#taub's a beta-passing alpha i suppose
marc--chilton · 2 months
okokok please don't feel pressured to keep answering my many asks (you can say "hey riff shut up" at any point and i will follow suit) but uh. here's another
yknow when house fakes cancer to try to fix his pain with that clinical trial and the ducklings find out and get all scared and chase gives house a hug while sobbing and house is just like "aw rats i got a blubbering australian twink hugging me because he thinks i'm dying"? by that point had said blubbering australian twink already wormed his way into house's paternal instincts or was he still just that dumb employee?
also, what would taub's a/b/o classification be in your opinion? because i can see many options for him (whereas imo basically all the others except chase and thirteen are betas). would being a beta married to an alpha or an omega cause any pressures in your relationship? in your mgv does that explain partially why taub's marriage is so failing (it's all his fault)?
dw i know i dont have to answer everything i just Wanna, i'm closing in on thirty and have better things to worry about than answering asks on tumblr dot com. like getting my dentist referral tomorrow 😰
by that cancer faking point, chase has long since imprinted on house and house has warmed up to him enough to feel a little bad about upsetting him but not enough to come clean. it strains that tentative familial bond between them for a while. eventually they sort of smooth things out tho (mostly through nonverbal cues as that's the easiest way for house to communicate and not have his intentions be doubted as he doesn't do it often. not for 'professionalism' like one might think but because to do so is to tap into his instincts, and thanks to his own issues, means he's reminded that he's an omega. yknow, the problem with he has that stemmed from his own dad's rejection? yeah)
ducklings mgv statuses are as follows
omega - chase, cameron
beta - kutner
alpha - foreman, taub, thirteen
while a being a beta isn't a dealbreaker for relationships with alphas or omegas, since some betas especially struggle with the nuances of these statuses, there may be some bumps in the road. taub's marriage fails because he just sucks at being a husband. he actually toes the line of 'alpha' and 'beta' so while he's an alpha, he's not as 'tuned in', if that makes sense?? nor does he care to be on average since he's not taken super seriously as an alpha as a short balding guy
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