Blast from the Past: Petz!
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Before I was a part of the simming community, I was part of the Petz community. On a random trip down memory lane through old website layouts, I found some of my old Petz website layouts too. Then curiosity had me googling Petz to see what remained of the community.
Color me surprised to learn that the community still exists and has multiple active Discords, forums, and sites!
So, of course, I had to join them.
And there's a lot of chatter in my head about all of this so I'm probably going to make a sideblog for Petz. I'm even going to reuse my old site name: Tanglewood, as it is listed on the historical list of Petz sites on the Petz Site Directory!
Edited to Add: There's nothing there yet, but I did get the header done: Tanglewood Petz
I had archived over 250 of my petz, including my very first adoption: Love, adopted on Dec 25, 1999.
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tanglewoodpetz · 2 days
I got a Xoops hexie! EEEEE!!!!!
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In the Petz Life server, everyone was super hyped about Megan at Xoops dropping a group of Hexies on the Petz Bazaar. I was worried that since she tagged 25 people and only showed 25 petz, that they were mean for specific people. But no, first come first grab.
I think I might have refreshed 30 times in the last minute leading up to 1 am for me. Staccato here was 90 coinz, almost all I had, but so so worth it! All the petz Megan put up were adopted within a minute of the shop going live.
I'm still in shock that 1) I was able to afford her and 2) I got my first choice!
Now, to try to purge the adrenaline from my system so I can go to bed. I can play with my new petz tomorrow!
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tanglewoodpetz · 4 days
Color Me Confused
So the only one of this batch by gen 3 that still has markings is this guy:
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This is what his GenePoolz profile looks like:
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No alley markings! What?
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tanglewoodpetz · 3 days
First two 6th gen Persian Alleys
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Ofeliya and Omar
I'd ideally like to get more eye colors, but trying to focus on body shapes and spots was enough things to juggle.
I was definitely sleeping on that brown with cream spots look. Should have had that one on my wishlist before. He came out lovely!
Both are displaying 173 silver-blue eyes, but also carry 115 steel.
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tanglewoodpetz · 2 days
Added 2 Purebred NIB litters to my shop!
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The top litter is the Aly x Denpot 6th gen nearly spotless pups that I had advertised here.
The bottom are Fender x Jarl 7th gen Danes.
Both are purebred, not inbred, and have full pedigrees.
Edit: In the time it took to make this post, one of the near spotless pups has been adopted!
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tanglewoodpetz · 2 days
Show Awards Pages
I've decided to upload my petz's past show awards. At this time, I'm only showing off the petz I still have in my cattery and kennels. I've retired quite few petz that had inbreeding in their line or a lopsided pedigree. I even have awards for petz I've lost between computer jumps. (Namely a lovely white dali with selfie lids and pink eyes.) My obsession with pink eyes did not start recently apparently.
I was basing my previously mentioned show points for Mocha and Wicca on an offline version of my old website, but it seems it wasn't as up-to-date as the "Show Awards" folder I found elsewhere.
Mocha has 16 points now, not 14, and Wicca has 26 points not 25.
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tanglewoodpetz · 4 days
Persian Alley Experiment Results
After my first batch of cats didn't yield the results I was aiming for, I got a little sciencey with my groups.
Under a cut because long post is long:
Set 1:
Started with 4 pairs of Persian/Alleys and 4 pairs of just Persians
Had Black Mist's Mostly Flealess & Mutating spots Alley OW
Had Middlenight's Additional colors Persian OW
Spots had mostly bred out by gen 3
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Set 2:
Started with 4 pairs of Persian/Alleys and 4 pairs of Persians
Had Black Mist's Mostly Flealess & Mutating spots Alley OW
Original Breedfile for the Persian
Almost all the spots had bred out by gen 3
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Set 3:
Started with 4 pairs of Persian/Alleys and 4 pairs of Persians
Had Kismet's Mostly Flealess Alley OW
Original Breedfile for the Persian
Spots passed all the way to 4th gen
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Set 4:
Started with 8 pairs of Persian/Alleys
Had Black Mist's Mostly Flealess & Mutating spots Alley OW
Had Middlenight's Additional colors Persian OW
In the middle of this experiment is when @yourselfcola told me that the spots are connected to coat type with the mutating OW is in
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My goal for this project was to get a cat with all of it's body shapes to be Persian but the markings to be Alley Cat, similar to how Wood Panel Rescue's Snowshoe Scotties have full body Scotties with Chihuahua markings. The first two did achieve this, but it didn't have the result I was aiming for.
With YourselfCola's illuminating information about how with the Mutating spots file, the spots aren't connected to markings but coat, I can see how this was going to be a fail from the start.
My reasoning for the different starting ratio in the 4th set, was that perhaps I was accidentally breeding out all of the Alley, but that was a bit too much to get the body type I wanted by this generation.
I did learn that according to Unique Petz's coat color genetics guide, that both Persian and Alley original breed files only use the first of the five color slots. I did notice that with the mutating spots file, the spots use the second color slot.
My wishlist for colors from this project included
cherry coat with cream spots
orange coat with cream spots
black coat with cream spots
black coat with cherry spots
black coat with orange spots
cream coat with white spots
white coat with steel spots
If I breed these 8 pets in the right combination, I might get a few of those results. But do I do that with the OWs in place or not? I think I'm going to put just Kizmet's Mostly Flealess Alley file in. I don't think the additional colors Persian OW is very helpful at this stage (I think it only really helps the variety when adopting from the AC.)
Once I get these 8 down to 2, I guess I'll start on another 4 groups, with the set-up I had for Set 3 as that's the one I had my best results with. I won't get my different color spots but I think I prefer the Persian coat type to the Alley.
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tanglewoodpetz · 5 days
New Stamps!
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Single file so maybe they won't look awful and stretched in different views? Meh. Anyways... I need to take more pictures of pets facing the left. I know I've shown before, and my pets have gotten titles and all that. But it's been 15 years. It still feels rather "new" and exciting, even with the nostalgic tint to things.
There's some things that I've never done before -- like certain breeds I've never adopted: Papillon, Chihuahua, Scottie, etc. Not to mention the Non-Overwriting breeds like the Aussies and Rottweilers. So there's a mix of real new things and not-so-real new things. But they're my stamps, so I Do What I Want. lol.
My brain and anxiety, man. No one's going to come for me for saying something's a first for me. But I have to have that whole conversation in my head - just in case, right?
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tanglewoodpetz · 10 days
Just wanted to share a few "old" hexies and others that I'm naturally raising.
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First up is Bubbles
owner is listed as Nekura
adopted on 7/22/2006
Middle pup is Double Dip
I apparently hexed this dog in Petz 5 way back in 2006. I didn't seem to have a pet file but I did find my breedfile. (She's apparently a version 3?) So I found out how to make a Unibreed so I could adopt her in Petz 3. And yeah, I knew how to hex at one point, right?
Last pup is Trisha
Description says only she and her brother Ride were ever released
owner is listed as Bella @ Gizmo
adopted on 7/8/2006
Description also says, "Enjoy your SS pets!" and since I have a lot of pets mentioning "Summer Swap" I'm going to assume that's what SS is referring to here.
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This is Deluxe and her pup Querulous. Dad's name is Quirk.
Owner is listed as Rachel
adopted on 3/11/2006
Dali / Dane mix, which I call Harliquin, though I'm pretty sure that's specifically only the white ones (or it used to be.)
I think I decide to breed Deluxe and Quirk right before I started my Locations line project. So less than two weeks ago. I had been bring these two out with other pups, but she kept growling at everyone. Today I brought her out alone and gave her some attention that way. Then she started doing the happy feet thing my real life cats do, settled down and Querulous crawled over to her and started nursing! I completely forgot they'd do this! I quickly changed PetzA's setting about not reacting to the camera so I could grab this shot. Aren't they sweet?
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tanglewoodpetz · 2 days
Old Haul is New Haul
All of the old petz and info I've been working from when I dive into my past is from 2006. I was in the community until 2009.
Which got me thinking, what computer was I using back then and do I still have it?
The answer took the form of digging the hard drive out of the tower 2 computers ago, hooking it up to the tower I used last. But sure enough, I found a still installed Ubi Soft folder and (and ResHack which I don't remember what that is) and my Petz 5 folder, which I didn't go digging in. I probably should have now that I think about it.
Either way, I have my old Adopted folders as well as overrides and my old hexes. I'm excited to go through it!
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tanglewoodpetz · 3 days
Show Points Totals Sept 17-21
All the shows I've entered have now been closed and judged. How'd my petz do? Awful. lol.
I feel like posing standards have changed since I did this last. I've been reading guides and everything but I don't know if the information isn't sticking in my head or I just revert to my old way of what makes a good pose.
Enavi raked in 2 no placements, 4 HMs, and a 2nd. = 7 points (now a Reserve Champion!)
Bishop placed in all of her shows! an HM, two 3rds, a 2nd, and a 1st. = 12 points (now a Champion!)
France was only entered in one show and won an HM (dead last, lol) = 1 point
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Wicca was entered into 3 shows, didn't place in one. Got a HM and a 2nd. = 4 points. She had a previous 21 points from shows long ago. I still have her awards. So 25 points total. (Master Grand Champion!)
Mocha was entered into 2 shows, only placed in one and got a 2nd. = 3 points. She previously had earned 11, so now she's at 14 points. (Champion!)
Glimmery was entered into 2 shows. Placed 1st in one and HM in the other. = 5 points. (Reserve Champion!)
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I have gone into Photoshop and tried to compare my pics to Filthy-Hippie's guides, and I can see where I need improvement. So maybe my next batch of show pics will be better? Here's hoping!
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tanglewoodpetz · 4 days
First attempt at Persians with Alley markings? Fail
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Despite what Genepoolz says:
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There's no marking?
I kept thinking, maybe it's just not showing one parent or the other, but then I was getting both side saying "Alley Cat" markings and the only thing that's visible is the muzzle.
(Both cats are unrelated gen 4s)
Maybe instead of going by GenePoolz, I should be going by what I actually see?
I do have OW files on both of them. Black Mist's Mostly Flealess with Mutating markings for the Alleys and Middlenight's additional colors for the Persians.
I might take the Persian one out and see if that makes any difference. Actually, seeing as how most of the colors on my wish list have cream markings, I might drop back to Kismet's version of the Alley file. Too many variables. 16 without one file, 16 without the other... another 16 to give me 8 4th gens...
Up next, I guess, Mostly Flealess Mutating Alley & OB Persian.
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tanglewoodpetz · 4 days
Enavi placed in another show!
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Definitely need to take more pose pictures. This was Commander's EBW Dogz Show #20 on Petz Show Club discord.
I'm going to go make another tab in my spreadsheet to document all this.
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tanglewoodpetz · 5 days
Shows Judged
Mythic Silence EBW Standard Dogz Show #161 closed and Bishop placed 3rd and Enavi won an Honorable Mention!
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Mythic Silence EBW Non-Dali Dali Show #163 closed and Bishop placed 3rd!
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Flamingo's Standard Non-Sporting Group Show 9/16/24 closed, but Enavi didn't place. Competition was stiff!
Actually, this all tells me I need to take better show pictures. But hey, someone's got to place last in an Everybody Wins show, right? There's still a few shows open/waiting to be judged. I think at least 3 close this coming Saturday.
Points totals:
Enavi - 4 (a 2nd & an HM)
Bishop - 5 (an HM & two 3rds) - first title! Reserved Champion.
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tanglewoodpetz · 5 days
All the Persians I put up on The Petz Bazaar have been adopted!
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tanglewoodpetz · 6 days
Shows Judged, More Entered
Thor's EBW+ Doz Show Sep.16.2024 closed and Enavi won 2nd place!
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Marvel's Dali Pose Show 9.12.24 closed and Bishop won Honorable Mention!
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Entered Wicca into
Ratqueen's EBW Catz Pose Show #662 on RKC
Commander's Ultimate EBW Catz Show #69 on RKC
Entered Glimmery & Mocha into Commander's show as well.
Edit to add: Also entered Wicca & Mocha into Arie's standard catz show #384 on WW
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