October, he can do this; he asks Yuugi to turn off the game for a sec, or at least pause it, so they can talk
Basic bottom line here is Jounouchi explains to Yuugi how much he cares about him, and does love him, and he never really thought it before because they were always bff but Yuugi is really, really, very, very important to him and he thinks that he, probably—no, he does, love Yuugi, and he thinks that it probably is like that, you know, but he freaked out and he’s sorry, but part of the reason why he’s been like this is because he doesn’t think that he’s very good for Yuugi, all things considered, Yuugi can do better and shouldn’t let himself be held back by—
Yuugi kisses him. Lightly, on the lips, just once. He pulls away, leans forward to kiss him again—and Jounouchi kisses him back, again, chaste, just testing the waters
Jounouchi stares at him, and things are tense and emotional and hearts are beating very, very, very, very fast, and Yuugi wants this, and Jounouchi wants this, and that scares him, so he says, “um, actually, I think I have to go do a . . . a thing” and bails (god DAMN it Jounouchi god DAMN IT)
Jounouchi goes to Honda’s, and Honda is not happy about being woken up at whatever time of night, but when Jounouchi blurts “I kissed Yuugi” Honda lets him in; they talk for a long, long time about things, Jounouchi finally vents all of his “BUT I’M NOT GOOD ENOUGH AND ANYWAY I JUST BAILED AFTER HE KISSED ME LIKE WTF HE’S NEVER GOING TO WANT TO SEE ME AGAIN ANYWAY I’M SO STUPID THIS IS WHY HE DESERVES BETTER” etc, but Honda insists that no, Yuugi is not like that, and anyway, the more important thing here is Honda wants both of his friends to be happy and if this makes them happy, then really the only thing standing in their way right now is Jounouchi, and goddamn he’s never seen anyone so determined to be in the way of their own happiness, honestly. Jounouchi is really quiet for a time and finally, just--- “Do you love him?” “. . . yes.” “How much?” “More than . . . god, I . . .” (Unintelligible mumbling as he buries his face in his arms) “Dude, there’s your answer, just get over yourself and be honest with him, let this happen, you guys’ll work it out somehow. Now go the hell to sleep, I still have an exam tomorrow.”
Jounouchi goes home the next morning, Yuugi isn’t there because Yuugi went to go have breakfast with Bakura. When Yuugi gets back in the afternoon Jounouchi throws the remote at the TV to turn it off (smooth—it doesn’t even work), and apologizes for bailing, Yuugi says it’s okay, Jounouchi says it’s not . . . and more calmly explains everything he’s been stressing over, how he thinks that he doesn’t want to hold Yuugi back, Yuugi could probably do better etc, BUT, he says, before Yuugi can interrupt, BUT he . . . he . . . and he kisses Yuugi, this time he initiates it, and it’s more desperate and far less chaste than before (well—less chaste when Yuugi introduces some tongue as, you know, a test), and when he pulls away Jounouchi says, “I . . . I really . . .” and he just hugs Yuugi as he finishes the, “I love you, and I’m sorry, but I mean it—” and Yuugi hugs him back because finally, FINALLY, finally everything will be all right.
Chapter 10 --- March (Epilogue)
Yuugi graduates, of course; he has his degree in game design and practically a hoard of game companies knocking down his door
Jounouchi has been much, much, much happier on air, of course, given that everything is sorted out and like it used to be (except with more physical intimacy, natch)
Yuugi accepts at a job at an indie games company (MalleaBoundary Games) in Domino; it’s on the other side of town so they do have to move, but they opt to move together esp since the commute still won’t be too bad for Jounouchi
 All in all, everything is as it should be.
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raindrop-rouge · 7 years
How well do you know your best friend?
Original post here. Answer these questions about your bff, your tumblr bff, or just anyone you want to show a lot of appreciation on here to!!!!
I was tagged by @chiruchill and will answer the questions about her (and tagging her back!!!). Tagging @shulkie @milleandra-nebula @crying-abt-fictional-people , uh chiru also tagged @glassesgirl0401 and @gray-x-natsus-matching-hip-scars  but it didn’t seem to work? idk guys feel free to spread the love but also feel free to ignore!!! (I HIGHLY recommend getting the questions from the original post, I rambled for MILES in every single question you don’t wanna read the below trust me)
1. What is your best friend’s dream job, and why? Man, idk that you’ve ever blabbed about something specific, like I know you’d love to run a café with me, or a library with your mom, or any kind if small store like that... Obviously I know you were ready to invest a lot of time and effort into teaching too... Any job that would give you enough time and self management to allow you to spend time with your dogs really ahaha
2. What is their biggest pet peeve, and why do you think that is? The main one is people being 1)  messy and 2) loud. A few weeks ago I would have just said “well you’re considerate and wish they could be too”, but I said I’d be brutally honest about this and girl... I read something a little while ago and I am genuinely worried your hyperawareness of everyone around you stems from something more specific, but we can talk about it whenever
3. What is their favourite TV series (live action)? LMAO GO AWAY I GET THE MESSAGE I will watch Arrested Development asap
4. What is their favourite TV series (animated)? Ahaha you’ve recommended a lot of quality comedies to me over the years, do you have an ultimate fave though? I know there was that group of school girls comedy gdi I watched it but forget the name >< welp
5. What does your best friend value most in life, and why? (Do you think they value most what they say they do, or something else?) Holy shit ok this goes right back to a thing the guys were talking about earlier. I’m gonna say your dogs, like you do say you do :p If we’re talking values in people/ ways of life... What the guys brought up was that you say you only want a simple life with just what we need, but... well, I guess we all know none of us have ANY idea what a minimal life is like, so I’d say what you mean by that is, you do value the life standard we currently have, where we never have to worry about a solid roof over our heads, food, and enough money left to support your pets. So yeah, my answer is 1) your dogs, and 2) the kinda life where we can support them x)
6. How would you describe their style, and how would they describe it? Colorful (but that’s how us French see all Scandinavians tbh), comfortable, like effortless but still cute? You’d probably agree it’s colorful but then say it’s not “stylish” though XD I think you just really like cute things but muuuuch prefer comfort first
7. If you were to decorate a room for your best friend, what would it look like, and why? !!!!! Aaahhh I’m a shit decorator with no taste, but I’d keep it minimal cause that’s how you feel best! A massive bed for you and your dogs, maybe nice tall lights you can reach from the bed but light the room well... A bookshelf... A pretty big desk... I’d want to add lots of plants and pillows, but idk if you’d want that clutter :/ Colors would be white beige and either pastel green or pastel pink.
8. What do you think their best quality is? You know how during a mario kart race you can see the names shuffle on the side as players cut in front or fall behind, that’s what your qualities are doing in my head now... You’re patient, so strong and independent (which I admire endlessly), generous, smart, but I guess what really sets you apart from me is your specific sense of humor and just wit in general??? idk how to explain, it’s not just that you make me laugh, it’s everything you say, I know only you would come up with that at that moment. It’s a big part of what makes me so excited when I’m around you, and a big part of why I miss you so badly when I’m not.
9. What does your best friend think their best quality is? Would they agree with you? Yee you think you’re funny and you’re right :p  Unless now you think your patience is your top quality given how much you’ve put up with lately
10. What is your best friend’s favourite book (or book series)? The Hobbit
11. What do you have in common with your best friend? LMAO our shitty sense of humor... Omg what else though :o we’re really different... maybe how difficult we are when it comes to really letting people in? idk please answer this one better than me
12. How did you meet, and what was your first impression of your best friend? First day of uni!!!! I was lost and confused, she had papers and was alone and therefore less intimidating, I asked her where she got the documents from... And once I got them, I think sheeee was the one to offer we sit next to each other while I was munching on my apple ahaha. I missed the next meeting, but after that she saw me at the bus stop, and offered to wait for the bus with me??? Kindest thing anyone had ever done for me at that point in my life, so yeah... How far we’ve come :’) Very first impression though... “she looks reasonable enough to talk to... Oh she’s nice... Yay she’s really nice!!!” ahaha
13. What does your best friend spend their free time doing, and why do you think they choose to do what they do? Reading, petting the dogs, watching stuff, gaming... It’s escapism isn’t it babe :’) Anything that’s relaxing and distracts you from whatever is happening irl
14. Who is their favourite fictional character, and why? Luigi cause he wears green lmao and cause he’s like the “second” brother and therefore deserves more love
15. What’s the first thing you tell other people when you talk about your best friend? “So Chiru - she’s my best friend and you’ll be hearing about her every day -” ACTUAL LINE SERVED TO ALL MY CO-WORKERS. And then I tend to say we lived together for 2 years, and that I miss you a lot
16. What’s your favourite story about them? Is there a single fave...How we met, how we came to do our groceries together and suddenly became unseparable, MY SURPRISE BDAY x2, coming to cheer for me at cheer, casually inviting me to your home, Nice (omg you reading Scandinavia and the world to me!!), our Japan travels, everything, right up to getting your last dog, is a highlight in my life
17. What’s your least favourite story about them? :))) fuck if I am telling that on here. Oh shit I said I’d be honest. Look... I think sometimes you forget I’m pretty insecure and basically any minor (or... you know... not so minor) event that makes me think maybe you’ll leave me behind after all is just like. uhm. “least favorite stories” is a mild way to explain how I feel about those times
18. Why do you think you two ended up becoming best friends? My dudes I wonder a lot. I know it’s so much more than just living together, if anything that makes most people hate each other. It’s shared values, willingness to make balanced efforts for each other, an endless stream of ideas for fun coming from both sides, similar interests... I don’t know, but Chiru I am just so grateful everyday I did find you
19. Would you be honest with your best friend if they were happy doing something, but you think it might end up harming them in the end? Ouch. Ok well... The truth is sometimes I doooo worry, but I’m so convinced you know what you’re doing so much better than I do, that no, I tend to trust whatever you say, if you’re convinced (/telling me you’re convinced) that what you’re doing isn’t harming you, I’ll believe you. At least, that’s what I tell myself... A part me of does worry, though, that I just don’t speak up because you’ll already have all the arguments ready and we’ll just unnecessarily argue about it, and I’ll end up hurt, and yes exactly it’s as bad as it sounds, I’m worried I wouldn’t want to fight you over your happiness in case it would result in hurt feelings. I’m a mess, this is terrible and I gotta work on that
20. Does your best friend play any instruments? Why do you think they chose that instrument? BISH SAYS SHE CAN SORTA PLAY THE GUITAR AND PIANO BUT HAS SHE PLAYED FOR ME YET, I THINK NOT. I am unappreciated, where is my serenade (jk jk, I realy doooo wanna hear you play though!!)
21. Do you and your best friend have a dream for the future, if so, what is it? Move in with me please it’s the one thing that keeps me going
22. What is one thing you have always wanted to tell your best friend, but never have? :)))) ((((: *digs through a million letter drafts and hell, fic drafts, we all know where my inspiration comes from anyway* Sigh... Well first of all I need you to know you’re the most beautiful and kind soul I have ever encountered. Please get that through your head. Secondly... I don’t think I’d have EVER brought this up, but that’s what the question is aiming for, isn’t it... You probably only held my hand in Barcelona because I was so black-out wasted you were worried I wouldn’t follow you home otherwise, but it made me sort of ridiculously happy, and I guess I wouldn’t mind if it happened again
23. What do you think your best friend’s life will be like 10 years from now? What I’m thinking or wishful thinking hah... Thinking, well... deep breath, you’ll be alright :) You’ll have a comfortable home somewhere you like, with a job that suits you. You’re too stubborn to settle for any less. Your dogs are with you, of course. And so is whoever will be lucky enough to be chosen by you. You can guess based on that what the wishful thinking is
24. What song makes you think of your best friend? IT’S 4:18 AM AND HONESTLY THERE ARE SO MANY TO CHOOSE FROM (anything from Just Dance tbh XD) BUT I CHOOSE THIS GEM (45:21) because fukkit it’s cold as heeeeck in my room right now and I’m only listening to this kind of music
25. Just to end on a mean note, what’s your best friend’s worst personality trait? (Be honest now, guys, none of that “they’re just too kind” bullshit) Worst? You wanna hear something crazy... Well you know I miss you, I always do and have been for so long now, but once I thought maybe if I listed everything that maybe weren’t the beeesst parts of your personality, and all the parts of my personality that probably annoyed you, I’d force myself to accept that maybe it’d be best for us to stop living together... And gdi I tried. But it’s just a really ridiculous list ... or at least it was, until that one night... Remember when one of my friends took my phone and texted you quite extensively, and that went really really badly? Well here’s the moment of truth: (hey it’s 4:25 now and I was out) I had broken down sobbing after you compared me to your dogs again :’) Look, sober me can rationally process your way of thinking. But... I guess deep down, we’re not the same, I want to be loved and appreciated like a human being. I’m genuinely sorry I couldn’t bring myself to tell you this sooner, idk what I was so scared of. So, uh, “worst” personality trait (which really isn’t one but)... omg I can’t even phrase this without turning it against myself ahaha, like it’s my own fault for telling you that everything was fine when it wasn’t. So look this isn’t even about your worst personality trait, I guess it’s me realizing I gotta stop lying about crap, and I hope you’ll be considerate and understanding like always :’) 
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vegils · 7 years
im... a sucker 4 surveys hey!!!
1: What is your name and does it mean anything?
marinella, someone told me it means “traveller” but i highly doubt that i like the break down of my name more marina, meaning “of the sea” and ella for “guiding light”
2: How long have you known your best friend? 
my best friend sweetlana!!! been my good friend!!! for 7 DANG YEARS!!! 
3: What position do you normally sleep in? 
i sleep in fetal/yearning position and i think the description of the personalities that sleep in fetal/yearning position is very accurate
4: Were you a part of any “clique” in high school?
mmm i hung out with a lot of different people in high school i went through several cliques in the span of my four years i hung out with “popular” people, artsy groups, anime nerds, and drama people
5: Who was your favorite teacher in high school and why? 
my biggest inspiration was my speech and drama teacher!! i love u miss macuha!!! one time i was crying about her leaving and she grabbed me by the shoulders and told me to never back down and keep doing what i’m doing and that some day i’ll be a great performer and i bawled on her lap she’s an angel and to this day her words still haunt me!! i never felt the reward a teacher reaped from seeing a student reach their full potential
6: Do you wish to travel a lot?
because im so young i do think about travelling a lot but it makes me sad to think about never being able to travel and i have gone to places but i wish i could see other grander countries i never had the opportunity to see
7: Did you participate in any sports while in school?
um...... i played badminton lmao 
8: Show a sample of your handwriting:
how tho
9: Have you ever given blood?
apparently if ur anemic or have history of anemia then u can’t donate blood which makes me sad if i could i would!!!
10: Do you like the way that you grew up?
besides all the fun i had i wish i grew up more confident i am a very doubtful person and i grew up in a pretty hostile home and it felt very scattered and broken to me and i just wish those situations were different, other than that i think i am lucky to grow up ok
11: Do you like your siblings? Why or why not?
i like all of my sisters but they can get very frustrating at times i think we stand better now than we did as kids
12: How did you meet your best friend and why did you become friends?
i met sweetlana on the strokes tumblr tinychat back when they had a roaring fandom and we discovered that we’re both from chicago and we’d talk about silly things and we lost touch for a while but then we reconnected and she’s so darling!!! she would show me her paintings of the blues brothers and we’d talk about our hopes and wishes and now i realize we’ve been doing that for 7 years!!! all we do is exchange selfies and drawings and fantasize about crushes !!!i love her! i can’t imagine not knowing her and never meeting her!
13: Name one movie that made you cry.
my girl.......... shit dude
14: Do you prefer to read poetry, write poetry, or neither?
i’m not poetic but i like to HEAR poetry i love hearing the delivery 
15: Things about someone that you find attractive?
i love people who are kind and thoughtful which is rly generic i also love the funny it doesn’t even have to be calculated jokes it can just be the way you said something or a facial expression i like people who manage to share a language with me that can’t be figured out by other people i think having a connection to a person where you can read each others minds can b creepy but also cool cuz u hang out w them so often that you can basically understand each other without much effort 
16: What song are you currently listening to now?
year of the rabbit by eskimeaux
17: Have you ever broken a bone? If so, how?
18: A random memory from you childhood:
going to chinatown and racing to the chinese zodiac signs and climbing up the stairs with my sisters, getting sponge cake and walking around the old sanrio store pointing out what i want
19: Where did you grow up? chicago 
20: What was the last thing you watched on tv?
lmao we’re watching 13RW and its not for everyone but i read the book and im v invested
21: Do you think you’d make a good parent?
really!! hope id be! i mean i am cool with or without having kids but i want to be a good parent
22: Would you like to meet any of your Tumblr friends in person?
i already met some of my tumblr friends!! i met sweetlana and coney!!! i would like to meet @iamonmy-way when will i meet u!!! 
22: What was the last dream you remember having?
my phone was hacked and it looked like internet explorer on my iphone and my cousin tried to retrieve back to normal by playing against my hacker on a boss battle level of mario
23: When is your birthday?
june 2 :---)
24: How many pillows do you sleep with? 
2 and 1 reading pillow ^_^
25: Do you wear glasses? If so, how long have you been wearing glasses?
i’ve been wearing eye glasses since i was 6 and i’m 21 now so u do the math bud
26: What color is your hair?
27: Name 5 facts about your appearance:
ive been told i have a nice complexion, small mouth, chubby cheeks, small hands and long torso
28: What is your favorite soda?
cream.. soda... i need to go to Hell
29: What is a strange talent that you have?
reading peoples moods online lmao 
30: How’s the weather right now?
a cool and calming evening 
31: Why did one of your friendships end?
this question makes me sad lmao
32: Who do you miss right now?
oops i can’t reveal who or what or when but i am missing someone
33: Why did your last relationship end?
because i realized i don’t like them that much and that i don’t understand dating I AM A VERY CONFUSED PERSON when i reflect on dating i realize i hate it so much but also crave it but when i have it i’m very repulsed
34: Are you still figuring out who you are? 
yes!!! i am frustrated at myself because i don’t know who i am or what i want and i feel like it has set me back so much that i’m stagnant 
35: Have you ever been admitted to a hospital? Why? 
ya i had dengue fever and it was probably the most concerned i’ve seen my parents with me
36: What is your favorite restaurant?
pastaria!!! in st louis!! it’s so good!
37: What is word that you always seem to spell wrong?
38: Would ever adopt kids?
not against the idea of adopting children!!! 
39: What is your favorite kind of pizza?
i like spinach on my pizza
40: What was your first thought when you woke up this morning?
why is it so dreadful to find yourself in bed with a whole day ahead of you
41: When was the last time you got really really happy and why? 
um!!! my crush!!! k*rt !!! when we played the game!! and they were teasing and attacking me during the game! ah!!! 
42: What’s the strangest thing you’ve ever eaten?
defo dinuguan (pigs blood stew)!! i dont recommend!! i just dip my puto in the sauce and call it a day! not a laman fan! 
43: How do you start a conversation?
i tell them something embarrassing that’s also relateable and revealing and hope they find me somebody to be comfortable around!!!
44: What’s a band you’ve been obsessed with lately?
i hate answering this....... but joji........
45: Do you come from a family “of money?”
nah dude
46: Do you have a bucket list?
i think that’s what my life was missing tbh
47: What is your favorite series of books?
i don’t know i haven’t read a series of books in quite a long time i think i pretended to like percy jackson in high school lmao and i was such a nerd for hunger games but i don’t think anything could replace my deepest love for series of unfortunate events, the boxcar children, judy moody, and horrible harry! ooh! and amelia bedelia!!!
48: When was the last time you laughed so hard your stomach hurt?
i laughed rly hard last night cause patrick was so invested in 13 reasons why and my sister n i kept asking 4 justice 4 zach dempsey and patrick threw a pillow at me for saying that what zach did was severe in hannah’s eyes
49: Where do you go when you’re sad?
i slip into bed and silently cry or if i don’t need that i cry in the shower ahhh how pathetic
50: 5 random facts about yourself:
i actually am rly good at acting and i don’t think anybody but high school and college ppl know this, i’m painfully shy, i don’t like mayo!! all of my goldfish in the past have all been named variations of “Freddy” and !!! i am rly good at stitch (from disney’s lilo and stitch) impressions
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