#tara; verses | [ there’s never much to read between the lines of what we need and what we’ll take ]
lostxdrcams · 2 years
Tag Drop | Tara | BtVS
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spnfanficpond · 5 years
May Angel Fish Awards
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Every month all of you fantastic writers work your asses off to post some truly incredible stories. Our Angel Fish Awards are the way for all of us, as a community of writers and readers, to lift each other up and give praise to those who have captured our attention and deserve a few kind words.
The monthly Angel Fish Awards are peer-nominated, meaning ANYONE IN THE POND CAN NOMINATE ANY POND MEMBER’S FIC. While the Pond was founded to support the Guppies, everyone in this community deserves to be showered with love and feedback, and we hope that by opening this up as a Pond wide system, we’ll be able to share the love as far as it can go.
NOTE: WE’VE BEEN HAVING OCCASIONAL PROBLEMS WITH ASKS GOING MISSING. Please use the Submit button when submitting your nominations and make sure you’re signed into Tumblr or your URL won’t show. (If the form asks for your name and email address, then you’re not signed in.) If you like, you can also send a message to Michelle or Mana to check and make sure we got your submission.
Nominated by @mrswhozeewhatsis 
The Things We Don’t Believe In by @thecleverdame 
This series has more drama than a soap opera! It’s an ABO Sam AU where the Winchesters own a huge company and are stupidly rich. Then Sam meets his true mate, who is working at a grungy bar as a bartender. Worlds collide, and not in a good way! This is a great story well told and everyone should read it!
What Lies Beneath by @thewhiterabbit42
It took me through most of my first reading of this one shot to figure out what’s going on (because I’m slow on the uptake, sometimes), but once I did... WOW! I had to go back and read it all again to appreciate it! No spoilers, but this is an awesome idea well executed and everyone should read it!!
On My Mind by @girl-next-door-writes 
This is SO CUTE!! I love me some flustered Sam, and this is cute, flustered Sam at his best. So freaking adorable!
Nominated by @risingphoenix761 
Blood in Bed by @slytherkins 
There aren’t nearly enough Drowley fics out there, and this one hasn’t gotten nearly the attention it deserves. Tara has a gift for snark, which is a must-have for writing Crowley, and she nails demon!Dean with smug, cocky finesse. A nice, cheeky, angsty look into what could have happened while they were howling at the moon, and an appropriately moody ending. I love the banter. I love the pining. I need more people to read this! 
Just a Bug by @impala-dreamer
This was a surprise, even with what I’ve come to expect from Beka. It’s short and sweet with a shot of blech and so fluffy. So fluffy!!
When In Rome by @slytherkins 
I’ve said it once and I’ll say it again: there aren’t enough Drowley fics to be had. Which makes this one twice as satisfying! Tara nails Crowley being Crowley and it’s glorious, but what really blew me away here was Dean. Holy smokes! I didn’t know whether I wanted him to keep fighting or give in, his perception was so well handled. It would have been very easy to get something wrong with his character here, but that never happened. And read the warnings for sure… This one’s DARK.
Nominated by @emilyshurley 
Dear Dean by @purpleskiesandcherrypies 
I don’t have enough words to describe how much I adore this fic. At first i wasn’t sure if I would like a WWII story but I fell in love with how cute Bambi and Dean are together.
Nominated by @manawhaat
Dear Readers (drabble) by @atc74​
This is not only a very believable letter to readers from Journalist!Jared, but it’s also something so JARED in character. The message, the sentiment, the way he’s so open with the fandom, how encouraging he is...all of that incredible shit that Jared is is echoed in this letter. It’s so well done and so beautifully honest. The message in this is so important, and I really hope that it can be shared so people can see it.
Lost In The World (drabble) by @girl-with-a-fandom-fettish
This is short and sweet and meaningful. Dad!Dean is always a thing that tugs at my heart strings, and the kind of hope and strength he portrays in this, even if it’s quiet and coupled with worry and uncertainty, is so Dean and so important for people struggling with mental illness. Finding hope, solace, and comfort in fanfiction is a powerful thing, and that light and support shines through in this sweet little gem! 
Insomnia (oneshot) by @rowdyhooliganism
This is one of the sexiest Benny fics, hell, one of THE sexiest fics I’ve read in a while. There’s wit and sass and an undeniable pull and tension between them. The heightened vamp senses and the way they play into this kills me. I’m a sucker for a big fucker and the way Benny is portrayed in this really showcases the big brute’s size. Seriously, it’s just fucking good so go read it okay?
Tell Sam (oneshot) by @kittenofdoomage
I’m a slut for dubcon, for rough!Winchesters, and this portrayal of purgatory!Dean really fucking delivers on so many levels. Rhi’s characterization is spot on, as always, and it all feels so dangerous and gritty. It’s painful and scary and heartbreaking and riveting and makes you feel guilty for wanting it so badly. 
Nominated by @fictionalabyss 
The Broom Is Not A Toy by @sorenmarie87 
When the idea for it hit me,  I was so happy to hand it off to her and see what she could do, and she didn’t disappoint with it. Adorable panda cubs refusing to let Dean just do his work? perfect. I really want to join in on the panda habitat fun now.
Love Shouldn’t Hurt by @sorenmarie87 
HEED THE WARNINGS. It’s a tough subject, the likes of which we don’t normally see from Dawn, but she did great with it. I had the pleasure of being her beta for this piece, and it not only came out fantastic, but really shows her growth as a writer.
You’re Mine by @coffee-obsessed-writer 
I happened across this one this morning and damn near died. It’s so well written and I’ve never wanted a dom!Jensen more in my life.
Nominated by @wi-deangirl77 
Standing Here by @plaidstiel-wormstache 
I want to nominate this fic by @plaidstiel-wormstache because she does something wonderful with the age old trope of someone pining for the person they can’t seem to have. It’s brilliantly written and incorporates the perfect song to encapsulate the theme of the fic. It’s all the angst, but it’s beautiful angst.
Nominated by @girl-with-a-fandom-fettish 
His Property (series) by @negans-lucille-tblr 
What can I say about this story other than it’s freaking amazing?! I binged the first five chapters before I got added to the tag list and as I said AMAZING! Love the way the characters are being written and the change in POVs is being handled beautifully! Keep up the fantastic work and I can’t wait to see where this story goes! 
House of the Rising Sun (series) by @kittenofdoomage 
Oh. My. Gosh. What can I say about this story except that I will be rereading it and reblogging it to explain just how much I love it. The first time I read it I truly forgot to hit reblog (because I am a horrible person) but I was so lost in the story and the intricate world that had been woven by dark queen Rhi that the real world kind of escaped me. Please accept my most humble apologies.
Check and Mate by @kittenofdoomage 
WOW! I’ve been on a dark!Sam kick lately so this story is perfection!! I loved everything about it, I don’t even think I could narrow it down to a favorite part, although, “bathe in the rivers of destruction” is a brilliant line!
Outside the Iron by @kittenofdoomage 
As I told Rhi “who gave you the right to give me this many feels?! I am not ok and was not expecting to feel this much so early in the morning, so, ya, thanks for that. But really, that was a freaking **work of art** and I loved every word of it! She is a freaking genius writer and everything she writes gives me some kind of feels.
Bed of Roses (series) by @crispychrissy 
What doesn’t this fic have?  mob fic (a personal favorite of mine)? check. most genres of fan fic? check. a kick butt reader that I dream of being? check. spot on characterization? check. Basically a recipe for an amazing story, which it is!
You’re Mine by @coffee-obsessed-writer 
This was so good in oh so many ways! Love me some Dom!Jensen and this story is great as a stand alone or a great intro to a (mini) series. Not sure what the author has in mind but I am happy either way.
The Mobster’s Girl (series) by @fictionalabyss 
I have been following this series for a long time and have loved seeing the journey of the reader and Sam, both separately and together. I think my personal favorite would be the original Mobster’s Girl set, seeing Sam try to win her over, and then eventually just exert himself as the mobster he is was fantastic.
Songs of a Caged Bird by @manawhaat 
I love a good twisted Winchesters story and Mana did a fan-freakin-tastic job of portraying the boys as twisted while still keeping them in character. Her portrayal of them just felt so spot on to me and I just adore this fic!
The Moonlight ‘Verse (series) by @thecleverdame [link is to George’s masterlist where you can find the links to all of the parts)
So many good stories in this 'verse but A History of Violence Parts 1 & 2 are my two favorites because everybody gets a little bit sassy and that’s always fun! The characters and the settings are very well written and I enjoy reading anything written by George!
Thank you all for the awesome work and great feedback!
As with the BFAs, these are not actual awards! This system is set up so everyone in the pond has a chance to share the love and promote a fic/author that has grabbed your attention. The more people that participate, and the more everyone remembers to submit their own fics after posting, the better this will be :D
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I’m really bored and need a new fic to read. Any new recommendations? I’m already caught up with song of mine
(The next line is just vile self-advertising, feel free to skip it =D)
Mine! Here and here
(Ok, here is the real thing, sorry xDD)
Here are my recommendations on the matter, and at the end I’ll put the link for this things on my Drive library, because there are stories that were deleted. 
But most of them are on FF.net or Ao3, so, please, PLEASE: go read them and leave a nice review. Just a thank you is enough. But some feedback, please. We are writers, we live from them xDD
(It’s) All Chair Parts, by novel_concept26
The whole point of the performance is to look hot as hell, and Santana is doing an awesome job. Too awesome.
Addicted, by SwingingCloud
“It always feels like years- and not just a few, short days- to Santana, whenever Brittany goes away.” Brittana. Marathon!sex. TWO-SHOT! SUMOSMU #9
Barter System, by crammit
Santana accepts a different kind of payment for helping Brittany out of a jam. (Rated M for language and smut)
Breathless!verse, by Swinging Cloud.
Fill for the GKM. “Long, pale fingers wrap tightly around her left wrist, guiding her hand up to push more firmly on Brittany’s throat- telling her that she’s ready- and Santana shivers as her palm presses just below Brittany’s jaw.” Brittana. Breath!play. Obvious smut.
Sequel to Breathless. “Brittany’s floored that Santana has come so far- far enough to trust her completely with not just her body, but with her very breath, with her life, and she concentrates hard on what she’s doing as she tightens her arm around Santana’s neck.” Brittana. Breath!play. Obvious smut. SUMOSMU #1
Bluish, by SwingingCloud
“Santana’s had about as much red, white, and blue as she can stand, but this blue- the blue of Brittany’s eyes- she will never have enough of.” Brittana. Sweet!smut. SUMOSMU HOLIDAY SPECIAL.
Dreams!verse, by everdreaming3:
Santana and Brittany’s story from meeting freshman year through their wedding and beyond (cute and fluffy, and filler for all the gaps that Glee left on the start of this story).
Dreams: from Santana’s POV
Dreamcatcher: from Brittany’s POV.
Dreaming in the Future: future one-shot
How to Win Even When You’ve Lost, by crammit
It was only ever you, by LoneGambit.
Brittany and Santana have been dating for a couple years now and have never tried using a strap-on. One night Santana asks Brittany if she misses being with a guy, her answer leaves Santana thinking.
Just a hug between friends, by furryewokazon: (this is actually deleted, but I have a copy if you are interested):
Santana smiled into the hand on her face… Written before ‘Sexy’ based on vague spoilers for that episode.
Keeping things interesting, by your-street-serenade:
How would Santana react if Brittany walked into the room with the new HeMo’s purple hair?
Let Me Take Care of You, by absedarian.
Santana walked through the quiet hallway of McKinley High School. It was late and the school was empty, as empty as she’d ever seen it. They had finished the mash-up several hours ago, but Santana could still feel the tingling in her fingers where she had slapped Finn.
Loved with Inspiration, by jellymankelly:
“A tiny part of her mind marvels at how effortlessly Brittany can reduce her to a stuttering idiot with little more than a look. The rest of her is busy trying to remember how to breathe. And failing.” M for coarse language and sexual themes. Two-shot.
Making the video!verse, by emmanuelles: those were actually deleted, but I can send them to you if someone is interested.
Making the video:
Catching Santana doing something private puts an idea into Brittany’s head. She secretly works out a brilliant three-step plan and manages to execute it. The story of Santana and Brittany making their own private video.
Ain’t no limit for what love allows:
A story about how Santana and Brittany explore their boundaries in bed, how they want to find out more about themselves and each other. Will it not be enough or will they go too far? Will they cross the line?
Mama Lopez!verse, by jerzeyredhead:
Mama Lopez’ rules:
One-Shot. Mama Lopez comes home early and finds Santana and Brittany in a compromising position. Now she has to give them the house rules of dating. T for some course language and sexual situations.
Conversations with Mama Lopez:
This continues “Mama Lopez’ Rules” – the week Santana is grounded and her mother is working from home. Rated T for mature-ish content and some bad language. Post 3x09. A little bit of Brittany, but mostly Santana and her Mama. This is a happy story!
Mama Lopez’ Valentine’s Day Rules:
Santana is planning her first Valentine’s Day date with Brittany. Mama Lopez tries to help and enforce some rules. Continues the adventures from Conversations with Mama Lopez and Mama Lopez’ Rules. Mostly T, but M for later sexy times. This is happy!
Graduating with Mama Lopez:
Santana and Quinn help Brittany with summer school, so Santana and Brittany can go to New York together. Mama Lopez is, as always, there to help. Mostly T, for swearing, but rated M for sweet lady loving in later chapters. Set after 3x22.
Mediterranean Dreams, by Scarlett’s Tara
“A persistent tickling near her ear nudged her into consciousness. When ignoring it failed, Santana twitched the muscles in one side of her face, reluctant to move her heavily relaxed limbs. The motion created a poorly muffled stream of giggles coming from somewhere above her head”.
Mine, by vontramp:
Canon Brittana one-shot based loosely around the lyrics to “Mine,” by Taylor Swift, thanks to Ryan Murphy’s Twitter leaks (beautiful, painful and so real. This is gold).
Missing You, by StraightShark
“And fuck…just thinking about it makes you horny. You miss her so much it’s driving you crazy. You used to be able to have sex with her whenever you wanted- even during school- to satisfy your sexual desire for HER…but now that you’re separated by what seemed like millions of miles it feels like you can barely control yourself”.
Moments, by ifshepromisedyouheaven
“I helped you paint your face, one half red, one yellow. I kissed you quickly, right on the apple of your cheek. You scrunched your nose, that cute smile that says don’t ever stop kissing me. The hard acrylic paint cracked and left ragged lines down your face. Still as beautiful as ever, years after high school, years after college, months after the birth of our son”.
My girlfriends’ sister’s keeper, by bodybroke:
This will basically just be random cute moments of Brittana/Brittany’s little sister Ashley, because I had a lot of fun writing them in that one, and there isn’t enough Brittany’s sister in fics.
No matter where in the sky, by LeighKelly:
“I used to wish on every shooting star for a future with you, and now that future is here, and I know it’s forever.” Following their first argument after moving in together, Brittany and Santana take a trip outside of the city to look at the stars, and remember just how important they’ll always be to one another. Post Season 5. One Shot.
One in a million paradaise, by LeighKelly:
In the middle of their weeklong vacation at the beach, Brittany is surprised by what Santana has planned for their Fourth of July together. One-shot.
Picking up the pieces, by Ebony-Jayne
Brittany is there for Santana after the disastrous coming out to her Abuela and some of Brittany’s own insecurities pop up in the process…Brittana.
Pizza in Louisville, by Scarlett’s Tara
Cheer practice hardly caused her to break a sweat anymore. Perhaps it was years under the wrath of Sue Sylvester. Or maybe that she had always been one of the top three members of the team and given the most complicated parts of their routines. Or likely the fact that the presence of a certain someone made her more inclined to show off.
Taking the long way!verse, by lingeringlilies.
Taking the long way:
Santana’s journey toward self-acceptance through love, loss, friends, career and family. Contains Glee history through “Original Song.” Rated M for sex.
Me and You and Daisies:
“Maybe ‘happily ever afters’ don’t exist. Maybe they’re fragmented and sprinkled throughout our lives to remind us to keep moving forward. Maybe, if we look from the right angle and maneuver the pieces just so, they become a masterpiece we keep adding to until the day we die.” Future fic, Brittana as mothers. Sequel to “Taking the Long Way,” but can stand independently.
Me and You and Daisies: The DVD Extras
One-shots related to the Lopez-Pierce Family as depicted in “Me and You and Daisies”
Through the Dark
Why would Brittany ever leave Santana after eight solid, happy years together?
Ruby Tuesday
“You gaze down at her as though your heart were growing bigger with every snuffle and jerk of her tiny body. For the first time in a long time, you start to sing.” Oneshot, Me and You and Daisies 'verse.
Easter for the Lopez-Pierce family when Caleb is two. MaYaD 'verse.
“Mine!” Ruby chirped, reaching her pudgy fist up to grab at the cup of markers on the dining room table”.
The (Second) First Time, by thefooliam: It’s the same way that makes Santana think they’ll be doing stuff like this forever. Spoilers for 3x05 “The First Time”.
The PreBowery!verse, by crammit:
Study Break
Unable to concentrate on the paper she has to write, Brittany decides to see if Santana is up for a study break. – Rated M for smut and language
Meet in the Middle
Taking a break from the diner and from school, Santana and Brittany decide to meet up for a weekend away to reconnect. - Rated M for smut and language
Another weekend away finds Brittany’s plans to help Santana with the dishes derailed as Santana comes up with another way for Brittany to thank her for dinner. – Rated M for smut and language
The Shed, by crammit.
“Come on, San. This will be fun. You said you weren’t scared, right?” “Right.” - Rated M for smut and brief bad language
Things we’re all too young to know, by the fooliam: Brittany holds her like she’s a balloon, like she’s a hope that might float away. 5x13 fic.
So close that you eyes close as I fall asleep, by thefooliam: Brittany struggles to get Santana to sleep after Will’s party. Spoilers for 6x06 “What the World Needs Now”. Title from Pablo Neruda’s Love Sonnet XVII.
XO, by crammit: Alone for the night in the loft, Santana’s brooding thoughts manifest themselves in a way she never expected. Rated M for sex and super brief language.
2859!verse, by halfrobotchicken
Santana Lopez is a publicist in New York trying to rein in the biggest ego the city’s ever seen. Brittany Pierce is attempting to create the next big thing in Seattle. They’re 2859 miles apart, but one wrong number just might change everything.
2859: The Merry Miles Edition
Santana and Brittany do Christmas with their families. Three-Shot.
2859: Triple Threat
Brittany and Santana are welcoming a new addition, but Santana isn’t so welcoming of the additional company that comes with it. Five-shot.
A Morning Dedication, titanium22
Santana and Brittany haven’t seen each other in five years. They haven’t even heard each other’s voice. Or that’s what Santana thinks. And one day she makes the wrong, or right, decision to talk about their past on her radio show.
A Second Life!verse, by everdreaming3
A Second Life
There are some people who go through life just existing and not really living. Brittany Pierce was one of those people. She goes through the day to day motions of her life without much hope for the future. That is until she meets a woman that breaks her out of her dull existence and gives her an opportunity for a second life. Brittana AU
I Remember When
A really long one-shot from Santana’s POV reminiscing about her relationship with Brittany. This is related to my story A Second Life, so if you haven’t read that already, I strongly recommend it otherwise this won’t make much sense!
A Second Life-Beautiful
One-shot- takes place after the last chapter of A Second Life, so if you haven’t read that you really should before checking this one out! Brittany and Santana are adjusting to their new roles as mothers, and they share a special night together and with their babies.
A Second Life-Christmas Cheer
One-shot from A Second Life universe. The holidays are approaching, and Brittany and Santana take the twins on a last minute shopping excursion. Only they run into the last person they ever expected to find. A view into the life of the Lopez family.
A Second Life-Terrible Twos
Brittana. One-shot from A Second Life 'verse. Brittany and Santana deal with raising toddlers and managing the stresses in life.
A Second Life-Wedding Bells
Brittana one-shot from A Second Life 'verse. Brittany and Santana celebrate a wedding in their own unique way.
A Second Life-Leaving Lady
Brittana one-shot from A Second Life 'verse. The Lopez family deals with a loss. (I am sorry, don’t be mad at me!)
A Second Life-Elementary Blues
Brittana one-shot from A Second Life universe. The Lopez family negotiates life with two eight-year-olds, and handle a difficult day with the kids.
A Second Life-Troublesome Teens
Brittana one-shot from A Second Life 'verse. The kids are now teenagers and proving to be more than a handful for Brittany and Santana.
A Second Life-Graduation Day
Brittana one-shot from A Second Life universe. Santana and Brittany try to come to terms with their kids becoming adults and growing up so quickly.
As Lovers Go, by ohhheyitsnic
You knew what you were getting yourself into before you even started. But you couldn’t stop yourself, something about those electric eyes, with one look you were a goner. College AU Brittana.
Beautiful Scars, by GleekForHemo
Brittany is a shy 24 year old waitress. A serious accident left part of her body covered in burn scars. She hasn’t been with anyone ever since, what happens when she meets a beautiful brunette at work? AU.
Beginning of Something Amazing, by aeval
In an alternate world, how Brittany and Santana’s relationship progressed.
Best Laid Plans!verse, by crammit
Best Laid Plans
Sometimes missing your dinner reservation isn’t a bad thing. (Rated M for language, smut and the earnest use of an online purchase).
Game Plan
The second round is on Brittany. Literally. (Rated M for language, smut and the earnest use of an online purchase).
Backup Plan
Feeling inspired, Santana wakes Brittany with a proposition she can’t refuse. (Rated M for language, smut and the earnest use of an online purchase).
Blue Eyes, by BrittanaForeverX (WARNING: G!p)
“Oh, calm down, Santana. It’s not going to kill you. We have to move. Your father is being transferred. Now go upstairs and start packing.”
“But – …”
“Go!” My mom shouts back at me.
I run back upstairs, to my room and slam my door. 'God why?!’ I think to myself. 'Everything is going to change again…’
Brittany’ Seduction, by J.Angela (WARNING: G!p)
I was watching embrace of the vampire with Alyssa Milano because I love her and the lesbian photography scene just had me like…. YES! So I typed a Brittana version of it for all of you to enjoy. :D
Clockwork, by gorshenin
“No one believed that she was actually apart of the IT team, hell, she lead the IT Department, but the general consensus was that it was just for show. They thought she was just fed lines to read off to cameras at conventions, but she knew it all by heart. She could do it in her sleep, but all people saw was a pretty face.
Sometimes she believed it too”.
Dirty Dishes, by everdreaming3
Brittana one-shot. Who knew doing the dishes could get so dirty? SMUT! Be forewarned, there is no plot. Rated M for obvious sex and dirty language, and a little bit of domination.
Farm!verse, by LeighKelly&Nic1031
If You Wanna Live the Good Life (You Better Stay Away From the Limelight)
After Santana inherits a rundown farm from her estranged late grandmother, she needs to place to run from a scandal in New York City. When she arrives, it’s most definitely not what she expected. Though she’s not sure whether she’ll stay or go, she hires landscape architect Brittany Pierce to make the land habitable, and finds love in the process.
Forever Can Never Be Long Enough For Me (To Feel Like I’ve Had Long Enough With You)
One year after their first kiss in the rain, Brittany and Santana celebrate the Fourth of July. Little does Santana know, Brittany has a suspense up her sleeve.
Although It’s Been Said Many Times, Many Ways (Merry Christmas To You)
Brittany and Santana celebrate their second Christmas as wives on the farm and learn that their Christmas is going to be a little more special this year.
You Wear White (And I’ll Wear Out the Words “I Love You”)
“Hearing the weather alert, Santana laughs, reaching across the counter, where Brittany stands, eyes fixed on the television in the other room, “Well, Britt, we did want a winter wedding.”
“Not quite what I had in mind…”
You’re Beautiful (Every Little Piece Love)
In the midst of adjusting to married life, Santana helps Brittany confront some personal demons.
It’s Just So Easy (When the Whole World Fits Inside of Your Arms)
On her first major book tour, a pregnant Santana feels the struggle of being away from her wife.
You’ve Really Got a Hold On Me (Baby)
After a long pregnancy, Santana finally gives birth to her first child with Brittany.
I Would Hold You For a Million Years (To Make You Feel My Love)
A little over a year after Jonas is born, Santana and Brittany cope with some personal obstacles, and manage to find some time alone together.
Finding the way back!verse, by LeighKelly
Finding the way back (This. THIS. THIS, OMG, THIS IS FUCKING GOLD!)
Six years have passed since Santana came to New York. Dealing with the aftermath of a terrible event, she is spiraling down a dark road. When Brittany encounters her own tragedy in Lima and finds herself with nowhere else to go, she ends up in New York. Can these two damaged hearts find their way back together? And how much can love overcome? Canon until Guilty Pleasures.
Glee - Rated: M - English – Romance/Drama.
There’s Something about Christmastime
After a long hard year, Santana realizes that as cliche as it sounds, that there’s just something magical about Christmastime, especially when she has her wife and daughter by her side. One-shot set between Finding the Way Back and Beautiful Life.
For One so Small, You Seem so Strong
While her wife sleeps after giving birth to their second child, Brittany holds their newborn and reflects on motherhood, family, and her love for Santana. One shot companion piece to Beautiful Life, Brittany’s Point of View.
She Puts the Color Inside of My World
As Brittany and Santana celebrate their first real Mother’s Day with little Annie and their own mothers, they consider the past, the present and the future of their lives. Annie-verse, takes place during Finding the Way Back.
Little Unexpected Love
“I already love you a lot, and I can’t imagine how much more I’ll love you after you’re born. I told your mom that I really wanted you to be mine, and honestly, I don’t know what that means, but I’ll try, more than anything, to be the best for you.” While Brittany sleeps, Santana talks to the baby growing inside of her. Annie-verse, takes place during Finding the Way Back. One-shot
This Much I Know Is True
Before Brittany can ask Santana the most important question of their lives, there are two very important things she needs to do. Annie-verse one shot, set during Finding the Way Back. Brittany’s POV.
Love Runs Through My Veins
When seven day old Annie needs her first blood transfusion, Santana volunteers to be her donor. In the process, she and Brittany continue to realize the immense strength of the bonds that tie together their brand new family. Annie-verse.
New Beginnings
While so many things begin to fall into place in their lives, Brittany and Santana celebrate Easter with nearly four-year old Annie and their family. One-Shot, Santana’s POV, set just before Beautiful Life.
Give me your hand and I’ll hold it, by my-other-ride-is-your-mum: Brittany really wants to talk to the new girl in her class…but there’s a reason why Santana Lopez can’t hear her talking to her in the hall. AU high school Brittana…deaf Santana…only a little bit angsty and mostly fluffy cuteness. One-shot.
Going to the movies, by kp83
When Santana woke up that morning, she had no idea that she was only a few hours away from meeting the girl of her dreams. Her day started out as most days did.
Ghost Saver, by Lingering Lilies
“Brittany had always seen ghosts. But she’d never met a ghost quite like this girl.” Fluffy Brittana ghost story for Halloween.
I Learned A Little Bit About The Good Stuff, by heyho
“Santana is a chemistry professor and Brittany goes to visit her girlfriend at work, they start to make out and things get a bit heavy. Brittany is already with her shirt off when there’s a knock on the door and Brittany hides under Santana’s desk right before a group of 4 to 6 students enter the lab”.
Imagining Tigers, by titanium22
“All I could think about was Brittany. Her blonde hair, held tight in a high ponytail, her blue eyes, mesmerizing and alluring, her perfect body and long legs, her piercings and her tattoos, wondering what they meant, why she was so guarded and what was her story”.
Innocent!verse, by jellymankelly:
"The first time you meet her, you’re not exactly at your best. In fact, this particular moment in time probably ranks somewhere in your top three worst days ever. Like, ever ever.” M for coarse language and sexual themes. Three-shot.
Innocent: Incident Response Protocol:
“It’d be funny to you how quickly Santana launches herself from the couch and nearly trips over her own feet as she positively sprints for the bathroom, if you weren’t so distracted by how unbelievably turned on you are.” Companion piece to Innocent. M for coarse language and sexual themes. One-shot.
Innocent: Protective Custody:
“You push your joined hands higher until they’re knotted against her lower stomach, grounding her in place even as you work to send her higher and higher. You have her, and you’re not letting go.” Companion piece to Innocent. M for coarse language and sexual themes. One-shot.
Innocent: Means, Motive, and Opportunity:
“Her right tangles in your hair, yanking your head lightly to the side. She starts sucking and nipping at your pulse point furiously, and the thought of her marking you so passionately makes you tighten around her as she fills you” Companion piece to Innocent. M for coarse language and sexual themes. One-shot.
Innocent: Diversionary Tactics:
“'Santana,’ you murmur teasingly. 'If I’m going to have a Super Bowl snack, it should be while I’m learning about the Super Bowl itself, right’” Companion piece to Innocent. M for coarse language and sexual themes. One-shot.
Innocent: Character Witness:
“You let a tiny feeling of self-satisfaction color your love for her. Sure she’s grumpy and stubborn and steals the covers at night, but she’s yours. It’s pretty freakin’ awesome.” Companion piece to Innocent. M for coarse language and sexual themes. Two-shot.
Innocent: Method of Entry:
Her eyes are dark but soft and shining, half covered by her thick, thick lashes. They stare almost as if they can see right through you, and it sends a shiver dancing straight up your spine. The way she’s looking at you right now…it’s very likely the sexiest thing you’ve ever seen in your life. Companion piece to Innocent. M for coarse language and sexual themes. One-shot.
It’s a Gleeful Life, by LoneGambit
“…Like the fact that it’s close to Christmas and instead of spending it in Lima with Brittany like I always have, like I really want to, I’ve blown half the money my mami gave me, to follow my dreams, on clothes and gifts and high tailed it to New York City to avoid all previously partaken Christmas traditions at all costs.
After all, what’s left of traditions if I don’t have the one girl in the world that I’m meant to partake in them with?”
It Was Us Way Before Them, by Mistiec
Santana Lopez is an LA power lesbian, with the world in her hands. She’s so much more than the small town girl who escaped from Lima and told herself she would never look back.
Hanging by a Moment, by Normal-Is-For-The-Boring
Santana was packing her bags hurriedly as she rushed out the door to get to the airport. Since she only had lectures left for the rest of the week she decided to skip out on them and just listen to them online. Her flight was booked a few days earlier than anticipated since she wanted to beat the rush that was bound to happen at the airport, it was Thanksgiving holiday after all. Plus, she also wanted to see Brittany as soon as she could.
Happy New Year, by SecretLifeofWords
AU-ish: Santana travels back to Brittany’s dorm at MIT to celebrate New Year’s Eve with her at a Broadway themed party. It’s a companion piece to “Shining Star” but can stand alone. References to Hummelpezberry friendship and Broadway characters/songs. Part of #HOLYSMU. Enjoy :)
High Frequency Romance, by kp83
Brittany is corporate pilot for Motta Industries and she has developed a crush on an air traffic controller that she talks to on the radio. The only problem with their 'relationship’ is that they have never met in person, but fate might step in and lay a hand in changing that. AU Brittana. Rated M.
Kissing You, by tatyana82
AU- You see, in Santana’s mind, to try and recover from her kind of obsession, the hardest simple thing to do is to stay away from what’s addictive; right now, a kiss from her wife, Brittany, was her hardest simple thing…
Life Changer, by kp83
“She had received a call this morning from her manager saying that she was needed the next day for a final audition for a new mini-series, and if it hadn’t been for a show that she absolutely wanted to be in, she wouldn’t have bothered with the last minute mad-dash to get to New York from Los Angeles”.
Living with Santana Lopez, by Justified12
Brittana are step-sisters. So yeah… just a heads up because that’s a bit risque.
Meant to be, by Lyleerose (WARNING: G!p)
“Brittany is sitting in the hospital bed with sweat dripping from her forehead, pushing as hard as she can. We are awaiting the arrival of our first child”.
Nailed It, by terriblemuriel
“The lights go out and the music ceases and for a moment you are deaf and blind, void of sensation save for the feel of her hand in yours. You’ve screamed yourself hoarse tonight singing along to Come to My Window, and your throat is sore, but when she leans in to place a tender kiss against your neck, the brush of her soft lips soothes you”.
Offense: The Best Defense, by StraightShark
Head cheerleader!Santana and Badass!Brittany have never gotten along, but when Santana’s pride and reputation are on the line she gets a little desperate…and Brittany just happens to be there to help her out. Everything has its consequences though.
Paperwoman, by LoveInTechnicolor
What would you do if you found the girl of your dreams on the way to work one morning only to have her leave before you could even ask for her name? What if you found out that very same girl works in the building across the street and her office is located just a couple of stories below yours?
Part of you, Part of Me!verse, by tatyana82 (WARNING: G!p)
Part of You, Part of Me
AU- Cool water was drying on her frame as she stared at herself in the mirror, naked; her brain searching for answers she knew could only be one. But it couldn’t be possible, could it? Surely, there were more than enough times…- G!p. Adult life.
Saying I love you (properly)
Prompt for the 'Part of You, Part of Me’ G!p AU- The first one was a two time thing, the second one, well, was no exception.
More Than You Know
Prompt for the 'Part of You, Part of Me’ G!p AU- A not so accidental night out at a strip club wasn’t a big deal… for Brittany.
It’s time to begin, isn’t it?
Prompt for the 'Part of You, Part of Me’ G!p AU- And just like that, it dawned on Brittany and Santana that time keeps on ticking and he is just growing up.
Payback is a, by everdreaming3
Brittana one-shot. What follows after the events of 'Dirty Dishes’. There is no plot, just smut! Rated M for sexy times and language, and also some dominance play!
Private Tutoring, by iamabicorn (WARNING: G!p)
“I heard murmurs of farewells to me and the other clients as they rolled up their mats and made their way towards the foyer of the studio to leave. I grabbed my iPod from its dock and slipped it into the small pocket of my gym bag. There was only fifteen minutes until my first private lesson of the day, so I grabbed the bag and headed towards the employees’ locker room to change”.
Recipe for Disaster, by FloatYourBoat21
“Her voice is so raspy and also so familiar. I have no idea what she’s even saying because I’m so enthralled by this seemingly complete stranger. Whatever she’s saying though… I like it”.
Rent my Pussy, by soulpicnic
Lonely? Call 1-800-BSPUSSY.
Santana’s Elf!verse, by kp83
Santana’s Elf
Santana vowed against the Elf on the Shelf. She thought it was a ridiculous concept that she wanted absolutely nothing to do with; but when she is given one against her will, and reluctantly roped into the Christmas tradition, she soon finds that her elf is more than she expected. Christmas Brittana AU. Rated T.
A Very Merry Vacation
Santana and Brittany go on vacation for Christmas. Sequel to Santana’s Elf.
Christmas in July
Unique and unexpected circumstances lead to an impromptu Christmas in July celebration for Brittany and Santana. Brittana one-shot in the Santana’s Elf universe. Sequel to A Very Merry Vacation. Rated T.
Faith, Truth and Christmas Magic
When Brittany and Santana’s daughter comes home from school upset, but is unwilling to tell them why, it is up to them to find out what is bothering her and try to fix it before it threatens to ruin not only Christmas, but also their happy little family. Part of the 'Santana’s Elf’ universe. Sequel to 'Christmas in July’. Rated T.
Service, by Swinging Cloud (WARNING: G!p)
“When she receives her draft letter in the mail, Brittany Pierce thinks her life can’t get worse- until she meets Drill Commander Lopez.” EXTRA-smutty fill for the GKM. Brittana. AU. G!p. FINAL SUMOSMU! D:
Shining Star, by SecretLifeofWords
Santana flies in from NY to spend Christmas with Brittany and her family. Adorableness and other things ensue. Popcorn is spilled. Memories are made. Epic love story prevails. Just the right amount of sweet and spicy to kick off your Holiday Season. #HOLYSMU contribution, Enjoy! :) (Two-shot)
Sirens!verse, by cactusgirl329
Lord Tubbington, Private Eye
Brittany starts a private investigating business with the help of her girlfriend, Santana, and a very reluctant cat. Adventure, mayhem, romance, and hilarity ensue. Brittana. Glee. M.
Four years after a horrific string of unsolved murders mysteriously stopped, a new body has been discovered. The police call on the same team of private investigators who almost solved the case last time, but four years can change everything. Brittana. M. Glee. Crime/Mystery/Romance/Action/More!
On The Fifth Day of Christmas
Follows the events of Sirens. Features all main characters from Sirens. Brittany and Santana host a Christmas dinner at their apartment. Major life event for Brittana. Fluff (super fluff). sMut. Brittana. Sirens Verse.
A Sirens Halloween
Sirens!Verse Halloween special featuring major characters from Sirens. It takes place after the events of Sirens. M.
St Patrick Valentine’s Day, by SecretLifeofWords
“Santana stretched in her seat as she shifted for the umpteenth time of the bus ride. The ride from NYC to Boston wasn’t that long, it’s just that she was really anxious to see Brittany after their Valentine’s plans sort of, fizzled. It wasn’t really anyone’s fault, per se, but, it still sucked”.
Stand Clear Of the Closing Doors, Please, by  Swinging Cloud
“Brittany’s made up her mind- she can’t wait, she’s going to take Santana right now- and the look on Santana’s face tells Brittany that she won’t stop her.” Brittana. Subway!sex. SMUTTT. SUMOSMU #2. YAY!
The Bowery!verse, by crammit
Merry Christmas
For Brittany, there’s no better present than waking up to Santana on a snowy morning. – Rated M for smut and language **Part of The Bowery 'Verse**
On this New Year’s Eve, Brittany decides to start Santana’s New Year off in a way she might not have ever imagined. - Rated M for smut and language **Part of The Bowery 'Verse**
Stuttering, by Normal-Is-For-The-Boring
Summer Storm
“You chase the sweat from her back with the pad of your thumb, the cadence of her irregular breathing accented by the slow rumbles of thunder outside your open bedroom window”.
The Carnival Switch, by Writtentoberead
“ Santana slowly opened her eyes to the girl next to her. Beautiful dark hair and tan skin met her eyes…wait. That’s definitely not Brittany, but it was definitely one smokin’ hot girl. Santana was in fact looking into the face of…herself. “
The Day Snixx Almost Ruined Christmas!, by slbsp-33
“ Santana looked at their six year old daughter and gave her a huge smile to reassure her that she would wear the hat in their family picture. It had been tradition and Santana was big on tradition. “
The Feelings that Smolder until it’s an Inferno, by kp83
BrittanaCon 2015 fic prompt: Firefighter!Santana and pet storeowner Brittany. Santana is in charge of the station’s Dalmatian. One-shot, rated M.
The Journal, by silverdoe14
AU Brittana. Brittany Pierce is an attorney’s receptionist at a major NY law firm. Santana Lopez is the new, challenging lawyer Brittany has been chosen to work for. Brittany finds a very old journal and begins writing in it to reveal some of the feelings she could never ever tell her new boss. No outside glee characters, crackshipping, etc.
The Only Choice!verse, by crammit
The Only Choice:
When Brittany walked into Santana’s inn all those years ago, neither knew just how much their lives would change. When a dark force from Santana’s past threatens to destroy those she loves, she’ll stop at nothing to protect them. Vampire-AU - Rated M for language, mild violence, and sex.
The Only Choice-Interlude: Feeding.
A late night lesson in the kitchen on the proper way to feed leads Brittany and Santana with the urge to satisfy another kind of hunger. Rated M for smut.
The Only Choice-Interlude: Running
Deciding to test Brittany’s new abilities, Santana challenges her to a race, not counting on how distracting Brittany really can be. Vampire- AU Rated M for brief bad language and sex.
The Only Choice-Interlude: Thoughts
A lesson in mind games quickly turns into a lesson about control. Rated M for smut
The Only Choice-Decade Interlude-Date Night 1925
In anticipation of their upcoming anniversary, Santana and Brittany enjoy a date night but Santana worries that a change in her appearance may derail their plans. Rated M for smut and language.
The Substitute, by PullingSunflowers (WARNING: G!p)
A hot, young Latina is chosen to replace Sue Sylvester as she goes on maternity leave. Not everyone is happy about it but Brittany sure is. G!P Santana and Cheerio Captain Brittany.
The Sweetest!verse, by crammit
The Sweetest Condition:
“Santana.” Your soft voice calls to me and I look up to find you watching me, a thousand emotions playing across your face, all contained in the sweetness of your smile. Your hand grabs mine and together we curve our fingers against the slope of your belly. Our baby. - Rated M for language, smut, and fluff **Part of the Sweetest Universe**
The Sweetest Song:
“You sound so beautiful when you sing to her, you know.” - Rated M for smut and fluff **Part of the Sweetest Universe**
The Sweetest Decision:
“I want to have a baby.” - Rated M for smut, fluff, and the one-time use of a curse word **Part of the Sweetest Universe**
The Sweetest Reservation:
Despite being anxious to leave Ava for her and Santana’s first date night since their daughter was born, Brittany finds a way to channel that anxiety into something better suited for a date with her wife. (side of Faberry) - Rated M for smut, fluff, and the super minor use of a curse word **Part of the Sweetest Universe**
The Sweetest Gift
A Christmas Eve interlude between Brittany and Santana - Rated M for smut and fluff **Part of the Sweetest Universe*
The Sweetest Saturday
“You can sext me any time you want. Just, maybe not when I’m in the middle of an important meeting. Or when I’m standing at the mailbox talking to Mrs. Whitfield across the street.” A Saturday morning at home gets interrupted by work but Brittany figures out a way to make it work in her favor. - Rated M for smut and fluff **Part of the Sweetest Universe**
The Sweetest Candy
After taking Ava trick-or-treating, Brittany and Santana decide to indulge in a little Halloween fun of their own. - Rated M for fluff and smut **Part of the Sweetest Universe**
The Sweetest Sleepover
With Ava out at her first sleepover, Brittany decides to take advantage of the time alone and surprises Santana with her own version of a sleepover. Rated M for smut and fluff **Part of the Sweetest Universe**
The Sweetest Bedtime Story
Taking a deep breath, I take a few moments to enjoy the quiet of the house, the soft static hum of the baby monitor on the dresser the only sound in the room until your voice breaks the silence with a request, “Tell me a story.” - Rated M for fluff and smut **Part of the Sweetest Universe**
The Sweetest Dream
After returning home late from a long day at the office, Santana’s tired mind slips into a dream that feels all too real. – Rated M for sex, mild reference to vampire violence.
The Werewolf and the Witch!verse, by BetTheDuckisInTheHat
The Friendly Werewolf and The Wicked Witch
Brittany and Santana’s children want to go trick or treating for the first time. But the girls weren’t expecting them to want to be just like their moms. Brittana. #DUBSPOOK ONESHOT First story of *The Werewolf and The Witch Verse*
The Werewolf and The Witch: Holiday Edition
The family goes to a new place for this Christmas. How will the Holidays turn out? Brittana. #HOLYSMU *The Werewolf and The Witch Verse*
Luck of the Almost Irish
Brittany is very enthusiastic to celebrate Saint Patrick’s day with the whole family for the first time, but will she get her wish? Brittana. *The Werewolf and The Witch Verse*
Things that go bump in the basement, by mamatots
AU. Santana follows Brittany down into the basement of her grandmother’s old house. What all will happen once they accidentally get locked down there?
This game we spectate, by somethingsdont
Santana takes Brittany to a hockey game.
Vignettes, by orangeyouglad8
Moments and Pieces of a Love Story. A/U-ish. “And just like that time stops and all the breath leaves my body and I am lost in you. I never want to be lost anywhere else.”
What money can’t buy, by Stalpankaka
AU set in New York. After a one night stand goes a little crazy, Santana and Brittany bump into each other again… But life can never just be easy, right?
Worth the Risk, by everdreaming3
Santana Lopez is a hot young talent agent in New York. She has the whole world in front of her, but she is held back by her own insecurities. Brittany Pierce is a woman who gives up her comfortable life to try and follow her passion. When Santana does a favor for a friend, Brittany is thrown into her life and everything turns upside down. Can they risk everything to find happiness?
You Gave me the Word, I finally heard, by LeighKelly (If you haven’t read this yet, GO NOW!)
When Brittany Pierce was seven, a near drowning experience left her profoundly deaf. For twenty-two years, she’s lived in a quiet solitude, her mother’s response to her accident leaving her wary of building relationships. She’s content with her life, her career, her home with her service dog Otis, until she quite literally runs into Santana Lopez…and then everything changes.
You Live, You Learn, You Love, by kp83
At seventeen, the most important things in soon-to-be high school senior Santana Lopez’s life is school, Cheerios, her family and friends, and dreaming up ways to escape her small town. Then one night she meets a girl that needs her help, and in a blink of an eye, everything in her carefree life starts to change. AU Brittana, rated M.
2859: The Fearsome Foursome
Brittany and Santana attend a very important wedding.
Beautiful Life, by  LeighKelly
Three years after the emotionally tumultuous first year of their marriage (and of their unexpected daughter’s life) Santana and Brittany have realized that with love, anything is possible. Watch as the two of them and their four year old daughter Annie take on their little corner of the world. Sequel to Finding the Way Back, but can be read on it’s own. Santana’s POV, canon to 4x17
Binding Hearts, by GleekForHemo
Sequel to Beautiful Scars. It has been 4 years since Santana and Brittany got married and they are still very much in love. Of course life comes with ups and downs so will they be able to stay strong together when chaos appears to be on the horizon? AU.
Don’t You Dare Look Back, Just Keep Your Eyes On Me, by LeighKelly
In the fall of 1983, while on a date with another woman, semi-closeted banker Santana Lopez meets struggling dancer Brittany Pierce. Though they come from two different worlds, a single dance changes their lives forever.
Healing, by hedonist11
“Santana had to reread the text a couple times to make sure Sam was telling her what she thought he is telling her. Motherfucker didn’t have the decency to call, the least he could do was use the spell check on his phone”.
HellaPrompts, by where'smynaya
A collection of Brittana prompts submitted to me on Tumblr now in one place for your viewing (reading) pleasure!
How I met your mommy, by MissHeatherMichelle
“Santana walks out of the kitchen, and makes her way into her bedroom, carrying a glass or orange juice. She stops abruptly when she sees her closet door opened and things scattered all around, spilling out into her bedroom. She carefully places her glass down on the dresser, and hears giggling coming from inside the closet. She takes a few tentative steps forward, until she can see inside the walk in closet, where she spots a little girl and boy. “What are you guys doing?” Santana asks, kneeling down to their level”.
Leaving Normal, by LeighKelly
In small towns like Roswell, New Mexico, secrets are hard to keep. When Santana Lopez is shot in her father’s diner, and Brittany Pierce saves her life, everything is put at risk, especially the secret Brittany has been hiding for all of her life, that she is most definitely not of this Earth. AU loosely set in the Roswell-verse.
Like We’re Made of Starlight, by LeighKelly
As the oldest in a large family, and her father serving overseas in the second World War, Santana Lopez leaves the city to tend bar in a tiny Fire Island town. Almost immediately, the female captain of a fishing boat catches her eye and calls into question everything she knows about right and wrong, and everything she knows about herself.
Piece by Piece, by LeighKelly
When pediatric surgeon Santana Lopez meets Dr. Brittany Pierce, head of plastic surgery, in the elevator during a blackout at the hospital, she’s immediately hit with a sense of disdain. Little does she know that she’ll be the first person to show her what love looks like, and change her life for good.
Time passes, in love and in seasons, by echoes_of_realities
You were the choice I made before I knew what the other choices were
Summer comes and goes in the quiet moments. It comes and goes in the quiet moments of time passing away from the critical eyes of high school, where they can just be the them that they always are when it’s just Brittany-and-Santana. It comes and goes like a flower unfurling its petals towards the sun in the new beginning of a different sunrise every morning.
Somewhere along the way we must grow up, not perfect, but up and out
Autumn comes and goes in the quiet moments. It comes and goes in the quiet moments of time passing between classes and in secluded hallways, where bravery grows as they fight to protect their love from the clumsy fingers of careless teenagers and smear campaigns and familial rejection. It comes and goes like a golden leaf free falling through the air with its unconscious courage as it leaves everything it knows and throws itself into the unknown for just the chance at love and happiness.
That winter you left me snow-blind
Winter comes and goes in the quiet moments. It comes and goes in the quiet moments of time passing between snowfalls and mistletoe kisses, where they can finally stop holding their breaths and instead bask in the warmth of acceptance despite the winter wind. It comes and goes like lazy Sunday mornings where the alarm clock is a cold nose against skin as snow covers the town in a fresh beginning.
And here’s the link to the files: https://drive.google.com/open?id=1o5sOhyJ0yntsKSh7Zz4EwlKYJbAJ4kJ4
And thanks por the question =D
28 notes · View notes
britesparc · 5 years
Weekend Top Ten #369
Top Ten Favourite Things About Teen Titans Go!
One of the funny things about life is observing elements of circularity. For instance, nearly twenty years ago, my younger brother really got into the original Teen Titans cartoon, and I sort of got into it with him (having a brother ten years younger than yourself is very good for keeping your oar in with kids’ content when you’re supposed to be too old for that sort of thing; as a result, I got to thoroughly enjoy Justice League, Samurai Jack, Harry Potter and lots more stuff that may have otherwise passed me by). I knew who the Titans were but hadn’t read a lot of their comics; the cartoon was my introduction to most of those characters. It was really good, benefited from a tremendous theme tune, and – for its time – quietly revolutionary in how it incorporated anime aesthetics into a western cartoon. Plus it had a cracking voice cast, which – not that I knew it at the time – would become as synonymous with those characters as Peter Cullen, Frank Welker, and Kevin Conroy had done with cartoons I’d watched as a child.
(that’s Optimus, Megatron, and Batman, in case you’re wondering)
Anyway, here we are, eighteen-or-so years later, and Teen Titans is just a beloved long-gone cult classic but bizarre comedic spin-off Teen Titans Go! is a minor phenomenon. The same characters, the same actors, but wilder, weirder, funnier, crazier, way more violent, and – bizarrely – far more integrated into the wider DC Universe. And my kids – especially my eldest daughter – bloody love the show. It is huge in our house. We’ve seen the film, we listen to the songs, they draw their own comics, they roleplay the characters; we have a home-made Raven costume, for god’s sake. I have a six-year-old who knows who Tara Strong is. This is incredible.
As a result, I’ve seen an awful lot (not quite every episode) of Teen Titans Go!. It’s fortunate, then, that it’s fantastic, easily one of the best comic-book cartoon adaptations ever made. It’s not just how funny it is; it’s madcap and self-referential and full of many (many) MANY DC comics references. And great, great songs. And – like I said before – tremendous performances. Teen Titans Go! To the Movies is a great, great movie with great, great songs and many great, great gags, and it’s a mixed blessing that it ended up being released in what may well be Annus Mirabilis for superhero movies: it’s great that it’s mixing it up with Infinity War, Black Panther, and Spider-Verse, but I feel it got overshadowed a bit. Say what you will for the slightly more “serious” original Teen Titans series, but it was the barmy chibi-inspired stepchild that got a movie.
So this week, I’m celebrating what has become my second-favourite superhero cartoon of all time (after Batman: The Animated Series, natch). My ten favourite things about Teen Titans Go!. Enjoy!
The Songs: I tried to pick a song, or some reference or line or scene, but really it’s impossible. The songs are sublime. So great, in fact, that I’ll probably do another Top Ten at some point listing my favourite TTG songs. Really catchy, great lyrics, supremely diverse, and full of references not just to DC but to, well, everything. There’s a song about America that includes the line “Samuel L. Jackson on the stamp”, which makes no sense as far as I can figure, but is just wonderful.
Deep, Deep (DEEP) Cut DC References: it started with the Darkseid doll. A little plush Darkseid doll that’s always leaning against the couch. How cute, how funny; Darkseid, the literal embodiment of evil, but as an adorable snuggly. And then it got deeper, and weirder, and more wild. B’wana Beast. Alternate universe Robins. “That movie where their moms are both called Martha”. The Haunted Tank. The Haunted Tank! What kind of kids’ show references The Haunted Tank?! And then there’s the fact that The Comedian’s blood-stained smiley face badge is on display in the Batcave. Let’s go back over that one: there are Watchmen references in this cartoon for six-year-olds.
Batman and Gordon: the original Teen Titans cartoon pretty much never mentioned any aspect of the universe outside of the five characters, barring one fleeting visual reference to the Batcave and the episode where you meet the Doom Patrol. TTG has no qualms about explaining that, yes, Robin is Batman’s sidekick. So we see the Batcave, and Wayne Manor, and Alfred. But it’s Batman’s relationship with Gordon that’s golden. Not just stoic men’s men who diligently work alongside one another, never questioning, never needing to; no, they’re best mates, giggling schoolkids who want to shirk off all work and just sit in their PJs watching crap on the telly. Like a superheroic version of Beavis and Butt-Head, they’re often there, in the background, goofing off, playing games, undercutting the narrative. It’s such a perfect inversion of Batman’s usual persona and a great way of referencing – in supremely silly terms – the deep bond of affection between the two men in most Batman fiction. I especially like when Superman gives Gordon to Batman as a birthday present.
The Night Begins to Shine: I know I said I wouldn’t single out one song, but we do need to talk about The Night Begins to Shine. More than just a cool song in one episode, it blossomed into a whole weird parallel universe filled with bizarre references to ‘80s heavy metal and, well, Heavy Metal. Almost coming off like a primary school version of Mandy, the multi-part epic about Cyborg fighting a giant dragon in the “Night” universe, complete with cameos from people like CeeLo Green and Fall Out Boy (as Transformers!), is just a thing of absolute beauty. Truly, the level of reference and artistry on display in terms of writing, composition, and animation won’t be understood by the kids watching now until they’re quite a bit older. They’ll come back to this in ten, fifteen, twenty years and think “wow, now I see what they were doing; that’s so, so weird”.
The Holiday Mascots: belligerent Santa is the king (“you garbage kids!”), a fat psychopath trying to take over every other holiday, but let’s spare a thought for the other representations of holidays, too. The creepy Tooth Fairy, who eats teeth. The turkey from Thanksgiving who is horribly mutilated. Uncle Sam. And the Easter Bunny. Oh my god, the Easter Bunny. Genuinely unsettling. Words can’t describe. Seriously, check it out, it’s some Babadook-level freaky shit.
Raven’s Legs: a little bit worrying when you’ve got two kids under seven watching it, but the fact that Raven is not just hiding very, very sexy legs underneath her cloak, but is also capable of becoming an entirely other superhero who uses her legs as weapons, is very, very funny. Watching Beast Boy go full Tex Avery when he sees Raven’s legs is one of those gags that, I guess, works on different levels if you’re a child or an adult. Regardless, turning snarky sourpuss Raven into golden-costumed Lady Legasus is a nice move.
Breaking the Fourth Wall: they only really do this explicitly once or twice, I think, but overall the show is incredibly self-referential. From Control Freak trying to get them rebooted or cancelled, to jokes about the animation or the writing, it’s beautifully self-deprecating. This reaches its apex in the 200th episode specials, when the Titans journey into “our” world. It’s hilarious to see them interact with their own voice actors, but for me it’s the note-perfect representation of directing voice actors that’s really funny, almost as good as Toast of London in its depiction. Plus the gag about everyone who works on the show being ultimately replaceable. A scathing indictment of the animation industry, wrapped up in an animation; like The Simpsons in its heyday.
Genuinely Quite Upsetting Violence: I don’t think I’d ever seen a cartoon for small children before that quite regularly featured its main characters having their bones visibly broken. And by “visibly” I mean “cutting to an X-ray of their limb to show the bone shearing in half or crumpling to dust”. It’s almost rare for an episode to go by without one or more of the Titans experiencing life-altering injuries. I’m honestly not sure how they get away with it. but it is funny. Apex moment? Oh, undoubtedly them beating the shit out of Shia LaBeouf in the movie.
Real-World References: clearly the people who make Teen Titans Go! are in their late thirties or early forties; people who grew up in the ‘80s and absorbed ‘80s culture. People who liked Transformers and Star Wars and Back to the Future, who listened to rock music, who liked toys and videogames. They probably grew into teenagers who were fans of obscure animations, cult movies, sci-fi, fantasy, horror. They are, basically, me. I think I would get on quite well with the creators of TTG, based on the things they reference. But beyond cultural appropriation, it’s the references to daylight saving’s time, “shareconomics”, American politics and history, “The Man”, and more, that is so wild and weird to see in a cartoon for young kids. They handle these topics beautifully (I’m honestly not sure if my kids think the things the Titans are talking about are real or not), but as a grown-up it’s really funny to see these gags in a kids’ cartoon. I mean, the Titans fight the Illuminati in one episode. They reference “lizard men in Congress”. It’s bonkers.
Nicolas Cage: in Teen Titans Go! To the Movies, Nicolas Cage plays Superman. That’s it. I mean, what more do you want? The guy whose whole career almost seems to have hinged on playing Superman finally gets to be Superman. The guy who was nearly – oh so nearly – Superman for Tim Burton is now, at last, Superman. The guy who named his kid Kal-El is now Superman. The guy who was namechecked in The Ultimates about eighteen years ago (“this guy wants to be a superhero almost as much as Nicolas Cage”) is now Superman. It’s such a meta-gag, such a high-level gag. Stunt casting taken to its nth degree. It’s even funnier than Billy Dee Williams playing Two-Face in LEGO Batman. And it got better – this part, I concede, beyond the purview of the TTG creators – because the same year he played Superman, Nicolas Cage also played (an alternate universe version of) Spider-Man in Into the Spider-Verse. And, as I alluded to above, starred in his own version of The Night Begins to Shine when he made Mandy. It all links!  
There we go. my favourite things. This was tough, I had to leave a lot out. I’m particularly saddened by not finding room for Cyborg’s tiny body made up of wires whenever he removes his head. And The Jeff; gutted I missed The Jeff. Or the episode that references all the movie incarnations of Batman, including a dumpster full of Batman Forever and Batman & Robin stuff (I’ll save my argument that TTG serves as an even better comic analysis and deconstruction of the meta-character of Batman, and of Robin, than the much-ballyhooed LEGO incarnations for another day). It’s really a great show. I love it to bits. Go watch it.
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jacksonroseroth · 6 years
This Charming Life Chapter 1
A/N: This is my first attempt at an SOA fic. I’m sooooooooo not well versed in the fandom and stuff, but I like where it’s going so far! I’ve taken lines from the show to keep up with the plot. It starts just after Juice gets jumped trying to sell the Adderall. Hope you guys like it! :D Btw I’m gonna start with a clean taglit, only really gonna tag one or two people. If youlike what you read and want to be tagged, let me know! I’ll add you to the list! <3
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Moodboard made by me, none of the pics are mine, two edits are
Juice knocked on the door and sighed, glancing around the neighborhood. He didn't like showing up on her doorstep all bloodied and bruised, but he knew her place was the best place to be aside from the clubhouse. After getting patched up at the hospital, he just wanted some time away from the guys, but not alone. The door opened and a dark, curly-haired young woman appeared behind it. Her green eyes watched him, glancing around her street, as she tugged on a cardigan, wrapping it around her bra and panty clad body.
“Juice. Hey. What are you doing here?” She asked, holding out her hand to him, letting him in.
“Hey. I’m sorry to just burst in like this, Tawni.” Juice said as Tawni shut the door and turned to him.
“What happened?” She asked, tugging on his arm, trying to make him turn toward her. Tawni was Chib’s niece, though everyone in the club swore she was really his daughter from how much alike they were and they constantly teased her that perhaps she was Gemma and Chibs’ love child from how much she and Gemma looked like twins. He brought her with him when he patched over from SAMBEL to SAMCRO when she practically begged him to. Since then, Chibs did his best to keep her out of SAMCRO business and relationships with the guys, though she had a few flings with a prospect or two, but never a member. Yet, Tawni was ever the little Irish rebel and her and Juice had been flying way under the radar since they started sneaking around to be together. “Hey.”
Tawni finally gripped his arm, making him wince and turn to her to get her to let go. Tawni blinked and pulled her hand away, but stepped closer and gave a small gasp when she saw his face.
“It’s nothing, Tawn,” Juice said, turning his face away. Tawni put her hands on her hips and said, “Dinna bullshit me wi’ tha’. Ye’re face looks awful!”
At Tawni’s natural Irish accent breaking through in irritation, Juice smirked as he stepped away, going to her kitchen. Tawni sighed and followed him. After being in Charming for most of her life, her Irish accent faded to a more sophisticated California one, but it came out to play when she got worked up.
“Juice...I swear ta God…” She said, tugging at his hoodie to make him stop. Juice sighed and turned to her as she reached up to push his hood down and take his face, gently. “Oh, babe...Juice, what happened? Tell me.”
As much as Chibs wanted her to be kept away from club business outside of what she saw at the clubhouse, Juice told her everything. He knew she wasn’t stupid, by any means, and she would figure shit out sooner or later, as she’d proved in the past, so he decided to be honest and let damn near everything spill and Tawni became much the talented actress, acting like she knew absolutely nothing around the guys. With an irritated sigh, Juice finally said, “Two CL jumped me. I was meeting with the Chicken Man to sell the Adderall. Son of a bitch double-crossed me.”
Tawni sighed and shook her head, stepping into him and lifting up to kiss his uninjured cheek. He rested his hands on her waist and sighed, not looking at her.
“I’m sorry, Juice. Where were the guys when it happened?” Tawni asked.
“We went to Lumpy’s, sold the roids. I called Chicken and he said it was all good to go.” Juice shook his head and sighed, took her hand from his cheek, rubbing his thumb over her black-tipped nails, breaking a soft, brief smile. But it dropped quickly as he continued, “He gets paranoid. I said I’d go alone…”
“Juicy…” Tawni said, softly and sympathetic. She looked up at him, seeing the guilt in his eyes and she pulled him closer, kissing him softly. “Juice. It’s not your fault.”
“They took my Kutte, Tawni,” Juice said, pulling away from her and going to the couch. Tawni huffed at him, always irritated when he was stubborn, but followed him anyway and sat close to him, scratching her nails over his head.
“Juice, you couldn’t have known the CL would have been there, that Chicken would have tricked you...That’s not your fault.” Tawni said. Juice shook his head and sighed, sinking a little lower. Tawni gave a soft chuckle and slid her head to the back of his head then along the base of his neck. Juice looked up at her as she held out her other arm to him. Juice smiled as Tawni settled herself down on the couch, head resting on the armrest, and Juice tugged off his hoodie before snuggling up with her, head resting on her chest, nuzzled between her breasts. He slid a hand under her cardigan, over her warm skin and smiled, giving a soft sigh. Tawni couldn’t help but giggle at her big, strong biker man taken down by a cuddle and tits. She kissed his forehead as they cuddled and said, “You know the guys will still have your back no matter what.”
“Yeah, I know,” Juice said, his voice muffled slightly by Tawni’s breast. She giggled and closed her eyes as her nails continued to slide over his head, lightly, Juice running his fingers over her skin, soon sending them both off to sleep.
Juice gave Tawni a ride over to the clubhouse the next day to start her shift working the bar. While it didn't quite agree with Chibs, having her working there, she managed to find a waitressing job in town and was able to split it with her time at the club. She slung beers and coffees, passed out shots over the counter until it all died down around noon. The guys had gathered, half out front, half in chapel as Bobby made calls to figure shit out. Tawni and Chuckie walked out to Clay, Tig, Piney, and Opie, Chuckie refilling Opie and Tig’s coffee mugs as Tawni handed Clay and Piney each another beer. The door burst open and Bobby walked out with Jax, Chibs, and Juice, talking on the phone. Tawni glanced up at them as she moved to insert herself next to Opie, leaning on his chair, as Juice sat in the chair next to them. He passed her a quick glance that she returned with a sweet smile.
“Yeah...Yeah. Thanks...Yeah.” Bobby snapped the phone shut and sighed as Clay looked up at him. “The ten grand we sent to Serg’s guy in Vancouver? It’s gone.”
Clay sighed and Opie stood, pacing for a moment. Tawni bit her lip and glanced at Opie, then looked to Jax. Everyone in the club, members and a few choice others, knew what was going on with Abel. Everyone was concerned and wanted to see Abel back home, safe with his family.
“Guess mercenaries aren’t real big on refunds,” Bobby added.
“An’ the money we made on the roids, was in the bag the Mexicans stole from,” Chibs pointed at Juice and finished, “Idiot.”
Juice glanced up at Tawni and sighed as he sat back. Glass shattered from behind them as Opie threw his coffee mug into the empty lot in frustration. Tawni gave Chibs a look, but he ignored it.
“We’re tapped,” Bobby said. “And we have a very expensive excursion in front of us.”
“You guys, why don’t I just reach out to-”
“Don’ ev’n finish tha’ sentence, Tawni,” Chibs said, pointing at her. “Ye’re not gettin’ ‘nvolved in this.”
Tawni shot him a look and crossed her arms, annoyed, slipping down into Opie’s vacated seat.
“What about the other drugs?” Jax asked, nodding to Juice. Juice shrugged and said, “No street value. Black market scripts. We need a way into the clinics.”
“What about Tara?” Clay offered. Jax looked at him, staring. “Think she can help us move those scripts?”
“That’s not happening,” Jax said, firmly. Clay looked at him and said, “She’s your old lady.”
“I don’t care!” Jax shouted. “I said no.”
“Guys, seriously, let me reach out to a friend,” Tawni said. Chibs sighed and looked at her.
“Jax dinna wan’ Tara ‘nvolved, I don’ wan’ ye ‘nvolved, is tha’ clear?” Chibs said. Tawni shifted, narrowing her eyes at her uncle, slightly.
“Oh, aye. Well, ye need help movin’ them scripts, Filip! We only ‘ave so many options!” She said. Chibs growled at her, leaning toward her a little more, before taking a few steps away and sighing.
“Chibs, it’s either Tawni or Tara...One of you needs to make a decision and get it fucking done.” Clay said, looking from the Scot to Jax.
“Chibs, you know I can get you in,” Tawni said. Chibs rubbed his hands over his face and turned to her. He walked back over, pointing at her as he said, “Ye better make sure tha’ son o’a bitch, Brady, knows tha’ if he fucks this up and screws ye over, ‘e’s a dead man.”
Tawni smirked and uncrossed her arms, bouncing over to Chibs to kiss his cheek.
“Yeh, yeh, yeh…” Chibs said. Tawni chuckled and gave his arm a small squeeze, then said, “I’ll go give him a call now.”
Chibs sighed as Tawni walked off toward the garage, whipping out her phone and dialing a number as the guys started talking about something to do with Alvarez, but Tawni was well beyond earshot to eavesdrop. She glanced back at Juice, who had cast a glance out to her. She sent him a sweet smile, making sure Chibs wasn’t looking first.
“*Yeh?*” The voice that clicked onto the call was surrounded by absolute noise and Tawni sighed, knowing, already, this wasn’t a good sign.
“Finn? I can barely hear you. Where are you?” Tawni said, plugging her other ear to try and listen to him a little better.
“*Tawni! Hey, love, ‘s tha’ ye?! Long time, babe.*” Finn chuckled. Tawni suppressed a groan, regretting making this call, even making the suggestion, but she wanted to help out the club, so she’d endure it.
“Yeah. It’s been.” Tawni said. She took a breath and sighed before she added, “Look, I need a favor. The club needs funds and we have some scripts that need to get taken care of.”
“*Eh? Hmm. Well, I don’ really t’ink I have those connections anymore, sweets.*” The lilt in Finn’s voice told Tawni he was lying and just wanted a booty call from her, but she prayed he was back home in Ireland and she didn't have to actually fake it out.
“Hmm. That’s too bad. They’d probably get you in good with your men. Black Market scripts. HIV meds and shit like that.” Tawni said, putting a hand on her hip.
“*Really?! How t’e fuck did they get their ‘ands on them?!*” Finn asked.
“Wouldn’t you like to know…” Tawni said. Finn chuckled and gave a soft sigh.
“*Sweetheart, I’d really love ta help, but most o’ my guys aren’t in t’e game anymore.*” Finn said. Tawni sighed and closed her eyes. She really thought Finn would eat those meds up and she’d be able to help the club, but now that she knew Finn was no longer reliable, she held a small rejoice in the fact she never had to bother calling him again.
“Are you serious?” Tawni sighed. “Alright. Well...Thanks for entertaining the notion, I suppose.”
“*Yeh, sorry, love. Oi, when are ye comin’ back ‘ome? We miss ye over ‘ere.*” Finn said with a sultry sounding tone. Tawni rolled her eyes.
“Goodbye, Finn.” She said before ending the call. Tawni groaned and rubbed her temples before shoving the phone in her back pocket and making her way back over. The guys had gone back in, probably to vote the transfers in, since she recalled seeing Happy earlier and now saw Tig and Kozik talking as she approached. She watched the exchange carefully, knowing the history between the men, and was thankful when Tig walked off without trying to throw a punch at him. Kozik sighed and shook his head, turning to pace a little to cool off before heading inside. He smiled when he saw Tawni.
“Hey, Tawni.” He said. Tawni smiled and gave him a tight hug, Kozik returning it. They had a fling once before, mostly sneaking off at club parties. They managed to sneak around Chibs that first night, despite them both being drunk and rather loud during sex, but her schoolgirl crush on him eventually faded and they kept in touch as friends.
“Hey. I heard you’re looking to transfer.” She teased as Kozik slipped an arm around her neck and walked in with her.
“Yeah…” Kozik looked at Tig, giving a brief glare, before adding, “Hoping.”
Tawni chuckled and shrugged. “He’ll get over it eventually. He has to. You can’t hold a grudge that long.”
“Yeah. He can.” Kozik said, finally tearing his gaze from Trager and smiled down at Tawni. “I’ll see you, Tawn.”
Kozik kissed her cheek before heading into chapel. She sighed and went back behind the bar to wait on the three nervous-looking boys sitting there. She smirked.
Prospects. She thought. They get more timid every year.
“What can I get you, boys?” Tawni asked. The guys looked at each other as Tawni raised an eyebrow at them.
“Uh, some water?” The big one said. Tawni chuckled and shot him a wink before ducking down to grab three glasses and filled them. As she slid them over to the trio, Tig appeared in the doorway and beckoned the guys.
“Come on. Come on.” Tig said as they shuffled over. Tawni smirked and wiped down the bar, getting ready to start telling the possible new prospects what they needed to do. Before she knew it, she heard the cacophony of ‘Shut the door!’ being yelled at the prospects as they left chapel.
“You made it? Congrats.” Tawni said, half sarcastic. The boys glanced between each other and looked at her. Tawni blinked. “You do know I’m Chibs’ niece? I’ve got fucking seniority on you. Let’s move it, boys. You. Go get another case of beers. Down the hall and to the left. Well?”
The boy with the striped shirt that she had picked out jumped and took off down the hall.
“You, clean the shot glasses and line ‘em up. They guys will want to celebrate. Let’s go, honey.” Tawni said, waving the smaller one over.
“I’m Miles, by the way.” He said, smiling at her. Tawni blinked and said, “That’s nice. Get to the shot glasses.”
Miles nodded and started pulling the glasses up onto the counter and wiping them out. Tawni let an amused smirk pass before she turned. All the new prospects thought they had a chance with her, assuming she was just a Crow Eater. But Tawni earned her respect and position in the club, despite the fact Chibs was her uncle. She was fierce, tough, and knocked one or two of the visiting members out cold when they got too drunk and touchy-feely.
“Uh, what can I do?” The big one said. Tawni looked up at him and said, “Clean up the tables.”
She tossed a rag at him as she poured herself a glass of water. The chapel doors opened and the guys came out, Clay first, followed by Tig and Happy. Tig turned to Happy and grabbed him, saying something Tawni couldn’t quite make out. Happy growled out a happy ‘Yeah!’ as Tig let him go, turning to head to the bar as the striped shirt prospect came back with a case of beers.
“Come on, come on, come on, come on.” Tig prodded, impatiently, waiting for his beer. The others filed out and came over to the bar, Chibs slipping in next to Tig, Opie at the end before Piney joined him, bringing Happy along with him. Bobby came up to him, holding the two decals that read Redwood Originals, teasing Happy with them before putting it in his hand. Tawni smiled at the exchange between brothers. She liked Happy, he was rather amusing to be around. He got intense and intimidating most times, but when he was able to relax, he was fun. Juice waited until Chibs was distracted, talking to Chuckie and the new prospect Tawni had cleaning shot glasses, Miles, to go to her and sneak a quick kiss.
“Ooh, you are just looking for trouble, Ortiz.” She teased. Juice smirked and chuckled, giving a shrug.
“Hey, thanks for letting me in yesterday.” He said, swiping his thumb along her jaw, quickly. Tawni glanced up at him, tucking her curls behind her ear and smiled as she cleaned more glasses.
“Well, I’m not going to just turn you away, Juice. You’re my old man.” Tawni said, soft enough only he could hear her. Juice chuckled and smiled, taking a step closer to put his arm around her, but he stopped when flesh on leather sounded, followed by a painful groan from Tig. Tawni and Juice looked up, Juice revoking his step toward her, taking two more away from her, ready to jump into action, but with a small smirk on his face. Kozik shuffled, ready to fight as Tig stood up and turned to him. Piney helped him up, holding onto his arms to make sure he was okay, as Tig stared at Kozik. Tig shifted, reaching up to rub the shoulder Kozik punched.
“You son of a bitch…” Tig said.
“No fun getting suckerpunched is it?” Kozik taunted, shifting again.
“No. It’s not!” Tig growled into a shout, grabbing onto him and pushing him back toward Jax, Clay and the pool table where Clay observed. Kozik managed to turn Tig and slam him down on the table, causing an amused Clay to move as the guys started shouting. Juice moved quickly, moving the chairs and tables out of the way, then quickly getting out of the way as well, going back to Tawni. Tawni shook her head and chuckled as she put away the glasses.
“Fucking children.” Tawni chuckled as she stole glances as she worked. The big prospect took a few steps closer, but Jax stopped him with a hand to his chest, moving to lean on the table behind him, crossing his arms to watch the fight.
“Should we do anything?” He asked. Jax looked at him and smirked.
“Yeah.” Jax started, “Get some brooms. There’ll be a lot of shit to clean up.”
Tawni giggled and looked up at them. Jax looked at her and laughed softly as she waved the prospect over, before turning his attention back to the fight.
“What should we do?” He asked her.
“Just what Jax said. Brooms and other cleaning shit is in the closet in the kitchen. Just keep an eye out of what breaks and deal with it once it’s over.” Tawni said, gently moving Miles out of the way as he and the other prospect watched the fight. Tawni moved the shot glasses back under the bar, shifting all the other drinks off in case the fight moved over. Kozik and Tig were going at it and the clubhouse was filled with shouts and hollers of the other members egging them on as they did.
“Don’t dance, hit him!” Happy yelled, smirking. Chibs leaned forward between Opie and Piney with a laugh and a loud ‘Oh!’ Tawni shook her head and sighed, just waiting for the fight to be over. Finally, before they killed each other, Jax and Clay began to pry the men apart, Happy and Chibs joining them to pull them away.
“Alright. Alright. Ye’ve both made yer points.” Chibs said, inserting himself in the space between the men. “Yer’e both pret’y.”
The guys laughed as they moved Kozik and Tig as far from each other as they could to patch them up. Chibs took Tig into chapel while Tawni excused herself from the bar and went to Kozik, taking him from Happy and leading him down to one of the rooms. Tawni sat him down on the bed and opened the first aid kit she snagged from the kitchen.
“Told you,” Kozik said, shrugging off his Kutte and tugging off his shirt. Tawni gave him a look.
“From what I saw, you threw the first punch. That’s called instigating, Koz.” She said. “Now hold still…”
Tig didn't really have time to pull off his rings before beating them into Kozik’s face. He already had a wicked bruise blooming over his left eye and a nasty cut above it. Tawni scooted closer to him on the bed and pressed a rubbing alcohol soaked cotton puff to the wound, making Kozik squeeze his eyes shut with a hiss and grip her arm with one hand, the other snaking around her waist and gripping her hip. Tawni shook her head and smirked.
“Ye big baby.” She teased. Kozik opened his right eye and chuckled, letting go of her arm. Like her uncle, Tawni was well versed in medicine, mostly having learned it from him when he left the army and joined SAMBEL. So she became the go-to if both Chibs and Tara weren’t an option, which happened rarely for the big stuff, but Tawni was the one who patched up most of the members after fights and the like a majority of the time. Tawni dug through the kit for a cold compress to break up and slap on his face as Kozik looked her over and smiled.
“You look good, Tawni. It’s been a while since I’ve seen you.” Kozik said. Tawni glanced at him as she continued to search. While their fling was short-lived, that didn't mean his feelings went completely away like Tawni’s did. She was much younger than him, but he always saw her as more mature than the other, older, Crow Eaters, which attracted him even more.
“Yeah. It’s been a few years, Koz.” Tawni said. Kozik pulled her close, making her turn to him as he ducked his head to kiss her. Before he could Tawni turned her head away and sighed. “Kozik...You really shouldn’t…”
“What? You got a boyfriend now?” He asked, surprised and a little unconvinced. Tawni nodded and scooted away from him.
“Yeah. I do.” She said, packing up the kit and tossing the used puffs. Kozik chuckled and said, “Who? Chibs didn't seem on edge about it.”
Chibs was always protective of his only niece. She did date outside the club, but every time she revealed who her uncle was, the relationships ended and Tawni sought the comfort of her uncle. Anytime she told him she had a new beau, he was always on edge whenever she showed up out of the blue, just waiting to hear what poor, pathetic sap hurt her this time. Tawni glanced at him and closed the kit.
“He doesn't know yet.” She said. Kozik raised an eyebrow, surprised.
“Who is the kid?” Kozik asked, watching her. She sighed and turned to him.
“Koz, please. Jus’ drop it ‘nd dinna tell Chibs, yeah?” Tawni asked. “When i’s t’e right time, I’ll tell ‘im. But if I ‘ear ‘e ‘eard it from ye, I’ll give ye a matching eye, yeh?”
Kozik smirked as he tugged his shirt back on. “Alright, alright. Don’t go all Irish on me.” He teased. Tawni gave him a look as he grabbed his Kutte and made his way out, kissing her cheek and thanking her for patching him up before he left. Tawni closed her eyes and sighed, giving her head a small shake before she left the room and stowed the kit away, back in its spot.
About three days later, Tawni woke up and stretched, feeling around Juice’s bed, but meeting a cold spot. Her eyes snapped open as she finally registered the sounds of drawers opening and zippers being pulled. Tawni yawned and sat up, watching Juice as he packed.
“Hey. Where are you going? You got a run?” She asked. Juice glanced at her and shook his head.
“No. Um...We’re going to Ireland.” Juice said. Tawni blinked.
“Excuse me?” Tawni said. She scrambled out of bed and started packing a bag of her own. Juice zipped up the last pocket and turned to try and grab at her as she brushed passed him.
“Hey, hey! No. There is no way you’re coming.” Juice said, catching her upper arm and dragging her away from the dresser. Tawni gave him a look.
“You lot really think you’re going to Ireland without me?” She asked.
“It’s going to be dangerous, Tawni! We’re flying overseas as felons in a fucking cargo plane. If we get caught and you go down with us-”
“Then make sure that doesn’t happen, Juice,” Tawni said, pulling her arm out of his grasp. “I’m not going to be left behind while you all go to my home without me. Besides, I still have connections there if you need anything. I’ve used them before.”
Juice groaned. “Tawni, please don’t do this to me,” Juice said. “What is Chibs going to say when we show up, together, and packed?”
“You’re going to drop me off at home so I can pack, then you’re going to take me with you to the clubhouse. We’ll make up some excuse, that I overheard the guys at the bar talking about it or something. But I’m going.” Tawni said, tugging on her jeans and shirt from the day before. Juice sighed.
“Fuck. Why am I dating you again?” He asked, slinging his bag over his shoulder as Tawni shoved a pair of jeans from the dresser into her bag. She turned to him and smiled, kissing him softly, and said, “Because you love me?”
Juice smirked as she bounced out of the room. “Yeah. I’m beginning to question that love…” He chuckled to himself.
Hope you guys liked it! If you want to be tagged in future fics/chapters, let me know! I’ll add you to the tag list! <3
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