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superbusymumblog Β· 4 years ago
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We are swinging into a new week tomorrow! πŸ€ͺ I'm so excited about getting a routine back, having some form of order, a system! Being able to start my at-home spin classes, being able to do blog work without distraction and just having the time to get shit done without someone needing something! Bring on the madness that is packing lunches, school runs, homeworks and dealing with the after school moodswings as we know they will be fully present! πŸ˜†πŸ™ƒ I am SO ready. Not saying the kids are ready πŸ˜…πŸ˜‰ But I'm ready! #superbusymum #developinglife #dearestviewfinder #dearphotographer #lifecloseup #littlefierceones #discoverunder10k #tbcsmiles #ukparentbloggers #ukmumsquad #momtogs #mummyblogger #thehonestlens #motherhoodunplugged #motherhoodrising #igmotherhood #littlestoriesofmylife #familybloggers #northernireland #belfastgirl #dailyparenting #thisparentlife #capturingcolour #seekmoments (at Whiteabbey Glen) https://www.instagram.com/p/CNiLqH8l73G/?igshid=13xv21v8ws4t1
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superbusymumblog Β· 4 years ago
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Happy Easter, everyone! We hope you have the loveliest day! We've already had our Easter egg hunt, which is getting quieter each year as the kids grow up! But thats OK! Annabelle had a blast and is now having some chocolate for breakfast, which is pretty standard, right? I think I might join her! πŸ˜‰ Have a lovely Easter, guys! 🐰 #easterweekend #happyeaster #documentyourdays #tbcsmiles #seekmoments #motherhoodunplugged #motherhoodrising #dailyparenting #thisparentlife #pursuitofjoyproject #momswithcameras #clickinmoms #northernireland #livebeautifully #photooftheday #parenthood_moments #ukparentbloggers #ukmumsquad #momtogs #igmotherhood #littlestoriesofmylife #superbusymum #developinglife #eastersunday (at Newtownabbey) https://www.instagram.com/p/CNPTUDpllFJ/?igshid=1lte3tjz2setk
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superbusymumblog Β· 4 years ago
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DANCE PARTY! πŸŽ‰ This one is VERY like her Daddy whereas she LOVES a boogy. I personally hate dancing, mainly because I look ridiculous! 🀣 But this one? Does not care and I truly admire that about her. She just let's go, goes wild and moves the way the music inspires her too. If I could be anything in the world? I'd be more Annabelle. πŸ•ΊπŸ’ƒ #developinglife #superbusymum #danceparty #tbcsmiles #ukparentbloggers #ukmumsquad #momtogs #momswithcameras #pursuitofjoyproject #magicofchildhood #lifecloseup #littlefierceones #discoverunder10k #niblogger #belfastblogger #photooftheday #dailyparenting #thisparentlife #thehonestlens #documentyourdays #rememberingthesedays #dearphotographer #livebeautifully #motherhoodunplugged #motherhoodrising #igmotherhood #illuminatedchildhood (at Northern Ireland) https://www.instagram.com/p/CLZxUOMFXh-/?igshid=9zt04py5c622
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superbusymumblog Β· 4 years ago
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AD πŸŽ‰ *GIVEAWAY TIME* πŸŽ‰ Who fancies winning one of these gorgeous @galbertsfood pancake hampers just in time for Pancake Tuesday on February 16th? Pfft! Like I need to ask, right! These are the most delicious pancakes we've ever had from a shop and our personal favourite are the deliciously dinky pancake bites! Especially when warm, drizzled with melted Nutella and a dusting of icing sugar! OMG! 🀀 ANYWAYS! Here's how to enter: πŸ₯ž Follow: @galbertsfood πŸ₯ž Like: Galberts Food on Facebook πŸ₯ž Like: this post! πŸ₯ž Tag 3 friends in this post You can also pop over to the Galberts website for some delicious pancake recipes ideas too, incase you need some inspiration for Pancake Tuesday! Everything from the traditional crepe pancakes to the insanely fluffy American style pancakes can be bought at your local @supervaluni, @spar_ni, @eurospar_ni, @nisalocally & @tescofood stores. There will be ONE LUCKY WINNER chosen when the giveaway closes. πŸ₯³ The winners account will be checked before the prize hamper is delivered. So be sure to enter everything correctly πŸ₯³ This giveaway is for NORTHERN IRELAND entrants only and ends on Friday 12th February at 3pm. Good luck! πŸ€πŸ€ž #pancaketuesday #pancakes #galbertspancakes #superbusymum #northernireland #belfastgirl #niblogger #belfastblogger #rememberingthesedays #documentyourdays #dailyparenting #thisparentlife #lovenewtownabbey #Belfast #discoverunder10k #thehonestlens #tbcsmiles #ukparentbloggers #ukmumsquad #momtogs #momswithcameras #pursuitofjoyproject #magicofchildhood #lifecloseup #littlefierceones #giveawaytime (at Northern Ireland) https://www.instagram.com/p/CLFDyeYFfi3/?igshid=nlxm1r6bm6fr
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superbusymumblog Β· 4 years ago
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Happy 8th birthday to the baby of the house! πŸ₯³ She's requested cake for breakfast and her lunch and dinner menu already! Lady muck or what! 🀣 I hope this wee force of nature never changes and has the loveliest lockdown birthday! πŸŽ‰πŸŽˆ #8today #birthdaygirl #pursuitofjoyproject #superbusymum #developinglife #dearestviewfinder #tbcsmiles #photooftheday #parenthood_moments #dailyparenting #thisparentlife #clickinmoms #thehonestlens #documentyourdays #discoverunder10k #northernireland #belfastgirl #rememberingthesedays #motherhoodunplugged #capturingmotherhood #illuminatedchildhood #lifecloseup #birthdayselfie #capturingmotherhood (at Northern Ireland) https://www.instagram.com/p/CKlXtxylEm3/?igshid=1nb9pvsrbqdr8
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superbusymumblog Β· 4 years ago
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SNOOOOOOW!! (finally!) And when your daughter wakes up and asks to get out into the snow? You get up and get out into the snow! No questions ask! #northernireland #documentyourdays #snowday #tbcsmiles #superbusymum #pursuitofjoyproject #magicofchildhood #capturingchildhood #igmotherhood #motherhoodunplugged #motherhoodrising #littlefierceones #littlestoriesofmylife #familybloggers #ukparentbloggers #ukmumsquad #dearestviewfinder #seekmoments #thehonestlens #lifecloseup #snowing #developinglife (at Newtownabbey) https://www.instagram.com/p/CKbMo4_lwOl/?igshid=1afduumwavrb1
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superbusymumblog Β· 4 years ago
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Remote learning, Day one...(take#3) ...and it went better than I was expecting but overall? It was still tough and mentally exhausting. Ellie & Jacob can just work away with the work they've been given over Google Classroom and I am so happy Annabelle's school have made real positive changes to how they handle remote learning. But let's face it, it's still hard work! The only thing that knocked today off it's pedestal was the announcement from our diabolically shit Education Minister, that GCSE & A-Level exams are cancelled for the year. Exams my daughter has studied so incredibly hard for and endured 4mths of being horrendously over worked and having a years worth of material forced into her brain....for all of it to be for nothing. It truly is a disgusting state of affairs and our government should be nothing but ashamed and embarrassed. However, Mama Bear fury aside, I am going to hunker down for the evening, with a creme egg & the final two episodes of Cobra Kai S3 because its going to be tomorrow again far too soon and none of us are quite ready for that. Big hugs to you if you need them today! πŸ€— #developinglife #tbcsmiles #dearestviewfinder #ukparentbloggers #ukmumsquad #pursuitofjoyproject #discoverunder10k #thisparentlife #dailyparenting #documentyourdays #northernireland #superbusymum #belfastblogger #belfastgirl #niblogger #livebeautifully #photooftheday #parenthood_moments #motherhoodunplugged #motherhoodrising #igmotherhood #ukmums #mummyblogger #littlefierceones #littlestoriesofmylife #remotelearning (at Northern Ireland) https://www.instagram.com/p/CJtyLPwFwIi/?igshid=1iody46c987vh
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superbusymumblog Β· 4 years ago
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Today was a win πŸ† I didn't expect to be a win I have to be honest. But it was, so I'm taking it. I got the majority of my to-do list completed and I'm learning (albeit slowly) that not being able to fit & do everything is OK. My kids are happy, one has had to study for the majority of it for her GCSE's next week and I even got out with the younger two. Jacob and I did another electric guitar lesson and we've even had chocolate and biscuits. I am now looking forward to dinner and taking myself off for a 'boil me' style bath and a little self care time as that's on my daily to-do list. Again, albeit slowly I'm learning that I need to make time for me in my days too. It's so important & so needed. How are you doing today?? xx #thehonestlens #documentyourdays #outdoorsandhappy #northernireland #superbusymum #belfastblogger #belfastgirl #pursuitofjoyproject #ukparentbloggers #ukmumsquad #dearestviewfinder #seekmoments #tiredmumsclub #stronggirlsclub #momswithcameras #clickinmoms #dailyparenting #thisparentlife #littleloves #tbcsmiles #bloggersofinstagram #discoverunder10k #niblogger #belfast (at Northern Ireland) https://www.instagram.com/p/CJoeRgXFQz_/?igshid=r2xwj4xvwu65
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superbusymumblog Β· 4 years ago
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WHAT A CHRISTMAS!! πŸŽ…πŸŽ„πŸ₯³ Hands down the nicest Christmas we have ever had. It was magical, fun, exhausting and full of gratitude. It was honestly the loveliest day and after everything this year has brought? I am thrilled we could have that. For the passed two days we haven't stopped eating, the house looks like it's been ransacked by elves and the kids are loving their gifts. And that's what it's all about, right? Everyone being happy, content & thankful. And even though we are now into a pretty intense lockdown with curfews and such. It's OK. Regardless of the outside goings on, we plan to enjoy this limbo week in-between Christmas & New Year with playing games, eating more food, laughing and finding homes for the new additions to our home. Have a glorious Sunday, wherever you are. (It is Sunday, right?) πŸ€ͺ #christmaslimbo #developinglife #seekmoments #dearestviewfinder #capturingchildhood #capturingmotherhood #dailyparenting #thisparentlife #littleloves #superbusymum #ukmumsquad #ukmummyblogger #ukparentbloggers #documentyourdays #rememberingthesedays #dearphotographer #livebeautifully #tbcsmiles #momswithcameras #clickinmoms #thehonestlens #belfastblogger #niblogger #photooftheday (at Northern Ireland) https://www.instagram.com/p/CJS5z8wFoiX/?igshid=qb1b5sqrovf
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superbusymumblog Β· 4 years ago
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AD - We have teamed up with the lovely team at @chums_uk with their #TogetherThisChristmas campaign. Christmas this year is going to be a tad different, but you know that already, right? It is so important, regardless of not being physically in each others company, that we can still hang out and enjoy other peoples company. The joys of technology, eh! My daughter & niece LOVE hanging out. So this year has been tough on them, especially when staying apart. So they've both LOVED getting involved with the Chums Gingerbread House Project. They had so much fun and they did an amazing job! You can check out my stories for more photos and a cute video too! Chums are also running a giveaway to win a Christmas Hamper! All information can be found on my blog post! #developinglife #documentyourdays #tbcsmiles #christmasiscoming #pursuitofjoyproject #magicofchildhood #momswithcameras #clickinmoms #thehonestlens #gingerbreadhouse #ukparentbloggers #dearestviewfinder #capturingchildhood #northernireland #rememberingthesedays #dearphotographer #lifecloseup #discoverunder10k #niblogger #bestphotooftheday #belfastblogger (at Northern Ireland) https://www.instagram.com/p/CIBl8pqlIAD/?igshid=1k14qlmiys15m
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superbusymumblog Β· 4 years ago
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BACK TO SCHOOL ... wasn't too bad for this little one. Almost like she had never left and we're back into homework-ville already as well! On a whole, she has no worries, so in turn, I'm trying not to worry. My teenager on the other hand, who is doing her GCSEs is having all kinds of issues. Exams coming out of her ears, having work they have worked on FOR MONTHS refused and now having to re-do, ugh, the list goes on & doesn't get any better. Sadly! Anyone doing their GCSEs and/or A-levels throughout 2020 are being shat on from a great height, for sure. Which sucks. But, all we can do is be there for support, to be their cheerleader and their pillar of reassurance & encouragement. There really is nothing else for it! Are your kids back to school yet? How are they and how are YOU? xx #tbcsmiles #illuminatedchildhood #developinglife #superbusymum #dearestviewfinder #dearphotographer #ukparentbloggers #discoverunder10k #capturingmotherhood #igmotherhood #motherhoodunplugged #motherhoodrising #thisparentlife #dailyparenting #seekmoments #livebeautifully #littlestoriesofmylife #momtogs #pixel_kids #parenthood_moments #createhappylife #prettylittlesquares #liveauthentically #documentyourdays (at Northern Ireland) https://www.instagram.com/p/CHGXoG6FPE9/?igshid=1bkiwt4j9mz60
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superbusymumblog Β· 4 years ago
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AD - Halloween is shaping up to be VERY different this year. With rules, regulations and in alot of places lockdown, so spending Halloween at Home is the reality! Fear not! @cbbc have a new series of @screamstreetofficial on their website with an amazing (& free) Halloween Activity Pack! πŸŽƒ Me and Annabelle had a blast today making masks, carving pumpkins, doing the seek & search activity and the best part? Having a Scream Street Dance Challenge! Annabelle LOVES to get her groove on! Check out my stories for her moves! 🎬 If you're stuck for ideas to keep the kids entertained tomorrow, check out the activity pack and maybe watch some Scream Street, too. Also, if you take part in the Dance Challenge? Submit it to the CBBC website for your chance to get on the telly!! How are you spending Halloween tomorrow? #HalloweenAtHome #ScreamStreet #ScreamStreetDanceChallenge #cbbc #developinglife #discoverunder10k #belfastblogger #niblogger #ukparentbloggers #momswithcameras #ukmumsquad #thisparentlife #dailyparenting #halloween2020 #dearestviewfinder #documentyourdays #tbcsmiles #capturingchildhood #motherhoodunplugged #igmotherhood #motherhoodrising #belfastgirl (at Northern Ireland) https://www.instagram.com/p/CG-xSrllyYG/?igshid=13gry7l36huyf
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superbusymumblog Β· 4 years ago
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NI KIDS GOING BACK TO SCHOOL! When the initial decision was made, back in August for the kids to return to school early September, it hit me hard. A lot harder than I realised and I only realised when I found myself crying in the bathroom at work, unable to breathe, or stop shaking, or had to breathe my way out of one of the most scary experiences of my life. In fairness, daily deaths were zero and infection rates where in double digits. Now? The decision for kids here in Northern Ireland has been made again. They return again on Monday. Daily deaths are between 8 and 13 and I know that may not sound like many, but we are a small island. And each one of those people was a mother, father, granny, daughter, brother and more. So everything is pretty much on the same page to what it was back in March and kids are OK to go back to school? This is what I dont understand. So, my emotions are all over the show. I feel sick at the thought of Monday and in all honesty, I give it two/three weeks before those graphs go on the rise again. So tonight I am going to comfort eat. That makes for a good distraction and try not to dissolve into that pool of a person I was back at the end of August. As its lingering. I can see her, feel her, but I refuse to let her take control of me again. #mentalhealthmatters #mentalhealth #northernireland #thehonestlens #belfastblogger #belfastgirl #tbcsmiles #pandemic2020 #lockdown2020 #documentyourdays #superbusymum #lifecloseup #pursuitofhappiness #pursuitofjoyproject #dearestviewfinder #capturingmotherhood #igmotherhood #momswithcameras #clickinmoms #momswithcameras #kidsofinstagram #outdoorsandhappy #outdoorslife #seekmoments #thisparentlife #dailyparenting #discoverunder10k (at Newtownabbey) https://www.instagram.com/p/CG8CvfpFttH/?igshid=dh4uc6jwk9w
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superbusymumblog Β· 4 years ago
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Sleep worries & grow spurts These two go hand in hand were this little lady is concerned. She goes through phases of not wanting to be alone in her room when its bedtime, even though she shares with her sister. And also crying when she's not by my side. She's an emotional monkey at the moment that can be quite difficult to manage but hopefully, like all things, it will pass. But for now? Snuggles with Mama as she falls asleep re working and now that its the weekend, her mattress comes into our room for a wee sleepover treat! This always happens when she's having a growth spurt. She gets emotional and becomes insecure. It has always been what her wee body does, ever since she was little. Do your kids experience the same? #dailyparenting #thisparentlife #ukmumsquad #mummyblogger #momswithcameras #clickinmoms #belfastblogger #niblogger #documentyourdays #tbcsmiles #seekmoments #rememberingthesedays #pursuitofjoyproject #northernireland #pursuitofhappiness #thehonestlens #photooftheday #discoverunder10k #superbusymum #magicofchildhood #illuminatedchildhood #capturingmotherhood #motherhoodunplugged #motherhoodrising #dearestviewfinder (at Northern Ireland) https://www.instagram.com/p/CGIjomAFxLc/?igshid=1rb0lq8mrnvdc
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superbusymumblog Β· 4 years ago
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Todays marks the first day, that I caved to allow this button to walk to school on her own. Well, I say 'on her own', her school is across the literal street and I say 'on her own' but she meets & walks with her wee friend. I will be found at my front door, watching her like a hawk and weeping internally that school runs for me have come to an end. I'll not lie, that reality snuck up on me. It was very unexpected and not something I am finding easy to accept. My fifth & final bubs is all grown up (as she reminds me of this DAILY!) & thats shes almost 8 so I can trust her to be sensible. Gosh, she's a mature wee pumpkin sometimes. Now, excuse me while I go and weep into some cake. 😭 . . . . #developinglife #schoolrunmum #ukmumsquad #mummyblogger #igmotherhood #motherhoodrising #motherhoodunplugged #motherhoodjourney #dearestviewfinder #tbcsmiles #superbusymum #rememberingthesedays #documentyourdays #photooftheday #pursuitofhappiness #pursuitofjoyproject #seekmoments #thehonestlens #stronggirlsclub #capturingchildhood #littlefierceones #discoverunder10k #tiredmumsclub #photooftheday #bestphotooftheday #belfastblogger #belfastgirl #ukparentbloggers (at Northern Ireland) https://www.instagram.com/p/CFOswLilsou/?igshid=5sekqirviluc
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superbusymumblog Β· 4 years ago
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#AD - Check out the *NEW* Ice Age Smashers from @zuru.toys! This GIANT surprise egg is filled with all kinds of fun. Not to mention when you smash your way through one of the Smashers Dino Ice Age Surprise eggs you go on your own Arctic expedition through slime, fizzers and stretchy snow to build your own exclusive Smash-O-saur Dino! The Series 3 Smashers Dino Ice Age collection is fab! You can collect all kinds of new characters and have a whole load of fun slime and stretchy snow to play with, too. My girls LOVED smashing there way through this amazing bundle! Do you have a Dino fan in the house? . . . . #Smashers #ZURUtoys #DinoIceAge #developinglife #toyreview #dearestviewfinder #kidsofinstagram #belfastblogger #niblogger #documentyourdays #tbcsmiles #ukmumsquad #ukparentbloggers #discoverunder10k #superbusymum #magicofchildhood #childhoodunplugged #dailyparenting #thisparentlife #thehonestlens #seekmoments #mumsofinstagram #photooftheday #littlefierceones #dearphotographer #belfastgirl #northernireland #belfast #toyreviews (at Northern Ireland) https://www.instagram.com/p/CFIMfJqF128/?igshid=6wpk14oub2de
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