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gonefishing712 · 3 years ago
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“The Dark Arts are many, varied, ever-changing, and eternal. You are fighting that, which is unfixed, mutating, indestructible.” – Severus Snape
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luckyxcharm · 3 years ago
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Things that make Presley happy.
1. Nico 2. Books 3. The Ocean
4. Wine 5. ZACHARY 6. Chocolate
7. Purple 8. Daisies 9. Sleep
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carlisle-ember · 10 years ago
Task 019 -  Ice, Ice Baby.
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It had been against Ember’s better judgment for her and Cooper to separate. They hadn’t left one another’s side since the train had taken them away from District Six, but they needed food, and they needed water, otherwise death would be inevitable for them. Splitting up and scanning the area for resources did seem like the most logical thing to do. Cooper would head East, and Ember would head farther South. 
As the brunette walked, she heard a canon. The sound made her stop in her tracks. She looked to the clouds and saw Oak’s face. “Jesus.” She muttered. She was beyond relieved that it wasn’t Cooper, but her heart sank nonetheless. Oak was just a child. She remembered back to the last conversation she had with the little boy. “It’s okay. It’s all going to be okay. You gotta try and stay strong.” She had told him, as she held the crying boy to her chest the day before they were launched into the arena. It had been a lie. Ember knew that. Nothing was okay, and now Oak was dead.  She stayed still for a moment, paying her respects to the boy, and to whatever family he had that might be watching. She had to keep moving.
Her feet sloshed along the grassy terrain. Another canon was heard. She stopped and looked towards the sky again. The clouds were beginning to look grey, and dark. It was strange, because up until that point, it had been fairly nice out. Her attention focused towards the fallen tribute that was displayed. It was Nox. Oh, god, Axel. She thought. Axel had became someone that  Ember considered a friend while she was in the capitol. She knew he didn’t think of her that way. He was only trying to be a mentor, and to give her advice. She knew that he cared about Nox, and that he must be hurting right now, watching the games. She shook her head and continued her trek further South.
It felt as if it were getting even colder. She shivered, wrapping her arms around herself as she walked. Her eyes fell to the ground. It was hard to stay focused when there were so many tributes losing their lives, and when it was so cold. Luckily her distraction paid off, because she spotted a couple of beetles mixed in the grass. She eagerly bent down, scooping them up, and tucking them inside a side compartment of her backpack. Sure it wasn’t a capitol meal, but it was something to keep her and Cooper from starving. She wondered if he was having any luck with food or water.
It was snowing now. It was coming down hard, and fast. It made it difficult for the girl to see where she was going. She would need to find shelter soon, by the looks of it. She worried that she wouldn’t be able to find Cooper again until morning. Ember’s teeth were beginning to chatter together as she walked. She spotted something in the distance. The snow was clouding her judgment too much for her too see what it was, but as she got closer, she realized that it was a girl. Tinley ―the district eleven girl that Ember had fought with for her backpack. She didn’t look so good. “Tinley?” She questioned as moved closer to the girl, crouching down beside her. The girl was alive, but she was in a weak condition. She must have been in her position for a while now. She tried to speak, but Ember shushed her. “Save your strength.” She told her. “I’ll stay with you.” Ember didn’t dislike the girl, just because they had gotten into a confrontation over the backpack. They were both simply trying to survive. The other girl seemed sweet, actually.
The other girl was shivered hard, and her color was a light shade of blue. Hypothermia was beginning to take over. “Tinley, if you can hear me, squeeze my hand...” There was no response. Ember let out a sigh. She didn’t want the girl to suffer any longer than she had to. She capped her hand over Tinley’s mouth, and her nostrils, keeping it there until she no longer felt a breath from the girl. A tear rolled down Ember’s cheek, and she closed the other girl’s eyes. A canon was heard, and then another. Two tributes. Ember focused her attention to the clouds. She saw Tinley’s face, and then another.
“N  ―No.” The girl cried out. It wasn’t real. Cooper Jettson wasn’t dead. He couldn’t be. “Goddammit!” She screamed, sliding down to the ground. Had he been alone when he died. Oh, god. If he was alone she would never be able to forgive herself for not being there. She was sobbing by this point. Ember had known Cooper her entire life. She knew only one of them would make it out of the arena, but she had refused to focus on that part. If she was the one to make it out of the arena alive, how was she going to face her brothers? And Cooper’s family?
For the first time since the reaping, Ember was alone. She no longer had Cooper. She didn’t have anyone. She pushed herself up off of the ground. “Take care of him.” She whispered, looking at the camera. She was speaking to Bertha. She knew that Cooper’s body was probably already at the morgue by now. She wanted only the best for the boy she would have given her own life for. At that moment, a parachute began to drift down towards the girl. It had a coat inside. Ember slipped the coat on. Immediately she began to feel more warmth. It was too cold, and the vision was too limited, Ember didn’t think she would have trouble from any of the other tributes for a little while. Odds were, everyone was seeking shelter. She zipped up her new jacket that Bertha had sent her, and curled up into a ball. She began to cry again. She would worry about the games again once the storm was over. For now, she only had thoughts of Cooper.
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olwenthatcher · 10 years ago
The Sky Is On Fire
Trillium didn’t know how long she had been on watch, but she knew she had been mending the small fire for a long time. Her eyes remained mostly on Jonah as he slept, making sure his body didn’t show signs of getting too cold. Her eyes also darted to the dark night. She’d be able to hear if anything came by, but the question of doing something about it was what worried her. She should’ve plucked that sword from that boy from One. Suddenly, the dark of the night was washed over with a green light of sorts. Her eyes widened, it was nothing like she had ever seen before.
The girl stood up from her sitting position, placing the black dusty burned stick she had been toying with for the last half hour. She didn’t know if she could believe what she was seeing, but it was a beautiful sight to see. Her eyes glazed over at the night sky was illuminated in the best ways. Trillium had to admit, this arena was meant as a ground to test their survival, to kill them. But it had its certain beauties that just surprised her. 
It was much like the Capitol itself. Beautiful from far away, but she couldn’t imagine the green light up close was any fun. It looked like the sky was one fire. Trillium’s hands went to touch her district token, for the first time since the games had started. She took the heart shaped piece of amber out from being tucked under her shirt and felt the necklace with her cold fingers. It was warm. 
“I wish you could see this.” She mumbled, her voice barely a whisper. Asher wouldn’t loved to see something like this, even if he only grew up to see it on a screen. She wished she could’ve enjoyed this sight away from an arena. Away from danger. Trillium tucked the pendant back under her shirt and watched the lights glimmer in the sky. 
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huckredpath-blog · 10 years ago
Task 016: The Launch, the Arena, the Bloodbath
The morning of the Arena, Huck had woken up focused already. He didn’t say much, not as he, Trillium and their mentor had made their way out of the training center to the hovercraft, not as he was taken to the catacombs, and not when he eventually was taken to the launch room, where he had to get dressed. His primal instinct of panicking was something he constantly suppressed, knowing this was going to make him weak and would make him think irrationaly. In stead he kept calming himself down, telling himself not to overthink it and that everything would point itself out as it happened. 
His stylist told him to prepare for cold weather, as his clothes were thermal and would provide body heat, to which he replied with a simple nod. He got into the tube that would eventually send him up and he let himself wonder for a moment what this cold arena would mean for him and his odds. He was used to cold weather, so the temperature wouldn’t be that big of a difference, but what if it was all pure snow? Nobody was comfortable with that, he imagined. 
He snapped out of his thoughts when he was starting to move up through the tube. He took a deep breath, trying to keep an open mind about the arena and not to hope too much for the terrain back in Twelve. He squinted his eyes as he reached the surface, the light bright after the dark tunnel, and as soon as he rose up in the arena’s atmosphere, a warm, humid wind brushed by the skin on his face and hands. Not at all as cold as he expected.
For a moment Huck felt his stomach tighten at the sight of water all around them, but he took a relieved breath as his eyes focused on the paths leading from the cornucopia, to what seemed to be solid land. There was one straight ahead of him, which meant that there also must have been one behind him. He focused his gaze on the cornucopia as the countdown continued. He had to go for it. He needed something, anything, from that cornucopia. He wouldn’t last a day in this weather without at least some tool, even if it was just a weapon to defend himself. Ideally he’d be able to grab a backpack, but he wasn’t the only one to think that, he couldn’t be. Yet, he had to risk it. He didn’t have much of a choice. 
As soon as the counter hit zero, Huck jumped forward, off of the platform and made a run for it, sprinting to the supplies waiting for them at the Cornucopia. From the corner of his eye he would see the Careers approaching, and he tried to run even faster, setting his eyes on the first thing they found; the weapons. Right before he got there, ready to grab anything he could get his hands on, someone darted in front of him and grabbed a spear. It was Sylver, the District 2 Career. He could turn and run now, stay clear of a confrontation and possible death. But that would mean that he didn’t have anything; that he had been slowed down by stopping at the Cornucopia, and not having any supplies. So in stead, he tackled the girl. 
He slammed his body against hers, knowing that the momentum of his body would be enough to at least push her out of the way. Sylver lost balance and smacked onto the ground on her side, a strained groan coming from the girl. The impact had knocked the weapon out of her hands, which now rolled away from her. Huck quickly tried to get up and grab it, but Sylver took a hold of his ankle, yanking his leg from underneath him, causing him to fall onto the ground again. This time Sylver tried to get up, but Huck rolled onto his back before she got the chance, and punched her straight in the nose. Having caught her off guard, the girl fell back, momentarily disoriented, and he took his chance to get up, grab the spear and make a run for it. Not the most ideal weapon, but at least he had something. 
He ran away in the opposite direction from which he had come, trying to avoid as many tributes as possible. Holding the spear firmly in his hand, he sprinted, not caring about endurance at that moment, just wanting to get as far away as possible from anyone. At that moment he realised that he hadn’t made any clear alliances yet, which was both a good and a bad thing. At least he didn’t have to wait for anyone, or look in which direction they had run. But on the other hand, he didn’t have anyone to turn to. 
He ran into the tunnel straight ahead of him, not stopping once to take a breather. He could hear more footsteps in the tunnel, and he kept looking back to see if he was being followed, until he made it out, and continued his way south. 
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olwenthatcher · 10 years ago
TASK 017
“Don’t look so scared.” Her stylist muttered. Trillium’s blue eyes narrowed at her stylist, watching as they fixed their hoodie. She hadn’t gotten off to a great start in the morning, she was almost too nervous to eat and her blood ran cold but she forced herself to shove some food down her throat. As much as she could. Trillium had no idea the next time she would get another meal. Leaving the Capitol left a bad taste in her mouth when Trillium, it was finally over. Any small ounce of freedom, of who she was before the games, of her life was gone. There was no coming back, even if she did she wouldn’t be the same. 
“I’m not scared. Are you done fiddling with me? I’m fine.” Trillium told her stylist. Her hair had been pulled back in a long fishtail braid. The tribute was well washed and groomed, but she knew she wouldn’t stay that way long trying to survive out in the arena. She could tell from the tribute outfit she was wearing what the arena seemed to be. The material was waterproof, which meant there was rain being a jacket. There was a thermal shirt. She guessed there was a thermal shirt which meant it was cold. Hiking boots meant there was mountains. 
Her stylist huffed, their hands finding their way to Trillium’s token. The girl tensed when they touched her necklace, she had misplaced it a few days ago and went nearly insane in order to find it. “If you don’t come back,” Her stylist began,”I’ll make sure that Zoe gets it. I’m sure that’s what you want, right?” They asked. Trillium blinked, she was surprised at their words, but the girl nodded anyways. 
She figured that people actually did pay attention during her interview, they felt for the girl back home as much as Trillium did. They wanted her to make it back, didn’t they? If they did, it could be the smallest bit of help between her living and dying. “Good luck.” Her stylist told her. Trillium walked over to the podium, a glass case coming down on her immediately. She knew she wasn’t ready for this. There had to be more time. There had to. 
As soon as the podium was lifted and Trillium’s eyes focused on the outline of the arena she knew she was in for it. It was cold, too cold for her body to handle. Her body didn’t handle the cold as well as it used to because she got sick from staying in wet gutters during the winter when she was a kid. If she didn’t find a warmer location she could have complications with that. Trillium’s eyes immediately searched the circle. Jonah nor Amphitrite were anywhere near her, but she had to keep her eyes on them. 
10. 9. 8. 7... 
The counting began. She had to think fast, and her eyes searched the Cornucopia for the closest thing towards her. She looked around, there was a thick layer of mist and she couldn’t imagine why at first, before it clicked into her mind. It wasn’t from rain, but the water that surrounded them was warm. It wasn’t mist, but steam. She was running out of time, when her eyes found their way. She was near an item, not a huge one but it was enough. A canteen could mean if she got herself to water there was a chance she wouldn’t dehydrate in the first few days. It could help. 
... 1.
The games had begun. 
Trillium looked around, finding her allies before moving swiftly off the podium as other tributes rushed. She avoided other tributes at first, but once the Careers got their hands on weapons she wouldn’t be safe for long. The canteen was safe, she could get it. Suddenly a small boy rushed into her view and she rushed to a stop. She would without a doubt have to fight this boy for it, if he was twelve or not. Trillium recalled that he cried the night before. She didn’t know if she could do this, but she had too. 
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carlisle-ember · 10 years ago
Task 016 - The Launch, the Arena, and the Bloodbath.
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Today was the day ―the morning of the 99th Hunger Games. The nights leading up to today had been the worst. Ember had found it harder and harder to sleep as the games neared closer. She was thankful that she had Cooper there with her throughout these past couple of weeks. Next to her brothers, he was the closest thing she had to family. That was the hardest part of all of this, knowing that at least one of them would not make it out of the arena alive.
Despite her troubles sleeping, Ember had been strangely calm when she woke up. Perhaps it was a state of shock, or the fact that she had come to the realization that she had no other choice, and that the tames were inevitable. Shortly after waking up and eating breakfast, she was taken to the catacombs. She didn’t feel like eating. Who would at a time like this? But she knew she needed energy and nourishment, and who knew what, if anything she would find to eat in the arena.
Her prep team was waiting for her in the catacombs. They immediately grabbed at her, and began fiddling with her hair, and changing her into her outfit for the arena. She looked down at her clothing ―a long sleeve shirt and pants, with a jacket and boots. She wondered what the arena would be like. It must be a cold climate, she thought to herself, given the amount of clothing she was wearing, and the heavy shoes. She dreaded the cold, but perhaps it would be easier to get warm, than it would be to try and cool off in a hot climate.
Talise, Ember’s main stylist pulled something out of her bag. Ember shook herself out of her own thoughts upon seeing the object. It was Minka’s hairpin. Talise secured it into Ember’s intricate braids. She gave the girl a soft, yet somehow saddened at the same time, smile. “Thank you.” Ember said, and wrapped her arms around Talise. Who knew how many opportunities she would ever have to hug someone again. She only wished it could be someone she cared about more, someone she loved, like her brothers, or Cooper. She wondered what was going through his mind right now. Was he calm?  Nervous? Scared?
She walked over to her platform, and turned around to look at Talise one last time. Sixty seconds until launch a voice called over head. A nervous look filled the female tribute’s eyes. “We’re counting on you, Ember.” The stylist told her, trying to look positive. Thirty seconds until launch, the voice repeated. Ember turned to face the other direction, as it was only a matter of time before she would be facing the Cornucopia. Ten seconds until launch ―the voice continued to count down until it reached zero. Ember emerged from her platform and ran as fast as her legs would carry her towards the Cornucopia. Her eyes rapidly searched for anything that might be of use to her.
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carlisle-ember · 10 years ago
A full list of Ember’s completed tasks
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huckredpath-blog · 10 years ago
Task 015: Learned Skills
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huckredpath-blog · 10 years ago
Task 016: ‘’You have ten minutes to present your chosen skill.’’
Huck walked through the doors of the training area, with his mind set on only one thing; to show the Gamemakers just how dangerous he could be. He stopped in front of the Gamemakers and looked up at them. ‘’Huck Redpath, district 12,’’ he said confidently, his voice calm and steady.
He turned and walked to the knife stand, picking up six of them, and sticking them into his belt. He then walked to the dummies that were used for practicing, and started moving them around, scattering them through the area. When he was done, he walked to the corner of the room, and started running.
First towards the closest target, grabbing one of the knives from his belt, and jumping up when he reached the dummy. He placed his hand on the dummy’s shoulder and drove the knife into the dummy’s neck, while still in midair. He landed softly on his feet and immediately resumed running, taking another knife from his belt and throwing it at the dummy in the middle of the room, 20 meters away from him, hitting it in the back of the head. He reached the third dummy, tackling it to the ground, one foot on its chest, his other knee on the floor, and drove another knife into its chest. He got up again and started running to two dummies, which were close to each other. He dove forward, doing a somersault on the floor, and hurled two knives at once at the dummies, hitting one in the back and one in the side. He quickly grabbed the last knife and turned, throwing it at the remaining dummy behind him, hitting it in the hip. A frown formed on Huck’s brow, not satisfied with hitting the dummy’s hip. He got up and ran to the dummy, pulling the knife out of the material and quickly slashing its throat, before pushing it on the floor.
Knowing he still had a minute or two, he walked to the weights, picking up not the heaviest one—he didn’t want to fail in front of the Gamemakers—but one he knew he could handle, and lifting it above his head a few times to get a feel of it. He then hurled it away from him, and it landed a few meters away. Out of breath by now, he walked back to the Gamemakers, giving them a short nod. ‘’Thank you for your time,’’ he said, wiping a trail of sweat from his forehead, and he turned to leave the room again.
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olwenthatcher · 10 years ago
TASK 016
”You have ten minutes to present your chosen skill.”
Calm down. Just breath. 
Trillium recalled the words Zoe first told her the moment she had a panic attack. The girl was just eleven and Zoe was only nine. Yet the disabled girl was the only one to relieve her tears after what seemed like an eternal darkness. 
“You’ve faced worst.” She muttered to herself. There was a certain disadvantage to be the last to go. The gamemakers were simply bored at this point. She could sense them ignoring her the moment she entered the training center. The girl had her hair tied back, and she looked ready to show off her skills, but the gamemakers could probably care less at this point. 
Trillium moved over to the weapons, glancing over at them. Probably one of eleven gamemakers was paying the smallest bit of attention to her. “Hey!” Trillium called over. She didn’t have to be nice to these people, they were here to judge if she was going to live or not. The sponsor money made off a high score was just too good to give up, and Trillium couldn’t waste time on the gamemakers not paying closer attention to her. She picked up the throwing knives first. She was good with daggers, quick. Trillium moved over the targets. She didn’t waste time. The gamemakers had finally stopped their small chatter to look at her for the small moment she had. 
The girl set herself up, and in no time she flung the knives. It’s just like hunting, it’s just a wild dog. You can do this. Her thoughts motivated her, and Trillium broke the ice for the gamemakers by throwing the knives accurately each time. Now she really had their attention, Trillium moved over, picking up a couple of swords. She remembered learning this with the mentor from Ten. Her accuracy with the swords had gotten better, which helped since the spears were still too heavy. 
Trillium let out a breath as she let one sword loose, hitting the dummy straight in the jaw. She took a running start towards the other dummies, her leg whipping out in a kick that one of the trainer’s taught her during daily training. She then used the other sword she picked out and stabbed it through the dummy. She flung the sword behind her, maiming the other dummy before she finished it off with a deep slice to the stomach. Trillium was letting out her anger in the things she picked up, only determination resting on her face now. 
Once she had settled the gamemakers with her strength, she decided to show them some survival skills. She reminded picking this up with the girl from Six, but the fire she started in the fire building station was bright and brilliant catching some of the attention of the gamemakers. When Trillium was done, she moved over and saw her time was done. Getting the fighting over with in the first five minutes gave her time to concentrate on building the fire which helped. 
“Thank you for your time. Enjoy your meal.” She commented, watching as the food the gamemakers had grew as an Avox carried in more food for them to stuff themselves with. Trillium turned and left the training center with a small smile on her face. “Hope for me, Zoe,” She breathed out, she had put her all into that one session. 
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olwenthatcher · 10 years ago
TASK 015
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olwenthatcher · 10 years ago
TASK 011
Work with another tribute to gain a new skill
Ask a mentor about their Games
Have your character lose their token (and find it again)
Interact with a character your character is afraid of/dislikes
Teach another tribute a skill your character already knows
Break a rule
Visit the Capitol night life scene with another character (tribute or mentor)
Talk about the Reapings with another character
Form an alliance
Form a rivalry
Discuss what skill your tribute plans to show for their skill test with another character
Discuss your tribute’s plans in the Arena
Watch tapes from previous Games
Sit with a tribute from another district during lunch break
Attempt to catch the attention of the Gamemakers during training
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