#tanaka hyouga
leenaevilin · 5 years
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cast update under the cut^^
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Kawakami Shouta as Legosi (レゴシ)
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Takenaka Ryouhei as Louis (ルイ)
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Kuwae Sakina as Haru (ハル)
Taniguchi Masashi as Gouhin (ゴウヒン) Sakura Karen as Juno (ジュノ) Tanaka Hyouga as Bill (ビル) Izaki Ryuujirou as Jack (ジャック)
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incorrectmidc · 6 years
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Ikemen Revolution THE STAGE: Black King Red Army ・ Jonah Clemence ー Takuto Ohmi ・ Zero ー Kunta ・ Kyle Ash ー Tanaka Hyouga ・ Edgar Bright ー Maeda Riku ・ Lancelot Kingsley ー Haruki Kiyama Civilians ・ Blanc Lapin ー Muro Tatsuki ・ Loki Genetta ー Muo Hattori ・ Alice ー Aoki Shion
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supadora · 5 years
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sambart93 · 8 years
2017.02.16 SOUL FLOWER [Review]
I watched this last Thursday and I went because of one the guys (Tanaka Hiroki) from Onigiri (review) who I really fell for in that, was doing this and while at first I bought tickets without knowing what it was about, I soon learnt it was abut mutants and kind of dystonia and that my guy would be doing a BL character so NATURALLY I ended up being super excited for it!
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Official Website here Official Twitter here Official Hashtag here PV here Music here Press 1, 2
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Kuryu Mina as Kiko/Mashiro Ukai Mondou as Sagami Sugie Masahiro as Kurosawa Kouji Tamagawa Ramu as Eva Akiba Yusuke as Maruko / Mark Oguri Ryo as Sid Maniwa Ryosuke as Alberto Maikawa Miyako as Kokoro Mitsuki Saori as Uzumi Kojima Kotori as Sarubado-ru Kinoshita Aya as Kimura Chanel Araki Miyu as Yamashiro Myura Yuuno as Murayama Elmes Hiroya as Kaosu Tanaka Hiroki as Agape Matsushita Takashi as Filia Mitani Remi as Sheila Aino Eri as Risa Hanai Madoka as Aniesu Hagiwara Naruya as Zenelgef Maruyama Raiden as Khan Akaishi Nobu as Zoid Akiyoshi Aya as Young Kiko Ogura Erika as Shimamura Oba Saki as Sally Hanaoka as Dory Ensemble: Hikita Chiharu, Takami Sakiko, Watai Ryuya Tanaka Hyoga as Joker
As you can see the cast is huge! xD The stage again (like Onigiri) was small so having such a huge cast was kinda scary. ANYWAY!
Also as soon as the stage started I was SHOCKED to realise it wasn’t just Tanaka Hiroki from Onigiri in this, but two others from Onigiri were ALSO doing this and it made me very happy ^_^
SOUL FLOWER takes place in world quite like a dystopian where the rich and privileged live in the Three Hills, whereas the rest live in the slums. We follow a community of people who live in one of these slums, and it's called Sector 6, but even they call it 'Trash Town' (gomi no machi) because all the old and broke electronics and stuff the rich society want to throw away ends up being in their area, but it's their home and they love it. Well almost all of them: some would kill and hurt others in order to get a chance to have their barcodes changed (which every person is imprinted on them so the government know who belongs where in society) and be able to move to the Hills. Unfortunately also in this world, we have mutants who are feared and hated by most humans; Sagami is one of them and in order to keep the sector safe, he's locked up. One day, a famous idol singer from the Hills is kidnapped live on a music tv show, who then wakes up in Sector 6 with no memory of who she is. 
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This was SOOOO good! Oh my! I loved the story, all the characters were (while a lot of them) individual and great! This very much gave me Onigiri feels; not very known actors, doing a very unique and interesting and simple-to-understand story BUT it hits a lot of feels and it’s entertaining in both actor and comedy, there’s never a dull moment, you even want to route for the bad guys! The improvisation was great, the higawari (daily changes to the script) was absolutely hilarious. I enjoyed this so much! And the aftertalk too was a lot of fun! The singing was beautiful too! I literally cannot, I was so impressed and so happy with this stage! And my baby boy Tanaka Hiroki in his cute BL role had all the kisses and stuff so that made me happy ^_^ He’s so cute... Basically, this is a lot of fun and a great world and I enjoyed it a lot!
Rating: 8/10
Here’s an extension of the plot:
One day, a famous idol singer from the Hills is kidnapped live on a music tv show, who then wakes up in Sector 6 with no memory of who she is. The community welcomes her but turns out she was originally one of them but was kidnapped as a child by the Joker and got her memory wiped at the time and became a singer. She is also Sagami’s long lost childhood friend and they clearly have feelings for each other. During her time in Sector 6 
When the Joker learns she was kidnapped on live TV and ended up in Sector 6 he immediately goes mental and brings his posse with him to bring her back. But he’s not the only one, her singing rival Kurosawa also goes to the slums to find her. Because the singer was kidnapped on live tv, two more groups; one group consisting of two assassins and another is one of Sector 6′s own Zenelgef who has made a deal with Joker, if he finds and brings back Kiko then he can move to the Hills and in order to do this he tricks and manipulates his group (consisting of Agape, Filia and Kaosu) to help him even when he has no intentions of taking them with him once the mission is complete. 
Finally, with the help of Zenelgef, the Joker re-kidnaps Kiko and brings her back to the Hills however the stress and the fact she gets her memory wiped for the THIRD time really fucks her up, and she ends up completely inside her own head and is no longer consciously there and is very much a vegetable in a wheelchair.
In order for the slums to take control, as well as in order to get Kiko back, Sector 6 decide to infiltrate the Hills alongside Sagami who decides to drive a plane full of explosives into Joker’s building and manage to save Kiko and destroy the Hills for good. Naturally they all think Sagami is dead but thanks to his mutant abilities, he isn’t killed in the blast and finally Kiko and Sagami are reunited and it ends in a peaceful but bittersweet ending because while the Hills are destroyed and there’s no societal structure anymore, they did have a lot of deaths during this story.
Now, I really want to fangirl a lot about this, and I’m going to go through the actors:
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Kuryu Mina as Kiko/Mashiro: She has a beautiful voice! She sings two main songs and they’re both great! All the feels with the songs! Seriously, check out the PV above to hear the first song << the PV is good too. I really liked Kiko. We first see who with no memory and she’s openly welcomed into the slum and they end up naming her Mashiro and she’s very positive and she ends up meeting Sagami and she’s like the only one accepting of him and then when she gets re-kidnapped to the Hills and loses her mind and becomes a blank vegetable is so heartbreaking and then seeing her react and come back to herself when Sagami sends her a video message and she’s starts to come back to her senses and is just like ‘S...Sagami?... Sagami!?’ and oh my it’s heartbreaking! She so cute too!
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Ukai Mondou as Sagami: Pretty much straight away we learn he’s the only mutant in Sector 6 and because of his strong power and the fact that he’s unstoppable scares everyone off that they decide he should be locked up so he’s locked up in a dungeon, underground, sewer type place and where he starts to really feel like he shouldn’t live and when Kiko finally comes he’s like ‘stay away! I shouldn’t be allowed to live! Why you talking to me?!’ and he quickly gets soft on her because she feels familiar, she’s not scared of him and she comforts him. When he learns Kiko is his childhood friend he’s totally protective and starts to remember their times together. I really liked Sagami and I really like how they used projection mapping to show his powers and show him transforming and powering up. He has this cool red, fire like power and transformation. When Sector 6 finally accept him back and want to work with him; the plan to use the plane full of explosives come up and when he offers himself it’s really like ‘oh no! We’re know you’re a mutant but you won’t survive the blast!’ but he acts like it’s no deal. And when he makes that video recording for Kiko and he breaks down and it hits you in the feels. The moment he’s IN the plane and starts singing her song as he’s about to smash into the building is so heartbreaking... and then the relief when he turns back up thanks to Mark giving him a parachute before he left and I was crying so hard that he and Kiko could be reunited!! <3 also the fact that Ukai was also in Onigiri; both characters are similar and they both have a lot of action scenes, fighting scenes and also they both have HUGE swords to fight with xD I really like Ukai’s acting and he’s a very good actor -- and super tall too! - and in the aftertalk he was very funny. There’s a moment where he missed his step up the barrel which was hilarious xD
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Sugie Masahiro as Kurosawa Kouji: Kurosawa is Kiko’s singing rival and I assume he has a romantic interest in her even though they’re rivals because that would be the only explanation as to why he decides to go looking for her. He doesn’t really leave that much of an impression, he’s just a really nice, decent guy, trying his best to save someone even though he’s never been a fight in his life so he’s not really that much of a help. BUT he is good looking and tall and has nice legs so there’s that xD
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Tamagawa Ramu as Eva: She is basically Sid’s sidekick and they’re always together and they’ve been friends and buddies for a long time and she’s very much the woman fighter of the group. She’s very strong, she’s the only one out of the women who can fight, and she’s very strong and she’s definitely left to protect the entire group when Sagami and Sid aren’t there. Her outfit is super cool too. And we learn towards the end that she too is a mutant, just that she kept it hidden, and that he power is manipulating lightning.
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Akiba Yusuke as Maruko / Mark: And now we get to the first ikemen I fell for in the stage! This boy is so gorgeous and good looking! He came onstage with Alberto and Sarubado-ru’s actors before the show started to do the stage greeting and rules etc. and I could not look away! I had a very hard time concentrating on Tanaka when he was onstage, I was definitely torn between who do I look at?! BUT the girl in front of me was definitely his fan so I kind of felt like it was okay if I didn’t focus on Akiba, NEVERTHELESS, he is GORGEOUS and so cute and his character is good too! His character is the mechanic and DIY guy of the group; he fixes pianos, planes, pretty much anything and it’s thanks to him that Sector 6 decides to scrap it’s ‘no music’ rule once they learn and hear the music he and his friends produce. There’s also a section where we see him answering phone calls and everything you start to suspect that he is Joker’s intel in the group, BUT luckily he’s actually been working with helping Kurosawa get into Section 6 and find Kiko! Which was a huge ‘phew’ moment because (he’s cute) they cleverly made it look like he was a spy or a bad guy. And now for this cutie to have a picspam:
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Okay I’m done... it’s short but turns out I didn’t have many pics anyway xD he’s cute right!!
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Oguri Ryo as Sid: He’s the second guy who was also in this but also in Onigiri (mid in the pic above). I really liked his character in Onigiri too! And again, just like Ukai, his character in this was similar to his Onigiri character: fights with a sword, long hair, probably the second leader of the group. His character was a small role but he was a big part of the fighting, especially when the fighting was AGAINST Sagami getting out. He was very against Sagami, so the Sector could stay protected, but then also when the Sector is getting attacked in general, he will through away his beliefs and work WITH Sagami to protect the group which is very mature of him <3 but,.... he got killed off. He got absolutely ruined by Aniesu and his death was sad, I did shed a few tears and he dies in Eva’s arms and it’s touching <3
Maniwa Ryosuke as Alberto: Okay this guy was with the other two doing the stage greeting and rules, and straight away he was saying the rules in English  and Mark’s actor Akiba was translating it into Japanese, and this guy got about half way into saying the rule in English when he sees me (smack in the middle of the 4th row) and he just did not stop looking.... he soon stopped using English too, maybe my fault and he started to worry if he was saying the rules correctly which was pretty much correct and his pronunciation was pretty much perfect(!). I don’t really remember this character because he never really got a center moment; he was always WITH the group so naturally I was off googling at Akiba or Tanaka or the other ikemen (explained later) instead. But the actor himself was very funny and interesting and during the aftertalk they spoke about the scene where Sagami volunteers to drive the plane and Akiba and Ukai turned to Maniwa (during the AT) like ‘you look the MOST like a mechanic and pilot between us! You should’ve drove the plane!’ and Akiba goes into his role ‘who will drive the plane...’ Mania ‘....*raises hand* I will!’ Akiba and Ukai: ‘Okay you go then’ xD In fact this guy, as soon as he walked on stage I was like ‘I know this guy!’ and once the stage had finished I immediately went to the internet, and it became very obvious that I knew him; Dance with Devils, Club Slazy, Tokyo Ghoul, Yowamushi Pedal and Onigirimaru.
AhHA holy shit this guy has the top score in TOEIC and did years barod in Oz and US, no wonder he did the whole saying the rules in English thing. FUCK now I really do regret not staying behind to talk to the cast, me and him could’ve had a great discussion...
Maikawa Miyako as Kokoro: Her voice is very high. VERY high. She was cute, had a nice hairstyles and stuck by her friends, especially Uzumi, but she was also very weak and minor, so I wasn’t so much interested in her. But when the aftertalk ended she fell back onto the steps which a cute and funny xD
Mitsuki Saori as Uzumi: Another I didn’t really pay attention to but she did spend the last 30 minutes of the stage just CRYING her eyes out because of Sid’s death then Sagami’s suicide then Sagami being dead but then learning he’s not and he’s alive so ALL the tears: hence kudos for being able to turn the water works on. She was cute too. But no one special or to pay attention to personally.
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Kojima Kotori as Sarubado-ru: This guy is so cute! He looks VERY familiar and he’s been in Kin’Iro so that’s where I recognise him from. He’s really good at dancing and he’s very funny! The first time Kiko sings her song in Sector 6, he dances from the half way point and it’s so great! He’s a very talented dancer.
Kinoshita Aya, Araki Miyu and Yuuno as Kimura Chanel, Yamashiro Myura and Murayama Elmes: These three are basically Joker’s posse and they will do anything he tells them too. They’re rather annoying (on purpose) and can be funny at times. There’s a higawari where they chain Joker up and they ended up putting clothing pegs on his nipples and you could tell this was a higawari because the actor playing Joker actually started to freak when they pulled out the pegs and he was like ‘you sure this is safe?!’ to which Chanel said ‘I tried it before the show to make sure it worked’, and he replied ‘...you tried it?! Did you really?! Wait, wait, wait, don’t pull yet!’ and they pulled and his poor nipples were bright red and he was holding them. It was hilarious for EVERYONE else except him.
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Hiroya, Tanaka Hiroki and Matsushita Takashi as Kaosu, Agape and Filia: I’m grouping these guys together because they’re a trio the enter time. They’re a group of three homosexuals who are pretty much in love with each other so they have this polyamorous relationship with each other. While their leader is Zenelgef, it’s very obvious it’s sepeareted and split as them three and then him.  First Kaosu: He’s really the leader in his group, but he has a lot of anger and he’s a little scary and he’s good at fighting, BUT he definitely cares about Agape and Filia a lot, even if he’s arguing with them. He definitely has anger issues but he’s interesting and he works out his struggles with the two other and they go through a lot together, they never go through their shit alone, and his death is heartbreaking, especially because of how it’s executed* and why he dies. 
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Then we have Agape who is played by my beautiful boy Tanaka Hiroki and the reason WHY I went to this stage! He was so cute! He was playing a rather rough, mean guy. This group is THE group that pretty much fights against and terrorises the others in Sector 6 on a daily basis because they harbour a mutant. BUT as soon as he’s alone with Filia and Kaosu he’s very soft and caring and he worries a lot. It’s really funny seeing Agape and Filia fight over Kaosu’s attention and it creates some very good comedic scenes where Kaosu is just stood between them fighting for his attention and he just can’t decide who he should go to so he forces both of them to come to him xD Also Agape and Filia are very touchy feely with each other and hold hands a lot and Agape is pretty much the other who makes the first move when it comes to making the kisses so that made me squee xD again, his death was heartbreaking* and I cried and the position he died in what so sweet too... compulsory Hiroki picspam because he’s an Ikemen(!):
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Last in the group is Filia who’s actor is ALSO an ikemen and I feel so straight away! He’s so adorable! Both his character and visually and during the aftertalk he was just adorable! Filia is a very quiet, and sweet boy who’s only fighting because the two guys he love is also fighting. He is very positive and very light and is a source of the comedy between the three of them and hes very childish and cute and caring and (did I already say funny)? He was just like the light between the three of them and helps soften the other two up. Compulsory Ikemen picspam!
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*So all three of them die at the same time via suicide. Once they learn Zenelgef has betrayed them and really won’t be taking them to the Hills, they decide enough is enough and they decide that living in this situation sucks and they don’t want to be here anymore (literally) so in front of everyone, just after Sid’s death, Kaosu shoots Agape who dies in Filia’s arms, he then shoots Fillia who slumps onto Agape’s body and finally Kaosu shoots himself and lands next to and onto Agape. I was heartbroken... I didn’t want them to die! And especially how they story ends, it kinda feels like a waste of death; they didn’t need to die! And it hurts that they were so desperate to get out and that when their chance to get out is taken away from them, instead of staying hopefully, they feel the only way out is through death </3 I’m literally gunna cry now.
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Art credit here.
But the BL goodness was good! So many handholds and kisses and funnily fighting for each other’s attention and it was beautiful seeing them three together in that way <3 I want their backstories tbh. *story ideas*
Also Hiroki posted this yesterday and it made me SO happy! <3
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Mitani Remi as Sheila and Aino Eri as Risa: I’m very sorry but I did not remember who you were no why you were there. I remember you were dancers... maybe you were working for Joker?
Hanai Madoka as Aniesu and Ogura Erika as Shimamura: These two were badasses. Again I don’t quite remember why they were in Sector 6 (I’m pretty sure Joker also sent them) but they were badass. So Shimamura follows Aniesu religiously and turns out Aniesu USED to live in the slums but managed to get out and that she TOO is a mutant and she battles against Sagami but obviously dies, but she acts very much like a samurai with the hairstyle and using a sword to fight and she’s really badass even if she is only in it for a short time. Their costumes are super nice too!
Hagiwara Naruya as Zenelgef: This guy... he ends up betraying Kaosu and co (like I said) and he’s a traitor in the group but he’s very much one of those he’s violent, he’s crazy but he’s also exceedingly stupid at times that it’s funny making him rather pitiful. The best way to describe him is pitiful in all honesty. But he has a badass moment with a machine gun. But like I said his ridiculousness is a source of comedy. One moment that wasn’t meant to be funny was after he reveals his plans to leave Sector 6 if he succeeds in getting Kiko back to Joker and he goes to climb up the barrels to the top of the stage and he missed the barrel (just like Ukai did) and  smacked his shin against it and it was absolutely hilarious just watching him hobble up the remaining part slightly mumbling (in character) about the stupid barrel and his knee hurting xD he’s also good looking and his character was great but he didn’t come onto my ikemen radar so no picspam here of him xD
Also I’m pretty sure his dad was sat in the front row cos there was a guy about 20 years or so older than Hagiwara but looked EXACTLY like him xD
Maruyama Raiden as Khan: He’s the chief of Sector 6 and he’s the guy who originally banned music in the community but then reunbans it and he’s also the one that hid Kiko’s child kidnapping from Sagami and everyone. He’s a decent role and I really liked when he’s like ‘I’m old and lived a much longer life than you all so it’s only right that I drive that plane in the Hills’ but Sagami being a hero knocks him unconscious so he can take the plane and sacrifice himself. He’s just trying to look after everyone even if it means keeping secrets for a long time and such.
Akaishi Nobu as Zoid, Oba Saki as Sally and Hanaoka as Dory: This group are weird! Zoid is essentially the skeezy guy who says he can get people out of the slums and into the Hills but actually has been running an organ selling business on the black market and is responsible for a lot of people’s deaths, including Sarubado-ru’s mother! All this time Sarubado-ru had thought his mother had gotten out thanks to Zoid’s help but Zoid just got killed her and sold her organs off, naturally really pissing Sarubado-ru off. Thankfully these three aren’t in it a lot (the two guys are like his annoying sidekicks) and they get killed by Zenelgef.
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Akiyoshi Aya as Young Kiko: She was so cute! And she has such a similar voice to Kuryu. They casted these two very well in terms of looks and voice and when they sang together it was beautiful! She’s tiny and adorable too! Ensemble: Hikita Chiharu, Takami Sakiko, Watai Ryuya: They did a bunch of random roles and they did a LOT of action in this which I give them kudos for! They did their part very well and all the different roles they did was great too! They play the kidnappers who take Kiko from the live show to Sector 6. Always makes me happy when women are in the ensembles and given lots of fighting roles.
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Tanaka Hyoga as Joker: We ALL know my relationship with badguys right and how a part of my brain just loves falling for the bad guys right? Well it happened here too. Not only is his visually awesome with this circus like look but he’s also bat shit crazy and hilarious! He’s very entertaining and he also has his own solo song and I already mentioned his hilarious Higawari. Also he TOO is mutant (it doesn’t get revealed until the end - but when Joker first went to Sector 6 YEARS ago and found Kiko as a child, Sagami had fought with Joker and realised or at least had an inkling them that Joker was a mutant) and his has the power to absorb OTHERS power so he copies Sagami and Eva’s powers and he’s super powerful which allowed him to beat Sagami and take Kiko back to the Hills. But towards the end, his story is so heartbreaking! The last 20 minutes or so of this play just completely messed me up in streams of tears!! First because Sid died, and then Kaosu, Agape and Filia commited suicide, and then one Kiko is back in Joker’s building he starts losing it and breaking down because she won’t react to anything he says or does, she’s just blank and dead in the eyes and he’s begging for her to come back and he’s slowly losing it, and then Sagami crashes the plane into Joker’s building and we all think he’s dead, and Joker sees Kiko come back to life when she sees the video Sagami left her and is heartbroken that Sagami could get her to come back to her senses, and then once Kiko is rescued, even Sector 6 ask Joker to leave with them (like they forgive him!!) but he’s just like ‘no... Kiko is happier with you guys... I’ll stay here (and died)’ and so I’m crying at that and then FINALLY I cried from relief when Sagami turns up alive at the end!! Oh my... the last 20 minutes seriously just killed me and was a whirlwind rollercoaster.
Phew that’s the story and comments and actors and characters done! Now for the final section:
In the aftertalk the MCs were Hiroki, Matsushita and Yuya and while they were waiting for the rest of the cast, Hiroya was like ‘Okay (to the audience) lets find out who appears the most gay. put your hands up if you think Kaosu is the most legit gay?!’ and then the cast turned up so we didn’t get to finish the poll, but he ended up posting it to twitter later and Agape won xD
During the aftertalk, they spoke about which scenes they liked even if they aren't in it, and of course the whole Joker deciding to stay at the end was one scene they all agreed was a good and touching scene. I already mentioned the Alberto should’ve taken the plane part of the AT above. The other question they got was what powers they would want if they were mutants and the girls were picking more ‘wizard’ like abilities. One even said ‘I wish I could just go ‘pop’ and my food was already made for me’ and Hiroya was like ‘THAT’S MAGIC!’ xD Finally at the end Kuryu performed the main song and everyone got to join in with the musical instrument and Tanaka was super happy ‘I’ve always wanted to do the music scene with you all!’ xD and it was beautiful and a lot of fun.
I am definitely buying this DVD! Such a good story, world, characters and very touching and very funny <3
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chotokkyuu · 7 years
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sd-milk · 7 years
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sd-dish · 7 years
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kokitanaka · 3 years
Thought on Koki's "OLD maid-JOKER" Play
Finishing watching Koki's last show today and I think I need to write down my thought (and sometimes the thought is just too difficult to express in Japanese :p).
The last time I saw him on stage for a play was ten years ago when he was flying in The Imperial Theatre as the boxer champion. To be honest, I was obviously very upset when he and Johnny's parted because he left my favorite group. I was also very disappointed because it also meant it would be difficult to see him starring in anything in the future. I love him singing and dancing. I also love him acting.
Comparing to many talents, I don't think he had that many roles in the past. However, each one is memorable, in My Boss My Hero as a hooligan, in Tokkyu Tanaka 3 Go as the goofy college student, in Hissatsu as the tailor, in Ooku as the monk and in Dream Boys as the boxer champion. I always enjoy his acting.
Finally, "OLD maid-JOKER" happened. Written/Directed by Hyouga Tanaka. I have never seen his brother's work and I couldn't really guess what the play was about. At first, I was just very excited to see Koki starring in a play again. However, this play was beyond my expectation.
Old maid is a card game that players collect pairs and try not to be left with the joker card. Whoever gets the joker card at the end loses. The story says that the world is like the old maid card game. Most people can find their pairs. They have people who support them. However, only the joker is left alone. No one likes the joker and the joker has no one to be paired with.
Koki played a character with the same name, KOKI, a lonely boy who doesn't understand love, born as a mistake and left by his mother. He was the joker of the story. However, KOKI still desired love, family, friendship, and affection. In the story, we followed him through the past, present, and the future. Sometimes the scene was in reality and sometimes it was in the imagination (or was it all imagination? I don't know). Comparing to other roles, this role didn't have a lot of dialogue. However, I think Koki did such a good job walking us through this character's mind.
There was a scene that he was looking into the past with his mother. His body language and the way he talks were just like a young child.
There was also a scene that he was desperate for love from his mother. We could see his sorrow and the broken heart from his tears.
I felt some emotions of the character echoing Koki in real life. However, this is still a difficult character to play. In this 90-minute show, we could really feel all these emotions in this character, which make us feeling sorry for him, wanting to hug him, wishing him can find his happiness eventually.
However, just when we thought good things were happening to him, the story continued to go dark. There was a scene that KOKI felt betrayed and desperate. While the main story was carrying on in the front of the stage, KOKI stood alone in the back, without any dialogue, we saw him turned from suffering and hopeless to psychopathic. It was like the monster came out of him causing him to make mistakes that he could not take back.
In the end though, not sure if it was in reality or out of his imagination, we also saw KOKI finally met someone who brought him the light. This was also my favorite part of the story. The show was somehow difficult to watch because it was dark almost the whole time. However, there was a character with pure good who finally walked in KOKI's life. We finally saw him laughing from his heart. Did he finally get his happiness? The story ended with INKT's "Zutto" playing.
I really think Koki is such a good actor. You really cannot tell he hasn't done any acting in 10 years. Obviously, everyone in the play is a professional actor. Among them, Koki is like one of them. He said that his personal goal for this show is to make sure that he wouldn't use "because I haven't acted in 10 years" as an excuse for anything. His co-star also said that he felt Koki really is a star. He got better and better every day. He was better on stage than in the rehearsal.
Apparently, Koki was quite nervous during the first day. He said he couldn't really eat and he was under so much pressure that he had ulcers in his mouth XD However, I felt he was able to relax and enjoy more after the first day. Koki also said that he was into the character more and more. Sometimes he cried out of nowhere at home because he felt like the character. There was a scene that he had to choke a person to death. Koki said that he had to be careful not to really choke him because his character really hated that person XDDD
I was also very impressed by Hyouga. What he wrote and directed was something deep which I wasn't expected. I watched this play 9 times and every time I had a new discovery or a new explanation for the story. Also, I felt because he knows Koki the best. He really created the play that shows Koki's talent to the fullest. Besides acting, the opening song was 2U and the ending song was Zutto (both Koki's songs). There was a dance act in the beginning. I felt I saw so many parts of him on stage that I love.
Koki was on stage almost all the time for 90 minutes. Sometimes there were activities after the play such as photo sessions, talk shows and mini lives. I don't know how he could be so emotionally involved in this dark character for 90 minutes and turned right back to Koki Tanaka, the artist and started singing. Otsukaresamadesu! Really! I really hope through this play, there are more opportunities in the future for him to act in other things.
ps. For the last show today, as the captain of the play, Koki asked each co-star to say something at the end which is rare (usually only the captain talks). After the show, he even wrote messages on twitter to each co-star, one by one. Sometimes I felt he failed a lot in real life. If people only knew him from the news, it is easy to dislike him, just like the joker in the story. However, when people get to know him, seeing how sweet he is, it is hard not to like him or support him. I think it is also the reason that people who have worked with him never say bad things about him.
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[June] J-Actors Birthday Calendar
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♪ June 1st
◎ Kikawada Masaya 黄川田将也 1980
◎ Sano Mashiro 佐野真白 1999
◎ Yamamoto Ikkei 山本一慶 1989
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♪ June 2nd
◎ Kanesaki Kentarou 兼崎健太郎 1984
◎ Tazuru Shougo 田鶴翔吾 1992
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♪ June 3rd
◎ Emoto Kouki 江本光輝 1997
◎ Hirose Daisuke 廣瀬大介 1991
◎ Miura Shouhei 三浦翔平 1988
◎ Yanagishita Tomo 柳下大 1988
◎ Yuutarou ゆうたろう 1998
◎ Yoza Wataru 與座亘 1995
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♪ June 4th
◎ Kajihara Hayate 梶原颯 1994
◎ Suzuki Hiroki 鈴木拡樹 1985
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♪ June 5th
◎ Miyamoto Kousuke 宮本弘佑 1997
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♪ June 6th
◎ Teruma 輝馬 1989
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♪ June 7th
◎ Kurita Manabu 栗田学武 1985
◎ Makita Tetsuya 牧田哲也 1984
◎ Miyake Jun 三宅潤 1996
◎ Sera Jun 瀬羅純 1996
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♪ June 8th
◎ Hosokawa Kou 細川洪 1989
◎ Koseki Yuuta 小関裕太 1995
◎ Miyano Mamoru 宮野真守 1983
◎ Tani Yoshiki 谷佳樹 1987
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♪ June 9th
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♪ June 10th
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♪ June 11th
◎ Nishijima Kento 西島顕人 1990
◎ Tsuda Kenjirou 津田健次郎 1971
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♪ June 12th
◎ Kaku Ryouna 加来亮凪 1998
◎ Kumagai Kaito 熊谷魁人 1996
◎ Nagashima Shuugo 永嶋柊吾 1992
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♪ June 13th
◎ Nishihara Kenta 西原健太 1994
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♪ June 14th
◎ Araki Hirofumi 荒木宏文 1983
◎ Higashi Keisuke 東啓介 1995
◎ Mizobata Junpei 溝端淳平 1989
◎ Nishii Yukito 西井幸人 1995
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♪ June 15th
◎ Kubota Yuuki 久保田悠来 1981
◎ Shiozaki Airu 汐崎アイル 1984
◎ Takagi Shinnosuke 高木眞之介 1992
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♪ June 16th
◎ Mitani Reo 三谷怜央 1990
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♪ June 17th
◎ Baba Tooru 馬場徹 1988
◎ Hayama Subaru 葉山昴 1985
◎ Kazama Shunsuke 風間俊介 1983
◎ Kimeru 1980
◎ Shiina Taizou 椎名鯛造 1986
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♪ June 18th
◎ Norizuki Kouhei 法月康平 1990
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♪ June 19th
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♪ June 20th
◎ Hirata Yuuya 平田雄也 1993
◎ Mikami Masashi 三上真史 1983
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♪ June 21st
◎ Akutsu Shintarou 阿久津愼太郎 1995
◎ Matsumoto Hiroya 松本寛也 1986
◎ Tanaka Hyouga 田中彪 1991
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♪ June 22nd
◎ Nagakura Masaaki 長倉正明 1992
◎ Uehara Takuya 植原卓也 1988
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♪ June 23rd 
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♪ June 24th
◎ Takata Makoto 高田誠 1995
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♪ June 25th
◎ Hamao Kyousuke 浜尾京介 1991
◎ Hoshi Tatsuma 星達磨 1996
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♪ June 26th
◎ Horii Arata 堀井新太 1992
◎ Kamitsuru Tooru 上鶴徹 1989
◎ Kojima Yukito 小島幸士 2003
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♪ June 27th
◎ Sarashina Arata 晒科新 1999
◎ Tomimori Justin 冨森ジャスティン 1989
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♪ June 28th
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♪ June 29th
◎ Murai Ryouta 村井良大 1988
◎ Saitou Yasuka 齋藤ヤスカ 1987
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♪ June 30th
◎ Mikiya 未来弥 1989
◎ Nakao Akiyoshi 中尾明慶 1988
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gokfansub · 6 years
Spoiler y pedido de ayuda para el Lado Oscuro
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Hola a todos,
De nuevo Nohe reportándose aquí dejo la imagen completa del juego que hice hace días atrás jaja aquí un spoiler de lo que sucederá espero que se diviertan xD También vengo a decir que necesitamos TRADUCTOR DE JAPONES-ESPAÑOL O JAPONES-INGLES PARA EL LADO OSCURO URGENTEMENTE así que si sabes este idioma y te gusta el yaoi envíanos un mensaje pero en este mensaje especifica que vienes ha ayudar al lado oscuro o ha la sección de yaoi también puedes decir que buscas a Hime-Sama que es nuestra admi de la sección para que no vayas a la sección equivocada ya que Go-K Fansub tiene varias secciones como ustedes saben. Tenemos muchos proyectos magníficos puedo decirlo que desean salir a la Luz y saldrán si se animan a entrar ;)
Pd. Por si no conocen el manga es Akari-senpai to Hyouga no Taihen na Seikatsu de Tanaka Ball.
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leenaevilin · 5 years
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[Announcement] 舞台『アリスインデッドリースクール 少年』(butai alice in deadly school shounen)
you can watch it @ dmm archive [remember that you need to use a VPN to watch/download the show^^]
¥ 1.650 (HD streaming & HD download)
if you need help with dmm, take a look at riku’s guide here on tumblr ♡
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supadora · 7 years
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tanaka-koki-blog · 8 years
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4 out of 5 Tanaka brothers - Kazunaru, Koki, Hyouga, Juri.
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sambart93 · 7 years
2018.01.12 Ikemen Kakumei Stage [Review]
Can you believe the full title is: ‘Ikemen Kakumei: Alice to Koi no Mahou Episode Kuro no Ace Fenril = God's Speed’ What the hell xD and Koudai even said the FULL title during the curtain call yesterday! That’s way too long xD ANYWAY!
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Official Website here Official Twitter here Official Game Site here Official Game Twitter here Press Coverage 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6
Miyagi Koudai as Fenril Domoto Shohei as Rei Hashimoto Shinichi as Sirius Oomi Shouichiro as Ruka Matsumoto Hinata as Sesu Maeuchi Takafumi as Yona Maeda Taisho as Edgar Kunta as Zero Tanaka Hyouga as Kairu Muro Tatsuki as Bran Koga Ruito as Olvier Kubota Kouki as Harle Hattori Muo as Loki Shiokawa Wataru as Lancelot Takeuchi Yume as Alice Ensemble: Inoue Keita, Umetsu Taiki, Kutou Hiroki, Hasegawa Yuu, Wada Shogo, Nakajima Takuto
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Overall: I really wish I had the time and money to see this at least 2 or 3 times total. I really, really enjoyed it! But in true Alex style, I went on the freaking day it was being filmed! I seem to have a habit of been there the day it’s filmed!! This was so much fun! I thoroughly enjoyed myself! If you don't know, I am a huge sucker for Alice in Wonderland themed stuff so this was right up my alley. Also, I've recently been loving everything Koudai has been doing so being able to see him again, and as the lead, was awesome. And after Pizza (review here) I totally fell for Hinata so was glad to see him so soon. Just the entire cast in general is a golden cast! It was nice seeing Domoto acting on stage after breaking his wrist and seeing how okay he was, which was a relief! The story was simple yet great and I did get pretty emotional towards the end; and I super hope there is a continuation because I need more! I want this to be in the same style as HakuMyu; pretty much the same story every time but the main girl lead changes and who she ends up with every time changes too. The fight choreography was definitely interesting and you can probably tell from the cast list, that some of them were taking skills they'd learnt in other stages *coughcoughMessiahandPuristagecoughcough* and putting it into this one! The Aftertalk was freaking hilarious too! I need another installment; WITH the same cast and I need it to be at a time when I have more money so I can spend and go crazy with ALL the photosets and ALL the randoms! Rating: 8/10
The character ita-bag game was strong here! I was so surprised, especially for the game/anime characters! Lately I've been seeing less and less ita-bags at events and stuff, so seeing here and seeing how strong the competition was, really made me happy. Also it was surprising that there were more anime/game fans than actor fans I think. People seemed to be obsessed with Ruka; both character and actor.
I ended up with an aisle seat which I really hoping I wasn’t going to have. And it ended up being on the freaking FILMING DAY! So many times they were RIGHT next to me so that’s gunna be all over the damn DVD if they choose that show recording for the dvd *dies* why do I always go on filming day *cries*
Also, I love how they had the Disney Alice In Wonderland music playing while we were waiting for the show to start. It really helped set the mood and if you don’t know, I really, really, really love Alice in Wonderland << I have no idea why! Someone explain this to me.
I'm pretty sure the stage follows the games story faithfully. But just in case it is different:
So Alice is from 19th Century London but one day she gets transported to their world, the world of Cradle which has been split into three regions; The Red Side, The Black Side and then the DMZ Zone where the normal people who don't want to get involved and just live normal are.
The story is, she must wait until the next full month before she can return back to the London she knows, so during this month she decides to take refuge under the Black Clan. But obviously, she has some magical powers that the Red Clan want to get a hold of and use against the Black Clan. Furthermore we have a third clan which is like a secret underground occult who also wish to get their hands on Alice and her power. Finally, we have Loki and Harle who, to be honest, we don't really know what their motivations are or what they want to do; they just like to cause mischief it seems.
So naturally, throughout this month, regardless of the fact she and Fenril make some rules:
1. Don't fall in love with anymore 2. Leave the world smiling
Their feelings for each other flourish and romantic drama ensues while people are trying to capture and kill, not just her, but each other.
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I don't think I've done this story ANY justice. But it's good okay!!
Oh man where to start?!?!
Alice is so pretty! She was next to me during one pat of the play near the beginning and just her skin is flawness and she was just.... SOOOO DAMN PRETTY! also I LOVED her outfit!
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I actually had a midlife crisis during this play because I saw her outfit and I thought 'aww that's so cute! I wish I could wear something like that' to which the other side of my brain went 'IN A FEW MORE YEARS YOU'LL BE TOO OLD TO WEAR SOMETHING LIKE THAT! SO YOU BETTER START WEARING THIS KIND OF STUFF NOW!' and I just had my mind explode of 'oh shiiii I really am running out of time! Why didn't I have the confidence to wear this shit when I was like 16, 18, 20, 21, 23! Now it's too late for me! Noooo!' It really hit me hard. If anyone has any kind words of confidence for me then let me know *cries*
The cast definitely utilised their PuriStage (Hinata) and Messiah (Shinichi and Koudai) skills that they had learned. Hashimoto was all with the fighting techniques, almost a carbon copy of stunts in and from Messiah; Koudai was doing all the gun movements that you’d expect to see someone like Itsuki doing in Messiah - with the cockiness and all! Also Hinata with the jumps and part parkour movements when he’s fighting. I super enjoyed and love the fact they incorporated those skills into this stage. 
One of the ensemble, Kudou Hiroki, did a crap ton of stunts and was the main guy when helping Shinichi and co doing difficult stunts too! He was really damn good.
Can we take a minute to talk about Hinata and how freaking cute and pretty he is! Like seriously, TOO PRETTY! No wonder he's in a group called CANDY BOY. I also really enjoyed his character and thought it fit him really well. He played a very cute and very sweet character but I think that's also part of his personality. There was a moment during the opening scene when Koudai dropped one of his knives or guns and Hinata very smoothly very over, picked it up and gave it back to Koudai; it looked so naturally too but he stayed in character and all cute and elegant. It was nice xD
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AND!! PreShow; I noticed most of the trades were for Ruka and I couldn't figure out why; he isn't technically an actor I'm familiar with and I didn't really care for his character visual but damn after seeing the character on stage; I totally get WHY everyone was wanting Ruka’s stuff because he is adorable! AND cool! At the same time! He has so many great scenes! First we see him as this shy and quiet guy and then as soon as Alice is nice to him and compliments him, he gets all shy and embarrassed and starts acting like a cute little school boy. Also he can cook!Fenril was a good character. He obviously looked really cool, but not only that, I thought he was a sweet and straight forward character and I love the moments he has with Alice; not only is he there to support her, but there's also a tough moment for him where he's crying and she, in return, supports him.
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Honestly, I ended up really liking the couple (Fenril and Alice) and almost cried when they had to break up, and I felt all the feels again at the end for them.
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I really enjoyed the songs they did, and we were allowed to clap along which was obvious fun - I love when you can do that in stages. The White Clan's song was my favourite. Especially because it had Kunta in there who can really belt out some notes and he ws definitely the loudest singer! 
Even during the final end song, Kunta was singing loudly which was hilarious and great to hear because he really is a damn good singer; I totally get why he was a Johnny’s Junior. Even his laughing voice is loud but I'll get to that later. I also really liked his character and I love how he had an inside orange shirt while Fenril (supposed to be his rival match) has a green inside shirt; I think that was a cute detail.
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Fenril was a good character. He obviously looked really cool, but not only that, I thought he was a sweet and straight forward character and I love the moments he has with Alice; not only is he there to support her, but there's also a tough moment for him where he's crying and she, in return, supports him.
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I was super surprised when I saw Tanaka showed up! I’ve been thinking about him a lot recently because I loved him in Soul Flower but haven’t seen him in anything else since even though I’ve been to many ASSH stages since that one. So I was happy to finally see him again in something! His character was really amusing; he was a doctor who loved alcohol! I think we know a few people like that xD Also I love how he's one of the neutral characters. Even though he wears white and is part of the White Clan, he will also help aid the Black Clan. Which is what he does when Ruka gets severely injured.
Another partially neutral character is Yona. While he is full of White Clan pride and will always fight for White Clan; turns out his brother is Ruka who USED to be in the Whites but transitioned over to the Blacks. And it is actually Yona who attacks and injures Ruka but he does it in order to stop him from actually getting killed. It's complicated but basically Yona injured his brother to save him so he wouldn't get killed by anyone and the way he injured him was so exact that it was enough to make it seem deadly but, with the skilled White Doctor's skills, actually Ruka is able to recover without being seriously affected.
There is a cute scene where Yon actually tries to sneak into the Black Clans hide out to see how Ruka is doing and he gets caught straight away because he comes in carrying this huge box of sweets and chocolate and teddies for Ruka that he can barely carry and while he denies at first that he cares for Ruka, he soon admits and the Blacks let him have this one special pass to go see his brother and stay by his side while he recovers. It's a really cute and touching, while also funny because he can barely carry the box, scene.
The two jokers, Loki and Harle, seem very interesting but had very minutes roles in this, but they were in it enough to interest (at least) me. There's a few scenes where Loki is running around and being nosey and seeing the development between Fenril and Alice. Then there's a scene where Harle and Loki actually meet the main characters and they're very cryptic and don't really explain what they know. But here there is a such cute moment where Alice compliments Harle and immediately Harle starts backing away from Alice any time she got close because he was now shy and embarassed to be near her; it was adorable! So I really hope we get some more development from them in the next stage.
Also, Hashimoto looked so cool! He usually plays like a geeky or unpopular/uncool character, but in this one, with the super kool stunts and fight moves, along with his outfit and visual, he looked real cool!
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And now can we talk about Domoto now?!?!
Honestly love how freaking awkward Domoto is and how done he is with stages once they've finished. For example, during the curtain calls, the rest of the cast had barely started going off stage when he was like ‘peace out’ and was the first off the stage. He literally dodged the rest of the cast to get off stage first. It seriously cracked me up but I totally understand where he's coming from. It's not that he's rude or he doesn't care; he just did his job and he wants to go home, also he gets really nervous being himself in front of crowds and fans and stuff, so I totally get why he acts the way he does; and to be honest, and it's very obvious that, I love it! I really do love his personality; the good, the bad and the ugly <<-- at least what I know of it so far (which is quite a lot after his very drunk Birthday Event xD). ALSO(!) I seriously died whenever he cracked a smile during this stage!! It’s just so precious! He’s so precious when he smiles!!! He stops being this cool, closed off guy and immediately becomes all adorable and precious when he breaks into a smile. It just melts my heart!!  ANNND, my heart started racing really badly during the opening dance scene with him just becaus of how cool he looked and the flash of the smile and it made me so happy to see that his hand was okay (he broke it back in November) and just my heart couldn't take it <3 Speaking of breaking his hand; in this I noticed Domoto switched between both of his hands to use his sword. And there is one moment where his character is thrown to the ground and onto his right wrist and right side which got me super worried because that was his broken wrist! But he seemed okay so PHEW! xD
There's one really funny moment with Domoto that cracked me up a lot. There is one guy, who is played by the ensemble and part of the Black Clans soldiers, who was trying to disarm and twist Shohei's arm, but he couldn’t do it! Shohei showed him and did it to him about 3 times but he just couldn't do it in return. This is actually during a more serious moment between Fenril and co because of the White Clan trying to attack them, but quiet a few of us were too busy watching and giggling at what Shohei and this soldier were doing instead. It was hilarious!
Did I mention how cool he is?!?! JUST LOOK!!
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Also, I know I love Domoto but because I ended up liking the main girl so much, I wouldn't mind if in the next stage (I keep talking like there WILL be a next stage, but I seriously hope there's another installment!) it's Domoto's character Rei and Alice who are the main couple. I'd like to see Domoto do a... happier role. And it'd be interesting trying to see Domoto do a romantic role xD I think it'd be super adorable and cute!
ANYWAY! Moving on from Domoto! Just a final few things.
During the ending song, Black Clan were on the left side of the audience while the White Clan were down my side. Edgar was stood RIGHT next to me!
Actually because of my aisle seat (which I was dreading) I had Edgar, Alice, Bran, Zero and some more next to me at least once. My poor heart and nerves!
Now for some things that were Higawaris (Daily Changes) or just cute/funny accidents that happened:
There's a scene where Ruka bakes some cookies for Alice and she tries one but the poor actress couldn’t eat her cookie quick enough and while she was trying to speed up the eating so she could say he next like, all the boys were just starring at her and slowly getting closer to her like 'what's wrong? Are you okay? Do you need tea? She needs tea! Do you want another cookie? YOU DO?! Oh, you don't?!' so she ended up part laughing, part trying to eat and part coughing because she was trying to eat while laughing. Everyone in the room was cracking up.
Hashimoto got called Ossan (old man) at one point. I'm not sure if it's part of the script or not but most of the crowd started laughing because (I think) he is the oldest in this cast and Hashimoto himself cracked out a laugh at the point and was like 'OSSAN?! I'm not an old man!'
Just after the opening scene (don't quote me on that), there is a scene where Loudai and Hinata are having an arm wrestle. It's really amsuing because we see Koudai's character Fenril struggle when Hinata is all calm and stuff. But just before Fenril can get Hinata's hand to the floor, he swings it his way and wins so easily and flawlessly and Fenril is just like 'no way....' xD
This was definitely an accident but, at one point, just after Alice joins the Black Clan, Hinata is talking to her and talks about how cute she is, but instead of lighting putting a hand under Alice's chin, he accidentally hit her chin upwards and Alice's actress started laughing and Hinata quickly rubbed her chin and put his hands on her face like 'are you okay?! sorry!' and continued his line. But everyone in the crowd and a few of the cast laughed.
All the mistakes that I saw just made the stage even better!
I seriously only have two bad points and they aren't even that negative!
So the first one is Koudai! He had me worried for most of the play because he has lost a lot of weight =[ I get it's because Brave 10 is coming back so he had to lose the weight again to fit his character and the visuals and the costume but... he is unbelievably thin. I just wanted to drag him off stage and take him to a buffet and just keep feeding him food He's tiny right now =[
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And the second one is: GIVE ME A SECOND STAGE ALREADY GODDAMMIT! I enjoyed this WAY too much and I need MORE with this cast! xD
I was super shocked by how YOUNG both Oliver and Alice’s actors are! Oliver’s actor is only 13 and he’s damn tiny! His ickle little legs! xD And Alice’s is barely 18! Also she’s from the Sailor Moon stages which I thought was awesome and completely explains why the hell her singing was so damn good in this stage.
SERIOUSLY: I hope they do a continuation of this series and maybe do something like HakuMyu; the main boy character changes every time and Alice’s actress changes every time.
The aftertalk was absolutely hilarious! It was a little different to a normal aftertalk. Instead of just talking an answering questions, they infact picked three girls out from the audience via the ticket stubs and, conincidently, they all ended up being from my side of the theatre: F-22, F-25 and H-22.
So with the three girls on stage, the boys had to do like a Mune-Kyun (’make a girls heart race’) line. Usually it was with 4 boys (including the MC) but in this final one, there was only Hyouga, Kunta and the MC who was always Muro (Bran), so Hyouga was like ‘you (Muro) should join in and do it too’ which Muro really didn’t want to but he quickly gave it to Kunta, Hyouga and the crowd, and ended up joining in. He was so nervous and the girl he had to give the line to was like 'you can do it! Calm down' and he's like 'she's so nice! She's making my nerves worse'! xD
Also, during this Hyouga and Kunta’s laughs were so freaking loud and so funny! Muro was like ‘this is why I hate sharing a dressing room with you! You’re both so annoying!’ xD They couldn't keep their laughter quiet when Muro was doing his Mune Kyun so the rest of the crowd were dying.
Kunta's MuneKyun was average but Hyouga's was really, really good! And the girl grabbed and hugs him at the end of it xD so clearly she was emotionally moved xD
And we're done!
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sd-milk · 7 years
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sd-dish · 7 years
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