#tamio shiraishi
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inner-other · 10 months ago
Money! Honey!
Arai Shin-Ichi at Grace Exhibition Space (NYC) March 22nd 2024
Audible in the background is Tamio Shiraishi
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unaturalhistory · 7 months ago
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Alan Licht + Tamio Shiraishi – Open For Kevin Drumm
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modokix · 6 years ago
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alanlicht · 4 years ago
Bandcamp Update
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It’s been a while since I blogged about this, but I’ve added a bunch of things to the bandcamp page.  On the download front, there’s now available the 1997 solo CD RABBI SKY (with a bonus track), the duo CD with Loren Connors IN FRANCE, a remastered version of LIVE IN NYC with Loren, a live recording with Kim Gordon, Jim O’Rourke, Chris Corsano and Tim Barnes called THE SUPREME INDIFFERENCE, my CD with Henry Kaiser SKIP TO THE SOLO, a live recording from Tonic called OSCILLATING BEHAVIOR with Zeena Parkins, Carlos Giffoni, and Ikue More, another Tonic show with Keith Fullerton Whitman, Carlos, Greg Kelley, Michael Bernstein and Tamio Shiraishi called THE EAGLES OF HAIR METAL, and a trio with Oren Ambarchi and Tetuzi Akiyama, WILLOW WEEP AND MOAN FOR ME, previously a 3″ CD.
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And then there’s merch! I have vinyl of the duo LP with Brian Chase, WE THOUGHT WE COULD DO ANYTHING, CDs of PLAYS WELL & SKIP TO THE SOLO, the CD NOTHING MAKES ANY SENSE that was a quartet of me, Nels Cline, Lee Ranaldo, and Carlos Giffoni, a compilation CD I’m on from the 90s called WAITING TO BE OLD, my books SOUND ART REVISITED and WILL OLDHAM ON BONNIE ‘PRINCE’ BILLY...with more to come next year. Check it all out here.
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pataphysiquerecords · 6 years ago
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FUKUOKA RINJI Experimental Factory Vol.4 「充実身体 – 折り重ねの虚体」 3年振りの福岡林嗣主宰実験工房 破砕と打撃、身体=呼吸の礫を放射する3アーティスト共演! MARCH 22, 2019 (FRI) @Ogikubo club Doctor open 19:00 start19:30 adv 2500 yen door 2800yen
Tamio Shiraishi & K.Mical.Mico 白石民夫(alto sax)&K.Mical.Mico(melodica, etc) pro et contra プロとコントラ (福岡林嗣, ルイス稲毛, イツロウ1×2_6, 中屋浩市) Keiko Higuchi & Yasumune Morishige ヒグチケイコ(voice, etc) &森重靖宗(cello) open 19:00 start19:30 adv 2500 yen door 2800yen
打撃せよ!破砕せよ!そして呼吸の礫をばら捲き散らせよ! 70兆の細胞、中心化された脳 (Oh No !) 階層分化した諸器官の窒息平面向けて。 最後の標的、最後の植民地へ向けて。 分解しても分解しても「剰余価値」の流れは、そこ「身体」を覆いつくそうとするだろう。 最早闘いの場は「工場」ではない。 コールセンターの脳内リゾート、或は悪夢のAIリゾーム? 「主体」の幻想とサイバネティックス、二進法と数量化の果て、21世紀の「愛欲人民」転じた夜のプロレタリアートならぬ夜のマルチテュード達よ、叩きのめし逃走せよ!それこそが闘争でもあろう。 「なるなヤクザに」? いや、そして今こそ肉体のヤクザ者「器官なき身体」の舞踏者、放蕩者に生成しようではないか。 3年振りとなる福岡林嗣実験工房Vol4は、ニューヨークから白石民夫氏、京都からK-mical-Mico氏をお招きし、東京からはヒグチケイコ氏と森重靖宗氏duoに参加頂く。そして我がプロとコントラ。我々の所作と呼吸の「実験」に是非共お立ち会い下さい。
白石民夫 1970代後半 演奏活動を開始。 多くのミュージシャン(灰野敬二などを含む、パフォーマンスアートも含む)と、吉祥寺の「マイナー」にて共演する。 1980年代 演劇集団「ホモフィクタス」に参加。 舞踏・パフォーマンスアートとの共演も行う。 1990年 米国にて。「ABC No Rio」(NY)などで、多くのミュージシャンと共演する。 1992年  東京にて。新宿西口の路上にて演奏を行う。 1994年 NYにて。多くのミュージシャン・グループ(CrashWorshipなどを含む)と共演する。 2008年 NY地下鉄構内での演奏を開始。現在も続けている。 現在 NYにて、多くのミュージシャン(パフォーマンスアートも含む)と���共演を行っている。
K.Mical.Mico NY にてThe No Neck Bluse Band をメインにたくさんのアーティストとのユニット、Duoやソロで活動。 2011年より日本に移住、一発ユニット活動始める。また演劇アルトー24時等参加。
ヒグチケイコ / keiko higuchi 身体、声、呼吸のつながりを探求し、即興からジャズまで幅広くこなすボーカリスト。その独特な声で表現される唯一無二の世界観は欧米での評価も高く、’95年にアメリカ・ボストンにて活動開始、'98年に帰国以来、多くのライブやダンス・演劇、作品集に参加。現在、国内外のミュージシャンとのコラボレーションやソロでのなど、活動は多岐に渡る。 www.geocities.jp/cleokkk www.facebook.com/cleokcleok 森重靖宗 / yasumune morishige 音楽家。チェロによる即興演奏を主に、国内外の数多くの音楽家や舞踏家等と共演する。 アコースティック楽器の可能性を広げて奏でられるその様々な音響は、繊細かつ豊かで独特の雰囲気を醸し出す。 www.mori-shige.com
pro et contra(プロとコントラ) 福岡林嗣(from魔術の庭etc)、ルイス稲毛(from魔術の庭、夜光虫etc)、 イツロウ1×2_6(monochrome vision recordings、トポロジスト)により2016年春結成。 イツロウ1×2_6のサンプリングとリズムボックス、ルイス稲毛のリングモジュレーターベースを大本にあらゆる音、言葉の盗用、転用を標榜し「意味の変容」を突き詰める。 2018年2月Nasca Carの中屋浩市が正式メンバーとして全面参画。5月にはファーストアルバムを発表。より一層強度を増した新たな展開を蠢動させ始めている。 https://infoproetcontra.blogspot.com/
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floodbeast · 2 years ago
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SUMMER SCUM shots: RODGER STELLA on night 1 and TAMIO SHIRAISHI on night 2.
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apexart-journal · 5 years ago
Derek Tumala in NYC, Day 12
It was a very rainy Sunday morning, gloomy and all sorts of sleepy. So I walked 2 blocks from the apartment to see what it seem to me a weird gathering or religion. The Quaker meeting is something that I am really curious about. So I went up to the Religious Society of Friends, which looks like an old church for their monthly meeting. Weirdly, one of the organizers asked me why I’m there. I just told him that I was curious about Quaker without dropping the apexart program I am with. I think it creates more interest to entertain me and welcome me as they are very open to new members. So we all sat on the main hall. It was very serene, quiet and just still. I fell asleep a bit for sure, it was 9am. As the time pass, I didn’t realize that we already had 2 hours of sitting in there in silence. Thinking about it I can compare it with transcendental meditation or Buddhism. It allows you to clear your head or think or maybe pray. The Quaker meetings are not to impose teachings but to collectively be in silence and take a moment to think, and I think that is beautiful. Religions are always imposing teachings or doctrines, but the Quakers are very simplistic and humane. This practice is actually something that I am interested of. Silence or peace of mind is quite a luxury these days. After the session, we all gather at the other room to get tea and snacks. Talked a bit to the members and they are all very nice and curious of why I’m there, of course everyone knows everyone except me. It was an interesting morning indeed. It also broke my conspiracy that it was cult.
So I then headed to another sightseeing, off to another island - Roosevelt Island. Took the tram and saw fascinating views of the city. It landed on the island and off I go to the Four Freedoms Park where Franklin Roosevelt’s monument lies. It was raining and windy, a bit of a challenge to roam around or sit. Instead I just went to admire the Brutalist marble monument for Roosevelt, one of the forefathers of America. I only wanted to take with me, a universal speech he made, etched in stone - “In the future days, which we seek to make secure, we look forward to a world founded upon four essential human freedoms. The first is freedom of speech and expression – everywhere in the world. The second is freedoms of every person to worship god in his own way – everywhere in the world. The third is freedom from want…everywhere in the world. The fourth is freedom from fear…anywhere in the world. That is no vision of a distant millennium. It is a definite basis for a kind of world attainable in our own time and generation.”
I then went to the East Village, which I think my favorite spot in city now, being less gentrified and a lot of little shops and spaces that is unique in its own way. The Museum of Reclaimed Urban Spaces is not what I expected like a polished exhibition of objects, it was an independent, storefront shop dedicated to their desire to create a New York that is designed for the people, by the people. Initiatives like urban activism and the biker’s rights, artists converting vacant lots into community gardens, reclaiming spaces that are public are some of the intitiatives that makes the city livable. It’s not a utopian ideal, but a desire to live in a city that is open, accessible and affordable. It’s admirable to know this space and its initiatives, which is ran independently and live by donations and goodwill. I do hope that this space continue to serve its goal for a long time or forever it will be. MoRUS is a testament that there is still a generous, creative and free soul in this city, alive with its desire to make it livable for everyone.
Last stop in this very long day is another interesting space in a basement somewhere in Greenwich Village. Babycastles, cute and quirky focuses on video games and its surrounding components. I really like artist-run spaces, it’s close to home, it’s close to what I do. I’m watching an experimental sound performance from 3 artists: Dan Gitlin, a soothing set who plays the violin with distortions and synth, Tamio Shiraishi, who plays the saxophone with sound effects and electronics and Cortland Mahoney playing a lot of synth and modulars to create soundscapes. Of the 3, Tamio was the most challenging, he played the sax at its loudest, shrieking and sharp I needed to cover my ears. At first I didn’t get what he’s doing, what the fuck was that senseless noise made in a small contained basement. After having that experience, I realized I have heard the same sound somewhere in New York: it is from the subway when the train makes a curve or is slowing down. That shrieking sound that is so annoying to the ears. I think he is imitating that sound.
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Tamio Shiraishi’s saxophone
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ryosukekiyasu · 5 years ago
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[Poster] September 22, 2019
Duo with Tamio Shiraishi live in Brooklyn, NY, USA
Venue: Material World
Address: 184 Noll St Brooklyn
Start 4:00 pm
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pikaspace · 6 years ago
3/16 Night Of 1000 Eyes Volume 28
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<<<NIGHT OF 1000 EYES VOLUME 28>>> Saturday, March 16th. 7pm Start. Entrance : 1,000 yen plus donations/ nage sen. * Tamio Shiraishi (legendary New York-based saxophonist returns) *KみかるMico (From No Neck Blues Band) * Chie Mukai (二胡er-hu, voice, dance) and Nobuhiro Okahashi (Naniwa Ambient) *Masaharu Showji and Fujinoya Mai (saxophone and butoh dance duo from Hiroshima) Tamio Shiraishi was, along with Keiji Haino, a founding member of the Japanese avant-garde group Fushitsusha in the 1970s. His involvement with Fushitsusha was however transient and the experience and connections formed through it led him to choose the saxophone as his main instrument. In 1990 Shiraishi moved to New York where he now plays solo material at NYC subway stops and collaborative projects at other venues. In 2012 Shiraishi has formed a stable collaborative performance project with Cammisa Buerhaus, playing at venues like Jack in Brooklyn as well as a memorable reunion concert with Keiji Haino at Issue Project Room. Shiraishi and percussionist Sean Meehan have for more than 15 years played a yearly summer concert at various outdoor locations in NYC. At 64 years of age Tamio Shiraishi has experienced a lot and, regardless of the lack of formal education in music, has honed his unique approach to the alto saxophone to a high level of mastery. His style may be characterized as a microtonal exploration of the altissimo-range, somewhat reminiscent of traditional Japanese Enka music. While exploring the limits of common aesthetic conceptions, Shiraishi’s performances in New York subway stops have attracted a small following and aroused conversations about the meaning of this form of expression. For example, on several occasions bystanders have approached the performance with inquiring expressions and verbally questioned the situation, which admittedly has some unusual qualities: a small audience contemplatively observing a Japanese gentleman seemingly performing a dialogue with the trains screeching by. One MTA worker was compelled to walk in between the performer and a fixed video recorder and say, “I know music is about interpretation, but this is not music!”, thus becoming part of the performance and reminding us of the inherently controversial and thought-provoking nature of the music. She then wandered away peacefully without further protest while the music continued throughout. https://www.forcedexposure.com/Artists/SHIRAISHI.TAMIO.html Chie Mukai (向井 千恵 Mukai Chie) is a female Japanese composer and musician, best known for her underground improv-folk group Ché-SHIZU. She has been involved in improvised performance since 1975, when she participated in the East Bionic Symphonia group, a graduation project for students of Takehisa Kosugi at the Bigakko art school in Tokyo. Her primary instrument is the bowed Chinese er-hu, although she is also a vocalist, and plays piano and percussion. Every year she organizes the Perspective Emotion mixed media arts festival in Tokyo. She has been frequently collaborating with Kenya Kawaguchi, Masayoshi Urabe, Seiichi Yamamoto since 2010. https://soundcloud.com/nobuhiro-okahashi
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searchingforduende · 8 years ago
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[Tamio Shiraishi. 11/10/16 Bedford Avenue Station. Brooklyn, nyc]
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modokix · 3 years ago
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bacteriaseas · 8 years ago
Rules: Answer the questions on a new post and then tag the followers you want to know better
I was tagged by: @iwant2leave
Name: Callum
Nickname: People sometimes call me Cal.
Star sign: Scorpio
Height: Somewhere around 175-180 cm
Time right now: 9:55
Last thing googled: Tamio Shiraishi
Favorite Music Artist: Kate Bush
Last movie watched: Breathless
Last TV show watched: The Nanny
What are you wearing?: Red t-shirt and pajama pants with pretzels on them
When did you create your blog?: I think it was towards the end of 2009
What kind of stuff do you post on your blog?: Jokes, music stuff, sometimes political stuff
Do you have any other blogs?: Yes
Gender: Male
Favorite animal: I‘m going to be lazy and say dogs and cats
Hogwarts house: I don’t know
Pokemon Team: I don’t know
Shout out to: the bf
Mbti: I don’t know
Moral alignment: I can’t be bothered doing a quiz, but I’d say I’d probably be chaotic neutral
Cat or Dog Person: Both
Favorite color: Powder blue
Average hours of sleep: Around 8 or 9
Lucky number: I don’t think I have one
Favorite character(s): Motoko Kusanagi
How many blankets do you sleep with?: 2-3
How many pillows do I sleep with: 2
Dream Job(s): Owning a record store
Current number of followers: 750 or something
Why did you pick your URL: I just picked a random line from a YMO song I thought sounded cool
Dream Trip: I was going to say America, but...
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freejazz54 · 5 years ago
Shiraishi Tamio Live Performances 92 94
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keiko-higuchi · 6 years ago
ヒグチケイコ 3月/keiko higuchi shows in march
●march 2nd, 2019 (sat)
Spring is Nearly Here @ yellow vision (阿佐ヶ谷)
archeus (ヒグチケイコ: voice、TOMO: hurdy gurdy、内田静男: bass)
ヒゴヒロシ (バネ放題) + 方波見智子 (voice, percussion) + ルイス稲毛 (g) + 鈴木一奈美 (b) + 熊田央 (drums)
open: 19:30/ start: 20:00
charge: 2000 yen + drink
Yellow Vision: http://www.yellowvision.jp/
●march 9th, 2019 (sat)
abstract structure vol.2 @yellow vision (阿佐ヶ谷)
open18:30/ start19:00
charge: 2,000+1D
Albedo Fantastica 
 Keiko Higuchi voice,drums/   Sachiko voice, electronics, percussion, melodica
 Hiroshi Hasegawa+Rohco
 池田”DTchainsaw”貴男(rap, vo) 尾崎慶太(g) 高橋直康(b) 平沢勇二(dr)
 miki Naoe - radio、yugo Ö kissaka - drums / sampler、kazuhiko Matsuda - guitar
Yellow Vision: http://www.yellowvision.jp/
●March 19th, 2019 (tue)
ヒグチケイコ ソロ/ keiko higuchi solo (piano and vocals)
nothing is real vol.28
open: 19:30/ start: 20:00
charge: 1500 yen + drink
喫茶茶会記: gekkasha.modalbeats.com
新宿区大京町2-4      tel: 03-3351-7904
●March 22nd, 2019 (fri) 
福岡林嗣Experimental Factory Vol4「充実身体 – 折り重ねの虚体」
白石民夫&Mico/ Tamio Shiraishi & Mico
プロとコントラ/ Pro et Contra
ヒグチケイコ&森重靖宗 Keiko Higuchi & Yasumune Morishige
open:19:00/ start: 19:30
charge: 2500 (in advance)  / 2800 (at door)
club Doctor: http://3rushmusic.com/ogikubo_club_doctor.html
東京都杉並区上荻1-16-10ローレルビルB-1F       tel 03-3392-5451
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allbrooklynveganposts · 6 years ago
Tonight's shows include Susie Ibarra/Luke Stewart/Tamio Shiraishi, Sandra Bernhard...and not a lot else.
Continue reading…
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bostonhasslefest · 6 years ago
Aaron Dilloway plays Hassle Fest 10
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Aaron Dilloway plays HFX on 11/9 @ Studio 550! FB Event:  https://www.facebook.com/events/301720203957110/ Mind melter, brain infuriator, former Wolf Eye(s). Mainline to the American underground, possessing one of his million and one releases is like having a thought police forcefield in your arsenal. Ohio based noise hero. Playing w/ Twig Harper, Robert Beatty (Three Legged Race), Gyna Bootleg & Tamio Shiraishi, Mark Johnson, Dreamcrusher, Sunk Heaven + more 
 Get a fest pass: https://hasslefest10.brownpapertickets.com/
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