ladytauria · 1 year
Fic Stats Meme
Rules: Give us the links to your fic with the most hits, second most kudos, third most comments, fourth most bookmarks, fifth most words, and fic with the least words.
Thank you @bi-bats <33333 This was fun to do!
Most Hits: you know just what i need (11,199 hits) ??? this is wild to me, especially since before i spent most of my time in a teeny tiny fandom.
2nd Most Kudos: you know just what i need (1,005 kudos) see above. also ofc this one is on here twice xD
3rd Most Comments: ogling vs situational awareness (22 comment threads)
4th Most Bookmarks: hard work and hypocrisy (139 bookmarks) hello, ducktales! ngl, i only wrote two fics for this fandom, so i'm surprised it made it on this list!
5th Most Words: you know just what i need (7,164 words), technically BUT given that two of the top 5 slots are occupied by two works i've been heavily considering deleting* i'm gong to move down two slots. which gets us to drabbles (5,233 words). these are mostly silly, & some of them aren't so much drabbles as they are not-fics, but... XD
Least Words: starshine (448 words) a pjo/hoo fic, and also, i believe, the first fic i ever posted to ao3 when i finally decided to start migrating from ffn. i also only ever wrote two fics for this fandom, so it's another surprise, lol.
*they're both original works, and meant to be prequels to the novel i'm writing. however... while the first is still mostly canon, the second one is not, at all. and i'm not sure i want them floating around anymore, lol. but i also don't want to regret deleting them, so... i haven't.
no pressure tag (& apologies if you've been tagged before!): @monkeymindscream; @aceofshitposts; @the-alice-of-hearts
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