#taru's drabbles
souridealist · 16 days
FFXIVwrite day 5: 'stamp'; true drabble
The wood of the carved stamp is cool under Tataru’s hand. Her papers have gotten muddled: there’s a letter from the Sultana, a bill for sixty ponzes of popotoes, a sheaf of letters from Yoshan, an accounts summary from Hancock, another bill from the laundress for all the bed linen…
What there isn’t is a reply to any of Krile’s desperate letters; those go straight to Krile. Tataru sometimes looks regardless, as if a way to wake their friends might fall like a miracle from between the accounts.
For now she stamps the Scions’ mark on another letter, and prays.
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keicordelle · 1 year
The Daily Inconveniences of an Au Ra: Scale Itch
As a general rule, having scales was a wonderful thing. They protected Keshet from all sorts of injuries, they helped keep him cool in the sun, and they identified him immediately as a proud Xaela.  There was, however, one thing he didn't like about them...
Tataru was speaking, he was aware of that, at least, but he could not for the life of him have repeated a single word of what she'd said in the last five minutes. The crawling sensation along his shoulder had stolen his entire focus, his fingers inching closer to the plate of scales that covered the area before he caught himself and snatched his hand back, crossing his arms over his chest. He would not scratch. He wouldn't! It wouldn't help even if he did. He knew that. Rationally. But ration bore little weight when his scales itched so bad he wanted to leap from his own skin.
"Keshet, is something the matter? You look rather like you've tasted something sour." The sound of his name drew him from his own torment long enough to look down at the diminutive woman before him (when had he looked away from her in the first place?), her features pinched in concern.
"I'm fine," he answered, losing his internal battle of wills and reaching to scratch at the scales on his shoulder. "Just... itchy, that's all."
She frowned up at him. "Did you brush against some poison oak by mistake?" She watched as his composure unravelled, his hands darting to other patches of black scattered over his exposed flesh - did they seem less vibrant than usual? "Or are you sick? Is it chicken pox? If you see spots on your skin, you should stay in today and rest instead."
"No, I-" He stooped to scratch at his ankle, scales shifting beneath his fingers, the dull rub of nails against the thick plates not nearly enough to soothe the itch. No matter how hard he chased it, it fled his touch, only to return with a vengeance as soon as he shifted to scratch elsewhere. Gritting his teeth, he forced himself to stand and recross his arms, curling his fingers into fists for good measure. "It's not that. There's nothing wrong with me, really. It's just shedding season."
Whatever explanation she'd been expecting, it hadn't been that, and she blinked at him, momentarily nonplussed, but she recovered quickly. "Oh. I didn't realize that you shed your skin. Er, scales. Is there... anything I can do to help?"
He shook his head, the grimace twisting his lips looking downright pained. "It'll pass. Eventually. It just might take another day or two." Two more days of feeling like his scales were trying to crawl right off his skin without a moment's relief. His tail lashed, the itch crawling down its length to settle at the tip, and he fought the urge to raise it to his mouth and chew on it. Maybe if he retreated to his own quarters...
Tataru was speaking again, and he'd missed it. "...important, but if you need to stay in for a few days, I'm sure everyone would understand."
Slowly, reluctantly, he nodded, scratching at his arm again without noticing. "That might be a good idea." Much as he might want an outlet for his frustrations, the only thing worse than suffering the itch of shedding was suffering the itch of shedding while trying to fight for his damned life. Then again, a solid blow to the head might be just what he needed to distract himself from this infernal discomfort.
Read the rest of the series on Ao3!
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iunctura-arch · 9 months
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"Oh wow, this place is great! Why didn't we come here before?!"
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"Probably because Melanie hadn't met us yet." Cassiopeia watched as March took photos of the landscape. "But we're here because of a mission, too. Don't forget it."
"I know! I just want some good photos so we remember this place before we go! So, Melanie, since you're the one who knows this place the best, where do you think we should start looking....?" March looked over to Melanie, who was talking to a... very small pink-haired girl near one of the... Were they shops or was it some weird storage area?
Both her and Cassiopeia walked over to Melanie, who looked over to them with a small smile.
"These are a couple of my new friends I've made on my journey. Cassiopeia, March, this is Tataru. She's a seamstress who set up a shop here in Sharlayan. Tataru, this is Cassiopeia and March. They're Trailblazers, world-hopping travellers on a mission."
March put her hands on her hips and beamed while Cassiopeia rubbed the back of her neck nervously.
"A pleasure to meet you!" March said cheerily. "So, little Tataru, do you know where the Stellaron is?"
"I'll have you know I'm a fully-grown adult!" Tataru said, a frown on her face as she did so. "But I don't know where this 'Stellaron' is. I heard that there'd been a new discovery, but it seems to have been taken by someone before the Forum could officially figure out what it was."
That took the other two by surprise, while Melanie folded her arms against her chest and thought for a few moments. So, the Stellaron had arrived here, which meant the Stellaron Hunters were here. Which meant that the Astral Express had the advantage with Melanie's knowledge of the world they were currently on.
"That may have been the Stellaron they took. I'm guessing they left Sharlayan as soon as possible. Thanks for the info, Tataru. It looks like the Scions have to get together again. We're gonna need all the help we can get on this one."
She looked back towards March and Cassiopeia, putting a hand on her hip. "If they left Sharlayan, that means they may be heading to Othard. The only other place they could've gone is Limsa Lominsa, and I doubt they'd take the Stellaron somewhere where it could easily get stolen."
March looked confused as Melanie said that. "But... what if they do take it to that Limsa place? Wouldn't we be better going there?"
Cassiopeia looked a little irritated at that. "Melanie told us that Limsa is where the pirates are. They steal from others that aren't their own people, so going there would be pointless. I think we should hurry to this Othard place. But how are we getting there?"
It took Melanie a moment to answer, a wide grin appearing on her face.
"I'm taking you two with me." She grabbed both March and Cassiopeia by the hands before the three of them disappeared one-by-one. Tataru stood there, staring at where they'd been previously, before chuckling a little to herself.
"I hope they can handle teleportation!" She said with a smile on her face.
Not a few seconds later, the three of them arrived in the Doman Enclave, with both March 7th and Cassiopeia reeling from the experience while Melanie pulled out a couple of waterskins. She handed them over to the two.
"This cures aether sickness. Forgot you guys weren't attuned to the aetherytes..." Which meant that going back to Sharlayan would cause this, too. Or wherever else they went because of teleportation. Man, she really needed to stock up on the Lassi for aether sickness before she did that again.
Either way, they were here now. Once the two were back in order thanks to the Lassi, the three of them headed towards the Kienkan. Holding a hand out to stop March and Cassiopeia, Melanie walked up to the guard standing at the front.
It seemed Hakuro was out at the moment, which meant it was just the guard today.
"I'm here to have an audience with Lord Hien about something important." Melanie stated. "Could you tell him that the Warrior of Light wishes to have an audience?"
"Certainly." The guard gave her a bow before heading inside.
"Warrior of Light? What's that?" March asked. Melanie looked behind her with a shrug.
"It's a title I got for being... well, the hero of Eorzea. I didn't come up with it." She said, before turning around. "I've saved practically every country-- this entire universe we're currently in-- with my own two hands." She'd had help on some of them, but most of them she'd fought by herself. All alone, with her own two fists.
"Woooow...." March's eyes shined when she heard all that.
"So that's why Mr. Yang was so hesitant on letting you come with us on the prior missions." Cassiopeia said, thinking. "You're practically too powerful."
"I know how to hold back." Melanie shrugged. "He wants you guys to gain experience, but sometimes having someone who knows a lot there with you can help. I'm surprised he let me come with you guys here... And that Dan Heng wanted to stay behind."
"Well, the track did shift..." March recalled, tapping her chin. "It's never done that, according to Pom-Pom, so he's staying onboard to analyze and categorize the data we get from here!"
"Sounds about right." Cassiopeia nodded in agreement. At that moment, the guard came back out.
"Lord Hien has granted your audience, Warrior of Light. Please, come inside."
"Of course." Melanie turned to the guard and bowed, gesturing for March and Cassiopeia to come with her. The three of them were guided by the guard to the meeting chambers, where Hien was sitting. There was a tray with a teapot and some cups, all filled with Doma's famous tea.
"Melanie, it's good to hear from you again." Hien said with a smile. "I've heard you've come for an audience. That's quite rare. Is there any reason why?"
Melanie walked over to one of the cushions, sitting down on it and taking a cup of tea. Taking a sip, she looked into the liquid that rested in the cup. "My friends here-- March and Cassiopeia, they're looking for an item called the Stellaron. According to what we gathered, it ended up here on Hydaelyn, which is why we're here."
"Friends?" Hien looked to March and Cassiopeia before smiling at them. "Friends of Melanie are welcome here in Doma. Please, have a seat."
"Um-- sure!" March hurried to sit on one of the cushions while Cassiopeia plopped herself on one and sat cross-legged on the floor.
"The Stellaron is dangerous to this place." Cassiopeia said. "It could change something. It hasn't been here long, probably about a few days, but we need to get it off the planet before it does irreparable damage."
Hien nodded, a serious look on his face. "So you assume it'd be here in Doma?"
"The only other place is Limsa, and it'd be stolen without a doubt. Whoever took it clearly knows what they're doing, because they took it before the Forum could determine what it was." Melanie stated. "They'd come to Othard, for sure. And I was going to request your assistance in this."
"Whatever you need, my friend." Hien took his tea from the tray, taking a sip. "I have been hearing that a man has taken residence in the Swallow's Compass. Perhaps that's the person you're looking for."
"....I haate that place." Melanie groaned. "Guess we have to go back. Come on, you two."
The three drained their teacups, thanked Hien and headed out. Melanie took them to the ferryman, who took them across to the One River. It was only about a mile away from the dock at One River to get to the dungeon area. At the door, the three of them saw a familiar face.
"Kafka?!" Cassiopeia brought out her bat while March got her bow ready. "What are you doing here?!"
"The same as you." Kafka turned to face the three of them. "I'm here for the Stellaron."
"I'm surprised you found your way here." Melanie said, having not immediately gone on the offensive. "I know you Hunters and us of the Express are usually at odds, but could we work together this once? It's going to be difficult getting through there."
Especially if the Stellaron buffed the monsters in there. Which meant that they'd have to fight really hard to defeat them.
"Melanie, she's-" March started, but was cut off.
"I know this world better than you do." Melanie retorted, looking back at March for a moment. "I know what lies inside. We need more than just the three of us, so I'm calling a truce with the Stellaron Hunters here. The Stellaron may have also augmented the man, as we've seen happen with Cocolia. We need to get through this place first. I'm not feeling up to summoning Mr. Yang or Himeko off the ship, either."
"You know this world?" Kafka asked, starting to walk down the steps. "Did you originally reside here?"
"For quite a few years. Seven, in fact." Melanie stated, folding her arms against her chest. "I'm not an original resident of this world, but I am the Warrior of Light. I'd rather not waste our time fighting you when we could work together."
Kafka seemed to contemplate it while both Cassiopeia and March were on guard still. But then...
"Alright. We'll call a truce here." Internally, Kafka knew her reason for being here. A Stellaron falling on this world hadn't been on the original script Elio had written out, so he'd sent her to investigate the world itself and the Stellaron had lead her here. There was no reason to fight the Astral Express when they both needed information.
"Glad you could join us, Kafka." Melanie said. Both March and Cassiopeia put their weapons away before walking up to the two.
"Uhh.. Guess it's nice to work with you?" March was confused.
"Nice to work with you." Cassiopeia said, her tune already changed. "But just so you know, we'll be watching you."
"Of course." Kafka said. Melanie smiled before walking around Kafka to head up the stairs.
The four of them soon stood at the doors to the Swallow's Compass. With a deep breath, Melanie pushed the doors open and they all walked inside.
It was time to see what the Stellaron had done to the Swallow's Compass.
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lcs-library · 2 years
hi hi, can I request something for itaru? I don’t have anything specific in mind but just considering my love/hate for him how ‘bout just silly moments with him and some playful teasing where it’s like “I hate you so much” “aww, no you don’t ;)” and stuff like that haha. Just need to get that out of my system, he’s too strong rn 🙃
SCREAMING AND CRYING ONE OF MY FAVE A3! ARTISTS ASKING FOR WRITING??? FROM ME???? I AM NOT WORTHY😭😭😭😭😭 anyway. Ahem. Yes!! I love writing Itaru he’s such a gremlin. I had too many ideas banging around in my head, so I decided to write a bunch of lil drabbles n stuff instead of a headcanon list or a oneshot, so I hope that’s okay!! Thanks so much for requesting!
Request rules
1. Though he’d never admit it to anyone else, Itaru’s a huge sucker for affection, and loves taking time to laze around with you, even if you’re just holding hands.
On one particular afternoon, things got a little…silly.
He’s just a silly little guy, though, can you even blame him?
Anyway, the two of you were watching a show together on his couch, which slowly evolved into being fully wrapped around each other, then turned into play fighting? Which wasn’t uncommon for him, surprisingly.
It’s hard to tell if it could be classified as “fighting”, though, since it was more of the two of you holding hands and pushing each other away.
Point is, it was just a goofy way of showing affection.
Somehow, Itaru managed to get his flimsy body on top of you, and he lifted your shirt up, blowing the biggest, loudest raspberry on your stomach.
You couldn’t help but laugh despite being so done with how lame and cheesy he is.
Overall, stupid lil guy has stupid way of showing affection.
2. One night, while waiting for him to come home, you found yourself falling asleep in the middle of grinding one of his online games like he asked. Yes, he needed his dailies done, but he also needed to realize that you were infected with tired sleepy.
After about an hour or so of your nap, Itaru finally came home with a sigh, tossing his things to the side before laying his eyes on you. An affectionate smirk played at his lips as he came over to where you were sleeping.
“Guess I shouldn’t have asked you to help me out, my bad. GJ~,” he said softly, lightly patting your head.
Just then, a terrible idea popped into his head. The only question was: could he pull it off?
There was only one way to find out.
So he maneuvered his arms underneath your body, barely managing to hold you up.
And the second he barely lifted you off the couch, his arms gave out on him, dropping you right back onto it, waking you up.
“‘taru, whaddahell…” you mumbled lazily.
“Ah, morning, love,” he replied sweetly, acting as if nothing happened.
“What did you do?”
His face didn’t even falter at that being your default reply.
“I tried to carry you to bed.”
“With your noodle arms?”
“You’re so lame.” You replied fondly.
3. The two of you game a lot(surprise, surprise), with 2D fighting games usually being the favorite. Or really anything you could label as something that would ruin friendships. Like he’d get rid of you over a game.
On this particular evening, you were playing one of said 2D fighting games, but you just couldn’t win a single match.
This was a common occurrence, but this time, there was a specific technique that he was using with his character that you couldn’t seem to dodge, no matter how hard you tried.
“How the hell do you do that?”
“Want me to teach you?”
Without waiting for a reply, he shoved his controller in your hands, placing his over yours to guide your moves.
“So you wanna move the joystick three-quarters to the left, then X-X-B. Nope, too slow, try again. Okay, left, X-X-B. Mm-m. Don’t tell me you’re not paying attention and just like holding hands?”
He caught you red-handed.
“I hate you.”
“No you don’t,” he replied smugly with a wink.
You did learn the technique, though. Eventually.
4. After each one of his regional tours with the Spring Troupe, Itaru wants nothing more than to hold up in his room and play games for twelve hours straight.
As if he could have that now that you were here.
The second he opens the door, he’s greeted by you practically tackling him in a hug, causing him to crash and fall to the floor.
“Hey, calm down! I was gone for three days!”
“Haha, you’re so pathetic. Can’t even stand a welcome back hug?”
Oh, two could play at that game.
He pulled your body down to join him on the ground, practically showering you in kisses, to both your embarrassment and delight.
“Alright, fine, I missed you too.” He says with a goofy grin on his face, his tone of voice trying to make it seem as if he wasn’t desperate to give you attention not even two seconds ago.
He’s the worst<3
5. On his days off, Itaru usually wears big, comfy sweatshirts to lounge around in(that you may or may not have stolen one or two of).
An annoying thing he does with them is sneak up behind you and shove you in there with him.
He’ll sneak up behind you, and the next thing you see is a blur of fabric before being held close to someone’s chest.
“Hi??? Can you just come up and talk to me like a normal person?”
“No can do, sorry. Gotta shove you in here with me. Can’t let you go unless you ask for it.”
Fortunately, you weren’t going to any time soon.
Fortunately for him, you weren’t going to anytime soon.
“No can do, sorry. Gotta shove you in here with me. Can’t let you go unless you ask for it.” Fortunately for him, you weren’t going to anytime soon.
“Hi??? Can you just come up and talk to me like a normal person?”
“No can do, sorry. Gotta shove you in here with me. Can’t let you go unless you ask for it.” Fortunately for him, you weren’t going to anytime soon.
“Hi??? Can you just come up and talk to me like a normal person?”
“No can do, sorry. Gotta shove you in here with me. Can’t let you go unless you ask for it.” Fortunately for him, you weren’t going to anytime soon.
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kiasnocturnality · 2 years
Hii hello! If i may ask, and apologies if you have answered this before, but what were your inspirations for making all your ocs? How did you go about creating them and having them be so unique? Do you have any advice?
Wishing you a wonderful day!
AHHHH!! I love questions like these lol, I always wanna talk about my OCs hehe
I've already made a few other posts about how I came up with their names and some fun facts about them/ their creation which can be found on my blog
In general my blog was inspired by darlingverse! I really love her blog and characters and I wanted to try it out for myself! I'd also been wanting to write for original characters for a while and wanted to do so on a separate blog bc I want my main blog to remain as reader-inserts and fanfics
Alois was originally inspired by Alucard from Castlevania! I wanted a character with a tragic background as opposed to a story that's currently going through tragedy and someone who's classy and sensitive. I like the idea of non-humans hiding amongst/ living alongside us so I made the whole backstory with his ancestor and the night court and his big family (ahem also if any of you ever want to ask his sibling something or make requests for them, I would love that). The albinism was originally just for character design but it soon became a defining factor of his family and status. The night court has been separate from the human world for a long time so I thought that they would have different means of measuring power in society such as the strength of their supernatural abilities as dictated by their heritage (made clear in the Leblanc family by their albinism).
Nasana was inspired by a drabble I wrote on anon on nagaparadise's blog! I love nagas a lot and want to make more content for them lol. A lot of Nasana's character is based on aesthetics and I wanted him to be quite solitary because who doesn't love a "I hate everyone but my s/o and Lixue" trope?
Takeshi was prompted by some of wyyvern's art and his character was heavily inspired by Tomoe from Kamisama Kiss! I wanted someone as mean as he was flirty and as caring as he was cold. He's old so I wanted to give his character a lot of development and yet not enough at the same time if that makes sense? Take has done some terrible things in the past and while he does not actively try to redeem himself or feel overly guilty, he is able to recognise that he was a victim of his abandonment and having no moral guide made him what he was - there was a brief period of time where he hated his nogitsune nature but he quickly recognised that while his circumstances had not been his fault, it was his responsibility to come to the realisation that he needed to change and then to make that change of his own will.
Desdemona was my little bisexual heart wanting to put some women on this blog AHAHA. She's very much a femme-fatale, she learned English through old films so she speaks with a transatlantic accent. I wanted a woman who was classy and gothic, much like Lady Dimitrescu. Also mommy issues go brrrrr
Aphaeleon was just from a want to make an angel OC! I really enjoyed learning about angelology and Enochian and I just love the idea of someone whose corruption has deluded him into viewing his own corruption as purity. I went to catholic schools when I was younger (I'm a Hellenist now though lol) but I still really like the catholic 'aesthetic' and I've also taken some inspiration from the band Ghost in terms of this character in a modern setting finding a way to charm people and gather his own following (though of course Aphae's is a bit more extreme than a metal band lol).
Va'ari and Taru were inspired by House of the Dragon and Fëanor and Fingolfin from the Silmarillion (originally they were going to be twins but I decided to make the succession crisis worse hehe). I wanted a setting where I would write court politics, fractured families and a succession crisis and also I thought that faeries would have some good potential for dark/yandere content hehe (Taruqu'inel being so desperate for love that he tricks you into giving you his name so you can't leave if he commands you to stay? HELLO?? Va'ariniel needing to secure everything she has so she can't lose it making her trick you into eating fae food so you can't return to your own world? I'll write it one day)
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taru-writes · 3 years
This collection is nothing special, really, but it still has a place in my heart, and of course here on my blog. It's something I started on impulse, but want to keep running with cause it's something so simple, and yet...
One reblog is worth more than a hundred likes!
- -
Rating: General Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Fandoms: Marvel Cinematic Universe, Iron Man (Movies), Doctor Strange (2016)
Characters: Stephen Strange, Tony Stark
Relationship: Tony Stark/Stephen Strange
Additional Tags: Implied Relationships, Fluff without Plot, Drabble Collection, Snippets
Chapters: 11/?
A collection of drabbles originally written on a piece of paper. IronStrange fluff.
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frozcnlight · 3 years
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Every reincarnation came with a price of cruelty. How many souls had she sacrificed by now? How many other souls, people she did not know, had she given away the chance now, to one day be born again? She had stopped counting, and did not know if she wanted to start it again, to prevent guilt from crawling up, even though she was very well aware that she would not remember anything of it, nor her old lives, once she would wander among the living ones again.
Upon opening her eyes, the young woman was only in very mild shock, to find herself again in that place. Only white fog surrounded her petite frame and were she new to death, the soul was sure she would be scared, would scream and search for those she had left behind.
Oh how clear it still ringed in her ears. The crying and wailing of her little daughter, that minutes ago had slept and cooed in her arms. Finally having fallen asleep beside her twin brother, while being watched by their mother's careful gaze. Though they both were quite a handful  she had loved their children with all her heart. With their hair as red as their father's, but their eyes as soft as her own.
Luck however never had sided with her, nor with the man she finally was able to call her husband. Death found her early again. The last thing she had seen was how one of her babies was carried away. Kidnapped by a man. A stranger, she had never seen before - and her little son that she had kept protective in her arms, hurt and bloodied.
She too had cried. Had begged in tears, to not take them away. Had prayed to the seven, to allow her family happiness. But like always, none of her prayers would ever be heard.
The soul gave a voiceless sigh, as her hands were folded and light surrounded her formless body.
One chance. To just have one more chance was all she wanted - even if it was just, to see her family again. To see the man she loved, to guide the children she had set into this world - and to guide them to their right paths. Even if it might be the last thing she’d do.
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anip-ocs · 7 years
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The only alignment chart that matters. (Original template belongs to @queenkubdel)
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heyitsmirae · 4 years
Gaming buddy headcanons (A3!)
Hi~! These are just random drabbles off the top of my head as I just can’t seem to focus on my work today, which is why I decided to jot these HCs down before I forget or procrastinate again (〃▽〃) 
Itaru Chigasaki
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Whenever you and Itaru have a gaming night scheduled, he is just itching to leave work early to prep
He does a Monster energy drink / Redbull, iced coffee, potato chips and chinese take-out shopping side trip before returning to the dorm
"Let's have a successful raid today!" you both say to one another while saluting
The rest of MANKAI company know better than to pass by Room 103 on a gaming night
Sakuya accidentally forgot once and was traumatized for life when he approached Room 103 hoping to ask Itaru for help in his history homework without knowing you were in the room, too
"Ano, Itaru-san, excuse me, I need your help with someth-"
*cue you screaming in rage after dying for the nth time*
Poor Sakuya still recounts this experience with a shudder as he tells the story to Taichi
You both don't always play the rage games tho
On chill nights, both of you play Animal Crossing or Stardew Valley co-op just to chill in the virtual world
It's on these chill nights that Omi would knock on the door and give you both the dinner he set aside for you, to which you and Itaru would thank him profusely for being the mom that he is being so kind and considerate
You end up conking out in his room during gaming nights since you usually end up playing until the wee hours of the morning (much to Masumi and Sakyo’s chagrin)
He’s a perfect gentleman though, that’s why you feel completely safe around him even though you’re both single adults sleeping together (read: SLEEP as in literally sleep stop thinking the other meaning u dirty hoe)
Itaru is the first person you want to tell about the latest game in the app store or about an upcoming game to be released for the console or PC, and vice versa
Your LIME DMs with him are full of news about soon to be released games or discussions about tactics for the limited time events in the common games you play
“Taruchi, did you know that XXX company is releasing a sequel to XXX, the one that we played last week? (*≧▽≦) Kyaa! I can’t wait~”
Speaking of that nickname, YOU coined that one together during that one time he wanted to make another character from his main one in order to crush NEO (ahem, Banri, ahem)
“Seriously, Y/N, I don’t know what to name this character. Got any ideas?”
“Hmm.. Itaru Chigasaki, Itaru, Taru, Chigasaki, Taru..chi? How about Taruchi? It sounds cute!”
“Tsk, people will think it’s a girl’s account then, the way it sounds. Eh, who cares. You came up with it, take responsibility for it. I was planning to use a female avatar anyway.”
You are both admins to the wikia pages of the games you both enjoy playing
You sometimes ask his help for answers in the otome games you’re playing, to which his choices get you the wrong or Bad End (´д`)
He gets a little jealous when you go kya kya at otome game characters, actually grabbing your Switch one time and staring at the character you were squealing at
“Pffssh, he doesn’t even look that handsome. Have some standards, you otome trash lady. What’s with the fake perm and hipster clothing. You have got to be kidding me. Who’s the character designer of this?”
“Excusez-moi, but the character designer is the famous XXX, thank you very much. And don’t diss my husbando, go stick to your own overly-large boobies waifus. Shoo, shoo!” 
You always thank the gaming gods for sending Itaru in your life because you could not imagine getting through life without a gaming buddy like him
Banri Settsu
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Playing video games with this man can go either way
You can either really enjoy playing with him, or get really pissed off when he keeps winning easily
His skills are top-notch, which makes him an ideal raid partner on co-op games like Monster Hunter
Just don’t think you can win against him when it’s 1v1, because boy you will be crushed
Unless he lets you win, which usually happens when he sees that you look like you’re about to cry after being beaten in Super Smash Bros for the nth time
“Oi, Y/N, it’s just a stupid game. Don’t think much about it, okay? Let’s do one more round.”
He doesn’t own a console or PC, so gaming dates are usually done in arcades
He is crazily athletic too, so you can kiss your DDR (dance dance revo) winning streak bye
Don’t even think of challenging him to play Tekken, because unless he’s feeling magnanimous, you will lose
On his birthday, you and the rest of MANKAI company pooled your money to get him a Nintendo Switch (yes, even Juza lol)
For the first time in his life, he is struck speechless (༎ຶ⌑༎ຶ)
It’s not like he’s poor or something, but the gesture moved him so deeply that he was strangely docile for a few hours
“Ne, Banri, you have a Switch now. Let’s play something!”
You take advantage of his new docile state and challenge him to a 1v1 game where you actually win lol
But he snaps out of it and starts crushing you again (that was fun while it lasted ┐(´~`)┌ )
Playing an otome game beside him will ensure that you get the Good End of your favorite husbando
“I’m not sure what to answer here. What do you think, Banri?”
“Huh? Lemme see. Hmm. The first option seems good to me.”
After shedding a tear or two for the Good End you just watched, you thank the otome gaming gods and Banri’s super easy mode for helping you complete your husbando’s route and collect all the event images
Unlike Itaru who loses all sense of time and his surroundings when in the “Zone”, Banri is still incredibly thoughtful especially when you set up gaming night sesh with him
He knows that like Itaru, you are prone to binge on junk food and forego sleep to grind for a good armor or weapon
“Y/N, it’s already past midnight. Don’t you think we should call it a night?”
He is easily riled up, especially when he senses that he’s being compared or challenged (this is the main reason why Juza pisses him off so much)
“What, are you chicken? Itaru-san doesn’t give up to the clock just to sleep instead of grind for the limited XXX armor set.”
Aaaand you both end up sleeping on the couch at 5am after a long, grueling night of dungeon diving
*cue Sakyo finding you both asleep on the couch in the morning*
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Hope you enjoyed reading! Look forward to more A3! drabbles in the near future~ (^ω^)
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stillsyns · 6 years
Prompt Post!
And here are your prompts for this session! Happy drabbling!
Hannu/human!Puppy-Fox - frenemies with benefits Hannu/Joona - hair Hannu/Joona - sauna challenge Jonna/Riikka - skinny dipping in the lake Jonna/Riikka - teasing Jonna/Riikka - winter hike Kielo/Swan - take me home Puppy-Fox - mischief managed Ville - sweaters
Emil/Lalli - sparks Onni/Reynir - checkup Sigrun/Tuuri - short circuit Sigrun/Tuuri - snowed in Sigrun/Tuuri - past lives
Any - 100 miles Any - 100 prayers Any - 100 years Any Mage - sleeping forest Any Prologue Character(s) - cozy apocalypse Aksel & Berit - target practice Bjarni & Reynir - partners in crime Emil - 100 days of waiting for Father to come home Emil & or / Lalli - lost in the city Emil/Lalli - cold toes Emil/Lalli - dreamduck Emil/Lalli - sharing a cinnamon bun Emil/Lalli / or & Reynir - sharing a bed Ensi - howl Ensi & Lalli - 100 spells "It" - remembrance of before Lalli & Onni - can’t be alone Mikkel - 100 lies Mikkel/Onni - undependable and indecent Onni - homecoming Onni & Crew - we're coming with you Onni & Ensi - clinging to the ruin of your broken home Onni & Tuuri - determined to save the only life you could save Onni & Tuuri - in that sleep of death what dreams may come Onni/Reynir - hope Onni/Reynir - reasons to stay Onni/Reynir - Saimaa Onni/Reynir - stepping stones Onni/Reynir - won't let (you) go Onni/Reynir - you should not be alone Reynir - 100 days of life on repeat Reynir - finding out dad's a werewolf Sigrun - 100 victories Sigrun & or / Any - at a fancy restaurant Sigrun/Tuuri - reunion Sigrun/Tuuri - wakey wakey, sleepyhead Sigrun/Tuuri/No-Arms - celebrate Siv/Taru - buying something luxurious Siv/Taru - spa treatments Sleipnope - 100 component souls Taru - retribution Tuuri - 100 distant dreams Tuuri - protecting the crew from the afterlife Tuuri - surface far below these birds
Ensi / or & Kielo - Swan's assistants Ensi/Oona - mage girlfriends Hannu & or / Onni - on a snowy forest trail Human!Ville & Reynir - who is a good boy Lalli & Any Bakery Staff - cinnamon rolls Onni & Oona - nightmare babysitting
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monocaelia · 2 years
ty for requesting it, i saw it a while back and absolutely blanked because of all the possibilities i could do with it HAHA but ultimately i just wanted to write a heated-ish make out sesh with taru (*⁰▿⁰*)
IM HOPING YOU ENJOYED IT! though im guessing you did since you’ve fainted LOL
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lcs-library · 10 months
HI HI HI LC <333 I HOPE I CAN MAKE A REQUEST!! If I'm over the third request then it's all right!!
Can I request the prompt “You make a great Santa, (character), I’m almost surprised!” “ ’(Character)’? Who’s that? I am Santa Claus!” with Sakuya and a reader who's into acting too (ykyk 🤭)? Doesn't matter who's Santa, I just think it'll be funny either way kdnfkkdf Go stupid go crazy >:D
ISTG TARU I HAD TO BE REALLY CAREFUL SO THIS WOULDNT TURN INTO AA HOW DARE YOU. Also sidenote this created an entire dilemma for me bc Sakuya canonically believes in Santa(at least as of A Very Mankai Christmas in y1) and I ended up stressing over this so much more than I should’ve. Anyway. I have created. Silly drabble.
F: “You make a great Santa, (character), I’m almost surprised!” “ ’(Character)’? Who’s that? I am Santa Claus!”
“Ho ho ho!”
You jumped nearly three feet off of the couch you were lounging on, turning to where the noise came from. To your surprise, you were met with someone trying to get through your window. Who the hell would be trying to get into your house on Christmas Eve?
Upon further inspection, the someone was dressed in red, had a white beard, and was carrying a large sack. Santa Claus? Against your better judgement, you opened the window.
He stumbled in, clumsily trying to fit himself through the small space, along with pulling his bag through. After having to provide some extra help, he finally managed to stand up straight(well, as best as he could, given that his extra weight seemed unnatural. Odd.).
“I’ve come to give you your presents! You’ve been very good this year!” Santa(?) exclaimed, reaching into his bag.
Once his back was turned, you couldn’t help but notice a tuft of reddish-pink hair poking out from under his hat. You smiled, knowing instantly who it could be, and who would do this for you.
After a moment, he handed you a small, wrapped gift, clearly beaming under the fake beard.
“Merry Christmas! Be sure not to open it until morning, okay?” He asked cheerily.
You had to laugh as you took the gift, setting it on the coffee table.
“You make a great Santa, Sakuya! I was almost surprised! Your acting really has come a long way!”
“Sakuya? Who’s Sakuya? I am Santa Claus!”
You giggled again.
“Sure you are.”
You stepped forward, pulled down the beard, and gave him a quick peck on the lips.
“I- uh- you-“ he stammered, looking for a good, in-character response, even if he was already busted and blushing like a maniac. He sighed.
“Sorry, I guess I should’ve just delivered your gift normally, huh?” He said with a sheepish giggle.
“You’re just fine. Thanks for the little bit of magic. Do you wanna stay for a bit?”
“I can’t, I’ve got the party back at Mankai-“
“I made hot chocolate.”
He stopped short. He knew he couldn’t turn that down.
“Well, maybe just for a little while.”
“That’s the spirit!” You cheered.
This Christmas was already turning out to be the best one yet.
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taru-writes · 3 years
⚠ What If Spoiler ⚠
For a long time, he sat quiet. The realization of what he had done was slowly sinking in. The world had ended. There was no universe left to protect, for he had destroyed it. He had ended the world, and for what? For a love long lost - a love long gone.
All he had wanted was to save her. To bring her back and show her the world. Show her all the beauty that he had seen, show her the magic that wasn't magic, and to hold her just a few more times. To look into her eyes. Maybe feel her lips against his own.
But all that he had wanted had been taken away. Everything was gone quicker than a flash. He thought he had won - that he had her back. For the briefest of moments, he thought he had found back to happiness. It was so swiftly swept away from him, he didn't have time to blink.
Now here he was, cold, miserable, and alone. His heart - it was a miracle that he still had one - was bleeding out on the small patch of ground that was still left below him. His knees were weak and his head was aching. In the next moment, he retched what little he had left in his stomach. It spilled onto the ground along with the shattered pieces of his heart. What he had done...it was irreversible. Not even a god could help him. There was no gods left to help. They had all been destroyed, along with the rest of the universe.
Here, at the very end of existence, he was so utterly and completely alone. To battle with his grief, and to think about what he had done. About everything that he had lost. About the terrifying guilt that now overwhelmed him.
He had destroyed the world. He alone, with his two bare hands, had brought an end to a world he once knew and treasured as his home. There was nothing left of it. Nothing but this wretched patch of dirt that he was sitting on.
“Watcher...? Why has this happened? Why am I not perishing along with it?” he asked into the silence, his voice hoarse and strained from his crying. He didn't expect a response. The omnipotent being had probably moved on to another universe. To another timeline.
Stephen wasn't worth an almighty deity's time. Not anymore. Not after what he had done. He already knew the answer to his question anyway. He didn't perish because this was his punishment. To spend eternity alone, suffering from his grief and his guilt.
And for all he knew... With all the vast knowledge he had collected after those centuries of stealing the power from too many magical creatures than he should be able to handle, he knew... He more than deserved every moment of miserable loneliness that was coming for him.
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eijun-enjoyer · 6 years
by TaeWithExtraSuga (NEVERTRUE)
Taehyung keeps asking all these dumb questions Yoongi doesn't know the answers to
Words: 1217, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Series: Part 13 of Taegi Drabbles by Taru
Fandoms: 방탄소년단 | Bangtan Boys | BTS
Rating: Not Rated
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: Other
Characters: Min Yoongi | Suga, Kim Taehyung | V
Relationships: Kim Taehyung | V/Min Yoongi | Suga
Additional Tags: Pre-Relationship, Canon Universe, fluff-ish, idk i feel it's kinda cute, and i'm actually publishing the second time today, third pov but like yoongi's side of the thing, there's a second part from taehyung's point of view about what's happening during and after this fic, it's called answers, i can't tag, yoongi realizing his crushing
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tsukkiboii · 4 years
[5:45 pm] - for yamaguchi tadashi. 
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“welcome home, birthday boy!”
dropping his bags, he opens his arms as you run up to him with a smile on your face. squeezing him tight, the two of you sway a little from side to side as he buries his face in your neck.
“how was your day?” you ask, breaking the silence.
“it was fine, nothing special.”
pulling away with your arms still wrapped around his neck, you look at him with the most loving eyes.
“let’s go make it special!”
and it was certainly special. from going to his favorite restaurant for dinner to slices of cake from a cafe, to a night walk around the lake and lying on the grass, stargazing. 
hands finding his, you gaze upon the sky, eyes mesmerized by the stars and the light they continuously shine to the world. 
your eyes were taken by the stars, yet his were taken by you. subtly squeezing your hand just a little tighter, amazed at just how beautiful you looked under the night sky while the stars polished every single millimetre of your beauty. 
oh, how lucky yamaguchi tadashi was to have a star like you.
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tsukkiboii · 4 years
[8:57 am] - for tsukishima kei
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sunlight streams into your room as your eyes slowly open, wrapped in the arms of your boyfriend who seems to still be asleep. you sigh in content, sniffing in the familiar scent as you bury your head further into his chest, the soft action dragging him out of his slumber and into reality. he wraps his arm over your waist and pull you in closer.
‘happy birthday, kei,’ you whisper softly, voice a little raspy and still in the process of waking up.
the corners of his mouth turned ever so slightly upwards but it’s unmissable. ‘how old am i turning? seventy?’
‘close enough.’
the two of you stay together, pressed up in each other’s warmth. you know that you’d have to get up eventually, whenever the delivery man drops off the strawberry shortcake you ordered for kei. you’ve planned for a jurassic park marathon too, knowing that he would rather be at home with you on his birthday rather than outside celebrating.
but for now, the both of you are wrapped in each other’s arms, covered by a comfortable silence, as you feel happy for no reason.
no reason, besides that you are in the arms of the most perfect boy in the world.
‘i love you.’
‘i love you too.’
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