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tanglewoodpetz · 4 months ago
Color Me Confused
So the only one of this batch by gen 3 that still has markings is this guy:
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This is what his GenePoolz profile looks like:
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No alley markings! What?
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beatricecrumplebottom · 5 months ago
Blast from the Past: Petz!
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Before I was a part of the simming community, I was part of the Petz community. On a random trip down memory lane through old website layouts, I found some of my old Petz website layouts too. Then curiosity had me googling Petz to see what remained of the community.
Color me surprised to learn that the community still exists and has multiple active Discords, forums, and sites!
So, of course, I had to join them.
And there's a lot of chatter in my head about all of this so I'm probably going to make a sideblog for Petz. I'm even going to reuse my old site name: Tanglewood, as it is listed on the historical list of Petz sites on the Petz Site Directory!
Edited to Add: There's nothing there yet, but I did get the header done: Tanglewood Petz
I had archived over 250 of my petz, including my very first adoption: Love, adopted on Dec 25, 1999.
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tanglewoodpetz · 4 months ago
I got a Xoops hexie! EEEEE!!!!!
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In the Petz Life server, everyone was super hyped about Megan at Xoops dropping a group of Hexies on the Petz Bazaar. I was worried that since she tagged 25 people and only showed 25 petz, that they were mean for specific people. But no, first come first grab.
I think I might have refreshed 30 times in the last minute leading up to 1 am for me. Staccato here was 90 coinz, almost all I had, but so so worth it! All the petz Megan put up were adopted within a minute of the shop going live.
I'm still in shock that 1) I was able to afford her and 2) I got my first choice!
Now, to try to purge the adrenaline from my system so I can go to bed. I can play with my new petz tomorrow!
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tanglewoodpetz · 2 months ago
Petz Life Advent started today. The entire process is super fast and crazy, which is what everyone was saying. I don't think I'll participate in that again. Just be satisfied with the leftovers. I did embarrass myself, as I missed the rule where you're only allowed one pet and selected like four. Even behind my computer screen I could feel my face heat up in a major embarrassment blush. Between that and all the duh-doinkings of Discord, I got an anxiety spike that caused me to cry as I was coming down. Had to go get a long cuddly hug from my husband.
Haven't really felt good the rest of the day.
I did participate in the Whiskerwick advent, as well, but after any major rush had died down, I think. I haven't received the pets yet, but I've double checked three times that the ones I asked for aren't taken. I feel bad, I didn't think to write "thank yous" in the "etc" section of the form. Oops. Will have to write that in for tomorrow, I guess.
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I have so many incoming petz, I can't keep up my crew spreadsheet much less the crew section of my site. Above are petz from Petz Life Petzgiving! First is Breadcrumbs, from Tiffany at Sprocket. Then it's the lab I won in Witzy's Sweet Potato Lab Raffle. I was going to name her Sage, but think I might choose a different herb. One that goes with sweet potatoes, lol. Thyme maybe? Cranberry is from Buck's Cranberry Fluff Aussies (she's got a Lab personality/she shows up as a lab. I don't know how personality swaps work, that might be normal.) I was hoping she'd be easier to pose. I don't think I grew her up to do it though. Just a quick snap of her being cute laying down. Grapes is a Fruit Plate Meezer from Abby.
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I got two hexed Goldens from Shade for Wishmas on PSC. These were the pets I got but didn't open until today! I've named the first Bandito and the second Carona. Look, my love for orange coats and pink eyes has filtered out to the community, lol!
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Nunavut is a Mantle(piece) dane from Angora. He's what I adopted from Petz Life Advent today.
And it's dinner time, so I'm going to go. There's more I've grabbed lately, hexed and bred, but I'll have to post about them later!
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tanglewoodpetz · 2 months ago
I sent out pets as a petzmas gift to some people. Discord flagged me as a bot and warned people that what I sent was a virus. it's not. I have 15-ish more to go, I think. I know there's people I missed. I feel bad about that, but I was going off the letters to SantaPaws and PSC's Wishmas.
I'm also feeling some major imposter syndrome suddenly. Like I'm not a real petz player because I'm not giving out fancy hexed petz or don't have fancy addballz hexed petz. Or something. I don't know.
All I know if I feel like a fraud for some reason.
It also feels weird asking for so many pets for the advent things. I don't know. just asking for them and getting them feels wrong. Like I'm begging, or not supposed to ask for so many. But I'm following the rules. (now that I know them and have asked and clarified.)
I'm for some reason feeling terrified of Celia. Maybe because I know she can kick me out? So can Hash and Harry, and Mazz, I think? I don't know.
Just feeling out of sorts today.
Have a picture of Carter, one of four Lisa Frank labs I hexed. I kept him and sold the other three on the Bazaar. Real simple, uses the lisav2 palette. They even had stamps with each of them (Casey, Caymus, and Candy.) I'm loving him. I want to hex other Lisa Frank characters like the cats, but I don't know if I'm good enough. Won't know until I try, I guess.
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In other news, took Salem to the vet. (the fancy more expensive cancer-vet, not the normal one.) Got his exam, vitals, bloodwork done. His white blood cell count is a little low, but not too low to stop the chemo. Keep doing what we're doing. He's active and not acting like he's sick for the most part, despite the lumpiness of the cancer on his head. He even played with some yarn I was working with two days ago.
In other other news. On the last step to possibly having some online work again (after getting laid off in March.) Fingers crossed I pass the little exam. I'm feeling impostery regarding this too, but I think that's just because it's new-to-me jitters. Would feel this way with any job, most likely.
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tanglewoodpetz · 4 months ago
Old Haul is New Haul
All of the old petz and info I've been working from when I dive into my past is from 2006. I was in the community until 2009.
Which got me thinking, what computer was I using back then and do I still have it?
The answer took the form of digging the hard drive out of the tower 2 computers ago, hooking it up to the tower I used last. But sure enough, I found a still installed Ubi Soft folder and (and ResHack which I don't remember what that is) and my Petz 5 folder, which I didn't go digging in. I probably should have now that I think about it.
Either way, I have my old Adopted folders as well as overrides and my old hexes. I'm excited to go through it!
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tanglewoodpetz · 4 months ago
First two 6th gen Persian Alleys
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Ofeliya and Omar
I'd ideally like to get more eye colors, but trying to focus on body shapes and spots was enough things to juggle.
I was definitely sleeping on that brown with cream spots look. Should have had that one on my wishlist before. He came out lovely!
Both are displaying 173 silver-blue eyes, but also carry 115 steel.
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tanglewoodpetz · 2 months ago
I have donated 31 litters to Petz Life Advent, 16 of which were hexed. 13 of which were hexed, I had 16 hexed litters total between PL & WW. (Holy shit, I can't believe I hexed that many different pets. I hope people like some of them. The last ones were sort of chaotic.) I also donated 10 litters to Whiskerwick's advent, 3 of those are also hexed.
I've also put a "glass ornament" offer on Petz Bazaar, that quite a few people bought and sent petz for. I made one that wasn't perfect, and the customer seems to have tidied it up after me and then the sales slowed to a stop. I'm just paranoid enough to think they said how awful my work was somewhere. But then I think, I'm not that important enough to gossip about. The novelty just wore off a little. Not everyone who has purchased a ticket has sent in a pet. They may be waiting for a new pet from advent, or just haven't picked which pet pic they want to send yet.
It's fine.
Your standing in the community isn't solely based on the quality of things you produce. Your participation and just talking and helping others is just as important.
It's fine.
You're fine.
That thing you're obsessing about has already likely been forgiven and or forgotten by the other person. It's just your anxiety talking.
Hush up in there.
In any case, I've got a bit more to do for my Petzgiving offering (I got cranberry sauce!) before it's ready to be offered up. I hope people like those too. Even if someone just saves a stamp, I'll have contributed to Petzgiving though, even if no one adopts any of the pets I've bred for it.
It'll be okay.
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tanglewoodpetz · 3 months ago
I've been creating lots of petz for Petz Life Advent (only 15 days left to submit things!)
And I've got a "secret" project that I hope people will like.
But mostly I've been working on my new website Tanglewood! Yep, same name, mostly because I've still been using my prefix Tangle, and I wanted to be consistent. (Honestly, I never thought about naming it anything else.)
I've got my stamp collection up, and cliques, and I even have a Find-It game!
I had a lot of help from KingHarry with some javascript in the background for the crew sections.
The site is still under construction in some places but most everything is active. I'm quite delighted with it, really. For not having made a website in 10-15 years, I think I did an okay job.
I suppose I need a chatbox on there somewhere, but I'm not sure where. Having a place where people can comment might be useful. I've also got a lot more stamps planned! And the crew pictures are a long-term work-in-progress. But still, website! I did it! 🎉🎆
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tanglewoodpetz · 4 months ago
My Show Awards page is getting out of hand. I might reorganize it next week. Too many active showing pets.
Some pets that were shown in forums (or in the past) that have different showing points compared to what's listed in PSC. So my first batch of showing petz are going to end up higher in points than SGCh, because they can show in PSC until they hit that 30 point mark.
Does that make sense?
I don't know, I'm feeling a bit spacey this afternoon.
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tanglewoodpetz · 4 months ago
I'm addicted to Petz Bazaar
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This girl doesn't have a name yet. Adopted her almost before Nena @ Amenity advertised that she'd dropped new petz. (I was already on the Bazaar marketplace and clicked her name as soon as the message in Discord popped up!)
She's got hidden spots. She's also a super mix with 9 of the 10 OB breeds. And a tiny percentage of "Star Catz." And bred with some OWs probably. Her mom's name is Bee. And I sort of want to name her something related to that, but "beehive" makes me think of hair, and I just got "Prized Honey" and I've got a dali named Honey. So, I'm unsure. But I do want his show name to be "Naked and Covered in Bees" ... because, well, I think of Castiel every time I see the word "bee" these days.
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tanglewoodpetz · 4 months ago
Pumpkin & Macaroon
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Pumpkin from Bunni. I chose her eye colors, pink and orange! Which I'm pretty sure are my favorites. Well, I mostly just like the "light" eyes. Pink, greens, blues. Orange is the only "dark" color I really like. The golds and browns and dustys and cherries are meh. Can be pretty on some pets.
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Macaroon from lilibet. Soulless eyes, but super adorable. Look at that little blep!
There's so many more that I haven't introduced... oof.
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tanglewoodpetz · 4 months ago
So Much Happening
Okay, so in the petz community there's
Witzy's Showing Challenge - which I've already earned enough points for stamps, and I'm back up to 35 points which is enough to claim a Mystery Petz Box (5 petz) (20 points) or a Hexed Rainbow Palette Dane. (25 points). But the thing was supposed to get people to start showing, so I feel a little bad claiming things besides the stamps because I was already showing. The danes don't feel like a have-to-have but I'm also worried about FOMO (fear of missing out).
October is Dahlia's breed focus Mutt competition in PSC
It's also apparently Siamese breed focus too in PSC
Duke Group's Fall Festival is going on, and while I am participating in the box trap and the apple bobbing, and I've already done the wordsearch and guessed for the items in the jar. I want to do the baking thing by Bunni because her Russian Blue hexes are adorable but I just haven't had the spoons.
Whiskerwick has the Trick or Treat thing going, and I need to make a "house" picture of some kind for it. And stuff to give out! I've got a litter of black and orange cats, but I'd like to have some stamps for the event too.
Petz Life has the Advent Prep that I'd like to make stuff for too, but it's a bit intimidating because people are talking about donating hundreds of litters and so many hexed pets. I'm still doing small stuff, and most of the litters I select about 4 or so pups or kittens from. I think they said something like 7-14 pets in a litter? I don't even know what the Advent thing is, but it seems like it's time based first-serve sort of thing and apparently things go really quickly?
In the more personal side of things
October sucks. We lost my Eowyn on 10/9/21 and her brother Jet on 10/21/23.
We recently learned our next oldest cat, Salem (he just turned 14) still has elevated thyroid levels even on a high dose of medication morning and night. Tomorrow we go to a Internal Medicine vet to see what might be done for him. And he's got a lump on his head. (Eowyn had cancer on her head/in her nose which started as a little lump on her forehead.) but Salem's lump is bony, so I've just had something else to worry about for two weeks since his last vet appointment and (we noticed the lump the day after his appointment).
I told my husband that if we loose another cat in October, we're just not going to acknowledge the month anymore. It'll be August-September-September-November. I don't care if the days don't line up. Just no more Octobers.
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tanglewoodpetz · 4 months ago
Last 6th gens for Locations A-H line
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I couldn't decide, so two get added to my crew.
Both are spotless and are carriers of grey eyes. They've got a grandpa that's black with dark grey eyes, which I think I'm liking just a bit better than the blackhole 244 eyes. My first 244 eyed dali I named "Souless," lol. Left is Friuli and right is Furat, which is an Arabic form of the name Euphrates, which is one of their parents' names, so it seemed fitting for her.
Now we have four (five) 6th gen unrelated Dalis in this line: Florida, France, Frankenstein, and the two above. 8th gen pups are around the corner! Actually, maybe that should be part of my Trick or Treat or Advent things. Hmm...
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tanglewoodpetz · 1 month ago
I really don't like the "no editing" policy on Whiskerwick's advent. I was typing my response and must have hit the enter key? or something, and my reply posted but I wasn't finished typing. At least my entire email address got in there, but now it looks like i'm being greedy or stingy because the "etc: thank you!" line is missing. ... I don't even know what keys I must have pressed to get the quick reply to post like that. Because just pressing enter why you're in the text box shouldn't do it. Tab then enter? I don't know.
Typing with cold fingers sucks. My typing sucks these days anyway.
In any case, I've slowed down on the consumption of Advent pets. I'm still feeling FOMO, but I also feel like I'm drowning in new pets. Which makes me feel bad because I can't give each one separate time. I pull them out, take pictures (usually aiming for show pics, because I want to show all my pets), then send them back to the carrying case.
Like with sims, I don't really "play" the game any more, and that makes me sad with myself.
in other news, Salem the cat is doing okay. The lump on his head had grown/he's gotten a second lump; but his behavior is still active and normal. Getting into mischief and being pestery when he wants something. Gosh, gonna miss that when the end comes.
I finished a third crochet blanket this year, and have almost finished a second top, all I have to do is weave in my ends. Which isn't hard, just boring.
I'm having such a hard time concentrating on things. And this new job may not be working out. (It's WFH, but they already put a temporary freeze on me and asked me to do another test. so I'm expecting them to be like, sorry, you're not a good fit.) I think I rate things too harshly for this one, which is funny because I was almost always too lenient with my former job rating things.
back to petz news, because I forgot to say something: Megan asked to do a trade with me! And we traded two pets, and she was sneaky because one of the ones I wanted is a birthday pet, so I mentioned how my birthday was in a few weeks. She said "on the off chance..." and asked if there was a different one I'd like. So I gave her my third choice and she sent all three. So I got the birthday pet for my birthday! Sneaky, sweet woman! How cool is that?
The petz community is very giving and kind.
I've also been playing Wajas again, and I've fallen in love with this guy. There's just something about the spitz breed (in real life and in Wajas that's really grabbed me lately. Then again, I grew up with a Keeshund which is a spitz breed "Wolfspitz") . I'm also about everything rainbows lately. Lisa Frank bright and rainbows. I do sometimes feel like I'm not allowed to like rainbows because I'm not LGBTQ+ or anything (I thought I was bi for a bit, but the longer I thought about it the more I'm like, no, I'm cis.) But you know, rainbows can be pretty to anyone. Anyway, this pretty waja is named Glowiful.
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tanglewoodpetz · 4 months ago
Added 2 Purebred NIB litters to my shop!
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The top litter is the Aly x Denpot 6th gen nearly spotless pups that I had advertised here.
The bottom are Fender x Jarl 7th gen Danes.
Both are purebred, not inbred, and have full pedigrees.
Edit: In the time it took to make this post, one of the near spotless pups has been adopted!
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