#taylor in his first slam semi
fritzes · 15 days
apologies in advance for the person I will become during the fritzfoe match
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tryingtofindava · 4 months
i saw the tyler fic u did where instead of him being impale, it was his gf! do you think u could do that but with aiden’s gf and the ceiling? 🫶
A/N: is the title lyrics from Low by Flo Rida? Yes. Do I think I’m hilarious for this? Also yes.
: ̗̀➛Back to Source
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Covering Ashlyn’s ears with your own shaking hands as she trembles from the crazily loud bangs coming from Taylor’s shotgun.
Watching as she shoots the ever loving fuck out of the creepy massive centipede. “… Yeah, uh- Tay, it stopped moving.” Aiden nodded with an uncomfortably big smile, though his semi assuring words fell upon deaf ears.
Giving her a thumbs up as he’s crouched right beside you while you help Ash, having a hand on your shoulder and giving you light squeezes to comfort you or himself, you couldn’t tell.
Taylor upon taking notice that creature is in fact dead…. Hopefully… She lowers the gun as Logan comes up behind her, grabbing her shaking hand soothingly. “We need to hurry in case it recovers.” He spoke reassuringly to the panting Taylor.
Watching the others rummage around the small office while you stood watch at the doorway, was a stressful experience having to keep watch to make sure no phantoms got in and keeping watch over Tyler (who was getting patched up by Ben).
.And no one could find the keys… “Where are they?!” Taylor seethed, slamming shut another keyless drawer.
“Coach must’ve moved them again!” The brunette complained while starting to sigh through another drawer. “Does he move them often?” Ashlyn asked doing her own searching.
“Yeah, because idiots like Jay and Conner keep messing with them!” She scoffed. You would’ve giggled at Taylor being so frustrated for what seems like the first time ever if it wasn’t for your current situation.
You were leaning against Aiden who was fiddling with his army knife, flicking the blade out and flicking it back. “I feel a minor sense of Deja-vu.” He murmured in your ear while smiling to himself. It never failed to amaze you how your boyfriend could always smile no matter what was going on around him. “We have 3 minutes left,..” Logan called out.
Ashlyn perked up at a certain sound her super hearing picked up on, she looked over at you and Aiden. “Guys, there’s a straggler.” Carrot-top warned. Aiden sniggers, nudging you “Yeah, I can hear it running.”
And with that he stabbed the smiling demon monster right in the face, making you cringe at the disgusting squelch sound it made pulling the knife out of the phantoms face. “Got it!” Aiden hummed enthusiastically, skipping over to Ash to show her the black substance it left on his knife.
She of course rolled her eyes, ignoring the blondes antics, her eyes falling back to you. “Is there anymore, Y/n?” She quipped in curiosity.
You peaked out the door, looking left and then right. “Uhhh… nope, we’re good.” You answered, looking over your shoulder at her.
The walls and ground shook, “Huh…?” You mutter to yourself in confusion. “EVERYONE GET UNDER SOMETHING!” You heard someone yell, you were too busy keeping yourself balanced to register anything else in the moment.
The last thing you saw was Aiden reaching out to you, before the ceiling collapsed. “Y/N!” He shrieked, racing towards you. That’s when it all went black.
“C’mon! Get her under the table!” Taylor helped Aiden carry you to the table, everyone crawling under it. Logan, Ben and Taylor hiding under the desk on the other side of the room.
Aiden cradled your body in his arms, rocking back and fourth with he was staring at your face in horror. Blood was leaking from your forehead, and it was also trickling from your nose.
Aiden was on the verge of tears as she wiped the blood from your nose, that’s when he noticed your eyes were wide open and an unsettling grin stretched across your face.
In the real world Aiden shoots up from his sleeping spot, looking around the room until his eyes fell on your shaking form. “Y/N!” He yelled out again. Which caught the attention from the adults in the room over, including your parents/parental figure.
Before he could even get to you, the adults were already around you. Trying to assist your violently thrashing form. You coughed and wheezed, “I’m okay! I’m fine!” You assured the adults, while also trying to calm your heart and and breathing. “-M okay, really…!”
Aiden pounced on you, hugging you tightly, muttering incoherent words while pressing small pecks to your hair and forehead. You leaned into his touch, tears welling up in your own eyes just like his own.
“Don’t scare me like that again.” It was the first time you’ve ever heard him sound so serious…
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perotovar · 6 months
bloody kisses — part two: i don't wanna be me
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pairing: shane morrissey/tim rockford rating: E (18+) mdni word count: 6.6k content: vaguely takes place in the 00s, age gap (shane is 23, tim is 40), internalized homophobia, descriptions of a crime scene/injury (bullet wound and head trauma)(not shane or tim), heavy petting, oral (male receiving), protected p in a, discussions of dom/sub and top/bottom, tiny bit of misogyny (shane is ignorant af and it's like 2002 lol), first time bottoming, shane's internal battles, tim being a really fucking good partner, f e e l i n g s, seriously this is sappy y'all, if i missed anything lmk! dividers: @saradika-graphics beta: @chronically-ghosted (seriously i can't explain how much taylor has helped with this story, go give her some love!)
series summary: shane has been in denial about himself for a while. newly single and with the help of one of his favorite singers, he opens his eyes to a new venture he could possibly take: the cop he sees on a semi-regular basis, detective tim rockford.
series masterlist
for updates, follow @oakslibrary and turn on notifications ♥
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Shane locked himself in his bedroom for three days after the disaster at Tim’s apartment. He’s never felt so stupid in his life. How could he just… kiss him like that? 
Why did he do that?
He thought about that moment constantly, for hours at a time. Tim’s lips, for how briefly they’d touched his own, felt so… correct. They were soft, a little chapped, but warm. It was like things clicked into place for him. He doesn’t remember any kisses with Raven ever feeling like that. Or any girl he’d been with, for that matter. 
He hated himself for how good it felt. Especially because Tim ended it before it ever really began.
Shane wasn’t sure if there was anyone else he could go to about any of this. Legally, he still lived with his mom and her husband in their downtown apartment, but they never saw each other. He basically had his own area of the apartment to himself. His mom and her husband made enough that they didn’t really notice or care what Shane did with his life. He didn’t have any goals, and he guessed that’s why he did petty crimes like he did. He was just so fucking bored.
And now he was dealing with… this. 
He stared at Tim’s business card, his thumb rubbing over the older man’s name. He was curled up on his bed, holding one of his pillows close. He looked at the clock on his bedside table. The bright green text read 2:18am. He sighed to himself and rolled over onto his back.
He wasn’t going to get any sleep tonight.
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Nobody noticed a change in Tim at work. If they did, they were professional enough not to bring it up. He felt fucking awful for how things went down with Shane. He wanted to reciprocate so badly, but Shane was vulnerable and Tim didn’t want to take advantage of him like that.
“Boss, I got those files you needed.”
Tim looked up from his desk, pen still in hand while he filled out the paperwork for a robbery he’d taken care of the day before. He’d thought about Shane and his magazine the entire time. “Thank you,” he grunted, pointing at an empty spot on his desk. “Can just set it there, please.”
The agent set it down and took off, getting back to work.
Tim looked back down at the file he was working on and sighed, losing his focus. He looked over at the phone on his desk and frowned. He didn’t have Shane’s number so he couldn’t call him. He wanted to tell Shane that what happened wasn’t wrong, or even unwanted.
The sound of heavy footsteps brought him out of his thoughts. Matthews, his partner, slammed Tim’s office door open.
“There’s been a shooting!”
Tim furrowed his brows, pushing his thoughts of Shane away for now, and focusing on the task at hand. “Where? Do we know anything else?” He asked, opening the drawer in his desk to put his gun holster on over his shoulders.
“Yeah, it was at a liquor store downtown. We have an idea of who the victim is based on descriptions from the employee working at the time, but not of the shooter,” Matthews answered, handing Tim’s trenchcoat to him. 
The two detectives made their way to Tim’s car and sped off to the crime scene.
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“His name is Howard Xavier, and he’s twenty-eight,” Watson, the cop who was in the area, explained. “He’s on his way to the hospital now, but he looks to be in decent condition.”
Tim nodded, eyes looking over the crime scene. Flashes of photos being taken filled the peripheries of his vision. There were bottles of wine and hard liquor crashed everywhere. “Looks like Xavier tried to run from the shooter,” he mumbled, crouching down to look at the dirty boot prints on the linoleum floor.
“Do you think they knew each other?” Matthews asked.
Tim sighed, looking up at his partner before standing again. “Who’s to say?” He shrugged. “Maybe. Do we have any information on any relatives or associates?”
“No family, but we’ve found a couple of friends on file,” Matthews replied. “I think we’ve got them back at the station.”
Tim nodded. “Let’s head back and see what we can find.”
“Yes, sir.”
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Tim couldn’t believe his fucking eyes. 
Known Associates: Tracy Wynanski and Shane Morrissey.
This had to have been the coincidence to end all coincidences or Tim had an insane amount of luck. There was a phone number for Tracy, but no address. He stepped out of his office and approached his secretary, an older woman by the name of Dolores.
“Can you get me Shane Morrissey’s file, please?” He asked, voice a little more gruff than he’d intended.
“Of course, sweetie, give me one moment,” Dolores smiled, rolling her chair to the file cabinets. 
Shane’s file in hand, he sat back at his desk and started looking through the files for Howard Xavier again. A bullet wound to the thigh, and blunt force trauma to the head.
He figured it’d be easy to get the professional parts out of the way first and called Tracy, asking if she knew anything about the shooting. She said she didn’t, since her and Howard hadn’t seen each other in a couple of months. She’d gone back home to Philadelphia after a breakup. 
“Thank you, Tracy,” he said. “Do you happen to know Shane Morrissey? He’s one of Howard’s other known associates and I’d like to ask if he knows anything.”
Tracy let out a bitter laugh and said, “Oh, I know Shane. He can kiss my ass for all I care.”
“Ms. Wynanski, please–”
“I don’t have a number for him, but I can tell you where he lives. Not saying he’ll be there, though,” she paused. “Likes to frequent this one house full of his ‘friends’ when he’s not at home moping.”
Tim felt his entire body relax, shutting his eyes as he took a deep breath. “That will be very helpful. Thank you, Ms. Wynanski. Do you have the address for the other house?”
“Yeah. I wouldn’t go in there like you’re looking for him, though. They’ll all run off.”
“I can handle it. Thank you, Ms Wynanski.”
After confirming that the address Tracy had matched the one they had on file, and wrote down the other address, he called Matthews, who decided to check on Xavier at the hospital.
“He’s stable. He’ll probably stay here for a couple of days,” his partner said through the phone.
“Alright. I’ve got a lead on one of his associates. It’s fucking Morrissey, John,” Tim chuckled.
“You’re shitting me. Employee at the liquor store said Xavier looked like he walked out of the Satanic Temple so I guess I’m not too surprised.”
Tim rolled his eyes and snorted, making one last note on Howard’s file. “I’m gonna head out and look for him. Could you go to one of these addresses for me?”
“Sure thing, Tim. Don’t get trapped in some ritual sacrifice.”
“Fuck off,” Tim laughed.
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Tim decided to go to the second house full of Shane’s “friends”. He figured it was more likely that he was there, and he was right. It looked like it was a gathering of about ten or fifteen other kids around Shane’s age, all dressed in similar clothing.
The house was filled with smoke and had music playing, so he decided it was better if he stayed in his car until Shane came outside. He didn’t want to embarrass the kid.
It didn’t take too long, Shane stumbling out of the house and laughing loudly. Tim turned the key, the engine for his Caprice coming to life. Shane startled and looked over, eyes locking with Tim’s behind the wheel.
“What the fuck are you doing here?” Shane barked, stomping over to the passenger window and glaring at the older man.
“I need your help,” Tim said softly.
Shane rolled his eyes and crossed his arms over his chest. “Did you fucking stalk me here? You can’t be here– They can’t see me with you.”
“Then get in. They won’t know.” Tim looked up at him, eyes softening when he saw the clear hurt on Shane’s face. He wasn’t very angry by the looks of it. Just upset.
Shane scoffed, looked back at the house, and raised his arms in defeat. “Fine,” he grumbled, opening the passenger side door and sitting down.
“Eat me, old man,” Shane rolled his eyes. He lifted a leg and rested his chunky boot on the car’s dashboard. 
Tim sighed heavily and didn’t argue. He’ll just clean his car later. “You wanna talk at the station or at my apartment?”
Shane bit his lip, picking at a rip in his jeans and making it worse. “I don’t wanna go to the station.”
“Figured as much,” Tim exhaled, looking behind the car for any oncoming traffic and pulling out of the neighborhood towards his apartment.
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Shane stared at Tim’s arms underneath the tight white dress shirt, the fabric pulling at the thick muscle. He wondered what Tim looked like on top of him, those strong arms pinning him to a mattress and–
“You know a Howard Xavier, right?” Tim asked, eyes squinting at the file in his hands. 
The two of them were seated at the table in Tim’s dining room, the surface in front of them covered in documents and files. 
“Yeah, that’s X,” Shane mumbled, picking at his nails so he could hide the pink in his cheeks.
Tim raised a brow but didn’t comment, nodding. “Do you know if he had any enemies, Shane?” He asked, digging his glasses out of his front pocket and putting them on. “That’s better,” he said to himself, the text on the files clearing up.
Shane blinked a couple times, the sight of Tim wearing glasses doing more for him than he thought possible. His breathing picked up a little, heart pounding in his chest when Tim made eye contact with him, waiting for Shane to answer. “U-um, I don’t think so? X was always pretty chill,” he mumbled.
Tim nodded and took notes on a sticky pad. Tim’s phone started ringing, making the older man get up and answer it. “Rockford,” he grunted into the receiver.
Shane stayed seated and kept to himself, listening to the one sided conversation.
“You’re shitting me. He did? Thanks, John. Yeah. You too. Have a good night.”
Tim exhaled and hung up the phone, clicking his pen. “Good news,” he smiled, taking his seat at the table across from Shane. “Xavier woke up and described the shooter. My partner found him.”
Shane nodded, tapping his fingers against the surface of the table. “‘S good,” he mumbled.
Tim watched Shane’s face closely, eyes trailing over the piercings and the messy hair. “I’m sorry I took you away from your party,” he said softly.
“‘S okay. Don’t like those guys very much,” Shane shrugged. Now that he was here, he was having a hard time not curling in on himself again. He couldn’t even look Tim in the eye without thinking about what his lips felt and tasted like.
Tim furrowed his brows. “Why do you hang out with them, then?” He leaned back in his chair, crossing his arms over his chest. He didn’t want to pry, but it was sort of his job to find information. Shane wasn’t a job, though. He was much more than that.
Shane sighed and angrily looked at Tim for a second before looking away again. “Why do you care?”
Tim bit his lip, fiddling with his tie. “You really wanna know, kid?”
“Wouldn’t have asked if I didn’t,” he rolled his eyes.
“Because I see a lot of myself in you, Shane,” Tim admitted gently, crossing one leg over the other.
Shane furrowed his brows and looked at Tim incredulously.
“It’s true. Would you believe me if I said I got arrested? Was about your age, too.” Tim chuckled as he remembered what caused his arrest.
A small smile grew on Shane’s face. “What’d you do?”
“Public Indecency.”
Shane’s eyes grew three times in size. “Did you get caught having sex? Were you streaking?” He giggled, the tips of his ears turning red.
“Uh, well,” Tim chuckled. “I was in my car at the time and having sex.”
Shane laughed, face as red as a tomato. His thoughts flooded with images of what Tim having sex looked like. What sort of faces did he make? What kind of sounds did he make? Was he more dominant or submissive?
“Were you going down on her or…?”
“Him,” Tim answered easily. “And no, we were uh… I was found on top of him.”
Shane froze, eyes wide. He looked away, his heart pounding in his chest. He looked back at Tim briefly before settling his eyes on Tim’s tie. “You’re…?” He asked shakily. 
“Yeah, kid,” Tim chuckled. Shane looked terrified and it broke Tim’s heart. “I said I was here for you if you needed me. I still am.”
Shane squeezed his eyes shut and let out a heavy, shaky breath. He rubbed his sweaty palms against his jeans and looked at Tim with wet, glossy eyes. “I don’t– I don’t understand,” he shook his head in disbelief. “You don’t seem–”
“Not every gay person is really flamboyant, Shane.”
Shane blushed in embarrassment. “Why did you turn away from me, then? Why didn’t you kiss me back?” He frowned, voice shaky and hurt.
Tim’s eyes rounded, his whole face becoming softer. “I wanted to,” he admitted, looking down at Shane’s ring-clad hands. “But it wasn’t fair to you. I didn’t… I didn’t want to take advantage of you like that.”
“Take advantage–! I kissed you!” Shane roared.
“You were vulnerable and confused. And,” Tim gulped. “And I’m a lot older than you, it’s… It’s not appropriate.” He shook his head, closing his eyes briefly at how much it hurt to say out loud.
“Tim,” Shane whimpered, biting his lip. He felt a thick lump in his throat. He couldn’t believe he was having this conversation right now. He couldn’t believe the words coming out of his mouth. It felt like he was having an out of body experience. “I don’t care about that, I’m– I’m more worried about you being a cop than being older than me. I’m an adult,” he scoffed, his bottom lip trembling.
Tim couldn’t hold in the chuckle that bubbled out of him. “I know you are. I just don’t– I don’t know how this could continue–”
“Please, shut up,” Shane begged, getting out of his chair and making his way over to Tim. He looked down at the older man, face burning, and slowly crawled into Tim’s lap, wrapping his arms around Tim’s neck. “I don’t wanna talk anymore,” he whispered. “I don’t wanna think anymore. Please.”
Tim’s hands instinctively found their place on Shane’s hips. His eyes moved from Shane’s to the younger man’s lips, then back up. “Are you sure?” He asked softly, rubbing his thumbs into Shane’s hip bones.
“No,” Shane mumbled. “Well, yes, but… No.”
Tim raised a brow and smirked. “How about we take things slow.”
Shane nodded, biting his lip. “Okay.”
Tim smiled and softly connected their lips, caressing Shane’s head, thumb rubbing at his jaw. Shane whimpered quietly as he tentatively kissed back. His lips trembled against Tim’s, soft huffs of air expelling out from between them. He’d kissed before but this was so… different. The feeling of Tim’s facial hair against his lips was weird. Good, but weird. 
Shane experimentally ran his tongue along Tim’s bottom lip. Tim took the hint and softly caressed Shane’s tongue with his own, making the younger man gasp into his mouth. Tim squeezed Shane’s narrow hips, trying to ground him, and sighed into the kiss. It built a little over time, but eventually, they found a rhythm. The soft clinking of metal from Shane’s earrings filled the otherwise silent apartment. They learned each other over the course of their kissing. Tim learned that Shane liked to nibble and bite, and Shane learned that Tim liked to encompass him entirely, like he could devour Shane’s mouth if given the chance.
When Tim pulled away for some much needed air, Shane whined in protest, his face leaning toward Tim’s to keep going. “Slow your roll, kid,” Tim chuckled, pressing his forehead to Shane’s and panting quietly. Shane blushed, and chewed his swollen bottom lip while he waited. “C’mere,��� Tim grunted, tugging Shane’s leather duster off his shoulders. Shane went along with it, pulling his arms free before the sound of squeaky leather fell into a heap on the floor. 
Large hands ran over Shane’s hips and waist, but never ventured lower. Shane shivered when Tim’s blunt nails lightly scratched at the exposed skin of his lower back as his t-shirt rode up. Shane’s cock twitched in interest, making him blush high on his cheeks.
“‘s okay, sweetheart,” Tim hummed. He rolled his hips a little, his own half-hard cock rubbing against Shane’s.
Shane’s eyes grew twice their size at the feeling and looked down at the bulge in Tim’s slacks. He squeezed his eyes shut and turned his face away. His imagination was a lot easier to handle than the real thing pressing into his inner thigh. 
Tim furrowed his brows in concern and rubbed Shane’s skin underneath his t-shirt comfortingly. “What are you thinking about?” He asked softly.
Shane inhaled heavily, and slowly let out a deep breath before turning his head back toward Tim. He opened his eyes, but didn’t make contact. “Just… weird. Feeling your…”
Tim hummed in acknowledgement. “Do you want to stop?”
Shane shook his head, eyes still burning holes into Tim’s slowly rising and falling tummy. 
“Need to hear you say it, sweetheart.”
“N-no, I don’t want to stop,” Shane whispered.
“Do you want to lie down? There’s no expectation for anything,” Tim said, sitting up a little more in the dining room chair. 
The stretch in Shane’s thighs suddenly overtook any doubts he had, making him shakily get up from Tim’s lap. He was used to having someone sit on his lap like that and being in that position made his stomach hurt.
Tim laced his fingers through Shane’s and gently guided him to his bedroom. He kept the lights low and rubbed his thumb over Shane’s knuckles. “You okay?”
Shane stared at Tim’s bed and swallowed a lump in his throat. “Y-yeah,” he croaked.
Tim chewed on his lip in thought and let go of Shane’s smaller hand. He gave Shane some space as he took off his glasses and removed the tie he was wearing. He toed off his dress shoes and put them in his closet. When he turned around after unbuttoning his dress shirt, Shane was sitting on his bed, hands curled up into fists on his ripped jean-covered thighs.
Tim sighed softly and sat next to him on the bed. “What’s goin’ through that pretty head of yours?” He asked, tugging on pieces of Shane’s hair that were sticking straight out.
Shane shut his eyes and took another deep breath. “I’m just… I’m having a hard time being… like, the female part.” He curled in on himself, his shoulders hiding his ears.
Tim blinked a couple times. “Sweetheart, we’re both men.”
“I-I know that! I just,” he swallowed a lump in his throat. “Usually, I’m in your position. Taking charge.”
“I see,” Tim sighed, getting more comfortable and turning toward him. Shane did the same, but didn’t make eye contact with him. “Can you look at me, sweetheart?”
Shane blushed, those big brown eyes of his lifting up to meet Tim’s. 
“Alright, firstly, who told you there were ‘male’ and ‘female’ roles?” Tim raised a brow.
“W-well, uh–”
“It’s alright, I already know who. Lesson number one,” Tim smiled reassuringly. “Just because you’re sitting on my lap, letting me ‘take charge’, doesn’t mean you’re weak, honey.”
Shane gulped and nodded, taking all of this in. Tim felt like a professor. Probably the first one Shane would ever listen to.
“And women aren’t weak, so get that out of your head, too.”
Shane let out a heavy breath. This was a lot to take in.
“Did you feel good?” Tim asked, picking up one of Shane’s hands and rubbing his thumb over the scabbed knuckles. When Shane nodded jerkily, Tim grinned, his chest feeling warm at the admission. “That’s all that matters. Think of it this way,” he paused. Shane hung onto every word. “Everything we do? It’s with your say-so. You’re driving the car here.”
Shane blinked as he thought about it. He could work with that. “Oh,” he said quietly.
“You want me to make you feel good again?” Tim smiled, eyes crinkling in the corners. Shane’s heart thundered at the sight.
“Go ahead and lay back for me, alright?”
Shane nodded and got comfy, head cradled by Tim’s fluffy pillows. His entire body was buzzing and tense. He kept his eyes on Tim’s popcorn ceiling, the sounds of Tim’s belt jingling filling the room. When the bed dipped with Tim’s weight, Shane’s heart stuttered a little. One of Tim’s big hands cupped his cheek and gently turned his face so he could look at Tim again. Shane wasn’t expecting the softness in Tim’s features, or the heat in his eyes.
Tim rubbed Shane’s cheek with his thumb. “We don’t have to go far tonight. There’s no rush.”
Shane nodded, letting out a shaky breath. “Okay.”
This time, when their lips connected, Shane eased into it a lot sooner, kissing the older man with renewed fervor. He sighed into it, the warmth radiating off of Tim being an endless source of comfort. He gripped onto Tim’s opened dress shirt and tugged it down his shoulders. Tim released Shane’s lips briefly while he shrugged the shirt off and tossed it on the floor. Shane moaned weakly when Tim surged forward and sucked his bottom lip between his own.
Shane’s head was fuzzy, all the blood there rushing down between his legs. He gasped when Tim rolled him over and hovered over him, pressing his hips between Shane’s thighs. Tim took his time with him, kissing him languidly while he unbuckled Shane’s jeans.
“Can I touch you?” Tim breathed between kisses.
Shane nodded quickly, holding the sides of Tim’s head and tangling his fingers in the short, thick locks of Tim’s hair. Tim smiled against the younger man’s lips and pulled Shane’s baggy, ripped jeans off. Shane toed off his own socks before wrapping his legs around Tim’s thick waist. Tim was so much larger than Shane was and it made his head spin.
Tim’s hands played with the bottom of Shane’s t-shirt and slowly lifted it up, bunching under his armpits. He pulled away to look at Shane’s torso and grinned when he saw the small tattoos there. Both hands holding Shane’s sides, he gently rubbed at the younger man’s nipples, making Shane gasp. Goosebumps and flushed skin covered his entire body in seconds, making Shane lightly smack Tim’s shoulder. Tim laughed lightly and softly kissed his way down Shane’s torso until he was eye level with the tent in the younger man’s boxers.
Shane blushed hard, eyes wide. “W-what are you doing?”
Tim raised a brow and tilted his head slightly, tugging on the elastic of Shane’s boxers. “Said I’d make you feel good, sweetheart.”
Shane blinked. “B-but isn’t that…”
“There are no roles. But if you don’t want me to, then–”
“I do!” Shane smacked his hand over his own mouth and shut his eyes, hoping the bed would swallow him whole. 
A wolfish smirk crossed Tim’s features as he lowered his head, kissing along Shane’s pelvis. Shane whimpered at the feeling of Tim’s facial hair across his skin, his body shuddering. “Breathe, sweetheart,” Tim whispered, shutting his eyes to suck gently at Shane’s hip and leaving a mark. 
Shane forced himself to take a deep breath, shutting his eyes to center himself. When he opened his eyes, Tim quirked a brow up at him as he tugged on Shane’s boxers again. Shane nodded his consent and almost groaned at the cool air in the apartment hitting his throbbing cock. Tim hummed appreciatively and didn’t waste a second, kissing the tip, then making his way down the shaft.
Shane moaned openly gripping the sheets of the bed into tight fists. “T-Tim, what–”
“Shh…” Tim whispered, engulfing the head of Shane’s cock in his mouth. He moaned at the taste and watched Shane’s face as he slowly bobbed his head up and down. Shane’s eyes rolled back and arched his back off the bed. 
Shane felt his cheeks throb and the blood rushing in his ears, doing everything in his power to keep his hips down. When his hips bucked up on their own, he moaned weakly, looking at Tim’s face to make sure he didn’t choke him. What he found instead made his cock twitch.
This was one of Tim’s favorite things to do. Making his partner feel good with his mouth was something he always got pleasure out of and Shane was no different. In fact, this was probably one of the more rewarding times, because this was the first time a man had done this for him. He felt good knowing he got to be the first, and a little possessive side of him liked the idea even more.
Eyes shut, Tim moaned around Shane’s length, losing himself in it. He gripped Shane’s hips and rubbed the bones there to soothe him. Shane’s chest rose and fell quickly as he watched. He felt a little embarrassed to admit that this was probably the best head he’d ever received.
Tim opened his eyes, keeping an eye on any changes in Shane’s face. 
Shane felt his balls drawing up, making him moan weakly. “I-I’m gonna–” He cut himself off, gripping the sheets tighter. Tim doubled his efforts, bobbing his head a little faster. “Oh, fuck,” Shane whined, his thighs trembling on either side of Tim’s head.
Tim moved his hands up Shane’s torso and rubbed at the younger man’s nipples again, urging him on.
“W-wait, wait–” Shane gasped, smacking his hand against Tim’s shoulder as the pressure built and built. Tim watched closely and if he could, he’d grin to himself as he watched Shane’s eyes roll back. Shane’s entire body stilled and he came hard, thick ropes of cum shooting down Tim’s throat. Shane’s moans went up three octaves as he shook with pleasure, his toes curling.
Tim swallowed everything and slowly, gently, raised his head. He licked Shane clean, kissing back up his torso. Once he was hovering over Shane again, Tim smiled at the blissed out expression on his face. He chuckled lightly and kissed Shane’s cheek.
“Still with me?”
Shane shivered at the gravelly tone of Tim’s voice. It must be an octave or two lower than normal given what he’d just done. He slowly blinked his eyes open and didn’t have the energy to hold back the smile when he saw Tim’s handsome face. “Yeah, ‘m here,” he mumbled, his body feeling heavy and sated.
“Good. You should get some rest, sweetheart.” Tim’s laugh rumbled in his chest.
Shane pouted, big brown eyes glazed over, but determined. “What about you?”
“I’ll be okay. Get some rest,” Tim said, kissing Shane’s forehead. “Can I take your shirt off?” He asked, pulling the material down from where it was bunched up under his armpits.
Shane nodded, watching in awe as Tim took care of him. It was at this moment that Shane realized Tim was completely serious with him. He wouldn’t make fun of him, or use him. Shane felt tears prickling behind his eyes, but quickly blinked them away.
“Be right back, okay? Gonna get you some water,” Tim grunted quietly, crawling off the bed. Shane didn’t have the energy to argue, and just watched Tim’s broad back leave the bedroom.
When Tim returned with the glass of water, he was greeted with the sight of Shane’s sleeping form. He smiled at him, and set the water on the nightstand closest to Shane. 
He got himself undressed, making sure to be careful of his own half-hard cock. Once he was down to his boxer briefs, he crawled into bed behind Shane and held the younger man close. The day caught up with him as he laid there, eyes trailing over the messy curls and multiple piercings in Shane’s ears.
He drifted off quickly, and had a dreamless sleep.
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Twitch. Twitch.
Shane groaned in his sleep.
What was that?
He slowly opened his eyes, blinking as he adjusted to the light. He tried to turn and feel what was poking against his back, but he was held firmly in place by… Were those arms?
Shane’s eyes snapped open as the memories from the night before came flooding back. His cheeks burned as he looked down and saw the strong, very male, hands holding him close to a broad chest. Tim huffed in his sleep, making Shane smile shyly. He couldn’t deny it, being held by Tim felt really good. It was so warm.
He tried rotating in Tim’s arms, silently exhaling in relief when he didn’t seem to wake the older man. He felt the twitching again and looked down between their bodies.
Shane smiled at the sight of Tim’s morning wood through his boxer briefs. He looked back up at Tim’s sleeping face and decided against doing anything until he’d woken up. For now, he ran his fingers through the thin layer of chest hair on Tim’s skin. It seemed obvious when he thought about it, but it was so different than when he was with a woman. He didn’t feel like he had to hide with Tim. Tim wouldn’t judge him.
Tim made him feel safe. 
“Whatcha thinkin’ about, sweetheart?”
Shane startled and looked up, Tim’s soft smirk and sleepy eyes greeting him. He shook his head in lieu of an answer.
When Tim grumbled in response, it reminded Shane of a bear. 
“Do you want… You need help with that?” Shane asked timidly, pointing between their bodies. Their legs were tangled together and they were touching everywhere. The proximity and the feeling of warmth radiating from between Tim’s legs had Shane throbbing in no time.
Tim snorted and leaned forward, kissing Shane sleepily. Shane moaned into it, grinding his own cock against Tim’s. Tim pulled back and panted a little against Shane’s lips.
“We don’t have to. I’ll be okay–”
Shane cut him off by gripping Tim’s ass and squeezing. When Tim made a small noise of surprise, Shane smirked, attempting to pull Tim onto his own lap. “I want to,” he said, voice determined, but shaky. “I want… I wanna know what it feels like. I have to make sure.”
Tim blinked at him, a little shocked by the sudden change in Shane’s behavior. One of his legs was draped over Shane’s waist as he cupped the younger man’s face. Shane seemed to melt at the gesture, making Tim smirk. “Are you sure?” He asked, brows pinched in concern. He didn’t want Shane to rush into anything. 
“Yes,” Shane nodded.
There was more conviction in that one word than a lot of things Shane had ever said to him, so Tim smiled softly at him. He held onto Shane’s thighs and rolled them over so he was hovering over Shane again, and rubbed the smooth skin comfortingly. “Alright. Lube and condoms are in the top drawer,” he nodded his head toward the nightstand. 
With pink cheeks and a determined expression on his face, Shane reached over and dug out the necessary equipment. Everything really settled in his gut when he was holding everything. This was really going to happen. This wasn’t some dream he’d come up with while he was alone in his bedroom, looking at the cracks and fist-sized holes in his walls.
“C’mere,” Tim grunted, gently taking the items from him and holding Shane’s hip. “Gotta get you prepared, okay? Don’t want it to hurt for you.”
Shane nodded appreciatively and watched as Tim discarded his own underwear, kneeling on the bed between Shane’s thighs. He looked the older man over, eyes raking over the messy, gray curls and pillow creases on Tim’s cheeks. His eyes traveled down over the broad shoulders and chest, and down to the swell of Tim’s stomach. That was probably one of Shane’s favorite parts. His eyes landed on the thick cock between muscled thighs and Shane bit his lip. He had to remind himself not to pinch his arm, because this was real. 
Tim carefully got the condom secured around his cock and drizzled some lube on his fingers. “You ready?” He smiled down at Shane, chest warm at the sight of him. Shane nodded, smiling shyly up at him.
Tim curled his fingers around Shane’s cock and pumped slowly. Shane sighed and shut his eyes, lips parting. Tim couldn’t help himself and surged forward, kissing the younger man deeply. He kept his hand on him, keeping up a decent pace as he teased a finger against Shane’s hole.
Shane’s body jerked at the intrusion, making Tim soothe him gently. “Shh, it’s okay,” he whispered. “I’ll be gentle.”
Shane let out a weak noise and nodded, holding on tight to Tim’s shoulders. He spread his legs a little more and wrapped them around Tim’s waist. 
The first press of one of Tim’s thick fingers inside him already had Shane seeing stars. He panted as he looked down between his legs, trying to see what was happening. Tim cupped his face and forced him to look there instead. “Eyes on me, sweetheart,” he smiled.
Shane bit his lip and nodded, but gasped soon after as a second finger joined the first. His face twisted into an almost pained expression. Tim watched closely, eyes locked onto him. Tim pumped his fingers in a steady rhythm, searching for that sweet spot inside him. Shane was panting heavily, eyes glossed over, but staying on Tim’s face.
When Shane rolled his eyes back and he gasped, Tim knew he found it. Shane moaned, his cock twitching violently against his lower tummy. “H-hurry up, old man,” he groaned, toes curling on either side of Tim’s hips. “P-please,” he breathed.
Tim snorted, but didn’t argue, removing his fingers gently. Shane groaned at the loss and braced himself for the intrusion, eyes squeezed shut.
“Sweetheart, I need you to breathe first.” Tim leaned over him and kissed him tenderly. He watched as Shane let out one last deep breath and nodded up at him. “Atta boy,” Tim grinned.
Shane scoffed and rolled his eyes, but smiled all the same. As Tim lined himself up, Shane’s heart thundered in his chest, watching the focus on Tim’s face mellow out. He had that same facial expression whenever he was interrogating Shane back at the station, or reading through files, or taking notes. But here, with Shane, he seemed to deflate a little. He relaxed. 
The first push in knocked the wind out of Shane. He moaned, digging his nails into Tim’s broad shoulders. Tim hid his face in Shane’s neck and kissed along the younger man’s sleep-soft skin. “Doin’ so good, sweetheart,” he breathed, hips slowly pushing forward.
Shane trembled in Tim’s arms until Tim’s hips were flush against him. Time stopped as Tim settled, letting Shane adjust. Shane had to blink a few times, swallowing around a lump in his throat. All thought left Shane’s head and the only thing left was the sweet stretch of Tim’s cock inside him. Every wall he’d built up was successfully crumbling at his trembling form. 
Tim petted Shane’s sweaty hair out of his face, kissing him on every available patch of skin he could find.
“M-move,” Shane panted, eyes half lidded and glazed over. “Please.”
So Tim did.
He built up a slow, steady rhythm. Before either of them knew it, their bodies rocked together in perfect harmony. Tim hugged Shane closer, his hips being the driving force while his arms kept Shane grounded.
The sounds leaving Shane’s mouth were so unfamiliar to his own ears, he couldn’t even tell where he was for a moment. The only thing he could feel or think about was the stretch of Tim’s cock, Tim’s heavy breathing against his neck, and Tim’s big hands holding his hips. It was all Tim, Tim, Tim.
He didn’t even feel the tear slowly falling down the side of his face until Tim gently wiped it away. He nearly sobbed when Tim kissed him, chest hitching with every powerful thrust. 
Tim grunted every time Shane clenched around him. He was so tight, which he expected, but he was having a hard time keeping a steady rhythm. He was still tired and his body was trying to catch up. He watched the younger man’s face twist in pleasure and sped up a little, moaning down at him.
Shane wailed, one fist curling up tight and weakly hitting against Tim’s chest. “I-I’m close,” he panted, his cock dripping pre-cum onto his stomach. “T-Tim, I’m–”
“‘s okay, I’m here,” Tim groaned, curling his fingers around the younger man’s cock. He started pumping his fist in time with his thrusts, eyes glued to Shane’s face.
Shane nodded furiously, scratching his nails down Tim’s chest. Not long after that, his entire body shook like a leaf and he clenched hard around Tim’s cock, coming in waves. He moaned out loud, his back arching off the bed, and gasping for air.
Tim’s own eyes rolled back as Shane squeezed around him. Shane’s face was turned into the pillow as he breathed heavily, coming down from such a high peak. Tim slowed down some, letting Shane have a moment.
When Shane made eye contact with him again, Tim’s heart stopped. He didn’t think Shane had looked more beautiful than he had right in that moment. His hair was a mess, his face was blotchy and red, there were tear tracks down his cheeks, and his lips were swollen from all the biting. Tim was pulled out of the fantasy when Shane clenched around him again, making a moan bubble out of him.
“C’mon, old man,” Shane smirked, voice tired.
Tim huffed a laugh and hugged Shane close, hips snapping quicker now. Chasing his own release, he hid his face in Shane’s neck, sucking a dark mark against the younger man’s collarbone.
In just a few short, quick thrusts, Tim was following Shane over that ledge with a deep groan, emptying inside the condom.
Shane exhaled deeply, arms wrapped around him. Then, he giggled quietly. He was elated, he was on cloud nine.
Tim lifted his head, hair sticking up every which way. He raised a brow at the younger man and smirked. “You alright?” He chuckled.
Shane nodded, a wide grin on his face. “Yeah. I’m good.”
“Good,” Tim grunted, slowly moving out from between Shane’s legs to dispose of the condom. He crawled back into bed and cuddled close, kissing Shane lazily. They both sighed into it. Eventually, they had to come up for air, and when they did, Tim breathed, “You hungry? I’m hungry.”
“God, yes. I’m fucking starving,” Shane groaned.
Tim laughed and rolled his eyes and pressed a light kiss to Shane’s lips. “You like pancakes? I make some really good pancakes.”
Shane giggled, feeling lighter than he had in years.
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i can see you (javier peña's version)
pairing: javier peña x dea agent!female reader
rating: explicit (18+ mdni)
word count: 3.4k
when javier peña takes credit for your lead, you take revenge.
good thing you know javier can't resist a girl in red lipstick.
author's note:
first javier fic, based on taylor swift's "i can see you". if you enjoy, please consider leaving a comment or reblogging! gif by @pedropascalito
content warnings:
explicit sexual content (18+ minors do not interact), dub con - sexual activity under the influence of alcohol, alcohol consumption, no use of y/n, female masturbation, oral sex - male receiving, dirty talk, praise, lots of lipstick kink, pet names, sex while standing, teasing, semi-public sex (file room at work), vaginal fingering, mouth covering. please let me know if i've missed any!
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You storm into the office, boots clicking on the linoleum as you make a beeline for Javier’s messy desk. He’s on the phone as you approach, ever present cigarette dangling from his lips as he speaks to whomever is on the other end of the line. You rip the receiver from his hand and slam it into the cradle.
“What the fuck?” Javier snaps, stubbing out his cigarette in an overflowing ashtray. “What if that had been an important call?”
“Fuck you, Peña,” you hiss, planting your hands on his desk with enough force that several papers slip from precarious piles to the floor. “Where the fuck do you get off taking credit for my lead?”
His eyebrows go up, his lips tilting in a condescending smirk that you want to smack right off his face. “That’s what this is about? We’re a team, alacránita. It was our lead.” 
Little scorpion, he calls you, because of your quick temper. He uses it when he wants you riled up, wants you angry at him, because what else is a scorpion to do but fight back when provoked?
“Oh, really? So, you were the one who stayed up ‘til three in the morning reading transcriptions, huh?” You tap your chin. “No, wait. That was me.”
Javier stands, grabbing his gun from the desk and tucking it into the waist of his jeans at his back. The action has his button down shirt stretching right across his chest and your eyes linger on the view. When you meet his gaze again you know you’ve been caught, the insufferable man grinning like a cat that got the canary. 
“Look, do you want to keep arguing or do you want to actually do something with your intel and go catch some narcos?” He asks, breezing by you. You grind your teeth together as you watch him leave.
“If it’s any consolation—“ Steve starts to say, but you cut him off.
“Shut up, Murphy.”
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That night after a long day of work and one beer too many you find yourself staring at the ceiling of your bedroom, your thoughts drifting to Javier and his annoying smirk and the stupid way he carries his gun and his dumb aviators and his gorgeous brown eyes and how good he feels between your—
You try not to think about the first time you met Javier Peña. The real first time, not the awkward handshake and forced smile as he introduced himself as Agent Peña. 
The first time, when he sat beside you at a bar and introduced himself as Javi and you thought that it must be a common enough name, there was no way this handsome stranger was your soon-to-be partner. He told you he worked in environmental services and you claimed to be a teacher. He bought you a drink and his eyes never left your mouth as you wrapped your red lips around a beer bottle. 
A couple hours of conversation later, his hand slid to your knee and he looked at you with brown eyes full of fire as his fingers curled into the flesh of your thigh exposed by your skirt. He asked if you wanted to go someplace more quiet and when you said your apartment was across the street, his smile was full of promise.
As your mind replays the memory in vivid detail, you slide your hand beneath the elastic of your panties, hissing as your fingertips graze your sensitive clit. You circle the bundle of nerves slowly as you continue to imagine that night.
You think back to the feel of his hand in yours as you dashed across the street to your apartment building, how he pressed against your back and nipped at your neck as you unlocked your door. He made a comment about the boxes still scattered around your apartment, some joke you can’t remember as desire fizzles through your veins. 
“These pretty red lips,” he said, pulling you close and tracing his thumb along your bottom lip. “Been staring at them all night, wondering how they would look stretched around my cock.”
“I could show you,” you responded, sliding your hands down his chest until your fingers encountered the cold metal of his belt buckle. You unfastened it, pulling the leather loose from his sinfully tight jeans and tossing it to the floor. “If you’d like?”
“Get on your knees,” Javier said as he unbuttoned his fly, working the waist of his jeans down enough to free his hard cock from the denim. You dropped to your knees quickly and his dark laugh echoed through the room. “Stick your tongue out, baby.”
You remember the salty taste of him on your tongue, the way he slowly fed his thick length into your mouth as you gazed up at him from your position at his feet. Your fingers circle your clit faster as you think about how he’d traced your lips where they stretched around his cock with his thumb, gently pushing at the corner of your mouth. 
“Fuck, look at you,” he growled. You whine at the memory as you inch closer to your release with each swipe of your hand. “Mouth built for sin, isn’t that right?”
You plunge two fingers inside of you with mounting desperation as your mind continues to replay the memory like a movie - the way his dark eyes fixated on the slide of his cock in and out of your mouth, the intoxicating sounds that spilled from his lips, and how he had pulled back from you when he was close to finishing to show you the lipstick stains you’d left behind.
“Dirty fucking girl,” he said, dragging you up from the floor and kissing you breathless. 
It’s the memory of his lips pressed to yours that pushes you over the edge, your cunt pulsing around your fingers as you shatter, biting back Javier’s name as it claws its way up your throat. In the aftermath, staring up at your ceiling, a thought pops into your head.
You know just how to get Javier back for taking credit for your lead.
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As a field agent for the DEA, it’s not often you wear more than jeans, a blouse, and a practical pair of boots to work. After all, carrying a sidearm in a dress or running in heels isn’t ideal. 
Today, however, you’re willing to make an exception. With a series of meetings on the calendar this afternoon, the risk of jeopardizing your work for the sake of fashion is, thankfully, slim.
You’ve put on your tightest dress, black polyester hugging your curves and balancing the fine line of work appropriate. The heels you dug out of your closet make your ass look fantastic but the cherry on top of the whole ensemble is the bright red lipstick you slicked on with careful precision.
Steve does a double take as you enter the cluttered office space, your heels clicking on the linoleum. Javier is at his desk, his back turned to you as he speaks to someone on the phone.
“Lookin’, uh, lookin’ good,” Steve says with a cough. “Did I miss a memo or somethin’?”
“Nope,” you reply, your lips popping in emphasis. 
You hear the click of the phone being placed back in its cradle with impressive force. You try to keep your eyes focused on the file you’ve got open on your desk but you can feel Javier’s heated gaze burning over your skin. You glance up, briefly, but it’s enough for you to find his dark gaze and see the tense cut of his jaw as he grinds his teeth together.
Once the meetings start rolling, you don’t have much opportunity to think about Javier, but you know he’s thinking about you. You have fun with the attention, leaning forward to make sure the man can get a good view down your dress, biting the cap of your pen, and licking your lips after each sip of coffee. With each new tease, you notice the way his hand curls into a tight fist on the table or how he shifts uncomfortably in his seat. 
When Messina asks him a question, the usually calm and collected man stutters his response, earning him a raised eyebrow from the woman in charge. You have to bite back a satisfied laugh at his expense, watching as his neck turns a blotchy red in his embarrassment. 
Once the meeting is over, you’re discussing the next plan of action with Steve as you leave the boardroom, Javier trailing behind the two of you. Steve asks Javier a question and a glance over your shoulder earns you the satisfaction of knowing he had been staring at your ass, his head snapping up so fast a flinch of pain flashes across his features as he replies to Steve.
Working through the pile of paperwork on your desk comes with the ever present weight of Javier’s gaze on you from across the room. He fields phone calls most of the morning, cigarette held to his lips as he converses in smooth, rapid fire Spanish that has you pressing your thighs together beneath your desk. 
When he turns away, you grab a stray piece of blank paper and scribble a note before lifting it to your face to press a red kiss mark to the smooth surface. You fold it twice and keep it held tight in your hand as you stand and saunter over to Javier’s desk. 
His dark eyes are fixed to the extra sway in your step as you approach, his grip tightening around the receiver. You set the note on his desk, leaning over just slightly to slide it across the wood towards him. You tap it once before straightening and walking back to your desk to resume your work, watching Javier from the corner of your eye as he unfolds the note.
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Stop staring.
Javier crumples the note in his fist in frustration, keeping it pressed to his palm as he frees another cigarette from the pack on his desk. The rush of nicotine in his veins mingles with the white hot lust he’s been trying to beat down ever since he caught sight of you in that tight little dress, and you’ve not been making it easy.
You never make it easy. Ever since walking into work six months ago to a face that shouldn’t have been familiar sitting behind his new partner’s desk, he’s been fighting to remain professional. It doesn’t help that you’re one of the best agents he’s ever worked with - smart, resourceful, and capable of standing up to men trying to pull rank on you.
Today is testing his patience. The dress and heels are one thing, but the lipstick? That’s a low blow. All he can think about is the last time he saw you wear it, that night at the bar that turned into that night in your bed, all the pretty red color faded from your lips because you marked his cock with it instead. He spent the entire meeting with Messina trying not to watch the way you wrapped your lips around the tip of your pen, thoughts drifting to what it would be like to have you on your knees again, staring up at him with less venom and more desire.
He sets the note on his desk, pointedly ignoring it while you’re in the room. He knows you’re looking for a reaction and he’s not going to give you the satisfaction of one.
At least, not yet.
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“Murphy, you still need that file we talked about? I’ve got another to pull,” you announce, standing from your seat. The blonde man looks up and nods.
“Yeah, see if you can find it while you’re in there,” Steve replies. You give him a little salute of acknowledgment before leaving the shared office space and making your way to the file room.
Once inside the windowless room at the end of the hall, you pull on the cord connected to the singular lightbulb in the ceiling meant to illuminate the dank space. It smells like paper and dust and it constantly looks like a bomb went off - cabinets half closed with how much has been shoved inside of them, stray stacks of folders that someone couldn’t be bothered to return to their proper place, and a wastebasket overflowing with crumpled paper. 
You lose yourself to the task of locating the files you and Steve needed, distracted enough that you don’t hear the click of the door opening and shutting behind you. It’s not until there’s a low murmur of your name in a hauntingly familiar timbre so you realize you’re not alone.
You turn to find Javier standing in front of the file room door, dark eyes fixed on you as he removes his suit jacket and drops it to the floor. Your mouth goes dry as he rolls up the sleeves of his white dress shirt, exposing deliciously tan forearms and muscles that flex hypnotically. 
“My eyes are up here, baby,” he says, a smirk on his lips that sends anger through your veins but lust to your belly. 
“What do you want, Peña?” You ask. Your voice wavers the slightest bit and you hope he doesn’t notice, but the tilt to his head and the way his tongue darts out to lick his lips says otherwise.
“I think the question is, what do you want?” He’s standing toe to toe with you now, your back pressed against a metal cabinet. “Or do you need me to show you?”
“Show me what?”
Javier chuckles. “What playing with fire will get you.”
“I don’t know what you mean,” you say, tilting your chin defiantly. “Now, if you’ll excuse me, some of us have work to do that doesn’t involve harassing our coworkers.” 
But he doesn’t back up, doesn’t give you the room to breathe that you so desperately need. Instead his large hand cups your hip, sliding slowly up your body, a trail of heat running from your waist to your breast until his palm settles against your neck. He rubs his thumb across your lips.
“What do you call wearing this, then?” He holds his thumb up for you to see the smear of red across his skin. “We both know what you were thinking when you put it on this morning, cariño.”
He presses his thumb to your lips, slipping it inside your mouth this time. You give the digit a tentative suck as he presses it forward and back across your tongue, a crude approximation of the memory that replayed in your head as you touched yourself. 
Javier smiles triumphantly and you can feel his other hand working at the hem of your dress, hiking it up higher until his fingers skim the bare skin of your thighs. 
“Tell me to touch you,” he demands, pulling his thumb free from your mouth. You press your lips together, fighting the overwhelming need to give into him as his knuckle skims your pussy through the fabric of your panties. “Stubborn alacránita,” he growls, circling your clit harshly and making you cry out.
His palm covers your mouth, your eyes going wide as he continues his tortuous attention. “Tell me to touch you,” he says again, brow pinched as his eyes search yours. It hits you that this man is just as desperate for you as you are for him, and the rush that knowledge gives you has you nodding your head.
He removes his palm, cupping your cheek and pressing his forehead to yours before whispering into the space between your mouths, “Say it.”
“Touch me, Javier,” you murmur, rolling your hips into his hand. “Please.”
He wastes no further time, hand slipping under the elastic of your panties and dragging through your slick folds. He grins at you, boyish and feral in equal measure as he slips a thick finger inside of you while his thumb presses to your clit. 
“Christ, so fucking wet for me already, huh? Sitting at your desk getting worked up thinking about pulling one over on me with this little dress?” He adds a second finger and the stretch of it makes you moan, his palm returning to cover your mouth. “If this is your idea of a punishment for that lead, I’m not feeling too apologetic.”
You try to glare at him but the curl of his fingers inside of you and the press of his thumb to your sensitive bundle of nerves has your eyes rolling back instead, your head hitting the cabinet behind you. Your hips chase his hand with each pump of his fingers and it doesn’t take long for that wave of pleasure to crash over you, your muscles going tight as you pulse around him and your chest heaves with deep breaths you can only take through your nose thanks to his tight grip on your mouth. 
Javier murmurs praise into your ear that you barely register as you come down from your high. He removes his hands from you to unbuckle his belt, freeing his hard cock that you only get a glimpse of before he’s urging you to turn around, pulling your hips back toward him and moving your panties out of the way. He runs the head of his cock through the mess he’s made of you before positioning himself at your entrance and pressing in, in, in.
You brace yourself against the filing cabinet, the sheer size of him making you gasp as he bottoms out. He smoothes a hand down your spine, giving you a moment to adjust before drawing his hips back and slamming forward with a sharp thrust.
Javier reaches up to grip your shoulder, giving himself more leverage as he pounds into you, using your body to chase his pleasure. You bite your lip to stifle your own sounds as the room echoes with the snap of his hips against yours and the grunts he can’t contain. The hand on your shoulder moves to your throat, pulling you up and arching your back until he’s holding you against his chest.
You turn your face over your shoulder and his lips crash against yours, his teeth digging into your bottom lip and making you whimper.
“Cum for me,” Javier commands, the hand on your hip moving to circle your clit again. As you start to pulse around him, he smiles against your lips. “Fuck, that’s it. Just like that, baby.”
Javier presses himself deep as his own release courses through him, filling you to the brim with warmth and stealing your breath. He kisses your shoulder, a sweet gesture that’s so at odds with what you’ve just done.
When he starts to go soft, he pulls out and fixes your underwear into place before smoothing the skirt of your dress back down your hips, the sound of him buckling his belt following suit. You turn to face him, prepared for some sort of self-satisfied remark from the egotistical man, but to your surprise he wraps a hand around the back of your neck and pulls you towards him for a deep kiss.
As he draws back and your eyes flutter open, you notice the smear of red across his lips, the sight making you smile. You lick your thumb, using the moisture to rub away the remnant of your time together. 
“Thank you, alacránita,” he murmurs, gently grabbing your wrist and pressing a kiss to your palm. You catch a glimpse of your watch, noting the time.
“Don’t you have a meeting right now?” You ask Javier. He checks his own watch.
“Fuck!” He hisses, grabbing his suit jacket and rushing from the file room, the door slamming shut behind him as you laugh and laugh and laugh.
Maybe your plan worked better than you expected, after all.
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Javier slips inside the boardroom and takes the seat beside Steve as inconspicuous as possible, straightening his jacket and smoothing down his hair as he does. As he’s trying to focus on the words being thrown around the room, he feels a tap at his shoulder.
Steve leans closer to whisper, “What’s that all over your hand?”
He looks at the hand he’s rested on the table, noting the smear of red that extends from his palm to the thin skin between his thumb and forefinger. He clenches his hand into a fist and sets it in his lap instead.
“Nothing,” he replies.
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lakesbian · 1 year
btw my stances on undersider car-driving ability overall are
brian: got his learners permit the very first day he was legally able. obtained a flawless score on the final exam. drives with near obscene levels of perfection. except for when he's doing crime when he's doing crime he immediately casually and without hesitation turns into the world's most terrifyingly manic and untraceable getaway driver on the planet. There have been clips on the news.
lisa: like if a kind of shitty and annoying driver was uncannily lucky. fortunately for everyone else in brockton bay she can't legally drive yet and has rare cause to drive illegally
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alec: has never driven a car before. confident that he could wing it if he had to, would in fact immediately slam backwards into the nearest mailbox and/or living human being
aisha: has never driven a car before. semi-confident that she could wing it if she had to, would only almost immediately slam backwards into the nearest mailbox and/or living human being, arrives with neither of the side mirrors intact
rachel: a car is a type of dog if you think about it. confident she could wing it. would not follow any traffic laws at all but would arrive safely and with the vehicle fully intact.
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biscuits-of-bagend · 2 months
Andy Murray - The Flowers We'll Remember
I made this playlist halfway through the week, in between victories one and two. It tells me the story of Andy Murray's career as I experienced it, through songs that mean a lot to me, which is to say it might not make much sense to anyone else! So I've included some explanations below.
The title is related to a passage from the Ali Smith novel 'Summer'. It's about a summer day that told the gods it wanted to last forever, which the gods found hilarious.
Halfway Right by Linkin Park - 'I scream at myself when there's nobody left to fight', representing my earliest memories of Andy Murray, which involved a lot of him screaming at himself.
Hard Times by Paramore - Losing to Federer and Nadal and later Djokovic, but jauntily. A young man's losses.
The Heart Never Lies by McFly - 2012 Wimbledon final on-court interview 🥺
Love Forty Down by Frank Turner - I know he was 40-0 up at the end of the Wimbledon final, but functionally going from 40-0 to 40-Adv is basically the same thing 😂
Hold On by Twin Atlantic - back injuries :/ still sort of felt like it would all work out okay though, at least that was my understanding of it I think.
Don't Stop Me Now by Queen - Davis Cup at the end of 2015 through to World Tour Finals at the end of 2016. A euphoric period (ignore any losses to Djokovic in grand slam finals, we don't need to talk about those), but hard to look back on without thinking about what was coming.
Airfield by Enter Shikari - The Hip. Queens 2017 & 2017 Wimbledon QF to Australian Open 2019 'retirement'.
Wetsuit by The Vaccines - so get a hip operation, come on, come on
Get Better by Frank Turner - Bursting back to life/resurfacing in Cincinnati 2019. Also makes me think of 2019 'Resurfacing' documentary even though that didn't come out until later in the year.
Walk by the Foo Fighters - omg I've just realised I was thinking of the US Open 2020 not 2019... welp, timey wimey I guess, insert your preferred moment of watching Andy figure out how to play with his new hip
Mountains by Biffy Clyro - Antwerp 2019
Getting Old Sucks (But Everybody's Doing It) by Bowling For Soup - Pandemic through to 2023, including the post 4am fightback from two sets to love down against Thanasi Kokkinakis (see pics below). Getting old does suck, but Andy was really good at it.
Forever's Not Enough by McFly - "I want to play forever" (Wimbledon 2024)
26 by Paramore - a sad quiet song about hope, ie the only thing I was holding onto during the first half of that match against Nishikori and Daniel, which, lest we forget, was horrible
The Last Song by McFly - from 5 match points down through to breaking back in the second set against the Americans. Just pure fucking magic ✨ (thank you Dan!) ~~Epilogue section~~
Growing Up Beside You by Paolo Nutini - Andy Murray may be 11 years older than me, but so many of my memories of watching him play are tied to memories of times in my life. For example, I watched the 2016 World Tour Finals semi-final against Raonic in my student union, and vaguely remember trying not to show how stressed I was. I'm currently the age he was when he won Wimbledon the first time, so that's not terrifying at all...
The Way I Loved You (Taylor's Version) by Taylor Swift - I do really like Jannik Sinner but this could sort of be read as an indirect towards him? Although tbf watching post-puke Sinner power through tournaments has been its own kind of awesome. Honestly though, I don't think anyone will ever make me feel as much of a "rollercoaster kind of rush" on a tennis court as Andy Murray did anyway, not even the stress of watching Grigor Dimitrov try to hold a lead ❤️
Wouldn't Change a Thing - I really really wouldn't, and I hope Andy feels the same. Well, I mean, he'd probably choose not to have a hip injury, but you know what I mean 😆
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91062854-ka · 1 year
Alexandria Calaway (Played by: Taylor Momsen)
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Real name: Alexandria Leila Calaway
Ring name(s):
Alice Angel (currently)
Raven Black (formerly)
Alex (real life)
The Princess of Darkness
The Angel of Darkness
Devil's Little Angel
The Deadman's Daughter/Little Angel
Sister Abigail (by the Wyatt Family)
Born: July 26, 1990 (age 25)
Hometown: Death Valley
Height/Weight: 5'8"/121Ibs
Eye color: Blue
Hair color: Platinum blonde
Mark Calaway/The Undertaker (Father)
Jodi Lynn Calaway (Mother)
Sara Calaway (1st Stepmother)
Michelle Calaway/Michelle McCool (2nd Stepmother)
Gunner Calaway (Younger brother)
Chasey Calaway (Younger stepsister)
Gracie Calaway (Younger stepsister)
Kaia Calaway (Younger stepsister)
Kolt Calaway (Younger stepbrother)
Glenn Jacobs/Kane (Uncle figure/Godfather)
Romantic interest(s): Jonathan David Good/Dean Ambrose
Face paint: (this screen shot is from iHasCupquake YouTube video of her Alice Angel Cosplay)
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Theme song(s):
Take it Out on Me by Thousand Foot Krutch (TNA)
In NXT and in WWE:
It starts with Alice humming,
Then Alice begins to sing, but it only happens during her debut promo, her official debut in WWE and during WrestleMania, (without the jumpscare at the end)
Then finally this song plays.
Wicked Enchantment by CFO$
Finishing moves:
Tombstone Piledriver
Kiss of Darkness (Lifting double underhook sitout facebuster)
Submission moves:
Hell's Gate (Triangle Choke)
Angel's Hell (Kneebar)
Angel's Gate (Armbar)
Signature moves:
Last Ride
European Uppercut
Belly to Back Suplex
Diving Crossbody
Roundhouse kick
Snake Eyes or Rebounds off the ropes on the opposite end and lands a big boot
Running Corkscrew Neckbreaker
Running Legdrop
Wheelbarrow Bulldog
Snap DDT
Running DDT
Corner Body Splash + One Leg Monkey Flip combo
Rope Stunner
Leaping Clothesline
Apron Leg Drop
Old School
Over the Top Rope Suicide Dive
Front Body Slam
Running DDT
Paul Bearer (before his passing)
Paige (off-screen)
Becky Lynch (off-screen)
Charlotte Flair (off-screen)
Sasha Banks (off-screen)
Bayley (off-screen)
Roman Reigns
Seth Rollins
Dean Ambrose (before falling in love with him)
Randy Orton (off-screen)
Triple H (off-screen)
Stephanie McMahon (off-screen)
Shane McMahon (off-screen)
Vince McMahon (off-screen)
Shawn Michaels
Big Show (off-screen)
John Cena
Brock Lesner (off-screen)
Paul Heyman (off-screen)
Nikki Bella (off-screen)
Brie Bella (off-screen)
Alicia Fox (off-screen)
Naomi (off-screen)
Tamina Shuka (off-screen)
Finn Balor (off-screen)
Kevin Owens (off-screen)
Trained by:
The Undertaker
Michelle McCool
Trish Stratus
Stone Cold Steve Austin
Triple H
Shawn Michaels 
Brock Lesner
WWE Idol(s):
The Undertaker
Michelle McCool
Trish Stratus
• Alexandria was inspired by her father and her uncle when she watched them wrestle when she was a little girl.
• Alexandria met her new stepmother when she was backstage while watching her father and uncle wrestle and formed a positive relationship with her.
• Alexandria met her trainers when she was in backstage waiting for her father with her new stepmother, so she knows everyone as she grew up in WWE her whole life.
• Even though Alexandria wears different black ring gears as Alice Angel, her signature piece on her every gear is a black headband with a pair of white devil horns with a semi-broken white angel halo. She also wears white angel wings, but only during WrestleMania.
• Since Bendy and the Ink Machine didn't come out until 2017, Alexandria came up with the name because her debut took place in 2015.
• Alexandria has a very good singing voice from years of practicing on how to sing when she used to take choir classes in school, her first career choice was to become a singer but later changed it to become a wrestler to follow her father's footsteps. She recorded her singing to hum a creepy song and used it as a part of her entrance in the wrestling world as Raven Black and later as Alice Angel.
• As Alice Angel, she has supernatural powers that are similar to Kane and the Undertaker's, but she still has her own powers, such as a siren song and basically has all the powers as Alexa Bliss once had. Because of this, knowing who her father and uncle are, and later knowing what she's capable of, she is just as feared as they are in both NXT and WWE.
• Alice is very good at manipulating, tricking and play mind games with her rivals to mess with them. She learns these tactics from Kane and the Undertaker.
• Alice can wrestle both men and women throughout her wrestling career.
• She actually appears in WWE twice before her official debut in 2015: Her first appearance was in 2013 after her father defeat Dean Ambrose and before the Shield can causes any more damage to him, Alice Angel appears and attacks the Shield, and saves her father from getting anymore injured. This means Alice Angel will come to WWE from NXT soon. Her second appearance was in 2014 during The Undertaker vs Brock Lesner match in WrestleMania 30, to distracted Lesner so her father can take the win, this implies that Alice Angel will soon later becomes Brock's new rival in their future storyline.
• Because of her supernatural powers and what she's capable of, the Wyatt Family believes that she is Sister Abigail who came to life before them. Alice uses this to her advantage and use them as her bodyguards, playing mind games with them as she unofficially becomes a member of the Wyatt Family. However, it is unknown if they're playing mind games with her, or if it's the other way around, due to how unpredictable Alice Angel and the Wyatt Family are.
• Alice Angel sat up the same way as her father and uncle did during her matches in both NXT and WWE to frighten her opponents, as well as appearing from under the ring to drag them to hell, doing the throat slit and crossing her opponent's arms the same way after delivering the Tombstone Piledriver, but she doesn't roll her eyes back like her father, instead she smiles sinisterly.
• Alice's Twitter account is @WWEAliceAngel. (It's not real, so don't bother trying to find it)
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crazyk-imagine · 1 year
Chapter VIII: Keep your Eyes on the Prize
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Characters: Sulane “Sullie” Celeste, Jasner "Jas" Verbane, James Diamond, Kendall Knight, Carlos Garcia, Hortense "Logan" Mitchell, Katie Knight, Mama Knight, Camille Roberts, Jo Taylor, Carlos’ dad, Dak Zevon, Tommy Ducati (made up character) Warnings: The feels, Camille just wants her endgame to happen, Jo and Kendall finally make a date, Jasner gets sad, James and Sulane have a moment or two, this is actually kind of funny, my love triangle is becoming more dramatic, my babies are lying to each other :( Word Count: 4,777
The group sits in her semi- dull apartment. 
James and Kendall sit on the couch, the former flips through the pages of an upside magazine she had lying around somewhere while Kendall sat there, rifling through something Sulane couldn’t see. 
“I don’t think this is a good idea.” 
“What do you mean?” 
“I thought you were happy we were making an effort into getting to know him?” Carlos asks. 
She frowns, “when did I ever say that?” 
“You literally just said it before we all came in here,” Logan chimes in. 
“No one likes a tattle tale, Henderson.” 
“Wha- I am not a tattle tale.” 
“Explain what you just did.” 
“I reminded you of what you said. Big difference.” 
She narrows her eyes to him. “I’m going to hurt you so you better start running.” 
“Could you, you know, not kill him. We need him for rehearsal’s,” Kendall points out. “Hey, what’s this?” 
She turns towards him and snatches the box out of his hands. “Nothing.” 
“It doesn’t look like nothing.” 
“Do you remember when Tommy Ducati joined the team and started slamming into anybody, and it didn’t matter if you were on his team or not.” 
He nods with a confused expression. “Yeah, why?” It takes him a moment to realize what you’re talking about. “Oh. You’re not nice.” 
“No, I’m not that’s what happens when you had to deal with my mother.” 
“Speaking of, how do you feel?” 
“Jasner, don’t be a therapist now.” 
“That was James.” 
She glances back and forth between the two. “Both of you say what someone just said.” 
They start to say it at the same time. 
She sighs, “not at the same time. Jasner, you go first, then James.” They do as she says. “Wow, it really was you,” she comments about James. 
She rolls her eyes. “I’m putting this away and then I’m kicking you all out.” 
Carlos whines, “why?” 
“Don’t try and fight me on this. I stand my ground and kick you all out.” 
“Maybe we could-” 
Logan and Jasner are the first ones out the door. 
They pout and watch her make her way to the others. 
“She’s mean,” the brainiac whispers to him. 
“I know.” 
“Maybe we could get-” 
“I’ll let you know when I want to get a snack next time, not right now.” 
Carlos is in front of the two. 
“Welcome to the dark side.” 
“That’s not funny.” 
“I thought it was,” Jasner whispers to himself. 
“You know we could-” 
“Hey, do you know if Katie is still talking to Dak? I thought I heard her say that she has his phone number or something?” 
“She what?” 
“Yeah, I would go talk to her and see what’s going on in that young teenage mind of hers.” 
The four boys stand outside the door, staring at her. 
She turns around with her back against the door with her eyes closed. 
She opens her eyes and stares at him. 
“There were five of you,” she groans and opens the door. 
The boys moved around, already having a space for him. 
She pushes him out and closes the door. 
“You were quiet today.” 
“Shut up,” James snaps. 
They take a step back away from him. 
“Anybody want to get smoothies?” 
“I think enjoying our morning by the pool sounds better,” Kendall says to Jasner. 
“Oh yeah, that’s a better idea.” 
“But we could also get smoothies?” 
“Fine,” the leader sighs, wrapping an arm around him. “We will get smoothies and then relax by the pool. 
Sulane lets out a sigh of relief as she clutches the box close to her chest. “Thank god he didn’t get further than this.” 
She sighs, pushing back the beginning of the letters she started writing a few days ago, wishing she could have responded at the time. 
“I need to find a new hiding spot.” She looks around her place, not finding a better place. “Ooo, I wonder if Camille or Jo would have a better hiding spot.” 
One corner of her lips curves upwards, “Camille will squeal the first chance she gets. I have yet to find out more about Jo.” 
She bends down and sets it on the ground, kicking it under the couch. “Under here it is.” 
She’s got to stop letting them come over. She doesn’t want them to find any of her letters, the ones she wrote to them when she was a kid, the ones she’s been writing recently (pretending to still be that thirteen-year-old Sulane) … and the ones she writes to her mom. 
She sighs and flops back onto the couch, thanking the gods for not letting the guys kidnap her.
S01 EP08
The five lay on the pool lounge chairs and figure out that they know a lot about each other… minus Jasner. 
“Well, since you guys know everything about you four, do you all want to hear about how I-” 
“No,” Logan says. 
The others turn to look at him. “What? I’m scared.” 
The raspberry lover shrugs, “I don’t blame you, but I was going to say how I found out I love raspberries.” 
“I don’t think any of us want to,” Carlos adds, trying to let him down easily. 
“Yeah, I don’t blame you especially since the weirdest part is that it was because we found out my mom is allergic to strawberries.” 
The band gives each other a “cry for help” look and Kendall decides to do something about it.“That's it. We are spending way too much time together.” 
“I am starting to hate all of you,” James says out loud. 
Logan sits up, “Same here.” 
“Split up!” 
The band all runs away from the pool, only to find themselves in their apartment. 
“Split up again!” James cries out. 
This time they find themselves in the hallway of the studio.
- Ah, ah, ah-ah, oh -
They run back into the apartment, not seeing Jasner and Sulane making cookies. 
“Okay, what part of splitting up are we not getting here?” Logan asks. 
“Who cares? We have a day off,” Carlos points out. 
“I call pool. Alone,” Kendall puts on his sunglasses. “Stay away from me.” 
Sulane waves to him and throws a cookie his way. 
He whines and juggles it back and forth between his hands. 
“Sorry! I should have told you it’s hot.” 
“You weren’t ever going to do that,” Jasner adds. 
“Well, he doesn’t have to know that.” He shakes his head and grabs a cookie before whining. 
“Did you not learn anything in the last three seconds?” 
“I'm gonna start my acting career. This face needs to be on the big screen.” James shows off his headshots. “Ooh. Right.” He stops in front of the two, smiling. 
“Why do you think we’re going to help you with your career?” 
“Because you’re nice and we’re trying to be friends again, which means,” he wraps his arms around her, giving her a side hug. 
“You have to help me because you love me, and I am one of the few people who isn’t that afraid of you.” 
She tries to wiggle out of his grip, but it doesn’t work. “Take a cookie and sit down.” 
“I'm going to a lecture by the gorgeous math genius Phoebe Nachee. She combines my two favorite things: Girls and math.” 
“You do realize you won’t be able to, right?” 
The brainiac turns around with a frown. “Why?” 
“You’ll see. Don’t ask for my help if you need it.” 
“Well, I don't know what I'm gonna do yet, but it'll be totally irresponsible.” Carlos pats his head. “Hey, where's my helmet? My helmet's gone. Ho! Oh!” 
He throws the pillows off the couch, breaking many things he could care less about at this moment before going up the swirly slide. “Logan, it's not up here. Help me find it.” 
“Ha-ha-ha. No.” Logan runs out of the room. 
The three eat another cookie and watch as the father and son start on their mission. 
“I feel like chopped liver. He could have asked me for help.” 
“Do you know where his helmet is?” James asks. 
She shakes her head, “no, but it’s still nice to be asked, you know.” 
The three friends pass by the doorway to the pool, Sulane sees Jo alone and blond hair peeking out of a bush. 
She rolls her eyes, “you two, hold it.” She pulls out her phone. 
“Hey, Jo.” 
“Oh, hey Sulane. How have you been?” 
“Great. You know how I told you I’m friends with idiots.” 
“Vaguely,” she says to be nice. She does, in fact, remember. 
“One of them is in a bush, probably trying to gather enough courage to even talk to you and when he does you should take him out to something he won’t expect but it will make him fall for you more.” 
“Fall for me? He’s not-” 
“He is, you are. You two will be cute together, just be sure to thank me when it happens.” 
“I’m going to ignore that and say thanks for the advice. Oh, I have the perfect thing in mind.” 
“Care to share?” 
“Oh, I need someone to take a video of him falling. Ooo, I wonder if that sight is still up.” 
“What site?” 
“The one where I can post a video labeled “teen girl throws teen boy on ground a hundred times”. I might be able to win like a gift card or something.” 
“I don’t think that’s a thing.” 
“People can have dreams.” 
She chuckles. 
“He’s coming your way. Have fun.” 
“Why is he posed like that?” Sulane asks, standing beside the actor. 
“Oh,” Jasner starts to explain to her about James’ plan. 
“That won’t work.” 
“Yeah, I know.” 
Camille walks through the door, reading lines from her new script in a witch’s costume. “Ah! Ear of bat and spleen of toad. I'll turn you into a- Hey, what are you thinking about?” 
“Oh, I'm not thinking. I'm acting like I'm thinking. Come on, tell me this face doesn't belong on the big screen.” 
“James, acting is about more than just being pretty.” 
“I know. It's also about washboard abs. Check it.” He lifts his shirt and makes a weird noise. 
“Not bad. But acting is not something you do. It's something you are. And why didn’t you ask Sullie to help you? You know she’s like the actress here. I mean, only a few people know about it but still.” 
“Wait- what?” He turns to her, who has her headphones on. 
She feels the eyes on her and takes off her headphones. “What?” 
James throws himself onto his knees. 
“Oh, will you teach me your expert acting ways?” 
“I wouldn't teach you if you begged me with your last dying breath.” 
“Maybe. Ask her.” 
“See, now I don’t want to teach you because you went someone else for advice,” she says, dramatically?” 
“No. See, that was acting. Welcome to the Camille Academy of Dramatic Arts.” 
They fist bump. 
“Eye of newt and twist of fates. Your acting future now awaits!” Camille throws her hands up, releasing a white powder. 
The three-start coughing. 
“Baby powder. Cool, right?” 
James lets out a quick, “sure,” before he starts coughing again. 
Sulane shakes her head. 
“This reminds me of the episode where Tony almost died because of a letter on NCIS.” 
Jasner walks back, snacking on something he got from the vending machine. “What did I miss?” 
“Camille trying to kill us.” 
“I was not.” 
“Tell that to my lungs.” 
“How am I gonna show off my washboard abs in this thing?” James fiddles with his warlock robe. 
Sulane and Jasner share a look, the male shrugs and mutters, “he’s your friend.” 
She glares at him. 
“You’re not.” James frowns. 
Camille nods, “exactly what she said, you're not. They're holding auditions today for Witches of Rodeo Drive. And I am taking you with me.” She begins hopping, which pulls the pretty boy in, and he starts hopping too. 
“I’m also taking these two but it’s going to work out. I think the four of us can really come up with something and wow the producers.” 
“Great, because I just got some new head shots.” He pulls them out of behind his back. “Should I go with athletic dog trainer or confused astronaut?” 
Sulane snatches them out of his hands, tossing them to the side. 
“Today you are an evil warlock,” Camille explains to him. “Now, give me evil.” 
He pretends to give an evil look as he “grr’s” before lifting up his shirt to show off his abs. 
The blonde shakes her head. 
“As nice as those are to look at, we can’t.” She smacks his hands and fixes his shirt when it falls over his stomach. 
“James, you call that evil?” The brunette asks with no emotion in her voice. “See, it's got to come from within. Yeah, so see that guy right over there?” She points to a random guy sitting in the lobby. “Imagine that he broke your lucky comb.” 
James rips the hat off his head and angrily stomps over to the guy Camille used as an example. 
“You do realize this is not going to end well, right?” Jasner asks. 
The actress shrugs. “Yeah, but if he actually wants to make a future slash side career with this industry, he has to start now.” 
“You chose the biggest guy for James’ example,” Sulane points out. 
“James is going to die.” 
“Hey,” James smacks the guy with his hat. 
The guy stands up, over towering the pretty boy. 
“Oopsy is right,” the blonde tells her. 
“I feel bad enough, don’t add onto it.” 
James lets out a nervous chuckle before the guy grabs him. “Ah! Not the face! Not the face! Not that! Definitely not that- ow!” 
The three rush over towards the vending machines. 
Jasner and Sulane could barely keep themselves together at the sight of a smushed James. 
“Press b-7,” he tells them. 
“Wait?” The blonde says. “How will that help? I can just go ask Bitters for the key or,” she reaches up into her hair. “I lied. Oh, Jasner?” 
“Where’s my bag?” He removes the robe to take off her bag. 
She and Camille raise a brow, “why do you have my bag?” 
“You always need it.” 
James slaps the glass. “Hello?” 
“Right, right. Hang on.” She riffles through until she finds what she’s looking for. Jasner helps James get out of the vending machine. 
“Why do you have a lock picking kit in your bag?” Camille asks. 
“Kelly used to forget her keys a lot.” 
“I can see that,” the raspberry lover adds. “That still doesn’t-” 
“Don’t come crying to me when you have an emergency, Cami.” 
“Geez, sorry.” Sulane sticks her tongue out at her. 
“If we nail this audition, James, we're both going to be on Witches of Rodeo Drive. We'll be a team.” 
“What about us?” Jasner asks. 
“You said you didn’t want to audition because witches scare you,” the actress says to him. “Which is funny because I think you’d make a great warlock, especially if he was evil. I would cast you.” 
Sulane chuckles, “I don’t care what happens. I’m just here for entertainment.” 
Camille pouts. “See when you say things like that, it makes me not want to tell you anything because you’ll make fun of it.” 
“I don’t do that.” She can feel the gazes of the three on her. “I’m sorry. I really am. I just- I don’t know how to handle these kinds of things. It’s hard for me.” 
“Thank you. There’s one way you can make it up to me.” 
“I don’t like that look you have in your eyes.” 
“James, I’m going to need your costume.” 
“Wait- no. James, please. I am begging you, don’t-” 
“You look so cute,” Jasner says as the boys fawn over how adorable she looks with the slightly too big robe. 
“I do not,” she pouts. 
“Okay, I’m going to ask. Why are you two the only actors here in costumes?” The pretty boy asks. 
“That, James, is because we have surrendered ourselves to the roles. And they have not.” Camille snaps her wand at a random dude who’s waiting to audition. “I think I have an extra nose for you.” 
“Please don’t. I look much witchier without a fake, wart covered nose.” 
The brunette shrugs. “Fine.” 
“I think I have butterflies in my stomach. Right behind my washboard abs.” 
Sulane grabs his shirt and pulls it down as Camille slams him back into the chair. “Enough with the abs. And don't be nervous. I got a magic spell up my sleeve.” 
A hand slams onto her arm. “Please don’t. I’m still coughing up baby powder and the way you say that it sounds like you have something else.” 
“Like what?” 
The blonde blinks once. ‘Should I say it?’ She shakes her head, “nevermind.” 
“Okay.” She turns her focus onto the two boys. “See, if you thought the baby powder bit was good, wait till they get a load of this puppy.” 
“That scares me.” 
She looks at the inside of the robe, she’s lifted for the three to see. 
“Is that my-” 
The audition lady comes out, holding her clipboard. “Camille?” 
James raises his fist, waiting to get a fist bump from her. “Pooh.” 
Sulane steals her chair, so her knees and can stop hurting so much with the way she was sitting on the floor. 
Camille glances back at the three and winks. 
Barely two seconds into her being brought in, there’s a loud explosion that shakes the entire building, alarming everyone. 
James’ hand squeezes her arm, not realizing he had pulled her away from the wall. “Sorry.” 
“It’s- it’s okay.” 
The actress opens the door, coughing. “Nailed it.” 
“Honey,” Sulane shakes her head. “No.” 
“You’re not nice.” 
“You blew up a room.” 
“No, I just smoked it.” 
She walks away from the door, coughing. “James Diamond is next.” 
Sulane furrows her brows. “Shouldn’t you like, I don’t know, air out the room and open some windows so we don’t get some kind of lung disease?” 
The lady shrugs. “James Diamond is next.” 
“I feel like I’m talking to a wall,” she mumbles, crossing her arms as James’ passes by. 
Before he could enter, the lady stopped him. “You don't have any explosives on you, do you?” 
“Then come on in.” 
“So, what was that?” The other two ask. 
“What do you mean?” 
“He was trying to protect you when the big boom happened,” the actress points out. 
“He protected you.” 
“He could have protected himself and not done anything for you,” Jasner adds. 
She shrugs, “he’s always been protective of his friends. This isn’t anything different than any other time we’ve hung out.” 
The brunette grabs her arm and drags her to a corner. 
The raspberry lover can only sit there and watch as the girl he’s known for three years, talks about a potential crush on someone he would like to consider a friend. 
“Why are crushes so hard?” He whines to himself. 
“You do realize James protected you because he likes you right?” 
“Way to cut to the chase, Camille.” 
“I’m being serious, and you know it.” 
“I know you’re being serious but I’m telling you that he doesn’t like me that way and I mean if he did, wouldn’t he have made a move or something by now?” 
“I mean,” she pauses. “What if he does and hasn’t said anything because he doesn’t know if you like him back or not and would rather have you as a friend than nothing at all? He has lived a life without you in it.” 
“Again, thank you.” She sighs, “I know. I mean what if- what if he does like me? What am I going to do about Jas?” 
Camille furrows her brows. “What about him?” She gasps, only for the blonde to slap her hand over the actress’ mouth. 
“Will you be quiet?” 
She nods. “Do you like him?” 
Sulane shrugs, “I don’t know. I mean, he’s nice and he, you know.” 
“He’s different from the guys but I just- I don’t know.” 
“Okay, let me ask you this. If Jasner asked you out today, tomorrow, or even next week. Would you say yes, or would you say no?” 
“I,” she extends the letter.  “Oh, look. James’ is out. Oh, and they called Jasner.” 
The actress sighs before walking over towards her other audition buddy. “Well?” 
“She said she'd let us know by 3:00.” 
“Okay, great. Now we just gotta wait for Jas and then we can go.” 
Speak and they shall appear. 
“Hey, how’d it go?” 
James gives him a high five. 
“I don’t know but it felt good, and I just have to wait till three before I know anymore.” 
“Nice,” Sulane holds up her hand to get a high five as well. “Let’s go before they call me. I don’t want to be here any longer.” 
“I just know we're both going to get this one, you two. Witches of Rodeo Drive, here we come. And now, back to the Palmwoods.” 
Camille disappears. 
“Wow. She’s good.” 
“She’s not good- she disappeared,” James cries out. 
“Maybe she really is a witch,” Jasner mutters. 
“You guys, are- are you coming or what?” 
The four sit in the bands apartment as the they wait for their phone call. 
“It's five minutes past 3:00. When are they gonna call?” James asks, pacing around the kitchen. 
“They'll call. But remember, don't get upset if we don't get a role. Another part of acting is conquering rejection.” 
“Oh, yeah.” Jasner sighs, “that’s very true. It sucks but, it kind of toughens you up or at least, it does until your next audition.” 
“Yes? Really? Got it. Thanks.” 
“You got the part?” James asks, feeling excited for her. 
“No. But see how well I handled the rejection?” She sobs, covering mouth. 
Jasner pats her on her back. “It’s okay. I’m not going to lie though; I think it had something to do with what you had under your sleeve.” 
Sulane nudges him in the elbow a little too hard. 
He wheezes as he bends over. “Ow.” 
“Shut up.” 
“Hello? James? Congratulations. You got the part. You're Memnock, the warlock with great abs.” 
“Really? That's-” he glances over at the sobbing actress, “too bad.” 
“Bad? Did you just hear me?” 
“Well, thanks for calling. Uh, my acting coach did say I need to learn to handle rejection.” 
“Are you insane? I said you-” 
James flips his phone. 
Sulane glances over at him. 
He feels her stare and gives her soft, sad smile. 
“You got the part?” She mouths. 
He nods. 
Her lips slowly curve upwards, “I’m proud of you.” 
The raspberry lover sighs, seeing the way these two are looking at each other. Jasner’s phone goes off and he answers it. “Really? Thank you.” 
“Did you get it?” 
Jasner struggles to give an answer. “No?” 
“At least one of us did.” 
“Yeah, but,” Sulane sucks in air through her teeth. “James didn’t and he really wanted a part in that show, didn’t you?” 
He nods. “Darn it!” The pretty boy makes a dramatic gesture. “Oh! I didn't get the part either.” 
“You didn't?” Camille asks, sounding sad (for both herself and him). “Look, don't feel bad. I didn't get a part until my 32nd audition. We'll get 'em next time, right?” 
He fists bumps her. “You're right.” 
“Of course, I am. And now this witch has to fly!” She flies up into the air while cackling. 
“When did you set up wires in my apartment?” 
“I did it this morning.” 
“Why did you say that so casually?” Sulane asks the two of them. 
They shrug. 
Sulane checks her phone, seeing a text from Kendall and Jo. 
“He knows” 2:37pm Sent Read 
“Help” 2:38pm Sent Read 
The Blond one 
“She lied about having a boyfriend. Can you believe that?” 2:59pm Sent Read 
“Did you know?” 3:01pm Sent Read 
She shakes her head, not at all surprised that Jo got caught with her lie; she’s warned her so many times, saying that she’s going to get caught but the girl didn’t want to believe that it was going to happen. 
The Awesome One to The Blonde One
“I knew but I told her to be honest” 3:08pm Sent Read 
The Awesome One to JoJo
“I told you the fake boyfriend thing wasn’t going to work” 3:09pm Sent Read 
“I also said, if you ever get caught. You’re on your own.” 3:11pm Sent Read 
The boys meet up in the apartment. 
“I had such a crazy day. Check it out,” Carlos starts. 
“I had the best time today,” Kendall chimes in. “You guys got to hear what happened.” 
“You're not gonna believe what happened to me.”
Sulane raises a brow and sits across beside Katie. 
“I mean, what happened to us.” 
“That’s better.” 
“Hey, where’s Jasner?” Kendall asks. 
“He’s got to start preparing for a role.” 
“He got a part?” Mama Knight asks. 
“Yep,” she nods. “It’s for one episode but it’s going to be interesting because he has to play an evil warlock name Kaleb Sparker.” 
The guys nod politely. 
“The name could have been better though.” 
“I’m happy you said it,” Carlos adds. 
Mama Knight and Carlos’ dad set a couple of plates down as the latter asks, “okay, all right, guys. So how do we decide who tells their story first?” 
The door to their apartment breaks off the hinges and falls. 
“Logan goes first,” everyone says. 
The brainiac slowly walks in, unable to do so steadily. 
“She’s going down,” Sulane says as she rushes towards the poor boy. 
Everyone follows in suit when he falls face first. 
“Oh, she's fine. She's fine,” James says. 
Logan whines when they lift him up. 
Sulane decides it’s time to go back to her apartment, so she can get some sleep. 
James offers to walk her back to her place. 
“Do you think he’s going to make his move?” Kendall asks the other three. 
Logan shakes his head before groaning in pain. 
“Not a chance,” Carlos tells him. 
“Thank you for what you did earlier.” 
“What did I do?” 
She sighs, spinning around with her back now facing the door. “You know what you did.” 
“Oh, about the Camille thing it was- it was no big deal.” 
“It was for you though and I wasn’t talking about that initially but that was also a really nice thing of you to do. I know you’ve always wanted your face to be on the big screen and you saying no, hurt you.” 
He shrugs, “I mean, a little at first but now that I think about it… I’m kind of happy I said no.” 
“Why is that?” 
“They didn’t want me for me or my acting skills, you know. They just- they wanted me for my washboard abs which is a compliment, but I don’t think it’s something I want to be known for. Why are you smiling like that?” 
“I’m just realizing how much you’ve grown.” 
“What do you mean?” 
“Before you would have probably jumped at the opportunity to be the pretty face of the show but now, you’re taking people’s feelings into consideration and thinking about what you want in life.” 
James stares at the ground, suddenly feeling a little bashful. 
“I also wanted to say thank you trying to help me out when Camille showed the audition lady her secret weapon.” 
“Oh, that? Wait- that’s what you’re thanking me for.” 
She nods. 
“You don’t have to thank me for that. I’d do it again, you know. I mean, I- I care about you.” 
She pauses, every bone in body doesn’t move. 
“You’re my friend, of course I care about you, you know.” 
She lets out a quiet, “ah.” 
And here’s to the first time, they lied to each other about something. 
Sulane nods, “yeah, I know you do and that’s what I told- nevermind. It doesn’t matter. It's late and you should go back to your guys’ apartment. Who knows what tomorrows going to bring?” 
“Night, James.” 
“Night, Sullie.” 
She closes the door and rests against it, waiting until he leaves. She wipes her cheek. “There’s no reason to cry,” she tells herself. 
James feels like an idiot, that would have been the perfect time to tell her. 
She starts writing another letter, a new series that is for her eyes only. She’s up until one in the morning and she’s written four letters, using more than one page. 
Previously: Chapter VII // Continue: Chapter IX
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scotianostra · 2 years
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Happy Birthday Scottish dart player Peter Wright.
Peter was born in Livingston on March 10th 1970, but spent most of his childhood in England, he chose the country of his birth as his home nation when playing darts and helped Scotland win their first World Cup of Darts title in June 2019, defeating the Republic of Ireland 3-1 in the final in Hamburg.
Originally a qualifier for the 1996 Lakeside Championship, it would be more than a decade before Scottish-born Wright joined the PDC circuit on a full-time basis, he has since given up his job as a tyre fitter and gone from strength to strength.
After making progress up the rankings during 2011 and 2012 - which included his maiden ranking title at a Players Championship in Killarney - the following year saw Wright reach his first televised semi-final at the UK Open. He went on to reach the 2014 World Championship final, losing out to Michael van Gerwen but securing himself a spot in the Premier League and World Series of Darts, where he reached the final on his debut in Dubai.
The most colourful character on the circuit - with wife Jo, a hairdresser by trade, providing the painted hair to match his unique dress sense - Wright’s rise to third in the world included him being a finalist in back-to-back UK Opens and World Series of Darts Finals in 2015 & 2016 as well as in the PDC World Cup of Darts and a World Series event in Japan.
Wright began 2017 in style as he followed up an appearance in the World Championship semi-finals with three UK Open Qualifier wins, before going on to finally claim victory on the big stage with his triumph in the UK Open finals in Minehead, where he saw off Gerwyn Price in the final.
Three European Tour triumphs followed a treble of UK Open Qualifier victories, while Wright also claimed a Players Championship victory to consolidate his status as world number three in a brilliant start to 2017.
Wright went on to reach the Premier League Play-Offs for the first time in May 2017, finishing second in the final league table before defeating Taylor in the semi-finals, but he would pay for six missed match darts as Van Gerwen edged a thrilling final.
The Scottish ace claimed a European Tour title at the start of July 2017, before reaching the final of the World Matchplay later that month, only to lose out to Taylor in his last appearance on the Blackpool stage.
Wright picked up another European Tour win, followed by the German Darts Masters World Series crown, before going down to van Gerwen in the final of the Grand Slam of Darts in November 2017.
Having reached the final of the 2018 World Cup of Darts in June, Wright then won a first title of the year at Players Championship 14 in Wigan and then claimed his second World Series triumph at the Melbourne Darts Masters.
Wright backed up his Australian success with a third title of the year at Players Championship 17 in Barnsley in September and reached the World Grand Prix final for the first time the following month, losing out to Van Gerwen.
In the World Championship in December 2020 Wright survived a match dart at bullseye to win a sudden-death leg against Noel Malicdem in the second round, before beating Seigo Asada and Jeffrey de Zwaan, to reach the quarter-finals, where he triumphed 5–3 over Humphries to reach the semi-final for the first time since 2017 where he played Welshman Gerwyn Price winning through 6-3 in a bad tempered match.
In the final he again met Michael van Gerwen and won 7–3 in the final to become the 2020 World Darts Champion on January 1st.
In a season that was affected by the covid pandemic Wright picked up two of darts “majors” winning the Masters in February and  2020 Unibet European Championship in November, beating England’s James Wade 11-4 in the final. However  Wright had a poor showing at the Grand Slam failing to get through from the group stages, he later admitted it hit him hard and said “ I could have walked away from the sport quite easily.“ His form improved in his next event  with a run to the semi-finals of the Players Championship Finals  making him just the third player in history (after Michael van Gerwen and Phil Taylor) to exceed £1,000,000 on the order of merit.  Peter returned to defend his world title but Peter was eliminated in the third round after losing 4–3 to Gabriel Clemens who became the first ever German player to reach the fourth round. But Peter was back on top at this years  2022 PDC World Darts Championship on January 3rd, only the third Scot to win it twice, the others being, Gary Anderson and  Jocky Wilson, who will be featuring in a post later in the month.
Peter is currently ranked No. 2 in the world, he went out in the third round of the World Championship, he bounced back to win the 2023 Nordic Darts Masters in January, but just got knocked out the UK Open last Saturday to Welshman Richie Burnett, a shock for Snakebite, Burnett sitting at a lowly 71 in the rankings
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fritzes · 4 months
rg draw, here we go:
thing are looking pretty good for iga. ostapenko is not in her quarter which is always a relief, and her projected qf opponent is marketa, who obviously has a great history at rg but has been really inconsistent lately. if she’s on top of her game she could be a threat, but that’s a big if. I think the more likely quarterfinalist is danielle, and I don’t think she can challenge iga on clay. marta kostyuk is also lurking in this quarter and could do some damage if she’s playing well, but again, is that good enough to beat iga at rg? probably not. iga could play naomi second round, and while that wouldn’t really be competitive, it could be nice to see!
across the draw, coco also has a pretty decent path to the semis but unlike iga, she isn’t rock-solid at rg and if she double faults the way she’s been doing the last few months, that’s gonna be a huge problem. she could play haddad maia in the round of 16, a semifinalist from last year. but haddad maia is super streaky and upset-prone, so it’s debatable whether she’ll get there. in the bottom half of this quarter is ons, who’s been having a really terrible season. I would love to see her make a deep run, but I could see her losing to ostapenko or garcia in the round of 16 if not earlier. in the quarterfinals, either of the two mentioned above could make things difficult for coco, especially if ostapenko is at the rg level we all know she’s capable of
if the projected semifinal does happen, it’s probably gonna be a repeat of the 2022 final if not worse. coco just doesn’t have a chance against iga on clay, and especially not at rg
I think the third quarter is gonna be pretty crazy. elena’s health has been in question lately and her recent slam results haven’t been great. of course, at any given moment she could play like the best in the world, so who knows. I could see elina or nastia being quarterfinalists here. elena is capable of beating both of them, but on clay I think they’re both capable of beating her. at the other end of this quarter is qinwen, who’s results since the ao haven’t been great. I don’t think she’s very comfortable on clay, and I would predict jasmine or kalinskaya as quarterfinalists over her. also, bianca andreescu is apparently back and in this quarter, so it will be interesting to see how she does
I would be really surprised if aryna doesn’t make the semifinals. her potential early seeded are boulter, navarro, and keys, none of whom are clay players. there’s also the potential of playing paula again, but paula would have to get there and if she does, aryna is the heavy favorite. I really don’t know who the other quarterfinalist will be. I’d love to have confidence in maria, but noskova and especially dasha could be threats. still, there’s no one aryna can’t beat in this quarter
if the projected semifinal for this half happens, I would majorly favor aryna. she just beat elena in madrid, and she’s way more comfortable on slow clay
interesting r1 matches: bronzetti/osaka, yastremska/tomljanovic, ostapenko/cristian, andreescu/sorribes tormo, azarenka/podoroska, boulter/badosa
people like to say that novak saves his best tennis for slams, that his recent slump will come to an end here. I’m not so sure about that. in his path to the quarterfinals he’s got potential musetti and cerundolo, both good rg players. even tommy paul could trouble him. and, if he has his usual thing of playing his way into form with tough early matches, he’s going to be exhausted if he does make qfs and plays rg specialist casper ruud. mensik is an early hurdle, but I really don’t think casper has a difficult draw at all. taylor in the round of 16 should be easy on clay, and his confidence against novak is at an all time high after monte carlo. if there was ever a time to get revenge for last year’s final, it’s now
the second quarter… I can’t believe this is real. rafa vs zverev in the first round. unfortunately zverev is the favorite to win, but it is rafa at rg. you never know. even with that aside, this quarter is crazy. holger is always a wild card at rg, and he is definitely capable of taking out zverev to make the qfs. and on the other end is the hard court specialist himself, daniil medvedev. this is honestly the best draw he could ask for, with bublik and de minaur as predicted seeds. I don’t think he could beat holger at rg, but I do think he could do what he’s been doing for so very long and beat zverev
I have very little faith in the projected semifinal actually happening. maybe one will get there, but I doubt both will
to the much more pleasant half of the draw, carlos has a decent path to the qfs. his projected early opponents, draper and korda, are both ridiculously inconsistent and not great on clay. ben or felix in the round of 16 shouldn’t be an issue either. on the other hand, the other potential quarterfinalists have a terrible draw with a ton of french people and of course each other: andrey and stefanos. will andrey’s few tools beat him again? I’m not sure. stefanos is great at rg and I think he can beat andrey, but his record against carlos is abysmal. stefanos has a better chance in the round of 16, but andrey has a better chance in the qf
jannik couldn’t have asked for a better draw, and if he’s healthy I think he can really go far here. baez isn’t a challenger to him and jarry is super inconsistent which jannik can take advantage of. the projected quarterfinalist is hubi, but I think it’s more likely to be grigor considering how much hubi relies on his serve. also, after the week he had in rome, maybe tabilo could make a deep run as well, who knows
words cannot express how much I want this projected semifinal to happen. and if it does, I think I would have to pick carlos to win because he’s jus that much more comfortable on clay. then again, jannik did beat carlos in the umag final, so you never know
interesting r1 matches: fritz/coria, etcheverry/cazaux, ruud/mensik, zverev/nadal, navone/carreño busta, arnaldi/fils, wawrinka/murray (I can’t believe this is real)
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a2zsportsnews · 14 days
Fritz Finishes Zverev In Four To Reach First Grand Slam Semi
Fritz finishes Zverev in four to reach first grand slam semifinal Fritz subdues Zverev 7-6, 3-6, 6-4, 7-6 Taylor Fritz from California has reached the quarters at his home slam for the second consecutive year. The twenty-six-year-old has had a phenomenal season excelling on all surfaces. He triumphed on hard courts in Delray Beach, reached the final on the dirt in Munich (l. Struff), and won his…
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recentlyheardcom · 2 months
Lorenzo Musetti into 1st Grand Slam semi, sets Djokovic clash
Jul 10, 2024, 02:01 PM ET WIMBLEDON, England — Lorenzo Musetti threw his head again and unfold his arms huge to have fun reaching his first Grand Slam semifinal at Wimbledon then coated his face with each arms. His 3-6, 7-6 (5), 6-2, 3-6, 6-1 victory over Taylor Fritz on Wednesday was a giant deal, to make certain. In spite of everything, the Twenty fifth-seeded Musetti, a 22-year-old from Italy,…
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clickvibes · 1 year
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ghanashowbizonline · 1 year
Online News - US Open 2023 results: Novak Djokovic beats Taylor Fritz to reach record 47th major semi-final
Novak Djokovic advanced to his 47th Grand Slam semi-final by defeating Taylor Fritz in straight sets at the US Open. Djokovic is now just two wins away from equaling Margaret Court’s record for most major singles titles. Despite struggling with the heat, Djokovic overcame the physical challenges to secure the victory. In the semi-finals, he will face Ben Shelton, who reached his first Grand Slam…
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justablah56 · 1 year
my vape has been pronounced burnt so instead of hitting it and yarking: gothweebcleats anon here! headcanons time (cw for drug/alcohol talk idk if ur sensitive to that so!! fair warning ahead of time /gen)
the first one to fart in front of the others in the group (all 5 including hermie ofc) was linc. it was an accident and he was deathly embarrassed until taylor’s laugh attack also caused him to fart and then no one could keep it together (even scary. sorry beth)
taylor was the first to be Offered drugs/alcohol but scary was the first one to try weed. she was Exponentially Chiller and if this had been like. height of doodler era the guys wouldn’t have talked abt how they prefer her on weed but they would have all thought abt it (can’t be mean when you’re melting into the couch)
norm likes four lokos. (for those who don’t know: four lokos are 13.9% alc/vol (a lot), have four servings in a can, and have caffeine mixed in) scary likes vodka. taylor drinks rum but likes seltzers. linc doesn’t drink bc drinking is for lame-o’s who aren’t getting a degree in kickology (he’s the designated driver always and we love her for it). hermie is the smoker of the group but has been known to enjoy fancy ales
scary develops a semi-popular poetry blog on tumblr!! taylor and linc help her set it up because they support her and her endeavors and they r so so proud to watch her grow with the validation she receives
scary marlowe had never written love poetry. and then taylor and linc body slammed into her life and now all of a sudden she wants to write about linc and taylor and taylor and linc. she eventually gives them each their own poems (dedicated to them) and a copy of a poem about all three of them (all handwritten, all different) and like. okay. linc and taylor didn’t Really get the poetry thing before (this is their girl how can they not support even when they don’t understand) but now they think they do (they are crying to varying degrees of loudness)
scary and taylor not helping linc rekindle their relationship with his father (bc fuck all dads dad haters club) but instead taking him on fun dates and over to their houses and just. outside and Not with her dads all the time i know linc’s relationship with their fathers is something that has been played off mostly for goofs but they r so. so dependent on their dads it’s a little. worrying (or maybe we all just have different relationships with our parents but as a coddled kid i KNOW what over dependency on ur parents looks like)
all right that’s all for now folks o7 i think this one was mainly for me but!! hoping u find some enjoyment in it aether <3
welcome back gothweebcleats anon ! also ah sorry this took me a minute to respond to - but ahshnenjd all of this is so beloved !! also the boys all agreeing but never actually *saying* they all prefer chill high scary LMAO not gonna make a whole lot of comments on the alcohol hcs bcs . I cannot legally drink and do not plan to and therefore know nothing shjdjdkskd but I will just assume you are very correct abt all of them 😌 anyways , SCARY NOT WRITING LOVE POEMS UNTIL LINC AND TAYLOR AND LINC AND TAYLOT NOT UNDERSTANDING POEMS UNTIL THEY WERE SCARYS LOVE POEMS !!!💥💥!!! SO IMPORTANT TO ME !!! scary writing poems for all of them is literally so cute I love it <333 and Taylor and Scary not trying to get Linc to fix their relationship w her dads !!! helping him figure out how to have her own independence !!!!! takin them on cute little dates !!!! beloved !!!!!!
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sounmashnews · 2 years
[ad_1] TOKYO: Nick Kyrgios roared again from a "frustrating" first set on Thursday to achieve the quarter-finals of the Japan Open, defeating Poland's Kamil Majchrzak 3-6, 6-2, 6-2. Despite his sluggish begin, the maverick Australian emerged victorious in typical crowd-pleasing model, displaying off with aggressive aces and a few exaggeratedly easy factors. The 27-year-old, who was knocked out within the final eight on the US Open, mentioned that regardless of Majchrzak breaking his serve, there was "never really doubt in my mind that I was going to win". "I've barely been broken all year," so when "the opponent doesn't really do much to break me it's quite frustrating," he mentioned after the 1h 21min match. "I was just not playing the right way -- the court's very fast," Kyrgios added. But by being "a bit more aggressive" within the second and third units, the world quantity 20 mentioned he "ended up just weathering the storm and then coming through". "I've got really good confidence in my game right now. So I don't really doubt myself, even when I'm down a set... firing Grand Slams has given me that confidence." Kyrgios, whose lawyer appeared for him at a court docket listening to in Australia this week for a cost of widespread assault, will face third-seeded American Taylor Fritz within the quarter-finals. Fritz beat Japanese participant Hiroki Moriya 6-1, 3-6, 6-4, with the group rooting for his or her residence favorite proper till the top of the almost two-hour match. Japan's Rio Noguchi additionally crashed out of the event after being trampled 6-3, 6-1 by Canadian Denis Shapovalov, whereas Borna Coric of Croatia beat American Brandon Nakashima 7-5, 6-2. Earlier within the day, Frances Tiafoe got here by a second set battle to safe his spot within the quarter-finals, saying he wasn't bothered by rising expectations. The 24-year-old American, who has been within the highlight since beating Rafael Nadal on the best way to a primary Grand Slam semi-final on the US Open final month, overcame Spaniard Bernabe Zapata Miralles 6-1, 7-6 (9/7). The American breezed by the primary set earlier than Miralles fought again to take the second to a tie-break that noticed a number of the finest rallies of the 1hr 32min encounter. "Good match today, tough second set," mentioned Tiafoe, who has gained his final 13 tie-breaks. "Sometimes it tips well your way. I'm playing very aggressive, I'm serving well in the tie-breaks, always a couple of aces." He will face Miomir Kecmanovic within the final eight, after the Serb beat Britain's Dan Evans 6-3, 3-6, 7-6 (7/4). After gorgeous Nadal at Flushing Meadows, Tiafoe performed a starring position on the Laver Cup in London the place his Rest of the World Team beat Europe for the primary time within the competitors's historical past. But the fourth-seeded participant, at present world quantity 19, mentioned he was comfy with all the eye he's receiving. "I don't really care about what other people think I should be doing because I've had recent success. "You know: 'Oh, is he going to be the subsequent...?'," he said. "I've been on tour for seven or eight years now, none of that actually strikes me. I wanna win for me, I'm not making an attempt to attain anyone else's targets." !(function(f, b, e, v, n, t, s) )( window, document, 'script', 'https://connect.facebook.net/en_US/fbevents.js', );if(typeof window !== 'undefined') window.TimesApps = window.TimesApps [ad_2] Source link
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