#tattooed danish female celebrities
fanfic-archive · 4 years
A Little More than an Alliance
Eivor Wolf-Kissed x Female Reader
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Summary: Eivor has been travelling all over England, forging alliances and making a name for herself. Now she comes to your little kingdom in the hopes of forging an alliance with the king, your father.
Word Count: 3299
It was impressive, the amount of allies the Raven Clan had forged since arriving in England, and that news eventually reached your town. So, you had certainly heard the name ‘Eivor Wolf-Kissed’ before, and you supposed it was only a matter of time before she stepped foot in your little region of England. 
When news of Eivor wanting to meet with the king got around, your father agreed to a talk. You, your father, and his most trusted men gathered in the throne room, waiting for the Viking to arrive.
As soon as the Dane stepped into the hall, your full attention was on her. You couldn’t help it, of course you have heard of her but you still had no idea what to expect in many ways. Now, she stood in front of you and your father.
You felt foolish, never before have you been so captivated by a person. Your father and her spoke, while you took in each detail of her appearance. Her clothes, her braids, the parts of tattoos and scars that were visible, the way she held herself and walked into the hall with purpose, like she owned the place, how she showed respect while simultaneously demanding it with just her presence.
Eivor must have noticed your staring because she glanced over at your, making eye contact for just a moment but it was enough to turn your cheeks a light shade of pink and tear your gaze way from her.
Your father, the king, had never been too fond of the Danes but you had always been more open minded, simply curious about them. The truth was, you wanted to learn more about them, preferably from Eivor. 
The meeting between Eivor and your father didn’t go so well, your father didn’t seem interested in any sort of alliance but you knew that she wouldn’t give up that easily. 
Once the meeting ended, your father retired to his chambers while Eivor headed out of the hall. Deciding to try your luck, just a little, you followed after the Dane. 
“Excuse me” you spoke as you caught up with her, your voice making her pause and turn to you. “I’m sorry for my father’s rudeness” you apologised on the king’s behalf. 
“He isn’t the first leader to protest, but I’ve never let it stop us before” she shrugged slightly. 
“He isn’t...a fan of your people but I want you to know that we don’t all think the same way and that I think he will come around in time” you assured her. 
“I’ve won over stubborn Saxon’s before, I’m sure I’ll manage it again” she nodded in agreement. 
“I hope you do” you admitted, glancing over at the pair of your father’s men who were watching you both, likely wondering why you were talking to her without your father’s presence. “Would you walk with me?” you asked, wanting to get away from the curiously men. Eivor nodded, making you smile before you both left the hall together. “I believe an alliance between our people will benefit us both...and I confess you and your people intrigue me” you told her as the doors closed behind you. 
“Is that so?” Eivor asked with a small hum, walking through the streets of the town with you. 
“My father believes that your belief in multiple Gods is heathenism and therefore damning, though I imagine our belief in a singular God confuses you just as much” you shrugged. 
“It’s not the belief that confuses me, but the way you worship” Eivor confessed, a little curious about what you had to say. 
“We must humble ourselves before God” you explained simply. 
“We seek glory in the name of our Gods, I doubt you would consider that humble. We should take pride in our glories” she shook her head, clearly disagreeing. 
“Pride is a sin” you informed her playfully. 
“Another confusing concept of yours: sin. Your people make sins out of our nature. It is honour that decides our fate after death” she told you. 
“Your Valhalla?” you asked and she nodded in confirmation. “Now that is something I don’t understand. The feasting and celebrating sounds like a wonderful end but the continuous battles I may never understand. After everything you earn in life, don’t you want the next one to be...peaceful?” you pondered. 
“And your afterlife is that?” Eivor questioned. 
“...I suppose we can only hope” you sighed softly. You had faith and you trusted that faith, but nobody could know for sure. 
“You are a curious princess” she smiled slightly to herself, curiously looking you up and down, which definitely made you blush again. 
“Thank you” you smiled softly, hoping that your flushed face wasn’t too noticeable. “I wish to further understand your people. Understanding and respect are the only things that can bring us together” you insisted. 
Eivor went to speak but was interrupted by a man calling your name. The two of you turned to see one of your father’s most trusted men, one that you had known since you were a child, approaching you both. “Your father has requested your presence” he told you. 
You nodded before turning back to Eivor. “I have to go” you sighed, sounding disappointed. “But I enjoyed our talk and I trust you don’t plan on leaving until you have formed an agreement, so perhaps we could talk further when you have the time?” you looked up at her with a hopeful gaze, and she had to admit that she wouldn’t mind speaking with you some more. 
“It would be my pleasure” she nodded, smiling at you. You returned her smile before heading off to speak with your father. 
Eivor watched you walk away with a small smile on her face, just has she had captured your attention, you had captured hers. 
Unsurprisingly, Eivor did stay, continuing to speak with your father about possible alliances. 
Though, she spent a good portion of her days speaking with you instead. She told you all about Norway and her life there, why she and her clan came to England, and their journey here. Your favourite stories where the ones she told you of her Gods, even they were flawed being and you found that you liked that.  
Of course, you told her about your life growing up in England, laughing at the vast differences of your experiences. She told you about her experiences, but they were things you could only imagine. Your stories just didn’t compare in your eyes, they weren’t nearly as interesting in your opinion. 
Eivor just had so many stories, either from her life or about her Gods, and she told them so well, so poetically. Each and every one held your fascination, you could just listen to her for hours on end. 
You had offered to give her a proper tour of the town, the two of you got some curious looks from the people you passed, the Saxon Princess and the Danish drengr, but neither of you cared much. She had even taken you out of town for the day, without your father’s knowledge. It had proven surprisingly ease to sneak around to spend time with this fascinating woman. 
All the while, Eivor was making impressive strides in forging an alliance with your father. She wasn’t doing it alone though, you were helping, trying to convince your father to consider the proposition. 
It wasn’t too long before your father realised that both you and the Raven Clan had a shared enemy, Kind Alfred. So, your father set the terms of the alliance, if Eivor could help him and his men eliminate Alfred’s control over the region, she would have him as an ally. 
Your father had only recently left for the camp that they were going to regroup at, leaving you with a goodbye and a promise to return. 
Now you stood alone in the empty throne room, which would undoubtable be the place you waited until they all returned safely. You were just about to sit down when the front doors opened and Eivor walked into the room. 
“Eivor, you haven’t gone yet?” you were definitely surprised to see her here, having assumed she would be one of the first at the camp, preparing for battle. 
“I wanted to come and tell you that we’d be attacking Aelfred’s men tonight, I am meeting your father at the camp soon” she explained her presence. Knowing that she had come to see you just to say goodbye made you smile just a little, you would have smiled more if you hadn’t been so worried. 
“I know, he just left to prepare” you nodded, walking towards her so that you both met in the centre of the hall. “Tell me, Eivor, are you even better in battle than you are at diplomacy?” you asked. 
“The battlefield is almost like a second home to me” she nodded, her brow furrowing in confusion and curiosity at your question. 
“Good...then I suppose I have nothing to worry about” the answer didn’t really do anything to put your mind at ease, you already knew about her prowess on the battlefield, you had heard the stories...and yet you still worried about her. 
“You’re worried we won’t succeed?” Eivor questioned you with a small frown. 
“Well...yes, but not because I’m doubting your abilities. I’m more concerned about your safe return” you confessed. 
“I’ll be fine, we’ll likely be back sometime tomorrow” she promised you, sounding confident in it. 
“And you’ll look out for my father, it’s been some time since he saw battle” you requested. He had never been a coward in a fight but you still worried about him, he was family after all. 
“I will, I promise” she nodded before turning to leave. 
You hadn’t expected her to try to leave so suddenly, there were still things you wanted to say to her. 
“Eivor” you swiftly caught her hand in yours, making her stop and turn back to you. She looked at you expectantly, seeing the worry written on your face. “Please be careful” your voice was soft, like a quiet prayer. 
“You don’t need to worry” Eivor raised her hand, tucking a strand of loose hair behind your ear with a surprisingly soft smile on her face. 
Both her smile and gesture were gentle, more gentle than one might expect from a drengr such as herself. You had learnt during your time with her that she certainly did have a gentle side to her, one that she had been kind enough to show to you. 
“I’ll be back soon, after we claim our victory” she assured you, her hand slipping around to the back of your neck before pulling you closer. 
You went to speak, to question her, but you where quickly shut up. Your eyes widened slightly as her lips pressed against yours firmly. Slowly coming out of your surprised stated, your eyes fluttered shut and your hands rested on her arms as you returned the intense kiss. You had never felt so much heat and passion in a single gesture...or at all for that matter. 
Eivor broke away from the kiss, leaving you breathless. She brushed her thumb over your cheek before pulling away from you completely, walking out of the hall to prepare for battle, leaving you standing in the middle of the throne room, slightly stunned by the sudden development. 
The next day your father and his men returned, just like they all promised. Your father had greeted you with the good news and a hug before taking his place on his throne, you standing by his side as he spoke to two of his men. 
You had been paying attention to the conversation...until Eivor walked into the hall. As soon as you saw her, you were solely focused on her, and you were sure that your face just lit up at the sight of her. 
The truth was that you just wanted to run to her, but you knew that you couldn’t. So, you stayed put, just grateful for her safe return. She seemed glad to see you as well, greeting you with a nod and a smile, both of which you returned.
Everyone had returned, the dead had been honoured, the battle was won, and an alliance had been forged. So, it was time to celebrate, and everyone did so with a feast. 
As the men, Saxon and Dane alike, celebrated with food, drink, and music, your father sat up on his throne looking on with pride. 
You had left your father’s side, approaching Eivor, who was leaning against a wooden post in a quieter part of the hall. “Your people seem much better at celebrating than mine” you commented, getting the woman’s attention. 
“I’d have to agree with you” Eivor nodded as you moved to stand beside her, the two of you watching the more rowdy Danes attempting to bring out the worst in the more reserved Saxons. 
“...it looks like fun” you sighed. 
“It is. Why don’t you join in?” she asked, looking down at you. 
“I can’t” you shook your head, sounding displeased. 
“Of course you can. You’re a princess, you can do whatever you want, especially if that thing is celebrating” Eivor chuckled a little, seemingly not understanding your claim. 
“My father considers it indecent of me to join in with the festivities” you told her, making her roll her eyes.
She seemed to think about something for a moment before looking back at you. “Come on” she nodded at you to follow her before walking off. 
You frowned slightly in confusion but followed after her anyway. She grabbed two tankards off of a table, filling them with mead, before heading for the front door. You were still none the wiser as to what was going on in her head but you didn’t question it, you only followed curiously. 
Following her outside, you let the doors close behind you both before coming to a stop around the side of the building. It was dark outside now, the night sky lit up by the moon and the stars, the glow from the torches lighting up the town. Everyone else was in the hall, so it was just the two of you were out here, making it all the more peaceful. 
“I guess you’ll be returning home now” you realised with a dejected sigh, taking a sip of your mead. 
“I will. I’ve finished my business here, and I am needed back in Ravensthorpe” Eivor nodded, drinking from her own mead. 
You have had some time to think about what you wanted out of life and you knew that now was the only time you might get to ever seek something new. “Would you take me with you? Back to Ravensthorpe?” you asked, knowing that the question was probably surprising. 
“Now, why would you want that?” she did sound curious but she seemed to hide her surprise pretty well. “I love my father and I love our home, and I don’t plan on cutting all ties, but I don’t think my place is here anymore...I think there’s something more for me out there” you confessed, looking over at her and attempting to disguise the longing in your gaze. You succeeded...partly. 
“I’m not one to try to talk somebody out of following their fate but I have to ask, why don’t you think your place is here?” she didn’t sound judgemental, she just wanted to better understand. 
“I will never be considered for the throne and I’m okay with that, I don’t think I even want it, but if I am not here to be my father’s heir...there is no real role for me here” you explained honestly. 
“And what would your role be in Ravensthorpe?” Eivor questioned and you paused for a moment. She made a fair point, what use would you be to the Raven Clan? 
“...I guess I’ll have to figure that out” you confessed with another sigh, looking out at the quiet town in front of you. Surely, she wouldn’t accept your request, she had no reason too. 
“I’m sure I can think of a place for you” she reassured you casually, taking another drink. 
“Really?” your head shot round to look at her with widened eyes. “Is that you agreeing?” you asked. 
“Will your father allow it?” she answered your question with another question. 
“He won’t like it but I don’t think he could stop me, nor would he break his alliance with you. He never was too fond of Danes but he is a man of his word, plus I believe you have won him over on your people” you told her. 
“Tonight we celebrate, we leave tomorrow morning...we’ll speak with your father then” she nodded, not even questioning her decision. 
“Before we leave, I must ask...before you left to fight Alfred’s men...” the confidence you just had, asking to leave with her, faded as you brought up the subject that you really wanted to talk about.
“Yes?” a small smirk tugged at her lips. 
“What was that?” you asked. 
“What was what?” she was teasing you now and you knew it, she wasn’t even attempting to hide her smirk. 
“Eivor” you groaned in frustration and embarrassment, but she just chuckled. “The kiss, what was that?” you asked, a light blush spreading over your cheeks as you hung your head slightly to avoid her gaze. 
“Did you not enjoy it?” Eivor asked but it didn’t really sound like a genuine question. You guessed that she already knew the answer, she was just teasing you. 
“Yes, I...of course” you assured her quickly, making her smile. “I was just wondering what it meant...” your words drifted off again. 
“Well...” Eivor smiled as she placed her tankard down and turned to you, “...I meant...” she reached out tenderly and pushed some hair out of your face, reminding you of your encounter before she left for battle, “...that I would like it if you joined me in Ravensthorpe.”
Her answer made you smile, glad to hear that you meant as much to her as she meant to you. This time you were less surprised when she cupped your cheek in her hand and lent in to capture your lips in a kiss, her other hand resting on your waist.
You placed your tankard down as carefully as you could as you returned her kiss, bringing both of your hands up to cup her face. The hand against your cheek fell to grip the other side of your waist as Eivor pulled you closer to her, making you wrap your arms around her neck. 
This kiss was even better than the last and you hoped that there would be many more in the future. The way she kissed you, the way she touched you, even the way she looked at you, lit a fire in you that you had never experienced before and you didn’t ever want to lose that feeling. 
You reluctantly broke the kiss but didn’t pull away from her. “Come with me” you practically whispered as you took her hand in yours, stepping away from her. 
“Where are we going?” Eivor asked curiously, letting you guide her around the longhouse, towards one of the doors around the back. 
“Tonight is about celebrating, is it not?” you asked, looking back over your shoulder at her with a small smirk of your own. 
Eivor smirked in return, quickly catching on to your plans for the evening, letting you sneak her back to your chambers.
Once you reached your chamber, you closed the door and returned to Eivor’s embrace. She instantly pulled you into another kiss, and before you knew it she was lowering you onto your back on the furs of your bed.
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celebritattoo · 3 years
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Tattooed Danish Female Celebrities | By Florian Facchin · Minus, done in Brussels. http://ttoo.co/p/288511
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gilmour-may · 5 years
100 truths
I was tagged by my boo @basementmermaid, thanks hun 💖 Dang this was a wild one, so strap in! 
1) Real Name: Klara
2) Nicknames: Kluk, Klukki, Cookie, many variations on my last name
3) Zodiac Sign: Aquarius sun, aquarius moon (a lot of aqua energy, i know) and scorpio rising
4) Male or Female: Female
5) Nursery: Good times
6) Primary School: Also good times
7) Secondary School: We don’t have anything called secondary school in Denmark 🤷🏼‍♀️
8) Hair color: Depending on the season, dark blonde/light brown
9) Long or Short: Long
10) Loud or Quiet: Somewhere in between? 
11) Sweats or Jeans: Jeans
12) Phone or Camera: Camera
13) Health Freak: Nahhh
14) Drink or Smoke: Used to be a smoker, not anymore. I’m Danish (Aka yes I drink)
15) Do You Have A Crush On Someone: No
16) Political orientation: Socialist
17) Piercings: Earlobes, helix and a nostril piercing
18) Tattoos: I have one on my ribs
Have you ever been in:
19) Airplane: Yes
20) Car *Accident*: No
21) Fist Fight: No
22) First piercing: Ears
23) First Best Friend: My friend who I’ve known since I was 2, she’s more like a sister at this point
24) First Instrument played: Piano
25) First award: Horseback riding
26) First Crush: This boy in my class in 1st grade. I still remember his birthday
27) First Language: Danish
28) First Big Vacation: South of France
29) Last Person you talked to: My mama
30) Last Person You Texted: My mama
31) Last Person You Watched: My mama (Wow)
32) Last Movie You Watched: John Wick 3 🤘🏽
34) Last Song You listened to: “Any Colour You Like” by Pink Floyd
35) Last Thing You Bought: Lunch today
36) Last Person You Hugged: My mama 
38) Drinks: Beer or coffee 
39) Clothing: Denim dress and my docs
40) Book: Right now it’s “Normal People” by Sally Rooney
41) Color: Any and all shades of blue
42) Flower: Sunflowers!!! 🥰
43) Music: Any and all variations of rock, pretty much
44) Movie: The Godfather 2 
46) Subjects: Chemistry, Biology, Religion 
In the last year
47) [ ] Kissed in the rain
48) [ ] Celebrated Halloween.
49) [ ] Had Your Heart Broken
50) [ ] Went Over the Minutes on Your Cell Phone
51) [x] Someone Questioned Your Sexual Orientation.
52) [ ] Used a Weapon
53) [ ] Breathed fire
54) [ ] Had an Abortion

55) [ ] Done something you’ve Regretted  
56) [x] Broke a Promise
57) [x] Kept a Secret
58) [x] Pretended To Be Happy
59.) [x] Met Someone Who Changed Your Life
60.) [x] Pretended To Be Sick
61) [x] Left The Country
62) [×] Tried something you normally wouldn’t like, and liked it.
63) [x] Cried Over The Silliest Thing
64) [ ] Ran a Mile
65) [x] Went To the Beach
66) [x] Stayed Single
67) Eating: Nothing.
68) Drinking: Green tea
69) Getting Ready To: Sleep 🤠
70) Listening To: "The Dark Side of The Moon” by Pink Floyd 🥺
71) Plans For Tomorrow/Today: Work, work, work
72) Waiting for: Nothing, really 
Your future
73) Want Kids: Nah
74) Want To Get Married: Naaaaah 
75) Careers in mind: Doing a Ph.D, research, chemical analysis with the police, lots of thoughts!! 
What’s better on a guy or girl
76) Lips or Eyes: Lips
77) Shorter or Taller: Taller
78) Romantic or Spontaneous: Spontaneous
79) Nice Stomach or Nice Arms: ARMS!!!! 
80) Sensitive or Loud: Both
81) Hook-up Or Relationship: Relationship
82) Troublemaker or Hesitant: Troublemaker
Have you ever
83) Lost Glasses/Contacts: No
84) Ran Away From Home: No
85) Held A Weapon, For Self Defence: No
86) Killed Somebody: No
87) Broken Someone’s Heart: Yes
88) Been Arrested: No
Do you believe in
90) Yourself: Yes
91) Miracles: Yes
92) Love at First Sight: No
93) Heaven: In a sense
94) Santa Claus: No
95) Easter Bunny: No
96) Magic: No
97) Is There One Person You Wanna Be With, Right Now: Yes
98) Are You Seriously Happy With Where You Are, In Life: As of right now, yes
99) Are You Happy With The Person You’re With: Ain’t with anyone 🤷🏼‍♀️
100.) Post as 100 Truths and Tag five People: @mrs-tambourine-girl@britishsixtiesbeat @glennfreyy @punkslap @cirrusminors if y’all feel like it my loves 💕 I know this is a big one!!! But I’d love to know 👏🏻
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tattooyeol · 6 years
rules: answer and tag 20 followers you want to get to know better.
tagged by: @exosalt im so sorry lmao mvslknvgjlkfn this got buried in my likes I swear I meant to do it like a month ago ily rly <3 
nickname(s): i have too many to bother writing them all down tbh lmao
gender: female
height: 158
time: 19:58
star sign: scorpio
birthday: november 13th
what do I post: exo and memes.. I have a sideblog for marvel and dc + other fandom stuff nbkdg 
favorite bands/artists: EXO!!!! John Mayer, Matt Corby, James Bay... 
song stuck in my head: Summertime 
last movie I watched: I legit cant remember LMAO 
last TV show i watched: Friends? 
do I get ask: never enough asks! but then again, I dont blog much these days so yeah
average hours of sleep: 7-9 wish
URL meaning: tattoo-chanyeol to celebrate his many inks 
nationality: danish 
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nofomoartworld · 8 years
Art F City: This Week’s Must-See Art Events: Winter is Coming
The Whitney Biennial Installation view. Photo: Paddy Johnson
The week is of course dominated by two news items: The Whitney Biennial and The Wintery Downfall.
After the blizzard, Wednesday is a great opportunity to get yourself in the snowy mood, art-wise. Enjoy doses of culture from freezing, windswept regions, including Marsden Hartley’s Maine at The Met Breuer (if you’re missing the Whitney’s old digs) and Berlin-based Danish/Norwegian duo Elmgreen & Dragset in conversation with Dan Cameron at The Flag Art Foundation. Later, catch the Icelandic thriller Hevn at Scandinavia House’s New Nordic Cinema screening series.
Other highlights include Fort Gansevoort’s female-perspective sports show March Madness Thursday night and TRANSFER’s four year birthday party, which will feature affordable editions from some of our favorite digital artists.
Oh yeah, and make time to check out the Biennial. I’m told it’s good, but “traumatic”. An appropriately bleak show to match our physical and political climate?
SVA Theater
333 West 23rd Street New York, NY 7:00 p.m. - 9:00 p.m.Website
Laura Larson and Mark Alice Durant Reading and Book Signing
Art writers Laura Larson and Mark Alice Durant will be reading from their respective books Hidden Mother and 27 Contexts: An Anecdotal History in Photography. Both deal with photography as a form of personal and cultural memory.
I know Mark Durant (who runs the fantastic art blog Saint Lucy) personally, and listening to him talk about art is such a pleasure. This is definitely the one thing worth braving the weather to attend.
The Met Breuer
945 Madison Ave New York, NY 10:00 a.m. - 5:30 p.m. Website
Marsden Hartley's Maine
This exhibition traces the influence of Marsden Hartley’s native state of Maine on the artist’s practice. This should be good—Hartley is one of America’s most beloved painters—but also unique. No exhibition has ever focused on his hometown roots. Maine both offered the artist a space to experiment and a source of inspiration—from finding his voice as a landscape painter to being the source of personally-informed portraiture.
FLAG Art Foundation
545 West 25th Street New York, NY 6:00 p.m. - 8:00 p.m. Website
Elmgreen & Dragset in Conversation with Dan Cameron
Elmgreen & Dragset remain two of my personal favorite contemporary artists because they always inspire good conversation. By that I mean their art world antics are both polarising and thought-provoking. Many a time, I’ve wished to be a fly on the wall of their studio.
Thankfully, the Berlin-based Scandinavian duo is headed to New York to talk shop with Istandbul Biennial curator Dan Cameron. They’ll discuss their work there, as well as a recent exhibition at the FLAG Art Foundation.
Definitely a can’t-miss.
Note: this event had previously been scheduled for Tuesday, but has been rescheduled thanks to the impending Winter snowstorm.
Scandinavia House: The Nordic Center in America
58 Park Avenue New York, NY 7:00 p.m.Website
New Nordic Cinema: Revenge /Hevn
Icelandic director Kjersti Steinsbø’s psychological revenge thriller Hevn sounds so good. The protagonist sets out to ruin the life of a man who wronged her sister. Along the way, she sews chaos in a small town.
How does Scandinavia, a region with basically no crime, always produce the best thrillers? Even the trailer gives me chills.
Berry Campbell Gallery
530 W 24th Street New York, NY 6:00 p.m. - 8:00 p.m.Website
Perle Fine: Prescience Series (1950s)
Perle Fine’s five-decade-long career was characterized by an impressive commitment to abstraction, which evolved following the arc of art history. Here, curators Martha Campbell and Christine Berry are focusing on Fine’s 1950s “Prescience Series” from the height of Ab-Ex. This is the era of some of her strongest paintings, in which Fine’s understanding of color is the most salient detail—where paint feels at its most liberated from her usual geometric or line-based compositional frameworks. Midcentury art history nerds take note.
Fort Gansevoort
5 Ninth Avenue New York, NY 6:00 p.m. - 9:00 p.m.Website
March Madness
Curators Hank Willis Thomas and Adam Shopkorn have cooked up one of the most singular exhibition concepts of the month: competition and athleticism from the perspective of all-star female artists.
What exactly will a show look like that features Nazi filmmaker Leni Riefenstahl alongside Miranda July? Madness indeed!
Artists: Gina Adams, Emma Amos, Kathryn Andrews, Kristin Baker, Sadie Barnette, Holly Bass, Zoe Buckman, Jordan Casteel, Elizbeth Catlett, Pamela Council, Renee Cox, Rineke Dijkstra, Rosalyn Drexler, Sylvie Fleury, Rin Johnson, Miranda July, Catherine Opie, Howardena Pindell, Cheryl Pope, Leni Riefenstahl, Faith Ringgold, Deborah Roberts, Martha Rosler, Alison Saar, Betye Saar, Collier Schorr, Laurel Shear, Cindy Sherman, Jean Shin, and Ashley Teamer.
Whitney Museum of American Art
99 Gansevoort Street New York, NY 10:30 a.m. - 6:00 p.m. Website
2017 Whitney Biennial
The 78th Whitney Biennial is here. It’s the most important survey of American artists (see: people who live in New York or L.A., or Americans who live in a handful of European cities) and is pretty much mandatory viewing for the art world. This is the Biennial’s first edition in the Whitney’s new downtown digs, so I can’t wait to see what they’ve done with the place.
Paddy already checked out the press preview, an experience she says “can only be described as traumatic.” For example, the first piece she encountered was a VR experience of beating a man to death, courtesy of Jordan Wolfson. Given the current state of the country, it seems like an appropriate mirror of the times.
Artists: Zarouhie Abdalian, Basma Alsharif, Jo Baer, Eric Baudelaire, Robert Beavers, Larry Bell, Matt Browning, Susan Cianciolo, Mary Helena Clark, John Divola, Celeste Dupuy-Spencer, Rafa Esparza, Kevin Jerome Everson, GCC, Oto Gillen, Samara Golden, Casey Gollan, Victoria Sobel, Irena Haiduk, Lyle Ashton Harris, Tommy Hartung, Porpentine Charity Heartscape, Sky Hopinka, Shara Hughes, Aaron Flint Jamison, KAYA, Jon Kessler, James N. Kienitz Wilkins, Ajay Kurian, Deana Lawson, An-My Lê, Leigh Ledare, Dani Leventhal, Tala Madani, Park McArthur, Harold Mendez, Carrie Moyer, Ulrike Müller, Julien Nguyen, Tuan Andrew Nguyen, Raúl de Nieves, Aliza Nisenbaum, Occupy Museums, Pope.L, Postcommodity, Puppies Puppies, Asad Raza, Jessi Reaves, John Riepenhoff, Chemi Rosado-Seijo, Cameron Rowland, Beatriz Santiago Muñoz, Dana Schutz, Cauleen Smith, Frances Stark, Maya Stovall, Henry Taylor, Torey Thornton, Leslie Thornton, James Richards, Kaari Upson, Kamasi Washington, Leilah Weinraub, Jordan Wolfson, Anicka Yi
1030 Metropolitan Ave Brooklyn, NY 4:00 p.m. - 10:00 p.m. Website
TRANSFER Gallery is one of our favorite spots in the city to see digital art IRL. It’s a niche that’s not known for its ease of salability, which makes the fact that TRANSFER has survived these four years (longer than many galleries who offer more market-friendly wares) even more impressive.
They’re celebrating with an accessible shop chock full of artist-made wares. This includes works ranging from $5-$1000, and multiples from some of our favorite artists such as Lorna Mills and Anthony Antonellis.
At 6 p.m., artists Alma Alloro and Claudia Hart will discuss their project to celebrate the 100th anniversary of the Bauhaus by applying the school’s philosophy to digital art making. Sounds promising!
106 Green
104 Green Street Brooklyn, NY 6:00 p.m. - 8:00 p.m. Website
Lydia McCarthy: Ego Death
At least once a week, we come across an art opening that sounds so weird we have to recommend it out of pure curiosity. Here’s one such project. Lydia McCarthy’s new body of work references “Game Reality”, The Tibetan Book of the Dead, psychedelia and other New-Age-y topics. We’re not sure what the work will actually look like (they’re described as color film photographs that function as “talismans”) but the image above is certainly intriguing.
Here’s a kōan to ponder based on the exhibition statement: what’s the definition of “self care” if you’ve transcended “beyond self”?
252 Java Street Brooklyn, NY 6:00 p.m. - 9:00 p.m. Website
Gina Dawson: Bad Tattoos
I don’t think I have ever personally related to an exhibition statement quite as much as this one:
“Bad tattoos should not be a mark of shame but a badge that a person was impulsive, had questionable judgment or, in place of a better word, was young. Sadly, the contemporary art world is overpopulated with work made by artists who were never young enough to have had a bad tattoo, resulting in a glut of safe, bland art that neither offends nor thrills.”
Gina Dawson’s sculptures mash-up nearly-readymade, easily identifiable materials into often absurd compositions. They’re a bit like inside jokes made manifest. As opposed to the cool irony associated with this genre (The Jogging, et al) Dawson’s work can feel endearingly awkward—much like a bad tattoo—an impulsive idea carried through to fruition.
Curated by Carl Gunhouse
Brooklyn Brush
203 Harrison Pl. Brooklyn, NY 1:00 p.m. - 3:00 p.m. Website
Art Packing and Preparation for Artists Workshop
Are you an artist? Have you ever dropped off work for a show wrapped in newspaper in a plastic shopping bag? If you’ve answered yes to the above, this is the class for you.
Artist/art handler James Isherwood and dealer Jonathan Belli are offering tips about preparing/packing artwork for shipping. Please go to this. Every curator you work with will thank you.
from Art F City http://ift.tt/2nn6Wbx via IFTTT
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