#taurus ft
minnimayhem · 3 months
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I took so unbelievable long drawing this but I finally finished the redraw of my favorite ft manga cover
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would you happen to have any HCs about how the spirits react to the aftermath of Aquarius’ key breaking?
For sure! Also sorry about disappearing the last couple of days. Life has been very hectic recently!
Loke and Virgo watched it happen (or at least knew it was happening) so they spread the news quickly
They both were so panicked that the rest of the spirits could barely understand them. It was the two of them screaming and gesturing wildly while everyone freaked out around them
Loke and Virgo both feel really guilty about it. Thinking they should've been stronger and could've stopped it. (they couldn't but guilt doesn't care)
The entire spirit world was buzzing with worry. Then the king left and they knew Lucy succeeded at breaking the key
Aquarius came back with tears in her eyes. She didn't say a word and locked herself away
The King returned to all of the spirits (minus Aquarius) waiting. They all begged him to make an exception and allow Aquarius to stay with Lucy
He refused and said Lucy and Aquarius both knew the price
Everyone was tip toeing around Aquarius. For good reason, she had turned her sadness into hostility
Scorpio was the only one able to get any info out of Aquarius. He was the only one she'd speak to in general
It wasn't the first time a key was broken, but it was the first time they had cared so much about the mage they worked for
You could feel the tension and sadness in the air. The spirit world lost all its spirit for months
Some tried to pretend nothing happened (Loke, Taurus, Cancer)
Capricorn was the only one that took it well. While he felt bad for both women, he understood what needed to happen
The rest felt like they were mourning. Even tho they had access to both women. It still felt like they'd lost someone
Surprisingly Aries was also able to get Aquarius to open up. No one knows what she did and Aries is sworn to secrecy
They all were super tense when Lucy summoned them for the first time. They saw what it had done to Aquarius and were terrified of what Lucy they would be greeted with
They could also feel Lucy's sadness through their keys
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moxiepoxart · 3 months
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Lucy with big axe
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nalu-official-arts · 7 months
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Nalu Official Arts By Atsuo Ueda!
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robboyu · 6 months
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bumblebeehug · 1 year
i am not immune to the thought that lucy hated men after running away from her dad, and that natsu was the first guy she didn’t feel immediately scared of/repulsed by/weary of
like, yes, she flirted with that old mad for a discount on plue’s key - i can tell you for free that she hated every second of it, just cursing that he was a pervert for actually discounting the key at all (but her economic side still wished the discount should have been bigger)
and yes she met bora and was initially impressed with his magic - obviously he was actual dirt personified and everything, so clearly there were no neutral, mild feelings there
and maybe this is stretching it, but i bet it took a LONG time for her to get comfortable with Taurus - she initially thought he was scum as well for even looking at her tits when she was 15 (which he definitely was bc who gave him the right to thirst over a child) but then, years later she finally recognised that he didn’t flirt in a horny way - he just appreciated her for her, but the personality of his previous owner had stuck to him, specifically talk about tits and udders, so that’s the only way he knew how to talk to her, and since she was young she couldn’t keep him out for long enough for another vocabulary to stick
and anyways when she met natsu she for the first time felt like she was seen as a human. not like her mom, not like a piece of body, she was just. seen as,,,, anyone else. and that impression stuck with her in a way that made her more comfortable than she had been for many many years
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unofficialadamtaurus · 7 months
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Finally, cover art for Wilt and Scatter!
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zipzapattack · 24 days
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I started making a Leo x Taurus star dress mix a couple years ago. Obviously it could use some tweaking but should I finish it? 🤔
Let me know!
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Small and silly Lucy! 💛🌠
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idk if this is where I am to ask but, celestial spirits headcanons? Also Juvia ones?
i went into some more details here, but here’s some more!
Loke and Aries are very close, even before Karen. They often spend time in each other’s temples.
The Gemini spirits are pranksters, but seeing as they are childlike, they never mean to be malicious with anything they do.
Capricorn is often the one who gets them out of trouble, he’s like their babysitter.
All of the Zodiac are protective of them, wanting them to stay childlike and playful.
Aries, Virgo, and Libra are in a poly relationship.
The son of Pisces has a crush on Yukino, but nobody knows but his mother.
She’s advised him against pursing a relationship with a human, because of her own experience. He’ll outlive her thousands of years over.
Aquarius has a secret fondness addiction to human sweets, especially chocolate
Libra is blind & mute. She communicates telepathically with other Spirits and her Key Holder, but she also knows human sign language.
Taurus is a secret softie for plushies. Lucy gifts him some any chance she gets.
Juvia is transfem nonbinary and bi (she/they)
Her birthday is May 5.
She’s 5’4”, but often wears tall boots that make her anywhere from three to six inches taller. She’s a pear shaped and has a bit of fat padding, but not too much.
She never grew out of her gothic phase.
She’s mixed, afrolatina(mom) and Russian(dad). She looks like a perfect mix of them.
She doesn’t communicate with her parents, but they’re both still alive. After they kicked her out, they later wanted to reconnect after her growing popularity in Fairy Tail, but she declined.
She’s autistic.
She’s in a poly relationship with Gajeel and Levy. She was with Gajeel first.
She and Gray are in a platonic relationship and are very close.
She’s very protective of Wendy.
Her sense of taste is very watered down, she barely has a sense of taste.
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elegantavian · 10 months
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Her silly little family
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sakurakitsume-art · 2 months
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of-fairys-and-tails · 8 months
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A chapter day!
Chapter 74/545
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foreveranimegirl · 12 days
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kiliinstinct · 8 months
A Celestial Promise: For The Lucy Heartfilia Zine
I Can Finally Post the Piece I Wrote For @lucyheartfiliazine . Leftover Sales Released January 22nd - so pop on over if you'd like to snag one for yourself! This One-Shot Was Written as a Partner Piece to @phoenix-before-the-flame art submission for the Very Same Zine. I'll link to it here once I know it's been posted, so be on the look out for that! [Partner Piece]
The tick of the clock was louder than the sounds on the streets of Crocus. Lucy Heartfilia moved with the time, fingers tapping to a frustrated, staccato beat against the grain of her desk. The thud of her heel striking the floor soon joined in for an orchestra of thinly veiled desperation. The paper before her was a stark contrast from the dark wood, its white pages littered in red corrections. All things that were meant to clarify her errors, but only mocked Lucy as she struggled to understand her blunders. Jason, as goofy as most would think him to be while interviewing the many Guilds in Fiore, was a strict teacher. 
Too Vague. He said on one line. Too descriptive on another. Too opinionated, not subjective? Without the guild to call her home, Lucy thought she could finally, finally, make one in Sorcerer Weekly, writing their articles and bettering her craft. But this made the fifth rejected article since she began her apprenticeship under Jason and a strange, empty hopelessness began to seep into her limbs. 
“What am I doing wrong?” Downcast eyes tore themselves away from the offending parchment to meet the worried, small pupils of her current companion: Plue, her little Nikola. He sat on the edge of her desk, a half-eaten sucker dripped from his mouth as he tilted his large, bulbous head to blink curiously at her.  “You wouldn’t happen to know, would you?”
Lacking an answer beyond the little dog Spirit’s general babble of ‘puhn, puhn!’, Lucy turned her gaze towards the large wall by her bedside. In time, it will be covered in papers and documents listing all the locations and going ons of all her friends, but now, it was half what it would be, with a few papers pinned against it. Not all of her previous family, her friends, her Guild, have been located, but the few that were held empty smiles along the vast amount of saved photographs. 
None of them gave an answer either. What else was I expecting? 
“Pu-puhn!” Plue, ever the optimist on a bad day, regained Lucy’s attention. His gentle, tiny paws patted her arm and directed her back to the papers before her. The sucker, left behind to stick to the wood grain, was a minor concern Lucy would clean later. 
Plue was still directing her. Patting his soft head, Lucy thanked him and retrieved a fresh, clean sheet of parchment.  
“You’re right. I can do this. Thanks Plue.”
Nothing was ever gained by wallowing, was it?
Rejected. Again. And Again. How many times now? The scrunched papers of her previous work littered the floor and Lucy sighed, biting back bitter, frustrated tears. How many days, weeks even, would she have to go through? “Am I just not cut out for this?”
Listless. Directionless. The night Plue had directed her was a moment of respite, but days later, Lucy found the thought of summoning the spirit a worthless pursuit. He would want to help, of course he would. The cuddles of a little dog spirit were nice, but she didn’t have the time to cuddle. How many more rejections until Jason gave up on her? Until she was pushed back to modeling in a line of work that didn’t interest her? 
Was she… not good enough? 
“Can I really do this?” She whispered, not for the last time, her gaze tilted to the wall again, eyeing the ever constant growing images of all her friends. They were moving on. They were making more of themselves than the life they previously had. A recent news clipping of Levy being accepted into the counsel burned into Lucy’s retinas. She remembered seeing Gajeel’s own acceptance in those clippings, and the hints of her previous family joining other guilds. They were moving forward.
The one blank space saved for her previous team stabbed Lucy’s heart and she struggled to breathe. There was no Wendy, no Gray, no Erza to calm her down; to chase her horrid thoughts away. And no Natsu to cheer her on and tell her she was over thinking. 
“I was a low-grade wizard in a world full of superstars, and I’m silly enough to think I can write?” The laugh that escaped was a hollow, empty thing and Lucy wondered when her light had faded to a dull shine. Rather than a pen clinging to her hand, urging her to continue her pointless endeavor, Lucy looked to the keys on her hip, fingers gently brushing along the sleek metal. Her grip tightened on the jagged, broken reminder beside them.
Aquarius would have scolded me, Lucy reminisced, barely recognizing her own tears. She would have scolded and insulted me for sitting here, until I was so mad I’d finish an entire chapter out of spite, but she’s-
The water spirit wasn’t there. She wouldn’t be there. Never again. In the moments of her drowning emotions, Lucy buried her face into her arms, a sob wracking her shoulders against the desk. 
Lucy truly was alone.
The clock ticking echoed with a steady, loud rhythm that slowed Lucy’s cries, lulling her to sleep. Her blonde hair cascaded down her shoulders and off the table like a curtain. Lucy’s revised article for Jason would have to wait as Lucy succumbed to a sleep that muffled the sorrow chaining her.  
The keys on her belt began to hum as a gentle glow surrounded them and one, silver key illuminated in light as a tiny little dog spirit opened his gate and joined the world. His gentle paws were unseen and unfelt, but the light of the keys grew stronger as Plue nuzzled his face into the depths of Lucy’s hair. 
Lucy was floating in a blank space. Barely conscious of a soft weight against her head, but aware of the weightless air surrounding her. Her feet struck what felt like polished marble and a great staircase unfolded before her: ascending up and up into the clouds. She couldn’t see how far it rose, but with wide eyes, she began her ascent with soft, bare footsteps that echoed through the void.  
She didn’t know how she arrived or where she was going, but with each step Lucy became aware of something new. Her clothes no longer constricted her body, but flowed into an inky blue. Her hair flowed gently behind like water and somewhere above, beyond the steps Lucy couldn’t see, a set of voices called her name. 
“I’m,” She struggled to make a sound, mouth feeling like cotton as she croaked to the constant calling, “I’m coming!”
It takes a few moments, a few seconds of eternity, for Lucy to become rushed as recognition glints in her eyes. She knows these voices. She recognized the booming echoes that reverberated through the starry sky. These are her friends. Her dearest ones: Her spirits. The whisper of their voices become louder, beckoning her with the belief she can make it despite the climb. They coax her forward until the blistering pain in her lungs is forgotten. Lucy feels a burst of energy, gathering the dress in her hands to finish bounding up the last flight.
One voice, louder than the rest, represented a key that lay broken beside the others, called out, “Can you be any slower? Tch, hurry up already!”
Lucy knew her voice like it were a recording she listened to daily: Aquarius. 
“I’m here!” She gasped, stumbling to the highest platform where she crumpled into a heap as she dragged air into her lungs with every gasp. 
She made it; Floating just beyond her reach was the giant hand of the Celestial Spirit King hovering before her. His giant grin and mustache melded with the very sky as he watched from high above. His hand was huge, holding aloft the many faces of those she called friends. Those who had called for her.
“You made it.” Loke, her dearest friend and Guild Mate, called out from the tip of the King’s fingers, his own arm outstretched as he looked upon her with fond, endearing eyes. Beside him, the ever stoic Capricorn, nodded his head with pride.  Virgo waved while Scorpio clung to the Celestial King’s Pinkie, dangling excitedly as Aries sat upon his rigid tail. They called to her, the twins of Gemini bouncing along in their excitement. And among the cacophony of their voices, Lucy met the eyes of the one she had missed the most in the passing months.
Aquarius lay against the King’s palm, propped by her own arm as she looked upon Lucy with a stern, warm gaze. It was familiar and cementing. Lucy knew it for what it was. She was there for a reason and ready to scold her if it were necessary. Lucy stopped breathing as she reached towards them all as if they could breach the distance with their arms alone.
“You made it up all those stairs? Excellent!” Scorpio exclaimed.
“S-sorry for the trouble.” Aries called, timidly.
“Piri Piri!” 
“Miss Lucy, have you forgotten?” Capricorn interrupted, his gaze meeting Aquarius' for a moment as a silent understanding passed between them.
Lucy’s head tilted, blinking back the touched tears that threatened to spill down her cheeks. “Forgot what?”
They looked upon each other in silence, eyebrows raised and shook their heads. “That we’re right here, of course.”
It was Aquarius who spoke next, voice the sharpest among them, “That we’re always here, dummy.”
“Yes,” Loke cut in, his concern obvious as he looked upon Lucy through the tops of his sunglasses, “You’re not alone, Lucy. We’re right beside you: just call us.”
There was no stopping the tears. They flowed down like rain as Lucy’s shoulders shook, only now registering Plue taking his place beside her with a paw against her legs. His small shudders grounded her.  When she glanced back, her friends' faces were solemn, serious, but brimming with a hope that left her lungs feeling too full, set to burst with emotion.
Loke leaned forward as the King’s hand shifted just enough to bring them closer, “You don’t have to cry alone. Every one of us is here for you.”
With heart wrenching sobs, Lucy nodded, smiling through the tears, despite the teardrops that landed on her hands, her dress. Each second she cried, the pain and loneliness that sought to drown her in her waking hours, slipped off her shoulders like melted ice. The burden weighing so heavily grew lighter and lighter. With a small apology, her hands met Loke's, grasping them tight enough to feel the gap between her and her dear spirits disappear.
“Thank you!” She sobbed, “All of you.”
When Lucy woke, she was startled to see the view of her apartment and not the stars above. Dizzy and thrown off, but safe and warm in the bed she doesn’t recall laying down in, but Plue’s paw grasped her hand hanging off the bed.  He squeaked lightly when their eyes met and  slowly faded back to his own realm. Lucy doesn’t know what his puhn’s often mean, but she can feel the relief they both shared and watched as he set her keys against the bedside table before his visage completely disappeared.
Perhaps… It was more than just a dream. And far more important at that. It took Lucy no time at all to dive towards her desk, fingers already grasping her quill to start writing her article once again. 
“They’re right.” She said, eyes blazing, determined. “I’m not alone. I’m never alone. And I CAN do this.”
As the quick jots run across the parchment, Lucy thinks she heard Aquarius one last time, snorting derisively. ‘About time you realized that.’
For the first time in months, Lucy smiled. 
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marswasntthere · 5 months
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messy adam sketch on my ela homework okay bye i hate him explodes and kicks him
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