#taps fingers together hmm yes this information will be going in my archive
all-hail-trash-prince · 10 months
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YES!!!!! his name is canonically mac!!!! we found this out after someone dm’d an artist and asked him questions!! (sometimes they answer, sometimes they don’t :( we haven’t asked anything in awhile though) (…i still kind of prefer clippy as the name for him :])
also, roberto is the shadow of this guy we see in one of the clips!
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(this is roberto btw!! vvv)
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Ohhh I see! Thanks for answering, I didn't really expect to hear back tbh lol. I did hear about that conversation about Mac later on but Roberto is still news to me!
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sapphicscholar · 5 years
Happy birthday, @argyle-s! Hope ya enjoy the tooth-rotting fluff as I sneak in right under the deadline!
Chapter Text
“73 down: apparel company whose first letter stands for a three-letter word in this clue. Four letters. F-blank-B-blank.”
Maggie let her head drop back against the headrest, her gaze flitting along with the countryside flying past the train window. “I don’t know. You know it’s hard when I can’t see the grid.”
Alex turned, angling her whole body towards Maggie. “But I’m reading you everything you need!”
“Yes, and some things I don’t need,” Maggie muttered, biting back a smile at the furrow in Alex’s brow.
“What don’t you need?”
“Alex, sweetie, the love of my life, I have told you 9,000 times that I do not need to know what number across or down it is. I can’t see the grid. It doesn’t matter.”
“Right.” She tapped the tip of the pen along the side of the newspaper, finally pushing it towards Maggie. “Fine, I guess you can take a turn reading the clues.”
“Thank you.” She pressed a soft kiss to Alex’s lips as she took the pen and paper before Alex could change her mind. “Alright, let’s see…” She scanned the list of clues. “Ooh, four letters: injure, as a bear might.” A moment’s hesitation. “Maul!”
Alex smiled and tried to peer over at the paper.
“Ooh, another good one. Apt rhyme of ‘sliced.’” She grinned up at Alex as she announced: “Diced!”
“Maggie,” Alex whined. “You’re not giving me all the information. Like…how many letters was it? And which letters did we have? Also none of the letters in diced are in maul.”
“Well, no…”
“So then one is wrong. Maybe maul could be maim. Where does it intersect?”
“They don’t.”
Alex blinked over at Maggie. “You don’t go in order?”
“Do the ones you know first. Then you’ve got a bunch of spots already filled in.”
“But—but—” Alex stammered, her mouth opening and closing as she fought the urge to reach over and snatch the pen back.
“Oh boy. Maybe we take a break from the crossword before your brain breaks.”
“It’s just…if you go in order you’re literally building a structurally sound foundation.”
Deciding the next several hours of their trip would go a lot more smoothly if they didn’t bicker through them, Maggie changed tactics, putting down the newspaper and twining her fingers with Alex’s. “Hey, let’s play a new game.”
“Like what? We already did 20 questions and I Spy and the alphabet game and all the things Kara used to make us play on long car rides.”
“Hmm…fuck marry kill with the cast of The L Word?”
Alex glared, and Maggie couldn’t help the snort of laughter that escaped. “So many hours of my life I’m never getting back.”
“Okay, but might I offer in response: pretty ladies kissing other pretty ladies on your screen?”
“Not enough to make it worth my while,” Alex grumbled.
“I told you from the start that it had its issues.”
“Maggie Sawyer, you did not once tell me that I would go from being like oh, maybe I was a little bit like Jenny to oh, I’d like to push Jenny out a window.”
With a loud gasp, Maggie spun around in her seat, locking her hands around Alex’s wrists like makeshift handcuffs. “Oh my god, you’re the one that killed Jenny Schecter!”
“Oh shut up. Also, that was some bullshit bringing in Lucy Lawless for a single episode. I’d rather watch an entire series of her interrogating them than the last season of the actual show.”
“Mm, so say we all.”
“That’s just because you had the world’s biggest crush on Xena.”
“Duh.” Maggie dropped her head to Alex’s shoulder as she released her hands. “I still say you should go as her for Halloween next year.”
“You gonna be my Gabrielle?”
Maggie’s fingers trailed along Alex’s thigh, inching a bit higher than was appropriate for being in public. “You just want me to spend the whole night in a crop top.”
“Your abs are a gift to the world, but I think I’m gonna be selfish and say no one else gets to enjoy them.” Alex’s fingers itched to reach out, to run up and down Maggie’s sides, curling under that soft henley and finding the even softer skin beneath it. After a week of too many crises at the DEO and a week before that of overtime at the NCPD for Maggie, it felt like ages since she’d gotten to spend time with her girlfriend that wasn’t out in the field. And of course Maggie had to go and be responsible the night before, insisting they do laundry and pack and all the things that, Alex begrudgingly admitted, did make their morning trek to the train station rather easy. Still. Now they were left with hours upon hours of limited touching as their train trundled out of California and meandered towards the next stop.
“You’d deprive the world of that joy?”
“Oh hush, maybe I only suggested you go as Gabrielle because you’re short enough.”
“Yeah, yeah, make all the jokes you want, but we both know who the little spoon is at the end of the day.”
“You love it.”
Maggie shrugged. “Easy access to your butt? Yeah, I’m not complaining.”
For a while, they fell into a comfortable silence, watching as the train passed through rolling hills and sprawling acres of the countryside. Even though Alex had been uncertain about the idea of a multi-day train trip across the country when airplanes that could get them to Metropolis in a matter of hours existed, even she had to admit that there was something sort of romantic about the protracted journey.
“Hey,” Alex whispered after what felt like nearly half an hour, wondering if Maggie was really asleep or just closing her eyes. “Sawyer.” She poked her shoulder, deciding she didn’t really care either way.
Asleep then, if the raspy quality to Maggie’s voice or the slight scowl Alex was getting meant anything.
“I’m bored.”
“Seriously? You have a phone.”
“The wifi’s shit out here.”
“I packed books.”
“I don’t wanna read.”
“Oh my god, Danvers. Seriously?”
“C’mon.” Alex nudged Maggie’s shoulder with her own. “I’ve missed you.” There it was—the softening of Maggie’s features, the way her whole body seemed to melt further into Alex’s.
“I don’t suppose I can coax you into a nap with me?”
“Too much coffee.”
“Fine, fine.” Yawning loudly, Maggie drew the curious gazes of a few of the passengers who shared the compartment with them. She toed at Alex’s foot, then leaned in to whisper in her ear. “Old dude, front of the car. See him?”
“A threat?” Alex’s hand flew to her sidearm, but Maggie was already there, anticipating Alex’s reaction.
“Not that kind.” She cast a meaningful look at Alex as she pulled her hand away. “But maybe he’s another kind of threat…tell me what you know? What’s he doing on this train anyway?”
“Oh!” Alex’s lips curled up into a smile. Maggie had first taught her to play the stranger game during a terribly boring week-long stakeout that had yielded absolutely nothing of use. Apparently it was the best way to pass the time in a small town, although, Maggie conceded, eventually it was also a pretty good way for rumors to get started. She still carried a bit of guilt around for making people think that Sally Wilkins’ parents had tried to send her to a convent. “Well…he’s taking the train because he can walk to the station from his house, so his neighbors won’t see that his car is gone and tell his wife…who’s traveling for work all week.”
“Yeah? Why can’t they know?”
“Oh, well, the guy across the street is a total busybody ever since he retired. He keeps tabs on all his neighbors.”
“And obviously this guy doesn’t want anyone to know where he’s off to. But why’s that? Affair? Secret family? Totally paranoid?”
Alex tapped on her lower lip as she surveyed the man in question, watching as he spilled a bit of the tepid train coffee on the back of his hand. Shaking it off, he grumbled to himself and went back to his seat. “Hmm…I think it’s a secret job. Corporate espionage or something like that. But he’s not really good at keeping secrets. Makes him queasy 24/7. So he’s gotten really paranoid.”
“Ah yes, the guilty criminal. Really, they’re the best kind. So easy to pluck out of a crowd.”
“I give him…three weeks before he turns himself in or gets caught.”
“Sounds about right. Though, ya know, if we were on the case, I think his odds would be more like three minutes.”
“Yeah, well,” Alex shrugged her shoulders, an easy grin spreading across her face, “we make a pretty unbeatable team.”
Maggie’s voice dropped into a lower register as she leaned in, breath hot against the shell of Alex’s ear. “And how would we celebrate our hundredth team victory?”
“Only a hundred?”
“This year.”
“That’s more like it.”
Throwing her arm around Alex’s shoulders, Maggie pulled her in close. “Have I mentioned lately how much I love you?”
“Mm, you know, I think it’s been several hours.”
“Well that simply won’t do. I need to know that anyone else on this train playing the stranger game is absolutely positive that we are together.”
“Let’s make it really obvious,” Alex whispered as she leaned in, her breath ghosting across Maggie’s lips before she claimed them in a searing kiss that left Maggie dizzy with want.
“If we really wanted to make it obvious…” Maggie’s fingers skirted along the waistband of Alex’s jeans, her short nails dragging along the skin and making Alex shiver.
“You could literally be inside of me,” Alex managed, though her breath hitched on the last word, “and I bet at least one person on this train would ask if we were sisters.”
Maggie groaned, drawing her hands back as she buried her face in her palms. “Ugh, the Straights are fun.”
“So fun.”
“I bet you…20 bucks we get asked if we want two twin beds tonight.”
“I’ll see your 20 and raise you another 20 for not even being asked before we get those twin beds.”
“So that’s 40 on us having sex dorm-room style?”
“Shh!” Alex put a finger to her lips, but she couldn’t quite help the snort of laughter at the scandalized looks they were getting from the woman sitting directly behind them.
As it turned out, they received very sincere apologies from the hotel staff—“We’re so sorry! For some reason we had the reservation listed as needing a king-sized bed, and all of our double rooms are booked.”
Before Alex could roll her eyes and correct them, Maggie graciously accepted their offers for free room service, insisting that they could “make do.” She’d mouthed “free dinner” to Alex the moment they turned around.
When they arrived, Maggie gasped dramatically and turned to Alex, announcing: “Oh no! There’s only one bed!”
“Oh god, sometimes I forget that you’re still kinda new to the being gay thing, and then you say stuff like that.”
“Can you just tell me?” Alex huffed, resisting the urge to cross her arms and stamp her foot. “It can’t be worse than when I told you that no, I’ve never seen Imagine Me and You.”
“It’s just a trope in fan fiction. You have two characters who are secretly pining after one another, only neither of them thinks the other one could ever like them back, but then they have to go somewhere—maybe undercover as a couple or something, or else it’s just for work or a trip or really any excuse to be not at home, ya know?—and they show up, only to find out that the second room was given away, and there’s only one room left that only has one bed.”
“One person could always sleep on the couch.”
“Oh, Danvers.” Maggie let out a sigh as she shook her head. “Danvers, Danvers, Danvers. What will we do with you?”
“What? It’s a reasonable question.”
“Reasonable, maybe. But where’s the fun in that?”
“Let me guess, the fun is in having them both fall into bed together?”
“More like awkwardly crawl in while the other one is in the bathroom, spend hours not really sleeping, and wake up tangled together because secretly they’re both cuddlers.”
“Ah, I see. I suppose these are a bit more PG than I imagined.”
“Yeah, get your head out of the gutter, Danvers.” A beat. “Sex happens the next night.”
After the laughter subsided, Alex nudged Maggie. “Well…I’m not really up for waiting a whole night, but what do you say? Should I go claim my side of the bed and pretend to be awkward while waiting for you?”
“Oh fuck off.”
Maggie grinned. “Ooh, would you rather reenact an old fashioned enemies to lovers?”
“Maggie,” Alex groaned.
“Fine, fine. I’ll stop.”
“Good. Because I think”—Alex unzipped her jacket, letting it fall to the floor—“there’s really only one scenario”—Maggie’s jacket followed her own as they inched closer and closer to the bed—“I have any desire to act out.”
“Oh yeah?” Maggie’s voice had taken on that throaty quality that never failed to make Alex’s heart skip a beat.
“Mhmm,” Alex hummed, as she carefully guided Maggie down to the mattress, settling one knee on either side of Maggie’s thighs.
“Which one is that?”
“Two girlfriends”—a kiss—“who are very much in love”—a longer kiss that time—“who have gone far, far too long without a night to themselves.”
Maggie’s fingers moved slowly down the front of Alex’s shirt, undoing buttons one after another. “You know…I think I could make that work.”
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lillaxtrigger · 5 years
Young hope: Chapter 19 (Pt 1)
The setting sun shines upon a hill sporting a regal castle housed at its mountaintop, its imposing stature casting forth a massive shadow against the beating twilight.
Deep within the stone dwellings of this monolithic abode sat a lone little girl dressed in blue, surrounding her being the comforting recesses of her bedroom.
Enveloped in darkness, a deep breath is drawn in her lungs as her eyes shut tight.
Soon letting go of that very same breath, she begins to lose herself in the trance of her mediation, tapping into the psychic potential that she holds from within.
The lady in blue lifts herself above the elegant carpeting encircling the ground she once sat, nothing but her own energy supporting her crossed legs.
A soft bang starts to reach her ears, but wishing not to break from her concentration, she ignores the faint noise.
The small décor littered throughout her bedroom join the girl in her flight from their shelves, orbiting her very person like a moon encircling its planet in a celestial dance.
She soon has bigger items join in her telekinetic wonder, gliding and weaving desk lamps, pens, picture frames, whatever her mind could lift with ease.
Eventually, her psychic dance ceases, the pieces of her bedroom halting in midair.
The small medium soon turns her attention to the large bed set before her.
Another bang quickly reaches her ears, but like the first, she tunes it out.
Upon her deep mediation does she begin to focus her telekinesis towards her regal memory foam, slowly causing the bed to float from the carpet.
Halfway up the floor her bed and its frame rise; along with keeping her knickknacks afloat, the daunting task requires every single once of her concentration.
Its always wise to practice multitasking whenever possible. Never can tell when it can be best applied.
Mastering such a skill is the key to bringing the best out in all of us.
Deep within the realm of her own meditative thoughts does her focus finally give way upon the sound of a loud crash.
The items held within her telekinetic grip soon follow sooth, the bed in front of her breaking upon its harsh impact with the stone floor.
Her eyes wide open, a light growl escapes from her nostrils.
She turns her navy blue gaze towards her bedroom door, from the other side does another bang cry out.
Outside that door, a pair of lumbering red and green giants were engaging in a rumbling tussle, their crab claws tightly holding one another in each others grip.
“You red bastard!” the green one screams.
Their resulting bash follows through the entire chamber, breaking whatever should be in their way.
“Piss off, ya green snot stain!” the red one returns with.
Across the room, a door swings wide open, revealing the small psychic standing in watch of the ongoing chaos that greets her.
“Will you two cease you’re bickering. Now!” the blue dwarf demands.
She utilizes her psychic prowess to halt the duo from tearing themselves apart, pulling them away from each others claws.
The two hulks struggle in the air, helpless within the psychics telekinetic grip.
“What, pray tell, drives you two to make such a mess of our quarters...this time?” she wonders.
“Carnage took the controller out of my hands while I was on a tough level and made be lose.” the red one starts off.
“That’s because you’ve been hogging the console all day and I hadn’t got one turn in.”
“I called dibs on it yesterday. I said I was gonna be playing the new Mass effect all day tomorrow.”
“Savage, there ain’t no such things as dibs here. First come, first serve.”
Their bickering back and forth starts to meld together upon the blue psychics ears, the lady pinching her forehead upon her frustration.
“I had it first, jack off!” Carnage rudely insisted.
“I was the one that bought the system, you asshole!” Savage counters with.
“Silence!” the dwarf demands, her cry echoing throughout the entire chamber.
Upon her command do the two cease their ranting on the spot, not a single word leaving their mouths.
“Honestly, the two of you act like children sometimes. It’s like...I...You two-...How do you two even play video games with claw hand.”
“You don’t know all we can do with these claws.” Carnage mentions.
“Point is that everyday I catch you two fighting over the most trivial of things. You two would probably tear each other apart if it weren't for me.”
“Oh come, sis. We don’t fight all the time.” Savage contradicts.
“Yeah, Priss, name one time this week we fought each other over something stupid.” Carnage joins.
“Just yesterday, I caught you two beating each other through the walls over taco’s we took home from that Mexican place.”
“Those taco’s were mine and Savage knew it!” the green brother accused.
“Dude, the entire Alliance went out for Mexican that night and stuffed all their leftovers in the fridge.
How was I supposed to know they were yours? You should have wrote your name on the bag.” the red brother insisted.
“You know I don’t know how to write!”
“That’s enough!” Priss loudly commands, the two silencing themselves upon her word.
After an exhausted sigh escapes their sisters lips, she informs them that.
“I swear, I can’t get a moments peace with you two at each others throats all the time.
I’m in my room, trying to practice mind psychic powers and all I can focus on is you guys screaming and swearing at each other like a couple of fighting drunks at a bar!
If I have deal with one more interruption today, then I’m going to-”
Upon the cusp of her outburst does the door to their quarters knock, a look of irritation painted across her face.
With a calm but upset demeanor, she answers the door, greeting whoever was on the other side worth a slightly rude.
Her angry stare quickly withdraws into a surprised gawk once she realizes her leader was awaiting.
“D-Drake! How-How lovely it is you came by.” the blue psychic swiftly welcomes more politely.
The young man at the door takes in the site of the floating giants from behind their sister and wonders:
“I’m not interrupting anything, am I?”
“Oh noooo.”
On that moment, she releases her telekinetic grip on her brothers, the duo of red and green slamming upon the stone floor.
“We’re not really doing anything special at the moment, heh heh...Right?” she continues, her last word carrying an intimidating glare towards the pair of giants.
Dusting themselves off, the two quietly groan; simply staring away from each other with arms crossed.
“A-a-a-anyway. What brings you to our chambers at this hour?”
“I was in the midst of planning for the three of you to depart on a mission. One that may peek your interests.”
“Oh bullshit! You know how many times you said that before you sent us off on one of your chores?” Savage asks.
“It’s always something boring too. Go in these cave, kill this guy, steal this crystal, wreck this place, kill a bunch of guys. When are we gonna do something fun for once, man?” Carnage finishes.
“I hate to sound rude on this matter, but I concur. The missions you typically have us depart upon have been rather droll as of late.
Perhaps we may partake of a task with more...meaning, I want to say?”
For a moment, their leader ponders; his finger resting upon his lips.
“Hmm...Perhaps you may have a point.
The missions I have been dispatching you three toward have proven themselves rather elementary as of late.
Surely with your capabilities, you three have much more important things to do with your time then search for the whereabouts regarding...Him.”
The final word escaping beyond his devilish sneer, Drake manages to bait all three of the triplets attention; their uninterested gazes shifting to curios stares in the blink of an eye.
The statement takes Priss a moment to answer, swiftly picking back up with:
“Ah…I..N-No-No! Of course not. We’re not doing anything particularly riveting at the moment.
Uh- What mission did you have in mind for us?”
After a light chuckles escapes between his teeth, he follows with his briefing which included:
“A demonic cult has been found hiding in Germany. Within a castle in the remote region of Smagabich.
This cult holds a particular specialty in the art of summoning and controlling demons to for their own ends.”
“Like Pokemon?”
“Ehh. Kind of…
But surely a cult that specializes in such hellish arts may hold some information regarding Him.
Still think that such a mission isn’t enticing enough for you three?”
Upon that question do both brother rise from the stone floor, a gleeful howl escaping from the green demon.
“Don’t need to tell me twice!” Savage confirms.
“Hell yeah! We’re ready to bust some heads!” Carnage joins.
“Well, seems that we’re all in agreement. When do we depart?” Priss questions.
A delighted grin draws itself on Drake upon hearing their enthusiasm, he continues with:
“Your mission once you arrive is to infiltrate the Höllenfeuer cults castle and retrieve the tome the cult uses to reference and control the demons they summon: The Book of Garlov.
You are free to whatever else the cult holds in their possession, but the book is to remain a top priority.
With access to its pages, an entire archive of unholy possibilities will be under the Young Blood Alliance’s belt.
Such supernatural knowledge will surely help in swaying more young demons to our side.
Report to the flight deck so you may be flown out to Germany. You three have half an hour to prepare before take off.”
“Splendid. We’ll be out the door before you know it.” the blue psychic promises.
“Glad to hear.”
With that, Drake takes his leave and closes the door behind him.
As soon as their leader was out of site, Priss looks back towards her brothers to find them pounding their chests and howling out loud.
Geez, even with such promise for answers on the line, they have to act like a bunch of rowdy jackasses.
Tonight might prove to be quite the dragging slog.
That very same thought echoes in her head as the lady in blue and her brothers ride within the cabin of their private plane.
She watches as Savage gazes out towards the wide blue sea wonder, the reflection of the rising moon beating upon the briny waters below.
Carnage meanwhile was partaking in the relaxing euphoria that the onboard massage chair had offered; a vibrating sigh leaving the green dressed demons maw.
In the midst of the indulgences, both begin to notice their sisters less then pleased glare and stare back.
“You feelin okay, sis?” Savage wonder.
“Yeah, you look like something’s pissin ya off.” Carnage adds.
“Oh nothing. It’s just a wonder to me how you two can be so carefree among the potential for answers.”
“C’mon, ya gotta dail back the bossy switch, Priss. Relax.”
“Yeah, ya gotta chill. You always so high strung all the time.”
“That’s because I’m always having to keep you two in line.
Honestly, whether its at home, on missions, or even somewhere like the mall or the museum of national history.
I always have to keep you two from wrecking the entire place.
I can’t even remember the last time I’ve gotten a good nights worth of beauty sleep.”
Savage breaks away from the scenic view of the waters below and declares:
“Alright, alright alright. Don’t get your dress in a knot. If helps ya chill, Carnage and I’ll keep ourselves outta trouble, kay?”
“Oh please. I doubt you two have even faintest glimmer of self restraint. I bet you can’t even control yourselves for one minute.”
“I know I have more self restraint then he does.” Carnage interjects.
“Fuck off, I have just as much restraint as you!”
“Oh yeah? Well-”.
Before another word could escape from either of their mouths, both hear an attention grabbing cough from their sister.
A glance towards her direction showed Priss staring at the two with her cold glare, both brothers cease their rising prattling with a nervous chuckle.
Priss lets a weary sigh escape from her lungs as the same words from before echo once more through her mind.
The region of Smagabich is soon reached, the triplets set forth toward an eerie castle overlooking the moonlit mountainside.
Gazing up towards the rocky incline, the trio take in the view of the hellish cults castle from the forest below.
The echo of a crows outcry reaches their ears as they feast upon the site.
A whistle escapes from the red demons lips, his green brother joining in his impression with:
“Huh, Spooky...So, what’s the plan sis?”
“Yeah, we bustin in like usual or what?” Savage wonders.
Upon these questions, Priss begins to ponder what course of action should be taken.
Given this cults profession of training and controlling demonic entities, it would be foolhardy to rush in without a plan of sorts.
Clearly, a stealthy approach is out of the question, her brothers not exactly masters of espionage.
Hell, they can’t even keep themselves quiet while she’s taking her beauty sleep, their obnoxious snoring echoing through their chambers.
Splitting up would not be a wise idea either. It’s a wonder what trouble these two might get themselves in without her guidance.
Having to predict where their prime target might likely be alongside digging for info regarding the whereabouts on...Him…throughout this entire ordeal is proving to be quite the stressful.
It’s wonder where to start with such a daunting task…
Perhaps the roof might prove to be of a more successful point of entry. It’s a good of place as any to start.
The plan still being worked out in her head, the blue psychic turns to her red and green brothers, only to find the hulking demons free from her side.
What...I...Where did they...
From the bushes do the demonic duo peek out, their eyes partaking upon the gate of the cults castle.
From the entrance stood two unusually shaped demons, across their stone bodies carved singing faces, with a limb, eye, tooth, or any other body part protruding from their countless mouths.
“God damn. Look at those freak. They’re even worse then the ones we saw back in be Thailand.” Savage comments.
“Wonder what’ll happen if you stick a hand in one of their mouths.” Carnage questions.
“I dare to go over and find out.”
“Only if you do the same.”
“Oh, you’re fuckin on!”
Before either brother could jump towards fulfilling their foolish dares, an odd force swiftly pulls them back into the shade before they could take action.
Soon, both demons are greeted by the usual cold stare of their short blue sister.
“What?” Carnage utters.
“Why did you two bail on me?”
“You were taken too long thinkin and we got bored.” Savage answer.
“I was less then a minute.”
“You guys promised you would behave yourselves on this mission. And so far, you proven the exact contrary.
I...I mean...What were you two even gonna do? Just rush in like a couple of frolicking pink halfwits?
You want the entire cult to be on our asses in mere minute?”
“Jesus, sis. Got any better idea’s?” Carnage counters.
From her brothers, Priss gauges the front of the castle gate, beholding the bizarre demons that guard the gate.
A moment of swift pondering makes her think out loud:
“Demon familiars such as these typically don’t stray far from their masters.
The best possible guess is that they’re tamer is stationed somewhere within to act as an alarm in case anything happens to their beasts.
If that is the case, then we need to take care of their master before we can safely proceed.”
All that said, the blue psychic turns towards her brothers and orders for:
“Both of you don’t move an inch until I give the signal.”
Her commands given to the duo, she vanishes in a blur before their eyes.
“Wait, so were just supposed to sit on our asses while she gets to have all the fun?
What the hell does she expect us to do until she signals us?” the red brother questions.
From his pocket does Carnage pull out a handheld system, the dim glow of its screen lit up upon the green demons face.
“You brought that with you?”
“Yeah. I always bring it with me on missions.” Carnage answers.
“...Let me have a turn.”
“Fuck that, man. I just pulled this out. I give it to ya in like 10 minutes.”
Upon that promise does Savages single eye squint, staring as his green brother partakes in the joy that the electronic device brings him.
From within the interior of the castle, Priss reemerges from the side of the ceiling; the first sound to reach her ears upon entering being an entrancing melody reverberating throughout the entrance hall.
Alongside the beautiful solo was the site of the elegantly decorated halls to greet her entry.
Light colors, polished marble, glittering chandlers, gorgeous paintings, these people knew how to make a girl feel welcomed.
Figure being the jacks of the unholy arts, they’d house a scheme similar to that of the underworld.
Any betting man worth their salt would no doubt guess that the one possessing the enchanting voice would be the master of the demons outside.
Now, the test at hand being on how to dispatch such a worthless excuse for a hypnotist.
Fancying another glance of the entrance hall, Priss scans the faintly lit corridor and takes note of some of the décor lined up towards the top of the balcony, the sword resting near the railing fancying her eye.
Priss finds it best to start with the painting below her feet, casting the priceless frame towards a set of spears near the side.
From outside the walls of the castle, Savage and Carnage await for the supposed signal of their sister.
Not a single moment of hesitance goes by between the two before they sprint out from the bushes, Savage delivering a powerful strike to one of the demons stone hard shells.
Pinned to the ground, the monster atop Carnage protrudes from its mouths two claws and begins to rapidly swipe upon its prey below.
Savage fights back against the other demons tackle, gradually regaining the footing that he suddenly lost.
The other beast is thrown into the hard oak of a tree behind him, its leaves fluttering down upon the sudden impact.
Upon seeing this play out, Savage looks over to the beast that he had buried with but a single spike.
After watching her brothers take care of the cults guard dogs, she looks away from the window to behold the golden girl she had vanquished.
Truly such refined craft to bare witness to.
Out from the freshly punched through doorway, both Savage and Carnage rush into the entrance hall, their war cries echoing through the interior.
Through the castle halls the trio trek, the side sporting various elegant decorations that Priss admires as they walk.
Soon, the Nightmare triplets cross through an open archway, gazing out from the other side into a beautiful outdoor garden.
Their tour takes them to the center of the garden, where in the middle rests a luxurious fountain, gushing out shimmering lime water from the many figures that pose near the center.
In the midst of her admiration, the blue psychic ponders out loud to her two brothers that:
Its thanks to this silence that the triplets here the sharp taps of footsteps approaching.
The three overshadowing the lone gardener, his fist grasping the dead ivy trembles in fury.
With a sinister glare, Priss focuses on the gardener. Her concentration is broken however once recklessly charges forth.
The light soon fades. Both demons look on to find the gardener gone.
In his ongoing boredom, Carnage begins to notice a sizable tulip encroach upon Priss from behind, ready to swallow the small medium in one gulp.
The first form of assault from this green armada is a flurry of thorn filled vines that envelope around the brothers arms.
But before she could even give her sword a single swing, the blue psychic feels the stone beneath her quake.
Savage slides back from the rosy tomb, to his side being the white candytufts that aided in the gardeners escape.
His victory is short lived however upon witnessing cup like flowers rise swiftly sprouting from the soil, the calla extinguishing the flames with their sticky nectar.
Hoping to run to rescue his brother from the sticky situation, Carnage begins to rush towards the scene.
From behind one of the many tree’s overlooking the garden stood the blue psychic, glancing out from the bark.
In her ascent however, she fails to notice the sprawling vines lining the branches.
Stuck upon the concrete path in a mess of sticky flower nectar, Savage lays upon the site of his sister rocketing through the garden air.
In his haste, the red brother cuts through the flower bed with the armless statue in its middle.
In his struggle against the fungal foe, Carnage evades the mushroom mans reaching arms.
Those thoughts are soon ejected once he witnesses the mushroom man calm itself.
Rubbing and shaking the blinding dust off from his eyes, he fails to notice the spores digging into the dirt beneath.
Right when he’s ready to come to his siblings aid, the earth below him erupts once again.
Recovering from her unexpected flight, Priss rises from the soil; angular red flowers decorating her surroundings.
Right when she’s ready to come to their rescue, a red streak speeds by across her waste line, cutting through her navy blue dress and striking her skin.
With all of her psychic might, she attempts to pull the blade out from the oak that threatens to swallow it.
Her psyche nearing the edge of a mental breakdown, the flashes of a familiar figure erupt from the depths of her mind.
Taking those words to heart, she applies such a lesson to the chaotic present.
The sword free from the bark, Priss begins to direct the blade towards the swarm of red flowers.
Carnage starts to become overwhelmed by the countless fungus that have sprouted in his wake, the many mushrooms pinning him down upon the soil with their fangs dripping saliva on his skin.
Just as the fungus were about to take their final bite upon the green demon, the stems of the mushrooms are swiftly slashed off.
In front of him floated down his blue psychic sister, her back facing him with her elegant blade tight in her grip.
Across the brambles is Savage dragged through by the thick flowery vines of the statue, the thorny wall tearing apart upon his backside
Descending near the awaiting mouth of the plant below, Savage feels his fall come to a halt.
After these thoughts does the blue psychic take a quick moment to ponder to herself, gauging the walls of their thorny prison.
After having thrown her red brother out from the confines of the thorny prison, she looks down towards her other brother and finds him in the midst of tearing the stem of the carnivorous plant.
Though the crisp night air, the red demon careens like the last thrown pigskin of a fully packed football game with mere seconds left on the clock.
Once his siblings soon rejoin his side, a bickering question leaves his lips.
Glancing into the direction their sister points, the duo find an armada of vegetation quickly drawing near.
The first to lunge out from the pack of plants be a deadly bouquet of dashing delphinium.
From the walkway do a mess of thorny bramble envelope Savage’s ankle, the red demon feeling them tug at his leg.
From the bushes upon the side do an arrangement of sunflowers rise, their yellow petaled heads aimed directly upon the unsuspecting Savage.
Their congratulations are cut short however upon laying eyes on the calla that sprout, their cups opposed towards the trio in response to their burning rampage.
From the stretching trees above do swirling round fruit begin to bloom upon the branches, the growing heads violently shaking from within.
Nearing from behind the blue psychic, a massive wooden arachnid crawls in an attempted attack.
Assaulting the green demon be a mess of wriggling weeds; their ends sporting thorns in the shape of scythes.
As her brothers were busy holding back the plantation of plants determined to end them, Priss sat motionless, eyes completely shut.
With the hidden botanical bastard exposed, the blue psychic opens her eyes up to the world once again, a devilish smirk stretches across her face.
Their prey having been found, the nightmare triplets race through the outdoor garden, determined to uproot the botanical bastard from the soil of his dominion.
Upon that suggestion do both of her brothers leap high into their air, coming together in the apex of their jump.
Upon their final obstructions demise, the Nightmare triplets lands right on top of where Priss detected the green thumbed gardener.
Mentally subdued by the small medium, the gardener proves helpless upon Priss’s mental mercy.
Upon her search for the books whereabouts does she happen to come across the mans memories.
From the depths of the green thumbed bastards mind, Priss retreats back to the outside world
“Will you two just...Stop!” Priss shrieks, turning towards her brothers with an incandescent scowl.
In the midst of the trio’s heated argument, the defeated gardener comes to; too weakened by the both the psychical and mental trauma that the triplets had inflicted to even stand.
Dashing to the wall were his sister was smashed in, Savage jerks the flora away, preying that Priss was still in one piece.
To his surprise, he finds no trace of his sister, but a hole hidden behind the flowers. Smashing the hole wider revealed the tunnel to lead downward, the entrance proving far too small for either of the hulking giants to squeeze through. Savage stares down into the darkness of the tunnel, one question resting on his mind. Where’d you go sis?
First time actually writing with these three.
Speaking of Priss, I went with making her act stressed and strained, given how she has to constantly keep her bro's in line.
Overall, writing for these three was fun. Had a nice time figuring out how'd they act among each other and I plan on wrapping up their family problems by the next chapter.
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