#tbb tech and omega swap au
aaaaawolfquarters · 3 months
Another tbb fic
An AU where things are quite similar to cannon with one major difference:
Omega grew up as part of the batch, as their medic
And Tech is a child on Kamino
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cuddles-with-dragons · 11 months
The Switcheroo AU
So, this is an AU of TBB.
You can see where this is going.
I swapped 3 characters, the plot doesn't change much, but it does change.
-Fives and Echo swap roles. So yes, Echo does actually die.
-Crosshair doesn't go batshit crazy during Order 66, instead Hunter does.
-Omega and Boba swap! Mainly because I want to draw Omega wearing Mandalorian armor...
Of course, we need incorrect quotes...
Crosshair: I personally don't think it's possible to come up with a crazier plan. Fives: We could attack them with hummus. Crosshair: I stand corrected. Fives: Just keeping things in perspective.
Fives: Never gonna make you cry! Wrecker: Never gonna say goodbye! Fives: Never gonna tell a lie— Hunter: I will hurt you.
The Squad is on a hike Hunter: It’s beautiful out here. Crosshair: And quiet. Wrecker: Too quiet. Tech: Did we lose someone? cut to Fives with a bear in a headlock
Crosshair: I have very high standards, you know. Fives: I can make spaghetti… Crosshair: Oh no! You're meeting all my standards!
Alpha: The only thing I'm guilty of is being adorable… …and also assault with a deadly weapon.
Crosshair: Why would you give a knife to Alpha?! Fives, shrugging: Alpha felt unsafe. Crosshair: Now I feel unsafe! Fives: I’m sorry… Fives: Would you like a knife?
Also, I don't have the heart to do it, so Mayday lives.
Mayday: Do you have any skeletons in your closet? Hunter: Literally or figuratively? Mayday: I have to specify?
Hunter: I’m a reverse necromancer. Mayday: Isn't that just killing people? Hunter: Ah, technically.
Mayday, to Hunter: You drink too much, swear too much, and your morals are highly questionable. Hunter: … Mayday: You are everything I've ever wanted in a best friend.
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Ok I want to talk about mine imperial!Hunter au
First in for most Hunter was taken over by The inhibitor chip/ order 66 instead of Crosshair
crosshair became the new leader after Hunter was taken away of the bad batch The rest of the batch eventually escapes, got their gear,like in the first episode
But instead of them facing down against crosshair they have to face down against Hunter
Same shit happens like in the first episode
Eventually The Batch a escape kamino and Everything else happens the same but a bit different
I haven’t really thought about this out any and all suggestions would be welcome 
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aaaaawolfquarters · 2 months
Tech and Omega Swap AU : EPISODE 3
s1ep3 alright this one has some changes
Tech sits on the floor with Gonky (same as Omega does in the show), but shortly after being given a ration bar, he runs up to the cockpit exclaiming that he had another idea to share with Omega about the scanner (Omega is working on the chip scanner)
Echo is working on repairs, and Omega is splitting her attention between repairs and the chip scanner, which Tech is excitedly chattering about
Echo tells to Omega to help when they drop out of hyperspace. Tech recoils, still holding the scanner, apologizing for distracting them, but Omega says it's not that big of a deal, that it's not like it's the life support
Once landed, Tech just says he is going to look around for more parts for the scanner, and he comes across Crosshair's weapons kit. Omega gently shoos him off from it, explaining that it is Crosshair's, and he shouldn't touch it
Omega and Echo go to fix the ship, and Tech fiddles with a breath mask (very similar to cannon)
the rest of the episode, tracking the dragon, etc. is quite similar to cannon, but when Wrecker reveals Tech's room, he is less vocal that Omega was in the show. He does smile broadly and nods when Wrecker asks if he likes it. Tech does mention that he has never had his own room before.
I also think from this episode onwards, Tech often holds Lula while on the ship ( both for comfort, and just to have something to do with his hands)
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aaaaawolfquarters · 3 months
Ooooh I love that Omega and Tech swap au!
I wonder if Hunter and Omega would be twins, but Hunter grew up transitioning FtM haha
Tech is definitely going to be pain in the butt with all his brothers, being like "Technically ☝️🤓" but as a small child. He WOULD annoy/bore Cad Bane into releasing him
If he didn't have a name on Kamino, he would get it after third time he started infodumping
Actually, it's the other way around, Omega is MtF!
Cad Bane is definitely a bit upset that Tech is wanted alive lol
Tech doesn't have a name on Kamino, and gets the name "Technically" which is then shortened to Tech!
I'm thinking Crosshair is actually the first one to call him Technically during Return to Kamino or Kamino Lost :)
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aaaaawolfquarters · 2 months
Tech and Omega Swap AU : EPISODE 2 (I should come up with a nicer name for this--feel free to suggest something)
s1ep2 changes/notes
This episode really shows how Tech wants to be useful to the squad
Tech does play with Shaeeah and Jek, when he misses the ball and Jek says "you're supposed to catch it" Tech responds "Oh. I see, it is an exercise in hand-eye coordination." to which Jek and Shaeeah exchange a curious look
As Tech goes to retrieve the ball, he says to himself "It is a simple extraction. I should familiarize myself with new environments, anyways."
There is a short time where he is non-verbal after the encounter with the nexu
He is on the ship when Echo and Omega get the ship impounded and states that, although it is a hastily put together plan, it is still a good plan.
Echo was going to attempt to make the chain codes, but Tech informs him that he would be able to make them easily (and definitely hassles Echo about every mistake he makes until he lets Tech do it)
Tech successfully makes the chain codes, and thinks Hunter was only having 5 made because he thought one might malfunction. Tech explains this when he delivers the chain codes, assuring them that, since he made them, they would all work flawlessly
a similar apology/discussion occurs between Tech and Hunter
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aaaaawolfquarters · 2 months
TBB Tech and Omega swap AU : EPISODE 1 :)
here are some notes about how I think this AU would deviate from cannon in s1ep1:
Omega is with the bad batch on Kaller. She says "Hey, clanker!" and throws an explosive into the tank (originally Tech's line).
Omega uses a mixture of artful dodging, explosives, knife, and improvised weapons in battle, though she does have a pair of D-17 hand blasters.
Omega does mention the order, but everyone looks to Echo for answers (rather than Tech). Echo says he has read every reg manual, but hasn't heard of that order. The rest of their time on Kaller is pretty similar to cannon.
When Wrecker says "what's THAT?" referring to Tech, Omega states "That is a kid."
following that interaction, when Nala Se interrupts, she does not refer to Tech by any name (he doesn't have one at that point).
During the battle simulation, Omega dodges around the droids to make the droids hit eachother. The Batch takes out the droids using melee.
Omega, as the medic, reveals that Tech is a clone, "Makes sense, since he's a clone." she shrugs. "You knew?" Wrecker exclaims. "Wait, you guys didn't consider that?" Omega chuckles lightly, "Where did you think the kid came from?" (she also confirms that she checked while they were in med-bay.)
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aaaaawolfquarters · 2 months
Hey! Short question for your Omega and Tech Swap AU - are you really going to write it or are there just those few snippets? I would be really interested in that and honestly I need moooore of it!
I certainly hope to write about this AU in a more complete manner eventually, especially season 2 stuff :)
I encourage others to create using this idea if you'd like (but please give credit, and share it with me! I want to see it!)
I've seen some lovely fic snippets by @clownery-and-fuckery :) :)
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Here is some art for season 2 of the AU while i work on finishing season 1
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aaaaawolfquarters · 2 months
Tech and Omega Swap AU : EPISODE 7
s1ep7 changes/notes
Omega is piloting the ship as they flee from the Rhokai gang. Tech mentions that the ruby lizard** is becoming increasingly anxious. "You named it?" Wrecker asks. Tech responds "No, that is the species name, a ruby lizard." he also mentions some facts about the species
When Rex shows up, and says he's been keeping a low profile, Omega responds, "That's an understatement. You were listed as killed in action." Also, since Tech doesn't have a name yet, Hunter just explains that "The kid is a clone, like us." Tech is still confused when Wrecker greets Rex, Tech asks, "I thought you didn't like regs?" as he tries to put together what criteria the Batch uses to determine a "good" reg
When Rex kneels down in front of Tech, he asks, "So kid, do you have a name?" Tech avoids eye contact and states that the Kamenoans did not think it pertinent to give him a name, and that he doesn't even have a number. Before the awkward silence can set in he notices that Rex is a generation one clone, based on the lines on his face
Wrecker asks Omega for a med patch, but she apologizes, saying she already gave him the last one. The rest of the conversation pretty much follows cannon
On Bracca, it's pretty similar to cannon, with Omega saying "This isn't exactly a sterile environment, huh?" Tech and Omega have finished the scanner. Tech is going through the statistics of each possible outcome, and is nervous for Wrecker. Omega uses the scanner to locate the chip. When Wrecker's chip activates, he grabs Omega. Tech rushes forwards, but Wrecker knocks both Omega and Tech into a wall. Tech's glasses fall to the ground and break. The rest of the episode is very similar to cannon, a mild difference is Tech slightly shies away from Wrecker's touch (not from fear, just not wanting contact) and there is a slight miscommunication / explanation between the two
**the lizard species isn't named in the series, but I think Tech would know the species name and some facts about it!
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aaaaawolfquarters · 2 months
Tech and Omega Swap AU : EPISODE 5
s1ep5 changes/notes
(baby boi Tech doesn't have his name yet, but I'm using his name for simplicity)
Similar to the show, Tech is given Crosshair's old comlink. He fiddles around with the buttons and settings and Echo tells him it is not a toy, to which he replies, that of course it is not a toy, and lists some of the specs
When the Batch get to Ord Mantell, and go to find Cid, Omega comments on the less-than-sanitary conditions of the bar. Tech stares at Cid for a while before stating that she is who they are looking for. The batch bargain with Cid, like in cannon, and when Cid says Tech is the brains of the operation, Tech responds that he is quite intelligent, but is by no means the leader of the team
While on the mission, Tech asks about the slave traders, and Omega explains that slave traders treat people like property. Tech is confused, as it neither legal nor morally correct. Omega and Echo try to comfort Tech, promising that they're going to rescue Muchi. Omega and Hunter survey the terrain, noting the entry points and lookouts. Tech is upset when he is told to return to the ship
On the ship, Tech modifies the trooper doll (like Omega does in cannon) and it looks similar to Tech's s1 armor from cannon. He mentions to Gonky that he would like to modify some actual armor for himself, but this was good practice. Tech hides and then slips out of the ship (like Omega does in cannon). He sneaks over to look for his siblings
When Hunter says they need to contact Tech, and when Echo is grumpy about not having their comlinks, Omega replies that the won't need a comm, gesturing to Tech. Hunter tries to signal to Tech to escape, but Tech cocks his head to the side and throws out some hand signals. "He... just signed [plan #]**?" Hunter is confused. Omega laughs, "That would work here. When did he learn our plans?"
Tech successfully makes it to the crate and unlocks it before being captured. He does state "I wasn't sneaking, I was unlocking."
Tech and Omega help the slaves escape before returning towards the battle. A slaver or two jump out at them, and after dealing with them, Omega offers Tech her D-17 blasters for protection, saying they were a good size for him. He asks what she will do, and she responds that she'll find something. As Tech runs ahead to the squad, Omega smiles and takes a bow from one of the slavers
It is Echo who tells Wrecker that rancors have a hierarchy, and maybe challenging Muchi would work. After Wrecker tames Muchi, Tech states that the creature is fascinating
They return to Cid and the rest of the episode would be pretty similar to cannon
**whatever number, this plan means release the cargo
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aaaaawolfquarters · 3 months
hellooooo im here to ask more about your "Everything is the same but Omega and Tech swap places AU" because I love the concept!!
Does it still follow cannon, where Omega is a pure genetic replica? Or will Tech now be a pure Jango clone? :D
Either way, how do you think s2 would end? Considering Plan 99
Have a good day :D!!
Im currently rewatching tbb to see how things would change in this AU
Tech is a pure genetic replica, as he wasn't altered to have accelerated aging.
I'm considering a few possibilities for the wnd of s2:
Omega plan 99s
Tech and Omega are hanging from the wire, either both fall, neither fall or just Omega falls (if both fall there will be cannon divergence as there will be a rescue mission :) )
I really want all the batch to survive!
But i guess I'll see when i get to that part.... :)
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aaaaawolfquarters · 2 months
Tech and Omega Swap AU :EPISODE 11
s1ep11 notes/changes (not many for this episode)
Hera approaches the Havoc Marauder, and Omega suggests Tech give Hera a tour.
When Hera asks Tech if he can fly, he says, "No, although Omega has said she will teach me." he adds, "I can recite every specification of most ships used by the GAR."
Hera responds that "Specs are only half of it, flying is, it's about a feeling. Tech is thoroughly confused and asks, "What feeling?" Hera describes this "feeling" but Tech is still confused. Hera notices the conversation is not going anywhere, so she changes the topic by asking Tech what his favourite part of the ship is. He shows off the gunner's mount, explaining that it is also his room, when they're not being shot at.
After Hera leaves, Tech asks Omega if flying is about a feeling, explaining that that was what Hera said. Omega laughs and tries to explain how she flies, and how instincts and experience play into it, so maybe that's what Hera meant
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aaaaawolfquarters · 2 months
Tech and Omega Swap AU : EPISODE 10
s1ep10 notes/changes
Tech is excited to know what their next mission will be, but Omega reminds him that there are still two bounty hunters after him. Hunter agrees that there is a lot of heat on them at the moment
When Cid tells them about the mission on Raxus, Tech tries to helpfully detail the information he knows about Raxus, that it was the former center of the Sepratist government, etc. Cid says she doesn't take history lessons from children. Tech is offended, as technically, all of his information was correct, regardless of his age
Hunter still originally refuses the job, as he doesn't want to take Tech to a planet "swarming with imperials". Cid takes a long moment to consider before replying that he can leave the kid with her
When Hunter tells Tech he has to stay with Cid, Tech protests that they are a a squad, and they shouldn't split up :( Omega suggests he works on his goggles while they're gone (since he has been wearing his heavily damaged glasses for a while). When Cid tosses Tech the sponge, he takes a moment to flick his hands and readjust his grip so he's not touching the slimy side of the sponge
Tech is a bit more problematic than Omega was in the show, Cid has to shoo him away from, as Tech would put it, "repurposing unnecessary or redundant technologies to upgrade his goggles." He also fixes Crosshair's old comm that got destroyed by Cad Bane. After he finishes, he fidgets and sulks at the counter. When Cid tells him he is bringing the mood down, he replies, "there are only two patrons currently in the store, and they seem unbothered." Cid is annoyed, and asks if he is just upset he got left behind. Tech agrees, stating that the squad hasn't even contacted him. Cid says, "maybe if you weren't so helpless, those four laser brains wouldn't have left you here with me" the rest of the conversation is similar to cannon, with Tech storming off and Cid following, but not helping at all
On Raxus, Echo is the one hacking into the security feed, but most everything else happens like in the show (Omega goes with Hunter, notices the empire person triggered an alert, pilots the walker, etc)
Tech can't help himself but butt in and correct Cid's play, saying "that is not the ideal move for that scenario." After Cid eventually listens to Tech's advice, Cid asks how he knew how to do that. Tech responds, "It is a strategy game with a set number of options, from what I've seen, easy enough to pick up on"
When the Batch return to Cid's, there is a quiet crowd gathered, watching in awe as Tech wins yet another match. However, unlike the show, Tech is actively moving away from Cid's attempts to pat him on the back, rest her hand on his shoulder, etc.
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aaaaawolfquarters · 2 months
Tech and Omega Swap AU : EPISODE 12
s1ep12 notes/changes (only a few for this one, too)
Tech tries to fix Gonky when Hunter tells him he can't, since Gonky is a defective unit Tech says to Gonky, "I guess we're all defective, huh?"
When Hera contacts the Batch, Omega suggests that perhaps it's not as bad as Hera is making it sound, since she's a kid. Tech is offended, saying technically, he gave Hera the comm channel for emergencies, so therefore, this must be an emergency
When Hunter wants to fall back, and simply take Hera off-world, Tech says, "Hera is just trying to save her- her squad! You wouldn't leave any one of us behind!"
Tech follows Hera, and tells her that with her help, they can come up with a plan that can convince Hunter it's worth the risk. It's all strategy
While stealing a ship, Tech tries to go through all the pre-flight checks, but Hera says to skip any unnecessary ones. Tech says all of them must be in the flight manuals for a reason
Tech had Omega and Echo show Hera how to scramble a ship's signature
Hera doesn't hug Tech, instead just placing a hand on his shoulder
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aaaaawolfquarters · 2 months
Tech and Omega Swap AU : EPISODE 9
s1ep9 notes/changes
While captive, Tech definitely talks too much. Cad Bane calls him "kid" or "boy". Tech asks many questions, and points out the flaws in the ship, etc.
Tech voices his judgement of Todo's poor attempt to repair himself, saying that is a simple fix. He convinces Todo to let him out to let him fix him (similar to what Omega did in the show). He fixes Todo, Saying that he did similar fixes for AZI on Kamino, and shuts Todo down saying that he has also accidentally shorted AZI out enough times to know how to do it on purpose. He not only has to locate his tracker, but also holster/bag thing where he keeps tools and interesting parts he finds
When Tech contacts the Batch, Echo mentions says the signal is too weak to establish a connection, and he needs to create a power surge. Tech responds in the affirmative, and relays that the door panel looks Kaminoan. When Cad Bane finds him and destroys his comm, he is very upset
In the science room, with all green tubes, Tech is both intrigued and saddened by his discovery. After staring for a long time, he quickly boots up the system to send a transmission, and also tries to find data logs on what the lab was used for
The rest of the episode is very similar to cannon, but after being rescued Tech apologizes for getting his comlink broken, but the Batch reassure him that it's okay, and they are just happy he is safe
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aaaaawolfquarters · 2 months
Tech and Omega Swap AU : EPISODE 8
s1ep8 note/changes
Still on Bracca, Tech searches for materials to make new goggles with Wrecker's help. He finds adequate materials, but will have to figure out how to make proper lenses
when Omega calls Tech to the bridge, Tech does ask what the war was like. Omega gives some general answers, not really sure what kind of answer Tech is looking for. Tech isn't really sure what kind of answer he is looking for, either
Tech notices the proximity sensor, and states that it must be a malfunction. Omega comms Hunter when the ships fly over, saying they have company
On the artillery deck, during the stand off, Tech does try to backup Hunter, telling Crosshair about the chip, he turns to Hunter and says they need to get Crosshair to the med-bay and remove his chip. Crosshair responds by telling his troops "Aim for the kid"
The Batch still have to escape through the engine, and Tech is fascinated by the inside of the engine, saying he'd never been inside the engines of a Venator-class Star Destroyer but had read much about them, he is about to list more of the specs when Wrecker interrupts saying it would be weirder if he had been inside an engine before. When they tumble around the engine, Tech mentions, "I think I need to get some armor if their excursions are going to end like this often."
When Cad Bane shoots hunter in their stand off, Tech is concerned, muttering to himself as he determines the extent of Hunter's injury
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