#tan kefei
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The United States want their citizens to fear China so they can do whatever they want and cover whatever mischief they do
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🇨🇳 Oggi, 23 febbraio, il Colonnello Tan Kefei - Portavoce del Ministero della Difesa Nazionale della Repubblica Popolare Cinese - ha rilasciato una serie di commenti sulle ultime farneticazioni degli imperialisti statunitensi in funzione anti-Cinese, tra cui la cosiddetta "Minaccia Nucleare della Cina" 😱
💬 "Gli USA hanno ripetutamente esaltato la cosiddetta "Minaccia Nucleare della Cina" solo per cercare una scusa per poter espandere il proprio arsenale nucleare e mantenere la loro egemonia" ⭐️
🔎 Tan Kefei ha analizzato il Rapporto presentato dal Comando Strategico degli USA al Congresso che afferma che la Cina ha più Lanciatori per Missili Balistici Intercontinentali (ICBM) rispetto agli USA, per poi confutare i resoconti senza prove dei Media Giapponesi sul "probabile aumento delle Testate Nucleari detenute dalla Cina entro il 2027" 🔎
📄 L'articolo in questione è il seguente: "Asia Nikkei: La Cina possiederà 1.500 testate nucleari entro il 2035", dove non viene presentata alcuna fonte reale, insomma - la classica narrativa farlocca degli USA 🤡
🇨🇳 Il Colonnello Tan Kefei ha anche confutato la ridicola accusa dei Media Giapponesi riguardante il fatto che, quando la Cina avrà modernizzato completamente il suo Esercito, rinuncerà all'impegno al non-utilizzo delle armi nucleari ☣️
🔎 Per chi volesse approfondire il Tema dell'Ipocrisia degli USA sull'utilizzo di armi nucleari, può rifarsi a questo Post del Collettivo Shaoshan: "Gli USA avevano pensato all'utilizzo di armi nucleari contro Coreani e Cinesi durante la Guerra di Corea" 😡
💬 "I Rapporti non sono altro che una montatura irresponsabile. La Cina segue fermamente una Strategia Nucleare di Autodifesa, il cui obiettivo è mantenere la Sicurezza Strategica Nazionale dissuadendo altri Paesi dall'utilizzare o minacciare di utilizzare armi nucleari contro la Cina", ha affermato il Colonnello ⭐️
💬 "La Cina aderisce rigorosamente alla Politica di Non-Primo Utilizzo di armi nucleari in qualsiasi momento e circostanza, e si impegna a non utilizzare o minacciare di utilizzare armi nucleari contro Stati privi di armi nucleari o zone prive di armi nucleari" 🕊
💬 "La Cina ha una Politica Nucleare stabile e coerente. [...] Gli USA, tuttavia, detengono il più grande arsenale nucleare del Mondo e stanno ancora investendo pesantemente nel potenziamento della sua Triade Nucleare. La Cina esorta le parti interessate [USA] a porre fine al clamore, [...] prendere sul serio le loro responsabilità speciali e intraprendere azioni concrete per mantenere la Stabilità Strategica Globale" ⭐️
🇹🇼 Dopodiché, in risposta alle "previsioni" degli USA su una possibile Operazione Militare della Cina nello Stretto di Taiwan, il Colonnello ha affermato:
💬 "I Compatrioti su entrambe le sponde dello Stretto sono una famiglia. Siamo pronti a lottare per la prospettiva di una Riunificazione Pacifica con la massima sincerità e il massimo impegno" 🕊
💬 "Tuttavia, se le autorità del Partito Democratico Progressista continueranno a colludere con forze esterne per provocare l'Indipendenza, fomentando ciecamente il confronto attraverso lo Stretto e mettendo i Compatrioti di Taiwan in una posizione precaria, l'Esercito Popolare di Liberazione si farà avanti e accetterà tutte le misure necessarie per la risoluta repressione di ogni attività separatista" ⭐️
🔍 Per chi volesse approfondire, può rifarsi a questi post del Collettivo Shaoshan:
🔺Cosa intende l'Occidente quando parla di "disgregazione" della Russia e di separatismo anti-Cinese mascherato da "democrazia"? 🤔
🔺Taiwan è parte integrante del territorio Cinese - Storia di Taiwan, dall'Impero Celeste fino ad oggi 🇨🇳
🌸 Iscriviti 👉 @collettivoshaoshan
🇨🇳 Today, February 23, Colonel Tan Kefei - Spokesman of the Ministry of National Defense of the People's Republic of China - made a series of comments on the latest rantings of the US imperialists in an anti-Chinese function, including the so-called "China's Nuclear Threat " 😱
💬 "The US has repeatedly extolled the so-called "China Nuclear Threat" just to find an excuse to expand its nuclear arsenal and maintain its hegemony" ⭐️
🔎 Tan Kefei analyzed the report presented by the US Strategic Command to Congress that claims that China has more Intercontinental Ballistic Missile (ICBM) launchers than the US, and then refuted the unsubstantiated reports by the Japanese media about the "probable increase in warheads Nuclear held by China by 2027" 🔎
📄 The article in question is as follows: "Asia Nikkei: China to possess 1,500 nuclear warheads by 2035", where no real source is presented, in short - the classic USA fake narrative 🤡
🇨🇳 Colonel Tan Kefei also refuted the Japanese media's ridiculous accusation that when China fully modernizes its military, it will renounce its commitment to non-nuclear weapons ☣️
🔎 For those wishing to learn more about the US hypocrisy on the use of nuclear weapons, they can refer to this Post by the Shaoshan Collective: "The USA had thought about the use of nuclear weapons against Koreans and Chinese during the Korean War" 😡
💬 "The Reports are nothing but an irresponsible fabrication. China firmly follows a Nuclear Self-Defense Strategy, the goal of which is to maintain Strategic National Security by deterring other countries from using or threatening to use nuclear weapons against China," said the Colonel ⭐️
💬 "China strictly adheres to the No-First Use of Nuclear Weapons Policy at all times and under all circumstances, and undertakes not to use or threaten to use nuclear weapons against nuclear-weapon-free states or nuclear-weapon-free zones" 🕊
💬 "China has a stable and consistent Nuclear Policy. [...] The US, however, has the largest nuclear arsenal in the world and is still investing heavily in upgrading its Nuclear Triad. China urges interested parties [US ] to put an end to the clamor, [...] take their special responsibilities seriously and take concrete actions to maintain Global Strategic Stability" ⭐️
🇹🇼 After that, in response to the US "predictions" about a possible Chinese military operation in the Taiwan Strait, the Colonel said:
💬 "Compatriots on both sides of the Strait are one family. We are ready to fight for the prospect of Peaceful Reunification with the utmost sincerity and commitment" 🕊
💬 "However, if the Democratic Progressive Party authorities continue to collude with outside forces to bring about independence, blindly fomenting cross-strait confrontation and putting Taiwanese compatriots in a precarious position, the People's Liberation Army will step forward and will accept all necessary measures for the resolute repression of any separatist activity" ⭐️
🔍 For those who want to learn more, you can refer to these posts from the Shaoshan Collective:
🔺 What does the West mean when it talks about the "breakup" of Russia and anti-Chinese separatism masquerading as "democracy"? 🤔
🔺Taiwan is an integral part of Chinese territory - History of Taiwan, from the Celestial Empire to today 🇨🇳
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#socialism#china#italian#translated#china news#communism#collettivoshaoshan#xi jinping#marxism leninism#marxist leninist#marxist#marxism#socialist#multipolar world#multipolarity#chinese communist party#tan kefei#japanese militarism#american news#american imperialism#western imperialism#taiwan news#taiwan strait#taiwan government#taiwan war#nuclear weapons#tsai ing wen#tsais dpp
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And this following article on Information Clearinghouse predicts a war between the US and China by 2025. China wants Taiwan back, but the US absolutely will not let them have the chip factories and will blow them up if the Chinese start winning.
Before WW1 a lot of countries were just itching for war, and they got it with results they didn’t expect. There is just too much talk of war, and not enough talk of the consequences, especially nuclear war. The article also postulates that the US would enact martial law when a war starts. Between economic upheaval, technological changes and countries jostling for power our lives could change perhaps greatly if these things come to pass. Canada still isn’t spending anymore money on defense despite all of this, Trudeau is inept as always.
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La Cina aumenterà gli scambi militari con la Russia: cosa cambia nel panorama globale
La Cina aumenterà gli scambi militari con la Russia: cosa cambia nel panorama globale
di Federico Giuliani Aumentare gli scambi con le forze armate russe, così da approfondire la comunicazione, la cooperazione e la fiducia reciproca militare. Secondo quanto dichiarato dal portavoce del ministero della Difesa di Pechino, Tan Kefei, la Cina sarebbe pronta e disposta a rafforzare le relazioni con la Russia, non solo a livello economico e commerciale, ma anche sul piano bellico. I…
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China ready to boost military cooperation with Russia — Apsny News
The Defense Ministry in Beijing has said it is willing to work with Moscow on strengthening strategic coordination China is ready to strengthen cooperation with the Russian military in order to jointly uphold international justice, peace and security, Chinese Defense Ministry spokesman Tan Kefei stated on Thursday. The announcement comes after a summit between President Xi Jinping and his…
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Taiwan: Cina, pronti contro le provocazioni d'indipendenza
(ANSA) – PECHINO, 03 MAR – Le forze armate cinesi sono “sempre pronte a combattere contro tutte le provocazioni di indipendenza” di Taiwan e “le interferenze di forze esterne in qualsiasi momento, difendendo risolutamente la sovranità nazionale e l’integrità territoriale”. E’ il monito del portavoce del ministero della Difesa Tan Kefei in risposta alla nuova vendita di armi Usa a Taipei…
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The craft, which Beijing says was a meteorological airship blown off course, was shot down in the Atlantic Ocean.The United States Navy is working to recover the debris of a Chinese surveillance balloon that fell into the Atlantic Ocean after being shot down off the coast of South Carolina over the weekend. The balloon, which had been flying at high altitude over North America since the end of January, was shot down in US airspace and fell into US territorial waters, said General Glen VanHerck, commander of the North American Aerospace Defense Command and US Northern Command. “Our U.S. Navy component is currently conducting recovery operations, with the U.S. Coast Guard assisting in securing the area and maintaining public safety,” VanHerck said in a statement on Sunday. The US said earlier that the balloon was about the size of three school buses and that debris was spread out over 11km (7 miles) of ocean. The incident has further strained relations between the US and China with Washington cancelling Secretary of State Antony Blinken’s planned visit to Beijing after the discovery of the craft. Beijing has said the uncrewed “airship” was used for meteorological research and was blown off course because of bad weather and its “limited” steering capabilities. Senior Colonel Tan Kefei, a spokesperson at China’s Ministry of National Defense, said on Sunday that shooting down the balloon, which was flying at about 18,300 metres (60,000 ft) before it was shot down, was an “obvious overreaction”. China will reserve the right to take necessary measures in dealing with similar situations, Tan added. The balloon first entered US airspace in Alaska on January 28 before moving into Canadian airspace on January 30. It then re-entered US airspace over northern Idaho on January 31. Canada also confirmed the presence of the balloon in its airspace. Surveillance balloons — typically equipped with high-tech, downward-pointing imaging gear — offer the opportunity to monitor sites at a closer range than satellites and can provide clearer images than fast-moving satellites. While their movement is often left subject to weather patterns, they can also be equipped with a “guiding apparatus” to control their path. The US has said the Chinese balloon was flying over sensitive sites in Montana to collect information, and recovering the remnants could provide the US with clues about China’s surveillance capabilities. Montana is home to the Malmstrom Air Force Base, where there are some 150 silos for intercontinental ballistic missiles, including the nuclear-capable Minuteman III. The Senate is due to be briefed on the incident including details of the balloon’s surveillance capabilities this week, Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer said, adding that the administration of President Joe Biden was considering measures against the Chinese for “their brazen activities”. Republicans in Congress have criticised Biden for not taking action sooner. The president has said he approved the order to shoot down the craft last week but was advised it would be best to carry out the operation over water because bringing down the balloon over land from an altitude of 18,300 metres (60,000 ft) would pose an undue risk to people below. “Clearly this was an attempt by China to gather information, to defeat our command and control of our sensitive missile defence and nuclear weapon sites,” said Mike Turner, a Republican and chairman of the House Intelligence Committee. “And that certainly is an urgency that this administration does not recognise.” “It defies belief to suggest there was nowhere” between Alaska and the Carolinas where the US could have safely shot down the balloon,” said Senate Republican leader Mitch McConnell.
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The crashed spy balloon sparks diplomatic tensions between the US and China
The The Chinese spy balloon could be on the groundbut the diplomatic temperature continued to rise on Sunday as officials in Beijing blasted the US decision to shoot it out of the sky. Tan Kefei, a spokesman for China’s defense ministry, described it as “a clear overreaction” and said in a statement on Sunday that his country “reserves the right to use any means necessary to deal with similar…
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China protests after US jets shoot down suspected spy balloon#China #protests #jets #shoot #suspected #spy #balloon
Hong Kong CNN — China says it “reserves the right” to deal with “similar situations” following the United States’ decision to shoot down its high-altitude balloon. “The US used force to attack our civilian unmanned airship, which is an obvious overreaction. We express solemn protest against this move by the US side,” China’s Defense Ministry spokesperson Tan Kefei said in a statement on…
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There can be communication and cooperation only where there is trust, and the US proved itself untrustworthy and unreliable,as such, there is no reason for neither cooperation or comunication
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🇨🇳 Il Colonnello Tan Kefei - Portavoce del Ministero della Difesa Nazionale della Repubblica Popolare Cinese - ha spiegato, una Conferenza Stampa, il motivo per cui il Partito Comunista Cinese ha rifiutato la richiesta di Incontro & Riunione tra i Ministri della Difesa di Cina e USA 🐰
🗣 La Cina attribuisce una grande importanza allo sviluppo delle Relazioni e alle Comunicazioni Militari tra i due Paesi. Tuttavia - come affermato dal Colonnello, il Dialogo «non può esserci senza Principi, e la Comunicazione non può rimanere senza risultati» ⭐️
🌟 Il Colonnello ha sottolineato che «le attuali difficoltà nello scambio di opinioni tra i due Eserciti provengono completamente dagli USA», in quanto «da un lato, [...] dichiarano costantemente di voler rafforzare i legami, e - dall'altro - ignorano le preoccupazioni della Cina, creando artificialmente ostacoli e minando la Fiducia Reciproca tra le Forze Armate» 🔥
💬 "Questo non è il modo giusto per comunicare. Gli USA devono dimostrare sincerità, correggere i propri errori e creare le condizioni, nonché l'atmosfera, per la comunicazione tra le Parti" 🤧
🤦♀️ L'ipocrisia degli imperialisti statunitensi colpisce ogni direzione, dal Dialogo tra Forze Armate al Commercio 🐼
😱 Ad esempio, gli USA affermano di non voler rompere i rapporti commerciali con la Cina, e di volere un "disgelo" tra superpotenze, ma poi gli USA stessi impongono sanzioni unilaterali alle Aziende Cinesi, applicano la coercizione economica in funzione anti-Cinese (Diktat USA all'Italia sul ritiro dalla Nuova Via della Seta) e creano "club ristretti" per cercare di indebolire lo sviluppo Cinese 😡
😡 Questa è ipocrisia! 👿
🇨🇳 丢掉幻想,准备斗争 🚩
🌸 Iscriviti 👉 @collettivoshaoshan
🇨🇳 Colonel Tan Kefei - Spokesman of the Ministry of National Defense of the People's Republic of China - explained in a Press Conference why the Communist Party of China refused the request for a Meeting & Meeting between the Ministers of Defense of China and the USA 🐰
🗣 China attaches great importance to the development of military relations and communications between the two countries. However , as stated by the Colonel, Dialogue "cannot exist without Principles, and Communication cannot remain without results" ⭐️
🌟 The Colonel underlined that «the current difficulties in the exchange of views between the two Armies come completely from the USA», as «on the one hand, [...] they constantly declare that they want to strengthen ties, and - on the other - ignore China's concerns, artificially creating obstacles and undermining Mutual Trust between the Armed Forces" 🔥
💬 "This is not the right way to communicate. The US must demonstrate sincerity, correct its mistakes and create the conditions, as well as the atmosphere, for communication between the Parties" 🤧
🤦♀️ US imperialists' hypocrisy affects every direction, from Armed Forces Dialogue to Trade 🐼
😱 For example, the US claims that it does not want to break off trade relations with China, and that it wants a "thaw" between superpowers, but then the US itself imposes unilateral sanctions on Chinese companies, applies economic coercion in an anti-Chinese function ( US diktat to Italy on withdrawing from the New Silk Road) and create "restricted committees" to try to weaken Chinese development 😡
😡 This is hypocrisy! 👿
🇨🇳 丢掉幻想,准备斗争 🚩
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Austin warns of Beijing’s ‘dangerous behavior’ in meeting with China’s defense chief
Austin warns of Beijing’s ‘dangerous behavior’ in meeting with China’s defense chief
Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin met on the sidelines in Cambodia with China’s defense minister on Tuesday to discuss global security tensions and to urge his counterpart in Beijing to keep an open line of communication. The two discussed conflicts relating to Taiwan, North Korea, the potential use of nuclear weapons in Ukraine and Chinese aircraft flyovers in the Indo-Pacific, according to a…
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#Austin#Behavior#Beijings#Biden#Chief#Chinas#dangerous#defense#Lloyd Austin#Meeting#News#Taiwan Relations Act#Tan Kefei#Tea Banh#todays news#usa news#warns#Wei Fenghe#world news#Xi Jinping
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China on Tuesday warned Australia to stop provocations, strictly manage the actions of its naval and air forces, or face “serious consequences.”Tan Kefei, a spokesperson for the Ministry of National Defense, made the remarks after an Australian P-8A ASW aircraft repeatedly approached Chinese airspace in the Xisha Islands for close-in recon on May 26. Tan Kefei, a spokesperson for the Ministry of…
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#Australia#Australian aircraft#China#Chinese Military#Chinese spokesperson for the Ministry of National Defense#Tan Kefei
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