writingjourney · 1 year
Not a question but kinda your own 'fic' you showed me on Friday
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AHHHHHHH OMG BLESS YOU RIBZ!!!! This is fucking perfect I am screaming!!!!
(We were talking about this post in case you're wondering)
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copias-girl · 1 year
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Just here to show you something i found 'To Catch a Cardinal' Copia's hoodie
Ok but that text over the random ‘Las Vegas’ in the background has me WHEEZING
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ghostchems · 6 months
IT’S @tasty-ribz’s BIRTHDAY!!!
go wish them happy birthday RIGHT NOW! they post the funniest most angsty dang art and we love them for it.
in honor of them i am working on a little thing and here’s a snippet of it.
is it a stand-alone fic? maybe. is it an update? could be. who knows! maybe ribz does 😏
“Jeff! Shut the fuck up!” Shauna elbows him in the ribs. He laughs and shrugs her off, placing one hand on her shoulder and giving her a strong push. She falls off the tree stump where they were sitting on onto the wet leaves. “Dickhead!”
“Can you guys relax?” Colin huffs from the other side of the fire. They do not relax, instead Shauna launches herself into Jeff’s lap and starts to tickle his sides. “I’m trying to tell a spooky story!!” Colin whines in protest then angrily throws his marshmallow on a stick into the flames. Jeff forcefully removes Shauna from his lap and sits her down beside him.
“Fine, man. Relax” He shrugs and shoves his hands into his sweatshirt pocket. “Tell your story and quick so we can get back to having fun.” Shauna giggles behind him while Colin gives an exasperated sigh.
“There’s supposedly creatures that roam these woods. People go missing all the time. They tried to build houses just outside the woods but the structures would end up rotted out as soon as they were put up.” Colin sounds almost uninterested, his gaze drifting to look at the darkness behind them. “Legend says that witches inhabit these woods… the creatures are their pets and they abduct people and use their bones for the brews.”
“Psh. Boring.” Jeff throws a stick into the fire.
“It’s not witches, though. You know that old building right at the edge of the woods?”
“The Satanic Church?” Shauna asks.
“The… I mean yes, but it’s not… it’s not actually a satanic church is it?” Colin is *thrown off*.
“No, that’s true.”
“What? No way.
“Yeah. It is a Satanic Church or something but they’re nice, ya know. They, like, donate food to the homeless and stuff. They’re good people.” Shauna kicks a few leaves at her feet.
“Oh.” Colin sinks into his folding chair. “Well never mind then.” He crosses his arms and sits in silence.
This is a bummer of a camping trip for all of them it seems. They don’t last much longer, with Shauna and Jeff retiring early to the tent while Colin stays in his chair to watch the fire go out and having to listen to the two of them screw around. He’s not particularly happy with being the third wheel but this time alone makes it all the worth it. He starts to doze off as the night drags on, the fire taking its time… or is something keeping it alight? No, no… that’s Colin’s creeped out brain talking. It’s definitely because they put an ungodly amount of lighter fluid onto the firewood.
A twig snaps in the distance that makes Colin’s hair stand on end. His surroundings are pitch black except for the fire. Wide awake now but he’s sure it’s nothing. That is… until he hears more rustling that only grows closer and closer with each passing second.
Dead silence.
Colin sinks further into his camping chair and returns his gaze to the fire. A few peaceful moments pass.
And then he sees it. A pair of glowing eyes from the darkness right by the tent.
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emeritus-fuckers · 1 year
i'm looking disrespectfully  👁👄👁
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enjoy-my-swearing · 1 year
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*leaves it here and runs away*
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dearlymrme · 2 years
Hand Study For Papa's
Primo: Cryptic. Long fingers with nails like claws, very sharp and pointy. It's sheer talent that he's able to hold things properly. His hands are wrinkled and calloused from working in the garden. He has very healthy nails that despite constant digging in the garden do not break.
Secondo: Strong big hands and extremely soft. He moisturizes. His nails are clean and cut short to the wick. Otherwise, they break when he is working out. They grow fast, so you can often see him filing them.
Terzo: More round than sharp. Long but not overly long. Kept very clean. Hands neither too soft or too rough. He has a callous from writing a lot. And of course, a few of those nails are kept cut and filed short for the lucky lady.
Copia: Chronic nail biter. Uneven length and brittle. They break often. Salon's hate him. It's the stress that makes him do it. I also wanna say that he may also paint his nails to match his outfits. Though you can hardly see them as he's always wearing gloves.
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sirlsplayland · 6 months
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Finally finished this DTIYS @quaildoodle challenge and it turned out amazing, the stained glass portion took the longest to draw and color and did a custom pattern for the blue parts of the robes.
like to thank @tasty-ribz for the composition suggestion, it really helped me out.
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demonlayercake · 4 months
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for my favourite secondhos @tasty-ribz and @writingjourney 💚👃
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ramblingoak · 4 months
Little Thief
Secondo x Female Reader
A little yeehaw!Secondo story for my dearest friendo @kissingghouls. Happy Birthday to my favorite haunted painting! I hope you have the most amazing day because you deserve only amazing things 💙 (special thank you to @tasty-ribz for the perfect Secondo art)
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Warnings: gun violence, smut, nsfw 18+ only, mdni, 5,700 words, this does have a connection to The Cardinal's Bride universe but you can enjoy this just fine on its own! (thank you to @gothdaddyissues for the dividers!)
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Coming here was a mistake.
You jumped over the bar as the bullets started flying, ducking down and throwing an arm over your head when the liquor bottles began shattering above you.  The Ministry was a big mark, way bigger than you had ever hit before, and you knew, you knew that it was going to be risky.  You just hadn’t expected this to happen.  Although at least the gunfight wasn’t your fault.
This time.
A body crashed down next to you, lifeless and still.  With a grunt you turned it over to search for their gun.  It was still in its holster so you yanked it out, pausing to shove your hand into their back pocket and take their wallet too.  It’s not like they were gonna need either anyway.  You rolled onto your knees, carefully putting your hands at the edge of the bartop to take a peek over.  
“Well, shit.”
Chaos was still reigning over the casino floor but fortunately now it was mostly fist fights.  The Ghouls that worked here had made quick work of most of those that had started shooting.  You could see a small pile of bodies forming already.  The two big Ghouls that were working the door that night easily lugging the men around.  They were distracted enough you glanced towards the door, knowing that you needed to get out of there soon.  Especially before any deputies arrived.  
Lowering yourself back down you started crawling towards the door, keeping behind the bar and trying to avoid the broken glass.  Tonight had been such a damn waste.  You should have just skipped the town altogether.  This is what happened when you got cocky but damn, you had gotten tired of doing small jobs.  Stealing from a big casino, from The Ministry of all places, would have been perfect.  And it would have given you enough money to have a little breathing room before your next job.
Oh well, you had gotten a decent enough amount from cheating at cards.  It was enough to get you a room in the next town over for a few weeks at least.  You reached the end of the bar and started to pull yourself up for one last look.  Unfortunately you weren’t met with a view of the casino floor like you expected.  Instead you ended up face to face with the man that ran The Ministry, a man you had heard enough about to know you should avoid him at all costs.
“Going somewhere?”  Secondo’s tone was bored, his eyes raking over you briefly before he turned his attention to the glass of whiskey in his hand.  “That’s a shame, I was hoping you’d stay a little longer.”
“Oh?  Why is that?”
You knew you should’ve just kept your mouth shut and made a run for the door.  The Ghouls were still occupied enough sorting through who needed to be kicked or carried out that you doubted any of them would try to stop you.  The chance of this man trying to stop you though had you frozen in place.
“I was curious how much more of my money you would steal.”
Fuck.  You glanced towards the door but Secondo was smirking when you looked back so you stayed put.  There was no way you’d make it now.  He might be surrounded by his Ghouls but you’d heard enough stories about Papa Secondo to have a healthy amount of fear of him.  Enough to realize you definitely shouldn’t have come here.  You took a fortifying breath and squared your shoulders while you stared him down.
Time to see if you could talk yourself out of trouble.
“I didn’t steal anything.”
“Come now, I’m not an idiot.”  He took a sip of his drink before continuing,  “And despite you thinking you could get away with stealing from me I don’t think you’re one either.”
“A compliment from Papa?  Sounds like something I should brag about.”  When those odd eyes of his flashed to yours you reached out and grabbed the drink from his hands, knocking back a mouthful before setting it down.  “Kind of like how I’d brag about stealing from you.  You know, if I had done that.”
“Are you sure?  Because I’ve been watching you most of the night.”  His voice had dropped an octave and he’d turned to give you his full attention.  “Ever since my associate Mist told me what you were up to.”
“She’s at the end of the bar now.  Watching.”  You looked down to see a woman with piercing blue eyes leaning against the bar.  When you turned back to Secondo he had leaned in close and his breath danced across your cheek with his next words.  “She thinks you will do something stupid.”
“The only stupid thing I did tonight was come here.”  He narrowed his eyes at your comment but you continued anyway,  “Your games are terrible and this whiskey is mostly water.”
You weren’t sure what you had been expecting him to do at your insults.  Threaten you maybe.  At worst try to grab you and then who knows what.  Mist certainly seemed the type to do whatever her boss told her to do.  But all Secondo did was laugh, the sound drew the attention of some of the other Ghouls but they got back to cleaning quickly.  
“Ma dài, bellezza?  Sei una terribile bugiarda.”
“What did you call me?”  Secondo’s only answer was to let his eyes wander over you again before taking another drink.  “Answer me.”
“A terrible liar.”  His smirk returned when he saw your face turning red.  “But I suppose I could also call you a terrible thief.”
“A lot of words just to call me a liar.”
“Unfortunately the other ones will cost you.”  
Secondo stepped around the end of the bar to stand beside you.  To have him so close was…intoxicating was the only word you could think of.  Despite the danger he posed you there was no denying that he was an extremely handsome man.  His presence alone commanded attention, respect and a healthy dose of fear if you had wronged him.  But your heart wasn’t racing just because you had a pocketful of money you’d stolen from him.
“I’m afraid I don’t have much to give you.”  You teasingly patted the sides of your jacket, taking a moment to flash it open so he could see the gun holstered at your hip.  “So how about we call it a night before anything else happens.”
“What could happen?”  He reached over to one of the few unbroken bottles along the wall and poured himself another drink.  “Would you continue to cheat at cards?”
“I didn’t fucking cheat.”
“Or perhaps there’s a pair of loaded dice hidden in a pocket somewhere.”  Secondo took a step closer, pinning you against the bar.  “Would you let me look, ladruncola?”
It irritated you how badly you wanted to say ‘yes’ but honestly the longer he looked at you like that the more you wanted him to.  Up close he smelled so good, he looked good too.  His clothes were immaculate, down to the green handkerchief peeking out of his vest pocket.  There wasn’t any harm in enjoying his company for the evening, right?
Especially if it got you out of trouble.
“As long as you search me in your room and not at the bar.”  You found yourself returning his pleased smile but a flash of something reflecting in the glass of the bottle behind him had your chest seizing.  One hand went for your gun while your other grabbed ahold of Secondo’s vest and you shoved him to the side with all your might.  “Get down!”
Secondo cursed as the bottle shattered and you ducked to the side as you turned with your gun raised.  A few tables from the bar one of the men that started the fight was standing with his own gun pointed your way.  Secondo’s way.  He snarled and moved to point it at you but he was too late, you let out two shots that hit him in the chest and had his body jerking backwards.  The nearest Ghoul kicked the gun out of his hand but you knew he wouldn’t be getting up from that.
“Well, well.”  You turned to look down at Secondo, relieved to see him unhurt but also smirking at you.  Even if it was infuriating.  “Grazie, ladruncola.”
“What does that mean?”  Secondo took your offered hand, rising from the floor elegantly.  He nodded towards Mist when she wandered over and she quickly turned away to go to the other Ghouls.  When you tried to pull your hand back he held it tighter, his thumb sweeping across your knuckles.  “I’m waiting.”
“Grazie means ‘thank you’.  And I’ll say it again, ladruncola.”  He brought your hand up to his mouth, pressing a lingering kiss to the back.  The hairs of his mustache tickled your skin softly when he repeated himself.  “Grazie.”
“You’re welcome,”  Your knuckles received kisses next followed by him turning your hand over to kiss your palm.  “But I meant the other word.”
“I’d rather tell you after I get you in my room.”  
You sighed, knowing you probably should just leave.  After saving him he probably would let you without a fuss too.  There was just something about him that had you taking a step closer to straighten the handkerchief in his vest.  You rested your hand on his chest and moved it up towards his shoulder while you leaned in close.
“As long as you promise to make it worth my while.”  He was grinning when you pulled away, his mismatched eyes twinkling in a way you didn’t think you’d be able to forget.  “Papa.”
“That’s a challenge I’m happy to accept.”
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“How many weapons do you have?”
Secondo’s voice was equally incredulous and impressed.  You gave him a smirk of your own as you placed a hand on his chest and pushed him back towards his bed.  He went willingly, his eyes dropping down to your hands as you made quick work of pulling the two knives he hadn’t found out of their hiding places.
“I like to be prepared.”  When he sat back on the bed you followed, placing a knee on either side of his legs and resting your hands on his shoulders.  “Surely you can appreciate that, hmm?”
“I can.”  He took your mouth in a dizzying kiss, stealing your breath while his hands began to work on the buttons of your pants.  You broke away with a gasp when he slid one hand inside, right in between your legs where you were already hot and wet.  He wrapped his other arm around your waist to pull you closer, trailing kisses from the corner of your mouth all the way to your ear.  “I’ll appreciate all of you tonight.”
“I think I can promise the same.”  You trailed your hands down to the buttons of his vest, going for his shirt buttons when you were done.  His chest was covered with dark hair, patches of silver mixed in.  He nearly purred like a cat when you ran your fingers through it.  While you explored his chest his own hands began to wander but you were too distracted to stop him from slipping his fingers into the hidden pocket in your shirt.  “Wait!”
He pulled away, your loaded dice held triumphantly in his hand.  You had a sudden jolt of fear that perhaps this was all a game to him and he only brought you up here to expose why you were even at The Ministry.  Neither of you were moving, your eyes stuck on his face while he began to roll the dice between his thumb and forefinger.
“These are certainly interesting, aren’t they?”  He made a loose fist and shook them, his eyes moving to your face while they rattled around.  There wasn’t any anger there, if anything he seemed amused but you still couldn’t bring yourself to move.  With a quick movement he flicked the dice on the floor, not looking away as they landed.  “Tell me what numbers came up.”
You looked down, your legs starting to shake from where they still straddled him and your heart racing.  He placed both his hands on your waist while you leaned over as far as you dared, trying to make a show of looking even though you knew what numbers would be facing up.  He did too, the bastard.
“Lucky you, a pair of sixes.”
He smirked, tugging you towards him again abruptly.  You fell against his chest with a grunt, your mouth hovering right over his.  He flashed you a smile before responding, his words making your heart race for an entirely different reason.
“Lucky me indeed.”  His eyes were locked on yours for a few heartbeats before he glanced down at your lips.  “If you would like to leave I wouldn’t stop you.”  He moved so his lips were hovering over your ear.  “But I keep the money and the dice.”
“I don’t know, I feel like I won that money fair and square.”  His chest rumbled with laughter, his hands tightening around your waist.  “And I don’t want to leave.”
“Bene.  Because I have been wanting to kiss you ever since you insulted my whiskey.”
A retort was on the tip of your tongue, it did taste like it was watered down, but talking was impossible when he kissed you.  It was as demanding as the man itself.  You wrapped your arms tighter around his neck while one of his hands gripped your head, tilting it just so to make the angle perfect.  He tasted like whiskey and smoke, the combination intoxicating.
The need to feel more of him became too much, your hands pushing and pulling at his shirt and vest to get it off.  With a quick movement he spun you so you were on your back on his bed, staring up at him while he took them off himself.  Your eyes moved over his chest appreciatively, enjoying how the muscles of his arms moved under his skin.  It was obvious he had done more than run a casino in his life.  Those muscles were evidence of years working with guns and horses.
“See something you like?”
“Take the pants off and I’ll let you know.”  His sudden laughter had you smiling and you lifted a foot up to rest on his thigh.  “Unless you want my help?”
“I wouldn’t dream of denying you the opportunity.” 
In a flash you were kneeling before him on the bed, your fingers eagerly working on the fastenings of his pants.  His gun belt was already on the floor next to yours and your small pile of knives.  It had surprised you he didn’t want a weapon close but you also had the sneaking suspicion he wouldn’t need any sort of weapon to take care of you if necessary.  The thought should scare you, being here in his room should scare you, but all you could think of was how he was making your blood race through your veins.
And how the sight of his cock was making your mouth water.
Thick and long, it jutted out from the patch of hair between his legs proudly.  There was already a drop of liquid at the tip and you leaned in to lick it off, grinning when it twitched.  You locked eyes with him as you wrapped your lips around the tip, applying pressure along the bottom with your tongue.  You began to move further down but he rested his hands on the side of your head, stopping your momentum.
“Ah ah, I have a different plan.”  You pulled back, licking your lips and watching him as he smiled down at you.  “Would you let me taste you, ladruncola?”
“If you insist.”
The visual of Secondo dropping to his knees in front of you wasn’t one you would forget any time soon.  His fingers were steady as they undid your clothes, far steadier than yours were right now.  All you had the strength to do was watch, watch as he exposed more and more of you to his strange eyes.  It felt a little unfair for him to still be wearing his pants as he pulled off yours but as he looked at your core you couldn’t find the words to say anything about it.
“Bellissima.”  You had no idea what it meant but the word, the worshipful way he said it made your cheeks heat up.  He laid his hands on the inside of your thighs and gently push them wider.  As his face got closer to where you were wet for him you could see his nose twitch as he took deep breaths and you were not going to survive this.  Secondo closed his eyes and you saw his lips moving briefly before he caught your gaze.  “Nema.”
His mouth covered you in the next moment, his hands moving behind you to grip your ass and hold you still.  It was a good thing he did because while he licked and sucked at your flesh you were twitching and shaking.  The sensations were overwhelming and you couldn’t decide whether you wanted to be closer or get away from it.  His nose pressed insistently against your clit while he worked his tongue around your opening, flicking and swiping it over and over.  When he suddenly pushed it inside you couldn’t help but cry out, your hand letting go of the blanket in its grip and instead gripping his hair.
“Secondo, f-fu–ah!”
The man growled against you, gripping you tighter while he ate you out.  Words kept bubbling in your throat but they just turned into whimpers.  You weren’t even sure what you were trying to say, perhaps your own words of worship to the man himself.  The rumors you had always heard about the man and his family briefly flashed in your mind.  Images of the devil and upside down crosses but they were banished as soon as he slid two thick fingers into you and moved his mouth to your clit.
If this was how they worshipped the devil you’d sign up in a second.
Your peak was coming fast, wave after wave of pleasure making spots appear in your vision.  Secondo didn’t let up, he just fucked you faster with his fingers.  Two soon becoming three all while he sucked on your clit.  Your nails kept digging harder and harder into his scalp but it didn’t seem to phase him.  If anything it only spurred him on and when he curled his fingers to rub against your inner walls you felt yourself fall over a cliff, your orgasm rushing to meet you at the bottom.
“Are you awake?”  You had no idea how long you had been laying there panting but his deep voice finally dragged you back from where you’d been drifting.  You blinked up at him, grinning when you saw how out of sorts his mustache was.  “Something amuse you?”
“I should steal from casinos more often.”  Making this man laugh was like a drug and you did your best to commit the sight and sound to memory.  It wasn’t just his mustache that was a mess, his hair was tussled and twisted from your fingers too.  You couldn’t stop yourself from reaching up and smoothing it out, smiling softly when his eyes closed and he pressed into your hands.  “You’re like a cat.”
“Un gatto?”  He raised an eyebrow when you grinned.  “I’ve had worse nicknames.”
“Oh?  Like Papa?”
“Papa was a title, my title.  Long ago.”  You continued to rub along his scalp, waiting to see if he said anything else.  “I went by a different one before that, before I was called back to my family.”
“What were you doing then?”
Secondo flashed you a small smile as began to pat your legs, nodding his head towards the headboard.  You obediently scooted back, not being able to stop your eyes from falling to his cock.  It had softened a bit but still looked eager for attention.  He followed you further onto the bed, rubbing his hands up your legs until they were encouraging your thighs apart once more.
“About the same thing you’re doing now.”  When you raised an eyebrow and gave him a once over he chuckled.  “The same thing you were doing earlier.  Stealing.”
“I wasn–”
“But I was much, much better at it, ladruncola.”
“Either fuck me or shut up.”
He smirked as he looked down at you, one hand going to his cock and beginning to stroke it.  You wiggled a bit under the attention, the tension building in you again just by watching him pleasure himself.  Well, two could play at that game.  With a smirk of your own you began to touch yourself, sliding your fingers down your wet flesh and easily pressing two inside. 
His eyes quickly locked onto your fingers, watching intensely as you moved them in and out.  You added a third finger but it wasn’t even close to how it felt with his in you.  With a frustrated growl you said his name and he immediately looked back up to your face.  There was an unreadable look there, one you hadn’t seen yet that night.  For a moment you were worried he was going to move away and tell you to leave but instead he finally moved closer.  He grabbed your hand and tugged it away so he could line his cock up.
“Bone Daddy.”  Your eyes flashed up to his to see him grinning.  “That’s what they called me.”
You repeated the name, trying it out on your tongue.  While he teased your opening with the head of his cock you thought back to those rumors you had heard of the Emeritus family.  An image of Secondo with a painted face resembling a skull flashed in your mind and your gasp had little to do with how his cock was beginning to stretch you.  He could be terrifying now you could barely comprehend how terrifying he would have been looking like that.
Terrifying and beautiful.
When he was all the way inside of you the name tumbled from your lips again.  You took a moment to trace your finger along his face, trying to imagine what the design of the paint looked like.  He let you go on for a few seconds before taking your hand in his and pressing it down next to your head.  If he hadn’t of been looking at you like he was, like you were something he cared about, you would have been concerned you overstepped.  Instead he lowered his head to kiss you, nipping at your lips until you opened up for his tongue.
You kissed him back, trying to match his intensity but you were getting desperate for him to move elsewhere.  He groaned into your mouth when you wrapped your legs around his waist and wiggled your hips.  After what felt like an eternity he finally pulled back, his lips as swollen as yours were.  You felt like you were going to lose your mind if he didn’t move, if he didn’t start fucking you right now.
“Secondo, please.”
“Ah, ladruncola.  You don’t need to beg.  I’ll take care of you.”  You bit your lip as he began to pull out, the drag of his thick length so good along your walls.  He paused with the head at your entrance and you were so close to screaming at him, especially when he looked down at you smugly.  “We’ll save the begging for later, eh?”
“Whatever you say Bone Daddy.”
You expected a response, another comment to continue your banter but instead he began to press back inside of you.  It was a slow and steady thrust, not giving you a moment to adjust as he pushed in all the way.  Your hands were scrabbling at the sheets by your head and your body trembled.  When your groins touched he didn’t pause, he just started to pull out immediately.
Secondo quickly had a rhythm going, a steady drive in and out of you with his cock.  All you could do was hang on, your legs still wrapped around him.  The bed creaked beneath you both, the headboard hitting the wall when he began to thrust harder.  He dropped down so he could kiss you, mimicking the movements of his cock with his tongue.  You bit and sucked at it, one of your hands letting go of the sheet to find its way back into his hair.
Both of you were moaning, gasping as the pleasure began to build.  You had to pull away from his mouth to suck in air and you buried your face in his neck while you did so.  He kissed along your scalp while one of his big hands cradled the back of your head.  It all suddenly felt so intimate, so much more than what it had started out as that you couldn’t help but imagine more of this.  More than a night and more than a frenzied coupling.
“Look at me, ladruncola.”  His fingers tightened just enough to get you to pull away, your head falling back onto the pillow.  His thrusts were more sure now, purposeful.  He slipped a hand down your body to touch you between your legs, his fingers finding your clit and rubbing it just right.  “I want to watch you.  I want to see your face.”
Fuck, it was too much but you couldn’t deny him.  You clung to him and panted as you hit your peak once again, your walls spasming around him.  He was the first to break eye contact, groaning and muttering in Italian when his cock began to kick and empty inside of you.  For a moment you imagined that you could feel it, feel his seed fill you up.  Your hips moved on their own accord then, rotating slightly to help him as he came down until he finally stopped and collapsed on top of you.
You weren’t sure if it had been minutes or hours but his weight was a comforting thing and you didn’t have any desire to move.  His softened cock had fallen out of you and while the feeling of his seed leaving was uncomfortable you hoped that he would take you again before the morning arrived.  You had no desire to leave this room.  The only thing you wanted was Secondo and you’d take as much of him as he was willing to give you.
With a grunt he finally pulled away, rolling onto his back next to you.  The cool night air drifted in through an open window across the room and distantly you could hear the tinkling keys of a piano.  You risked a glance over at him, letting your eyes linger when you saw his were closed.  The skull paint appeared in your mind again and you resolved to ask him later what it looked like.
“Would you like some watered down whiskey?”  
You snorted, nodding when he cracked open an eye to look at you.  He got up with a grunt and made his way over to a small bar against the wall.  When he headed back with two glasses in his hand you sat up and leaned back against the headboard.  The whiskey burned your tongue but it was good, much better than what you had at his bar. 
“So you save the good stuff for yourself.”
“And you.”  He tilted his head back and drained the rest of his glass, looking pleased when you did the same.  With the ease of a cat he got up and refilled them, grabbing something else before he made his way back over.  “I was hoping you would indulge me.”
“Haven’t I already been doing that?”
“Indeed, but I was hoping I could interest you in a game of poker.”  He placed his glass on a small table by the bed and you then noticed the item in his hand was a deck of cards.  They came to life in his hands as he began to shuffle them, doing moves and tricks that were impossible for your eyes to keep up with.  “Perhaps you’d like to make it interesting.”
“I’m listening.”
Secondo began to deal the cards out and you leaned over to set your glass next to his so you could gather yours up.  
“I would like an opportunity to win my money back.”  Your eyes flashed up to his in alarm but his expression hadn’t changed.  He had the same amused and almost fond look that he’d had since he had brought you into his room.  You looked back down at your cards and started to shuffle them slowly.  “But of course if I lose you stand to earn even more.  Except fairly this time.”
“I can play fair but you’re going to regret it.”
“Oh I don’t think so.  Either way I’ll still have you in my bed.  Won’t I, ladruncola?”
“You haven’t told me what that means yet.  Don’t think I’ve forgotten.”
“Another thing you can win then.  I will translate that and more if you beat me.”
“Prepare to lose, Papa.”
Secondo laughed before taking a drink and then leaning in to kiss you.  The whiskey was fresh on his tongue and you sucked at it to get a better taste.  While the kiss deepened you thought about everything that had led you to this man’s bed.  About getting caught up in a gun fight and then getting caught by Secondo himself.
You thought about seeing that man raise his gun and how you hadn’t even blinked before shoving Secondo out of the way.  You thought of his presence and his words, how he had gotten you into his room even though he didn’t have to try very hard.  It was easy to imagine this man holding the attention of a congregation if those rumors were true.  You’d certainly follow him to more than just his bedroom.
When he pulled away you couldn’t help but pout and he nipped at your bottom lip before leaning back again.  He picked up his cards but his gaze was steady on you, those green and white eyes unwavering.  You began to fidget, shuffling your cards in slightly unsteady hands before you couldn’t take it any more.
“I don’t think I’ll be losing at all tonight.”  
“What do you mean?”
He reached out for your hand, bringing it to his mouth, cards and all.  Gentle kisses were pressed over your knuckles before he let go.
“Either way I’m winning you, aren’t I?”
You had to bite your lips to stop yourself from saying something stupid.  Something stupid and sappy that you had no right to say.  But Secondo continued to watch you and his face was content, like he didn’t have a care in the world and just wanted to enjoy his time with you.  It was a feeling you shared so you stopped trying to hide it and let it show on your face.
“Me too.”
“Bene.  Well then, I’ll let you go first.”
As the game began and went on you couldn’t remember the last time you had this much fun.  Obviously the sex had been amazing and you hoped there would be more of it soon but spending time with Secondo like this felt amazing too.  You were able to draw some more stories out of him and in exchange you told him a few of yours.  Both of you showed off some scars and the actions that led to them.  
You got a description of what Bone Daddy looked like, skull paint and all.  He told you about the church he and his Ghouls belonged to.  Used to belong to.  There was definitely more of a story there but you weren’t going to press it.  As a thank you for him sharing something you could tell still pained him you shared a story that still pained you.  At that point the card game was forgotten, the cards falling to the floor when you both met in a heated kiss.
Later, as you both caught your breath, your skin sticky with sweat and other things, you felt something press against your back.  With a grunt you raised yourself on an elbow and reached a hand into the sheets to find the culprit.  You came back with a handful of cards and as you leaned over Secondo to toss them with the others on the floor you noticed something that had you freeze.
There were two ace of spades.
Secondo was laughing when you turned to glare at him, easily bringing a hand up to block the cards when you threw them his way.  You wanted to make a bigger deal of it but the problem was you recognized them as your own cards.  The bastard had grabbed your deck although when he slipped it out of your coat you had no idea.  He wrapped an arm around your waist and began to tug you close, chuckling when you let him with minimal protest.
“That’s quite the deck you have.”
“Shut up.”
“It’s too bad we didn’t finish the game I think I had the hand to beat.”
“Shut.  Up.”
“Ah, ladruncola.  Don’t be upset with me.”
“Tell me what ‘ladruncola’ means.”  When he didn’t speak you turned in his arms to stare him down.  “Tell me.”
“Little thief.”  He was kissing you again before you were able to curse at him.  It was really unfair how his kisses made you lose track of yourself.  It ended far too soon but he stayed close, tilting his head down so your foreheads rested together.  “But you’re my little thief, aren’t you?”
You kissed him again in answer, opening your mouth over his while you moved to straddle his lap.  There were certainly worse things he could call you.  And there were certainly worse things that could be happening right now.  This was infinitely better than spending the night in jail and if you were honest with yourself this was one of the best nights of your life.
You’d be his ladruncola as long as he would have you.
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My Masterlist ~ My Archive of our Own ~ My Ko-Fi Tip Jar
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her-satanic-wiles · 5 months
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Papa Emeritus II x Reader
It’s Papa Secondo’s birthday, and after spending the whole day working, he just wants to relax. But how can he when his favourite Sister of Sin is being a bad girl in front of everyone?
Masterlist ⛧ Commissioned by @inkstainedrat
Words: 5.6k.
Reading Time: 22 min.
Warnings: anal play, begging, breeding degradation, cock warming, creampie, dubcon, fingering, frottage, free use, groping, hair pulling, mentions of cunnilingus, mentions of fellatio, pain kink, PIV sex, positive degradation, praise, rough sex, spanking, spit as lube, underprepared, unprotected sex (Embrace safety - enjoy it greatly), vaginal sex,
Taglist: @inkstainedrat @da-rulah @teenage-birt-dag @akayuki56 @socksandcr0cs @dio-niisio @duskspring @foxybouquet @likeloversentwined
Thank you to @da-rulah, @angellayercake and @tasty-ribz for workshopping some of these ideas with me and getting me on track!
🔞 MDNI 🔞
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You settled into your space at the meeting table, notepad opened to the next available page and date written at the top of it in neat handwriting. You had taken on a more secretarial role for the Ministry, providing the reigning Papa with a helping hand as he went about his daily schedule. The other clergy members were already sat and settled like you, cardinal robes of black and red alternating the seats like chess pieces on a board, broken occasionally by the odd sibling of sin who’d, like you, joined to either take notes for their respective bosses, or provide insight on the general running of the Ministry where the upper clergy couldn’t assist. In short, everyone was ready and waiting, conversations slipping past your ears as certain cardinals spoke over you, not to you. But they soon silenced themselves when the door opened and Papa Emeritus II walked through the doors.
Papa Secondo, despite being a softhearted, kind man, oozed an intimidating aura that put men in their place just by his presence alone. Papa Secondo was not a man to be trifled with, played with, or undermined in any way. His word was law, even among his brothers, one of which outranked him in both age and experience. He took no shit, dished out as much as he could, and ultimately threw his weight around in a respectable, yet authoritative way. Just the mere look of his scowl would have your thighs clenching, and heat pooling between your legs - and you weren’t the only one affected by this.
Papa Secondo’s personality was much different to that of his brothers. Before he met you, he would almost never seek a woman out, he’d rarely approach her, rarely proposition her - in fear of making her uncomfortable mostly, but he also didn’t want to blend in with the other men in the Ministry, his younger brother included, who would approach and whine and beg for the ladies to spread their legs and invite him in willingly. Besides, there was something inside him that loved being chased rather than doing the chasing. The idea that a beautiful woman would want him so much, she’d run after him and coyly ask if he’d give her some company later on. That a beautiful woman would want him so much, that she’d face the fear of rejection in front of her friends and potentially embarrass herself, just to get the opportunity to hold him. He’d never approach a woman, but he’d also never reject one either. And, as he entered the room, your eyes darted to all the other sisters who were equally as squirmy as you, the mere proximity being too much for you all to handle.
It always made you feel smug knowing he had such an affect on the rest of the clergy, but would always come back to you no matter what.
Men feared him. Women wanted him. Somehow, the perfect man did exist, and he wore black, glitter paints and silenced a room just by opening a door.
“Buon pomeriggio.” He said, his deep voice quiet yet commanding. He kept his eyes straight in front of him as he entered the room, not bothering to spare a glance to his colleagues until he’d approached his seat at the head of the table and directly opposite you. You were the first person his mismatched eyes had landed on, reminding you that to him, you were the most important person in the room despite your low ranking among his peers. Once he’d registered your existence, he sat down and situated himself comfortably, gloved hands immediately opening his own folder to pull out the important documents for the meeting. Once he’d personally acknowledged everyone else in the room, he cleared his throat and began.
“Ora, we have many things on the agenda today, so I would like to start immediately, by Sathanas and the mother, Lilith, we thank and worship thee as we do ourselves. Nema.”
“Nema.” Came the chorus of the clergy.
“Cardinale Zhang,” he looked towards the man and you watched as Cardinal Zhang startled at the sudden attention. Papa Secondo noticed, and despite his face being emotionless and stoic, a flicker of amusement passed across his eyes, feeding on the Cardinal’s fear. “You have been visiting universities to de-stigmatise the Faith. Update me, how is that going?”
Cardinal Zhang swallowed and cleared his throat doing his best to hide his nerves. He failed, obviously. He began talking, detailing his efforts across the Atlantic in America and how he’d shown up for each of the universities along the East Coast, hoping to break through to the youth. But as a lot of that part of America were staunch ‘Red States’ and Christians, he was met with a lot of resistance.
Secondo, somewhat surprisingly, was understanding with his response. For once, he didn’t criticise the Cardinal’s failure, or what he deemed as such, rather the country’s unwillingness to be open to change. He quickly followed up that comment with another about Salem, and how they were always welcomed with open arms there thanks to the work of previous clergy members who’d moved to set up temples and places of worship.
He then moved on quickly to the next outreach programme, opening the Ministry doors once a month for visitors and tours of the historical building they all called home - another effort of de-stigmatisation that was under the watchful eyes of Cardinal Garcia. His tone softened when he spoke to her, his eyes never leaving hers as he listened intently to everything she had to say. “We get upwards of one thousand visitors per weekend, Papa.” She confirmed in an upbeat tone. “This is a 20% increase of last year. We’re still keeping our entrance fee at 20 Euros for now,” she handed a sheet of paper to one of the Ghouls standing behind her, who then brought it to Papa Secondo to browse at his leisure, which he did, “Last month alone we received approximately 20,080 Euros. Our finance specialists have worked closely with our social media team, and have worked out we may get roughly a further 500 guests next month, an additional 50% growth, which should tip us over the 20,500 Euro benchmark.”
“Can we quantify the impact of these tours on public perception and understanding of our beliefs and values?” Papa asked, not taking his eyes off the paper.
“I believe so, Papa. On average,” she handed another sheet of paper to a Ghoul, “30% of guests purchase a membership of the Satanic Church, and organise unholy baptisms. 10% actively apply to work and live here full time.”
“How many of these applications get accepted?”
“Recently, with all the moves and changes of our staff, around 50% got accepted last month. But usually, we only select from the most impressive, which is, as accurately as I can describe it, a handful.”
“Are any of our parishes around the world asking for more siblings?”
“I’m not sure, Papa. That’s Cardinal Smith’s jurisdiction.”
Papa’s eyes snapped to Cardinal Smith, another man who shivered beneath the weight of Papa’s gaze. “Well?” He snapped, expectantly, clearly annoyed by Cardinal Smith’s lack of initiative.
“W-we have had a few requests, Your Dark Eminence.” Cardinal Smith stammered.
“And how many siblings have been transferred?”
“Well, n-none.”
Papa’s eyebrows raised. “None? Questo è un cazzo di scherzo assoluto! Perché? Why are you not assisting our unholy siblings?”
“We couldn’t spare the people.”
“Sei stupido, Cardinale Smith?”
“N-no, Your Dark Eminence.”
“Then why do you not liaison with Cardinale Garcia and ask her to accept more applicants to send them overseas after their education?”
“I d-didn’t think.”
“Ah. Non mi sorprende, Cardinale. A brain as smooth as yours must be kept shiny and pristine, sì? Cannot be worried about trivial tasks such as thinking.” His tone softened again as he turned to - “Cardinale Garcia, work with Cardinale Stronzo in providing new applicants for our unholy siblings overseas, per favore.” He turned to another woman in the room. “Cardinale Kim, I would also like you to work on this with Cardinale Garcia and Smith to speed up our applicants education and send them out to their respective countries. When you have the time, of course.”
“Of course, Papa.” Cardinal Kim responded.
“I thank Lilith that there are two intelligent women on this job. Sathanas knows we’d fall apart if it was left only to the smooth brained of us in the room.” He cleared his throat. “Sorella ___,” he said addressing you, “are you getting all of this?”
You didn’t look up from your notebook, wrist aching from all the minutes you were taking. “It would help if you spoke slower, Papa.” You replied, insubordinately. You didn’t need to look at Papa to know he was looking at you furiously. “Either that or let me bring my laptop to these meetings.”
“Your laptop is too loud.” He protested through gritted teeth.
You finally looked at him, a small grin on your face. “Then speak slower. Please.”
He sighed and sat back in his seat, staring daggers into your soul. You were usually so sweet and polite to him - his little angioletta who respected him in front of everyone in the vicinity, who behaved so obediently behind closed doors and thanked him for all that he gave you. You were never bratty to your Papa, never rude or obnoxious. “You’re very audacious today, little one.” He commented, his tone commanding your obedience lest you face a punishment.
You persisted, the idea of dealing with your angry Papa later on too delectable to give up now. Papa would often take his frustrations out on you, an agreement between the both of you allowed him to take your consent and use you as he pleased, whenever he pleased. You would always spread your legs willingly for him, or bend yourself over and arch your back just as he liked without him uttering a single word, and depending on the kind of day he’d had, you’d either be worshipped, or bruised by his daily frustrations. You’d told him through bright red cheeks once that you thoroughly enjoyed him using you to deal with his anger, and so, he would have you whenever he felt even a little bit perturbed. But never were you the reason for his anger, not until today. And the way he looked at you now had your hole clenching around nothing, and a need to push him until he snapped and bubbled beneath your surface. You’d started now, you didn’t think you’d be able to stop until he put you back in your place.
“Well, I wouldn’t want to be blamed for missing even a drop of your wisdom.”
The rest of the room shifted uncomfortably as the tension became so thick, you’d need a chainsaw to cut through it.
“I’d hold my tongue if I were you, angioletta.”
“But you’re not me, Papa.”
Papa dropped into a foul mood for the rest of the meeting, shooting you angry looks and constantly asking if he was being slow enough for you. But eventually, the meeting came to an end, and Papa pushed everyone out of the room, keeping you in your place. As soon as the door closed, in a harsh tone, he broke the silence. “Angioletta, what was that?”
“What was what, Papa?” You asked, feigning innocence.
“Don’t play dumb with me - you know what you did. Sathanas, ___. Since when do you have sass with your Papa, hm? Since when do you show your Papa such disrespect?” He sighed at your lack of answer. He stood and walked over to you, looking down on you as you remained seated in your chair. You weren’t looking up at him, instead keeping your gaze straight on the seat he was sat in before, and he didn’t appreciate this either. With his finger and his thumb, he gently pinched your chin and guided your face to look at him, forcing eye contact with you. “I expect you on your best behaviour tonight, angioletta. Capisce? No sass, no back talk. Just doting on your Papa on his birthday, sì?”
“Happy birthday, Papa.” You said, softly, a smile playing on your lips. Wholesome. Nonsuspect.
“Grazie, amore mio.” He bent down to kiss your forehead then left you alone in the room, seemingly unaware that you’d never actually agreed to anything.
That evening, you dressed in your finest for your Papa, choosing a dress gifted to you by him. It was just something simple, a body con black dress that hugged your curves in all the right ways, paired with a Satanic pentagram harness that he loved to see you in. It was really no effort at all, but your Papa would certainly enjoy you tonight. A feast for his eyes - at least you hoped.
You were one of Secondo’s earliest guests, besides his older brother Papa Primo, arriving at his quarters and knocking on the door before entering. Papa Primo greeted you warmly, and welcomed you in, placing a drink in your hand. You could already smell the dinner coming from Secondo’s private kitchen and felt your stomach growl in hunger. You were so ready for the feast to begin - and for your torture of your Papa to continue. You weren’t just ravenous for the food, especially when you saw him enter the dining room, not wearing his usual robes but still painted in his official paints. His suit was perfectly tailored, cut to each contour of his body, and made from a rich, cold, emerald green. Velvet. Accompanied by a deep green tie and his favourite black-painted fingernails. In his robes he was divine. In a suit? You were feral.
As soon he saw you, you watched as his glittery eyes darkened, and his chest reflected a deep sigh. The second he was beside you, his hands grasped onto your hips and pulled you into him, lips attaching to your neck. He didn’t care that he already had other guests - he didn’t care that he may be smudging his paints. He was too intoxicated by you to do anything other than dig his fingers into the meat of your flesh and inhale your seductive perfume, bewitching him beyond belief. He was ready to drop to his knees and worship you there and then, except you pushed him away.
“I haven’t forgotten how you spoke to me earlier, Papa.” You chided, keeping your voice as level as you could and holding back your giggles when his expression changed.
“Angioletta,” he practically whined, “you promised.”
“No,” you poked his chest, “you laid down the law. I never told you I’d follow it.”
“You want to make me suffer all night, hm? Embarrass me in front of everyone.”
“I never want to embarrass you, Papa. I’d like an apology.”
He frowned. “For what?”
You sighed. “Use that big, wrinkly brain of yours and think.” And with that, you walked away. In truth he had nothing to apologise for and you both knew it. But you enjoyed watching him stew away in his mind, greeting and welcoming guests and trying to maintain a semblance of composure. You were teetering on the line between enjoyment and cruelty, though. And you’d need to end this quickly so as not to actually spoil his birthday.
Secondo’s quarters had never been so lively, but even then, they were lively by Secondo’s standards. To celebrate his birthday, all of the people closest to him had gathered in his chambers, crowded around his long dining table (that he mostly used for work), and feasted on the delightful Italian delicacies hand crafted by the Ministry’s chefs, whom you’d paid extra to cook for everyone for the evening. Amidst the clinking of glasses filled with the Ministry’s own wine, and the aroma of garlic-infused dishes wafting through the air, the place was abuzz with laughter and conversation, but your attention was solely fixed on one man – Papa Secondo himself.
He sat beside you at the head of the table, his natural scowl creasing his glabella as he looked upon his guests and listened to their conversations, responding only when he needed to, but enjoying the atmosphere, nonetheless. His paints were perfectly worn, not a single line bent or crooked, or even smudged with the wine he’d drunk, or the food he’d so gracefully placed into his mouth as though he were the epitome of sophistication - which, to be fair, he was. His Roman nose making his profile so intoxicating, so powerful, you found yourself staring at him, drinking in the love of your life and appreciating him silently for the work of art he was.
Secondo cleared his throat, his gaze sweeping across the room as he prepared to address his guests. “My dear friends, I want to take this moment to express my gratitude for your presence here tonight,” he began, his voice carrying authority and warmth. “Your loyalty and support mean more to me than you can imagine.”
You couldn’t resist interjecting with a sassy remark. “Oh, how touching, Papa,” you said, your tone dripping with sarcasm. “I almost believe you mean it.”
The room fell into a momentary silence as everyone turned their attention to the unexpected exchange between you both. Secondo’s expression darkened, his jaw tensing as he turned to face you.
“Sorella,” he said through gritted teeth, his tone a warning.
But you refused to back down, your gaze challenging. “What, Papa? Can’t handle a little honesty?” You retorted, your voice edged with defiance. You squirmed in your seat under the heat of his gaze, the unbridled anger that oozed off him like peach juice dripping down one’s chin. Your heart beat rapidly in your chest as you watched him become more and more enraged at your attitude, and you tried so hard not to let your enjoyment show.
Secondo’s eyes narrowed, a flash of irritation crossing his features before he regained his composure. “I expect respect in my presence, Sorella,” he replied, his voice low and controlled.
You took a sip of your wine and set your glass down. “And yet, you don’t always deserve it.”
“My room. Now.” He all but hissed. His grip on his glass was choking, and you could almost see it shattering in his hand from the force. You’d done it. You got him. Now was the time to obey. You stood and made your way to his bedroom as instructed, hearing him excuse you both and urge his guests to continue without him. The part where he was announcing that he was going to scold you for your behaviour was missing, but certainly implied, and within a few seconds you heard him chase after you and the guests murmuring in the background, only to be blocked by him slamming the door shut.
“What the fuck was that, hm?” He growled, his hand coming up to your hair and pulling it at the roots, making you look into his eyes.
“I’m sorry, Papa!”
“Sorry? Amore mio, it’s a little late for that, do you not think? Embarrassing me in front of everyone.”
You laughed.
“Che cos’è questo? Laughing at your Papa?” He stopped, a realisation dawning on him. “Ah. I see how it is. My angioletta is giving into sin tonight? Becoming a whore to anger her Papa.” He released you and gestured to the bed. “Hands on the bed. Now, amore.” You obeyed him for the first time that day, resting your hands on the bed and bending at the waist, exposing your ass to him. You knew what was coming, your core clenching in anticipation of feeling his hand come down on you at full force. You arched your back as much as you could, allowing your ass to pop for him, and hearing him groan in appreciation when you did.
“You wanted to play with your Papa,” he said coming up behind you, “so let’s play, hm?”
His hand came down on your left ass cheek, the sting you enjoyed so much muffled by layer of fabric still (barely) covering your body. The first hit was gentle, barely stinging at all. As angry as Secondo was, he still took his time with you, making sure he didn’t hurt you too much and too quickly. He mirrored this on your right cheek, back to your left, back to your right. Each hit gradually landed harder and harder, and you needed to bury your face into his sheets to hide your cries lest his guests hear what was happening. With each slap, your body jumped in response, as if it was shocked to receive the hits your mind knew was coming. You knew you were getting redder with each slap, which would only egg Secondo on more when he saw it for himself.
He lifted your dress up, exposing your black panties fully and bunching the hem around your waist, and, as predicted, groaned at the sight of you. Secondo was an artist, and you were always his favourite canvas. He began to slap your bare cheeks, revelling in the deep red that was forming on your skin, relishing in the dampened moans coming from you. “This is no punishment for you at all, is it?” He commented, punctuating his sentence with more slaps, now using both of his hands. “You love it when your Papa hits you like this, don’t you?” He slapped you much harder when you didn’t answer. “Do not be rude, angioletta.”
“Yes, Papa!” You responded, your voice coming out as a moan. “I love it!”
“I bet you’ve soaked through these slutty little panties, haven’t you?” He moved his left hand to the gusset of your panties, using his four fingers to rub against your cunt and his thumb rested against your asshole as an anchor.
Usually, he’d be met with your soft flesh and twitching hole, and would tease it over your panties, too, just to drive you wild. But today, his thumb met with something hard, and him putting pressure there caused you to moan out loud. “Che cazzo?” He asked, rubbing his thumb over the ridges. His hand, damp from the juices that had soaked your panties, came up to the waistband and roughly pulled them off you, hissing at the sight of him. Buried deep inside your twitching hole, was a butt plug, with an emerald resin gem sitting atop the metal base. “Puttana.” Though his words were degrading, the tone in which he said them was appreciative. He loved this little surprise, his cock growing harder and harder beneath his velvet slacks and begging to bury itself into one of your holes. “How long have you been wearing this?”
“All da-ay!” Your voice hiccuped when you felt his fingers hook around the base and jiggle it.
“No wonder you’ve been acting like a bitch today, amore. You’ve been in heat all day, hm? Did you want me to bend you over the table in the meeting room? Is that why you’ve been provoking me all day?”
“Y-yes, Papa. Want… wanted you to f-fuck me all day! Shit.”
“Wanted your Papa to ruin your holes, hm?”
He landed another hard spank on your right cheek with his right hand, much harder than the others. That, coupled with the way he was still playing with the plug, caused a moan to escape your lips, much louder than the others.
You heard him play with his belt, unbuckling it and then the buttons of his slacks, before you finally heard the zipper undo. “Hands and knees, ass in the air.” He ordered. You climbed fully onto the mattress, feeling his hand come down on you more and more as you got situated for him. “Gonna put this fuckhole to good use.”
You felt his girth rub against your folds, getting wetter with your slick with each movement. When he stopped and pulled away, you chanced a glance behind you and watched what he was doing, cunt clenching when you saw his head bowed, a thick glob of spit falling from his mouth and landing on his cock. He pumped himself a few times, spreading the saliva over his entire length before spitting again and repeating until he deemed himself wet enough. He plunged two of his fingers inside you, pumping only a few times to get you stretched out a little more before lining himself up with your hole.
You heard him chuckle darkly behind you. “I’m gonna enjoy this - but you won’t.”
That was all the warning he gave you before he pushed inside you, his considerable thickness stretching you out beyond compare. Usually he’d prepare you more, make you cum for him all over his tongue before he even considered fucking you with his cock. But not tonight. He didn’t have the time nor the will to. This was meant to be a punishment, after all. Prepared or not, you adored the initial stretch every single time he slid into you. He always burned so deliciously, but sometimes there was a hint of pain that sent shivers down your spine and had your toes curling and fingers digging into whatever surface you were being fucked on.
Secondo took his time bottoming out, enjoying watching your body tense below him from the pain of it, and smiling at your cunt clenching down on him. “There we go.” He said, gripping onto your ass cheeks as he bottomed out inside you, fingers rubbing over your raw flesh and causing a bigger sting to wash over you. He used your body as leverage to help him slam into you, setting a rough pace right away and knocking the wind out of you. He pulled gutteral moans out of you, deep, animalistic grunts that you had no control over as he fucked into you like a madman finally getting his fix.
The sound of your cunt taking him back in over and over again was so loud, you were sure his guests could hear you from the other room. It made Secondo want to bite you, sink his teeth into you like an apple, and feel your juices coat his mouth while he licked and sucked at your core. But he was pretending that this was a punishment for you - he couldn’t consciously do something that would make you cum. Well, maybe a finger or so later on. For now, you were his to fuck around with, and he could hear and feel just how much you enjoyed it.
“You’re so fucked up for liking this, amore.” He taunted, releasing grunts and growls of his own. “A pain slut for her Papa. Cazzo!”
He pushed your hips down, making you lie flat on your stomach, legs dangling off the edge and making you feel helpless below him. He put his entire weight on your body as he railed you into the mattress, rough, quick thrusts making your body bounce and your ass ricochet off his own hips.
“I don’t like hurting you, angioletta.” A growl ripped from his throat. “But you need to learn how to respect your Papa. Apologise for making me do this to you.”
“I- I’m so…rry, Papa-ah!”
“Brava ragazza.”
Every time you made a sound, he landed another hit on your ass, making you redder and rawer. He loved it - but equally, so did you. Even on the days when he was taking his anger out on you, he wouldn’t often be this rough. He wouldn’t laugh at your cries, or push into you without taking his time with you first. Each thrust drove you more and more insane, degraded you more and more to the point where you felt like nothing but his own, personal fuck toy. His own whore who spread her legs so willingly, she became a desperate slut for her master.
He pulled at the plug again, laughing when you jumped. “So much tighter with this thing in your ass.”
“Papa - it… it’s t-too much!”
“You should have respected your Papa, then maybe he’d treat you delicately, hm?”
“Papa, please!”
“You can take it, can’t you?”
He was met with a loud moan.
“Can’t you, puttanella?”
“Of course you can. Only sluts can take a cock this big.”
You forced your hand in between your body and the mattress and found your clit, rubbing at it while Secondo pounded into you. It was a struggle, and made Secondo laugh at you as you tried. He put more weight onto your body to make it more difficult for you, but you were able to get there eventually and furiously play with that bundle of nerves and work yourself to the edge.
“I love looking at you like this.” He said suddenly, watching your arm move as you rubbed faster and faster. You looked so desperate for him. So needy. “You gonna cum for me?” He asked as he felt you getting tighter for him, the telltale signs making themselves present. “You gonna cum all over Papa’s cock like a whore?”
“Yes, Pa-pa!”
“Merda! Beg for it.”
“I n-need to cum s-oh bad Papa! Please! Pl-please let me cum on your f-fat cock.”
“Oh, just like that, brava ragazza. It’s okay, you can let go.”
Secondo could feel you getting tighter for him, working yourself closer and closer to an orgasm as he took you for his own pleasure, and for some of yours. He should pull out soon, he knew he should, but you were so tight for him in this position, so wet and pliant. He couldn’t control himself. He couldn’t bring himself to pull out and cum on your body. One particularly rough thrust had you finally tumbling over the edge, face contorting in beautiful agony as you came over him, creaming on his cock and screaming silently into the mattress. He didn’t let up as you came, instead, he used your body tensing as an excuse to go just a little harder, making your orgasm more intense the longer it went on.
Your orgasm had Secondo teetering on the edge himself, staving off his own orgasm to ensure yours felt good. But once he was sure you’d finished, he began to pull out of you, finally working the courage to escape from your clutches. It wasn’t until he felt your heels in his ass, where your legs had bent backwards to keep him there, he realised you wanted his cum inside you just as much as he did.
“Please, Papa!” You begged quietly, lifting your head off the sheets and turning to look at him over your shoulder. “Give it to me. I want your cum inside me so fucking bad. Please!”
“Yeah, amore? You want me to knock you up, is that it? So desperate for her Papa’s cum she wants him to breed her like a bitch. Been in heat all day, still acting like a fucking animal.”
“Give it to me, Papa! Cum deep inside me, please!”
“Okay, angioletta. Papa will give you what you want.” He pushed himself deeper, the head of his cock kissing your cervix with each thrust. “Gonna fuck a baby into you, you ready?”
“Yes! Yes, Papa, like that!”
“Cazzo!” A string of expletives followed as you talked him through it, continuing to beg him for his seed while he pumped it deep inside you. He gripped hold of you, your skin and fat pinched tightly under his strong, masculine hands as he grasped onto you to keep him grounded while he reached nirvana. He bent forward more, his forehead rubbing against your shoulder blades and paints transferring onto the fabric of your dress, but you didn’t care about that, enjoying the feeling of his erratic thrusts as he fucked his cum into your sensitive heat until he eventually rolled to a stop, laboured breaths ringing in your ear despite his mouth being so far away.
“Sathanas, ___.” He groaned, keeping his full weight on your body, too exhausted to move. “Mi farai morire.” You felt his lips kiss your shoulder blades, the dull feeling bringing warmth and comfort to your adrenaline-filled body.
“Are you okay?” You asked, equally as exhausted as him.
“No.” He replied with a giggle, which you echoed. “I can’t move anymore.”
“That’s okay, we can wait here for as long as you need.”
“The guests, amore mio.”
“Fuck ‘em.”
He groaned. “I don’t have the strength.”
You laughed at his joke.
Somewhere inside him, he found the strength to pull out of you, both of you groaning at the loss of contact. He rolled off you, and lay on his back, allowing his body to flop into any position it deemed comfortable. You didn’t know how he did that, you could barely keep your eyes open.
He looked at you before rushing to the bathroom to get a damp cloth to clean you up, gently wiping at your sensitive centre to try and help you. “I didn’t hurt you too much, did I?”
“Nothing I didn’t want, Papa.”
“Are you sure?”
“I promise.”
He placed the washcloth on the bedside table and pulled you into his arms, finally kissing your lips for the first time.
“Happy birthday, Papa.” You whispered.
Before he could respond, a knock at the door sounded gently, pulling your attention to it. “Fratello?” Cardinal Terzo’s voice sounded from the other side. “Now that you two have finished fucking, we should let you know we’re all gonna go.”
You hid your face in embarrassment despite the fact the only person who could see you was Secondo, who was laughing at your reaction.
“See you later, fratellino.”
“Later, sluts!”
There was a silence for a little while before Secondo heard the sound of your breathing mellowing out, realising then you’d fallen asleep before you both had chance to clean up properly. But that was okay, he could treat you like a queen in the morning. For now, you both needed rest.
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Buon pomeriggio - Good afternoon.
Ora - Now.
Questo è un cazzo di scherzo assoluto! - This is an absolute fucking joke!
Perché? - Why?
Sei stupido, Cardinale Smith? - Are you stupid, Cardinal Smith?
Non mi sorprende, Cardinale. - That does not surprise me, Cardinal.
Angioletta - Little angel.
Capisce? - Do you understand?
Grazie, amore mio. - Thank you, my love.
Che cos’è questo? - What’s this?
Che cazzo? - What the fuck?
Puttana. - Whore.
Brava ragazza. - Good girl.
Mi farai morire. - You’re gonna kill me.
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writingjourney · 2 years
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Thank you so much, my friend, this is the sweetest thing ever. I am so so so in love 😭 ♡♡♡
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copias-sewer-rat · 10 months
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Second part of this recommendations thingy! This time, I tried to expand the recommendations to other areas and platforms. Please go check everyone out! They deserve the best!
previous part | my masterpost
As always, check the tags and if you are a minor do not interact with +18 fics. All these writers are amazing and deserve so much more recognition, please go read their stuff and follow them!
@ghulehunknown follow also on Ao3 please go read Caught by Papa, Punished by Papa, Cardi Confessions and everything she has written because it is so fucking hot damn!!!!
@dewymorningstar I leave you with their masterlist, please go read their scenarios with the ghouls, they are absolutely adorable.
@youwouldntlietopapa Ao3 CannedBread: Fiore ???!!!! PEEPAW PEEMO WE LOVE YOU!! And all the Secondo ones... oof!! (My Secondo) go read them all pls.
@fishwithtitz I also leave you with their masterlist and Ao3, but please go read The Five Times I Hooked Up with Mary Goore (and the One Time I Couldn't) because I WANT TO EAT THAT FIC like *nom nom* it is so good.
@angellayercake Ao3 Angellayercake GO READ Banchetto, When True Love's Kiss AND The Diary of Cardinal Terzo I ASSURE YOU THEY ARE SOME OF THE BEST THINGS YOU ARE GOING TO READ. (Especially if you love Terzo).
(needed break so Tumblr doesn't freak out on me)
@m0rbidmacabre I leave your with their masterlist BUT PLEASE GO READ THEIR KINKTOBER STUFF and ongoing series, heck, read it all, it is all so good! Check her out!
@themratts I followed them for their art until I realised they had an Ao3???? And I instantly started reading and I fell hard for their OC Alena *gently holds*. Please go read Dear Red Biretta and the rest of the fics for their oc, it is absolutely fueling my days.
@deetz-ghuleh is a mastermind???? No Lies is one of my fav fics ever? Secondo yes please? and Reverence??????? *screams so hard she goes to the moon*
@sweatandwoe I found them on Ao3 first and they have so many amazing spicy fics, my personal favs: Blasphemy, Life Eternal and Forever Yours.
@mastercopia I needed to add her because That Little Coffee Shop was the first Ghost fic I ever read and I remember it with such love... But please, go read anything of hers, she is so skilled and talented, you won't be disappointed.
Other platforms (please if these people have a Tumblr or any other social media, please, let me know.)
@/CardenalPlushia on Ao3 and x, lovely ghestie, so creative, go read her Who's Your Daddy? oneshot, please, red-haired freckled CC has my fucking heart.
@/casstayinmyass I found them on Ao3 as well, and there is a user on Tumblr with that name, I am not sure if it is the same because they don't have their Ao3 linked or anything (if anyone knows please let me know and I will edit this). I was recommended one of their fics a while back and I wanted to reread it, I still love it lol: When In Rome (but they have SO MANY GHOST FICS it is insane).
@/SoleraLove on Ao3 also has a fic I wanted to reread: Since Eden in need of hurt/comfort? Go read it asap.
@/Keggy_Chaos on Ao3, if you want a lengthy Ghost fic, go read Stay and Burn, you'll love it.
@/luciferscowgirl on x and Wattpad, another dear ghestie that has amazing Copia nsfw fics, go check her out!
I am in love with all these beautiful artists, please go follow them all and support them with likes and reblogs, they all deserve it!)
@themratts (again because I love their OC art so very much)
@samdunn aka the amazingly talented artist behind so many official ghirts designs (insane stuff, so talented!!!)
lastly, a mention to my dearest ghestie @/lilchopin1 on x because I adore her and her art is so cute and nice and I love her so very much, go check her out! (AND HER COVERS ARE ALSO BEAUTIFUL PLEASE I ADORE HER)
@panthermouthh please go read The Descent, it is incredible!
* GIFs - Do you want to see your favourite Papas/ghouls moving, shaking their ass and being horny on main? Follow these lovely creators who us such beautiful gifts (pun intended)
@ghuleh-recs you want more fics to read? Go follow! GO GO GO GO GO GO!!!
@resin-popia - an amazing project of our dear cardi, the dedication that goes into it is insane, be sure to follow because it is insane and gorgeous!
@/conclaviconterzo or CnClaviCnTerzo; another of my dear x ghesties she posts there and on tiktok and she is SO FUNNY, please check her out for unhinged Ghost content!
THAT'S IT FOR NOW, PLEASE LET ME KNOW IF YOU KNOW OF MORE CREATORS THAT DESERVE MORE RECOGNITION OR IF YOU WOULD LIKE FOR ME TO CHECK YOUR STUFF FOR FUTURE ENTRIES! (I am planning on expanding this to more areas such as cosplayers and interesting profiles on other platforms, so please let me know your fav Ghost related content creators!)
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angellayercake · 6 months
The (very unsexy) Adventures of Secondo and Snowbell
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aka four times Secondo was cockblocked by Snowbell and one time he wasn't 🙃
HAPPY BIRTHDAY @tasty-ribz!!!!!!
I hope you have the best day Ribzy because you deserve it! You are one of my favourite people in the whole world and you are going to accept being spoiled today because you are actually the sweetest and I feel so very lucky to be your friend 💜 I hope you don't mind me repurposing this art because it was what inspired this idea to begin with. So art, Snowbell and Secondo all belong to @tasty-ribz. If you would like to read the origins of Snowbell you can here and she features in Ribz' art here
NSFW | Papa Emeritus II x Reader | 4100 words
warnings: sexting, nudes, fingering, oral sex, pinv sex, orgasm denial(HAHA)
‘I miss you amore mio.’
‘I miss you too Papa.’
He drops his phone onto his chest with a huff. You were visiting your family for the holidays. It was only a week and yet he felt like he had lost an arm. This was not the first time you had spent a few days apart but usually it was him leaving the Abbey the two of you call home. He still missed you then of course but he was usually busy with endless duties and meetings and the time would pass in a blink of an eye until he was once again with you.
But this time, he was the one left at home and he missed you every moment of every day. He missed your kisses over breakfast, catching your smile across the Abbey as you go about your day, your warm body curled in his arms every night. And he was not the only one missing you terribly. At first, little Snowbell had decided it was his fault you had gone. It almost broke his heart the way she would perk up every time someone came to his office only to glare at him balefully when the person who entered was anyone but you. But within a day she seemed to be fearing he would disappear too, refusing to settle anywhere but his lap during the day and fussing about being returned to her cage in his office, until he gave up and brought her back to his rooms. Her tactic seemed to be to stay as close to him as physically possible so he could not leave her even going as far as trying to follow him to the bathroom.
He scratches at her fluffy head where she is curled up next to him on the sofa when his phone vibrates again. The chat with you is still open when he lifts it but as soon as he registers the photo he had just received it slips from his grasp and he has to fight the urge to cover Snowbell’s eyes. Instead he scoots her off the sofa, gently but firmly enough that she thumps with her back foot in annoyance before hopping away to the small bed you had set up for her in his bedroom.
Sure that she was far enough away he gingerly picks up the phone and indulges in the pulse of arousal your message inspires. He is hardening in his sweatpants embarrassingly quickly but he shoves that thought aside as he hurriedly shoves his pants down so he can give you his full attention. The picture is gorgeous, you spread out on a bed in his favourite barely there lingerie looking into the camera with a sultry expression.
‘Amore mio, you make me want to drop everything and run to you,’ he types one handed, not willing to relent his steady stroking. He watches the three dots at the bottom of the screen pulse, his anticipation growing. When your message final comes through he can’t suppress the groan as he takes in your second picture. It is a close up of your face pouting in the way that would have him unable to resist kissing you if you were in front of him.
‘What about you Papa? How much are you missing me?’ You type just underneath. While sending naughty photos is not exactly new to him it is new to your relationship, but he is nothing if not a gentleman. He is not going to leave his lady hanging especially with all the effort she has gone to. He opens the camera up and adjusts himself slightly for the best lighting, he wants you to be able to see exactly how worked up you have him. Maybe it will even encourage you home quicker.
Just as he is about to snap the picture all the air is forced out of him when a heavy weight suddenly lands on his stomach. Gasping for air he blinks at his phone and instead of seeing his erect cock on display he sees the unimpressed face of his rabbit staring back at him. Casting his phone aside he lets go of his dick like it were on fire, quickly pulling up his pants while Snowbell hops up his chest.
‘Well Coniglietto, you have certainly ruined the mood,’ he tells her with a sigh as she nibbles on his nose. His erection has well and truly flagged so when his phone buzzes again he knows he has to show you exactly what happened. Maybe the sight of your unimpressed fluffy child will work even better then a picture of his dick. Quickly, noticing your second message containing only question marks, he sends the photo. Snowbell is covering everything you may have wanted to see but it is more than obvious the activity he had been engaging in before his interruption.
‘I am afraid someone decided they missed you even more,’ he types underneath, hoping you will not be too disappointed but when his phone almost instantly buzzes with a video call request he knows it is fine.
‘Well hello…’ he starts before you cut him off.
‘Show me our baby girl please?’ He grumbles with pretend annoyance but switches the camera, relaxing as he listens to your happy cooing.
‘Sec…’ He manages to cut you off mid moan, capturing the sounds of your pleasure with a deep kiss so your hiding place would not be discovered. All day you had been on his mind, not that that wasn’t the case every day but today you had been especially distracting. You had risen early and while he had enjoyed sleepily watching you prepare for the day the call of a few hours more sleep had won out over ravishing you against your vanity. But those lustful thoughts had twisted their way into his dreams so when he had finally dragged himself out of bed a few hours later he had found himself burning with need while you were already hard at work. So when he chanced upon you in the corridor later that day, a day which had been filled with his heated imaginings, he couldn’t even wait long enough to take you back to his office. Not when there was a conveniently shadowy alcove just a few feet away.
You put up no fight, giggling sweetly as he manhandled you into the semi secluded space. His urgency must have been written all over his face as you asked no questions accepting his kisses with a pleasured sigh. To his ever present surprise you were as enamoured by him as he so obviously was by you, always able to break through his stoic exterior. You were so precious to him and he was overtaken with the need to show you. He wanted to make you cum on his fingers so with little preamble he sought out your core neglecting even to remove his gloves first. When his fingers don’t meet your warm wet heat he hastily pulled his hand free of your trousers, biting at the finger of his glove to free himself. He almost gets distracted by the traces of your taste against the leather but he spits them onto the floor quickly as soon as he realises he needs his mouth to swallow your beautiful sounds.
He teases at your clit, circling with the tips of his fingers until you are gasping into his mouth before sinking deeper but just as he is about to breach your entrance a terrified shout echoes through the corridor, coming from his office. You jump apart looking at each other in shock for a moment before rushing from your hiding place in time to see a white streak dashing down the corridor and around the corner followed by Terzo. He looks at you, blinking slowly in shock before you both take off running after them. Rounding the corner all he can see is Terzo bent double leaning against the wall.
‘Where is Snowbell? What did you do?’ He points at his brother accusingly. Terzo straightens up struggling to catch his breath and holds his hand up in front of him.
‘She bit me!’ He says indignantly, making Secondo scoff as you take his proffered hand in yours. He watches impatiently as you check his finger, finding the hole in his glove, the usually pristine white faintly dotted with red. The nip is barely visible, the glove taking most of the damage so Secondo can’t bring himself to care, much more concerned about the whereabouts of his rabbit.
‘You probably deserved it you stronzo! What were you doing?’ He has to fight off the urge to shake him when he doesn’t answer straight away.
‘I was waiting for you in your office,’ he begins to explain. ‘And you were taking forever.’ He gestures dramatically, unnecessarily elongating the word. ‘So I thought I would say hello to Snowbell but when I opened the cage she. Bit. ME!’ He waves his injured finger in Secondos face but he just bats it aside.
‘And then you must have scared her with all your shouting!’ He can’t help raising his voice as he gets more and more worried. They need to find her so he begins looking around the immediate area hoping she might just be hiding nearby.
‘Stop both of you,’ you say firmly, managing to keep calm despite the situation. ‘She has got out before, we know where she usually likes to go so let’s split up and check there first.’ He is so grateful for your level headedness. You are right, he knows that but he can’t help the panic starting to claw at him and he can see it in Terzo’s face as well underneath all the bluster. What if something happened to her?
‘Terzo could you check the window seats outside the library please? She likes to lay there in the sun so she may have gone there. I will check the kitchens in case she has gone looking for food. Secondo, you know how much she likes visiting Copia and his rats so you check his office.’ With only a nod you all go your separate ways. Your heart breaks a little sending him off by himself but you know that Copia will help calm him while you look. You hurry towards the kitchens, eyes darting from side to side checking every possible hiding place for a rabbit.
You reach the kitchen quickly with no sign of her but you sense you are on the right track when you find the little door to the kitchen garden open. Thankfully, between yourself and Primo you had made sure the walled vegetable garden had been entirely rabbit proofed so Snowbell would be safe on her usually supervised adventures outside. You search methodically through the raised beds, around the green houses, the dense herb garden and the small orchard but she is nowhere to be found. Your sense of calm is slipping away with every place she is not until you reach the ramshackle shed tucked away in the far corner. Princess’ Palace says the sign nailed to the slightly ajar door and you are almost certain you have found the runaway rabbit.
Princess is Terzo’s half feral cat. He had found her in this very shed almost twenty years ago as a small and very unwell kitten.and carefully nursed her back to health until she had been strong enough and old enough to look after herself. She preferred to roam the grounds avoiding most of the inhabitants of the abbey only tempted inside to lounge in front of the fire in Terzo’s quarters or chase some of the mice that also made the abbey their home. But since Snowbell’s arrival she had also been visiting Secondo’s office striking up an unexpected friendship between them.
You open the door slowly and breathe a sigh of relief when you see them. You pull out your phone trying to make no sudden movements that might disrupt them and take a photo to send to both Secondo and Terzo. Snowbell or the round ball of white fluff cuddled up with Princess you assume is Snowbell begins to shift, sensing your presence so after sending off the message you put your phone away and scoop her into your arms. You offer Princess a quick scratch to the head when she blinks open one bright green eye at you, probably annoyed you are taking away her nice warm napping mate. She stretches her legs before curling back in on herself and resuming her nap.
‘Come on now,’ you whisper against Snowbell’s soft head as you close the door to the shed and make your way back across the garden. ‘Let’s get you back to your Papa before he tries to kill your Uncle.’
Your mouth! He could never quite believe how good it felt when you took him in your mouth. It was obscene the way your lips stretched around him as you sunk down his length, taking as much of him as you could. He could watch you do this for hours, but not today. Currently you were under his desk, your lunch plans derailed when you realised how stressed he was. He had back to back meetings all day and he still had a mountain of paperwork to sort through but nothing would have stopped him from making time for your standing lunch date. You always brought him something directly from the kitchens when he didn’t have the time to leave his office and today has been no different. At least until you had sunk down to your knees in front of him and offered to help him relax before his busy afternoon.
It was an offer he couldn’t refuse considering the frankly embarrassing amount of times he had fantasised about you in exactly this position. He gently slides his fingers into your hair to support your head when he can’t resist shallowly thrusting into your mouth. You were so perfect for him, taking all of him so well. You gaze up at him with your eyes so full of care that he has to look away before the vision and the sensations overwhelmed him. And that was his big mistake.
He doesn’t focus at first, staring blankly across his office, still stuck on the vision of his lips around his cock but when you pull back to breath and lavish attention on the head he blinks back to the present and instantly locks eyes with Snowbell. The world narrows down for a second as he stares at her, feeling like the worst man in the world for getting a blowjob in front of his rabbit. Then you sink back down his length, taking him all the way to the base and he snaps out of it.
He tips his head back staring up at the ceiling as he tries to rationalise allowing you to continue. You are behind the desk so she can’t possibly see you and she is a rabbit! She has no idea what a blowjob is. And you feel so damn good. He drops his chin to his head allowing himself to look at you again but he still manages to catch sight of Snowbell sitting in her cage as he goes. His erection flags almost instantly despite your best efforts and you pull away looking up at him in concern and he has to bury his face in his hands.
‘Papa?’ Your voice is filled with worry. ‘Secondo what is the matter?’ He has to explain before you think there is actually something seriously wrong but he is suddenly overwhelmed with the absurdity of the situation he has found himself in. A laugh bubbles up in his chest that he doesn’t bother to repress as he tucks himself away and smoothes down his robes before taking your hands in his.
‘Amore, you are perfect as always,’ he starts trying his best to reassure you. ‘But, fool as I am, I looked away from you and found that our Coniglietto was watching.’ You peer over the desk behind you and see that she is in fact still watching and joins him in his mirth. Your soft giggles almost as much of a stress relief for him as your sweet mouth had been.
‘I do have another idea on how to relieve your stress Papa,’ you say as he helps you to your feet. You go to the cage, open it and scoop the inquisitive rabbit into your arms bringing her back with you. Instead of settling back in your seat though you continue around to his side of the desk but he only raises an eyebrow in question. ‘And much more bunny appropriate too.’ You seat yourself sideways in his lap, allowing Snowbell to snuggle between you. With a soft sigh you settle against his chest, stroking gently down Snowbell’s back and as he wraps his arms around you both he thinks you might be onto something.
At times like these he could easily be convinced the breathing was not actually a necessity. With the sounds of your pleasure ringing in his ears and the taste of you on his tongue who could argue that his need for oxygen was more important. That being said he greedily sucks in air when you ease up, looking down at him as you scratch your nails over his scalp. As soon as he has had his fill though he grips your hips firmly, encouraging you to continue riding his face. Your body jolts when your clit grinds against his nose just the way he knows you like and he moans as he laps at your juices as if it were the only thing that might quench his thirst.
Today wasn’t exactly anything special except for the fact that both of you were completely free. No meetings, no appointments and no obligations. Even Snowbell was spending the day with her Uncle Primo which meant he had you entirely to himself and he intended to make the most of it. He had risen early and made you breakfast in bed to begin your perfect day off right and as you were lying in bed together feeding each other fruits and pastries you had decided that neither of you would be leaving his rooms today. After getting up you had watched some telly, just basking in each other's presence until things had inevitably turned heated.
He can feel your body tensing as you near your peak when a series of loud bangs echo through his quarters causing you both to freeze. You start to pull away, moving to climb off of him but he stills you with his firm grip.
‘Amore, ignore it,’ he says between kissing and sucking at your sensitive inner thighs before you relent, eager for him to finish what he started. Just when you find your rhythm the bangs come again, the noise so jarring in the intimate relaxed atmosphere the two of you had built.
‘It must be important,’ you say reluctantly, pulling away once more but he will not relinquish you.
‘Nothing is more important to me than making you cum,’ he growls into your centre, proving his point with a broad lick from your entrance to your clit which he sucks on obscenely and you couldn’t possibly argue with his determination. At least until you hear even louder, BANG, BANG BANG!
‘Secondo if you do not open this door right NOW, I will be making rabbit stew for my dinner!’ You both scramble up from the sofa as soon as you realise it is Primo at the door, rushing to pull on clothes and make yourselves presentable in between exchanging worried glances. You had never heard him so angry before and you were nervous to find out what could have made him so mad. And what it had to do with Snowbell. You both pause at the door, sharing one last look before you swing it open to reveal a flustered looking primo holding a distinctly purple rabbit.
‘Primo,’ Secondo greets him with confusion taken aback by the scene before him. ‘We were not expecting you so soon,’ he hesitates. ‘And what have you done to Snowbell?’
‘Me?’ If steam could come out of his ears it is possible that would be what was happening right now as he looked at you both indignantly. ‘What have I done? Fratellino, the question you should be asking is what has she done?’ He holds her out to you a clear enough demand and she quickly snuggles into your chest when you take her blinking up at you with sad eyes.
‘She ate all my red cabbages!’ He fumes at his brother. ‘Not one is without a nibble!’
‘Oh Snowbell,’ you scold her gently, tapping her nose before stroking at her stained fur. ‘That’s not very nice.’
‘I will replace your cabbages Primo.’ He would like to point out to his brother that perhaps he shouldn’t have let a rabbit have free reign in his cabbage patch but he doubts the ensuing argument would be worth it but there is certainly one thing he must insist on. ‘But I think you owe Snowbell an apology.’ You look back and forth between the two brothers engaging in some kind of stubborn staring contest.
‘I … well, si.’ He turns to Snowbell and bows down to her level. ‘My apologies Snowbell. I would never put you in a stew coniglietto. But your Papa needs to teach you some manners if you want to come in my garden again,’ and with one last glare at Secondo he turns on his heel and storms away, presumably to salvage what he can from his cabbage patch.
‘I think we better go run someone a bath,’ You say as you both look down at the stained bunny blinking up at you innocently.
You flop back onto the bed before he has even had the chance to put down your bags and he takes a moment to watch you starfish on the luxurious sheets, his fondness for you warming his chest. In his mind at least, he had been planning this trip since you had agreed to be his. You both had arrived in Italy a few hours before, taking the scenic route to your hotel so he could begin to show you some of the sights. He was as excited to share his home town with you as he was to share everything else.
He was happy, more than he could ever remember being and it was almost entirely down to you, and of course Snowbell. As much as his favourite ball of fluff tests his patience he knows that without her he might have none of this. Following that train of thought makes his heart pang with guilt, having to leave her behind to have this holiday even if he knows she has been left in safe hands. Copia was the only person he had trusted to look after her for any length of time and he had already sent updates reassuring them that she was faring well in their absence. You must sense his train of thought because you gesture for him to lie beside you, shuffling over to make room.
‘Missing her already?’ You ask softly, wrapping your arm around his waist and pulling him closer.
‘It is silly, I know…’ he starts but she shushes him with a finger to his lips.
‘It isn’t silly at all.’ You replace your finger with a chaste kiss. ‘I miss her too. But that doesn’t make me any less happy to be here with you.’ You always say exactly the right thing to make him feel better. He chases your lips then eager to deepen your kisses. Any tiredness from your travels is replaced by the slow simmering heat of desire that he has only known since being with someone who understands him so well.
You undress each other slowly, no need to rush when you both feel like the only two people in the world. He needs to feel his skin against yours, your physical closeness matching how he feels about you right now. You roll on top of him, caging him in with your arms and as he enters you he pulls you impossibly closer until it feels like there isn’t even room for air between you. You rock together perfectly in sync, gasping into each other's mouths even as your kisses turn sloppy. He breaks from you for just a moment.
‘I love you amore,’ he whispers against your lips.
‘I love you too Secondo.’ Your smile was the most beautiful thing he had ever seen and he wished he could dedicate forever to making you this happy. He couldn’t guarantee forever, usually he couldn’t even guarantee an uninterrupted ten minutes, but he could have right now.
Love you Ribzy and a fancy british audio fic version will be recorded for you at some point in the future. I will even practice so I don't laugh through the smut this time 😁
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emeritus-fuckers · 1 year
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not really
... The least you know, the better. - Jez
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dolceterzo · 25 days
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for my secondhoes; @ibikus and @tasty-ribz 🌹💚
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dearlymrme · 2 years
WIP Tag Game
Thank you so much @nocterish for the tag. It makes me so happy that people are tagging me wanting to know more about what I'm doing.
Rules: Post the names of all the files in your WIP folder regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. Let people send you an ask with the title that most intrigues them and then post a little snippet of it or tell them something about it! And then tag as many people as you have WIPs.
You wanna know what I'm working on. Welll let me just open my file cabinet and…
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Potion #9.
You're Primo's witch apprentice, and try to make something for your allergies. The potion has some rather…interesting effects. Two part Shot.
Touchy Feely.
Primo blindfolds you and teases you until you snap. Snippet.
Alpha VS Omega.
Secondo is a very rough lover, and you give as good as you get. A physically violent fuck for dominance than neither of you back down from. Who will be the winner? One part Fic.
Lean Into It
You pop Secondo's back for him. He pops a boner by how easily you lift him. Snippet.
Door #3
It's an actual story instead of just smut snippets. You meet a handsome man at an art gallery, little did you know you would slowly fall in love with the satanic pope. An extreme slice of life and slow burn. You're friends before your lovers. Multi Chapter fic
The Strong Woman
You fireman carry Terzo to his room after a heavy night of drinking, and the man immediately decides that you and your goliath strength make you the perfect choice for Prime Mover.
You Wanna Bet?
Terzo has quite the collection, and for first-timers, he's more than happy to give recommendations. He bets that he can match you with the perfect toy. This is going to be a very smutty Multi Chapter fic of exploring kinks with a very slutty Terzo.
High Difficulty Setting
You have your own controller and your own game to play with Copia.
Crepuscular Rays
It's an actual story instead of a smut snippet. The technical term for a sunbeam and how you're determined to act as a shining light to break through his dark and depressed clouds. Copia loses the Grammys and falls into depression. Multi Chapter Fic.
Oh Oedipus, We're In It Now
Your fling with the touch starved and desperate Cardinal is getting serious. Even more so when he accidentally calls you 'Mommy'. You are surprisingly into it. This is still up in the air whether or not to be a Multi Chapter Fic.
On The Contrary Part 2
My darling and neglected child. I have just a little bit more I need to do before I reread it and realize I've repeated myself in five different places. ADHD brain at its best.
All Four One
The Little Ways
How each Papa shows you in very little but big ways that they love you.
Expensive Taste
Papa's lingerie preference and why they like it and how they like taking it off you.
Oh Stop You
How the Papa's flirt.
My computer is currently busted, but there is one thing I have a MIGHTY NEED to draw involving Terzo.
Yes, these all do have names. The name is like one of the first things I come up with and makes it so much easier to keep track of in the Docs.
You can blame @nocturnal-birb for so many of these ideas. I hope you can understand that I want to take these very slowly because as you can see, I have so much I wanna write. But I don't wanna burn out.
Much of my writing is going to be kept strictly to my two days off.
However, if there is stuff you wanna talk about, my inbox is open, and I promise, I am friendly. I am also in the habit of sharing bits and pieces of what I write to my mutuals. Along with ideas and just general shitghousting.
I tag @tasty-ribz and @ghestie-nun and @onedaughterofman
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