askdragonbladetalon · 6 years
Azir/Talon :3
How many dates do they go on before they have sex?
Tons – okay, look, Azir is not comfortable with his birb body, Talon has no sex drive so has no need to try to get Azir comfortable enough with it for sex, they can literally just date forever without ever having sex. If they did have sex, it would be after years and years and YEARS of dates.Who is the more dominant one? Who is the more submissive one? Do they switch?
Tough question. Azir’s an Emperor but Talon’s not used to being submissive. At all. Switch, maybe?
Do they use toys? If so, who is the one to suggest it? Also if so, what kind of toys do they use?
Maybe Azir wearing his claws to scratch Talon up if he doesn’t want to do it with his actual talons. Otherwise, no.
What is their favorite position?
… My brain is breaking trying to figure out how a human has sex with a giant birb. I guess lying on their sides, facing each other?
What is the craziest position they’ve done?
I guess Azir riding Talon, or trying to? This is really awkward because I don’t actually KNOW what Azir has under his armor and feathers, so I’m trying to figure out stuff that works if Azir has a dick, if Azir has a cloaca or if Azir has both. Or neither!
Have either one of them gotten hurt doing above mentioned crazy position?
Anon, this is hurting my brain. XD But let’s say yes, I can’t imagine how they’d do it without some trial and error involved.
Which one is more likely to send nude pictures to the other via text or email?
Talon, because Azir is geared to find humans attractive but Talon isn’t geared to be turned on by birds. That said, if Azir did send nudes, Talon would send back compliments on Azir’s fluffiness, how soft his feathers look, how much Talon would like to be there right now to pet him, etc. He knows Azir has problems with his bird body and accepting it, so figures that complimenting it might help.
If suggested, would they be interested in a threesome? And if so, who suggested it first and who is the third person they’d add?
Noooo. Azir is way too insecure about his body to allow anyone else in and Talon’s got no interest in bedding anyone else, especially when it’d hurt Azir.
Who teases the other in public? (Like under the table/hands in their pants/up skirt kind of teasing)
Talon. He likes stealthing so he can give Azir quick sneaky kisses on the cheek or beak. Nothing more than that, just little affectionate reminders that he’s loved.@sandsandsorrows
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