simmer-rhi · 1 year
Tate Legacy - Short Life Span Legacy
Lucky Brielle's step-grandmother lives in Sulani, and has offered her a place to stay while she finds her feet (we certainly don't have any family money).
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On the day of her arrival is Sulani's flower and music festival - the perfect opportunity to meet new people. Unfortunately, Brielle's evil trait makes everyone immediately suspicious of her.
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Brielle's cute bedroom ☺️
I added a load of Sulani townies from the gallery to my save, by UsagiWonderland and -FishySimmer-
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simmer-rhi · 1 year
Tate Legacy - Short Lifespan Legacy
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I need to reach level 8 in the catering career for my aspiration, so this is a bit of a pain actually.
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simmer-rhi · 1 year
Tate Legacy - Short Life Span Legacy
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Brielle's dream is to become a wellness expert. She heads to the local spa and advertises her services. Unfortunately, the spa employees seem a bit put out that some n00b is stealing their customers, and in spite of 3 attempts, Brielle is unable to finish a single treatment.
We have better success leading a yoga class just outside.
Spa from the gallery, by atelana
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simmer-rhi · 1 year
Tate Legacy - Short Life Span Legacy
I've been heavily invested in gen 2 for a while now, but here I am officially handing over the baton - marking off gen 1's greatest achievements, and outlining gen 2 'goals'.
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I am randomising everything for this save, using simsrandom.com and rolling dice, spinning a wheel etc. For this save I'm not so interested in completing goals, more living in the general spirit of the character.
Love that Brielle has 'inherited' a love for animals and the evil trait from her mother - given that she's so sugar sweet, the evil trait is a difficult one to imagine for her, so I'm saying that she works hard to keep it at bay, I'll be cancelling any evil interactions asap, and once she develops another trait I'll delete it - two evil sims in a row is a bit much!
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Anyway, a farewell breakfast with the fam, and we are Sulani bound 🌴🏖️🩴
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simmer-rhi · 1 year
Tate Legacy - Short Lifespan Legacy
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Mama Deidre takes Brielle to the spa for her birthday! Brielle loved every second, and I guess she had an epiphany - this is what she wants to do with the rest of her life!!
A little privacy, please...
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simmer-rhi · 1 year
Tate Legacy - Short Lifespan Legacy
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For Timothy, prom was next level, he is smitten with his date. Brielle's date was a bit of a dud, but winning prom royalty was everything.
I got each sibling to vote for one another, and for someone else - thinking I was even-ing out the odds that they'd win, and they did!
I guess Brielle changed her hair last minute since the previous post. The joy of trendi outfits 🤔
Prom gymnasium by RoxxySims
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simmer-rhi · 1 year
Tate Legacy - Short Lifespan Legacy
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The Tate siblings get ready for prom 👸🏻🤵🏾
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simmer-rhi · 1 year
Tate Legacy - Short Lifespan Legacy
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There was no romantic promposal for Brielle - Grant Hecking was hardly going to make the effort, and as if she has the time to make an elaborate sign, between homework, cheerleading and yoga?!
So yeah, they're going together, since she finally caved and asked him. She's living her teenage dream, so she's hardly going to go solo!
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simmer-rhi · 1 year
Tate Legacy - Short Lifespan Legacy
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Deidre and Kyle have embraced some elderly pastimes - speed walking in San Sequoia is their idea of a fun day out.
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Breanna has just aged up to an elder, and she is not ready for this - she dyes her hair, she's had a little nip / tuck / lift (or all 3?). But in spite of that, woohoo no longer satisfies her the way it used too, she's just lost her stamina, and she is not happy about it.
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simmer-rhi · 1 year
Tate Legacy - Short Lifespan Legacy
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Timothy can't turn down an opportunity for mischief - the #ogprankster convinced his mother to go streaking! Well of course, Deidre has never been one to turn down a dare.
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He's a softy at heart though, wowing his crush with a very romantic, very public promposal.
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simmer-rhi · 1 year
Tate Legacy - Short Lifespan Legacy
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Brielle and her cheerleading (group, team, troop?) are not like those cheerleaders you see on TV - they actually care about their grades, ok?
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simmer-rhi · 1 year
Tate Legacy - Short Lifespan Legacy
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Timothy aged up to a teen. His attitude to school is somewhat different to his sister's...
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simmer-rhi · 1 year
Tate Legacy - Short Lifespan Legacy
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Brielle loves school. She is living her teenage preppy girl dream. Although she is a cheerleader, her yoga skills are far superior.
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simmer-rhi · 1 year
Tate Legacy - Short Lifespan Legacy
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Deidre and Kyle have aged up to elders. But like, cool elders okay, they are no fuddy-duddies.
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Kyle's new wife Breanne keeps him young though.
Deidre and Kyle are friends who have raised two science babies together. I'm not ready for gen 1 to pop their clogs yet - short lifespan really is just that. I may tweak the durations ever so slightly...
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simmer-rhi · 1 year
Feeling a bit bored, decided to try a random short lifespan legacy for some more casual gameplay. Excited to try out some gameplay features I never use!
Playing in this save file.
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simmer-rhi · 1 year
Tate Legacy - Short Lifespan Legacy
So there's nothing to do in this corner of San Sequoia except visit the food truck... I even struggled to find seating.
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Even more rabbit holes would have been fine!!
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