#tangail to dinajpur route
bdtrainpro · 3 years
Tangail to Dinajpur Train Schedule & Ticket Price
Tangail to Dinajpur Train Schedule & Ticket Price
Tangail to Dinajpur Train Schedule & Ticket Price: If you want to know about the Tangail to Dinajpur train journey, you want to know about the Tangail to Dinajpur Train Schedule. Bangladesh Railway arranges the Tangail to Dinajpur train services inside this route. In response to the Bangladesh Railway train options, we’ve described all the schedules with their details right here. tangail to…
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born2battle · 4 years
Baptism by Fire ---- 1971 War
     On 01 Nov, I reported to Maj P V Mithran, the Battery Commander of Romeo Battery. He extended a hearty welcome & introduced me to all the Jawans, specifically mentioning about my outstanding performance as winner of the Silver Gun at Deolali. He expressed the hope that I will prove to be a competent GPO and a long term asset in the Jat Balwan family. He advised me to get conversant with all drills on the 75 mm Howitzer and the technical work in the Command Post, within next one week. He nominated the Instructors who would conduct this on the job training. Then, we had the “ Take Post “ ceremony at the Gun, which signalled the start of my Induction training. It was so encouraging to begin this journey, in a scenario, where the entire Regiment was deployed for the operational role. 
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    All training was conducted within the perimeter of the Gun Position,  covering an area of 2 square km. Individual training was conducted for the first two hours & was followed by Collective training for the next two hours. It covered Gun Drill, Command Post work, Survey schemes & Driving and maintenance. Soon after lunch, all Officers & JCOs had classes on special subjects such as Fire Planning, Radio communication procedures, basic battle procedures of an Infantry Battalion & Terrain analysis of the likely area of operations. Soon after dinner, we practised deployment drills, both at the OP end & the Gun end. This methodology of training would contribute as a battle winning factor shortly. Despite this hectic schedule, I managed to find time to write letters to my parents & friends.Interestingly, letters had to be written on Red / Green coloured Forces letters & dispatched via FPO --- set up by Army Postal Service !!
   During my Induction training, I got an opportunity to observe the customs of my Jawans & understand their behaviour at the grassroots level. I had some difficulty in comprehending their JAT dialect initially but was able to forge a relationship gradually. I  found the JATs to be robust and competent while executing any task. They were voracious foodies & loved to prepare’ Halwa’, even in small groups. Meanwhile, my BC monitored the progress about my training and allowed me to fire the Gun for the first time.I felt thrilled when I pressed the firing lever of the Ranging Gun, while all the Gun detachments cheered in unison ---” Bol Kishan Bhagwan ki Jay.” I was permitted to continue firing throughout the Shoot, which was controlled by the OP officer, engaging the target which was 8 km away. At the end of this maiden experience, I distributed sweets to all the Jawans , as per the regimental custom.
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   Meanwhile, a special Force named Mukti Bahini, was created out of the Bengali population of erstwhile East Pakistan. This special force comprised of 25,000 conventional forces and 80,000 freedom fighters. It operated as a part of the operations conducted by Indian Armed Forces. In our sector of operations Mukti Bahini was utilized for guerilla operations for the Battle of Pachagarh. It was the first time when I performed the duties of GPO giving fire orders from the Command Post. This was also the first occasion when we were under shelling from enemy artillery guns. However, we had to continue firing our guns in retaliation after moving to alternate positions.  
   In the last week of November, the situation became critical. As we advanced the enemy retreated to occupy defensive positions after blowing up the bridges on the rivers/ canals. 98 Mountain Regiment was part of the thrust from north to south while there were similar thrusts into East Pakistan from easterly and westerly directions. On 03 December 1971, Pakistan launched a surprise air strike on our air bases right from Srinagar to Barmer. In immediate response, our Prime Minister, Mrs. Indira Gandhi announced on All India Radio “War has been forced on us”. Thus began the 1971 war. 
   Lt Col Chaturvedi, our CO held an urgent Sainik Sammelan and briefed us about the latest development. He also briefed us about the future plans for suitable response. All of us resolved that we will deliver the results to the best of our abilities and utmost of our capacities especially in this war situation. The very next day, we heard the news about the success achieved by Indian Navy who had sunk the Pakistani Submarine - PNS Ghazi of the coast of Vizag. 
   In our sector, our next objective was Thakurgaon which was very heavily defended. The planning for its capture was in progress by the higher commanders. At the gun position ,we were busy digging gun pits, weapon pits, command post and alternate positions which would prove their utility in the event of shelling. Our CO, BCs and OP officers evolved a detailed fire plan for the capture of Thakurgaon. These plans were sent to the Adjutant command post for further dissemination to each of the GPOs. We had to calculate the technical data and keep it ready for application on the guns. The capture of Thakurgaon was completed after two nights of intense battle. Major Virinder Kumar, who was our BC in this action, was later awarded the Sena Medal for his gallantry. 
   Our next objective was Dinajpur, which was another hard nut to crack. Similar preparations were carried out after we moved forward and deployed in a new gun position. It was equally essential to replenish the ammunition keeping in pace with the expenditure. This was done only during night. The attack was launched on Dinajpur which was captured after three nights. It was again another OP officer of our Regiment who proved his worth - Capt Prakash Chand who was later awarded the ‘Mention in Despatches’. However, two Jawans (L/NK Ran Singh and OPR Ram Chander) of his OP party were martyred. We were then ordered to move quickly towards Rangpur. This was achieved after crossing the rivers / tributaries en-route using pontoon bridges. Eventually, Rangpur garrison was surrounded by 14 Dec. 
   We learnt about the progress of operations along all the three thrusts which had converged very close to Dhaka. All India Radio announced about our successful amphibious landings at Cox’s Bazaar as well as a magnificent air drop at Tangail. These two surprise actions were a clear indication that the noose was tightening on Dhaka. Finally, on 16 Dec, the cease fire was declared bringing an end to the war in both Eastern and Western theatres. The main surrender ceremony was held in Dhaka where Lt Gen AAK Niazi, GOC in C, Pakistan Eastern Theatre surrendered along with 93,000 troops to Lt Gen JS Aurora, GOC in C, Eastern Command. It was indeed a decisive victory for India which resulted in the birth of Bangladesh. 
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    Similar surrender ceremony was held at Rangpur, where we were directly involved. It was a historic achievement for our Regiment, remembered forever, in our regimental history. Personally, I felt privileged to be baptised in the Jat Balwan family in this memorable manner. Hereafter, my course (38 NDA) earned the title “Born To Battle” Course. 
    In the midst of all this jubilation, there was a sombre feeling when I heard the news that Second Lieutenant Arun Khetarpal, my Coursemate ( 38th / Foxtrot ) had been martyred in the Battle of Basantar on the night of 15/16 December. He was the Troop Commander in 17 Poona Horse and displayed extreme gallantry in a skirmish with enemy tanks, even after his tank was hit by enemy tanks. His act of supreme sacrifice,  was honoured with the highest gallantry award --- the Param Vir Chakra !! The Drill Square in NDA has since been renamed as Khetarpal Parade Ground , as a mark of respect to the Bravest of the Braves !!!
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bdtrainpro · 3 years
Dinajpur to Tangail Train Schedule & Ticket Price
Dinajpur to Tangail Train Schedule & Ticket Price
Dinajpur to Tangail Train Schedule & Ticket Price: If you need to travel from Dinajpur to Tangail, you can select a train as a substitute for other public transport comfortable journeys. Right here, we’ve included all crucial info on your journey together with Dinajpur to Tangail train schedule and ticket price. All this info has been up to date as per the discovery of the Bangladesh…
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