#tatally random thought
mleighsquickspot · 3 years
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Back at it again my Lovelies. I hope you're doing well, staying safe and all that goodness. I hope your weekend has left you feeling recharged and ready to take this week on. As always check me out on my other social media's the link will be below and let's get into my thoughts on last weeks questions...
Tuesday, the line "I don't know their intentions" just gets to me when I listen to the end of most bad encounter stories. I listen to stories narrated on several different horror channels and so many of them end with that line. Noe true if you got away the OP's don't know for sure what the bad guy or person's wanted to exactly to do to them, but come on. Given the situation in most cases you can think of what the intentions were. I totally understand that no one in a horror situation would want to linger on thoughts of what could have happened to them... I don't know, that line just really irks me for some reason.
Thursday, the Muppet show the Barbarian and the Troll lol it seems kind of fun. I watched a quick moment of it last time it was on and to me it's like if Zena warrior princess met Skeletor from He-Man, and they threw in a troll for some reason lol. I guess I'll have to watch more maybe but from what I've seen so far it gives me a giggle or two.
Sunday, lol all I can say is wow, it looks like a mix of a whole bunch of stuff. I can say I like the visuals and a lot of the call backs and references but it still is very silly. And I know its for kids and the original film way silly to yet, this looks very crazy. Also why Space Jam Legacy? I guess some one really liked Tron Legacy lol.
Let me know what you think and pass the thought along my friend's 😊.
Stay well and safe Inter World 💗.
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fluffymcu · 5 years
Confessions (Bucky x reader)
Okay so..... to my surprise, I was able to finish this fic tonight. @dropyoursocksandgrabyourcrocss suggested I make this a funny fic with Bucky. I tried my best lol. I do my funniest in person, not in writing but hopefully you enjoy. Also the reader will be drunk. Again, I’m not at all good at writing drunk behavior. I’m 17 so I’ve never drank or been around anyone who is drunk. So I’m basing it off of what I would imagine being drunk would be, and of what I’ve seen in movies. :)) thank you.
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You and Bucky were best friends. You were the one who helped him mentally recover when he escaped from hydra. He had met you in a gym. He was working out and...you were cheering your friends on from a bench. Eating. Donuts. Bucky found the scene to be quite funny so he confronted you, introducing himself and asking for a donut. You both got to talking and you had a lot in common. You know, except for being captured and tortured for years and the passion for fitness. That was 4 years ago. Your relationship has grown so much since. And you both had a slight crush on each other. And by slight, you mean giganticus.
Bucky furrowed his eyebrows as he dug into his pocket trying to take out his cellphone. When he took it out, his heart fluttered for a half second as he noticed there was a notification with your name on it. He opened it.
Ican’t stopp thinking abt uuuuu!❤️❤️❤️❤️💕💕💕💕💕💕❤️❤️💕❤️❤️❤️
He furrowed his eyebrows again at the text. Was it meant for him? Did you accidentally send it to him?
❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️😍😍😘🤣🥰😘🤣😝😛😛💕alllllll these guys here and I still only have eyesss 4u!
He wondered what could be the reason for these strange texts...and emojis. You never used emojis. Except for when you were....
Are you drunk?
Nop. You? Noppp I’m not even drinking. But I AM THINKING about uuuu! 🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰❤️❤️
Bucky sighed and got up from his couch and put his jacket on, ready to pick you up. He made sure to wear some comfy clothes since he had a feeling he was staying the night at your house.
Where are you?
Mmmmmm at the bar on 41st street. But I’m nottt drinking tho. Toatally sober :)))))
***totally** lollll
Stay where you are. I’ll be there in ten.
Bucky got in his car and pulled out from his driveway as fast as he could and made his way to 41st street.
Meanwhile, you were at the bar, dancing away and falling repeatedly on the floor. Random guys would help you up every time you fell. You would thank them, they’d ask you out, and you’d say you were taken. But only for today. Thank god they were drunk as well, so they believed your lie and left alone. About 10 minutes later, you fall once again, only to be picked up.
You’re about to thank the random man only to realize that this time, it’s Bucky. Your eyes light up and you squeal, wrapping your arms around him.
“Bucky!! You’re here!” Bucky wraps his arms around you to hug you back.
“Yeah, I am, doll. Let’s get you home okay?” He said, lifting you up bridal style. You wrapped your arms around his neck and gazed your glossy eyes into his.
“I’d go anywhere with you, Bucky Barnes.” You gushed. This making Bucky blush slightly. But you were too drunk to notice or call him out on it.
The ride home was relatively quiet. You were stretched out in the back seat, humming to no music and tracing shapes on the hood of the car. “So...sober, huh?” He chuckled. You giggled loudly and nodded.
“Yyyyup! 100 percent sober!” You slurred.
“Liar.” He scoffed. He finally pulled up to your apartment and helped you out of the car. Once you both got inside, you wobbled over to the fridge, immediately opening it and searching for food.
“Step away from the refrigerator.” Bucky slowly said. You turned to look at him with wide eyes.
“But... I’m hungry.” You whispered.
“I think you’ve had enough stuff in your body. You drank excessively and knowing you, you probably ordered everything on the menu; I still don’t understand how you don’t gain any weight. I don’t think you’re hungry, I think you’re bored.” Bucky said, leading you away from the refrigerator.
“Then entertain me!” You groaned. Bucky scoffed and lead you to your bedroom.
“It’s too late for entertainment, young lady, you need to go to bed. Come on. Get undressed while I get your pyjamas.” He walked torwards you drawers and picked out some shorts and a matching tank while you took off your heels. When you were just in your undergarments, Bucky, still facing away from you, passed you your pjs and you put them on, occasionally tripping over.
“Mkay, I’m done.” You sighed. Bucky turned around and layed you on your bed and tucked you in. You stared into his eyes shamelessly before sighing. “You’re so handsome.” Bucky looked down, blushing.
“That’s just the alcohol talking.” He murmured out loud; even though it was mostly directed towards himself. You shook your head and hummed.
“No. I mean it. I’ve liked you since I layed my eyes on you at the gym. I’ve loved you.” You smiled slightly. Bucky’s eyes met yours at your words. He stared at you for a second before snapping out of it.
“Right. Well, I’ll be in the living room if you need me. I’ll sleep on the couch. Goodnight y/n.” He smiled, leaving you to drift off into sleep.
He plopped down on the couch and thought about the words you had just told him. He didn’t want to believe it. He wanted to believe that it really was just the alcohol talking yet he never wanted anything more than for those words to be true. He needed to stop being afraid of being hurt, and let himself be happy. He smiled to himself, optimistic about tomorrow to see if you meant what you said.
The next morning, Bucky was up making breakfast for the two of you, waiting for you to wake up. He had a smile on his face, and a bounce in his step. It was now about 11:30 when he heard your dragged footsteps come out of your room.
He heard a long groan from your direction, making him smile widely. “Good morning, sleepy head!” He greeted, making sure to sound extra cheery to annoy you.
“Ughh, more like hungover head. What’s for breakfast?” You sighed. You looked over at the stove and saw eggs and bacon. You smiled then instantly frowned. “Did I have bacon?”
“No, I ran to the store real quick this morning and got some. I had already started the eggs when I noticed you didn’t have any.” You nodded your head and hummed.
You took a seat on the island and watched him cook. “So... do you remember anything from yesterday?” He asked, turning around to look at you for a brief second before attending the food again.
You thought back to the night before but couldn’t remember much. “Mm, not really. Just taking the taxi to the bar and then being in the backseat when you drove me home. Oh and I texted someone a bunch of emojis.”
Bucky chuckled. “Yeah, you sent them to me.” Your eyes widened.
“Really?” Bucky nodded.
“And...” Bucky paused, making sure to get his words right. “You also described with detail your profound liking to me. Or well, quoting you: “love.” Your eyes widened even more as your face went completely red.
“What? No, I didn’t.”
“Yeah, you did.”
“No. I didn’t.”
“Yeah, you kinda did.” He pointed his finger at you with an apologetic smirk on his face.
“No. I couldn’t have. I know how to keep myself under control when I’m drunk.”
“Ehh, I beg to differ.”
“Shut up. No, you’re making this up.” You said, getting up and walking to the couch. You were so embarrassed. Suddenly everything that happened last night started flooding into your mind. The texts. The emojis. The flirting. The confessions. The confessions! You confessed your love for him! You swallowed thickly. You were so lost in thought that you didn’t even realize that Bucky had sat down next to you.
“Hey, it’s okay. I-”
“I still think you’re making this up. I don’t even remember saying that.” Bucky chuckled and rolled his eyes.
“Come on, doll. I can show you the texts you sent me as proof. I know you remember. Just admit it. Come on.” He said, getting tired of going around in circles and poking your side, making you flinch.
“Admit it then.” He said with another poke. Your lips curling up a bit.
“But I didn’t say-”
“Yes you did.” He nodded. You smiled and tried to hide it by looking away. He then moved to your ribs, one of your worst spots, starting with a squeeze. You squeaked, and shuffled away from him.
“Bucky, I- I can’t. I don’t remember saying that.”
“Oh come on! Just admit it! Admit it so I can tell you I love you too!” Your eyes almost popped out of your eye sockets as you turned around to look at him.
“Wait, what?!” You weren’t allowed to think any further as you were now victim of a full blown tickle attack to you ribs.
“What??” Bucky asked, acting oblivious to what he’s doing.
“Whahahahahat?” You giggled hysterically, trying to wiggle out of his trap without success.
“What, what? I’m not saying anything else until you admit it. It’s easy.” He said nonchalantly, blowing a raspberry on your neck. You squealed and cackled when his hands traveled down to your hips, him pushing you down and straddling your legs. “It’s gonna get worse by the second y/n, admit it while you still can.”
You shook your head, jolting as his thumbs dug into the space right about your hips. “STOHOHOHOP! YOU CAHAHANT JUHUST DOHOHO THIS TO MEHEHE WHENEVEHEHER YOU WAHANT SOMETHING!” You slapped at his hands repeatedly.
“Yeah, but this is important. We’re confessing. Well, we would be if you weren’t being so stubborn!” He smirked before blowing a raspberry on your belly, making you cackle and kick out your legs. You groaned audibly.
“Arrrh, IM HUNGOVER!” You screamed all in one breath, making Bucky burst out laughing. “LEHEHEAVE ME ALOHOHONE!”
“You know I don’t give up easily, y/n/n. Just admit it already. I’ve already told you I feel the same way.” He said, slowing down, now only scratching lightly at your sides to keep you giggling.
“Okahahahahay! Okahahay, I admit it!” You sighed, pushing his arms away. Bucky chuckled but stayed on your lap.
“And that is...” you rolled your eyes.
“I love you, Bucky. I’ve loved you since I saw your sweaty self approach me at the gym and ask me for a donut all those years ago.” You smiled at the memory that felt like yesterday.
“You know, you made it sound much more romantic when you were drunk.” He squinted his eyes at you, laughing with you before leaning down and finally doing what he had been wanting to do to you for 4 years.
By that I meant kiss you. Come on, let’s keep it PG-13 guys. Thanks.
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