#tape guestlists
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bellabusinessblr ¡ 4 years ago
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hellostephen194 ¡ 5 years ago
Tape London Dress code is Smart, Sexy look and high heel for ladies, Elegant look for gents. Casual dress code, intoxicated customers and male-heavy entourages are completely discouraged. Dress to Impress!
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imarenegade ¡ 3 years ago
Canon 2Doc moments list
Here is the list I compiled of all the 2Doc moments in Gorillaz Canon grouped by phase with sources and links, there are a lot but being there is a 20 year history with many magazine interviews, webchats etc if I missed anything please let me know!
Phase 0
Murdoc: Yeah. That’s when your second eye went. You flew through the windscreen at 70 miles an hour, landing on your head once more. You skidded on your face for maybe half a mile, but when you came round, my God! ... Murdoc: He stood up really slowly his back still towards me, and really slowly turned around, like one of the zombies in those films he watches, and there were… no eyes! Just two black holes, a vacant stare
2D: That must have been pretty scary.
Murdoc: No, mate. I saw it! It looked great! A blue-haired, black-eyed God! The Girls would go wild, I knew I had it. You were still a bit mental, but I had my frontman! ...I could see that the girls would go crazy for his pretty boy looks, so I made him the Gorillaz singer.
How could you not? There he stood before Murdoc ‘Love’s young deity’. Rise of the Ogre pg 20, 22
Phase 1
Re-hash Murdoc and 2D put the lyrics together by Murdoc writing phrases on magnets and 2D throwing them on the fridge RIse of the Ogre pg 44
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Russel and Noodle headed back to the UK to source directors for Gorillaz first promo video. Meanwhile, Murdoc and 2D stayed in Jamaica. Murdoc was climbing a coconut tree at one point, fell out and hurt his back. He took a photo of 2D while lying on the ground after falling Rise of the Ogre pg 54
“Murdoc took full advantage of the London rehearsals, taking time out with 2D in the evening to hijack various guestlists round the capital” Rise of the Ogre pg 70-71
Russel: We all love each other besides Murdoc who hates everyone and himself equally Murdoc: …Yeah, yeah exactly, that would be true. Ah, what’s your point? 2D: Aw, I love you Murdoc! Murdoc: I won’t say it again; I saved your life, you owe me your soul man 2D: Okay! Murdoc: Oh, nice one! The Apex Tapes March 2001 https://youtu.be/HMUYwVV4F1Y
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May 22 2001 Murdoc moves into 2D’s room while his Winnebago is stolen https://gorillaz.fandom.com/wiki/2-D%27s_Room_(Kong_Studios)
Chris Holloran: 2d and Murdoc, what's goin' with you two? Why do you hate each other? 2D: I don't hate him. He's my best mate. Murdoc: Told you before, I'm not gonna say it again - I saved your life, you owe me your soul. 2D: Okay. http://gorillazweb.yaia.com/interviews.html
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2D and Murdoc playing games together Gorillaz Bitez, Game of Death https://youtu.be/DJdmYwaDPAo
Bonus! A screencap that someone photoshoped that NME used for an official article:
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2D: Er… I don’t want to scare you Murdoc, but I’m locked in here with you. I do have a key somewhere but I can’t find it. I’ve been watching you… sleeping and……you’re quite….beautiful… when you’re quiet. Gorillaz Official Forum, Sept 9 2003
Phase 2
2D hit his head when falling from a tree at the age of eleven, causing a complete and total loss  of his bodily hair.. When it came back, the natural colour  was a deep azure blue Murdoc: Collars and cuffs? 2D looks down awkwardly, scratching his head. Rise of the Ogre pg. 18
2-D: Oi! Oi! Oi, Murdoc! (Murdoc: Oh no..) I need - I need - I need you to help me tie my shoe laces up! Fuse TV interview https://gorillaz.fandom.com/wiki/Fuse_TV_%22Murdoc_and_2-D%22_short_interview https://youtu.be/cLnkQAeMbIM Murdoc: I’m moving on with 2D to St Johns in Newfoundland and we’re going to settle there 2D:Yeah and have a little scone shop Murdoc:We’re going to have swan shaped scones Both: giggle/laughing Both: If you like scones like swans come to St Johns 2D and Murdoc’s chats during the Demon Days Live in NY https://youtu.be/k8o5KHRVFd0
2D: Uh, Uh, could I – could I just, Uh, KA - U - WAH - AYE…Uh…carry on, sorry I forgot what I was say….. (Murdoc: It’s alright – It’s alright –) 2D: No no, it’s gone, it’s gone, it’s gone…I’m sorry... L (Murdoc: It’s alright. It’s alright) Murdoc: No – No worry. He – he gets like that sometimes. … Interviewer: It’s lovely to witness the bond between you actually after – after all – Murdoc: Oh – 2D: Oh I don’t – Murdoc: After all we been through? 2D: I don’t like the last Bond.
2D: What because I have purple hair?
Murdoc: It’s a purple headed, trouser snake….I don’t know why I said that, I sna… -chuckles- Uh - uh, I can we say that in the Times telly pod? 
Murdoc: Uhh...but it can hit – (Interviewer: Like a swan!) like a swan…like a cygnet -chuckles- like a scone!
2D: Like a swan scone! Murdoc: Like a swan shaped scone! 2006 Times Magazine interview https://gorillaz.fandom.com/wiki/Gorillaz:_Times_Magazine_Interview_(Part_2)
Phase 3
I don't think I'll be giving the game away too much, If I say; he's a twerp with blue hair, who somehow got himself into my band because he looks good, he sings great and he's got no eyeballs. Yes folks, next week I'll be dragging, that old bugger 2-D into my house of horrors, lighthouse booth to sit in alongside me and- shut his face, while I play more Gorillaz tracks. February 16 2010 https://gorillaz.fandom.com/wiki/Pirate_Radio:_3 https://youtu.be/9_6MwctTrYE
`Empire Ants’ (feat. Little Dragon) A moment’s peace amongst the rush. I sampled a lot of this from the theme music to Tomorrow’s World, and the vocalist is Yukimi Nagano from Little Dragon, an electronic band from Sweden. It was actually 2D who got me into Little Dragon. He played me this lovely song of theirs called ‘Twice’, which he first heard on the TV show Grey’s Anatomy NME Blog February 22 2010 https://www.nme.com/blogs/nme-blogs/gorillaz-plastic-beach-murdocs-track-by-track-guide-781091
@MurdocGorillaz Jul 23, 2010 We’re having a ‘BBQ summer’ here at Plastic Beach. An oil barrel stuffed with landfill is an ideal broiler. Stick another shrimp on,Stu-Pot!
Q: Is it lonely on Plastic Beach with no women around? Just you and 2D Murdoc: Yeah. It can be. But I've got measures in place to alleviate uh said loneliness. And I'm not going to go into any kind of great detail about that but you know
Q: Murdoc, what's your favorite color? Murdoc: BLUUUUUUUUUUEEEE! I like blue! I like Blue and I like green. Um mix them together and you get turquoise you know. Blue's my favorite color. September 16 2010 Murdoc live Facebook Webchat https://youtu.be/0x-ZErVzVt8
Murdoc: I’ll tell you what, when he stood up, WOW! What an image; tall, pretty, blue spiky hair... 2-D: No eyeballs. ... Murdoc: Come on 2D, let's grab a quick sharpener, last one at the bar is a wanker. (Murdoc leaves with a bang of a door) 2D: Uhhh... Thank you, and goodnight. iTunes Interview October 27 2010 https://youtu.be/Wnq3nm6ZtNc https://gorillaz.fandom.com/wiki/ITunes_Interview:_Plastic_Beach
Murdoc: Pretty soon I’m going to be joined by a creature that we all know and love, 2D, singer of my band, Gorillaz. He’s uh- he’s just downstairs getting ready at the moment (single laugh), taking off the old gimp mask and combing his hair all nice for you. ... So while we’re waiting for him to put on his clothes and tie his special needs shoelaces, I’ll play you this. ... And with these, you made a scrapbook album on America. If you had to sum up Detroit in one sound, what you think that sound would be? 2D: I think maybe, it would sound something like this, (coughs in preparation) (the first ‘noise’ from “Detroit” plays, the track then continues with Murdoc and 2D ‘creating it’ as it goes along) Murdoc: Okay, that’s good, I see. (2D speaking over him: right, well) And then what’s next? 2D: And then I do this. Murdoc: Okay, yeah, I’m with you. 2D: Yeah and then I do a bit of this. Murdoc: Yeah, yeah, yeah, that’s good- that’s good (yeah, aha) 2D: Yeah, ya see? Ah? You get- yeah, right yeah. I do, that a cu’pla times. Murdoc: That’s nice, really nice. 2D: And then, right, I get into a bit of this… Yeah, eh?... Mm? See that, eh? Ya feelin’ that? Ya feel me? Murdoc: Yeah! Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, that’s great! 2D: Yeah, yep, thought you’d like it. And then I do a bit like this. Murdoc: WOW! That’s excellent! Nice one, can I join in? 2D: Yeah! Yeah, why not. Murdoc: Well can I do some vocals? 2D: Yeah, use this. This thing- Yeah, that thing there, yeah just-just, just speak into it. Murdoc: (clears throat) Oh, uh, yeah. Uh, right, right, I think I’ve got it. Here goes. 2D: Nice vocal… Good stuff, good stuff… Okay, I’m gonna bring this in now, yeah. Step tune, and fade in, now. (the track draws to a close) Murdoc: Phew, a bit puffed out now, (deep breath) thanks. That was great 2D. That really explains a lot. 2D: I’m just glad to help, really… Pirate Radio 5 April 10 2011 https://gorillaz.fandom.com/wiki/Pirate_Radio:_5,_The_Fall https://youtu.be/qujp3KfQYhI
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In the original storyboard for the “Do Ya Thing” MV 2D hugs Murdoc back in the comic strip https://fdocuments.in/document/gorillaz-do-ya-thing-storyboard-converse.html
Phase 4
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2D’s poster of Murdoc in his room in Spirit House https://youtu.be/QzqJnYuq97s
Highsnobiety: What's one of the strangest things to ever happen to you while on tour?
2-D: One time Murdoc got very drunk. He pointed at me then one of the security guards escorted me to his trailer. When I got inside, Murdoc gave me strawberries and told me about all the tragedies in his life, stopping only to cry or smoke a joint. Afterwards, he said I was a good listener, and not like all the other girls. We hugged, exchanged numbers, and I left. He never called. https://gorillaz.fandom.com/wiki/2-D_Speaks_to_Highsnobiety_-_November_2016
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(Via user Dreamsofperil)
Q: The film you can quote the most of Noodle: “I’m sorry, Wilson. I’m sorry! WILSON! WILSON!” Cast Away came out the year I joined Gorillaz. 2D would watch it five times a day. It really spoke to him; he even drew his own Wilson onto a watermelon. Murdoc butchered it with his battle-axe. Then juiced it. Maybe he was jealous. Or thirsty. Loud and Quiet April 25 2017 https://www.loudandquiet.com/short/getting-know-everything-need-know-noodle-gorillaz-yes-shes-cartoon/
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(2D in his underwear, with Murdoc shirtless wearing high heels laying in his piano in front of a picture of Liberace)
2D: We try to spend as little time together at the studio as possible. Murdoc: I don’t know what it is, 2D has some issues with me, I don't myself. Mr.Jam: Let’s leave it here cause all you both gonna do is argue… Murdoc: No!! No, Mr.Jam!! We don’t!! We don’t!! There’s a love there, you know. (This whole interview has a lot of good moments) BBC Radio 1 interview April 1St 2017 with Mista Jam https://youtu.be/WWcb_r6cdAE
Things seemed pretty amicable between you and the rest of the band in your latest video, all things considered. How are relations with everyone? 2D: A little better. Murdoc used to practise his torture techniques on me, but since he got into S&M, he’s been beating and torturing himself more than me. So I’m feeling positive. Dazed Skype interview April 27 2017 https://www.dazeddigital.com/music/article/35725/1/we-skyped-every-member-of-gorillaz
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(2D and Murdoc standing close, smiling, as 2D lights Murdoc’s cigarette)
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2D wearing a razor blade necklace engraved with Murdoc’s name
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2D's favorite inspirational quote is something Murdoc said
2D Reddit AMA https://www.reddit.com/r/gorillaz/comments/6hmdmu/hello_world_2d_here_ask_me_anything/
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Even though Russel is the best cook 2D and Murdoc just talk about each other 
Gorillaz Reddit AMA  https://www.reddit.com/r/Music/comments/682hwf/ama_we_are_the_gorillaz_ask_us_anything/
Favorite one hit wonder?
2D;: “’Somebody’s Watching Me’, by Rockwell. The chorus goes “I always feel like someone’s watching me”. I can really relate to that because of all the CCTV and things in modern society. And the surveillance camera Murdoc installed above my bed.” Shortlist May 5 2017 https://www.shortlist.com/news/gorillaz-ultimate-playlist-damon-albarn
What’s your perfect Sunday? MN: Sunday being the day of rest, [Gorillaz member] 2D waits on me hand and foot. He does that every day, to be fair, but on Sunday he wears a little apron, which makes it extra special. So, 1 p.m., I’m probably still in a booze coma. By 3 p.m., if I’m still out, 2D fires up the defibrillator and gives me a few hundred volts. Just to blow off the cobwebs. I normally punch him in the face due to the pain of the electricity, then he goes off to make me a Full English, which is a cocktail of our greatest liquids: gin, brown ale, Earl Grey tea, and Ronseal. Then I skin up a brunch trumpet of high-grade hash mixed with Nescafé Gold Blend and take 2D out for a walk in one of London’s famous parks. I’ll throw a stick for him or let him chase the ducks for a bit. Once he’s tired out, I head back home for Midsomer Murders, work on my cross-stitch, and reply to my latest hate mail. https://www.avclub.com/gorillaz-s-murdoc-says-he-s-almost-entirely-free-of-b-1798261196
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2D’s itinerary for his last day which includes going to Uncle Norm’s to remember when Murdoc hit him with his Astra Last Day On Earth by Stuart Pot, G Magazine page 34
Phase 5
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All of 2D’s lyric journal is basically 2Doc content https://imgur.com/a/K5EjPjv
@murdocgorillaz​ Oct 27, 2018 I’ve had so much caffeine I’m starting to hallucinate. Just had a twenty minute tête-à-tête with 2D, turns out to be a golf umbrella. Similar level of conversation, mind you. I’M STILL ONLINE
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2D wearing Murdoc’s Phase 4 clothes
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2D’s shoe laces perpetually untied while Murdoc was in prison and not around to tie them
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Free Murdoc chats https://gorillaz.fandom.com/wiki/FreeMurdoc
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The “Souk Eye” live visuals featuring Murdoc https://youtu.be/8AXgabiotqI
Phase 6
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Murdoc’s daily routine
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Machine Bites #4 No real need to include this but I love when Murdoc yells at the person laughing in the background to shut up because he and 2D are talking (about snacks, Murdoc prefers krisprolls over ryvita) https://youtu.be/LUNJucKX1O4
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@MurdocGorillaz Mar 5, 2020 for asking: is 2D wearing my captain’s hat from Plastic Beach? Not the same one cos that got eaten (long story). But I bought a new one and gave it to the lad, a little good luck charm for his voyage. You look smashing, matey! #DebunkDesole
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@MurdocGorillaz Really great, thanks for asking dumbass juggalo. We're better than ever. Soon as the weather clears we're going for a lovely ride together on our new tandem bike. 11:16 AM ¡ Mar 5, 2020
@MurdocGorillaz Mar 5, 2020 Thanks for noticing, biscotti. That's due to the great new foundation 2D bought for me. Because I'm worth it.
Machine Bites #6 2D: "Feeling better now Murdoc? I haven't heard you crying for a few hours." Murdoc: "My tear ducts dried up years ago. – I watched 'The Notebook' last night; [2D: "Oh yeah"] dry as the Gobi Desert."
Murdoc: "Oh! Man! Yeahyeayea yeah! This is eyeball sweat, ehhh? I told you about that in 2007." https://youtu.be/mVZN1nBrWAg
Machine Bites #7 2D: His eyeballs are sweating again, you uh- do you need some um- Murdoc: They're not! 2D: Do you need some antiperspirant for your eyeballs? Murdoc: Oh wait a minute, yeah they probably are a little bit, mhmm https://youtu.be/TqSBvmcBdns
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Murdoc "bromanced" 2D the week leading up to the Aries shoot https://twitter.com/gorillaz/status/1258780308213809152
Machine Bitez #15 Oct 1 2D: Have you ever been positive for a whole hour? Should we try it? Murdoc: Don't know if I could do it! 2D: Do you like my shoes? Murdoc: No. https://youtu.be/PmEKOMIMY-0
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Murdoc answers his own questions on the Pac-Man video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G-7U-FDql1A
“Not sure I like your tone here, mate,” he queries us. “The study of Orgonomy demands huge dedication and sacrifice. I’ve spent months in a box wearing nowt but my underwear. Not to mention the horrible experiments 2-D bravely volunteered for. So a bit more respect, yeah?" Clash magazine interview April 5 2021 https://www.clashmusic.com/features/land-of-the-permanent-sun-gorillaz-interviewed (Side note: "Orgone Accumulator, a fraudulent device alleged to recharge a person's orgone, the energy of sexual orgasm." https://medical-dictionary.thefreedictionary.com/orgonomy So Murdoc was experimenting on 2D in his sexual energy orgasm box) 
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2D and Noodle Reddit AMA https://www.reddit.com/r/Music/comments/i4s8zi/hello_world_im_2d_from_gorillaz_ask_me_and_noodle/.compact
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2D's hallucinations of Murdoc while “stranded” in Gaudalupe Mexico after the attack on Plastic Beach, includes many shots centered on Murdoc’s crotch and butt Wish You Were Here, Gorillaz Almanac pg 12
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Pickled personally by Murdoc, using his secret recipe, Packed by 2D, May contain nuts Niccal’s Pickles ad, Gorillaz Almanac pg 180
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2D was lucky that night Short Stories, Gorillaz Almanac pg 193
"...but um yeah the show must go on, heheh. The good news is Murdoc just brought me a nice cup of tea.”
Song Machine Radio episode 1 - 2D and Georgia  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U0GJkAArG60
Song Machine Live Murdoc talks about the big party he threw for 2Ds birthday but he didn't invite him. 2D invites Murdoc to his room to put together a puzzle which Murdoc doesn't find to be a fun time December 12 2020 Song Machine live https://youtu.be/vrbPV4yusSg
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2D's booty shorts he wears in the Humility MV framed and hung on the wall of Murdoc's Winnebago, Fred Perry x Gorillaz app May 2021
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Murdoc wearing Fred Perry "2d" bomber jacket, Fred Perry x Gorillaz May 2021
Seeing as we’re still in the throes of a pandemic, we should probably start with the obvious: How’s your health?
2D: Yeah I’m OK cheers for asking. Russ and Noodle are good too, but it’s hard to tell with Murdoc as he always looks green and not well. It’s the same with kiwis, how do you know if they’ve gone mouldy if they are green in the first place? The only way to know is by eating them Indie Mag interview May 20 2021 https://indie-mag.com/2021/05/20-years-of-gorillaz-interview-fred-perry/
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Murdoc wearing 2D’s shirt from the ‘Tranz’ MV phase 5, gfoot capsule collection August 2021
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 Murdoc asked everyone to dress up as elves and sing carols, only 2D did and sang to Murdoc as he wrote this email. Murdoc Niccals | A Christmas Address email December 16 2021
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crimefightingspiderguy ¡ 3 years ago
marry me
Summary: Shang-Chi and (Y/N) are best friends, but it's not enough. They want to be more, but can they be more?
Warnings: Angst? No spoilers for Shang-Chi and the Legend of the the Ten Rings, just one reference to the movie but it's not a spoiler.
Pairings: Shang-Chi x platonic!reader
Word Count: approx. 2,423
A/N: I based this off the song Marry Me by Thomas Rhett. Go give it a listen, it's a great song! I want to make more fics for Shang-Chi that aren't as angsty as this, but I wanna wait until more people have seen Shang-Chi so I can include scenes from the movie. Hope you enjoy this ❤️
“She wants to get married; she wants it perfect”
“So, when are you two getting married?” Your grandmother asked as she pointed between you and Shang-Chi.
You spit up your water, “Nana, we’ve been over this. Shaun and I are just friends.”
“Then why do you have a scrapbook in your room titled ‘My Dream Wedding’ if you don’t plan on getting married.” She sassed her granddaughter.
This isn’t the first time she had asked us if we were together. Every time (Y/N) just brushed it off as her being old and stuck in her ways. But this is the first time that I’ve heard of this scrapbook. “A scrapbook? This I have to see.” I grinned at (Y/N), her faced flushed and you could basically see the wheels in her mind working up an excuse as to why her nana had said that. But she couldn’t think of any.
“Nana, what did I tell you about snooping?” (Y/N) turned to scold her.
“What? I’m old and have nothing better to do. It has some very beautiful ideas. Have to both worked out the details or are they all your plans dear?”
(Y/N)’s face turned a deep red as I burst out in laughter. “Come on (Y/N), I have to see this” I held out her hand to bring her to her bedroom.
“Look, I’ve been planning my wedding since I was little, okay? I just want to let you know this isn’t some creepy shrine for you and me or something like that.” She said as she hesitantly took the book down from her top shelf above her bed frame.
“Oh, don’t worry, I KNOW this is a dedication to me and our love. You don’t have to hide it.” I chuckled as she punched my arm and gave me a threatening look.
“So basically, I have pictures that I’ve cut out from magazines or printed off from TV shows that I watch with my Nana that I think would go well with my overall theme.”
“She wants her granddaddy preach in the service”
“I originally was going to have my Papa do the service, but that was before he passed last year.” She looked down at the picture of him that she cut out and tapped down at the end of a poorly drawn alter. She put on a sad smile and sighed, “Hopefully by the time I do get married Nana is still around and I can get her ordained online. Then she can speak for both of them.”
“I’m sure she would love that.” I put a hand on her back to sooth her. She was the closest with her grandfather. Since her parents passed away in a car accident when she was young, they were all she had and he spoiled her rotten. Nana warned him not to let her turn too spoiled, they didn’t want her being a brat. But he assured her that he was just showering her with love. I couldn’t help but understand now why her grandfather would go through such trouble to make sure she felt loved. She is worth it.
“And she wants magnolias out in the country”
“I want to have the ceremony outside, have the alter be surrounded by magnolia trees.” She turned the page to pictures of roads and sidewalks lined with magnolia trees, beautiful shades of pink and white blooming across the page.
“Why magnolias?” I remember her telling me years ago that her favorite flower was a white rose, so I thought that she would for sure have those.
“They were my mother’s favorite.” She smiled, “If I’m going to have a ceremony where I’m bringing someone into my family, I want them all there. Even if it’s just in spirit.” She chuckled as she pointed to the single picture of her mother with a crown of magnolias on her head, spinning around in the sun. “I would always make her flower crowns of them, and I think that’s the happiest I’ve ever seen her.”
“I think that her seeing you on your wedding day would’ve made her even happier.” I say, hoping to reassure her. I never met her mother or father. They were gone before I even came to the US. But when I met her, she had this spark in her still, I imagine that it’s the spark she got from her mother. The same spark she seems to have in this photo.
“Not too many people, save her daddy some money”
“So, how are you planning on paying for all this? I mean, realistically a job valeting cars won’t get you far.” I was hoping to try to get her to change the subject so she wouldn’t get too upset looking through this book.
“My daddy left me his savings in his will. My Nana and Papa saved it for when I went to college, but I got enough scholarships I didn’t need it. So, I figured I’d save it for my wedding or buying a house.” She shrugged, “Like I said, I want all the people important to me with me that day. But I will have to have a smaller ceremony because it’s not that much money he’s left. I think I’d invite family and the few close friends that are like family.”
“She got it all planned out. I can see it all right now. I’ll wear my black suit, black tie, hide out in the back.”
“Of course, I’ve made sure you’ll be on the guestlist.” She flipped the next page and pointed to the picture of me and her on prom night our senior year. I’m in a black suit and tie, she had a soft blush pink dress that flowed down to the floor with white magnolias in her pinned-up hair. This was the first time I was able to really picture it all. Not just looking at pictures, but what it would look like as I walked around the place myself. I can see myself hiding in the back as we get ready for the ceremony to start, making some last-minute adjustments to my suit. Making sure my hair looked okay.
“I’ll do a strong shot of whiskey straight out the flask. I’ll try to make it through without crying, so nobody sees.”
I’d probably have to take a shot to ease my nerves. I wonder if I’d be one of those people who would cry as soon as she walked down the aisle.
“This is the dress that I want.” Her voice pulled me out of my thoughts, she showed me a dress that would fit her perfect. It was flowing but puffy. She had a long train and lace accents all over. She would look like a princess. I can see her perfectly in the dress, and not just because she cut a photo of her head out and taped it over the model of the dress, but because I think it is exactly the type of dress, I would expect her to wear. This answers my question, I would definitely be the first one to cry as I saw her walking down the aisle.
“It’s perfect. You’ll look perfect.” I whisper to her. I could see her holding onto my every word. Like she wanted to hear nothing more than those words. I slowly moved my hand from her back up to her cheek and cupped her face. “Everything is perfect.” I tell her. Her skin lights up under my touch, as if it’s a flame setting fire to her body.
“Yeah, she wanna get married. But she don’t wanna marry me. I remember the night when I almost kissed her. I kinda freaked out, we’ve been friends for forever. And I’d always wonder if she felt the same way.”
I’ve never wanted to kiss her more than right now. I’ve thought about it before, but never needed it like I do right now. She started to lean in, eyes fluttering shut. It’s now or never. But something stopped me. I don’t know if it was my nerves, or if it was just too much all at once, imagining us get married, but I just couldn’t do it. She felt me pull away and stopped herself, she shot her eyes open and realized that she read the situation wrong. But she didn’t read it wrong, I just chickened out. I’ve wanted this since the day I met her, but it was just too scary. What if we ended up breaking up and hating each other? She was too important for me to lose.
She just cleared her throat and acted as if nothing happened, turning the next page of her scrapbook.
“When I got the invite, I knew it was too late. And I know, her daddy’s been dreadin’ this day. Although he don’t know he ain’t the only one givin’ her away.”
I woke up to the sound of my alarm, turning over to shut it off I felt the paper I had cried over last night. An invite to (Y/N)’s dream wedding. After the night when she showed me her scrapbook, she seemed to become distant. I don’t know if it’s because we almost kissed and I seemed to reject her, or if she just got too busy with her new boyfriend, but it broke my heart more and more every day until I was just numb. That was 3 years ago, now she had moved on and found someone who wasn’t afraid to grow up and commit to her.
I’d been to see her Nana a couple times after she had started dating him and she scolded me just as I had scolded myself.
“You know, I was really hoping it would’ve been you. You would’ve been perfect together.” She shook her head in disappointment as I helped her in the kitchen while (Y/N) and her boyfriend set the table in the dining room. “I don’t like him as much as I like you.” She sighed and went back to chopping her tomatoes.
“No one’s more disappointed than I am Nana.” I looked down at my hands, feeling empty without hers in them.
“I’ll wear my black suit, black tie, hide out in the back. I’ll do a strong shot of whiskey straight out the flask. I’ll try to make it through without cryin’ so nobody sees. Yeah, she wanna get married, but she don’t wanna marry me.”
“Hey, did you get the invite?” (Y/N) called me shortly after I’d woken up, knowing when my alarm was set for.
“Yeah.” I didn’t know what else to say.
“I know that we haven’t been… the closest lately… but I hope you’ll still come. Afterall you’re in the scrapbook.” She chuckled, hoping she could bring me around to the idea of going. She still didn’t know why I’d distanced myself from her all these years. I can imagine I’ve hurt her, but I only hurt myself every time I see her with him, so I had to do it. “I asked Sam if he’d be willing to make you a best man, since I can’t have you as a bridesmaid. He said of course you could be. It really would mean the world to me if you would.”
While I wanted to be nowhere near Sam, helping him celebrate his wedding day with the love of my life, I wanted nothing more than to be there for her. No matter how she wanted me there.
“Of course, I’ll be a best man. I wouldn’t miss your wedding if the world was ending.” I smiled through the phone, knowing she wouldn’t see just how broken it was.
“Ah! Yay! I was hoping you’d say yes! I can’t wait to tell him. I’ll talk to you later, love you.”
I hung up before I could say anything back.
The day of her wedding came sooner than I’d hoped. It was a beautiful spring wedding with the pink magnolias surrounding the alter in full bloom. I was in a black suit and tie with a flask of whiskey hidden in my coat pocket. I was in the back helping Sam make his last preparations when I saw her.
“But she got on her dress now, welcomin’ the guests now. I could try to find her, get it off of my chest now.”
She was stunning. The sun shining off her in the most perfect way. She was out greeting guests before the ceremony started, in her reception gown, saving the real gown for later when no one would see. Even in this substitute dress I couldn’t help dropping my jaw when she turned my way. She came over to me and threw her arms around me. “I know I’m supposed to be getting ready, but I couldn’t wait to see you.” She whispered in my ear. God did I miss her.
“(Y/N), there’s something I want to tell you.” I start to work up the courage. It was now or never.
“But I ain’t gonna mess this up, so I wish her the best now. I’m in my black suit, black tie and out in the back. Doin’ a strong shot of whiskey straight out the flask. I’ll try to make it through without cryin’ so nobody sees. Yeah, she wanna get married. But she don’t wanna marry me.”
“Yeah Shang-Chi?” She looked up at me as she pulled away from me. She looked so perfect. I just wanted to tell her everything on my chest and run away from all this with her. Live happily ever after. But this is real life, this is a wedding she’s planned out since she was a kid. She wants it to be perfect. I can’t take that from her.
“Everything is perfect. You look perfect.” I force a smile as she grins and giggles at me.
“You’re so dramatic, but I love that about you.” She kissed my cheek and told me she’d save me a dance as she went back to her dressing room to finish getting ready.
I pulled the flask out of my jacket and took a strong swig. Sam was calling me over to get in line at the altar.
Bridesmaids one through four walked down the aisle carrying bouquets of pink magnolias. She followed them up in her beautiful gown, straight out of her scrapbook. A bouquet of white roses with pink magnolias blossomed out of her hands. She absolutely took my breath away, but it wasn’t me she was marching towards.
Find more of my work here.
My work is exclusively posted on Tumblr by me, on this blog. If you see my work posted elsewhere, please reach out to me.
Thank you, xx.
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asheejohn ¡ 6 years ago
The tape is a must for the innovative and resourceful night out for the music devotees
looking to involve in the dynamic and influential night.
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thzmttkk ¡ 4 years ago
Long list of this years favourites. Spotify playlist via this link here. Buy Music Club link for albums here. Special mention to Sferic, Experiences Ltd, Youth, Motion Ward, West Mineral, and XPQ? who pushed nothing but cool stuff this year. Same for an unstoppable flow of spaced out mixes by Perila, Pontiac Streator, Special Guest DJ, Ben Bondy, Exael, Aeriform, J, JS, mdo etc. Too many to list them all really.  Most listened albums (a-z) buymusic.club link Actress - 88 ( Self Released ) ASC - Isolated Systems ( Samurai Music ) Civilistjävel! - Generalstrejk ( Low Company ) CS + Kreme - Snoopy ( The Trilogy Tapes ) DJ Python - Mas Amable ( Incienso ) DVS1 - Beta Sensory Motor Rhythm ( Axis ) Israel Vines - And Now We Know Nothing ( Interdimensional Transmissions ) Jake Muir - The Hum Of Your Veiled Voice ( Sferic ) K-Lone - Cape Cira ( Wisdom Teeth ) Koraal - La Casa del Volcán ( Nous’klaer Audio ) LF58 - Alterazione ( Astral Industries ) Move D & Benjamin Brunn - Let's Call It A Day ( Smallville ) Perko - City Rings ( Numbers ) Piezo - Perdu ( Hundebiss ) Pontiac Streator - Triz ( Motion Ward ) Regis - Hidden In This Is The Light That You Miss ( Downwards ) Romeo Poerier - Hotel Nota ( Sferic ) Sockethead - Harj-o-Marj ( Youth ) Soft Boi - So Nice ( Climate Of Fear ) Terrence Dixon - From The Far Future Pt. 3 ( Tresor ) Tolouse Low Trax - Jumping Dead Leafs ( Bureau B ) Ulla - Tumbling Towards A Wall ( Experiences Ltd. ) URA - Blue ( NAFF ) Favourite mixes (a-z) Agonis - INVEINS \ Podcast \ 061 link Bake with Lewis Lowe (Redstone Press) - 30 November 2020 link Bake with Wonja - 28 September 2020 link dBridge - Essential Mix 2020-02-01 link Dino Sabatini - Global Vibe Radio 227 link Erika - vurt podcast 23 link F-on - Alpenglühen #54 link Forest Drive West - Bleep Mix #131 link Garçon - Dekmantel Podcast 284 link Garçon - MNMT 277 link GiGi FM Presents Azu Tiwaline NTS 11/11/20 link Jane Fitz - isolatedmix 97 We Fall Into The Sun link Joe Ellis - Phonons Podcast 065 link Jon K - Cav Empt /// TTT TOKYO Tape link Joy Orbison - wooly window sessions part wun - UKG 4/4 +++ link Karl Meier - The Bunker Podcast 211 link Konduku - The Memoir — Page 46 link Lcp - Blowing Up The Workshop 111 ◆ re:st link Lemna - MNMT Recordings: Lemna (live) — Contact Tokyo link mad miran - a message of manifestation, from the music room link mad miran - clone records x radio radio x ade link mdo - Knekelhuis 63 link Milo Bragg - Campfire Stories 79 (A New Dawn) link Milo Bragg - Club Rooted #1 link Nadia Khan - RA.710 Nadia Khan link Objekt - Essential Mix 2020-06-06 link Patrick Russell - IT.podcast.s09e01: No Way Back Streaming link Patrick Russell - Patterns of Perception 76 link Pessimist And That w/ DJ Python - Noods Radio - EPISODE 9 link Spekki Webu - RA.714 link Toki Fuko - Oslated Mix Episode 205 - Toki Fuko link upsammy - Bleep Mix #122 link Vlada - RA.742 link Woody92 - Patterns of Perception 68 link
Favourite tracks longlist (a-z) playlist Al Wootton - Snake Dance ( Livity Sound ) Andria - Komina ( Phase Group ) Archivist - Cinder Cone (Patrick Russel Remix) ( Second Nature ) Artefakt - Delphic ( Delsin Records ) ASC - Lost to the Void ( Samurai Music ) ASC - Orchid ( Samurai Music ) Azu Tiwaline - Terremer ( Livity Sound ) Batu - SYX ( Timedance ) Ben Bondy - Bodi ( Experiences Ltd. ) Ben Bondy - Lith ( Experiences Ltd. ) Black Merlin - MIEA ( Bitta ) Blâme - Bells ( [Re]Sources ) Blazer SoundSystem - Heavens Gate ( Youth ) BNJMN, rRoxymore - Atoms Speak - rRoxymore Remix ( Delsin Records ) Cio D’Or - Celestial ( Semantica ) Civilistjävel! - Generalstrejk ( Low Company ) Clarity - Taking Effect ( UVB76 ) CS + Kreme - Slug ( The Trilogy Tapes ) CS + Kreme - Blue Flu ( The Trilogy Tapes ) CUB - Dream Logic ( Osiris Music ) D.K. - The Three Realms ( Good Morning Tapes ) DB1 - Point Three ( Nullpunkt ) DJ Python - Alejandro ( Incienso ) DJ Python - oooophi ( Incienso ) DJ Python, LA Warman - ADMSDP ( Incienso ) Don't DJ, Harmonious Thelonious - Hambi ( Midnight Shift ) Donato Dozzy - Mai ( Samurai Music ) DVS1 - Drifting ( Axis ) DVS1 - The Five Aggregates ( Axis ) DYL, DB1 - ECOU #2 ( re:st ) DYL, DB1 - ECOU #12 ( re:st ) E-Unity - Not for Me ( TemeT Music ) Eszaid - The Most Sacred Syllable ( Good Morning Tapes ) Felix K - Deconstructor ( Nullpunkt ) Feral - Crossing ( Hypnus ) Flora Yin-Wong - Aurochs ( Modern Love ) Forest Drive West - Terminus ( R&S ) Forest Drive West - Hidden Past ( Mantis ) Franck Vigroux - Styx ( Raster ) Gavsborg - Making Love To Volca ( Equiknoxx Music ) Gavsborg, Shanique Marie - Earth & Clan ( Equiknoxx Music ) Grimescapes - Emergence ( Youth ) Haedong Seoungguk, D.K. - Daegeum Dosa (D.K. Huru Mix) ( Total Unity ) Henzo - Not Like That, Not Like You ( Worldwide Unlimited ) Higher Intelligence Agency - Sound Matter ( Headphone ) INTe*ra - Aqueduct B1 ( Acting Press ) Israel Vines - Tri Polar ( Interdimensional Transmissions ) Israel Vines - Path Correction ( Interdimensional Transmissions ) Jabu, Daniela Dyson - Slow Down ( Do You Have Peace? ) Jake Muir - Resevoir Of Memory ( Sferic ) Jake Muir - Fleeting Touches ( Sferic ) K-Lone - In The Pines ( Wisdom Teeth ) K-Lone - Bluefin ( Wisdom Teeth ) K-Lone - Honey ( Wisdom Teeth ) Karenn - On Request ( Voam ) KGIV - Blue Octavo ( Eye Teeth ) Konduku - Fallout ( IDO ) Konduku - Cipres ( Mantis ) Konduku - Şeker ( Disk ) Koraal - La Casa del Volcán 7 ( Nous’klaer Audio ) Koraal - La Casa del Volcán 9 ( Nous’klaer Audio ) Kӣr - Topot ( Disk ) Lack - RRRush ( Livity Sound ) Laksa - Fire Kit ( Hessle Audio ) Last Life - Escape ( Samurai Music ) LF58 - Metamorfosi ( Astral Industries ) Ligovskoï - Emeyo ( IDO ) Lo Kindre - Grey Skies (i) ( Phase Group ) LOG - LOG 4 ( Experiences Ltd. ) Low Budget Aliens - HOME SICK! ( XPQ? ) Lurka - Rhythm Hi-Tek ( Timedance ) Lurka - Clean ( Don’t Be Afraid ) Maayan Nidam - Untitled B2 ( Hellium ) Marco Shuttle - Ritmo Elegante ( Spazio Disponibile ) Meetsysteem - Je Wist Het Al ( Nous’klaer Audio ) Mike Parker - The Melting Mask ( Spazio Disponibile ) Monolake - Beirut ( Morphine ) Monolake - Espace Fourier ( Monolake ) Move D, Benjamin Brunn - C-Sick ( Smallville ) Nathan Melja, Pariah - Synesthesia - Pariah Remix ( Kalahari Oyster Cult ) natural/electronic.system. - Scirocco ( Tikita ) natural/electronic.system. - Marea ( Mantis ) NRLSD - Marching Band ( Man Band ) øjeRum - Prelude To The Immortality Of Nothing ( Opal Tapes ) OL - Block24 ( ГОСТ ИНСТРУМЕНТ ) Pan Sonic, Muslimgauze - Muslimgauze - Remix 2 ( Sahko ) Pearson Sound - Alien Mode ( Hessle Audio ) Perko - Stutter ( Numbers ) Perko - Pippin ( Numbers ) Pessimist - Love In The Jungle ( Ilian Tape ) Piezo - Blue Light Mama Magic ( Hundebiss ) Piezo - Amore Tossi ( Hundebiss ) Pontiac Streator - Triz Cohors Pt. 3 ( Motion Ward ) Pontiac Streator - Stuck In A Cave ( Motion Ward ) Primal Code - Elixir ( Hypnus ) RDS - Aro ( De Lichting ) Regis - The Sun Rose Pure ( Downwards ) Regis - Everything is Ahead of Us ( Downwards ) Regis - Eros in Tangiers ( Downwards ) Relapse - Two Worlds Colliding … ( Pinecone Moonshine ) Robin Stewart - Not Buoyant ( The Trilogy Tapes ) Roméo Poirier - Le bématiste ( Sferic ) Roméo Poirier - Du rocher ( Sferic ) Shed - Try ( Tectonic ) Significant Other - Little Blue Pills ( Oscilla Sound ) Simo Cell, Abdullah Miniawy - Caged in Aly's Body ( BFDM ) Skee Mask - Zzodiac ( Ilian Tape ) Sockethead - Love Loss Missing Yearning ( Youth ) Sockethead - In Search Of Truth ( Youth ) Sockethead - Jahiliyyah ( Youth ) Soft Boi - Something to Say ( Climate Of Fear ) Soft Boi - Guestlist ( Climate Of Fear ) Stave, Grebenstein - Rack 4 ( Standards & Practices ) Surgeon - The Golden Sea ( Ilian Tape ) SW. - theMARTIANswing ( Avenue 66 ) Tammo Hesselink - Ballet Mécanique ( Nous’klaer Audio ) Terrence Dixon - Unconditional Love ( Tresor ) Terrence Dixon - Program Weight ( Tresor ) Terrence Dixon - Earth Station ( Tresor ) The Untouchables - Pon A Dread ( Rupture London ) Tolouse Low Trax - Dawn Is Temporal ( Bureau B ) Tolouse Low Trax - Inverted Sea ( Bureau B ) Tolouse Low Trax - Berrytone Souvenier ( Bureau B ) Toma Kami - Gymnase Chaos ( Man Band ) Two Shell - Fracture ( Mainframe Audio ) Ulla - Leaves and Wish ( Experiences Ltd. ) Ulla - Feeling Remembering ( Experiences Ltd. ) Ulla - Soak ( Experiences Ltd. ) upsammy - Send-Zen ( Dekmantel ) URA - Dirge ( NAFF ) URA - Shojin ( NAFF ) Varuna - Ratu ( Mantis ) VC-118A - Plonk ( Delsin Records ) Via Maris - Lapse ( Timedance ) Wang Inc. - Gommone ( Random Numbers ) Waon-P - BRF dante2infelno - donfellianoeverythingmix ( The Trilogy Tapes ) Web - Ancient Wind ( Acido ) Yogg, Pharaoh, CUB - The Neverending Gever (CUB Version) ( Parallax ) YPY - Garando ( Acido )
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nightclubslondon ¡ 3 years ago
Dress Code Tonteria London
Tonteria is a Mexican tapas lounge and cocktail bar with a wide range of unique cocktails and drinks. Needless to say, the speciality of the house is tequila. This exclusive nightclub is attracting many high-end crowds of London and out of it. Therefore, Tonteria has a very strict door policy. Tonteria London Dress Code.
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If you want to be part of the high-end crowd and be a VIP guest at Tonteria, you should consider being on Tonteria guestlist. Known for its good reputation as a top-class nightclub, the dress code is mandatory both for men and women. Not following the rules according to the entry policy means you cannot have access to the venue.
Visit our website VIPTablesLondon to book your table in your favorite nightclub in London.
Other Articles: Tape London dress code.
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dysphorie ¡ 2 years ago
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I can! I'll probably just rb this a few times as things come to me
Obvs you've all heard about me turning down corey taylors ✨️proposition✨️ lmao
There was the time i went to see fear factory and went to the toilet after the support act (spineshank) and no sooner had i started to pee (in the middle stall of three) than my friends suzanne and lynda came in with the singer and drummer of spineshank and started shagging in the cubicles either side of me. So i just had to sit there like O.O with my hands over my ears
I fell asleep in so many graveyards. Glasgow necropolis was the comfiest (also my two best friends caught be having it off with a guy behind some headstones. I only did it cos he looked like the guitarist of eve 6)
Wearing baggy jeans with a wallet chain with band keyrings hanging off it. I sounded like someone rattling a bag of loose batteries when i moved. Being soaked up to your knees in the summer rain
Border bookstores coffee shop on friday nights drinking hot chocolate cos none of us drank coffee and their whipped cream marshmallow hot chocolate was fucking incredible. On fridays they had jazz bands and slam poetry and all sorts of weird acts and we'd listen while trying to remember the tracklist of SOADs first album that someone had made me a tape of
But that's just me stuff. The music that came out or got popular at that time was huge. It was the birth of nu metal despite so many bands that were called nu metal having been around since before kurt cobain died. Like i saw korn in 1996 at glasgow garage, capacity 700 people, but they still counted as nu metal somehow lol. Gigs were so fucking cheap, like ten bucks to see the offspring when americana came out. You could see a hundred bands a month, especially if you were me who was a dab hand at getting on guestlists (ask me about the static x gig lmao)
I'll probably be back with more! If anyone else has memories from that time plz feel free to join in! If you talk about listening to limp bizkit at 5 in your dads car on the way to gymboree I'll hate you for making me feel old tho (😂)
God i miss the late 90s/early 00s. I literally have a nostalgia ache in my chest rn
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magesparticles ¡ 4 years ago
Top Nightclubs For Table Booking In London
London is greatly known for its varied and exquisite nightlife, not only on the weekends but also during the weekdays. We take care of your table booking or to the most famous clubs in the capital. Cirque le Soir, Reign Showclub, Drama Park Lane, Reign Showclub, Toy Room, Scandal, Maddox, Libertine, Tonteria, The Box, Tape Luxx and Mahiki. The only way to get access to them is through a guest list. Our promoters are on hand 24/7 for any requests and bookings. Top Nightclubs for table booking in London.
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Visit our website Nightclubs London to book your table or guestlist in any of your favorite nightclub in London.
Other Articles: Table Booking At Mahiki London.
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bellabusinessblr ¡ 6 years ago
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hellostephen194 ¡ 5 years ago
Do you want to attend one of the most exclusive venues in London but you are not on the guestlist? Don’t worry, our Tape London Guestlist will help you get access into the hottest nightclub destination for the party lovers.
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sterre-s ¡ 5 years ago
Concept Glorious Garment Gala-xy
Make a strong and flexible concept, have a look at it week by week, adjust to every new situation  Galaxy: An event where there are different rooms that represent a different world • Walk trough even t• Max 30 people in the buidling • We invite the guests in time slots they have to RSVP • Gala: Parody of all the cliches from a launch event • Award show feeling > theme scarf > wear your favourite scarf • Every room reflects a different part of the Garment brand identity • Combination of rooms based on an article or editorial from the magazine and all the cliches of a launch/award show 
First goal: We want to celebrate the launch of our magazine with the company, the people we worked with and important people from the industry we want to share our work with
Second goal: We can make great social content to promote the magazine online
Third goal: We can sell some magazines
Launch details
Name: Glorious Garment Gala-xy
Date: Thursday 25th of June
Location: NDSM Warehouse > Walking route through our Garment Galaxy An event where there are different rooms that represent a different world Every room reflects a different part of the Garment brand identity Combination of rooms based on an article or editorial from the magazine and all the cliches of a launch/award show
Time: We are going to work with time slots from 11 am till 8 pm > 20 minutes and 20 guest per time slot
We are going to work with an appointment scheduling app
The guest can see witch time slots are full and which are still available
They make a reservation like in a restaurant
Guests: Max 20 guests in the building per time slot Guest form the guestlist plus one So they can experience the pop-up together and don’t have to mingle with other guests
Theme/dress code: Gala: Parody of all the cliches from a launch event Award show feeling > theme scarf > wear your favourite scarf
Urgent request that you have to stay home when you are sick. There will be a health check at the entrance. (This is one of the requirements from the RIVM)
The guests have to make a reservation in order to get in
Max. 30 people in the building > 1,5 m distance > we mark the floor with Garment tape
There will be disinfect stations at the entrance and exit
Guest only get one welcome drink there will be no food
No place to gather together > people have 20 min to walk through the pop-up and have to leave immediately when they come out > this will be communicated with them in the invite  
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noms-de-guerre ¡ 8 years ago
Benjamin Booker EsmĂŠ Patterson RED FANG Zola Jesus Aldous Harding Brent Cowles Brothertiger Call of The Void Casey James Prestwood and the Burning Angels Colfax Speed Queen Dirty Few Dragondeer EX-CULT Flaural Khemmis Land Lines Nothing Planes Mistaken For Stars Povi RL Cole & the Angels RUMTUM Sleepy Sun Slow Caves The Life and Times The Raven and the Writing Desk The Still Tide The Velveteers YaSi Ancient Elk Automatic Iris Avifauna Bad Licks Bad Year The Baltic Bandits Bear Antler Beth Preston Big J Beats Bigwheel Electro Soul Birch Street Bison Bone Blake Brown & The American Dust Choir Boat Drinks Boyhollow Briffaut Bright Silence Britt Margit Bud Bronson & The Good Timers byH2O & Ty Til Cheap Perfume Chella & The Charm Chimney Choir Chloe Tang Chocolate Diamond Christopher the Conquered Church Fire CITRA Clouds & Mountains Coastal Wives Cocordion Codename: Carter The Corner Girls Corsicana The Coteries Creature Canopy CRL CRRLL Dandu Dangerous Friends DARKNESS AND STARS Dear Rabbit Decatur deCollage DeDoz Deezie Brown DLZMKSBTS Don ChicharrĂłn Down Time Edison Elder Grown Emerald Siam Evan Holm & The Restless Ones Extra Gold Eye and the Arrow The Fabulous Boogienauts False Report Finding Common Ground FLOATGOAT Forty-Five Plus One with DJ Alf Foxxes Freaky North Funk Hunk Gasoline Lollipops Get Along The Get Together Ghost Tapes Gracie Bassie Grant Sabin and The Juke Joint Highball Grass Grayson County Burn Ban The Guestlist Gun Street Ghost Hang Rounders Happy Child Hello Dollface HERESTOFIGHTIN High Plains Honky The Hollow Holly Lovell Hydraform in/PLANES innerspace Instant Empire Jay Triiiple Jen Korte & the Loss Jesse Manley Jilly.FM JL Universe Jocko Homo Joseph Lamar Katey Sleeveless Kid Reverie Kinesics King Cardinal King Eddie The Kinky Fingers Kissing Party The Knock Kyle Emerson La Pompe Futur Larry Nix Lawsuit Models Left Hand Shakes Leon and the Revival Lillian Loretta Kill Los Mocochetes Love Gang Low Hanging Fruit Luna Sol Male Blonding Matt Rouch & The Noise Upstairs Mawule The Maykit The Milk Blossoms Milky.WAV Mirror Fears Modern Leisure Montoneros Montropo Moon Hammer Morning Bear Motion Trap The Munsens Muscle Beach Nasty Nachos Natalie Tate Necropanther Ned Garthe Explosion OKO TYGRA The Omens One Flew West OptycNerd The Other Black The Outfit Pale Sun Palehorse/Palerider Panther Martin The Patient Zeros Particle Parade Patrick Dethlefs Paul Dehaven Paw Paw Peach Oblong Pineross Plastic Daggers Playboy Manbaby Plume Varia Poet's Row Porlolo Post Paradise Potcheen PrettyMouth Pross Proz Taylor Pueblo Escobar Quantum Creep REDLANDS Remember the Radio Retrofette Rossonian Rowboat The Royal RUMOURS FOLLOW Safe Boating is No Accident Saphyre Rain Saskatoon The Savage Blush Sawmill Joe Shady Elders Shiny Around the Edges Silver & Gold Silver and Smoke SIR SIXXXD Soft Skulls The So Help Me's Space in Time Space Jail Sputnik Slovenia Stevie G Sugar Skulls & Marigolds Super Bummer Sur Ellz (ft. members of Air Dubai) SYCDVK Tana Victoria Television Generation That Infernal Racket This Broken Beat Thousand Frames Through The Mountain Tomahawk Fox Turner Jackson Turvy Organ Twin Flame Medicine Tyto Alba U.S. Tygers Units of Disco Vic N' The Narwhals Vick The Violet Tides Viretta We are Not a Glum Lot What Young Men Do Whippoorwill Whiskey Autumn Whole Milk Wildermiss Wire Faces Wolf Van Elfmand Zealot
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asheejohn ¡ 6 years ago
For the Tape table booking and guestlist, booking contact us now! The nightclub London Situated in Hanover Square, Tape London is a nightclub, recording studio, and a lounge. Click on the booking button below for the best VIP Tape table booking!
The tape is an impeccable destination for music lovers and elite partygoers for an elegant night out in London.
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nightclubslondon ¡ 3 years ago
Tape London Dress Code
Tape London dress code is something you should be aware of if you’re willing to get in. Normally, with Tape guestlist or Tape table booking, you can have access to the venue. However, even if you’re a VIP guest and the dress code is not suitable enough, your entry will be denied. No worries, we’ve got you covered with all the tips you need to know before booking!
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Ladies outfit is chic and elegant. All types of dressing are allowed, starting from maxi and medium dresses to mini and cocktails ones. Don’t be afraid to have a glamorous look by wearing an all-black outfit. However, high-heels shouldn’t be missing as flat are not allowed. 
Visit our website VIPTablesLondon to book your table in your favorite nightclub in London.
Other Articles: Tonteria London Dress Code.
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lothmannmaaike ¡ 5 years ago
Name: Glorious Garment Gala-xy
Date: Thursday 25th of June 
Location: NDSM Warehouse > Walking route through our Garment Galaxy 
An event where there are different rooms that represent a different world 
Every room reflects a different part of the Garment brand identity 
Combination of rooms based on an article or editorial from the magazine and all the cliches of a launch/award show
Time: We are going to work with time slots from 11 am till 8 pm > 20 minutes and 20 guest per time slot 
We are going to work with an appointment scheduling app 
The guest can see witch time slots are full and which are still available 
They make a reservation like in a restaurant
Guests: Max 20 guests in the building per time slot
Guest form the guestlist plus one
So they can experience the pop-up together and don’t have to mingle with other guests
Theme/dress code: Gala: Parody of all the cliches from a launch event
Award show feeling > theme scarf > wear your favourite scarf
Urgent request that you have to stay home when you are sick. There will be a health check at the entrance. (This is one of the requirements from the RIVM)
The guests have to make a reservation in order to get in 
Max. 30 people in the building > 1,5 m distance > we mark the floor with Garment tape 
There will be disinfect stations at the entrance and exit 
Guest only get one welcome drink there will be no food 
No place to gather together > people have 20 min to walk through the pop-up and have to leave immediately when they come out > this will be communicated with them in the invite   
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