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resonanteye 2 years ago
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a drawing I did hoping to tattoo it as a sleeve. I drew it for fun; I think it would also be a cool partial backpiece.
might be nice on a leg running down, quail on the foot. who knows.
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yellowloid 2 years ago
Surely they saw the paps right? 馃槶 lemme not say anything lol
they definitely look like they're aware of them lmao they're not that good as actors. obviously we can't say 100% that the whole thing was staged for whatever reason so that's kind of sterile discourse BUT what i really want to talk about is the tattoo
over the past four years it's been like. the most private arm in the whole history of arms. my dude has been wearing long sleeves, shirts and jackets all year long when it came to public appearances, basically overheating himself every night last summer AND over the past few weeks of tour (if you're european, and especially southern, you know how fucking unbearably hot it's been) just to make sure his arm wasn't in sight so that no one could actually tell if the tattoo was still there... just for it to be revealed to the whole world in a shitty article that no one asked for about his vacation with his girlfriend? and i know people have sometimes seen him (mostly fans who met him) with his arms uncovered, but he's been pretty adamant on keeping them covered whenever exposed to the public eye, notably during concerts. if he really didn't care about everyone knowing he decided to keep it for whatever fucked up reason, why put all that dedication into keeping his whole arm concealed for so long?
not to mention the psychological and relationship-related implications of it still being there because that's a whole 'nother post lmao
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mangled-wings 2 years ago
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Fox concept sketch (for totally real commission)
This is my original design done all by myself definitely not traced or copied from anywhere!!
Oh and that鈥檒l be 1500$ just for looking at my commissions concept sketch I need another 2000 if you actually want and input!!!!
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i-am-loco 2 years ago
the tiktok tattoo discourse is always some new shit like first it was the lady letting her 11 year old do tattoos on real people and then theres another lady whos scammed the FUCK out of people and harasses and threatens literally everyone with legal action if they say they think she should stop and its like. what the fuck
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emptybamboogirl88 2 years ago
this tattoo drama on tiktok...wow. i'm glad i never had a bad experience and pay *that* much.
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hurremsultanns 3 months ago
And what if I wrote a season 3 rewrite fic
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pouchie153 2 years ago
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ceruleanpunch 2 years ago
can we put naming things _____gate in time out. it's becoming watered down
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i-am-a-megalodon 2 years ago
the whole tattogate thing is proof that the internet can unite people for good
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bufferingad 2 years ago
Confession time: we have used _____Gate as the title for all scandals (eg CakeGate, TattooGate) sooo often that the whole time this Titan submersible thing has been going down I thought OceanGate was what we named this scandal and not the actual fucking name of the company
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jechristine 4 months ago
thank god the tattoogate lore hasn't crossed over to any other social media where she might catch wind of it because i'm sure she'd be silently spiraling over that too 馃槶
May she never come here to tumblr.com
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hurremsultanns 2 months ago
The version of MC season 3 where we come of the heels of the 'I will rule the world' scene and H眉rrem is more powerful than ever now but also increasingly isolated (both through her own self-sabotage and making enemies but also due to the work of her abusers) throughout season 3a (and you get moments like her crying alone in her room in episode 69) up until episode 72 when Afife saves her from her suicide attempt and defects to her side. Thus seeing the beginning of her reversal of fortune as she begins to build up her found family, do charity work, find out a secret that will get Firuze expelled from the harem (that will NOT be as stupid as fucking tattoogate) and then the following year you get the combination of Ibrahim's death and the S眉rrem marriage.
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lakemichigans 2 years ago
i'm not on tiktok so i've only just now heard about the tattoogate thing but i'm glad people are talking about this because tattoo artists can be sooooo scummy to people who don't know much about tattoos yet. when i was 17 i paid $200 for a consultation based on a design i created myself, but when he showed me the sketch it was literally nothing like what i asked for. when i told him i wanted it to be more similar to my design, he said he could redo the sketch but it would cost me another $200. i didn't want to lose all the money i already gave him so i agreed. except he came back out with an even worse sketch that wasn't even in the same art style as i asked for. at that point i was near tears thinking i'd have to pay $400 just to leave with nothing. on top of that, he said that he would keep my design and put it in his book of ideas for other clients to look through, which really upset me because the design was so personal and like i said, i created it myself. i hated the idea of someone else walking around with my tattoo on their body. luckily my dad was in the lobby so he came into the room and asked what was going on. immediately the artist changed his tune and started apologizing and saying i could get a refund if i'm not happy with the sketches. but if i was alone, i really believe i would've had to pay that fee AND have my design stolen
anyway, never pay for a consultation fee unless that fee is going towards the final total for the tattoo and/or you're allowed to make changes free of charge. + never be afraid to walk away even if it means losing money, because it's only going to be worse if you get a tattoo you know you don't want
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pouchie153 2 years ago
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voiidwalking 2 years ago
i think the company being called oceangate is very funny considering the circumstances in which everyone is talking about it. its like tiktoks cakegate or tattoogate. every hilarious piece of news is a Gate of some kind
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milfmanifesto 2 years ago
The tattoogate artist suing the people she scammed is just dragging her reputation through the mud again
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