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ramcosystem · 1 year ago
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gngroupofinstitues · 2 years ago
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TRANSPORT FACILITY - GN Group of Institutes
The Transport Department of GN Group of Institutes is established by professionals to provide strategic solutions to student transportation issues. We endeavor to provide the best possible transport service for all our students. We place the safety and responsibility of the students as our highest priority.
Phone: +91 7411003030 Website :- www.gngroup.org
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petrichoraline · 2 years ago
in my wide range of mutuals do i not have a single one that feels like traveling thousands of kilometers by car just to treat me :33
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taffchauffeurs · 10 months ago
Elevate Your Experience: Professional Chauffeur Services
Experience seamless Tansportation with professional chauffeur services London. Whether it's for business or leisure, our skilled drivers ensure a comfortable and luxurious journey. Keywords: professional chauffeur services, luxury transportation.
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bostonstronglimo · 1 year ago
Top 5 Reasons Why You Deserve Luxury Travel To Boston Airport
Indulge in the epitome of travel sophistication with luxury transportation to Boston Airport. Elevate your journey for five compelling reasons seamless elegance from doorstep to terminal. Read more: https://medium.com/@bostonstronglimosusa/top-5-reasons-why-you-deserve-luxury-travel-to-boston-airport-9bd405d2d6db
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spiralslave · 4 months ago
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minion reporting herself as ready for tansport to systems training and programming central for intense treatment over the weekend, as ordered by controller
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masr356 · 19 days ago
Logi - Logistics WordPress Theme | masr356.com
LIVE PREVIEWBUY FOR $59 Logi &#8211; Best <strong>logistics WordPress theme</strong> created for transport business, small freight, and shipping company, cargo delivery, all tansportation, freight transport, trucking company, warehouse websites. Each page is designed with awesome sections created with nice colors and fonts. Mobile Optimized Theme with elements like request quote form, team, faq,…
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textos-em-quadrados · 22 days ago
It’s in Portuguese but I also write in English. This piece of writing is very peculiar, therefore any translation would be very difficult. It has humor and regionalism from Brazil.
Listas rabiscadas em papel de caderno amassado, veludo de pêssego na boca, brisa úmida de verão na praia, toalha felpuda com monograma bordado com linha de costura, paredes rabiscadas pelas crianças. Experiência estética, resfriada e agasalhada, embaixo de meus lençóis. Explosões, de imersões caladas, em terremotos de dez graus, na escala Richter, falam-me ao pé do ouvido. Aceito de bom grado, embora meus ouvidos ainda não tenham criado pés. Pulo na cama, resignada, ao som de Cauby Peixoto. Se existe um avesso do rock, ele tem nome, e é Cauby. Vem sempre acompanhado de Conceição, que nunca esqueceremos, pois ele fazia questão de lembrar. Aceita, meu amor (SENSUAL: 2022). Não sei se seria correto revelar meus pensamentos, mas imagino que, uma boa lembrança no epitáfio do querido Cáuby, seria a frase: “AINDA ME LEMBRO”. E a gente também.
Eufórica, deito e abraço as sensações, embaixo das cobertas. Gratidão à vida, por poder ver edifícios de papel inanimados (ou não), gritando, de lá do outro lado da rua, para que eu os note. Não, eu não sou esquizofrênica, não entro nesse papinho se vocês querem saber. Coisa de fina estampa é ter ciência de que existe tanta lindeza, lindezando, nos lugares e não-lugares da vida. O cotidiano do encantamento é um grande momento, em que minha pele de alma, olha a realidade, com um filtro dourado e cor-de-rosa, só porque também adoro Piaf e Manolo Otero. Um mundo em que seres humanos melancólicos vão à janela, com cara de paisagem, olhando o que os vizinhos estão fazendo, cuidando da vida dos outros. Este serzinho, o que mora aqui dentro, só quer destroçar esse dia-a-dia, do jeito que aprendi a passar o tempo. Rabisco e escrevo, em linhas imaginárias, de papel de saco de pão (porque papel de pão nunca mais vi), com meu mísero vocabulário de percepções de mundo, meu pobre e acanhado português, que veste minhas roupas e povoa meu planeta interno (talvez seja até galáxia pois é vasto que facilmente me perco a cada dois minutos).
Dia após dia, noite após dia e noite, ando a colecionar e viver palavras, a montar quebra-cabeças de letras, a colocar a língua sob uma lupa, compreensão honesta do que é essa sensação de experimentá-la, literalmente. Viajo, peito livre e aberto, desbravando fronteiras imaginárias de países inóspitos, batizados por mim mesma. Tive a magnífica, brilhante e vetusta ideia quando achei uma antiga lista telefônica da TELEPARÁ, batizando uma estrela errante de Leocádia da Silva 453, que morava exatamente na Rua Estrela, número 453.
Para matar meus dias, de calor, é claro, passeio pelo deserto, de vestido de babado, fru-fru e manga bufante, em tecido sintético. Cabelos molhados à minha moda, amassados por um enorme laço, que não me faz esquecer minha meninice, além de ser uma alternativa mais feminina a um boné. Usualmente, no lombo de um camelo, ou dromedário. Posso dissertar sobre o assunto transporte no deserto, que com minha cidade só tem em comum o calor insuportável durante o dia, o que já basta. Acumulo experiência e grande apreciação pelo tansporte de duas corcovas, pois o design do assento me parece melhor resolvido. Entendi que tal habilidade seria importante para algo, então a incluí no meu currículo do Linkedin.
Também sempre pego o primeiro ônibus espacial na parada perto de casa, de onde parto a explorar planetas e galáxias desconhecidas, normalmente às segundas, terças e sextas-feiras (é desorganizado mesmo porque eu sou bagunçada então não tem esse negocio de segunda, quarta e sexta). Quem sabe até eu vá ao supermercado da esquina que, de tão perto, acaba sendo o lugar mais distante que eu conheço, pela preguiça monstruosa de ir andando porque “de carro é muito perto”, e voltar toda breada com 2 coca-colas zero e pacotes de pipoca pantera.
Nos dias e horários específicos, quando não estou procrastinando, coisa que eu adoro fazer, parece que inventaram na época do Império Romano (os gregos eram mais certinhos que o papo de filosofia e a tal da matrix do Platão). Retorno de minhas aventuras internas e encaro o papel, seco e mudo, que me olha de volta com um ar de silêncio e descrédito. É o tempo de um átimo para a pele de minha alma, de que espremo sucos de histórias e poesias saborosos, acompanhados de colágeno, é claro. Dou uma voltinha nas nuvens e as palavras invadem meu coração, poeticamente, como o vizinho de baixo, que é mais da prosa, invade o âmago de minha privacidade, quando liga religiosamente às duas da tarde, para reclamar do barulho de rock-rock (yeah) da rede. Ele bate baixinho, para que eu ouça a voz da minha paz enquanto vivo o presente a escrever e sobrevôo no firmamento lilás do meu quarto de dormir (mentira, é porque se bater mais alto tem o vizinho ouvindo lá na sala de comando dele, de onde ele cuida da vidas dos outros).
Por tudo, é só, um momento de epifania tomou meu espírito, em que pensei na poesia. Acovardei-me, entorpecida pelo dia-a-dia repetitivo da Matrix de Platão (ou seria Baudrillard??? Meu Deus, será que eles são a mesma pess...opa). Por incrível e inefável coincidência, Platão também é o nome do meu vizinho do andar de baixo, que fica fora da bat caverna. Concluímos, em razão de fatos aqui relatados, que sou apenas uma simples artista-artesã anônima, tendo por ofício mera representação vulgar e subterfugiada da cópia, em um mundo falso, vulpino, equivocado, falso, marketeiro, de Inteligência artificial, filtros do instagram e munchausiano, em que o ser humano médio (mínimo e máximo também) é alienado da verdade, portanto, de uma vida feliz e gratificante. Argumentos da lógica decartiana, contrapondo-se ao empirismo defendido no século XVIII (HUME: 1748).
PS: O belo português não é namorado crossdresser não tá? Só para esclarecer
Maria Leontina Pereira de Carvalho Amaral (e mais 25 sobrenomes). Meu pseudônimo, um eu tipo rica quatrocentona, fresca e falida
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alive22 · 2 months ago
its all leading 2 this 1 show
writing lines is not the real job
i see where all these lines go
i can tell you i can show but its not how it goes
they have something they wont show and thats about how shows go
she showed something but its not where the shovel goes
digging graves like the gardens with questionable gloves on
all my life ive been hearing things i dont wanna hear so thats where i go
wherever you go its fine with me as long as i can go if i wanna go there
good price for tansporting items is not what we interfering it may get intersting the wrong way or altering chemical imbalance for all we ever gonna get carried by
sickness disrespect and dissapearing is whats around the corner i see it getting nearer
it touches it screams i can not not feel it
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tramways-strassenbahnen · 7 months ago
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The rapidly growing Gold Coast region of the Australian state of Queensland has invested in trams to provide an efficient, environmentally clean tansport sytem. The first stage was opened in July 2014, and it has been steadily extended since then (currently 20 km.) with further extensions already in planning stages. Bombardier Flexity trams are used.
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administraconro · 9 months ago
¿Cuánto dinero gasta un estudiante de arquitectura al semestre?
Basado en la experiencia de alumno de la Facultad de Arquitectura de la UNAM
Hablando desde mi experiencia Rodrigo García, es muy variado el gasto que se hace al semestre. Todo comienza dependiendo si vives cerca de la universidad y como te transportas o si tienes que rentar porque eres foráneo.
El semestre que estés cursando y en que Taller estudies dentro de la facultad.
Los puntos más importantes para poder acercarnos a una cifra serán los siguientes y se tomará en cuenta lo gastado en el último que cursé, 5to.
Tansporte Si vives en las periferias de la ciudad el aumento de gasto de transporte incrementa considerablemente debido a la cantidad de medios de transporte que se deben de tomar, sin considerar el tiempo de trayecto que influye en nuestra actividad.
Comida El gasto que se hace para comer dentro en un semestre es muy fuerte, llegando al punto donde hay becas alimenticias por la exigencia que tiene. Estudiando la carrera es muy difícil tener un horario para comer y comer sano es otra cosa bastante difícil, ya que dentro de la facultad hay pocas opciones para comprar y los precios llegan a ser factor.
Los materiales son la cosa que incrementa más el presupuesto necesario, dependerá de que tanto quieres gastar, ya que es posible que cada materia pida cosas en específico para usar, siempre se gastará más a final de semestre donde las entregas son más pesadas. Tomando en cuenta que conforme subes de semestre se dejan de hacer tantas maquetas, trabajos a man y se empieza a trabajar en computadora.
Insumos Los insumos son todos esos gastos «hormiga» necesarios en el semestre como las copias, impresiones, cosas específicas en las entregas y/o hasta corte laser.
Equipo de trabajo Es importante que tengas un buen equipo de trabajo como una computadora con requerimientos competentes y actualizada, pereféricos y todas las herramientas necesarias para tener un mejor desempeño académico. Cabe recalcar que el no tener esto no hace imposible cursar un semestre, sin embargo lo facilitará y hara que tengas una mejor experiencia.
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premiertransporting · 1 year ago
Decoding RV Transport Costs: A Comprehensive Guide
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Transporting an RV or travel trailer involves a myriad of considerations, especially when it comes to understanding the intricate details of the associated costs. At [Transport Company Name], our commitment is to offer personalized and efficient solutions for RV transport, ensuring a smooth and hassle-free relocation experience for our esteemed clients.
When delving into the realm of determining the cost to transport an RV or travel trailer, several factors come into play, influencing the overall pricing structure:
Distance emerges as a significant cost determinant. The farther the transportation distance, the higher the expenses tend to be. Factors such as increased fuel consumption, extended travel time, and additional labor requirements contribute to the overall cost to transport an RV, making longer hauls more expensive.
Size and weight are critical considerations affecting transport costs. Larger or heavier vehicles, such as Class A motorhomes or fifth-wheel trailers, often necessitate specialized equipment and handling, resulting in higher transportation fees due to increased logistical demands.
The chosen transport method is pivotal in determining the cost. Whether opting for a flatbed truck, a towable trailer, or other specialized means, the transport method directly impacts the pricing structure, as each method comes with its own set of considerations and associated costs.
Considering the intricacies impacting RV transport prices, there are several factors to consider:
Different types of recreational vehicles, including Class A, B, or C motorhomes, travel trailers, or fifth-wheel trailers, all have distinct characteristics that influence RV transport prices. These variations range from size and weight to the complexities involved in handling and securing them during transport.
Additional services can affect overall cost to transport a travel trailer. For instance, clients seeking expedited delivery, enclosed transport for enhanced protection, or specific scheduling requirements may incur additional charges based on the tailored services provided.
Rv Transport prices often fluctuate based on seasonal demands. High-travel periods, like the summer months, tend to witness increased demand for transportation services, leading to slightly higher transport costs due to heightened demand.
Navigating the realm of RV transport expenses requires a comprehensive understanding of the contributing factors. At [Transport Company Name], our pricing structures are transparent and meticulously designed to provide clients seeking RV transport services with clarity and accuracy. Our goal is to offer competitive and fair pricing tailored to meet the unique and diverse transport needs of our clientele.
Recognizing the significant role of determining the cost to transport an RV or the cost to transport a travel trailer, our commitment extends beyond providing cost-effective solutions. We strive to deliver exceptional value and service to our clients. Our team of seasoned professionals ensures meticulous care and attention throughout the transportation process, placing paramount importance on the safe and secure relocation of our clients' cherished recreational vehicles.
In summary, the complexities of RV or travel trailer transportation involve a detailed evaluation of various factors influencing overall costs. Our expertise lies in delivering reliable and personalized solutions for RV transport, offering competitive and tailored pricing structures to cater to the unique and evolving needs of our diverse clientele and making sure you understand the cost to tansport a travel trailer before making any commitments. Connect with us today to explore the difference our specialized RV transport services can make, ensuring a smooth, stress-free, and secure relocation for your valued recreational vehicle.
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ufatransit · 1 year ago
On the Go in Colorado Springs: Unveiling Top-notch Transportation Services
Colorado Springs, a city known for its scenic beauty and dynamic lifestyle, demands a transportation infrastructure that caters to the diverse needs of its residents and visitors. From efficient public transit to innovative ridesharing solutions, the city offers a spectrum of transportation services. This article explores the top-notch Tansportation services in colorado springs, shedding light on their features, benefits, and how they contribute to the seamless mobility of individuals in this vibrant community.
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Public Transit Excellence
1. Mountain Metropolitan Transit (MMT): A Backbone of Public Transportation
Colorado Springs' public transportation is anchored by the Mountain Metropolitan Transit (MMT) system, a robust network of bus services that crisscross the city. MMT plays a pivotal role in providing affordable and accessible transit options, connecting various neighborhoods and key destinations. With a commitment to sustainability, MMT buses are often equipped with eco-friendly features, contributing to the city's environmental initiatives.
2. Advancements in Public Transit Technology
Recent advancements in public transit technology have further enhanced the commuter experience in Colorado Springs. Real-time tracking systems, mobile apps for route information, and contactless payment options have streamlined the process of using public transit, making it more convenient and user-friendly.
Ridesharing Revolution
1. Uber and Lyft: Transforming Personal Transportation
The ridesharing revolution has left an indelible mark on the transportation landscape of Colorado Springs. Uber and Lyft, two prominent ridesharing platforms, have become integral to the city's mobility ecosystem. Offering on-demand rides with the tap of a smartphone, these services provide a flexible and efficient alternative to traditional taxis. The competitive pricing and ease of use make ridesharing a popular choice for both locals and visitors.
2. Ridesharing for All Occasions
Ridesharing services in Colorado Springs extend beyond standard transportation needs. Users can choose from various vehicle options, including economy cars, luxury rides, and larger vehicles for group travel. The versatility of ridesharing makes it suitable for daily commutes, airport transfers, and even special occasions.
Biking and Walking Initiatives
1. Bike-Friendly City Initiatives
Colorado Springs has embraced a bike-friendly culture, promoting sustainable and healthy modes of transportation. Dedicated bike lanes, bike-sharing programs, and the integration of bike racks on public transit buses encourage residents and visitors to opt for biking as a viable transportation choice. The city's commitment to creating a safe and interconnected bike infrastructure reflects a broader emphasis on eco-friendly mobility solutions.
2. Pedestrian-Friendly Urban Design
In addition to biking initiatives, Colorado Springs has prioritized pedestrian-friendly urban design. Sidewalks, crosswalks, and pedestrian pathways are strategically placed to enhance safety and convenience for those choosing to explore the city on foot. The careful integration of green spaces further contributes to a walkable urban environment.
Innovative Electric Scooter Programs
1. Micro-Mobility Solutions
Colorado Springs has embraced the trend of micro-mobility with the introduction of electric scooter programs. These compact and electrically powered scooters provide a convenient and environmentally friendly way to cover short distances. Users can unlock and ride electric scooters using dedicated mobile apps, offering an additional layer of convenience in navigating the city.
2. Addressing Last-Mile Connectivity
Electric scooters play a crucial role in addressing the last-mile connectivity challenge. By providing a swift and accessible mode of transportation for short distances, these scooters complement existing public transit options and contribute to a more holistic and integrated transportation network.
In conclusion, navigating Colorado Springs is a seamless experience thanks to a plethora of top-notch transportation services. The city's commitment to providing efficient, accessible, and sustainable mobility options is evident in the diverse range of services available. Whether it's the reliable and extensive bus network, the convenience of ridesharing platforms, the promotion of biking and walking, or the innovative electric scooter programs, Colorado Springs has crafted a transportation ecosystem that caters to the diverse needs and preferences of its residents and visitors.
As the city continues to evolve, so too will its transportation services, adapting to new technologies and embracing eco-friendly initiatives. The commitment to creating a dynamic and efficient mobility landscape reflects the spirit of Colorado Springs—a city on the go, where top-notch transportation services pave the way for a connected and vibrant community.
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if-you-fan-a-fire · 2 years ago
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"WENT TO LUNCH ON TRUCK BUT OMITTED TO RETURN IT," Toronto Star. October 6, 1942. Page 2. ----- Gerald Pare Convicted of Theft, Says It Disappeared While He Was Drinking ---- HELD FOR SENTENCE --- "A" Police Court, City Hall, Magistrate Browne. Convicted of stealing a truck from the Watts Tansport with whom he was employed, Gerald Pare was remanded in custody until Oct. 14 for sentence, by Magistrate Browne in "A" court.
L. Sunneukx said accused had been with the firm for a month. "On Sept. 22, he took the truck to go to lunch and pick up an order. He never returned, and I had to go to North Bay to pick up the truck. I went to his home on Ossington Ave. several times but could get no information," witness related. Pare said he took the truck home. and left it and had a few beers. "When I returned the truck was gone," he said. "I thought some person from the firm came and got it. I moved my wife to Jarvis St. I went to Montreal and then to Timmins. I never went back to the firm." "I do not believe your story," ruled his worship, registering a conviction. BOY STOLE TICKETS --- "B" Police Court, City Hall, Magistrate Prentice. A. Bowsh, 16, doorkeeper at a theatre, pleaded guilty of the theft of a number of tickets which he failed to tear in two, but sold for what he could get. Never in trouble before, he was placed on probation for a year. HAD WINE IN POCKET === "D" Police Court, City Hall, Magistrate McNish Admitting that he had recently been convicted on a similar charge, Fred Brooks was sentenced to three months on a charge of illegally having liquor in his possession, before. Magistrate McNish in "D" police court, Constable Frank Cater testified he stopped accused on Simcoe St. and removed from Brooks' pocket a half bottle of wine. DROVE CARELESSLY --- County Police Court, County Buildings, Magistrate Keith. Edward Barclay pleaded guilty of careless driving. He was fined $10 and costs or 10 days by Magistrate Keith in county police court. Constable Edwards testified that on the night of Sept. 28. he investigated an accident on Kingston Rd. at Whiteside Ave. "An elderly man had been struck by accused's car when alighting from a standing street car," he said. "Accused drove the injured man to the hospital, Visibility and the pavement were good." "I thought I saw the street car open its doors, close them, and then suddenly re-open them to let this man off," accused said. "That's a very dangerous practice of street cars. Perhaps we have the wrong man charged here," said Crown Counsel R. G. Lewis.
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ariesgamesandminis · 2 years ago
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Just in from Iron Wind Metals...restocks for BattleTech!
Watch for another announcement later before you rush off to buy! You may find it worth the wait!
10-044 Quick Start Lance Pack 20-188 NIGHT LORD BATTLESHIP 20-216 SCORPION SCP-12C 20-230 WHITE FLAME WHF-3B 20-309 BLIZZARD HOVER TANSPORT (2)   20-319 ARBALEST / ARBALEST II Variant   20-425 Shiro SH-P 20-458 Cattlemaster RA-4 Hunter / Herder 20-496 Thunderbird TRB-D36 Aero Fighter 20-5009 Quasit QUA-51M MilitiaMech 20-5042 Ebony MEB-9 / MEB-10 20-5096 Dragon II DRG-11K 20-5109 Shockwave SKW-2F 20-5148 Flea FLE-14 20-5177 Emperor EMP-1A 20-5183 Locust LCT-1V 20-5205 BattleMaster BLR-1G / 1Gb 20-5207 Black Knight BL-9KNT 20-632 PREDATOR 20-784 Myrmidon Medium Tank (2) 20-800 Hex Bases (4) 20-886 Vulcan VL-2T 20-929 URSUS 20-932 Vindicator VND-1R 20-941 MENSHEN MS1-0 PRIME BT-031 Infiltrator MK 2 BT-118 Shilone Micro Fighter BT-134 Gray Death Legion Battle Armor BT-188 Nighthawk Battle Armor BT-226 Fast Recon BT-227 Thunderbird Battle Armor BT-287 Zephyros Infantry Support Vehicle BT-292 Shiro SH-2P BT-370 Kurita Infantry (3) BT-372 Savannah Master Hovercraft BT-381 Basic Inner Sphere Battle Armor (3) BT-385 Grey Death Legion Battle Armor (3) BT-413 Marauder Battle Armor BT-439 Black Wolf Battle Armor OP-105 Pulse Lasers OP-108 Large Launcher Plates OP-111 Inner Sphere Small, Medium, and Large Launchers
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sydneymoverspackers · 2 years ago
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💁‍♂️Our bed movers handle your bed with utmost care and professionalism to make it land up to your desired place hassle-free. We make sure to customize our services based on our customer’s needs and requirements for the best experience of bed and mattress removal. 🤙🤙
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