#tanjas travels
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I would rather take a photograph than be one.
- Lee Miller
Tanja Ramm (1906-1997) was a first-generation American of Norwegian parents. Close friends since their teens as students at the progressive Art Students League in New York, she and Lee Miller modelled in New York and later in Paris for Vogue and Jean Patou.
In 1929, Miller and Ramm travelled together through Europe. Before long, Lee Miller would boldly present herself to Man Ray at the nightclub Le Bateau Ivre as 'his new student'.
Settling in Paris, Ramm and Miller shared an apartment on the rue Victor Considerant in Montparnasse. Ramm would model for Man Ray several times, most famously in a dramatic frontal solarised portrait, dated 1931.
In 1930, Ramm would meet Henry Rowell, whom she married in 1931, with Lee Miller as her sole attendant. The couple returned to America soon after, while Miller became a prominent photographer, as well as muse to Man Ray.
Photo: Lee Miller and Tanja Ramm having breakfast in bed at Lee Miller’s Paris Studio with a Jean Cocteau art work behind them, 1931.
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hypnofantasma · 2 years
Pronunciation - den-NECK-koh
Element - Electricity
Paradigm - Krianian
English Pronouns - He/him
Height - 3'5" / 1m
Weight - 100lbs / 45kg
Tanja Color - Around #FFEE48, bright yellow
Eye Colors - Ring 1: Bright yellow - Ring 2: Pale taffy pink
Description: Deneko is one of the few Kraizen who are actually smaller than most humans. His form is similar to that of a monkey with superficial felid features (including his very notable, large, catlike or fennec foxlike ears), and is bipedal— though, he runs on all fours, looking moreso like a sprawling lizard while doing so rather than a monkey or cat. He is covered entirely in light grey fur, with a lighter underbelly and top of head. The tips of his four limbs all end in a splotchy dark grey, the color covering his snout as well. His very-light-grey tail is furless and extremely long, being prehensile as well as surprisingly strong; he is able to support his whole weight with the tail. The tip of his tail is an opposable dark-grey hand with yellow "fingers", which superficially resembles an electrical outlet plug. His short snout sports two fang-like tusks, and he has very light grey bangs above his eyes. His paw pads, shoulder fluff tips, and ear tips are all a pale yet highlighting yellow, while his claws are black. He has a forked tongue.
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Normal (Clothed)
Back before the Brandshock, the Kraizen (especially the Krianians) were deeply involved with the sciences. There were far more fields of research, development, and construction for the Kraizen than there are for humans. This even includes what they like to call the "fringe sciences"— fields and facilities that research things deemed taboo, dangerous, or impossible without the aid of odd magic, even by Kraizenian standards. Deneko worked in one such laboratory; specifically, for a team that researched the purposeful utilization of dangerous, parasitic, virus-like entities called Jiki.
Of his team, Deneko was the mechanic; he was the one building contraptions, machines, workspaces, vehicles, everything- despite being the smallest of the entire crew. The other two notable members of his crew were the substance and specimen handler Eeshiolli, and the organizer, leader, and substance obtainer Qerolzva.
These three together were a bit of a, well... disaster. They were a functional team, yes, but they also bickered and unintentionally clowned around so much so that they were often mocked by other laboratories. However, neither Deneko, Eeshiolli, nor Qerolzva had low prides or egos, and no amount of mockery or harassment would get to them. So, they carried on, researching the highly dangerous Jiki when no else would... while being the most mocked trio in their entire city.
As a person, Deneko is a snippy, impatient, shrill person who is quick-tempered and flighty. He is easily annoyed, but also, just as easily spooked by the slightest things going awry. He does genuinely care about others, but ultimately, he just grows too annoyed too quickly to really show that care. He also has an absolutely massive ego and superiority complex, and tends to lie about his own achievements (for example, he quite often lies about his "time machine that travels forwards" he claims to have built. In actuality, it is literally just a box that he locks someone in and sets them free after five minutes, claiming they traveled forwards by that same amount of time).
In general, he is someone only the likes of his own team could tolerate. But, this goes in both directions; his team are people that only the likes of him could tolerate. A perfect match made in Hell, the three of them!
Brand Location - Entire length of tail, save for the tip
Stress Effect - Paling of colors
Mercy Mission Position - Spawner
Tether - Katrina Giyatiene
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Branded (Clothed)
Deneko was among the most believing of the mission, being one of those who was actually on the excited side to partake in the genocide. This is not due to sadism or a lust for violence; rather, Deneko was hoping that the mission could be a way to finally find heroic and meaningful fulfillment. As much as he loved his science team, the Brandshock wiped that attachment and brainwashed him into a near clean-slate version of himself.
He set up operations in Los Angeles, California. He wanted to prove, once and for all, that the machines he builds are truly something... and not just that stupid "time machine" that hardly works at all. With the help of his Tether, Katrina, he managed to gather up the necessary brain matter to power a massive skyscraper-sized robot he'd spent years making from a modified Turret (robotic-like creature). He hoped to level the city by the end of the operations.
During the events, he had Katrina replace the victims' heads with automated mechanisms in the shape of household applications. This lead to a swarm of "applianced headed zombies" attacking and rampaging through the city, catching even more victims for the brain-gathering scheme. Once the mech- nicknamed Big Brother- was finished, it too would kill people on-the-fly and replace their heads with appliances.
Everything went awry when Madeline, once again, struck. Her appearance prompted Katrina to leave the safety of the mech's interior and stand atop it dramatically, which was exactly what she was instructed not to do. She lost her footing, fell, and miraculously survived! ...But, not for long. The mech did not differentiate her from other humans, and crushed a zombie-causing TV onto her head, seemingly killing her instantly.
Deneko felt a strange, new crushed feeling at this. He didn't feel an ounce of self preservation at the event, but rather... the feeling of losing a friend. He scrambled to halt the strikes from the mech, quickly dashed to grab her body, and trapped her soul within a device he himself had invented many, many years ago. Feeling a new, painful warmth inside of his heart of which had been cold for eons, he tried his hardest to revive Katrina in any way, shape, or form he could.
He is still unsure if Katrina is alive or dead. Schrödinger's Katrina, as it may be...
He is probably the single most emotionally torn and affected Vani of the entire mission thus far. He may be small, bullyable, and someone who was previously a jerk and a menace... but he definitely harbors guilt, regret, and remorse now in his heart.
He wants to change. Will we let him?
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mariacallous · 1 year
A particularly subtle Kabuki theater performance has been unfolding in recent weeks at the United Nations headquarters in New York, which has been gearing up for the annual vote of the U.N. General Assembly, conducted by secret ballot, to choose five countries to sit in rotating nonpermanent seats on the U.N. Security Council. The only contested race: a brawl between Belarus and Slovenia for the slot reserved for Eastern Europe.
Belarus, which has been angling for the seat for years, argued that it deserved it and accused Slovenia of jumping into the race late; Belarus’s U.N. ambassador called the move “extremely politicized.” 
But countries that had earlier pledged their support to Belarus, which declared its candidacy in 2007, were starting to rethink things. Belarus served as a staging ground for Moscow’s full-scale invasion of Ukraine in February 2022. More recently, Belarusian leader Alexander Lukashenko, who has been president since 1994, said that Russia had begun moving tactical nuclear weapons to Belarus and claimed that there would be “nuclear weapons for everyone” willing to join the Union State of Belarus and Russia. And Sviatlana Tsikhanouskaya, one of Lukashenko’s exiled political opponents, who inspired tens of thousands of supporters to take to the streets of Belarus’s capital of Minsk in 2020, was recently sentenced in her absence to 15 years in prison.
“Yes, Slovenia may have disrupted an otherwise straightforward race,” said Richard Gowan, the International Crisis Group’s U.N. director. “But Belarus has been an accomplice to a war of aggression. And in the grand scheme of things, one of those is more important than the other.”
At the heart of the drama, the arcane rules of the U.N. made the election for the Eastern European seat, if not a nail-biter, at the very least a potential bellwether. Even if Belarus failed to win the seat, a strong showing might serve as a propaganda coup for Russia, still reeling from a vote by the General Assembly in February of this year, when 141 countries condemned its invasion of Ukraine, and only seven countries, including Belarus, were in its camp. 
And it’s not symbolic, either. Nonpermanent members of the Security Council don’t have the clout of the five veto-wielding permanent members, but they do chair council meetings and shape the agenda in rotating monthly presidencies. Having Belarus on the council could also help Russia and China round up the votes to block initiatives without having to use their veto power as two of the five permanent council members, which also include France, the United Kingdom, and the United States. Resorting to the veto can lead to unwelcome headlines and require explanations in the General Assembly.
After entering the race in December 2021, Slovenia’s diplomats chose to campaign on its perspective as a small state that could relate with the concerns of small states in other regions, rather than emphasizing their country’s support for Ukraine. Tanja Fajon, Slovenia’s foreign affairs minister, repeatedly swatted down questions about Belarus during a campaign swing through New York for the election by saying that she was refraining from a smear campaign.
Running for the Security Council can be a time-consuming and expensive process. Slovenia, an Adriatic country of 2 million that belongs to both NATO and the European Union, is among the smaller countries to have sought this honor. It can’t afford a vast diplomatic network stretching around the globe. So when Slovenia decided to run, its foreign service ramped up its travel to introduce itself at multilateral meetings and countries where it doesn’t have embassies. Even within the U.N. system, “there is always a running joke that people aren’t quite sure whether it’s Slovenia or Slovakia,” Gowan said. For many Americans, Slovenia may only be familiar as the birthplace of Melania Trump.
Slovenia knows firsthand how bruising drawn-out bouts for the Security Council can be. After serving one term in the 1990s, in its second attempt at the brass ring in 2011, Slovenia stepped aside after 16 inconclusive rounds, allowing Azerbaijan to clinch the seat in the 17th round. But in historical terms, you might say they were just warming up. In 1979, the Latin America group went 155 rounds in a stalemate between Colombia and Cuba, before Mexico ultimately stepped in as a compromise candidate.
But if the race for a Security Council seat can be expensive and grueling, it serves as shiny consolation for even more grueling diplomatic grunt work. The Eastern European diplomats send around spreadsheets dividing up seats on various councils, committees, and treaty bodies, often work that is a real grind. That is what makes a nonpermanent seat on the Security Council, even if only for a two-year term, a reward for years of dutifully showing up for meetings in small conference rooms in the basement of the U.N. Secretariat building. 
As the vote drew near, tempers flared at a campaign debate, where the best thing going for it was that both candidates showed up. That hasn’t always been the case, according to debate moderator Aziel-Philippos Goulandris, who said, “I don’t think they would have come if they saw it as a negative.”
Valentin Rybakov, the Belarusian ambassador, began by complaining about the injustice—his word—of having to compete for a seat on the Security Council. Slovenia’s ambassador to the United Nations, Bostjan Malovrh, criticized the Belarusian for making “a number of really outlandish claims that are outright offensive.”
Then Russia waded into the fray for its ally. Russian U.N. Ambassador Vassily Nebenzia characterized the Slovenian campaign as an “attempt to hijack a seat in the Security Council.” He challenged the Slovenian ambassador to explain what “value add” Slovenia would bring to the table. “The international community knows pretty well the position of Belarus on international and regional issues,” Nebenzia said. “How does the position of Slovenia differ from that of the European Union?” 
Slovenia’s ambassador countered that he was there on behalf of his nation’s capital, Ljubljana, “and not on behalf of Brussels or anybody else, just the same as I hope that Ambassador Rybakov is here on behalf of Minsk, and not on behalf of the Commonwealth of the former Soviet republics or the Union State of Russia and Belarus.” 
The General Assembly gathered to vote on June 6, Russian Language Day at the U.N., even as floodwaters from the destruction of the Nova Kakhovka dam in eastern Ukraine earlier in the day served as a catastrophic endnote to a raucous campaign. In the end, though, it wasn’t even close. Slovenia emerged victorious in the first round, with 153 votes. Belarus received 38 votes, far short of the 64 that it needed to push the balloting to a second round. Belarus’s 15-year wait ended in disappointment, and Russia didn’t score a propaganda coup.
The jubilant Slovenian delegation sprang to their feet, hugging each other and wiping tears from their eyes. Tsikhanouskaya, the Belarusian opposition candidate, tweeted that Slovenia’s victory sent “a powerful signal of global solidarity with the people of #Belarus.”
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drama-rebellion · 2 months
(A short story about friendship and being confronted with your demons even in the most expectant of places.)
“Come on, Lisa! Hurry!“, Tanja shouted, and her friend accelerated her steps, dodging the crowd and almost collided with a little boy who ran through her way, before she reached her friends. “Sorry, got distracted”, she explained out of breath, stroking the red locks behind her ear. Without rush, Tanja, Amy, and Lisa continued their way over the funfair. It was one of the biggest events coming around this year, and the three young friends had been excited about it for weeks. All the colored lights, screams, and shouts and happy laughter made it hard to remember that everyone had their troubles in life.
Everything seemed so timeless around here. People came to places like this for entertainment, they spent their free time here, to forget their problems, have fun and be with their loved ones, friends, partners, and children. Almost two hours the girls spent with auto-scooter. They just enjoyed running into each other over and over again, laughing their lungs out and getting upset looks from grandpas with their grandchildren. With cramping cores from laughing and ruffled hair, the friends finally had enough and as they dizzily staggered down the few metallic stairs from the ride, Sheela put an arm around each of her friends’ shoulders, a big grin in her face. “So what next?” With big smiles and sparkling eyes, they started to conquer the night that was only made for them. Between chocolate fruits and pink cotton candy they took every ride that pleased their eyes and after a while Amy sank down on a bench next to a booth, which cold beer and sodas. “Oh my gosh, I guess I am gonna vomit this hotdog…” she groaned and buried her face in her hands. The other two girls slumped down next to her, stretching their legs. “Who needs a break?” Tanja asked carefully, while she didn’t feel very good herself. Within a second, Amy and Lisa raised their hands. So they rested. Tanja spent the time with watching the other people passing them by, all those happy and dreamy faces… couples walking hand in hand, families with their children. And all of a sudden a strange melancholy crawled up Tanja’s chest. The light didn’t seem carefree anymore, but more like the spotlights of a huge stage, that performed life at its bright side, with all the smiles and laughter and perfect people. Nevertheless, every theater came to an end and when the curtain dropped, the other side of life was revealed. The dark side… But Tanja didn’t want to think about this now. She needed to be careful, she knew that. Otherwise, she ran the risk of sinking down into the black hole again. “I need a beer”, she said dryly without turning her head. For a second it was silent. “I need two”, Lisa added. Amy sighed. “One day you two will drive me crazy!” Another second passed. Then they totally cracked up, and it took a while before they got themselves moving and now, with plastic cups of beer, walked on. The evening progressed and with time the exhaustion and tiredness drove the girls slowly to the end of it. Satisfied and languid they walked, more or less straight, to the exit, but then something else caught Tanja’s attention and she stopped. She pointed at a trailer that stood slightly offside. “I want to go to that diviner”, she said, and her friends turned around. Lisa sighed deep and Amy rolled her eyes. “Oh c’mon Tanja! That is just crap!” Lisa threw in annoyed. Amy added: “Yeah. And I’m tired. I know you are crazy about all that mystic and esoteric stuff and I don’t mind that, but could you please postpone your space travel to another day?” Tanja put on her puppy look. “Oh please! I really want to do that.” No answer. “Please, please, please!” She pulled a pout. “Please?” Amy was the first to give in. “Ugh, okay. But make it short, okay?” Huge grin of Tanja. “Promise!” And immediately she walked over to the trailer. Lisa made an annoyed hand gesture but followed her in the end. A little uneasy Tanja walked up the few stairs to the small door, which held a sign with the caption “knock and wait for answer”. So Tanja knocked clearly, her heart pounding loudly in her chest.
“Come in”, a female voice answered, and the three girls entered. An oriental smell welcomed them, a mix of opium and sandalwood, and Tanja immediately soaked it deep into her lungs. It was like she had entered a dream world, nebulized by incense and dark colors. The walls of the small room were covered in red and black velvet; it didn’t have any chairs, only big pillows on the ground and a small, empty desk. The backside of the trailer was covered behind a fine curtain. Tanja couldn’t spot anybody. “Give me a moment. Please, take a seat”, the female voice spoke from the hidden area. The girls glanced at each other, and Tanja could see that Amy and Lisa already regretted forever given in to her request. But she ignored it and sat down on the soft ground, her friends hesitantly following her example. Another few seconds passed, while Tanja looked around the room and stroke over the silky fabric of the pillows, got soaked in by the atmosphere and she felt how her inside settled down, ready to totally get lost in what was about to come. A woman pulled away the curtain, then sat down on the other side of the empty table, her legs folded. She had long brown curls, dark eyes hidden in a lot of black make-up. Her clothes were wide and expanded by a lot of shining necklaces and bracelets, which tinkled as she sat down. Her eyes came to rest on the girls. “So, why are you here?” she asked, and her voice sounded mysteriously through the trailer. Tanja wasn’t prepared for that question, and it took her a moment to think about it. Lisa and Amy wouldn’t answer anyway. “Well, ehm … “She stuttered, “I think I wanna know about my future”. “You think?” the woman asked without any emotion. “No, I know it” Tanja replied, insecure though. The woman didn’t resolve her eyes from Tanja for a single moment, which irritated her highly. “Nobody can tell you about your future”, she said and made Tanja swallow due the dryness in her mouth. But before she was obliged to answer, the woman already continued. “I can only help you find your way”. Now Tanja smiled ironically, lowered her eyes for a moment and strangely got sad for no real reason at all. “I think I could use some help”, she answered and played with her hands. “I know”. Although the trailer was well heated up, Tanja shivered now. She looked up again, into those brown eyes and due to an unknown reason, she trusted this woman. “Give me your hand” Tanja did how she was told, and another shiver ran down her spine as their hands met. With slow and careful touches, the woman stroke over her hand, followed the lines and depths. Without saying a word she took her time and after a while she just covered Tanja’s hand with both of hers. She could feel her warmth and when she looked up in the woman’s eyes, she saw true compassion and caring. “You went through a lot” she started and it got Tanja close to tears. “Yeah…” “You have loyal friends”, for the first time she took a real look at Lisa and Amy, who silently sat behind Tanja. She smiled. “Oh, yes, I have”. Another break followed, and Tanja really had to pull herself together. How could this woman make her break like this, induce all those flashbacks and memories? And then this simple fortune-teller said something which deeply frightened her. “You have to let go of your past. Your parents won’t come back to you. They won’t care about you if you get bad again. You need to get through this on your own.” How could she know? How could she know?!? Tanja gasped for air, close to freak out, but the woman still held her hand gently and at that moment, it was alright. “You don’t have to figure everything out right now. Just breathe.” Tanja nodded, unable to hold the tears back any longer. Silently, they flew down her face. “It’s alright, Tanja”. How did she know her name? But then she didn’t care anymore, and deep sobs shook her body. She felt Amy’s hand rubbing her back slowly, and Lisa took her free hand. The woman pulled out some napkins from behind the curtain and put them on the desk. Somehow they didn’t belong at this place at all, but well….
“Do you wanna talk about it?” For a moment, Tanja hesitated. She hadn’t talked about all this for a long time now. Even Lisa and Tanja only knew fragments. Could she just pour out her heart to a woman whose name she didn’t even know? She looked up in her eyes. Yes she could. And so she started talking. Spilled out all the dark and hurting thoughts she had locked up in her heart for so long. Those thoughts, which haunted her at night and filled her up with a deep craving sadness that she was trying to hide every day. Tanja didn’t even remember what exactly she said, but it felt good. After a while she was just laying on her back, between those velvety pillows, breathing in the smell of opium and sandalwood and staring at the black ceiling. The woman still held her hand and her friend were holding her close. Even it hurt inside, it was alright, somehow. Just for a second, a tiny fragile moment, it was alright. Tanja didn’t remember how she got home in the end. But when she woke up the next morning, she felt strangely relieved, not good, but okay. There were those words, stuck in her head. “… just breathe”, words from a woman whose name she never found out.
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Living Loud on a Budget
You can live the life you desire by taking control of your finances. In this book, Tanja takes readers through her money story from her first summer job at sixteen years old on the island of Barbados earning $200 per week, sharing the finance and non-finance theories that have allowed her to live out loud. 
Written from a developing country perspective, the book delves into those challenges that are unique to them. How to build a budget, pursue debt free living, save money on a large scale and tips on how to create a business and increase your paycheque are a few of the topics covered in detail.  
Most importantly, the book delves into the non-monetary factors that affect or influence a person’s financial decisions, including those concealed generational habits. Finally, it looks to the future and goes into details of financial independence and how to plan successfully for the future in uncertain times.  
These money topics are backed up with travel stories as she shows what it means to live a loud, fearless, determined, authentic and intentional life regardless of where you started, or your income bracket. 
#livingloud #llob #personalfinance
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tberg-de · 1 year
#Blogger4Natur: Tanja Heinz von Wildlife Travel
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Wieder einmal ist es Zeit für ein neues #blogger4natur - Interview. In meiner Reihe #blogger4natur möchte ich Blogger und andere verrückte Menschen interviewen, denen die Natur am Herzen liegt. Dabei lege ich bewusst Wert darauf, euch eine breite Palette von naturbegeisterten Menschen vorzustellen. Denn Natur schützen fängt meiner Meinung nach mit dem Begeistern für die Natur an. Wenn du auch Lust darauf hast, hier ein Interview zu geben, dann meld dich doch einfach bei mir!
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Heute: Tanja Heinz von Wildlife Travel Beschreibe bitte kurz, wer Du bist! Ich heiße Tanja, komme aus dem Allgäu, aber wohne momentan in Berlin. Seit etwa 2017 schreibe ich auf meinem Blog über Tiere, die ich auf Reisen gesehen habe. Erzähle uns doch bitte etwas über Deinen Blog. Wie ist sein Name und welche Geschichte steht dahinter? Mein Blog heißt „Wildlife Travel“. Als ich mit meinem Blog anfing, schrieb ich zunächst über meine Begegnungen mit Walen und Delfinen in Südafrika. Im Jahr 2018 war ich für zwei Monate in Brasilien und konnte dort einigen Affen, die zum Teil vom Aussterben bedroht sind, begegnen. Ich schreibe unter anderem gerne über Organisationen, die sich für den Artenschutz einsetzen. Ich hoffe dadurch mehr Menschen über die Arbeit wichtiger Umweltorganisationen aufmerksam zu machen. Welchen Bezug hast Du zur Natur? Engagierst Du dich im Natur- oder Umweltschutz? Für mich ist die Natur ein Ort der Erholung. Ich brauche oft sehr viel Ruhe. In der Natur finde ich das. Ich bin in keiner Naturschutzgruppe aktiv, aber ich versuche alle Tierbeobachtungen auf einer Citizen Science Plattform (iNaturalist) zu teilen. Wenn alle mitforschen, weiß man mehr über die Verbreitung verschiedener Tiere und kann sie hoffentlich besser schützen (wenn der politische Wille da ist). Worin liegt Dein Schwerpunkt in der Beschäftigung mit der Natur? Mein Schwerpunkt liegt definitiv bei den Tieren. Daher beschäftige ich mich auch immer mehr mit der Tierfotografie. Auch wenn ich mich bis jetzt mehr auf Säugetiere und Vögel fokussiert habe, finde ich, dass Insekten und Spinnen genauso interessant und wichtig sind. In Brasilien hatte ich sogar eine richtig spannende Begegnung. Und zwar war das mit der größten Fliege der Welt. In dem Moment wusste ich das gar nicht, weil ich keine Insektenkennerin bin. Aber ein Experte auf der Citizen Science Online Plattform iNaturalist machte mich darauf aufmerksam. Das fand ich ziemlich spannend. Ich versuche immer weiter zu lernen und möglichst viel zu bestimmen (oft über iNaturlist). Wie oft bist Du draussen unterwegs? Leider viel zu wenig. Momentan wohne ich in der Stadt und ich verbringe eigentlich nicht gerne so viel Zeit im grauen Großstadtdschungel. Ich brauche schon irgendwas Grünes. Zum Glück ist Berlin für eine Stadt aber recht grün und es gibt einige Parks bei mir in der Nähe. Dein bestes Naturerlebnis war … ? Das ist sehr, sehr schwierig. Ich bin sehr gerne am Meer, im Wald, aber auch in den Bergen. Ich könnte mich da jetzt nicht entscheiden. Hier in Berlin begeistern mich im Frühling die Nachtigallen. Bei den Nachtigallen singen die Männchen um die Weibchen. Ich finde, sie haben wunderschöne Gesänge. Im Sommer faszinieren mich die Feldlerchen auf dem Tempelhofer Feld. Im Herbst höre ich manchmal die Kraniche fliegen. Und im Winter hatte ich im Tiergarten einmal eine einzigartige Begegnung. Dort hielt sich seelenruhig ein Biber im Wasser auf. Obwohl ihn einige Spaziergänger beobachteten, schien ihn das gar nicht zu stören. Er machte einfach weiter. Es gibt eben auch tolle Naturerlebnisse in der Stadt! Welche Bedrohung ist Deiner Meinung nach die schwerwiegendste für unsere Natur? Ich denke das ist das globale Bevölkerungswachstum. Damit hängt meiner Meinung nach viel zusammen. Klimawandel, Artensterben, aber auch soziale Ungerechtigkeit. Ich denke, je mehr Menschen wir hier auf diesem Planeten werden, desto schwieriger wird Vieles... Da der Mensch über allem steht (er handelt jedenfalls so), mache ich mir was das Artensterben angeht besonders viele Sorgen. Aber wie dieses Problem mit dem Bevölkerungswachstum lösen und vor allem ansprechen, das ist alles andere als einfach und verständlicherweise ein sensibles Thema. Wie sieht es mit Deinem persönlichen ökologischen Fussabdruck aus? Ich denke unser Konsumverhalten trägt einiges zu unserem ökologischen Fußabdruck bei. Daher versuche ich in meinem Alltag so minimalistisch wie möglich zu leben. Ich möchte nicht viel besitzen und kaufe auch dementsprechend nicht besonders gerne ein. Aber natürlich gehöre auch ich einem Wirtschaftssystem an und kann nicht einfach so sagen, dass ich nicht mitmache. Mir ist bewusst, dass ich nicht beliebig oft ins Flugzeug steigen kann (auch das gehört letztendlich zum Konsumverhalten und trägt zu einem größeren ökologischen Fußabdruck bei) und dann gleichzeitig über Artenschutz schreiben. Es gibt mittlerweile einige, die sagen, dass sie nicht mehr fliegen werden. Ich bin (leider) noch nicht an so einem Punkt angekommen. Ich weiß, dass mein persönliches Glück keine Rolle spielt, wenn es um den Zustand unseres Planeten geht. Aber ich bereue keinen einzigen Flug in der Vergangenheit, weil ich sonst nicht die Person wäre, die ich heute wäre. Viele Begegnungen – sei es mit Tieren oder mit Menschen – hätte ich nicht gehabt, wenn ich nicht ins Flugzeug gestiegen wäre. Als welche Art von Fotografen würdest Du Dich beschreiben und mit welchem Kameraequipment bist Du unterwegs? Ich bin was das Fotografieren angeht immer noch so ein bisschen am Suchen. Auch wenn ich mich jetzt mehr mit der Wildlife-Fotografie auseinandersetze, merke ich doch immer wieder an welche Grenzen ich komme. Ich möchte gerne mehr Geschichten zu meinen Fotos erzählen. Vor allem über Tiere, die vom Aussterben bedroht sind und nur wenige kennen. Im Englischen gibt es den Begriff „conservation photography“. Ich denke, dass es bei mir noch weiter in diese Richtung gehen wird... Ich fotografiere mit einer Spiegelreflexkamera (Nikon D500). Mein Lieblingsobjektiv ist ein 70-200mm und ein 150-600mm Objektiv von Sigma. Mit dem Handy oder Tablet fotografiere ich nicht so gerne. Zeige uns doch einmal bitte Deine fünf besten Naturfotos. Schön wäre es, wenn du ein bis zwei Sätze dazu sagen könntest.
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Foto 1: Kegelrobben auf Helgoland. Als Naturfotograf hat man die Verantwortung, die Tiere beim Fotografieren nicht zu stören.
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Foto 2: Murmeltiere im Berchtesgadener Land. Man muss gar nicht weit wegreisen, um interessanten Tieren zu begegnen.
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Foto 3: Südliche Spinnenaffen leben in Brasilien im Atlantischen Regenwald und sind stark bedroht.
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Foto 4: Goldene Löwenäffchen sind endemisch in Brasilien und kommen daher an keinem anderen Ort der Welt vor.
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Foto 5: Der Gesundheitszustand einiger Guyana-Delfine in Rio de Janeiro war nicht so gut was man sehr gut erkennen konnte. Welchen Artikel auf Deinem Blog findest Du selbst am besten und warum bedeutet er Dir soviel? Besonders viel bedeuten mir die Artikel zu den Goldenen Löwenäffchen, den Südlichen Spinnenaffen und den Guyana-Delfinen. Ich kann mich jetzt schwer entscheiden, welcher Artikel mir am meisten bedeutet, weil ich von allen drei Tieren und den dazugehörigen Organisationen begeistert war. Sie machen eine tolle Arbeit für den Artenschutz! Gibt es irgendeinen Ort wo bestimmte Tiere wohnen, die du unbedingt noch sehen willst? Es gibt viele Orte, die ich gerne noch sehen möchte. Ich muss mich da aber selber immer wieder mäßigen (in der Hinsicht könnte ich nie genug bekommen). Ich denke, dass ich mir mein Arbeitsleben irgendwie noch zurechtschneidern muss, damit ich an bestimmten Orten länger sein kann. Ich habe allerdings auch keine Bucket-List. Ich werde sowieso nicht überall hingehen können. Das ist aber auch ok so. Lieber ist es mir sowieso, dass ich mich mit einem Ort und den Tieren, die dort leben intensiver auseinandersetzen kann. Das ist spannender, als mal kurz wo hingehen und dann gleich wieder weiterplanen. Wie stehst du zum Thema Flugreisen? Ich versuche so wenig wie möglich mit dem Flugzeug zu fliegen. Innerhalb Deutschlands bin ich noch nie geflogen und werde es auch nicht tun. Innerhalb Europas werde ich jetzt auch immer nach Alternativen zu einem Flug suchen, auch wenn ich dann länger unterwegs bin. Ein Tag unterwegs sein ist für mich in Ordnung. Oder einen Zwischenstopp an einem Ort einlegen was ich auch schon gemacht habe. Einen Langstreckenflug, um an einem Ort nur zwei Wochen zu bleiben, kam bei mir bis jetzt nur ein einziges Mal vor. Das war dann allerdings auf Arbeit. Ansonsten war ich bei meinen Langstreckenflügen bis jetzt immer mehrere Monate weg (2 bis 6 Monate). Was würdest Du abschliessend Deinen Lesern zum Thema Natur sagen wollen? Geht raus und entdeckt die Natur! Gern kannst du Tanja im www besuchen und dort weiter stöbern. Du findest sie zum Beispiel hier: Webseite: https://wildlife-travel.com/ - Facebook - Instagram - Pinterest Vielen lieben Dank an Tanja für das Beantworten meiner Fragen und das wirklich schöne und persönliche Interview! Solltest du noch Fragen  haben, dann ab damit in die Kommentare. Hast du auch Interesse an einem Interview in meiner #Blogger4Natur Serie? Dann meld dich einfach bei mir! Read the full article
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womenties · 1 year
A Global All-Woman's Marathon Run "Women Can" Race of a Lifetime
There I was standing in an English field with deep green fresh grass, humid sea air and a hilly terrain in front of me. I was shoulder to shoulder with mostly women I had never met or ever run with in an all women’s marathon in a country I never visited before. In fact for two decades I had been nervous to fly over the ocean after the Pan Am 103 bombing that almost took the life of a best friend. My sons urged me to let them fly to Europe as their friends started traveling abroad to which I always answered “no” in fear of their safety. Logically I knew traveling would be safe but I just couldn’t get the image of the Lockerbie, Scotland plane photo with a young man’s leg dangling from his airplane seat out of my mind. I wish I never saw that photo.
But there I was having traveled safe across the pond with my youngest son Adam to open horizons for my sake and his future dreams of traveling. I knew if I could be fearless and fly over the ocean with him, I could let him fly on his own one day not gripped with fear. Sometimes we just have to live a fearful experience to be free from it. As my son hugged me good luck on my 7 mile leg of the marathon relay team, I was proud of my decision to take yet one more risk and travel to run in an unfamiliar place at a new distance with women I didn’t know but who joined me in the experience. The organization 261 Fearless has an influential way of inspiring women to join a community of other women across the globe and in their own communities through the love and fitness of running. I am so grateful to them for that gift.
As I took off on the first leg of the relay, I was hugged by my international teammates – Tanja Butcher of Switzerland, Jo Moseley of Northern England and Melissa Stringer from Kansas City in the USA who joined us when Josie Cessar of Malta had to back out due to a family emergency. Running mostly by a river through knee high grassy trails, pass cows in pastures, lambs dotting distant hills and muddy inclines and descents, I took in every moment I could running. I wanted to stop and take photos but heard myself say, “Take in the images with your eyes and soul so they stay with you forever.”
The 7 miles by far were not my fastest run because trail running is so different than anything I had run before but it was glorious in so many ways. My asthma was kicking in throughout the run but I just kept going until I saw my son and two teammates waiting for me at a quaint bridge where I would pass the race onto my new friend Jo. Teammate Tanja and my son Adam joined me in the last bit of mileage over the bridge. It was a memory I won’t forget especially since my son ran with me for a short bit.
At the finish line tent, I waited with 261 Fearless friends enjoying homemade English tarts, gluten free brownies, and tea! The English love their tea even if they just finished running a full marathon. As each of my teammates finished their legs, they joined me in the tent until we our last runner was approaching the finish line where we joined her running hand in hand to the finish line! The entire 261 Fearless running team then sat down in the spring sunshine to enjoy a celebratory glass of Prosecco, an Italian wine my English teammates love. My son joined us since he volunteered while I ran and deserved a glass of bubbly himself. Then him and I headed off to the coast to dip our feet in the English Channel in Sidmouth.
I discovered some real truths while traveling abroad and running in this race to inspire you today:
* Women are wonderful no matter where you go. We warm up to each other quickly creating instant friendship. Women love other women’s spirits. Make sure to meet as many new women as you can.
* Any fear can be erased from your mind if you have the bravery to face what scares you. Only in tackling our fright, can we be free to live.
* When you are diagnosed with a health situation you can’t solve, don’t let it keep you from believing you can still participate in life.
* To truly enjoy life, you must live new experiences. If you can’t face a new experience alone, invite someone to join you. It makes it easier and more pleasurable.
* The world is a fascinating place with a million vistas to see. Make sure you travel enough in your lifetime to witness new destinations.
* Anything you experience in personal life is applicable to our professional life. Meet more women to open your business horizons, conquer entrepreneurial fear by trying something that makes you nervous, say “yes” to more opportunities, and visit more places to meet more people to connect with globally at conferences, events and even races.
I hope you have time soon to take up a run on a muddy trail past animals, streams and hilly vistas enjoying every moment and allowing the experience to change you forever in the most positive light.
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attorninong · 1 year
Chapter 2. Proof of Filiation Article 172. The filiation of legitimate children is established by any of the following: 1. The record of birth appearing in the civil register or a final judgment; or 2. An admission of legitimate filiation in a public document or a private handwritten instrument and signed by the parent concerned. In the absence of the foregoing evidence, the legitimate filiation shall be proved by: 1. The open and continuous possession of the status of a legitimate child; or  2. Any other means allowed by the Rules of Court and special laws. (265a, 266a, 267a)
Makati Shangri-la v Harper
Norwegian national Christian Fredrik Harper was the Business Development Manager for Asia for ALSTOM Power Norway AS, an engineering company with global operations. Ellen Johanne Harper, Christian's wife, was the victim of a murder; Jonathan Christopher Harper, Christian's son, was the heir. In November 1999, Christian Harper traveled to Manila on business. At the Shangri-La Hotel, he registered. The date of his departure was November 6, 1999. However, he was murdered that morning by as-yet unnamed criminals inside his hotel room. Respondents commenced this suit in the RTC to recover various damages from petitioner pertinently. RTC ruled in favor of the respondents.
Whether or not the plaintiff-appellees were able to prove with competent evidence the affirmative allegations in the complaint that they were the widow and son of Mr. Harper.
The appeal lacks merit. The Revised Rules of Court provides that public documents may be evidenced by a copy attested by the officer having the legal custody of the record. The attestation must state, in substance, that the copy is a correct copy of the original, or a specific part thereof, as the case may be. The attestation must be under the official seal of the attesting officer, if there be any, or if he be the clerk of a court having a seal, under the seal of such court.
If the record is not kept in the Philippines, the attested copy must be accompanied with a certificate that such officer has the custody. If the office in which the record is kept is in a foreign country, the certificate may be made by a secretary of the embassy or legation, consul general, consul, vice consul, or consular agent or by any officer in the foreign service of the Philippines stationed in the foreign country in which the record is kept and authenticated by the seal of his office.
The documents involved in this case are all kept in Norway. These documents have been authenticated by the Royal Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs; they bear the official seal of the Ministry and signature of one, Tanja Sorlie. The documents are accompanied by an Authentication by the Consul, Embassy of the Republic of the Philippines in Stockholm, Sweden to the effect that, Tanja Sorlie is duly authorized to legalize official documents for the Ministry.
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stratviewresearch · 2 years
Glamping Market 2022: Industry, Size, Share, Demands, Growth, Opportunities, Trends Analysis And Forecast Till 2027
The market report on the Glamping Market shows lucrative growth opportunities in the Glamping industry during the next five-year period and ensures more information regarding the market trends. The following detail is the summary of extensive market research conducted by researchers at Stratview Research, a market research firm.
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The present report will give an overview of the challenges, dynamics, growth factors, and key market players in the Glamping Market.
Glamping Market Forecast:
The Glamping Market is forecasted to grow at a rate of 4.7% CAGR during the period of 2022-2027. The Market will be experiencing an escalation in demand attributed to the growing usage of Glamping in the market.
The Glamping Market growth depends upon several factors which have direct or indirect influence on the demand. The report published by Stratview Research has the summary of such factors derived using several market analysis methods including but not limited to supply chain analysis. These methods help in analysing the strength of the companies and identify gaps as well as opportunities to lay out a successful roadmap which leads to higher profitability.
Key Players in the Glamping Market
Here are the top linchpins in the market
• The Last Best Beef LLC (The U.S.),
• Under Canvas (The U.S.),
• Collective Retreats (The U.S.),
• Tentrr (The U.S.),
• Eco Retreats (India),
• Baillie Lodges (Australia),
• Nightfall Camp Pty Ltd. (Australia),
• Tanja Lagoon Camp (Australia),
• Wildman Wilderness Lodge (Australia),
• Paper Bark Camp (Australia),
• PurePods (New Zealand), and
• Getaway House, Inc. (The U.S.).
Growth drivers and Market Value:
This report, from Stratview Research Glamping Market value and growth drivers over the trend period of 2022-27. According to the report -
Glamping is a type of camping that is more luxurious and comfortable than traditional camping. It is gaining popularity in outdoor tourism. It is a combination of nature and luxury, respect and comfort for the environment coupled with uniqueness and exclusivity in providing accommodation. It is the best outdoor activity for many people, although at the same time it becomes an unpleasant experience for other people. Thus, the tourism sector developed the idea of making a campsite more well-designed and comfortable for many people.
Segment Analysis:
Based on by Accommodation Type:
Based on accommodation type, the cabin and pods segment witnessed the largest share of around 46% in 2021. This is mainly ascribed to the growing importance of travellers to be a part of an immersive experience without compromising on the comfort and the luxuries, thus influencing campers with expensive and luxurious accommodations, such as pods and cabins. A UK based company, Pitchup, observed a significant growth in bookings for cabins by over 100% and pods more than 70% in January 2018.
Based on Regional:
By region, the Europe accounted for the largest market share of around 35% in 2021. This is mainly due to the holidaymakers in the region who have been offering a whole new face in glamping experience are providing people with the experience of hotel amidst nature. France is one such contributor that promotes glamping for its residents with 8,000 campsites around the country, and is second to the US. Moreover, the first five-star glamping site in France was launched back in 2010, and after a decade, the investors are focusing on collaborating with camping companies to expand the glamping business in France.
Know more about the report, click here
Glamping Market Segmentation:
The report segments based upon demographics, geographics, benefits and volume etc, have different driving factors and classifies the most-attractive segments and sub-segments. The segmentation has been done in such a way that it will not only help the users to be more efficient in terms of time, money and other resources but also allows companies to learn about their target audience so that they can tailor campaigns and increase market share and revenue.
COVID-19 IMPACT Analysis on the Glamping Market
The Covid-19 pandemic has influenced every one of the organizations, little or large, dealing in any sector. Our market analysts monitoring the situation across the globe explain that the market will generate productive possibilities for manufacturers post COVID-19 crisis. The report aims to provide a further illustration of the present scenario, economic slowdown, and COVID-19 impact on the overall industry.
Custom Research: Stratview research offers custom research services across sectors. In case of any custom research requirement related to market assessment, competitive benchmarking, sourcing and procurement, target screening, and others, please send your inquiry at [email protected] or call us at +1-313-307-4176.
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Week cruise from Vancouver to Alaska had the Lloyds see their 50th state! Kids were so excited they elected to stay on the boat on our first stop in Sitka. So Matt and I enjoyed a 11 mile hike with 3250 feet elevation in complete peace. Views from the top would have been amazing I’m sure, sadly we couldn’t see a thing through the fog. Was pretty wet and cold and a good one for the kids to have missed. Next day kids were very excited to join us on Alaskan soil to go fishing in Juneau with Tanja and Alan. #adventuresinalaska. It was an absolutely magical day. Tanja was wonderful showing the kids the lures and fishing set up and them the kids got to stun the fish (bonk it on the head) before the hook was removed and then they got to throw all the stomach contents into the sea. Charlotte liked holding the beating heart a little too much. We then had time for fish and chips and a beer at #alaskanbrewingcompany before taking a walk through the town of Juneau up to one of the old gold mines. Our next days planned activity for Skagway was canceled so kids again stayed on board while Matt and I enjoyed the town, a small hike and a much better beer from #klondikebrewingcompany. From there the cruise took us into Haines. The clouds cleared and we finally were able to see the scenery which was absolutely stunning. Our canoe ride in Haines was also very pretty but unfortunately did not result in much wildlife viewing as I had hoped/envisioned. Did see some spawning salmon though which was pretty cool. The cruise itself Matt and I are both in agreement that it is not our preferred way to travel and will most likely be our last. Kids enjoyed the kids club, Jonah was happy to spend every possible minute there. Charlie took some time out to see the evening shows. Kids loved the buffet, though Jonah pretty much stuck to his pile of fruit for breakfast and a burger and ice cream for lunch and dinner anytime he could. Dinners we tended to head to the main restaurant for a la carte which meant Jonah had to eat something other than a burger. The cruise as well getting us to our 50th state also had us leave with our first bout of COVID.
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pgy4611fiu · 2 years
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Instagram project Work by: Alessandra Henriquez 
Title of work: The Tools of the Trade  I chose to take a series of photographs showcasing the different art supplies I have used to create my artwork. As an artist who primarily works digitally, it is always exciting for me to try out more traditional mediums since you actually get to feel the differences between each. However, people only see the final result of your work once you have finished, not the materials you used to create it. Thus, I chose to bring attention to the tools that make the "art trade" possible through this body of work. 
I'd like to add that I took some inspiration from one of our photographers of the week, Tanja Hollander. While exploring her work, I found a separate body of work she made while working on her exhibition Are You Really My Friends? titled Travel Ephemera. It consisted of a series of still life photographs of objects she used as she traveled for her project against plain colored backgrounds. It was this that inspired me to do my own project through a series of still life photos.
I took each photo using my iPhone 11 with the Noir filter and a 1:1 aspect ratio, and I placed the objects on an 18"x24" sheet of drawing paper to achieve a plain white background. I tried to make use of the natural shape and value of each object as well when arranging the composition. If you click on the photos while looking through Instagram, you will also notice I wrote what each medium was in the caption.
After reviewing the feedback I received from when I posted my initial draft, I decided I did not want to change anything since I was pretty satisfied with my end result. Nevertheless, I appreciate the comments I did get since they were very insightful! 
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hangryandlazy · 4 years
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⛩ https://ift.tt/36Q1IuY
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bitchesgetriches · 4 years
Join Us for the 2020 Financial Independence Chautauqua
NEW POST! Join Us for the 2020 Financial Independence Chautauqua
Throughout our illustrious career as the owners and proprietors of Bitches Get Riches, we the titular Bitches have become infamous for many things: berating you for throwing away your leftovers; trying desperately to appear young and hip yet betraying our ages with 1990s pop culture references; causing mass “language warnings” whenever our content is shared; arguing viciously over cheese crackers
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desertshades · 5 years
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travel-in-pictures · 6 years
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Grevenbroich, North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany 
by Tanja Brandt from Germany 
Source | Google Maps
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thecharmedmechanic · 6 years
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  “Are you alright?” Aiden asked, setting the dogfood bag on the counter. She was on a quick food supply run for her loyal pit, Daisy. She couldn’t help but notice though that something seemed to be bothering the counter girl. “You seem a little..on edge.” 
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