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wacogal1210 · 7 years ago
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It’s going to be EPIC people! Don’t miss this AMAZING EVENT! We are very proud of Rene and Dalila Reyes and what they have accomplished so far with PHP! They have paved the way for others to succeed! Save the date on your calendar and come join us to celebrate our Grand Opening! #phpagency #wtp #entrepreneurs #brokers #lifeinsuranceagent #successthroughaction #patrickbetdavid #goals #millionairemindset #millionaire #sixfigureearners #relentless #goseedora #dorainsures #dorainsuresdaily #meetwithdora #talktodora #doraatphp
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wacogal1210 · 7 years ago
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Amazing training from our leaders from El Paso! Thank you @catalinaalmarazbarraza and her hubby George Almaraz! Inspiring and training us to be future owners of PHP! #DoraInsures #InsureWithDora #MeetWithDora #TalkToDora #DoraAtPHP phpagency #wtp #wethepeople #peoplehelpingpeople #patrickbetdavid #mentors #entrepreneur #entrepreneurship #successquotes #successfulwomen #goals #purposedrivenlife #grateful #gratitude #passion #millionairemindset #rodolfovargas #ceciliavargas #lifeinsurance #protectingfamilies #lifehappens #valuetainment #moneysmartguy
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wacogal1210 · 7 years ago
Happy Rainy Sunday Everyone! Know that everyone has flaws and problems! But we still work and can be the best we can! Don’t be your biggest enemy! I’ve learned that the hard way! * * * #flawsome #nooneisperfect #loveyourselfvideo #yourbeautifullife #inhislikeness #confidence #beauty #loveyourself #gratitudenotattitude #goseedora #dorainsures #dorainsuresdaily #goseedora #dorainsuresdaily #doraatphp #meetwithdora #talktodora #lifeinsuranceagent #protectingfamiliesdaily https://www.instagram.com/p/BnPgM9yg9kPMzrPuStj70TFYUCQDrQrYQkhRJU0/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=qzfy9unxk8zi
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wacogal1210 · 7 years ago
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I’m proud to life Insurance Agent! I protect your life with life insurance and your money 💰 with Index Annuities! Ask me how! Very affordable and easy to start! * * #DoraInsures #InsureWithDora #MeetWithDora #TalkToDora #DoraAtPHP #goseedora #php #peoplehelpingpeople #makingitcool #bringinglife #toanoldindustry #disrupters #bigthinkers #historyinthemaking #valuetainment #patrickbetdavid #primerica #wfg #pfa #noone #cancompete #highestcompensation #inthewealthiestindustry #thenextboom #dontbeafollower #masterbuilders #halfamillionagentsby2029 #thewoodlands #texas
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wacogal1210 · 7 years ago
I just got word I’m sharing the stage with Kevin Hart next week in Vegas!!! I have 2 extra tickets! Whose in? Hurry! They will go fast!! * * * #kevinhartlive #kevinhart4real #excited #phpagency #vegasboundbaby #excited #summerof2018 #phpthewoodlands #DoraInsures #InsureWithDora #MeetWithDora #TalkToDora #DoraAtPHP #goseedora #peoplehelpingpeople #makingitcool #bringinglife #toanoldindustry #disrupters #bigthinkers #historyinthemaking #trainthetrainers #valuetainment #patrickbetdavid #primerica #wfg #pfa #noone #cancompete #highestcompensation
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wacogal1210 · 7 years ago
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Calling all students with student debt👩🏻‍🎓👩🏼‍🎓👩🏾‍🎓👨🏻‍🎓👨🏽‍🎓👨🏾‍🎓! Click on my bio for information! http://www.phpdebtsolutions.com/sm/39349 #studentloandebt #solutions #collegeisnotcheap #collegetuition #priceofhighereducation #debtsolutions #debt #solutions #entrepreneur #goals #houston #texas #millionaire #mindset #DoraInsures #InsureWithDora #DoraInsuresDaily #MeetWithDora #TalkToDora #DoraAtPHP
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wacogal1210 · 7 years ago
I do a gratitude list everyday and it puts in amazing mood! No matter what is going on in your life..there’s always something to be grateful for! #grateful🙏 #blessings #saturdaythoughts #phpagency #wtp #thewoodlandstx #patrickbetdavid #lifeinsurance #millionairemindset #goseedora #dorainsuresdaily #dorainsuresdaily #dorameansbusiness #insurewithdora #talktodora #doraatphp
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wacogal1210 · 7 years ago
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Want to learn the key to success? Come to our company overview! RSVP and message me! #phpagency #wtp #wethepeople #peoplehelpingpeople #patrickbetdavid #mentors #entrepreneur #entrepreneurship #successquotes #successfulwomen #goals #purposedrivenlife #grateful #gratitude #passion #millionairemindset #rodolfovargas #ceciliavargas #lifeinsurance #protectingfamilies #lifehappens #valuetainment #moneysmartguy #gofordora #dorahelpingpeople #DoraInsures #InsureWithDora #MeetWithDora #TalkToDora #DoraAtPHP
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wacogal1210 · 7 years ago
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My daughter brought me a Starbucks drink! So blessed! To bad it’s gone now! #sundayfunday #lovemydaughter #blessed😇 #grateful #lifeinsuranceagent #protectoroffamilies #lovemybusiness #entrepreneur #bosslady #goseedora #dorainsures #dorainsuresdaily #MeetWithDora #TalkToDora #doraatphp
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wacogal1210 · 7 years ago
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We are #1 channel on YOUTUBE for Entrepreneurs! I’m so excited on where this company is going! And it’s all for the benefit of us Entrepreneurs! Don’t forget to LIKE and SHARE! #DoraInsures #InsureWithDora #DoraInsuresDaily #MeetWithDora #TalkToDora #DoraAtPHP #phpagency #wtp #wethepeople #peoplehelpingpeople #patrickbetdavid #mentors #entrepreneur #entrepreneurship #successquotes #successfulwomen #goals #purposedrivenlife #grateful #gratitude #passion #millionairemindset #rodolfovargas #ceciliavargas #lifeinsurance #protectingfamilies #lifehappens #valuetainment
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wacogal1210 · 7 years ago
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Many of us are looking for that sign to point us in the direction for creating Wealth! Creating Wealth doesn’t happen by accident. Don’t wait! Procrastination Is the grave in which Opportunity is buried! Please LIKE AND SHARE! #phpagency #wtp #wethepeople #peoplehelpingpeople #patrickbetdavid #mentors #entrepreneur #entrepreneurship #successquotes #successfulwomen #goals #purposedrivenlife #grateful #gratitude #passion #millionairemindset #rodolfovargas #ceciliavargas #lifeinsurance #protectingfamilies #lifehappens #valuetainment #moneysmartguy #gofordora #dorahelpingpeople #highestcompensation #DoraInsures #InsureWithDora #DoraInsuresDaily #MeetWithDora #TalkToDora #DoraAtPHP
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wacogal1210 · 7 years ago
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I’m extremely proud to be part of PHP! They are industry leaders in the insurance business! They develop men and women to become leaders, owners of their business and obtain financial freedom. It’s not for everyone but for the many who have made a decision, you won’t regret it! Please LIKE AND SHARE! #phpagency #wtp #wethepeople #peoplehelpingpeople #patrickbetdavid #mentors #entrepreneur #entrepreneurship #successquotes #successfulwomen #goals #purposedrivenlife #grateful #gratitude #passion #millionairemindset #rodolfovargas #ceciliavargas #lifeinsurance #protectingfamilies #lifehappens #valuetainment #moneysmartguy #gofordora #dorahelpingpeople #highestcompensation #DoraMeansBusiness #DoraInsures #InsureWithDora #DoraInsuresDaily #MeetWithDora #TalkToDora #DoraAtPHP
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wacogal1210 · 7 years ago
Can’t wait either to see this amazing guy!!! Who else wants to come with to Vegas! It’s not too late! * * #kevinhart #vegas #phpconvention2018 #entertainer #happyfaces😊 #comdian #phpagency #entrepreneurlife #goseedora #dorainsures #doraatphp #doraisthebest #meetwithdora #talktodora #peoplehelpingpeople #wfg #primerica #pfa #highestcompensation #thenextboom #masterbuilders #watchme #thewoodlandstx #texas #wtp #relentless
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wacogal1210 · 7 years ago
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In a time when people are struggling to make ends meet, PHP is a answer to your worries of not having enough money to live off! We have a creating equal opportunity for all to want then a job to survive! We learn not just to live but thrive! And the first step is to learn about money! Our new office is open and we are looking for business minded to run this office! Will you be the one? * * * #DoraInsures #InsureWithDora #MeetWithDora #TalkToDora #DoraAtPHP #php #peoplehelpingpeople #makingitcool #bringinglife #toanoldindustry #disrupters #bigthinkers #historyinthemaking #trainthetrainers #valuetainment #patrickbetdavid #primerica #wfg #pfa #noone #cancompete #highestcompensation #inthewealthiestindustry #thenextboom #dontbeafollower #masterbuilders #halfamillionagentsby2029 #watchme #thewoodlands #texas
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wacogal1210 · 7 years ago
What’s up my friends!!! We are super excited about our brand new office in the Woodlands Texas and I need you to be part of the fastest growing industry! Contact me ASAP! If you don’t live in Houston, not a problem we are looking to expand to other cities across state and country! #DoraInsures #InsureWithDora #MeetWithDora #TalkToDora #doraatphp #php #peoplehelpingpeople #makingitcool #bringinglife #toanoldindustry #disrupters #bigthinkers #historyinthemaking #trainthetrainers #valuetainment #patrickbetdavid #primerica #wfg #pfa #noone #cancompete #highestcompensation #inthewealthiestindustry #thenextboom #dontbeafollower #masterbuilders #halfamillionagentsby2029
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wacogal1210 · 7 years ago
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This Saturday! Message me to RSVP! PHP is putting LIFE back into Life Insurance Industry! 27326 Robinson Rd, The Woodlands, TX 77385 Suite 214 #php #peoplehelpingpeople #makingitcool #bringinglife #toanoldindustry #disrupters #bigthinkers #historyinthemaking #trainthetrainers #valuetainment #patrickbetdavid #primerica #wfg #pfa #noone #cancompete #highestcompensation #inthewealthiestindustry #thenextboom #dontbeafollower #masterbuilders #halfamillionagentsby2029 #watchme #thewoodlands #DoraInsures #InsureWithDora #DoraInsuresDaily #MeetWithDora #TalkToDora #DoraAtPHP
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