#tamil romance novels
tamilbooks · 1 year
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nspwriteups · 1 year
Pehla Nasha | Kundavai x Vanthiyathevan OS (Modern AU)
A/N:This had been sitting in my drafts for weeks... finally found the confidence to post it. Happy reading 😊
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Kundavai = Keerthana , Vanthiyathevan= Vaishnav, Aditha = Adithya and Arulmozhi= Amal
Keerthana stood at the return section of the public library, glancing at the news channel in the tv mounted on the wall. She waited for the staff to return her library cards and made her way to the book section. She scanned the stacks for the book she had been searching for weeks. It was too boring for her to use the Web Opac on the library computer to get the book of her choosing. She preferred searching through the long rows of paperback until an interesting title or an attractive book cover caught her attention. But try as she may, she wasn't able to find THAT book yet. She looked around for a minute. Maybe because it was almost noon or maybe it's because it was a Sunday, there were only two people in the book reference section there - she and another guy,who seems to be in his own world - whistling an unrecognisable song and staring at the books ahead of him with hands in his pocket. She was again too lazy to go all the way over to the staff section to enquire and so she briefly glimpsed at the seemingly oblivious guy again. Her friends always called her out on her introverted nature. She wasn't really introverted, she just preferred to listen and observe others over talking non stop. She slowly walked over and tapped the guy's shoulder. He was taller than her and when he turned around she noticed his brown eyes meet hers in a look of confusion and curiosity. 
"Hello. I was wondering if you know where I can find Kalki's Ponniyin Selvan novels?" She put on her friendliest smile and politest tone. He looked around for a moment before turning back to her with an embarrassing expression. "I am not the library staff.. I'm just browsing books like you" 
She knew that. Of course she knew that but still she couldn't help but feel awkward all of a sudden. Maybe he noticed it because he quickly added "But I have time to kill. I can help you find the book". She gave a quick nod and together they went to the Tamil literature section and started digging from the opposite sections. As she searched, she couldn't help checking out her helper of the hour - his olive green jacket fitted him well and his entire body language gave him a laid back demeanor. He looked like a Wattpad male lead character with his tall frame, boyish outfit, silver chain peeking out of his jacket collar and striking brown eyes. She saw him turning slightly to look in her direction and quickly turned her attention to the books in front her. Get a hold of yourself Keerthana! She thought to herself.You are a research scholar for God's Sake! Don't act like an infatuated teenager. Keerthana prided herself in being clever, practical and disciplined -  a complete opposite to her brothers who were prone to spontaneity. Even though her friends teased her for shooing away even the slightest chance of a relationship coming her way, she never told them the real reason she wasn't willing to give her heart away. She had her moments of checking out the cute guys she met now and then (like now for instance) but deep down she was waiting for a romcom version of love - an unexpected meeting followed by a series of chance encounters until the hero says something like "You have Bewitched me body and soul" (She absolutely loved Pride and Prejudice) - that was her secret, that behind her calm,composed and strategic facade was a girl yearning for a silly and magical romance. She was snapped out of her thoughts with a book waving in front of her."Found it" He declared with a grin. She smiled and said "Thanks a lot. You were such a great help". It was true, he was such a friendly person."How can I not help someone as beautiful as you" He replied with a smirk. Huh, friendly and flirty then. "I am Vaishnav. And you are?""I'm Keerthana" She said as she made her way to the book issue section. He caught up with her easily, a book called Exploring the World tucked in his arms. So a wattpad-ish looking person with a love for reading travelogue? This guy seems to be the dream vision of many of the reader girls out there. "Keerthana as in Keerthana Viswanath? Adithya's sister?" He asked and Keerthana stopped on hearing her older brother's name. "Yes. How do you know?""I'm in the same football team as him. He always talk about you and your brother Amal. It's so nice to finally meet you" He said with the same grin as before, looking at her amusingly. Aah, so that must be why she felt a familiarity with him. They exited the library together, both unintentionally walking at a snail's pace, engrossed in their conversation. She learnt that his favourite colour is green, aspired to become a travel writer and was best friends with her brother. He got to know that she was a bookworm with a love for classics, loved boat rides and was as impressive as her brother. They faced each other once they reached the parking lot.
"So.." He began, not knowing what to say despite the fact that he prided himself in being a sweet-talker.
"So..." She also initiated, feeling the awkwardness climbing back up
"I hope I can see you around. Maybe another encounter at the library? " He joked
"We'll see" She joined in on the joke, with a playful smile and a thumping heart.
Later, when she was in her room, already pages deep in the first book of the Ponniyin Selvan series, she imagined him to be Vallavaraiyan Vanthiyathevan and herself to be Ilaiya Piratti Kundavai. Because she couldn't picture anyone else to be the flirty and enthusiastic Vana Kula Ilavarase. And the more she imagined, the more she felt as if maybe there is something about this boy that is pulling her towards him, a sort of feeling that somehow he will come into her life as more than Adithya's best friend. She placed a hand over her heart beating faster than usual at the thought of such a possibility. "Silly heart" she whispered with a soft giggle.
@ramcharanobsessed @dumdaradumdaradum @vibishalakshman @harinishivaa @hollogramhallucination @kovaipaavai@rang-lo. @willkatfanfromasia@thelekhikawrites@thegleamingmoon@deafeningflowercat@yehsahihai@whippersnappersbookworm@itsfookingloosah@gemsmusings@chiyaanvikram@elvenladysakura. @matka-kulfi. @madatdisney@bumblebeeskywalker@vahnithedreamer@nkarti@dosai-maavu@utterlynotperfect@winter-birds@happy-bookworm @tumbledout @anabanana4115 @freeunknownwasteland @bhataktiatmacore@rapunzels-stuff@celestesinsight@mairablue@rationalelderberry@existenceiswhateven@arachneofthoughts@spider5884fan11 @cara-2003 @nirmohi-premika @stella12
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kquil · 11 months
congratulations on 1k!!! you deserve this and so much more! could i get a cupcake 🧁 please?
i have wavy black hair, it’s layered and i have curtain bangs. my eyes are a very dark brown and i wear glasses. i’m south indian and i speak tamil.  i like spring a lot! especially because flowers start blooming around that time and i think flowers are lovely. i also really like to doodle. it’s fun, it’s quick, and  it’s relaxing!! but art in general is one of my passions. also music is almost always playing in the background whenever i do things. and i really love rom coms and romance novels!! idc if it’s really cheesy, i just think it’s cute! i definitely believe in true love, even if i don’t think i might be able to meet mine. my favorite color is maroon! i’m also a virgo and i value my grades a lot and that can spiral in the wrong direction at times. i’m also short, 5 feet to be exact, and people tell me that i have small hands. i love high fives though. my love language is either quality time or words of affirmation. i’m leaning towards quality time but words of affirmation does help keep me grounded. i always earrings and barrettes, and occasionally this one necklace. i’d like to think that i’m a nice person! i really like to explain things to people if they don’t understand a topic and i’m pretty good at it too. i compliment people a lot. like at least one person a day, it helps me not close up and like talk to someone new. i also find everything really pretty and beautiful. like literally everyone and everything is beautiful in one way or another and i find that so intriguing. if you really look into it you’ll see beauty in everything. oh also my brother is autistic, so i need someone who’d be okay with that. this went through a lot of random topics, but i hope it’s still okay. i’m sorry for rambling. thank you so much! take your time and have a wonderful day! i love you!
can i just say that you sound like such a lovely person to be around? omg! you're so sweet, i bet you brighten every room you walk into!
my apologises for being so late with this delivery, darling, i hope you enjoy my ship for you
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I ship you with James Potter
i. the instant he finds out your love for flowers, he’s looking for every opportunity to get them for you, for your birthday, holidays, a random wednesday, when you’re sad, when you’re happy, when you pass an exam — every excuse! he just adores the smile that it puts on your face. he loves that smile of yours so damn much. he also finds out that you love doodling and offers himself up as a canvas for you when you run out of spare parchment to doodle on, it kinda tickles but he loves walking around and admiring your inky doodles on his forearm. One time, you doodled a heart on his cheek and he adored it, insisting that you kiss him there every few minutes and, of course, you would kiss him because he’s adorable. 
ii. he wasn’t really into reading romance novels until you came along and introduced him to them. he’s a hopeless romantic so he adores them just as much as you do. in fact, he read a majority of your favourite romance novels and replicated many of the romantic gestures the love interests did with each other, hoping to love you the best way he can; that is his one and only wish. 
iii. he admires how dedicated you are to maintaining your incredibly high grades. being with you has the benefit of better understanding topics that he didn’t already excel at either, james now has better grades across all subjects because you explain things so well to him. because you work so hard, he makes it a point to praise you often but he’s become very sensitive to the little quirks that give away your exhaustion and burn out. the instant he notices you spiralling because of your grades, he takes action to reassure you and pull you away so you could take a break and relax so that your health, mental and physical, stays at a good state. “just a quick break, angel,” he coos to persuade you, tugging on your hand and slowly pulling you away from your desk, “i promise you’ll feel better after,”
iv. he loves your small hands and the fact that, whenever you give him a high-five for a job well done after a quidditch game, your hands barely make it past his fingertips makes him awe at you. he loves picking you up and holding you there so he can pucker his lips and receive his kisses as you hold his face and lean down towards him. He just adores you and the way you look with the sun casting a halo around your head — you’re his angel. so you deserve all the jewellery he buys for you, mainly earrings and necklaces, you even got him to beg sirius to get barrettes for him to give to you whenever he went to france.  
v. he also loves how kind and friendly you are to people, complimenting them without prejudice. you’re always so kind and sweet and soooo perfect… you need to be told how pretty and beautiful you are always and he does just that for you, every day! he loves spending time with you just doing nothing because you’re all he needs to feel happy; when sad, all he has to do is see you and be around you to feel that the world is right again. naturally, you feel the same way about him. that feeling is increased when you finally introduce him to your autistic brother and james treats him like a brother he never had, much like sirius, they're practically best buddies and your brother adores him, maybe even more than you sometimes but you couldn't be happier!
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triviareads · 9 months
ARC Review of Say You'll Be Mine by Naina Kumar
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Rating: 4/5 Heat Level: 2.5/5 Publication Date: January 16th
After Meghna Raman's friend and long-time crush Seth announces his engagement, Meghna agrees to her parents' request to look for potential arranged marriage candidates. She does not hit it off with Karthik Murthy, but finds herself agreeing to a fake engagement anyway so she can bring him as a date to her friend's wedding, and he looks more promotion-ready to his bosses.
My review:
This is the most honest portrayal of modern Indian arranged marriages I've ever read. What a lot of people don't understand about arranged marriages nowadays, particularly in diaspora communities, is that it doesn't mean you are being forced into marriage against your will; it's more like a series of arranged dates with pre-screened candidates that are partially supervised by your families. It's like any set-up, except you're dating with the intention of getting married. This is also the first time I've read South Indian characters in a romance novel so I was very very happy. Karthik is from a Tamil background, while Meghna's dad is Tamil and her mom is North Indian (they had their own cute Chetan Bhagat Two States-esque love story back in the day, which is why Meghna wants a love match too).
There's no insta-attraction between Karthik and Meghna. She wants love (but is open to finding that through an arranged marriage) while Karthik does not want to marry at all because he fears he's turning into his shitty dad and will inadvertently emulate his parents' marriage. Pretty classic as far as romantic conflict goes, with a side of grumpy/sunshine. Where Meghna and Karthik really shined was during their moments of emotional vulnerability and how they were there for each other. I'm suuuuch a sucker for a man who cries in a romance novel and Karthik delivered when he broke down in Meghna's arms in a middle school parking lot. And on his side, Karthik ends up being Meghna's biggest advocate and supports her career aspirations (which is especially gratifying because her typical desi parents don't entirely understand her career path) and helps her realize Seth is taking advantage of her.
Sidenote: Seth is the kind of white boy that makes your stomach crawl; he's seemingly innocent, but the more you read about him, you realize the extent to which he's using Meghna on an emotional level knowing she has feelings for him, all while never respecting her culture enough to even try and pronounce her name correctly.
The one thing I disliked about the book was the Fawad Khan facecast for Karthik in-text. I personally do not like when authors name a specific celebrity likeness for their character and would much rather they describe the character well enough so I get a sense of how they look and then fill in the blanks with my own imagination. Also, Fawad Khan in Khoobsurat (2014) specifically? Come on, there's nothing about that man that screams Socially Awkward Indian-American Engineer.
The sex:
There are a couple makeout scenes (my favorite was when they're all in denial like "do friends kiss?" but go for it anyway).
The one full-on sex scene isn't closed door, per say, but as Karthik and Meghna venture past foreplay, the writing focuses more on the emotions than any explicit description of what's going on physically. Also, there is an over-the-clothes orgasm moment which I liked.
This is probably the second time in my life I've felt this *seen* by a romance novel as an Indian-American woman, but I'd honestly recommend it to anyone looking for a low-heat romance that deals with the cultural nuances of the Indian-American community and arranged marriages while delivering a solid romance.
Thank you to Random House Publishing Group and NetGalley for the ARC in exchange for my review.
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ennaku-sirri-da · 2 years
Love and Floss the romance novel
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[ ID: Traditional fanart of Dr Habit from Smile For Me the game with a fan-character, Clover Mcluckin. Edited digitally afterward. It is mostly done in grayscale, but some parts are colored.
In the artist’s redesign, Habit has a gaunt face with protruding furry cheeks, then red fur-ruffles under his makeup-applied eyes, then a thin pencil stache with surrounding hair on the chin and neck. On the neck is a visible Adams apple. He has a X-like scar near his mouth, and stitches on his neck and chest. His eyes are pink here, indicating affectionate feelings. He has on purple eyeshadow and red nails plus lipstick. All his hair is in shades of rose-pink.
In the front he has a Marilyn Monroe-inspired hairdo, with more curls and wavier hair. This is tied off with a red ribbon, and from there it is long and wavy hair ending in bouncy spiral curls. He wears his doctor’s bloodstained coat, the top is a bit unbuttoned and shows some chest hair. Habit gazes adoringly at Clover, holding their face in his long claws, which have marionette-like joints. Some of their hair spills through. He blushes from his face, neck, and upper chest.
Clover is a person with pink eyes, long half-dark half-green hair, some chin hair. They are wearing glasses, a necklace with a green clover charm and an off-the-shoulder sweater with black tank top straps showing. They also have some dark ear piercings and a pink flower tucked behind their ear. For makeup, they have on black eyeshadow and nails. They hold Habit’s arms and look up at him, smiling.
 Both their faces are so close, positioned before a kiss. Purple text in cursive beside them, underlined with wavy lines reads,‘’Love and Floss’’, the title of the cover for an imagined romance novel. There is a purple heart beside it.
Various real purple flowers decorate the top half, while the bottom half has pink flowers, including a large hibiscus. The whole image in the lined notebook is placed against bedsheets with patterns of large squares and flowers, which is in a faded, greyish color. end ID]
Talk under the cut!
I think you should listen to this and bliss out...there’s a translation online..I’m always looking for an oppurtunity to plug in my Tamil tunes
Honestly I’m taken out by the idea of Habit going all Monroe on his hair in his dentist outfit, which he expressly wore in the game to take FK’s teeth out. God. LMAO. My friend said its like when magicians use pretty ladies to distract you from the tricks.
This is for @weirdpastelflower​, I saw a post wanting Habit X OC content, and that type of stuff really warms my heart since recently plus I wanted to practice my Habit. I hope you like him, person who wanted Habit kissing your OC. Well, they’re about to ;) (winky emote)
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bloodwiine · 1 year
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Full Name: Kaveri Natarajan Nickname: Kava Age: twenty-eight Gender: cis woman Pronouns: she & her Ethnicity: Indian ( Tamil ) Nationality: Veritean Education: Homeschooled & School on the island / at the cove Occupation: Co-Owner of Nautical Necessities & Siren's Sips Hometown: Echo Cove Current location: She still resides in Echo Cove but has a cove she's found near the shop if she's ever too tired that she occasionally uses. Species: Mermaid. Written Aesthetics: random doodles in the sand, everyone’s friend, daydreaming in the sun, bright eyes and blushed cheeks on chilly mornings & champagne bubbles
trigger warning: n/a
Face Claim: Simone Ashley Height: 5'8" / 1.74 Hair Colour: black with aquamarine streaks Eye Colour: dark brown Dominant Hand: left Distinguishing Features: lively smile, dimples, blue streaks in her curly locks
Abilities: hydrokinesis/hydrotelekinesis, enhanced abilities, vocal mimicry, healing touch, bioluminescence, marine telepathy Have you always been aware of your abilities?: Why of course, I can't imagine what it's like to be anything but a mermaid. Favorite Magical Items: Oh, I do love starfish and the way they compliment you endlessly. There's nothing like a little confidence boost from those cute little guys. What supernatural creature is your character most scared of?: Oh mother and father always warned me to stay away from all those above water, but most horror stories revolved around humans and vampires, so both of them. And octopus, though not necessarily a supernatural creature, they definitely do seem magical. Who or what would they die for? Just about anyone really, though they'd prefer not to. Does your character fight or flee? Likely flee or freeze in terror...depends on the situation, to be honest.
Positive Traits: curious/eager to learn, daring, dreamy, genuine & passionate
Negative Traits: impatient, dismissive, deceptive, naive, selfish, materialistic, impatient & impulsive
Neutral Traits: adventurous, resourceful, inquisitive, open-minded, optimistic, sentimental, observant & empathetic
Goals/desires: travel beyond veritas isles, find true love, expand her personal collection of treasures, protect marine life.
Hobbies: exploring the island both on land and by water, collecting shells & trinkets, reading romance novels, exploring shipwrecks, gardening, stargazing and moonlight walks, learning human traditions, learning languages & jewelry crafting
Habits: morning reflections/yoga, random acts of kindness, eavesdropping on conversations, chaotic organization, overcommitting, impulsive spending, biting nails, twirling hair, easily distracted, will avoid confrontation
QUESTION ONE: were you born on the island, if so, what kind of curiosities do you have about the world beyond? if you weren’t, what do you miss about the world outside veritas isles? 
I was born here, and it's impossible not to be curious especially whenever I learn of or discover a new object I've never seen before for my shop. I would love to get the chance to travel further than Oasis Isle. Maybe one day.
QUESTION TWO: what is your favorite part about the island? 
Even when I think I've uncovered all the treasures there are to find, I always manage to find more. There's so much beauty and knowledge within everyone, and each individual has a unique story to tell.
QUESTION THREE: if your character is supernatural, do they fear humans? if human, do they fear the supernatural? 
I am quite curious about them, but I also do fear the tales I've been told as a child. But, I've become more and more accustomed to them, and they aren't all bad.
QUESTION FOUR: share a fun headcanon or fact about your character! this doesn’t have to be long, just something to introduce us to your character! 
Like most mermaids, Kava has always found herself drawn to shiny things and because of this always had a collection but the more and more time spent near Oasis Isle and Justport, the more she knew that she wanted to do more with it and not only explore the ocean. Eventually she befriended an elderly man who told her tales of the world beyond, as well as shared trinkets that he had in his pawn shop. They developed a cute, platonic friendship, almost like a grandparent - grandchild bond, though when he passed on, he left the shop for her. Initially, her family was against it, but they've learned to accept it. For the most part.
Kava is a hopeless romantic and loves to read, mostly romance novels that has her dreaming of places outside Veritas Isles such as Paris. Because of this, she has a tendency to crush easily and hard, which leads often to heartbreak. But, she still hasn't given up on the idea of true love.
close friends
her pod friends !
family members
a co owner that runs the speakeasy side of the business
people she's crushing on or has crushed on, i imagine her to be the type to fall a little bit in love with everyone
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mymetric360 · 22 days
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Best Indian romance novel sequel - Palayil Pootha kathal Mul Part 2 Are you looking for an engaging and heartfelt Tamil romance nove... Link: https://mymetric360.com/question/best-indian-romance-novel-sequel-palayil-pootha-kathal-mul-part-2/?feed_id=198246&_unique_id=66d3c9884ee11
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kaatu-sirukki · 4 months
a study of kaatru veliyidai
kaatru veliyidai is a film that has gotten mixed reviews. the critics seem to shower praises for this movie whilst the general public almost ignore its existence. when talking about mani ratnams works the general public tend to always point out his past works, besides oh kadhal kanmani, when it comes to his best. the stories always feel close to home, the characters tend to feel like your next door neighbors, and the characters are very easy to understand. the more into mani ratnams career the more we see him find new ways to tell stories but yet staying somewhat true to his esque.
kaatru veliyidai however is quite hidden in the dark. the story revolves around our two main characters: VC acted by karthi and leela abraham acted by aditi rao hydari. the movie starts off normal, similar to previous mani ratnams works. the character meet and fall in love all choreographed with beautiful screenplay making the audience wish to be in their shoes. but a short while in you see the dichotomy of both characters. VC is misogynistic, chauvinistic, and arrogant while on the contrary leela is independent, grounded, and isnt having it with VC. quickly they both run into the “cant leave you cant live without you” trope and you see a different side of tamil cinema.
growing up watching tamil cinema you tend to see majority of the male characters similar to VC. but what makes them different is that the media makes them look justified. these characters hide behind the label of being in being “cool” and “manly” and you ignore their shitty behaviors because they (for example) saved a village. VC however is being criticized for his actions, though not verbally by someone else, he goes through a form of internal understanding that he is a horrible human being. VC feels different, and its what makes kaatru veliyidai so good and yet so underrated. in an era of film making where we see men doing bad things as normal we now have a male lead where his actions are seen in a bad light, hence letting the audience support the female protagonist.
the true core of the movie lies in the hands of aditi rao hydari. her acting is very delicate, you can see that shes a romantic, you can feel that romance. her actions feel like they are based off a novel or cinema. her character feels like a character within the universe of kaatru veliyidai, maybe a persona in which leela had chosen when growing up. aditi rao hydari does an amazing job with the cycle of abuse, showing truly how bad it is for her from her perspective. she isnt here to raise a moral outcry. her character isnt trying to save the world or make any changes to it. but instead you get to see an abuse relationship unfold while you make your own judgement of wether its progressive or not.
leelas character feels similar to that of another one from mani ratnam’s past films, tara from oh kadhal kanmani. despite both characters being different in terms of exposition or plot, they both arent there to be an idol of progressiveness. mani ratnams biggest strengths is to hold topics of modern day without pushing down a narrative. instead you see a beautiful piece of cinema but is able to take away an underlying meaning of maybe modernity or progression. both leela and tara are independent and grounded, they both make their own life choices and they both are alike but not.
so why didnt kaatru veliyidai work? the real answer may never be found but we could speculate. my biggest theory is that the general audience could not understand that karthi is acting as an abusive boyfriend. only up until now is there characters that aren’t always morally good. when we tend to think of a main male character we tend to only highlight the bright parts of him, the good parts that we want to show, never the bad ones. especially for the caliber of karthis characters i think the audience was not ready to see their beloved star in a negative light.
another speculation into which kaatru veliyidai might have failed is that its too cinematic for people to understand. kaatru veliyidai never directly tells you that “hey. vc is a dick and leela is being abused” but instead you spend the next 2 hours in the theater watching this unfold and it could be seen as slow of some.
either way, kaatru veliyidai isnt the perfect movie nor is it my favorite from mani ratnam. but if i where to put it at somewhere in top 3-5 i would. i just wish that more movies like this come out, i truly am tired of seeing a copy paste of male and female characters with just different universes
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rudolphsb9 · 7 months
I am HAUNTED by a review I read of a romance novel where the main hero reminisces about learning exotic sex acts from an exotic woman living in an exotic land. This exotic woman doesn't get a name and doesn't speak except in the hero's reminiscences, and I felt such relief because up till now I felt like I'd been going insane in my own little corner raving about how Katia's mother doesn't get a name or to speak really outside of Katia's memories and dammit I wanted to know more about the KGB dude and the Tamil woman who probably did something supremely badass such that KGB dude views similar badassery in their kids as a reflection on her.
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filaantrocrowdfunding · 11 months
International School Library Month: Ideas to Celebrate This Month
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According to the data by World Population Review, Indians spend more time reading than anyone else, with an average of 10 hours and 42 minutes of reading per week. This shouldn’t come as a surprise, since India has a rich history of literature.
Right from the dawn of Indian civilization, books have been a huge part of Indians’ lives. Ancient epics like Mahabharata and Ramayana, along with classical writers like Rabindranath Tagore and Bankim Chandra Chatterjee, and even modern-day living legends like Arundhati Roy and Amish Tripathi, are all cherished by the people of India.
Indian literature covers various topics and stories, from experiences of marginalized communities to fiction, fantasy, mythology, romance, etc. Indians are even jumping into graphic novels, with writers like Naseer Ahmed, Saurabh Singh, Amruta Patil, and Sarnath Banerjee gaining prominence. Literature is not only limited to Hindi language but also regional languages like Malayalam, Bengali, Tamil, Marathi, Assamese, etc, and Western languages like English and French.
As India has such a widespread culture of literature, we should celebrate this International School Library Month and pass on this legacy of reading to future generations.
So, here are some ideas to celebrate International School Library Month:
Children’s Recommendation Display
Invite children in your locality to display their favorite books, along with a small write-up of why they love the said book. This would help other children to discover new books, genres, and authors and deepen their love for reading.
2. Display Stories Written by Children
What better way to carry on the legacy of Indian Literature than by giving emphasis to future writers? Encourage children to write their own stories and display them in your areas. Activities like these would help to boost the self-esteem of children and may give them impetus to pursue writing in the future.
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You can also host an event where children swap their books, and allow them to bond over their favorite books. This could also be expanded to adults swapping books with children, rather than being limited to only children, as adults have read more in their lives, they can help children to explore more books.
4. Organize Book Donation
Host a book donation drive, where people can donate books to be given in local libraries. These drives can help children and people from marginalized communities to get access to more readers.
5. Invite an Author to Speak
If possible, you can also invite an author to speak on books and literature. Even professors of literature can be invited to conduct such sessions. These sessions will drive the zeal of children to study literature.
Along with its crowdfunding partner, Child Help Foundation, Filaantro has organized book drives and helped promote Child Help Foundation’s Quality Education programme. In total, Child Help Foundation and Filaantro have reached out to 4,86,141 children with its Quality Education programme.
Thank you for taking the time to read this blog. Make sure to share it with all your friends and family members.
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tamilbooks · 1 month
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themovieblogonline · 1 year
Ponniyin Selvan - Part 2 (PS-2): The Legend Of Rajaraja I
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He rises from the ashes to destroy his rivals once and for all! The legend of the most powerful emperor of all time to have ruled Southern India, Rajaraja The Great, dates back to the 10th century. In Ponniyin Selvan Part 1 (PS-1); Prince Arulmozhi Varman of the Chola dynasty in South India, during his conquest, was presumed to have drowned as his ship sank in the stormy sea. But in this direct sequel to PS-1, titled Ponniyin Selvan Part 2 (PS-2), Arulmozhi Varman makes his return to eradicate his rival dynasty, the Pandyas, once and for all! https://youtu.be/rF96UPApoL4 Ponniyin Selvan Part 2 has been adapted from Kalki Krishnamurthy’s epic historical novel Ponniyin Selvan, and has been directed by Mani Ratnam. This periodic action-adventure drama stars Jayram Ravi in the titular role of Prince Arulmozhi Varman a.k.a Ponniyin Selvan (Son of River Ponni). The film also features South India’s dynamic actor Vikram a.k.a. Kennedy John Victor as Arulmozhi Varman’s elder brother, Aditha Karikalan. Aishwarya Rai Bachchan plays the lead antagonist Nandini, the daughter of their rival Pandya ruler Veerapandiyan. In light of the threats faced by the Chola dynasty and his elder brother’s death, Prince Arulmozhi Varman overthrew all obstacles to become the most powerful emperor to have ever ruled Southern India, Rajaraja I a.k.a Rajaraja The Great. https://youtu.be/o_UrD4S9Sns Ponniyin Selvan - Part 2 (PS - 2) Official Trailer (Tamil): https://youtu.be/EnhS3matIoU Ponniyin Selvan - Part 2 (PS - 2) Official Trailer (Hindi): https://youtu.be/-gnytBclJEU The Good: PS-2 has hair-raising and thrilling action and battle scenes. The scenes are thrilling but not gory or gruesome. You will surely enjoy watching this action-adventure drama.  The film is loaded with thrill as the story unfolds with the adventures of Prince Arulmozhi Varman a.k.a Ponniyin Selvan (played by Jayram Ravi) and his elder brother Prince Aditha Karikalan (played by actor Vikram whose real name is Kennedy John Victor). In Ponniyin Selvan Part 1, the climax scene portrayed Arulmozhi Varman’s ship sinking where he was presumed to be dead. In Part 2, he makes his return to emerge victorious in his conquests against the Pandya Dynasty. However, in this direct sequel, his elder brother commits suicide for his love, Nandini. https://youtu.be/gEuv0k9eOxw Action, adventure, romance, suspense, and thrill; PS-2 is loaded with all of these. Aishwarya Rai Bachchan plays the lead antagonist Nandini in this movie and her conspirational character in the film is worth the applause. Nandini has been shown to be associated with Pandya spies who were seeking vengeance from the Cholas. Although Nandini was married, Aditha Karikalan had a long-term affinity towards her. The scene was really heart-touching where Aditha Karikalan died as he purposely pierced his own heart by placing a knife on his chest and hugging her. In other words, I would say that this is a doomed romance. As Aditha Karikalan died, Arulmozhi Varman continued his quest to become the greatest ruler of the Chola Dynasty, Rajaraja I. https://youtu.be/WNfbL3i5ONI Jayram Ravi plays the titular character in both PS-1 and PS-2. Arulmozhi Varman, who became the invincible emperor Rajaraja I of the powerful Chola dynasty was also known as Ponniyin Selvan translated as "Son of river Ponni", now river Cauvery. It is believed that it was the river Ponni that had saved the little prince and thus, he got this name. Vikram a.k.a Kennedy John Victor’s role as Arulmozhi Varman’s elder brother Aditha Karikalan was short in PS-1. But in PS-2, he has a very elongated role where it can be seen how he sacrificed his life for his love Nandini, even though she was his enemy. Aishwarya Rai Bachchan, as glamorous and beautiful as she always is, looked fabulous in her character of the vengeful Nandini. https://youtu.be/Y4S20QLPyH0 I also have to praise the amazing cinematography by Ravi Varman and the editing by A. Sreekar Prasad. Oh, the visuals! You will be astounded by the majestic and royal sets in PS-2. In fact, this high-budget film did involve fascinating backgrounds and sets, and the VFX visuals were just mesmerizing. After all, when you are showing the legend of the royal Chola dynasty, such high-quality cinematography, and editing are obviously needed to make the viewing experience larger than life. Besides, PS-2 is the first South Indian film to have been released worldwide in 4DX format. The Bad: The Ponniyin Selvan film series has been adapted from Kalki Krishnamurthy’s epic historical novel by the same name. However, allegations are doing the rounds that Mani Ratnam has made some major deviations from the novel in his adapted screenplay. So here, the award-winning director doesn’t remain entirely faithful to the original story. Whether this is “good” or “bad” is not the debate. The fact is that doing so did benefit him as both PS-1 and PS-2 have turned out to be mega-hits! The audiences seem to have enjoyed the spiced-up deviated story. https://youtu.be/2pjrwEgwlo8 The Verdict: The Ponniyan Selvan film series is originally in Tamil language. However, the Hindi-dubbed dialogues in PS-2 call for ultimate power! Dialogues delivered by the lead cast are exceptionally powerful as they sound like the power of royalty. Ponniyin Selvan (PS) was initially decided as a single film but later was split into two parts, PS-1 and PS-2. Both parts were shot back to back. The first part (PS-1) was released on September 30, 2022, and the second part (PS-2) was released on April 28, 2023. Both parts run for 2 hours and 45 minutes. Had the filmmakers made a single film then it would have had a combined run duration of 5 hours and 30 minutes which is huge! Thank God, they decided to split it up because watching such a lengthy film in the theater hall would have been time-consuming as well as discomforting. Vikram’s role in PS-1 as Aditha Karikalan was brief but in PS -2, he has a very prominent role; perhaps even more prominent than the lead titular character Arulmozhi Varman a.k.a Ponniyin Selvan. Jayram Ravi as Arulmozhi Varman was enduring and that’s the reason why audiences love his acting. The story of Ponniyin Selvan is immense and is loaded with twists and turns with uncountable characters at every instance. If I try to cover the entire story, then probably I will have to rewrite Kalika Krishnamurthy’s historical novel instead of a blog. Historical fiction or not, whatever you may call it, the legend of the great emperor and conqueror Arulmozhi Varman a.k.a Rajaraja I is true and he was one of the greatest Indian rulers of all time. Ponniyin Selvan Part 2: Behind The Scenes https://youtu.be/LTA7uFbTi14   Read the full article
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tamilnovels · 1 year
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chetanbhagat2 · 2 years
Who is Chetan Bhagat?
Chetan Bhagat is a well-known Indian author, columnist, and speaker. He has become a household name in India, thanks to his best-selling books that have made a huge impact on the Indian literary scene. His works are popular for their easy-to-read style and a mix of humor, romance, and social commentary.
Early Life and Education
Chetan Bhagat was born on 22nd April 1974 in New Delhi, India. He grew up in an Indian Army family and completed his schooling from the Army Public School in New Delhi. He went on to study Mechanical Engineering at the Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) Delhi, and later earned a degree in Business Administration from the Indian Institute of Management (IIM) Ahmedabad.
After completing his studies, Bhagat worked as an investment banker for a few years before quitting his job to pursue his passion for writing. His first novel, "Five Point Someone," was published in 2004. The book, which tells the story of three friends who struggle to survive IIT, became an instant bestseller and won several awards.
Bhagat's second book, "One Night @ the Call Center," was published in 2005 and became another bestseller. The book was later adapted into a Bollywood film called "Hello."
Bhagat's third book, "The 3 Mistakes of My Life," was published in 2008 and tells the story of three friends who start a business but face several challenges. The book was later adapted into a Bollywood film called "Kai Po Che."
Bhagat's fourth book, "2 States: The Story of My Marriage," was published in 2009 and tells the story of a Punjabi boy who falls in love with a Tamil girl. The book was later adapted into a Bollywood film called "2 States."
Bhagat's fifth book, "Revolution 2020," was published in 2011 and tells the story of two friends who fall in love with the same girl. The book deals with issues such as corruption and education in India.
Bhagat's sixth book, "Half Girlfriend," was published in 2014 and tells the story of a boy from Bihar who falls in love with a rich girl from Delhi. The book was later adapted into a Bollywood film called "Half Girlfriend."
Bhagat's latest book, "The Girl in Room 105," was published in 2018 and tells the story of a boy who falls in love with a girl he meets at a hostel.
Apart from writing books, Bhagat is also a popular columnist and writes for leading Indian newspapers such as The Times of India and Dainik Bhaskar. He is also a motivational speaker and has spoken at several events and conferences.
Chetan Bhagat Controversies
Bhagat has been involved in several controversies over the years. In 2013, he was accused of plagiarism by a Delhi-based author, Anvita Bajpai, who claimed that Bhagat had lifted several plot points from her book for his novel "One Indian Girl." Bhagat denied the allegations and filed a defamation suit against Bajpai.
In 2014, Bhagat was criticized for his remarks on the anti-corruption movement led by Anna Hazare. Bhagat had suggested that the movement was not achieving anything and that people should focus on working hard instead.
In 2016, Bhagat was criticized for his tweet on the JNU protests, which read, "Never seen a place for anti-national elements like JNU in any other country. If you want to be a part of India, then speak its language." The tweet was widely criticized for its divisive and inflammatory nature.
2018, Bhagat was accused of sexual harassment by a woman who claimed that he had made unwanted sexual advances towards her during a literary event. Bhagat denied the allegations and said that the incident had been misinterpreted.
In addition to these controversies, Bhagat has also been criticized for his writing style, which some critics have described as simplistic and formulaic. Despite the criticisms, Bhagat's books have remained popular among Indian readers and have been translated into several languages.
Bhagat is also involved in philanthropic work and has started several initiatives to support education and social causes in India. In 2013, he launched the Chetan Bhagat Education Fund to provide financial assistance to underprivileged students who wish to pursue higher education. He has also been associated with various non-profit organizations such as Akshaya Patra Foundation and Teach for India.
Chetan Bhagat has emerged as one of the most popular and influential authors in India. His books have a mass appeal and have been enjoyed by readers across the country. While he has been involved in several controversies, Bhagat's contributions to Indian literature and his philanthropic work cannot be ignored. His legacy will continue to influence the Indian literary scene for years to come.
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exrconsultancy · 2 years
The Tiger Throne: Kalki’s Ponniyin Selvan Retold — Booksvenue
The epic narrative "The Tiger Throne" is surrounded by a pervasive sense of political intrigue. Prince Madurandaka is positioned on one side, backed by the brutal Pazluvur chieftains. The future Raja Raja Chola, one of the greatest rulers in Indian history, Prince Arulmozlivarman, appears on the opposite side. The Chola kingdom is threatened by civil conflict as the ruler is kidnapped by the Pazluvur chieftains.
In the book “The Tiger Throne”, history and fiction are blended to depict a narrative of romance and retribution, stunning princesses and disguised princes, dark caverns and secret tunnels, deadly sorcerers, and adept spies, and at last, depicting who will prevail in this dangerous and thrilling game to capture the crown in the end?
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Author Details
According to Preetha Rajah Kannan, this is her earliest memory of Ponniyin Selvan, which consisted of five hardbound volumes. The author gives her readers Ponniyin Selvan as an 800-page, one-volume treat: The Tiger Throne. She has made an effort to provide readers with a condensed
version that is appropriate for today's "fast" environment while yet being completely accurate to Kalki's original work in all respects. This is not just a book; as she writes the story of a royal dynasty, she wishes to pass it on to our children and grandkids. It serves as a reminder of our illustrious past and culture. It lifts the curtain of time to reveal our origins and the whole lives of our ancestors.
The brilliant Ramasamy Aiyar Krishnamurthi, or Kalki, immortalised Raja Raja Chola as Ponniyin Selvan, filling his masterpiece with dashing warriors and lovely princesses, secret passages and dark dungeons, sorcerers and spies, adventures, vengeance and romance, shipwrecks and quicksand, leopards, and assassins, in 2000 or so pages of high-speed adventure.
When The Tiger throne was out in September, the author contacted the publisher to request a copy. and only planned to write a review for this edition. The best method to learn more about the story of Arulmozhli Varman and others was to later want an answer to a question, though. Thus, she decided to look into it herself in order to solve the problem.
Interesting Facts about the Book
For those who don't know, The Tiger Throne is a retelling of Shri Kalki Krishnamurthy ji's masterwork Ponniyin Selvan. Ponniyin Selvan is one of the greatest novels Tamil literature has ever produced. More details regarding the book and its application can be found by performing a fast google search.
The most prominent examples are the original novels by Shri Kalki Krishnamurthy, which were serialised and released in the 1950s. The original epic has not been verbatim translated into The Tiger Throne. The complete narrative from all 5 volumes of the book is condensed into one 700-page book in this work without diluting the core of the initial narrative depicting cultural heritage.
Now let's talk about the mythology of Ponniyin Selvan in a movie directed by Indian film director, Mani Ratnam. The first of his two films, which will cover about three of Kalki's books, has only been released to the public. Mani Ratnam actually makes a lot of changes and innovates on Kalki's original concept. Due to the fact that doing so would give away story details, we won't go into detail about these, both in a positive and negative manner. Without a doubt, the film's high point is Aishwarya Rai Bachchan's portrayal of Nandini.
Indian author Kalki Krishnamurthy's historical fiction book on Indian literature, Ponniyin Selvan is set in Tamil Nadu's Chola Dynasty in the tenth century. Arulmozhi Varman, a youthful prince who would one day rule the Chola kingdom, travels throughout the narrative.
The setting of the narrative is the sick and bedridden emperor Sundara Chozha. The story begins with the introduction of Vallavarayan Vandiyathevan, a charming young warrior who was supposed to be the prince of the Vana clan in the Chozha dynasty and friend of Aditha Karikalan who was the crowned Prince of the Chozha kingdom as he is the elder son. Aditha Karikalan is the chief of the Northern Command troops residing in Kanchi, Arulmozhi Varman in Sri Lanka for a battle, and their sister Kundavai Piratti lived in Chola royal household at Pazhayarai.
A power struggle begins in the empire with Prince Madurandaka and Prince Arulmozlivarman fighting for succession as Emperor Sundara Chola's health deteriorates. The situation worsens when the vicious Pazluvur chieftains, who support Prince Madurandaka, kidnap the Emperor. With the prospect of civil war hanging over the empire, the climax of the novel questions whether Prince Arulmozlivarman will succeed in this dangerous game of power and take the throne.
Since the book “The Tiger Throne” is a translation, character development was not a difficult task for the author. Kannan deserves recognition for making sure the characters retain their allure, complexity, and realism even in the translated form. The story of the novel is an intriguing one that weaves together romance, retribution, and political competition. It weaves historical fact and fiction together to bring readers to a time of stunning princesses, cloaked princes, and the cunning of cunning magicians and master spies.
To translate the book and keep it intriguing and engrossing, the author chose straightforward language. Despite its small size, it keeps the audience guessing until the very end. The book's concept is perfectly matched by the intriguing and vibrant cover page design.
A fictional account of historic events, The Tiger Throne: Kalki's Ponniyin Selvan Retold is a must-read for anyone who loves an epic tale. Pre-sales begin at Booksvenue! Order Now.
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mymetric360 · 2 months
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Best Tamil novels in India #TamilLiterature #LoveStory #ஆகாயப்_பந்தலிலே #TamilNovel #Romanc... Link: https://mymetric360.com/question/best-tamil-novels-in-india-5/?feed_id=149430&_unique_id=66a498e0478d6
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