#tamara hansen
script-supervisor · 2 years
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glassprism · 2 years
What If Scenario. The Pandemic never happened, but the renovations at Her Majesty’s eventually did. During that time, they put together a concert-like production of Phantom like they did with Les Mis in 2019. Who would you have cast in each part? Feel free to include Ensemble & Understudies
I think I answered something very similar before where I said that I'd love to have had an international celebration, with recent, fan-favorite, or long-running members from productions all over the world given an opportunity to perform and do, like, one song each, along with the then-current cast at the time. So I guess it might be something like:
Phantom: Josh Piterman (London), Ben Crawford (Broadway), Derrick Davis (national tour), Osamu Takai (Japan), Alexander Goebel (Vienna), Colm Wilkinson (Toronto), Peter Karrie (Canadian tour), Peter Joback (Stockholm), Ian Jon Bourg (Germany), Anthony Warlow (Australia), Henk Poort (Scheveningen), Juan Navarro (Mexico City), Hans Peter Janssens (Antwerp), Tomas Ambt Kofod (Copenhagen), Hong Kwang Ho (Seoul), Juan Carlos Barona (Madrid), Sandor Sasvari (Budapest), Saulo Vasconcelos (Sao Paulo), Damian Aleksander (Poland), Carlos Vittori (Buenos Aires), Marian Vojtko (Prague), Stephen Brandt Hansen (Estonia), Ivan Ozhogin (Moscow), Ilkka Hamalainen (Helsinki), Adrian Nour (Bucharest), Nikola Bulatovic (Belgrade), Vladimir Grudkov (Sofia), Jonathan Roxmouth (World Tour), Espen Grjotheim (Oslo), Ben Forster (Greece), Killian Donnelly (UK Tour)
Christine: Kelly Mathieson (London), Meghan Picerno (Broadway), Emma Grimsley (national tour), Sae Yamamoto (Japan), Luzia Nistler (Vienna), Rebecca Caine (Toronto), Teresa DeZarn (Canadian tour), Emmi Christensson (Stockholm), Valerie Link (Germany), Ana Marina (Australia), Joke de Kruijf (Scheveningen), Irasema Terrazas (Mexico City), Inneke van Klinken (Antwerp), Sibylle Glosted (Copenhagen), Kim So Hyun (Seoul), Julia Moller (Madrid), Barbara Fonyo (Budapest), Lina Mendes (Sao Paulo), Edyta Krzemien (Poland), Claudia Cota (Buenos Aires), Monika Sommerova (Prague), Maria Listra (Estonia), Tamara Kotova (Moscow), Sofie Asplund (Helsinki), Irina Baiant (Bucharest), Mirjana Matic (Belgrade), Vesela Delcheva (Sofia), Claire Lyon (World Tour), Astrid Giske (Oslo), Amy Manford (Greece), Holly-Anne Hull (UK Tour)
Raoul: Danny Whitehead (London), John Riddle (Broadway), Michael Maliakel (national tour), Kanji Ishimaru (Japan), Thorsten Tinney (Vienna), Laird Mackintosh (Toronto), Kip Wilborne (Canadian tour), Anton Zetterholm (Stockholm), Nicky Wuchinger (Germany), Alexander Lewis (Australia), Peter de Smet (Scheveningen), someone who's not Jose Joel (Mexico City), Michael Shawn Lewis (Antwerp), Christian Lund (Copenhagen), Son Jun Ho (Seoul), Armando Pita (Madrid), Zoltan Miller (Budapest), Nando Prado (Sao Paulo), Marcin Mrozinski (Poland), Nicholas Martinelli (Buenos Aires), Tomas Vanek (Prague), Koit Toome (Estonia), Evgeny Zaycev (Moscow), John Martin Bengtsson (Helsinki), Florin Ristei (Bucharest), Slaven Doslo (Belgrade), Denko Prodanov (Sofia), Matt Leisy (World Tour), Carl Lindquist (Oslo), Nadim Naaman (Greece), Rhys Whitfield (UK Tour)
Is that way too many cast members? Probably! Are there even enough scenes for each of them to perform together? Unlikely! Did I give up doing supporting, ensemble, and understudies because it was too exhausting? Definitely! Do I even know who some of these people are or if they want to come back at all? Not really!
But you have to admit - it's a huge and very international cast!
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motorsportverso · 10 months
Extreme E resultados da última rodada dupla e analise da temporada de 2023 e previa para 2024
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Na última rodada dupla do campeonato de 2023 da Extreme E foi eletrizante por as duas primeiras equipes no campeonato estavam com uma diferença de 3 pontos , e as duas equipes começaram o Q1 no sábado com problemas e pontuando 2 e 3 pontos e no sábado marcado por capotagens no Q1 na corrida 2 RJ Andersson capotou o carro da Hummer EV Chip Ganassi  Racing, na  corrida 1 do Q2 foi marcada por duas bandeiras vermelhas a primeira na primeira largada com a capotada da Klara Andersson com o carro da ABT Cupra , na segunda um acidente grave  entre o carro da Veloce Racing com Molly Taylor e o carro da Andretti com Catie Munnings , que ela está bem, más o carro sofreu muitos danos que a equipe não conseguiu preparar o carro para a etapa do domingo.
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Resultado da Final do Sabado-4 Laps
1-6-Johan Kristofersson\Mikaela Ahlin-Kotulisnky-Rosberg X Racing
2-55-Matias Ekstrom\Laia Sanz- Aciona Sainz XE
3-44-Fraser McConnell\Cristina Guttierrez-X44 Vida Carbon Racing
4-58-Taner Foust\Hedda Hosas-Neom Mclaren XE
NC-5-Molly Taylor\Kevin Hansen-Veloce Racing
 Com a vitória da Rosberg x Racing no sábado tinha assumido a liderança do campeonato por 6 pontos na frente da Aciona Sainz
Resultado da redemption race-4 Laps
1-8-Lia Block\Timo Scheider-Carl Cox Motorsport
2-99-RJ Andersson\Amanda Soressen-Hummer EV Chip Ganassi Racing
NC-22-Andreas Bakkured\Tamara Molinaro-JBXE  +1 Lap
NL-125-Adrian Tambay\Klara Andersson-ABT Cupra
NL-23-Catie Munnings\Timmy Hansen-Andretti
Domingo a ultima etapa de 2023
Com a Andretti não conseguindo arrumar o arrumar o carro por causa do acidente no sábado a última etapa desse ano teve 9 carros no grid participando já que a ABT Cupra conseguiu arrumar o carro após o acidente no Q2.
Das equipes ainda tinham chances remotas de titulo a Hummer EV Chip Ganassi Racing ,deu a deus até de terminar em 4º por ter não se classficado para a final e a diferança para a X44 Vida Carbon Racing ser de 1 ponto de 105 a 104 pontos  e indo para a redemption race, que foi a despedida da Lia Block da categoria já que em 2024 ela vai correr na F1 Academy pela ART Gran Prix, infelizmente não correndo por ter quebrado o carro da Carl Cox Motorsport antes da troca de pilotos.
 No Q1 na corrida 1 a Mclaren ganhou tirando um ponto da vitória , ajudando de certa forma a Aciona Sainz, já que quem terminou em segundo foi a Rosberg x Racing.
Na corrida 2  do Q1 a vitória foi da Aciona Sainz tirando a diferença dos lideres do campeonato para 5 pontos, no Q2 as vitórias foram da X44 Vida Carbon Racing e Veloce Racing que tiraram a diferença dos lideres.
 A “Final “ do campeonato no inicio a Rosberg x Racing começou em último e teve que até fazer uma parada extra nos boxes e trocar um pneus furado e  na maior parte da corrida Aciona esteva com a mão na taça más na ousadia tentando passar a Molly Taylor com o carro da Veloce , Laia Sanz “jogou o titulo no ralo” caindo o titulo nas mãos da Rosberg x Racing que terminou a etapa final em segundo lugar conseguindo o seu bicampeonato  com problemas da Mclaren, Aciona e X44 Vida Carbon Racing.
Resultado da Final do domingo-4 Laps
1-5-Kevin Hansen\Molly Taylor-Veloce Racing
2-6-Johan Kristofersson\Mikaela Ahlin-Kotulinsky-Rosberg x Racing
3-44-Fraser McConnell\Cristina Guttierrez-X44 Vida Carbon Racing
NC-55-Matias Ekstrom\Laia Sanz-Aciona Sainz XE +1 lAP
NC-58-Taner Foust\Hedda Hosas-Neom Mclaren XE +2 Laps
Redemption race
1-99-RJ Andersson\Amanda Soressen-Hummer EV Chip Ganassi Racing
2-125-Adrian Tambay\Klara Andersson-ABT Cupra
3-22-Andreas Bakkured\Tamaar Molinaro-JBXE
NC-8-Lia Block\Timo Scheider-Carl Cox Motorsport +3 Laps
NL-23-Catie Munnings\Timmy Hansen-Andretti
A temporada de 2023 da Extreme E foi a melhor até agora pelo novo formato estilo rallycross de classificação com duas baterias divido em 2 grupos de 5 carros, com 4 voltas e o campeonato inteiro em formato de rodadas duplas, na visão dos fans da categoria por demorar pelo menos um mês entre uma etapa e outra o que foi um ponto positivo, o que fez muito embaralhar a classificação do campeonato entre um dia e outro.
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Uma pequena critica a organização porque não fazer as corridas do Q2 com um intervalo de 1h30 e passar ao vivo tanto pelo Youtube e na TV. Em 2024 a categoria ganha o estatus de  mundial Fia , visando a Extreme H que começa em 2025, até por isso a calendário da próxima temporada deve começar depois do Dakar rally e o rally de Monte Carlo, provavelmente a partir de fevereiro,e espero que em 2024 possa ter a tão esperada etapa no Brasil o “Amazon X-Prix” em Santarém  no Pará.
Na última quarta feira tivemos a infeliz noticia que a equipe Alemã ABT Cupra vai se retirar da categoria em foco a Formula E em 2024, más já deixando um possível retorno ao Off Road na Extreme H em 2025.
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A categoria esta com dificuldades em ter o grid tão sonhado de 12 carros desde sua criação, primeiro com 9 carros em 2021, depois para 10 carros em 2022 e 2023 , no inicio do ano na temporada de 2023 primeiro com a perda da Xite Energy Racing e agora a  perda da ABT Cupra para 2024, até  na última temporada poderia ter a entrada da 11ª equipe Australiana  XE Sports Group que provavelmente terá o patrocinador a BYD (marca Chinesa de carros elétricos) que adiou em um ano sua entrada , poderá ser a 10ª equipe na temporada de 2024.
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gifmovie · 5 years
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kadiwright · 3 years
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(Blood warning!) So you got what you always wanted! Based on animatics I seen from the musical, "Dear Even Hansen"! Ellsworld @ Edd Gould Dear Even Hansen @ Steven Levenson Art @kadiwright
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versuchtrial600 · 5 years
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mpdrolet: Tamara Lichtenstein; questcequecestqueca: Marsha Burns (ph.) The dreamers series, 1978; hfgl: Patti Hansen and unknown by Arthur Elgort June 1976 for Vogue
(via triptychon64)
Uncensored: triptych193.wordpress 
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epoxyconfetti · 3 years
"Sometimes all it takes to make a difference is to write back."
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nadianadims · 7 years
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ACL injured Anne Mette Hansen supporting her team, Győri ETO KC, as they faced FC Midtjylland Håndbold away in the group stage of the 2017–18 Women's EHF Champions League (+ her teammates Tamara Pal and Nycke Groot waving to her 😭)
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bfa4ange · 2 years
Some Artists to look at...see bold inparticular
Caroline Achaintre -- Igshaan Adams -- Nevin Aladag -- Olga de Amaral -- Ghada Amer -- El Anatsul -- Evgeny Antuflev -- Leonor Antunes -- Polly Apfelbaum -- Hrafnhildur Arnardottir / Shoplifter -- Tonico Lemos Auad -- Lisa Anne Auerbach -- Jonathan Baldock -- Phyllida Barlow -- Yto Barrada -- Kevin Beasley -- Mary Lee Bendolph -- Sanford Biggers -- Josh Blackwell -- Cosima von Bonin -- Paloma Bosque -- Geta Bratescu -- Huguette Caland -- Pla Camil -- Barbara Chase-Riboud -- Chiachio & Giannone -- Sarah crowEST -- Alexandre da Cunha -- N. Dash -- Cristiana de March! -- Daniel Dewar & Gregory Gicquel -- Tracey Emin -- Josh Faught -- Christina Forrer -- Terri Friedman -- Orly Genger -- Yann Gerstberger -- Sam Gilliam -- Nury Gonzalez -- Sheela Gowda -- Kyungah Ham -- Harmony Hammond -- Channing Hansen -- Mona Hatoum -- Tamara Henderson -- Nicholas Hlobo -- Jim Hodges -- Zon Ito -- Takahiro Iwasaki -- Sergej Jensen -- Reena Saini Kallat -- Kimsooja -- Adrian Kiss -- Abdoulaye Konate -- Teresa Lanceta -- Ruth Laskey -- Sarah Lucas -- Eric N. Mack -- Goshka Macuga -- Turiya Magadlela -- Ibrahim Mahama -- Lavanya Mani -- Britta Marakatt-Labba -- Teresa Margolles -- Annette Messager -- Hana Miletic -- Kazuko Miyamoto -- Oscar Murillo -- Senga Nengudi -- Maria Nepomuceno -- Ernesto Neto -- Rivane Neuenschwander -- Otobong Nkanga -- Eko Nugroho -- Katherine Nunez & Issay Rodriguez -- Fusun Onur -- Sara Ouhaddou -- Rosana Palazyan -- Hardeep Pandhal -- Zoe Paul -- Sheila Pepe -- Grayson Perry -- Michael Raedecker -- Jessica Rankin -- Elaine Reichek -- Faith Ringgold -- Lara Schnitger -- Tschabalala Self -- Indre Serpytyte -- Yinka Shonibare MBE -- Jakkai Siributr -- Kiki Smith -- Shinique Smith -- Renee So -- Valeska Soares -- Do Ho Sun -- Gunes Terkol -- Aiko Tezuka -- Rosemarie Trockel -- Richard Tuttle -- Cecilia Vicuna -- Brent Wadden -- Franz Erhard Walther -- Pae White -- Anne Wilson -- Haegue Yang -- Yin Xiuzhen -- Paul Yore -- Billie Zangewa
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script-supervisor · 4 years
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brian-in-finance · 3 years
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Casting Society of America 2022 Artios Awards nominations: ‘Belfast,’ ‘CODA,’ ‘Power of the Dog’
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Apple+ TV; Rob Youngson/Focus Features; Kristy Griffin/Netflix
The casting branch of the academy is only eight years old and doesn’t have an Oscar category of its own. However, the Casting Society of America has been handing out the Artios Awards for 37 years (“Artios” is from the ancient Greek meaning “perfectly fitted.”).
Nominees for feature films were announced on February 1 (the last day of Oscar nominations voting). Many of the leading Academy Awards contenders reaped bids across the various categories according to production cost. Winners will be revealed a virtual ceremony on March 17, which is the first day of final Oscar voting.
Last year’s big budget winners were the comedy “Borat Subsequent Moviefilm” and the drama “The Trial of the Chicago 7 ” while “The Forty-Year-Old Version” and “One Night in Miami” took the equivalent prizes in the independent division. “Minari” won the low budget and “The Surrogate” the micro budget prizes while “Soul” claimed the animation award
Big Budget – Comedy
Mary Vernieu, Lucy Bevan, Bret Howe (Associate), Emily Brockmann (Associate), Olivia Grant (Associate)
“Don’t Look Up”
Francine Maisler, Kathy Driscoll-Mohler (Additional Casting), Carolyn Pickman (Location Casting), Matt Bouldry (Location Casting), Kyle Crand (Location Casting), Molly Rose (Associate)
“The French Dispatchh”
Douglas Aibel, Matthew Glasner (Associate)
“In the Heights”
Bernard Telsey, Tiffany Little Canfield, Kristian Charbonier (Associate)
“Shang-Chi and the Legend of the 10 Rings”
Sarah Halley Finn, Amanda Mitchell (Location Casting), PoPing AuYeung (Location Casting), Molly Doyle (Associate)
Big Budget – Drama
“The House of Gucci”
Kate Rhodes-James
“King Richard”
Rich Delia, Avy Kaufman, Adam Richards (Associate), Scotty Anderson (Associate)
“The Power of the Dog”
Nikki Barrett, Carmen Cuba, Nina Gold, Martin Ware (Associate)
“tick, tick … BOOM!”
Debra Zane, Bernard Telsey, Kristian Charbonier AuYeung (Chinese Casting Consultant), Dylan Jury (Associate)
“West Side Story”
Cindy Tolan, Nicholas Petrovich (Associate)
Studio or Independent – Comedy
“Best Sellers”
Pam Dixon, Andrea Kenyon, Randi Wells
“The Tender Bar”
Rachel Tenner, Bess Fifer (Location Casting), Carolyn Pickman (Location Casting), Rick Messina (Associate)
“This Game’s Called Murder”
Meg Morman, Sunday Boling
Kim Taylor-Coleman
Studio or Independent – Drama
Lucy Bevan, Emily Brockmann, Carla Stronge (Location Casting)
Deborah Aquila, Tricia Wood, Lisa Zagoria, Angela Peri (Location Casting), Lisa Lobel (Location Casting), Melissa Morris (Associate)
“The Lost Daughter”
Kahleen Crawford
Laura Rosenthal, Kimberly Ostroy
“The Hand of God”
Annamaria Sambucco
Low Budget – Comedy or Drama
“Blue Bayou”
Marisol Roncali, Chelsea Ellis Bloch, Matthew Morgan (Location Casting)
“The Humans”
Ellen Chenoweth, Susanne Scheel (Associate)
“The Novice”
Matthew Lessell, Nicole Hilliard-Forde
“Together Together”
Richard Hicks, Leslie Wasserman
Orly Sitowitz, Stacey Pianko
“We Broke Up”
Amanda Lenker Doyle, Chrissy Fiorilli-Ellington
Micro Budget – Comedy or Drama
Meg Morman, Sunday Boling
“The Outside Story”
Stephanie Holbrook
“Shiva Baby”
Kate Geller
“The Subject”
Destiny Lilly
“Swan Song”
Eve Battaglia, Lina Todd, Angela Boehm (Location Casting)
Jamie Sparer Roberts, Grace C. Kim (Associate)
Kevin Reher, Natalie Lyon, Kate Hansen-Birnbaum (Associate)
“The Mitchells vs. the Machines:
Tamara Hunter
“Raya and the Last Dragon”
Jamie Sparer Roberts, Grace C. Kim (Associate)
Tamara Hunter
Remember… the Casting Society of America has been handing out the Artios Awards for 37 years (“Artios” is from the ancient Greek meaning “perfectly fitted.”). — Gold Derby
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motorsportverso · 10 months
Extreme E Sardenha 4
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A Mclaren depois de duas capotadas no final de semana , no treino livre 1 com Ema Gilmour e na redemption race com a pilota reserva Tamara Molinaro, não tinha tempo suficiente e peças para trocar para participar da etapa 8 do campeonato.
Corrida 1
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Na largada Timo Scheider e Fraser McConnell largaram bem.
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Momento em que o carro da Carl Cox tinha problemas e abandonava
No final da 1a volta Loeb terminou na frente com o carro da ABT Cupra
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Troca de pilotos: ABT Cupra; Klara Andersson, Veloce;Molly Taylor, X44; Cristina Guttierrez,JBXE;Andreas Bakkured.
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A vitória da corrida 1 do Q1 ficou com a ABT Cupra com Sebastien Loeb e Klara Andersson
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Corrida 2
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Na largada quase todos usaram o Hyperdrive
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No final da 1a volta o carro da Hummer EV Chip Ganassi era o lider com RJ Andersson
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Na saída da zona de troca de pilotos o carro da Rosberg x Racing saiu na frente
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No final da penúltima volta todos os carros estavam bem próximos
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Momento em que a Catie Munnings tentava outra linha de traçado para fazer a ultrapassagem sobre o carro da Hummer EV Chip Ganassi.
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Momento em que Catie ficou encalhada tentando outra linha de traçado tendo que abandonar
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A vitória da corrida 2 do  Q1 ficou com a Aciona Sainz por 0.061s
 Full Q1:
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Q2 corrida 1
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Na largada todos usaram o Hyperdrive
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Cristina Guttierrez terminou a 1ª volta na frente com o carro da X44
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Momento em que Catie Munnings se aproximava da Lia Block na 2ª volta.
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Troca de pilotos:X44;Fraser MccConnell,Rosberg x Racing; Johan Kritsofersson, ABT Cupra; Sebastien Loeb,Carl Cox; Timo Scheider, Andretti, Timmy Hansen.
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A disputa do 3º lugar estava entre Loeb e Scheider
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Na última volta Kristofersson  usou o Hyperdrive
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Momento em que o carro da Rosberg x Racing tomou uma punição de 10s por bater numa bandeira
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A vitória da corrida 1 do Q2 ficou com a X44
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Corrida 2
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E na primeira curva teve um toque entre Molly Taylor e Laia Sanz
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Final Movies Watched List- 2021
Ballet Shoes- 2007, director. Sandra Goldbacher
Alice In Wonderland- 2010, dir. Tim Burton
V for Vendetta- 2005, dir. James McTeigue
In The Heights- 2021, dir. Jon M. Chu
The Avengers*, 2012, dir. Joss Whedon
Thor*, 2011, dir. Kenneth Branagh
Captain America: The First Avenger*, 2011, dir. Joe Johnston
Enola Holmes- 2020, dir. Harry Bradbeer
10 Things I Hate About You- 1999, dir. Gil Junger
Dinosaurs*- 2000, dir. Ralph Zondag
Into The Woods- 2014, dir. Rob Marshall
The Amazing Spiderman 2- 2014, dir. Mark Webb
Batman: The Dark Knight- 2008, dir. Christopher Nolan
Wolverine: X Men Origins- 2009, dir. Gavin Hood
The Heat- 2013, dir. Paul Feig
The Wedding Singer- 1998, dir. Frank Coraci
Pirates of The Caribbean- 2003, dir. Gore Verbinski
X Men- 2000, dir. Bryan Singer
Night At The Museum*- 2006, dir. Shawn Levy
Catch Me If You Can- 2002, sir. Steven Spielberg
The Truman Show- 1998, dir. Peter Weir
Where The Heart Is- 2000, dir. Matt Williams
The Lost Boys- 1987, dir. Joel Schumacher
The Birdcage- 1996, dir. Mike Nichols
Ace Ventura: When Nature Calls- 1995, dir. Steve Oedekerk
Raya And The Last Dragon- 2021, dir. Carlos López Estrad, Don Hall
Inside- 2021, dir. Bo Burnam
Wish Dragon- 2021, dir. Chris Appelhans
Interview With The Vampire- 1994, dir. Neil Jordan
Twighlight- 2008, dir. Cathrine Hardwicke
The Rocky Horror Picture Show- 1975, dir. Jim Sharman
Austin Powers in Goldmember- 2002, dir. Jay Roach
The Breakfast Club- 1985, dir. John Hughes
Wayne's World- 1992, dir. Penelope Spheeris
RV- 2006, dir. Barry Sonnenfeld
Bring It On- 2000, dir. Peyton Reed
The Social Network- 2010, dir. David Fincher
Billy Madison- 1995, dir. Tamara Davis
Tommy Boy- 1995, dir. Peter Segal
Beetlejuice- 1988, dir. Tim Burton
Dear Evan Hansen- 2021, dir. Stephen Chbosky
Bruce Almighty- 2003, dir. Tom Shadyac
Joe Vs. The Volcano- 1990, dir. John Patrick Shanley
Short Circuit- 1986, dir. John Badham
Buffy The Vampire Slayer- 1992, dir. Fran Rubel Kuzui
Black Swan- 2010, dir. Darren Aronofsky
Dracula Untold- 2014, dir. Gary Shore
Forrest Gump- 1994, dir. Robert Zemeckis
Shang Chi and The Legend of the Ten Rings- 2021, dir. Destin Daniel Cretton
Doctor Strange*- 2016, dir. Scott Derrickson
10 Things I Hate About You*- 1999, dir. Gil Junger
Sing- 2016, dir. Garth Jennings
Black Panther*- 2018, dir. Ryan Coogler
Christmas With The Kranks- 2004, dir. Joe Roth
Clifford The Big Red Dog- 2021, dir. Walt Becker
*indicates rewatched
There you have it folks! All 54 movies I watched this year. Can't wait to see how many we end of 2022!
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My 52 Favourite Films of the Decade 2010-2019: The Complete List
Random stats:
52 movies chosen directed by a total of 57 directors. 5 directing duos, 4 of which consisted of a woman-man directing duo. Only 1 directing duo was made up of 2 women.
American cinema dominated with 28 films. I went with the country listings as provided by IMDB which leads to some strange results like how 2 Days in New York, filmed and set entirely in NYC is not a U.S. production but Wadjda, filmed entirely in Saudi Arabia is (it’s something to do with who gives money, don’t ask me how it’s calculated). This was followed by French cinema with 10 films and Israeli cinema (4 films) and then a smattering of other countries. 
15 directorial debuts. The high number didn’t surprise me so much. Studies have been done and it’s often much harder for women directors to make a second film than make their debut. Actually when it comes to the debut directors on my list about half have had runaway success and put out at least one or more films already, a handful have moved into TV work and a handful seem to have disappeared which is depressing.  What did please me is how many films were 3rd, 4th, 10th or more films proving that there are women directors with long careers who just keep getting better. 
5 documentaries. I always think of myself as someone who doesn’t like documentaries so this seemed surprisingly high for me.
2 sequels both of which I liked better than their predecessors and both of which I think stand completely on their own.
2 films by directors who are no longer with us. Thank you Agnès Varda and Ronit Elkabetz.
0 repeat directors. This mostly worked out that way naturally. The directors who came the closest to having 2 films on the list were Debra Granik (Winter’s Bone missed out) and Céline Sciamma (for Girlhood), both of which were ultimately fairly easy to cut.
The List:
2 Days in New York dir. Julie Delpy (2012)
Amour Fou dir. Jessica Hausner (2014)
The Babadook dir. Jennifer Kent (2014)
Beach Rats dir. Eliza Hittman (2017)
Cameraperson dir. Kirsten Johnson (2016)
Clip dir. Maja Milos (2012)
Declaration of War dir. Valérie Donzelli (2011)
Divines dir. Houda Benyamina (2016)
The Edge of Democracy dir. Petra Costa (2019)
The Edge of Seventeen dir. Kelly Fremon Craig (2016)
Enough Said dir. Nicole Holofcener (2013)
Faces, Places dir. Agnès Varda & JR (2017)
The Farewell dir. Lulu Wang (2019)
A Film Unfinished dir. Yael Hersonski (2010)`
Fill the Void dir. Rama Burshtein (2012)
The Fits dir. Anna Rose Holmer (2015)
Fort Tilden dir. Sarah Violet Bliss & Charles Rogers (2014)
Gett: The Trial of Viviane Amsalem dir. Shlomi Elkabetz & Ronit Elkabetz (2014)
A Girl Walks Home Alone at Night dir. Ana Lily Amirpour (2014)
Hustlers dir. Lorene Scafaria (2019)
I Think We’re Alone Now dir. Reed Morano (2018)
The Kindergarten Teacher dir. Sara Colangelo (2018)
Last Night dir. Massy Tadjedin (2010)
Leave No Trace dir. Debra Granik (2018)
Little Forest dir. Yim Soon-rye (2018)
The Loneliest Planet dir. Julia Loktev (2011)
Lore dir. Cate Shortland (2012)
Lost in Paris dir. Dominique Abel & Fiona Gordon (2016)
The Love Witch dir. Anna Biller (2016)
Meek’s Cutoff dir. Kelly Reichardt (2010)
Middle of Nowhere dir. Ava DuVernay (2012)
Mudbound dir. Dee Rees (2017)
Obvious Child dir. Gillian Robespierre (2014)
On Body and Soul dir. Ildikó Enyedi (2017)
Palo Alto dir. Gia Coppola (2013)
Portrait of a Lady on Fire dir. Céline Sciamma (2019)
Private Life dir. Tamara Jenkins (2018)
Raw dir. Julia Ducournau (2016)
Songs My Brothers Taught Me dir. Chloé Zhao (2015)
Stories We Tell dir. Sarah Polley (2012)
Their Finest dir. Lone Scherfig (2016)
Things to Come dir. Mia Hansen-Løve (2016)
Toni Erdmann dir. Maren Ade (2016)
Vamps dir. Amy Heckerling (2012)
Vazante dir. Daniela Thomas (2017)
Wadjda dir. Haifaa al-Mansour (2012)
Wonder Woman dir. Patty Jenkins (2017)
The Wonders dir. Alice Rohrwacher (2014)
Woodshock dir. Laura & Kate Mulleavy (2017)
You Were Never Really Here dir. Lynne Ramsay (2017)
Zero Dark Thirty dir. Kathryn Bigelow (2012)
Zero Motivation dir. Talya Lavie (2014)
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1.     Angry Asian Murder Hornets Director: Dustin Ferguson Cast: Clint Beaver, Jarad Allen, Elizabeth Barstow Critic’s Notes: There have been many cheap COVID-exploitation movies that popped out last year. And this is perhaps the worst since its less-than-80-minutes running time is filled with disconnected old trailers and ads.   2.     Artemis Fowl Director: Kenneth Branagh Cast: Ferdia Shaw, Lara McDonnell, Josh Gad, Tamara Smart, Nonso Anozie. Colin Farrell, Judi Dench Critic’s Notes: Eion Colfer’s YA series is an intriguing antihero’s journey. So, of course, Disney butchered its adaptation with a hastily packaged fantasy that diluted Artemis’ menacing personality and failed capturing its “Die Hard with fairies” setup.   3.     Bobbleheads The Movie Director: Kirk Wise Cast: Cher, Jennifer Coolidge, Hala Finley, Karen Fukuhara, Khary Payton, Julian Sands, Brenda Song, Luke Wilson Critic’s Notes: From the producers of Foodfight. It is what you expect. But this is more painful to watch, as it contains the most nightmare-inducing final dance scene in an animated movie.   4.     Dolittle Director: Stephen Gaghan Cast: Robert Downey Jr., Antonio Banderas, Michael Sheen, Emma Thompson, Rami Malek, John Cena, Kumail Nanjiani, Octavia Spencer, Tom Holland, Craig Robinson, Ralph Fiennes, Selena Gomez, Marion Cotillard, Jason Mantzoukas Critic’s Notes: With cast and prestige like that, one can expect a true Oscar caliber. However, it is in a family adventure bomb with an embarrassed Downey Jr. phoning it in.   5.     Fantasy Island Director: Jeff Wadlow Cast: Michael Peña, Maggie Q, Lucy Hale, Austin Stowell, Jimmy O. Yang, Ryan Hansen, Portia Doubleday, Michael Rooker Critic’s Notes: Blumhouse’s take on the classic Ricardo Montalban TV series does not bear its charm or subtleties. Instead, expect a snore-worthy version of Truth Or Dare.   6.     Force of Nature Director: Michael Polish Cast: Emile Hirsch, Kate Bosworth, Mel Gibson, David Zayas, Stephanie Cayo Critic’s Notes: Force of Nature makes The Hurricane Heist look like The Impossible. And the presence of one Mel Gibson makes it a droning sit.   7.     Homeward Director: Michael Johnson Cast: Joey Lawrence, James Cullen Bressack, Kim Little, D.C. Douglas, Dylan Vox, Jamey Rimawi, Tom Green Critic’s Notes: Of course, The Asylum is active in bringing mockbusters. And out of their animated rip-offs, Homeward bears the most egregious resemblance to its superior source, Onward.   8.     Songbird Director: Adam Mason Cast: KJ Apa, Sofia Carson, Craig Robinson, Bradley Whitford, Peter Stormare, Alexandra Daddario, Paul Walter Hauser, Demi Moore Critic’s Notes: This is Michael Bay’s COVID-exploitation movie. So, it obviously contains numbing action scenes and tedious subplots in-between. Plus, given the situation, Songbird is tasteless.   9.     The Last Days of American Crime Director: Olivier Megaton Cast: Édgar Ramírez, Michael Pitt, Anna Brewster, Patrick Bergin, Sharlto Copley Critic’s Notes: There have been many movies last year that were released in bad timing. This actioner that glorifies its lawless violence is one of them. And it is best left rotting.
10.  The Last Thing He Wanted Director: Dee Rees Cast: Anne Hathaway, Ben Affleck, Rosie Perez, Edi Gathegi, Mel Rodriguez. Toby Jones, Willem Dafoe Critic’s Notes: A pure disappointment, given the huge talent on and behind the camera, The Last Thing He Wanted adapted an enriching source material about journalism and does nothing with it. Ironically, the title is enough a sign. Dishonorable Mentions: Christmas in the Rockies, Come Away, A Fall From Grace, Hillbilly Elegy, Wild Mountain Thyme
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thehonestbanana · 4 years
I forgot why I stopped looking at comments during Chris Hansen’s interviews about Onision cause half the time people (especially tonight) wanna act like clowns. 🙄 He hurt Tamara badly and fucked them up and yet people wanna act like clowns.
God I can go a WHOLE ASS RANT about those woke assholes like John Swan dawn fuck whatever his name is and MIZZZ “I wanna tell everyone in the FB gig harbor about Greg and Kai and I wanna hunt down Julie but now the anti-os are the clowns”HEENZLEY. Pretty sure Nick the dick Doritos or whatever Orion who cares is part of it too. So many people on Twitter(not shocking) are fucking clowns when it comes to the Onision drama. They wanna fucking ignore the shit gregs done and focus on Chris’ flaws: which yes they have every right to but to do it to the point where they’re almost acting like gregs a victim? Fuck off. To ignore all the shit gregs done just to shit ok Chris? Come on. And to fucking act all WOKE and shit by making up false claims about shit? Like Jesus fuck. Like I don’t like Tamera personally but fuck man, no doubt she’s a little fucked up dealing with gregs shit and she’s over here, legit was a fan for many years she has inside knowledge and can give perspective on how he was like. But nah people wanna be goddamn clowns.
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