#tattoo piercing shop in Cork
bginkfluence · 11 months
BG Inkfluence Tattoo Parlor - Tattoo Shop in Cork
BG Inkfluence tattoo parlor is a premier tattoo shop in Cork City, Ireland. We offer a wide range of tattoo styles, from traditional to modern, and our experienced artists will work with you to create a unique tattoo that you'll love for years to come. So whether you're looking for a new tattoo BG Inkfluence tattoo parlor is the best place for you.
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starlocked01 · 1 year
Dukexiety Week Day 1- Tattoo Shop/Florist
Summary: Remus leaves his shop to bother Virgil at work with a gift.
Wc: 940
Warnings- existentialism, panic attacks
Remus stood just outside the door to the tattoo parlor, bouncing on his toes and shifting his weight from foot to foot. This had seemed like such a good idea ten minutes ago, and while he normally wouldn’t hesitate to just walk in, something felt off today. It was on the tip of his tongue, an irritating niggle in the back of his mind that wouldn’t shut up for two seconds.
Swallowing his energy for the moment, Remus strode forward, pushing open the door with the arm not held behind his back and waving brightly at the patrons who turned to inspect the newcomer at the sound of the doorbell. He had to admit he was a little impressed that they weren’t in enough pain to just ignore him. Remus glanced around the shop, eyes darting directly to Virgil’s station. His heart leaped into his throat to find the station empty, the only sign it was ever used was a couple of concept art drawings hanging from the wall next to the tattoo gun. 
Frowning, Remus turned back to the front desk.
“Where’s Virge?” 
A man riddled in piercings to make a porcupine jealous and covered in enough ink to illustrate an entire novel rolled his eyes, “In the back on break. I think he’s booked for the afternoon-”
Remus was already pushing past, “I don’t need an appointment- thanks!”
“Hey!” the man shouted after him, but Remus had already darted to the back of the shop. 
The backroom was surprisingly office-like for the dark edgy main floor of the shop, brightly lit with beige tiled floors and bland walls. The biggest pop of color to the room were several cork boards along the walls covered in schedules, notes from management, and several pieces of art made by the tattoo artists. Remus glanced around and stopped in his tracks when he spotted Virgil curled up in the corner of the room.
"Baby!" Remus called softly, walking over and sitting on the floor next to him, "what- what's wrong, scarebear?"
Virgil’s eyes snapped up at the sound of his voice, blinking from within the dark recesses of his hoodie, pulled tight over his face. "Rem?"
"Yeah, it's me, baby. Are you okay?"
"What are you doing here? Shouldn't you be at work?"
Remus chuckled, "I left the shop in good hands. I wanted to see you."
"JJ's watching. And Rome was gonna drop in soon so everything is fine. What's wrong?" Remus ask again, mad that his premonition had been right.
"I- I can't do it," Virgil mumbled, looking down to avoid Remus's eyes, "too much. Bad day."
Remus's heart fell from his throat down to his stomach, "a bad brain day? Well good thing I brought these," he carefully pulled a small terra cotta pot from behind his back, packed with soil and a couple flowers standing tall on long stems. "I figured.. we have some at home and you love the carnations in the greenhouse, so why not bring you a couple for work…"
Virgil looked back up, blinking the overwhelmed tears out of his eyes and rubbed at his cheeks with his sleeve, "they're just gonna die. We're all gonna die- Rem- why-?"
Remus shushed softly and shuffled closer to wrap an arm around Virgil’s shoulders, "just breathe with me, emo. It's gonna be alright."
He started to breathe in long slow breaths to demonstrate for Virgil, rubbing his shoulder and pushing the flower pot closer to him. Shaking with the effort, Virgil reached forward until his finger tips were brushing the petals of the carnation.
When the man with the copious tats and piercings came back to pull Virgil back on the floor to take a customer, Remus growled held Virgil closer, not about to let his boyfriend get pushed around. It seemed like forever, but Virgil eventually calmed down enough to turn and hug Remus closer himself.
"That's my baby," Remus beamed and kissed his forehead, "wanna call it a shift and come back with with? The carnations miss you, baby."
"Frankie's gonna be pissed," Virgil murmured, leaning into Remus's shoulder.
He laughed softly, "no one is gonna tell you no when I'm around, sweetpea." Remus hummed and nuzzled Virgil’s cheek, "my lilac lover. I think you need a break and any good boss would give you one by rescheduling your appointments."
Virgil sniffed, "but…"
"Butt," Remus giggled.
"But… my three o'clock is for a rainbow carnation," Virgil whispered.
Remus gasped, "you didn't tell me you were doing carnation tats! I gotta get one-" he whined and gave Virgil pleading eyes.
Virgil chucked, "where? You've barely got canvas left, babe."
"What about my forehead? Does it look empty to you?" 
Virgil snorted, "nooo I don't do faces!"
"Oh come on! You could give it little kissies in bed!" Remus pouted and kept pleading with Virgil, glad to see him laughing again. 
"Absolutely not," Virgil replied firmly, shaking his head.
"Will you at least keep these babies at your station to remember me at work? And help you keep calm?" Remus asked, picking up the clay pot again.
Virgil reached for the pot and held it gingerly, inspecting the flowers, "I guess…"
"Yay!" Remus nuzzled him again, earning a bright laugh from his boyfriend.
"Okay okay- see you at home? Or do you want me to pick you up at the shop?"
"Yeah, we can walk home from the greenhouse," Remus nodded, "call me if you get overwhelmed again?"
Virgil sighed, "yeah.. how did you know today?"
"Just had a feeling, beautiful," Remus kissed his cheek, "you got this."
"Thank you, Re."
"You got it, Vi."
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thiswasinevitableid · 3 years
10 tattoos/piercing, Danbrey, sfw, please!
Here you go! I based Dani's design on an arowana because I liked the color.
“Remember, non-scented soap, nice to meet you, byeee!” Aubrey waves to her client as they head down the boardwalk. She has thirty minutes until her next appointment, so it’s time to stretch her legs and check the little ‘doggy cam” she set up on Dr. Harris Bonkers cage to make sure the giant rabbit hasn’t finally managed to chew his way through the bars.
“Hi doctor” She coos into the phone. One white ear pivots towards the camera, but the bunny remains otherwise unmoved.
She leans on the railing, Pacfic sparkling like a postcard before her.
“Excuse me?”
“YEEEEP!” She jumps back, not expecting a woman to pop out of the water, let alone pop out and talk to her.
“Oops, sorry.” The other woman smiles, golden hair fanning out around her. There are two types of blondes in Long Beach; the ones hoping to be the next influencer sensation and the kind who are excited to tell you about GOOP and crystals.
Whichever kind this woman is, she’s the most gorgeous girl Aubrey’s ever seen.
“Um, can I help you?”
“Yeah! Can you tattoo me? A piercing would be okay too, but I really like how pretty the tattoos are.”
“Thanks. Um, you’re gonna need an appointment.” She pulls out her phone again, since it’s synced to the calendar Joseph makes them all keep, “lemme see....I have a big slot of time on Friday afternoon.”
The girl cocks her head, “That’s two days from now, right?”
“Yep.We can start at one if that works for you?”
“Sure, see you then!” She waves and then disappears under the water. A few moments later, a shimmering golden tail breaks the swell, seeming to wave once before submerging. Aubrey blinks, switches back to the bun cam.
“How do I tell Joseph I have to move my stuff outside to tattoo a mermaid?”
Dr. Harris Bonkers snuffles, but offers no further commentary.
“Joseph, for the last time, you are not gonna hang around just to ask my client questions while I’m trying to work.”
“I don’t plan to, but we need to make sure everything, and I mean everything, is as sterile as we can manage. Doing this outside gives me hives as it is.” Joseph finishes setting up the pop-tent, the kind sun-phobic families take to the beach.
“C’mon, people gave each other traditional tattoos out in the open for centuries. It should be fine.”
Joseph makes an unsure noise, but leaves her in peace all the same. Before long a golden tail flashes out of the water as the mermaid swims towards the beach, the closest spot to the pier where they could actually set the tent and generator up. It’s right on the tide line, Duck having used his almanac to tell them whether Aubrey would be chasing the tide or fleeing from it if the appointment turns out to be long.
“Um, hi again.” She waves.
“Hello!” The mermaid slides up into the surf. When she sits up, Aubrey turns pink.
“Uh, do you, uh, want a swimsuit or something?” Her voice is embarrassingly high.
The mermaid looks down, then at Aubrey studiously looking elsewhere, and laughs, “Oh, right, I forgot humans don’t like it when we’re bare-chested.”
“I mean it’s not that we don’t like it-” Aubrey mumbles.
“Be right back.” She pushes back into the sea, returning a minute later wearing a bright green bikini top, “is that better?”
“Yep!” She replies too quickly, “Sorry, I, um, I’ve never worked on a mermaid before, kinda figured you guys wore seashells or sea stars or something?”
“You...you realize where that would put the seastar mouths, right?” The mermaid scoots up onto the beach, tail in the water and back on the inflatable recliner they borrowed from Kirbys apartment.
“Ooohouch, you’re right, fuck, sorry.” She grabs her flash binder, brought in case the mermaid didn’t have a design in mind.
The mermaid glances over her shoulder, smiling, “You’re cute when you blush.”
She maintains her professionalism, but only just, as the mermaid chooses her preferred design; a brightly colored swirl of planets and stars. For a newbie, she barely seems to register the needle, focused instead on studying Aubrey’s face and hands as she works. She learns that her name is Dani, that she’s one of several merfolk living near the pier, and that she’s observed Aubrey and her handiwork courtesy of a rock and a pair of salvaged binoculars.
“Oooh” Dani wiggles her tail happily when she sees the finished product, “it’s perfect, thank you so much Aubrey.”
“Glad you like it-oh, okay.” She stiffens as Dani rubs their cheeks together twice before pulling back.
“I’m supposed to keep it clean right?”
“Yeah, but I’m not sure how well saran wrap will hold up to sea water.”
A formerly empty Rose bottle thunks onto the sand. Dani grabs it, popping the make-shift cork off with her teeth.
“Ooh, Indrid sent me a special covering to keep it safe. And these must be for you.” She holds out two pearls.”
“Thanks” She’s more interested in watching the kissable lips covering razor sharp than the gems the mermaid gives her.
“Can I see you again?” Dani is halfway back in the water.
“Whenever you want. You’re a great client; you, um, you’re really nice to touch. Wait, um, I mean you take it really welllARGH, um, yes please come back.” Aubrey replies, tucking the second most valuable thing on the beach into her pocket and continuing to blush well after Dani has returned to the waves.
“Sorry!” Dani gives a sheepish wave to Duck before turning to Aubrey, who got used to her popping out of the water five times ago, “are you free tomorrow?”
“Sure” even if she isn’t, she’ll happily reschedule another client for Dani’s sake, “do want to pick something from my flash?”
“Nope, this time Indrid designed something. It’s about the same size as this” she holds up the watercolor hermit crab on her right arm, “see you then?”
“Of course.” Aubrey waves goodbye, blows a kiss when Dani is out of sight.
She forgot Duck was still here.
“You got it bad, Lady Flame.”
“Shush, I saw you chatting to Indrid by the coffee shop yesterday.”
“....you can’t prove anythin.”
She holds up her phone, smirking, “Oh yes I can.”
She looks up, wondering who’s calling her name on the deserted beach. She brings Dr. Harris Bonkers down here on a leash late at night for enrichment for him and a break from the summer heat for her.
“Aubrey, over here!” Dani leaps through the surf until she;s only able to slide, “I thought it was you. Ohhhhhh” she squeals, “this must be Dr. Harris Bonkers. Hello cutie pie, aren’t you just so lovelyOH, oh he feels like an otter.” She rubs the rabbits head, causing him to creep towards the water, “you’re the second cutest thing on this beach, doctor.” She winks at Aubrey, then sits up, “can I introduce him to Ferdinand?”
Aubrey nods, excited to finally meet Dani’s pet; she only his name, but she’s expecting a seal, or maybe a crab.
What she gets is an octopus. The cephalopod winds a tentacle around her arm, investigating her.
“Aww, he likes you.” Dani sets the octopus down in shallow water, where it proceeds to stretch multiple limbs out to poke Dr. Harris Bonkers.
“Guess they’re having a playdate?” Dani scoots closer, resting her head on Aubrey’s shoulder.
Aubrey sets a hand on her tail, running her fingers up and down the scales as the mermaid sighs happily.
“As long as he doesn’t carry Dr. Harris Bonkers into the tidepools, they can hang out as long as you like.”
“Dani? How many tattoos are you planning to get?” Aubrey looks up from where she’s outlining an octopus on Dani’s side.
“I haven’t decided yet. It’s really common for mers to have lots of piercings and tattoos. That’s why Indrid can leave Duck so many expensive tokens; he’s the most in-demand tattoo artist on the coast.”
“Neat! Wait-” she sits up, shutting off the gun, “your friend is a tattoo artist, but you kept coming here?”
“Yes.” Dani is still, save for the end of her tail, which vibrates nervously.
“Um, well, I, I really liked your style. Then I really liked you, and I wanted to keep seeing you…”
“Holy crap, do you keep getting tattoos because you think that’s the only way you’re able to see me?”
“Uhhuh.” Dani is bright pink from her cheeks to her waist as Aubrey scrambles to sit in front of her, “I mean, when you want to date someone, you’re only allowed to see them at their work until they say they want to date you too. Even us meeting on the beach a few weeks ago was pushing it, and I didn’t want you thinking I was pushy.”
“Do humans not have that rule?” Dani’s honey-colored eyes widen.
“Nope. It’s actually kinda rude to ask people out at work, because they can’t get away BUT” she hurriedly sets the gun aside, “but I make exceptions for super cute wonderful mermaids.”
“Oh. In that case-” Dani knocks her backwards with her tail and climbs atop her, kissing her so hard she wonders if you can die from a really good make-out session. When the salty kiss ends the mermaid continues peppering her face with kisses and flicking her tongue along her neck.
“Dani I, I’m loving all of this but if you mess up my ink I’m gonna be as annoyed as I can possibly be with a gorgeous mermaid feeling me up.”
“Crap, you’re right.” Dani sits back up, glancing at the half-done tattoo, "I really don't want to ruin your work. Desperate need to see you aside, I do love your style." She folds her hands back into her lap and readjusts onto the inflatable chair.
Aubrey crawls forward, kissing her sweetly, "Once we're done and you're all wrapped up, wanna join me on the beach for a little, um, late night picnic."
A teasing kiss, first to her nose and then to her lips, "I'd love to."
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unsaidholland · 4 years
wildflower | t. holland
yes this is inspired by the song wildflower by 5sos (i am a 5sos stan and am in calum’s lane just in case anyone was wondering)
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tom was away on press tour for far from home, you had spent some time with him, but had to go back home to london after a week due to your summer job. the plan was for you to go back as soon as you got another break that was long enough, but that didn’t come for what felt like forever. 
you had spent downtime with your friends, usually inviting them to your’s and tom’s shared flat, but today you guys were in the city for some fun. you and your friends had done a bit of shopping, ate lunch at a really nice cafe, and were now back walking around. your friend callie had spotted a tattoo/piercing parlour across the street and dragged you and your other friend isabella into the shop. 
“you both have to get something done!” callie said as you guys waited at the front. “i’m getting my nose pierced, and you guys should get something done too! it’ll be fun!” her enthusiasm was something you admired about the short blonde girl. you looked at isabella who let out a sigh of defeat knowing that if you both didn’t agree with callie, she would continue to bug you both about it.
“fine, but only because bella’s doing it too.” you began regretting your decision as soon as the words left your mouth, but it was too late. the person at the front desk was already handing the three of you cork clipboards with forms under the metal binding, pens attached by a piece of yarn. the three of you sat down in the waiting area, filling out your forms, as you decided what you were going to get done. a piercing? you didn’t really know what else you wanted pierced. but a tattoo? a small voice in your head told you to get the bundle of flowers you always wanted tattooed. 
after callie had gotten her nose pierced, isabella was next to get a small crescent moon tattooed onto her ankle. you both held one of her hands as she sat in the black leather chair, white sock half on, needle repeatedly piercing her skin as the ink began to settle underneath the top layers of her skin. you realized you were next as the tattoo artist, who you previously learned was named julian, cleaned it and showed isabella how to properly maintain it to prevent an infection.
as you sat down in the chair, julian began asking about the design you wanted, which you quickly sketched for him. a few flowers bunched together at the middle of their stems with some string was soon going to be on your body for the rest of your life. 
about an hour and a half later, your tattoo was finished. you looked at yourself in the mirror, turning to the side to see the art that was placed on the side of your ribcage, smiling as you saw the ink. the three of you left that shop grateful for callie’s impulsive decisions. 
about a month later, you joined tom on the press tour. after meeting him, sam, harry, and some of the cast and crew at the airport, you guys had finally settled down as much as possible in the villa that sony had rented for tom.
you were spending only a few days in bali, and on your time off in the villa, you all would hang out in the pool. you kept your (tom’s) white t-shirt on, the pink bikini showing through, while just sitting at the edge of the pool, but your bikini was on under it in case they bugged you about getting in. they were playing a game that you didn’t understand the rules to, but involved a ball and trying to get it to the other side of the pool. they had invited you to play, but you just sat by and watched, laughing every time one of the boys made a ridiculous play. 
“come swim y/n! don’t be boring,” sam jokingly said, calling from the other side of the pool. you rolled your eyes at the twin and shook your head at him.
“sorry i don’t want to die getting in the middle of your game,” you jokingly said back. of course, you weren’t going to die, but they were being a tad too rough for your comfort. sam laughed at your remark, and swam over to where you were sitting. “are you bored of this already or do you also not wanna die?” you asked him. he chuckled and hoisted himself up so he could sit beside you.
“don’t want to leave you all alone best friend.” best friend. the nickname he had given you when tom said he was leaving to film for avengers: endgame, given to you for no reason other than you had joked around that you would become best friends with sam while tom was gone. you smiled at the nickname.
“yes!” tom exclaimed. you watched as he started jumping at the far end of the pool, slamming the ball against the water. harry’s hands went to cover his face in defeat, knowing that tom would bring this up for the rest of the trip. tom swam over to you, placing himself in between your legs, and puckered his lips. you kissed him, and you swore his smile grew if that was even possible. when he pulled away he asked you to get into the pool with them. sam decided to go back in and go play that game with harry. “please,” he practically begged. you sighed as he put his hands together.
“fine.” you stood up to take your white t-shirt off and put it on a pool chair not too far away from the edge of the pool. as you turned back around you heard a gasp.
“wait stop. turn clockwise a little bit.” you turned until tom said stop. “lift your left arm.” you did as he said, knowing he had spotted the tattoo. you looked over your shoulder and saw him standing in the pool staring at you. he got out of the pool to come inspect your inked skin closer. “when did you get this?” he asked, surprised. 
“like a month ago. do you like it?” he nodded. relief washed over you as you realized he wasn’t upset, but rather obsessed with the design. you put your arm down and turned to face him.
“i love it wildflower.” a confused look painted your face as you tilted your head to the side. tom smiled at your reaction. “you know, because you’ve got your wildflower tattoo! i truly am a genius,” he boasted and you laughed. he pulled you into a hug, his thumb caressing your tattoo. “my wildflower.” his grip on your waist tightened, and before you knew it he had thrown you into the pool, splashing both twins. as you came up to the surface you glared at him then wiped the water off your face.
“you are in for it, holland.” he smirked then jumped into the pool.
“come get me wildflower!” 
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thunderfcknroad · 4 years
Punk john PLUS teacher john PLUS storyteller john! Yes! We can have it all!!
john having to scour the Single Charity Shop for some new fun clothes once they get to scotland bc he only had like. One extra t-shirt and pair of jeans and a bloody sweater vest. The cashier being extremely judgy of the collection of clothes this New Person is buying bc its like. The most boring sweaters and shirts and also faux leather trousers and a slipknot shirt and theyre like.
:) are they gifts? :)
And john is like ! Nope! Theyre for me!
He has to take his piercings out for his school job but he makes a point of not uniform coding any of the kids ever bc truly hed rather they listened to him in class wearing skirts that are too short than that they looked perfect and learned nothing.
His storytelling doesnt matter of course he can wear what he wants mostly. When he first applied he turned up in ripped jeans with tartan patches, a two tone blouse and his Docs and the library were like what on Earth but he started just rambling about ideas for how to get kids interested and they immediately are grabby hands bc fuck theyve needed this breath of fresh air.
Johns fashion sense going a little off the rails as he keeps frequenting the Single Charity Shop so much the person running the place starts keeping stuff with more potential aside for him.
His secondary students do KNOW how he dresses outside of class but they never mention it. They can see his tattoos but after the first two weeks they pretty much knew the stories and the novelty wore off. Sometimes theyll approach him to ask if his piercings/tattoos hurt bc theyre thinking of getting one or the other and he makes sure to give them solid information about safety. One teacher found out and told him he shouldnt be encouraging it and politely informed them that he would rather they knew the ins and outs and went about it safely than that they all went and got stick n pokes or try piercing with a cork because its not sensible and he would know to which truly no one had any response.
Oh this has become an essay. Anyways i care him.
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stenbrozier · 5 years
Modern Losers’ Club Headcanons
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Plot: Individual headcanons of the modern Loser’ about different things they’d do and love (mostly during high school)
Warnings: slight Reddie, shit ton of Stenburough, drug use + mentions of sex + swearing
Bill Denbrough:
~ He’s the artist, everyone knew that.
~Typical art kid who won all the awards and participated in every art class his school offered.
~ He just didn’t take choir or band because we know this boy has no musical abilities at all.
~ Bill would save up all his allowance and holiday money so that he could buy that really good drawing app that he could use on his IPad.
~ After he got it, there was no way to get him to look up at you for more than ten seconds. He would fall in love with digital art.
~ Remember he took all of the art classes? Well, creative writing and poetry we’re considered arts at Derry High School, so that’s where he fell in love with writing.
~ Suprisingly, he would be really into heavy metal. Bands like Bring Me the Horizon and Of Mice and Men would blare in his headphones while he drew in his room late at night.
~ Bill would also really love watching indie movies on Netflix and other platforms. He’s lowkey a movie buff, but he doesn’t tell people too much.
~ His favorite movie from the past decade would probably be Moonrise Kingdom (good movie!!) or The Skeleton Twins (also good movie!!)
~ Bill’s favorite book would 10000% be Turtles All The Way Down by John Green because of the main character and her battle with anxiety.
Mike Hanlon:
~ He runs a cooking YouTube channel, you can’t fight me on this one.
~ Mike would definitely have one of those motorized scooters, idk seems like a Mike thing
~ He’s in love with video games but only the ones that are based on a lot of skill. He doesn’t like first person shooters, nor does he like any games with violence at all. Tbh, Papa’s Pizzeria is right up his alley.
~ Mike would be a gym try hard, most definitely. But in every other class he’d just sit on his phone.
~ But he’s so smart that he’d pass all the tests anyway.
~ He’d work a lot just so he could afford the newest phone because he thinks it gives people less of a reason to pick on him and bully him. (News flash: it doesn’t)
~ Whenever Mike isn’t working, he volunteers at the animal shelter in Derry. He runs the Instagram account :)
~ Probably one of the guys who posts shirtless pics on Instagram because he likes the attention the girls give him in the comments.
~ Will answer any of Bill’s texts at 3am when he wants feedback on a new piece of art.
~ A secret theatre kid, no doubt. Not really a musical kid, but he loves acting and just being on stage with everyone’s attention on him.
Richie Tozier:
~ Speaking of theatre kids, Richie is the BIGGEST fucking one. He has been in every musical and play that his school has done since 6th grade, and he was one of the best kids they had.
~ He wears Pierce the Veil and Sleeping with Sirens shirts, but Richie mostly listens to softer bands like Arctic Monkeys and The Neighbourhood.
~ He has a bi pride pin on his backpack. Kids will sometimes pull it off and throw it around, but he just pulls another one out of a ziploc bag full of them in the tiny front pouch of his bag and sticks it on there.
~ Richie unapologetically owns a Juul and will sometimes let Bev borrow it as long as she pays him “25 cents a hit”, which she never does.
~ Posts music on SoundCloud. He’s not much of a singer outside of the musicals because he’s mostly shy with his talent; however, he does a lot of instrumentals.
~ Richie shops are thrift stores most of the time. He’ll take Eddie with him and though Eddie won’t touch anything until it’s been washed twice, Richie will buy him anything he likes.
~ He LOVES Harry Potter. He found the first book when he was younger and he just fell in love with the story. He owns all the first editions and all of the movies.
~ Goes to small venues to see bands that no one knows. Richie will go to so many concerts because he likes the escape it brings for him. He’s in his element when he goes to concerts.
~ Despite what many people think, he isn’t a whore :0 He just flirts a lot and he actually didn’t lose his virginity till he was 17 at a party. He regrets it, though, cause he was drunk off his ass.
~ He was also in the color guard for his high school’s marching band. A lot of the girls from the theatre stuff begged him to be apart of it because he could dance really well, and he ended up being in it for both the indoor and outdoor seasons all throughout high school.
Eddie Kaspbrak:
~ BOOKWORM, BOOKWORM, B O O K W O R M!!! This boy would spend every second he could just browsing the books that his school library had.
~ After he yelled at his mom for his pills, he started to kind of overcome his germaphobe tendencies, but he still was very iffy about touching things in places he’d never been.
~ For example, Richie took him to the park one time and he had never been there before, so the whole time he was holding his noses and steering clear of the snot nosed little kids.
~ Him and Richie definitely dated at some point or another. Whether to get a feel for guys or just for each other, but it did happen. Beverly was the only one who ever knew.
~ Eddie fell in love with engineering at school. He would always call one of the Losers at an ungodly hour in the morning and rant about how all of the buildings in town were built and with what materials. Honestly, Ben was the only one who shared this interest with him.
~ Eddie was the first to get his own car so all of the Losers would pile into his Jeep. Richie always tried to convince him to take off the doors, but Eddie thought that that was the biggest goddamn safety hazard he’d ever heard.
~ As they all got older, obviously him and Richie stayed close, but he also got surprisingly close with Ben and Ben would gush about Beverly to him after Eddie would excitedly explain how a car’s engine works or something like that.
~ Eddie was the one to convince Beverly to go after Ben and stop pining over Bill.
~ Eddie went to concerts with Richie all the time, and even if the sweaty roadies grossed him out, he fell in love with the bass killing his eardrums and the way the mic static could transform someone’s voice.
~ He also joined his school’s marching band (mainly cause Richie begged him) and was fucking AMAZING at playing snare drums.
Stanley Uris:
~ He was the last one to enter high school, everyone a year ahead of him, but he was ironically the most popular among the lower class men.
~ Stan was a very private person, but his willingness to do other’s homework for $5 a page made him infamous.
~ Because of all this money he’d been making, he’d buy the Losers presents all the time. He would treat them to their favorite snacks whenever they went to Keene’s or to a new shirt whenever they went to the mall over in Bangor. And he never went over budget because he’s a goddamn accountant by nature.
~ He had a massive crush on Bill and asked him to homecoming his freshman year. Yeah, they were bullied, but Stan couldn’t have been more happier.
~ Bill convinced him to tryout for the baseball team. He tried out for pitcher and got it immediately. He was also one of the sports kids who would post on his Snapchat whenever they had a game.
~ Him and Bill ended up dating up until junior year, when Bill admitted that he wanted to date at least one girl before college and Stan wasn’t mad because he honestly wasn’t feeling it anymore. Afterwards, they both started dating cheerleaders.
~ Stan was in Calculus his sophomore year of high school, which was the class that all of the AP seniors took. Many people called him a genius, he just thanked the internet.
~ Stan fell in love with indie bands like R.O.A.R and Florence + The Machines. Richie did, however, convince him to go to concerts with him and Eds. He might’ve not enjoyed the music, but he still loved being with his best friends since diapers.
~ He didn’t like movies too much but would watch them with Bill. He enjoyed TV shows a lot more. He’s definitely a true crime baby.
~ Stan also fell in love with photography because he was forced to take the class. He begged his parents to buy him a camera for his birthday, and his many cork boards were filled with pictures of his friends and birds.
Ben Hanscom:
~ Was a track start in high school. He ran off all of his fat and just fell in love with the high of running (tbh this is my favorite part about Ben’s character. like such a determined boy 🥺)
~ Ben enjoyed sitting at the library with Eddie and just watching him peruse books, usually pointing a few that he had read and liked. He also just loved the fact that him and Eddie were able to get so close as they got older.
~ Ben was in all the engineering courses his school offered. He was just so happy that he could take classes that pertained to the career path he wanted to go down.
~ He was able to finally get Beverly their senior year. He had been in love with her for the longest time, and she asked him to homecoming.
~ Ben also considered trying out for the football team, but it conflicted with the winter track season so he wasn’t able to; however, him, Mike, and Bill would always play their own small games in the field by Mike’s house.
~ While Stan helped everything with their math homework, Ben helped everyone with their history homework. He was a big history nerd, and everyone knew he paid attention the most.
~ He lost a bet one time and Richie was able to give him a stick and poke tattoo anywhere of his choosing. So now on the inside of his left ring finger he has R.T. written messily.
~ Ben loves pop music. He had always liked it, and some of his favorite artists were Katy Perry and Sia.
~ He rode his bike to school everyday. He was a very big proponent for the environment and hated the idea of driving, so he’d pass up the rides from Eddie or Richie and just bike with his headphones in.
~ Ben was apart of the school’s Green Team and protested climate change and the use of fossil fuels. When he had free time, he’d study ways that he could benefit the environment when he became an architect.
Beverly Marsh:
~ She was an English wiz. It was her favorite subject, and she fell in love with analyzing poetry and other forms of literary work.
~ Beverly started to let her hair grow out again and she was relieved to see that it started to grow out straight. She hated her curly hair.
~ She bleached her hair a few times throughout high school; she hated the red because it reminded her too much of her mother.
~ Her and Richie’s friendship fell off big time, but she got super close with Bill, Ben, and Mike. Her crush in Bill didn’t deplete for a while, even after him and Stan started dating. She still had hope.
~ Eddie told her about Ben and it really changed her whole perspective on everything. But that wasn’t until junior year.
~ Though she didn’t have too good of a singing voice, she loved being in choir. The angelic reverberations throughout the auditorium whenever they performed always gave her chills and she wanted so desperately to be a part of it.
~ Beverly wrote a lot of poetry. She wrote some to her friends, to her dead mom, to her asshole dad. Just to whoever she was focused on in that moment.
~ She helped Mike after school at the animal shelter and actually ended up adopting a kitten for herself.
~ Luckily, her dad didn’t mind the cat too much as long as Bev took care of it and didn’t bother him for a single thing.
~ Beverly didn’t get her license until she was well into her twenties, but she loved hanging her arm out of the passenger’s side window of Richie’s car and listen to the bands that he’d blast with closed eyes.
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tploz · 6 years
RULES - Bold statements are true & tag 15 people - tagged by @bitterbritishbisexual (Thank you so much!! I’m sorry it took me so long to do it ;-;)
I am over 5′5″ / I wear glasses / contacts / I have blond hair / I wear sweatshirts a lot / I prefer loose clothing to tight clothing / I have one or more piercings / I have at least one tattoo / I have blue eyes / I have dyed or highlighted my hair / I have gotten plastic surgery / I have or had braces / I sunburn easily / I have freckles / I paint my nails / I typically wear makeup / I don’t often smile / I am pleased with how I look / I prefer Nike to Adidas / I wear baseball hats backwards (ironically of course >:) ) 
I play a sport / I can play an instrument / I am artistic / I know more than one language (um nearly?) / I have won a trophy in some sort of competition / I can cook or bake without a recipe / I know how to swim / I enjoy writing(BONCH DO I) / I can do origami / I prefer movies to TV shows / I can execute a perfect somersault / I enjoy singing / I could survive in the wild on my own / I have read a new book series this year / I enjoy spending time with friends / I travel during school or work breaks / I can do a handstand
I have had my first kiss / I have gotten drunk / I have told a crush I like them / I have traveled outside of the country / I have flown on an airplane / I have stayed awake for more than 48 hours / I have had a near-death experience(i grew up on a farm and i live in cork, some the most dangerous things you could do tbh) / I have caught something on fire / I have performed in a talent show / I have shot a gun / I have been on TV(nationwide lmao) / I have gone scuba diving / I have broken a bone / I have slow-danced / I have gone on a shopping spree
I am in a relationship / I have been single for over a year / I have a crush / I have a best friend / I have known a friend for over ten years / I have a brother / I have dated my best friend / I am adopted / My crush has confessed to me / I have had a long-distance relationship / I am an only child / I give advice to my friends / I have made an online friend / I met up with someone I have met online
I have heard the ocean in a conch shell / I have watched the sun rise / I enjoy rainy days / I have slept under the stars / I meditate outside / The sound of chirping calms me / I enjoy the smell of the beach / I know what snow tastes like / I listen to music to fall asleep / I enjoy thunderstorms / I enjoy cloud watching / I have attended a bonfire / I pay close attention to colors / I find mystery in the ocean / I enjoy hiking on nature paths / Autumn is my favorite season
I can fall asleep in a moving vehicle / I am the mom friend / I live by a certain quote  / I like the smell of Sharpies / I am involved in extracurricular activities / I enjoy Mexican food / I can drive stick-shift / I have memorised an entire song in a day / I believe in true love / I dream up scenarios to fall asleep / I sing in the shower / I wish I lived in a video game / I have a canopy above my bed / I am multi-racial / I am a redhead / I own at least three dogs / I am LGBT+
I tag: @restlessmaknae @sheeptopus @nadiepie @sofiesakura @bkquk @llynnfics @dat-town @melody-clark @captainuhura @doctorit
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teamcrafty · 2 years
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Knut Hansen is a multiple award winning classic London Dry Gin with a distinctive mixture of Juniper and 13 other finely sourced botanicals of which basil, cucumber & apple are the most distinctive. Knut Hansen is mild, smooth & balanced, bottled by hand and comes in a beautiful stoneware bottle with the finest cork. This gin honours the legendary German sailor Knut Hansen from Hamburg and his countless adventures on the open sea. Behind the piercing exterior of the tattooed, scarred sailor is a vibrant and charming gin. The Blue eyes on the bottle shine in the dark under a UV light. • Shop link in bio • • • #craftyconnoisseur #knuthansen #knuthansengin #gin #ginstagram #ginspiration #gintonic #ginandtonic #hamburg (at Crafty Connoisseur) https://www.instagram.com/p/CfWi_sHMwjL/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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aras-charas · 4 years
Ferren Iseult Docherty (Rycroft)
Nickname(s): Ferret {FC: Kaley Cuoco} 26 | October 23, 1692 | Libra
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T H E   B A S I C S
Born October 23rd in Cork, Ireland Species: Human Gender: Female Sexual orientation: Straight Religion: Christianity Spoken Languages: English Current residency: the Caribbean; Philadelphia, Pennsylvania & Los Angeles, California (Modern AU) Occupation: Actress and Model (Modern AU)
P H Y S I C A L   T R A I T S
Eyes: Green Hair: Blonde Height: 5’6”
Weight: 126 lbs Tattoos + piercings: Ears pierced
Intelligence: Average Favorite color: Hot pink Likes: Acting, ballroom dancing, bright colors, cuddling, fuzzy blankets, horseback riding, hot chocolate, kind people, modeling, nail polish, reality television, shoes, shopping, sleeping in, sunny weather Dislikes: Arguments, heights, horror movies, insects/spiders, mathematics, overcast days, spicy food Disposition: Generally cheerful Hobbies: Dancing, fashion design, horseback riding, interior design, modeling, reading magazines, yoga
B I R T H   C H A R T
Sun Sign: Scorpio Moon Sign: Virgo Rising Sign: Sagittarius
F E R R E N ' S   S T O R Y
Ferren was born on October 3rd, 1692 in Cork, Ireland. The only daughter of Reina Degaldo, Ferren grew up without knowing her father, though later in life she determined a man by the name of Ardagh Rycroft was her dad. She is exceptionally fond of her mother’s cousin, whom she lovingly refers to as ‘Auntie’ Keera. She and Rorke grew up as neighbors in Ireland and spent much of their childhood playing together near the stream behind their houses. Their parents were also close, frequently hosting the other family for dinner and special occasions. She and Rorke eventually have three children together: Roridan, Larke and Desmond Bailor. Modern AU: Ferren and Rorke move to Philadelphia where they live near Rittenhouse Square. He pursues a degree in astrophysics while Ferren finds work at an IHOP as a waitress. Eventually, she decides to enroll in a community college, but often doubts herself because she doesn’t feel smart enough. Discouraged, Ferren parts from Rorke for a time and heads west to California to establish herself. A modeling agency picks her up and she does a few small acting gigs. Her passion for dance leads her to appear on Dancing with the Stars, where she ends up in third place. Rorke often flies in to support her, and moves to Los Angeles with her after he’s completed his degree.
| Mother: Edith Docherty | Father: Ardagh Rycroft | | Siblings: None | | Main Pairing: Fork (with Rorke Bailor) | | Children: Roridan, Larke, and Desmond Bailor | | Others |
Keera Addington - Aunt
Drew Addington - Uncle
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nice-gemini · 7 years
Rules: once you’ve been tagged write 92 Truths about yourself. At the end tag 25 people to try it.
i was tagged by @thathumanwiththecatears
[1]Drink: tea [2]Phone call: my mam i think? [3]Text message: “mark said he’s staying at home” from my cousin [4]Song listened to: fantasy by the blizzards [5]Time you cried: last week i think
[6]Dated someone twice: nope [7]Been cheated on: i don’t think so [8]Kissed someone and regretted it: not really. [9]Lost someone special: yep [10]Been depressed: lol [11]Gotten drunk and thrown up: i’ve gotten drunk many times, but i’ve been proud to say i’ve never thrown up
[12] Blue [13] Black [14] White
[15] made new friends: yep [16] fallen in love: i’m not sure [17] laughed until you cried: yep [18] found out someone was talking about you: yeah lol [19] met someone who’s changed you: yeah [20] found out who your true friends are: yes [21] kissed someone on your Facebook list: yeah lol [22] how many Facebook friends do you know in real life: most of them i think [23] do you have any pets: yeah (three dogs and a cat) [24] do you want to change your name: i think so, i don’t think anne-marie suits me tbh [25] what did you do for your last birthday: i just kinda wandered around a shopping center for a few hours and bought myself a book and got a haircut [26] what time did you wake up: like half 11? [27] what were you doing at midnight last night: sleeping lol [28] name something you cannot wait for: living on my own [29] when was the last time you saw your mother: literally two seconds ago [30] what is one thing you would change about your life: mostly my weight and how awkward i can be [31] what are you listening to right now: galway girl by mundy [32] have you ever talked to a person named Tom: yep [33] Something that is getting on your nerves: the headache that i’ve had all day [34] Most visited website: probably twitter or tumblr [35] funniest memory: my life, cause it’s a joke :-) [36] memory from school: at my school’s graduation the choir (which i was involved in since 1st year) sang a song called the prayer and i started crying a bit because the choir was what made me stay in the school and made me feel at home in an institution that made me feel like i didn’t belong at all [37] memories you want to make: i want to make a load of music with my pals :-) [38] natural hair color: dark brown [39] long or short hair: medium lol [40] do you have a crush on someone: don’t think so [41] what do you like about yourself: i like my eyes [42] piercings: my ears used to be pierced but they closed up, and i had my cartilage pierced for like a week before i took it out lmao [43] blood type: don’t know her, sorry [44] nickname: anne [45] relationship status: single and i love it lmao [46] zodiac sign: gemini [47] pronouns: she/her [48] favourite tv show: probably the simpsons [49] tattoos: i have an idea for one, doubt i’ll get it soon though [50] left or right handed: right
[51] Surgery: appendix at 14 [52] Piercing: i got my ear lobes done at 14 also [53] Best Friend: my first best friend was a girl called sarah i think? [54] Sport: i think it was horse jumping? [55] Vacation: i think to cork? [56] Pair of trainers: idk lol [57] Favourite snack: apples [58] Drink you hate: milk (i’m lactose intolerant lol) [59] I’m about to: sleep lol [60] I’m listening to: just my saved songs on spotify [61] Waiting for: idek [62] Wanting: to get a job [63] Get married: if anyone ever wants to [64] Career: speech and language therapist :D
[65] hugs or kisses: why not both?? [66] lips or eyes: eyes [67] Shorter or Taller: i like girls shorter than me, and i like guys that are taller than me [68] Older or Younger: i don’t mind so long as it’s not a huge gap [69] Romantic or Spontaneous: again, why not both lol [70] Nice arms or nice stomach: nice arms [71] Sensitive or Loud: a bit of both [72] Hook-up or relationship: relationship [73] Trouble maker or hesitant: again, a bit of both
[74] Kissed a Stranger: yep [75] Drank hard liquor: yep [76] Lost glasses/contacts: nope [77] Turned someone down: yes lol [78] Had sex on first date: lol [79] Broken someone’s heart: sadly yes [80] Had your heart broken: lol yeah [81] Been arrested: nope [82] Cried when someone died: yeah [83] Fallen for a friend: sadly yes
[84] Yourself: not all of the time [85] Miracles: sometimes [86] Love at first sight: not really [87] Santa Claus: nope [88] Kiss on first date: if it feels right, then yeah [89] Angels: kind of [90] Current best friends name: aoife [91] eye color: blue [92] fav movie: zodiac
i can’t think of anyone to tag so just do it if you want :D
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leaveharmony · 7 years
@spiteandsparkles  Whereabouts / howabouts did you get your ears done?  Drugstore + piercing gun or like a tattoo & piercing place?  'Cos that makes a huge difference too, it might just not be you being sensitive.  Piercing guns violently tear a gash through your earlobe, and usually with shit junk jewelry that has nickel in it.  Whereas real piercers use a hollowed needle that basically makes a small tunnel, and will usually put surgical steel in as a starter. 
Like when I got my ears pierced as a child they took YEARS to heal b/c they were done with a gun, like they were still bleeding and gunking up 4 years after they were done but I didn't wanna let them grow over because the experience had been so traumatizing and I didn't wanna go through it again.  And then when I got a second piercing in my right ear as a teenager, I got that at a drug store too...the noise and the shock of it, like I basically went grey and almost fainted.  I let that one grow in b/c it never healed right either and was getting really bad. But then by contrast, a few years ago when I wanted to re-pierce the same spot, I went to a tattoo parlour and maaaan what a difference it was.  No huge noise in your ear, no violent pain.  Basically the guy kinda clamped my ear with a cork behind the lobe and then put the needle through by hand, into the cork.  The pain was negligible, honestly, I mean it certainly hurt but I’ve been in worse, more lasting pain stubbing my toe.  I didn't feel faint or sick or anything afterwards, we actually kept walking around downtown after I got it done.  And it hasn't given me a single minute of trouble since, like it healed really quickly and it never gets sore or anything, I keep a small gold ring in it usually.  My original gun-made piercings still sometimes get sore, but not that one.  YMMV but if you ever wanted to try again, something to think about.
As to tattoo places being intimidating like...when I was shopping a place to get my first one, for a while we had an amount of places that was pretty incommensurate with the size of the city lol.  Like there were four within a block of each other at one point, so I went into all of them one after the other.  One place, the guy was really...like he just seemed inclined to talk over me when I was explaining what I was thinking about getting, which wasn't super reassuring for a first timer.  The next place had fucking framed giant bug carcasses up on the walls, the music was turned up so loud I had to shout over it and the guy was rude as fuck, so that was out too.  The third place was where I got my needle piercing done, and the atmosphere was immediately really great, the guy was super friendly and enthusiastic and everything, so I'd about decided to get it there and then the shop closed within a week lol.  Fortunately the fourth place had just moved to their location, and again...like if the place is welcoming and the people listen to you and make you feel comfortable when you're talking to them that can be as important as checking they have an autoclave, yunno?  Cos if they're making you feel small and stupid or overriding your basic ideas (not like, offering suggestions or telling you what just won’t work or be big enough for w/e) just when you're talking to them, it's definitely a bad sign as to how you'll feel in the chair.
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btsneeds · 7 years
embedded pt1
alright im making a story and I really hope you guys like it! I know we all dont have the same biases so i made the guys name “Rome” instead of jimin or bambam or whatever. You can substitute the name for you bias if you want.This is my first story so please tell me how im doing! thank you and enjoy!!! and please dont steal my story!
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victoria's pov
"Alright bye, dad! I'll see you later!" I yelled out by the door getting ready to meet my friend Elizabeth at a tattoo parlor. I turned eighteen a week ago and I really wanted to get one then but I was too busy packing my stuff to get one.
Hey girly are you close yet? my uber just dropped me off, theres a rlly hot guy here. help.
I read Liz's text as I was getting ready to buckle my seat in my white G-Wagon I got as a present last year for Christmas.
"Hey, Siri text Liz, I'm on my way and how hot?" I say to my phone or Siri in specific. The parlor is just down the road from where I live, very convenient if I want more tattoos in the future. The shop is a part of a building probably a block wide and is shared with a small cafe. The word cafe makes it sounds so fancy, like something in France but it looks more of like a hang out spot.As soon as I got out of my car I was engulfed in a hug by Liz.
"Girl, I went in there and a boy with tattoos all along his arm is he hella fine. Not only is he tasty looking but he is 18." Liz said gushing over this guy.
"Okay, chill. I'll be the judge of how hot I think he is. But anyway I was thinking of getting a flower on the side of my boob. What are you getting?" I asked her while locking my car and into the parlor with Liz at my side.
"I'm thinking of getting 'You Can' in a very minimalist font on my wrist." She replied.
" Hey, do you guys have an appointment or...?" This really cute guy at the counter asked us. He has a very hot/cute fuckboy hair cut but he has one some round glasses. I also noticed that he doesn't have tattoos along his arm but just an inked out band with flowers growing along it.
"Uhh yeah, we have an appointment for two under Victoria and Liz?" Liz stated while asking the boy.
"Alright sweet, just have a seat and they'll come out soon." The boy said referring to the artists. Liz and I looked around the pretty packed shop and sat down on a bench waiting.
"That's not the hot guy I saw earlier, but I hope he's still here and I really want him to ink one of us." Liz said clapping quietly like a little girl. We waited for not that long until a girl and a guy came out from the back to greet us. The girl looked very badass and had some high-rise jeans that were uneven at the bottom that ended just above her ankles, she was wearing a flared long sleeved striped turtle neck under a black silk tank top that could pass as a lingerie top. She paired her outfit with a cute mustered yellow floppy styled hat but it was a suede material.
The guy, on the other hand, looked exactly like how Liz described him. The vibe you get from just looking at him from afar makes you want to know more. He looks like the type of guy your parents don't want you hanging around, yet he does look hella fine.
"Liz?" The guy came up to me asked with a smile.
"Victoria." I smiled back.
"Haha sorry, I'm Rome. Do you want to tell me what you want for a tattoo?" He asked mentioning to follow him. We landed in his office which I'm guessing. Everything is coated with white and back, from the carpet to the floors. There was a cork board hanging above his desk with sketches of different tattoos or artworks that I guess he did.
"I really want like two or three flowers in a bunch just on the side right here," I said rubbing the left side of my side boob. It was more like on the side ribs though. I don't have a huge chest so I thought it wouldn't be as awkward to talk about the placement but he is being very chill about it and it's making my very comfortable and I feel like I'm in safe hands.
"Sweet that sounds cool do you have any preferences on what flowers you want.?" Rome asked. I thought about it while he was drawing what I wanted into a sketch book. It seemed like forever on me just thinking about the flowers so I bravely said. " You choose." Showing a smile.
"Sick alright. " He smiled widely and started to sketch more. "How does this look?" He showed me his drawing of what I wanted and it's perfect. Smiling I said, "It's perfect."  He then took me into another room full of tattoo chairs and ink stations. There looked like four other people were getting tattoos I guessed growing off of hearing the buzzing noises of multiple ink stations.
"Alrighty babe, just sit tight right here while I get everything set up." The way Rome said babe can just melt my heart into a puddle. The more I sat there the more nervous I was to get the tattoo. What if I regret it? What if my boobs start sagging and the tattoo starts sagging too? The more I thought, the more I start shaking. Rome soon comes over with a black tray full of stuff and notices that I'm shaking. He kneels down to my eye level and grabs both my hands around his inked out one.
"Don't worry about it okay? It may hurt just a little bit, but it would be totally worth it in the end. Do you think I would get this many on my body if it would hurt a lot?" He told me making me feel a lot better.
As soon as he sees that I'm calmed down he asks me to lay down on my side so my left side could be tattoo-able, and lift up my shirt just above where I wanted it to be hiding my tits. Is it weird that I like having him stare at my boobs even if it's just the side?
"Alright, since this is on the ribs, it is gonna hurt a little bit and if it does you can just tell me and you can have a break if you want. " He said putting his hand on mine. Me nodding in reply, mentally preparing myself for this. As I'm just laying there watching him put on some black rubber gloves, I notice his rolled up gray sweat-shirt casually over his arm tattoos. There was a rose just laying right on his arm, a dagger that was pierced in his skin, and my favorite so far is The Great Wave of Kanawaga just above his rose.  These are only a few out of all the many very detailed tattoos on his arm. He then went on to put the stencil on and rubbed it there with a small damp towel. After a couple of minutes waiting for it to dry, Rome turned on the machine letting it roar with a loud buzzing noise.
"Alright, I'm gonna start tattooing okay?" Rome asked and I replied with a nod. As the needle comes in contact with my skin, I try to keep calm while trying to memorize Rome, as if I'm not gonna be able to see him again. Black hair, only about a couple inches and end just right under his eyes, plump pink lips like a chubby little Asian baby and a jawline that the gods would worship. It's not disturbingly sharp but very definable.
Over forty-five minutes have passed and the tattoo is already done.
"Damn this fucking looks nice. " Rome says wiping away the ink. "Do you wanna take a look?"  
"I'm so nervous right now. I don't know."
Rome laughed and said, "Let me wrap this up for you and let's see from then. Rome looked in one of the drawers and took out a clear like tape, saran wrap thing and stuck right on top of my new tattoo. He then held my arm lightly pulling me off the bed and placed his hand on my lower back and lead me to a giant wall mirror and positioned me to where I could see the flowers. I turned my head and looked at it.
"Oh wow. This is beautiful." I said is gasp. "This is more than I wanted. Thank you." I said hugging him.
"No problem, I'm just glad you like it. "  Rome said. "Alright, I think your friend is done. Do you wanna go out?" Me nodding in response.
"Tori! Look at mine. I'm so excited,,," Liz said and continued to talk about a party this weekend or something. And me drifting off listening to Rome talk with the boy at the counter earlier. "That was my last one for today, soI'm gonna head out." He said putting on his coat and walking out. "Right let's go get something to eat. " Liz said dragging me out of the parlor and to my car. getting out my car keys I see Rome get on his bike and putting on his helmet. While putting on his helmet he catches me looking and smirks and get on his bike starting it and riding away.
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yenrps · 7 years
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Ambition is not a dirty word. Piss on compromise. Go for the throat. — Steven Erikson
♚┋FULL NAME: Aibhilin Morrison ♚┋PRONUNCIATION: ave + leen ♚┋NICKNAME(S): Lin   ♚┋TITLE: The Alpha Wolf ♚┋OCCUPATION: Tattoo artist/Tattoo shop owner/Alternative Model, Graphic Designer ♚┋~AGE: 34 ♚┋DATE OF BIRTH: 27th November ♚┋GENDER: Cisgender   ♚┋PRONOUNS: She/Her ♚┋ORIENTATION: Biromantic Bisexual   ♚┋NATIONALITY: Irish   ♚┋RELIGION: Roman Catholic ♚┋SPECIES: Human (Sorceress in her fantasy verse) ♚┋AFFILIATION: The Ashford siblings (in her fantasy verse) ♚┋THREAT LEVEL: High (Definitely violent, not necessarily malicious)  
♚┋FACE CLAIM: Katie McGrath ♚┋EYE COLOUR: Green ♚┋HAIR COLOUR: Dark-brown ♚┋DOMINANT HAND: Left ♚┋HEIGHT: 5 ft 5½ in or 166 cm
♚┋WEIGHT: 135 lbs or 61 kg
♚┋TATTOOS:  As with most of my tattoo enthusiastic characters, there’s an undeniably significant collection permanently inked on pale skin, most of which are directly linked to her goals and values. Their meaning is elusive to the casual observer, yet intimately known by none other than herself. From a rose with thorns done by Avery to fine, delicate lettering across her prominent collarbone done by Nolan, spread out like the wings of an eagle soaring above, none of her tattoos have been on a whim – except for the tattoo they all share, namely a tiny crown on their ring finger with the initials IK for Ink & Needle. And even that, she would be quick to stress, is a sign of belonging rather than a decision made in the swing of a happy moment.  The lettering on her collarbone, she’ll tell you, is Irish. It says,’  Ar scáth a chéile a mhaireann na daoine,’ which can be translated to,’ Under the shelter of each other, people survive.’ ♚┋SCARS: Lin has a crescent scar on the left inside of her thigh.  
♚┋PIERCINGS: Only her ears are pierced, and she’s got an eyebrow piercing.
♚┋JUNG TYPE: ENTJ   ♚┋SUBTYPE: Intuitive Subtype   ♚┋ENNEATYPE: 8w9 SX/SP ♚┋MORAL ALIGNMENT: Chaotic Neutral   ♚┋TEMPERAMENT: Choleric/Sanguine ♚┋SCHEMA: 1. Punitiveness (PU), Self-Sacrifice (SS), Entitlement/Grandiosity (ET) ♚┋INTELLIGENCE TYPE: Bodily-Kinesthetic Intelligence/Linguistic Intelligence/Musical Intelligence ♚┋~IQ: 128 ♚┋NEUROTYPE: Neuroatypical   ♚┋AT RISK? Based on hereditary and genetic influences, Lin is at risk of developing schizophrenia like her father.
♚┋HOMETOWN: Douglas, County Cork   ♚┋CURRENT: Dartford, England   ♚┋LANGUAGE(S): English, Gaelic, Spanish, German   ♚┋SOCIAL CLASS: lower middle class
♚┋DEGREE: BA in Graphic Design (Level 7)   ♚┋PARENT #1: Eoghan Morrison   ♚┋PARENT #2: Tomás Reyes Torrez ♚┋SIBLING(S): Eoin McAuley, Síle Teagan Morrison    ♚┋MAIN SHIP: None ♚┋RELATIONSHIP STATUS: single, not fond of monogamy   ♚┋CHILDREN: None ♚┋PET(S): two black cats named Ivy and Quinn
♚┋ADOPTED? Yes ♚┋RAP SHEET? None. She was on trial for slight personal injury after some lad had touched her inappropriately at the train station on her way to work. Due to Nolan and her then girlfriend’s accounts, as well as witnesses, she was released of charges.   ♚┋PRISON TIME? No.
♚┋SMOKES? Yes, five cigarettes a day ♚┋DRINKS? Only socially – but she can still drink you under the table ♚┋DOES DRUGS? No. ♚┋IS VIOLENT? While not maliciously violent, Lin has broken many a guy’s nose for disrespecting her no, and never hesitates long to make it known that she can more than defend herself. Likewise, her temperament along with her intolerance of people disrespecting boundaries causes her to react defensively, often times to the point of physical violence if necessary. She doesn’t lash out unprovoked, however, and would never harm somebody for her own enjoyment, nor is she emotionally or sexually violent in any way. ♚┋HAS AN ADDICTION? No.   ♚┋IS SELF-DESTRUCTIVE? No.   ♚┋HABITS: cracking her knuckles as a warning, always questionably dressed in winter because she thrives in the cold, yet hates heat, slightly favors her left leg while walking, occasionally prone to the misuse of words in Spanish due to confusing them with similar sounding English ones, talks softly, yet with purpose (not one to raise her voice despite her high level of violence), tends to touch others often while in a conversation, smiles sweetly right before losing her temper (cue enough to do as she says, or either to leave), has a hard time getting humor, tendency to be more cordial and flirtatious towards men, professionally polite towards women (as a result of bad experiences made in past relationships), has a lisp ♚┋HOBBIES: taking pictures of her cats and spamming Instagram with silly cat anecdotes out of her daily life, seeking ways to further educate herself (intrinsic knowledge of anatomy beyond what’s required in her profession, among regular attendance of courses relevant to her line of work), dragging Alexander off to poetry slam readings, lectures on art history, kick-boxing, volleyball, and yoga, acrobatics ( aerialist, trapeze acts), brewing herbal teas everybody pours down the drain, drawing (mostly digital art), collecting frog statues, obsessively and obnoxiously into football ♚┋TICS: cracks knuckles, repetition of words ♚┋OBSESSION(S): None ♚┋COMPULSION(S): Hair tossing, needs things to be symmetrical
♚┋HOUSE: Ravenclaw   ♚┋VICE: Wrath   ♚┋VIRTUE: Humility ♚┋ELEMENT: Fire ♚┋ANGEL: Michael ♚┋MYTHOLOGICAL CREATURE: Sirens and Banshees   ♚┋ANIMAL: Wolf
♚┋MUTATION: Elemental mutations, for sure. Smoke and fire manipulation. ♚┋WOULD SURVIVE POST-APOC? Possibly. It would depend on the group dynamics and what other survivors can attribute to their overall odds. Like Nolan, however, there’s a chance of her getting wrapped up in potentially lethal situations for the sake of others.
♚┋DEVELOPMENT: Semi-developed ♚┋SHIPPING: Open, though with a preference towards men ♚┋VERSE: Multiship ♚┋VERSE TYPE: Supernatural (sorceress and ward of the Ashford siblings in her fantasy verse, affiliated with Nolan as an expert on healing magic and arcane combat)
♚┋CANON: Technically, her first fantasy verse where she’s a renegade sorceress fleeing persecution, but her default verse is her Tattoo Shop one. ♚┋PLOTTING: Open ♚┋CREATION DATE: February 2014
INSPIRED BY: Miranda Lawson (Mass Effect), Alec Leamas (The Spy Who Came In From The Cold), Anne Boleyn (History), Lady Macbeth (Shakespeare, Macbeth)
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wildcherrypepsihero · 7 years
1-100 please! And have a good day! :)
Holy CRAP! THANK YOU! Seriously, you can PM me your url if you want some asks sent your way! You’re too kind :)
1. Is a kiss considered cheating? Yeah, I think so. I’m pretty much uncomfortable with hand-holding or long hugs/cuddly with anyone but my SO. I’ve tolerated it before for friends who are going through stuff, but I really enjoy personal space. I would be pretty uncomfortable if Marty did anything cuddly with someone else, too. Kissing is pretty over-the-line for me.
2. Have you ever faked an orgasm? Hasn’t everyone? Yes, I have.
3. If you could have one superpower, what would it be? Deafness at will?Like the ability to create total silence. I get overwhelmed pretty easily, and I hate a lot of noises, so it’d be nice to shut it out sometimes!
4. Do you think you are going to be rich in 7-8-9 years? Absolutely not!
5. Tell us some funny drunk story. I don’t drink, sorry!
6. Why are you no longer together with your ex? He was a douche and was only interested in me for sex. Which was super gross because he was a lot older than me.
7. If you had to choose one way to die, what would it be? Old age. Painless.
8. What are your current goals? I have a ton of goals right now!!! I want to get a cartilage piercing, I want to lose weight, I want to get straight A’s, I want to get a tattoo I want to make new friends, I want to become more involved with my religion, I want to save up for my gap year between undergrad and grad school, and I want to make the most of my time between now and when I graduate!
9. Do you like someone? Been dating the love of my life for almost three years!
10. Who was the last person to disappoint you? I’m trying not to hold grudges about it. It’s already in the past!
11. Do you like your body? Sometimes! I’m a lot less mean to myself than I used to be.
12. Can you keep a diet? I’ve never dieted! I’m good at eating well, though!
13. If the whole world listened to you right now, what would you say? I’d agonize over it for a long time, but I’d draft a speech on how important knowledge is and try to talk about acceptance and stuff. The political scene is rough right now.
14. Do you work? Yep! I’m a paid intern at school for English, and I’m a carpenter over the summers!
15. If you could choose only one food to eat to the rest of your life, what would it be? Does the entire genre of “vegetables” count? If I had to pick one... Maybe broccoli? I really like tomatoes, too.
16. Would you get a tattoo? Yep! I want to get an Italian worker bee on my left wrist.
17. Something you don’t mind spending all your money on? My education!
18. Can you drive? No. My anxiety is pretty easy to hide, but it’s been pretty crippling, too. I wish I could do normal things.
19. When was the last time someone told you that you were beautiful? Today! I was really self-conscious at the beach, but my boyfriend was lovely and texted me encouragement!
20. What was the last thing you cried for? My grandfather who passed away a few years ago.
21. Do you keep a journal? Sort of! I don’t have time to journal or to even write stories on their own, but my planner acts as my journal. It’s one of the most treasured things I own.
22. Is life fun? Absolutely!
23. Is farting in front of people irrelevant? I think farting in public is gross and disrespectful, but in private with people you know is totally fine.
24. What’s your dream car? Convertible VW bug!
25. Are grades in school important? No, as long as you’re learning! In my experience, though, when I’m learning, my grades are good. When I’m not learning, they’re not. But that isn’t the case with everyone!
26. Describe your crush. Dorky, cute, kind. My best friend.
27. What was the last book/movie that really impressed you? A Book of Bees by Sue Hubbell and Hidden Figures!
28. What was your last lie? “No worries!”
29. Dumbest lie you ever told? Any time I told some wildly untrue story in my youth to seem interesting.
30. Is crying in front of people embarrassing? YES.
31. Something you did and you are proud of? I’ve had straight A’s two semesters in a row, I’m publishing multiple articles in TWO journals with my school, and I’m in the Honors program at my university!
32. What’s your favorite cocktail? I don’t drink!
33. Something you are good at? Critical analysis of language!
34. Do you like small kids? Well enough!
35. How are you feeling right now? I’m really tired.
36. What would you name your daughter/son? Noelle/Phillip. Both named after family members.
37. What do you need to be happy? Marty, a good book, a comfy bed, and a job at a university!
38. Is there some you want to punch in the face right now? At any given moment, I’m ready to punch two specific people in the face.
39. What was the last gift you received? My dad got me a bunch of patches for my bag!
40. What was the last gift you gave? I can’t even remember. It was probably for Marty.
41. What was the last concert you went to? Probably Sara Bareilles!
42. Favourite place to shop at? I like stores like Target! I also like Francesca’s.
43. Who inspires you? My mom and my first professor.
44. How old were you when you first got drunk? N/A
45. How old were you when you first got high? N/A
46. How old were you when you first had sex? 19
47. When was your first kiss? My senior year of high school
48. Something you want to do until the end of this year? I have a workout, meal, and overall points plan!
49. Is there something in the past you wish you hadn’t done? I wish I’d taken my English classes more seriously in high school.
50. Post a selfie. I’m horrible at taking pictures. I’m pretty much exactly like this emoji: (ง°ل͜°)ง
51. Who are you most comfortable around? Marty!
52. Name one thing that terrifies you. UNCERTAINTY.
53. What kind of books do you read? Realistic fiction and creative nonfiction. I don’t have a lot of tolerance for ridiculously fictitious stories anymore.
54. What would you tell your 12-year-old self? Life is going to get hard. Learn how to cope with it sooner. Ask your mom for a fucking therapist.
55. What is your favorite flower? Purple coneflowers have had my heart for years, but a lot of bee-friendly flowers have been growing on me.
56. Any bad habits you have? Maybe it’s not a habit more than it is a symptom, but I scratch at my ears until they bleed and clean them until the protective layer of wax is gone and they get infected. Not fun :(
57. What kind of people are you attracted to? Low-maintenance, low-drama dorks.
58. What was the last thing you cried for? I didn’t even notice this was on here twice when I reblogged it.
59. Is there something you don’t eat? Some food that truly disgusts you? I really hate hot fruit and mushy hot vegetables.
60. Are you in love? Yes!
61. Something you find romantic? Laughing together! And cuddling :)
62. How long was your longest relationship? My current one! Almost three years!
63. What are 3 things that irritate you about the same sex? These seem pretty heavily based on stereotypes. Three things that irritate me about PEOPLE are 1. over-dramatic, 2. little to no forethought about most things, 3. UNWILLING TO SOLVE THEIR OWN PROBLEMS THROUGH SIMPLE COMMUNICATION.
64. What are 3 things that irritate you about the opposite sex? See above.
65. What are you saving money for? New apartment things! Cork board, rice steamer, etc.
66. How would you describe your bad side? Stubborn, holds grudges, easily irritated.
67. Are you actually a good person? Why? I think I’m trying really hard to be a good person. I still have a lot of really selfish habits and mindsets, but (weirdly enough) my experiences with religion have helped me change them.
68. What are you living for? My lovely SO and my passion for English and higher education!
69. Have you ever done anything illegal? Nope!
70. Do you like your body? See above? I guess?
71. Have you ever made someone feel bad about themselves intentionally? No, I don’t think so.
72. Ever sent nudes? Nah. The NSA doesn’t need to see anything but my fully-clothed body.
73. Have you ever cheated on someone? ABSOLUTELY NOT.
74. Favourite candy? I really like Butterfingers! And Hostess mini powdered donuts, if those count as candy.
75. Is there a blog you visit every day, or almost every day? Tag it! @barry-bluejeans - I love all that sweet taz content. There are some other taz blogs, too, but I really love this one.
76. Do you play any computer games? What is your favorite game? Starbound, right now! I also adore Stardew Valley.
77. Favorite TV series? I love Brooklyn 99 and Parks and Rec.
78. Are you religious? Does God exist? Uh, yeah! I think I am? I recently got introduced to a really open branch of religion and I’ve been learning a lot. I don’t think there’s a man in the sky who knows everything. I think God is a limited entity that exists in the interactions between people? Like... I don’t know. God is the forgiveness between two people for the initial awkwardness of conversation. God is the need for letting grudges go quickly out of personal growth, not out of charity for the other person. God is the overwhelming sense of calmness we get when we’re out in the quiet of nature. God is the ever-expanding universe getting to know itself, if that makes sense? I dunno. I’m still a little embarrassed about religion, but I really like to explore it in writing lmao.
79. What was the last book you read? Did it impress you and why? A Book of Bees! YES! It was so poetic and peaceful! My copy even had grammatical errors and typos, but I still thoroughly enjoyed the book!!!
80. What do you think about vegetarianism/veganism? Extremely admirable, especially when it’s in protest of the current meat industry.
81. How long have you been on Tumblr? Since my sophomore year of high school, though I’ve deleted a few times to start over.
82. Do you like Chinese food? YES!
83. McDonalds or Subway? Subway, I guess? These are both kind of bad options.
84. Vodka or whiskey? I don’t drink...
85. Alcohol or drugs? Neither... Although I would choose pretty much anything over drugs.
86. Ever been out of your province/state/country? Been out of state, but not out of country (YET!)
87. Meaning behind your blog name? It started out as a vent blog. I deal with a lot of things through humor, so a lot of my reactions to sad relatable posts would be to laugh and then cringe.
89. What are you scared of? Still uncertainty! Also not a big fan of heights.
90. Last time you were insulted? This idiot from school said that I was a bad friend, that my best friend was in love with me, and that my boyfriend was probably cheating on me.
91. Most traumatic experience? It happened a long time ago, I’d rather not answer.
92. Perfect date idea? Cuddling at home! Or going to a museum!
93. Favorite app on your phone? My smartpen’s app! Or garage band!
94. What color are the walls in your room? Green!
95. Do you watch YouTube? Who is your favorite YouTuber? I watch some youtube. I like Animal Wonders Montana and Dollightful!
96. Share your favorite quote. As a word person, I have a lot of favorite quotes, but right now it is the following: “Some beekeepers recommend continuous feeding of all hives in the springtime, arguing that a steady supply of sugar syrup tricks the colony into believing there is nectar flow in progress, which stimulates the queen to lay a greater number of eggs than she normally would. I have tried it but find it unsatisfactory, and have concluded that it is impossible to trick bees. They know their world better than I do.” -Sue Hubbell. There are so many from this book that I adore but this one is one of my favorites.
97. What is the meaning of life? A good book on a beach with the one you love.
98. Do you like horror movies? Yeah, I guess! In small doses.
99. Have you ever made your mum cry? What happened? Probably loads of times in high school. She was terrified that I was never going to get my act together.
100. Do you feel lucky or special in a way? I’m very lucky to have wonderful parents, a perfect monogamous boyfriend, and a passion that I’m good at!
101. Can you keep a secret? I feel like I misnumbered these somehow. Also, some of these are repeats, so fuck it. I’m doing 101. Yes, I can keep a secret, but not from Marty. Thankfully, Marty can also keep a secret.
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grubby-socks · 8 years
Rules: once you're tagged you have to write 93 truths about yourself.
I was tagged by the ever lovely @iswearimartsy this is gonna take ages thanks Meghan ;-; 🌸 LAST…
[1] drink: green tea[2] phone call: one of the parentals 
[3] text message: Teddy [4] song you listened to: Its ok I wouldn’t remember me either by Crywank (a tuuune but not a bop) 
[5] time you cried: yesterday lol 🌸 HAVE YOU EVER…
[6] dated someone twice: nope 
[7] been cheated on: again, nope [8] kissed someone and regretted it: I played the points game at pride… So yes[9] lost someone special: yep [10] been depressed: Zoloft is my best friend 
[11] gotten drunk and thrown up: I made myself sick because I felt guilty about the amount of calories in vodka. Does that count? 🌸 LIST 3 FAVOURITE COLORS…
[12] sunny yellow
[13] pastel blues and pinks
[14] burgundy 🌸 IN THE LAST YEAR HAVE YOU…
[15] made new friends: SO MANY !!
[16] fallen out of love: does it count if its platonic[17] laughed until you cried: yep its bizarre 
[18] found out someone was talking about you: a whole fucking form class
[19] met someone who changed you: not to sound sappy but like yeah [20] found out who your true friends are: i could find out who was and I’d still think they secretly hate me
[21] kissed someone on your Facebook list: mhm mhm 🌸 GENERAL…
[22] how many of your Facebook friends do you know in real life: I’m super picky about who I add ao yeah
[23] do you have any pets: two fish, pickles and fluffy. They are nibbles whilst I was away
[24] do you want to change your name: so much. I’d probably go with Charlie but I’m really liking Bea atm[25] what did you do for your last birthday: went stationary shopping with Lisa and then we went for Korean food with my family! [26] what time did you wake up: in and around 7:50 [27] what were you doing at midnight last night: watching Harry Bakers Ted talks and fangirling about him to teddy… I’m sad I know 
[28] name something you cannot wait for: the leaving cert to END [29] when was the last time you saw your mother: couple of hours ago [30] what is one thing you wish you could change about your life: to no be on five types of meds lol
[31] what are you listening to right now: outside sounds, spotify crashed 
[32] have you ever talked to a person named Tom: yes 
[33] something that is getting on your nerves: my maths teacher
[34] most visited website: like actual sites not including apps? Probably the CAO site ;-; or imdb 
[35] elementary: I went to three 
[36] high school: aaaaaa STRESS [37] college: I’m planning on studying in cork so like fingers crossed [38] hair colour: super faded purple
[39] long or short hair: long ish hasn’t been this long since I was a kid jeepers 
[40] do you have a crush on someone: my brain is like ?¿ 
[41] what do you like about yourself: the teensy bit of vitiligo I have is p cute 
[42] piercings: none, I guess you could say I’m UNHOLY 
[43] blood type: glitter apparently 
[44] nickname: oh boy there’s a few. Eeme, beemer/bee, the tiny lesbian, glitter fairy, eems. I was Mollser for awhile as well…
[45] relationship status: single pringle 
[46] zodiac sign: Virgo [47] pronouns: she/her
[48] fav TV show: hmmm TOO MANY OPTIONS. More people should watch Ku'Damm 56 though its fantastic
[49] tattoos: I’m not gonna get one but I’d love a sprig of lavender on my wrist 
[50] right or left handed: right 🌸 FIRST…
[51] surgery: I had a cataract removed last summer 
[52] piercing: none [53] best friend: probably some kid in London [54] sport: ballet, if you don’t think ballets a sport you can fucking fight me and I’ll kick you in the face with an elegant arabesque  
[55] vacation: I was born in London so probably either visiting Irish or German family 
[56] pair of trainers: I used to be so proud of my dunks but idk what my first were 🌸RIGHT NOW…
[57] eating: nothing 
[58] drinking: same tea as earlier but its now cold ;-;
[59] I’m about to: study and probably watch Harry Bakers Ted talks again THEYRE GREAT OK
[60] listening to: outside sounds 
[61] waiting for: the radiator to come on my feet are v cold
[62] want: to be warm
[63] get married: I can legally do that now so that’s p cool. Thanks Ireland! Apart from roscommon fuck you roscommon
[64] career: I babysit does that count? I wanna do something biotech-y related to immunology when I’m older though 🌸WHICH IS BETTER…
[65] hugs or kisses: hugs but I’m bad with physical contact
[66] lips or eyes:eyes [67] shorter or taller: taller its p hard to be shorter than me 
[68] older or younger: as long it’s within the grounds of the two year rule idm but I’d be inclined to go older 
[69] romantic or spontaneous: romantic is gross 
[70] nice arms or nice stomach: idk dude 
[71] sensitive or loud: sensitive, me and loud noises don’t go well together 
[72] hook up or relationship: relationship. Hooking up sounds terrifying
[73] troublemaker or hesitant: as long as they don’t do anything they know would freak me out idc 🌸HAVE YOU EVER…
[74] kissed a stranger: quick peck but not shift
[75] drank hard liquor: I’ve tried rum and vodka mixed with cider as a mixer lol 
[76] lost glasses/contact lenses: turns out I was already wearing them 
[77] turned someone down: I once replied to “I like you” with “OH DEAR” I’m a bad person I know
[78] sex on first date: no thank! 
[79] broken someone’s heart: I’m clearly a heart breaker 
[80] had your own heart broken: ?¿ feelings are a lie [81] been arrested: nope 
[82] cried when someone died: yep 
[83] fallen for a friend: yep whoops it was ages ago tho 🌸DO YOU BELIEVE IN…
[84] yourself: hahaha next question? 
[85] miracles: I exist so like
[86] love at first sight: THAT’S NOT LOVE JULIET STOP THIS [87] santa claus: nah [88] kiss on the first date: on the cheek maybe? I’m not a prude just physical contact is scary and ants [89] angels: again, I exist 🌸OTHER…
[90] current best friend’s name: I have lots of favourite noodles
[91] eye colour: brown ish?
[92] favourite movie: STOP MAKING ME PICK MY FAVOURITE CHILD. I’m lazy so I’m only gonna tag 3 people: @luke-the-dumbass @aspartameme and @nerdyfangs
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