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never a secret
Day Five: Accidental Baby Acquistion|Secret Relationship
Hal’s not sure how or when it happened, but he’s glad that it did. She was like a goddess reborn, and he’s met Wonder Woman. Every move she made was carefully calculated and thought out.
Maybe it was the way she embodied the emotions of the rings, yet that still didn’t seem right. Maybe it was when he saw her choke Sinestro out with her thighs or flip Kilowag onto his back. Maybe it was a random moment when she gave him a barely there smile and said, “I’ll see you around, Lantern Jordan.” Honestly, it didn’t matter. Carol became a star sapphire because of how strongly Hal loved her, but he was sure that he never loved anyone as much as he loved Talia.
They kept running into each other whenever he was planet side. She was beautiful and deadly. He was sure he fell a little bit more in love with each passing day. It had taken him a few months before he worked up the courage to ask her out on a date.
And by that, he meant that whenever he saw the flash of knife in his peripheral, he got vivid flashbacks of Kyle’s knockoff Martha Stewart boyfriend. Hal doesn’t feel fear but he sure as hell came close when waking up tied to a chair in only his boxers in an abandoned half sunken ship with knives pointed at his everything while the Red Hood sat casually in front of him. The boy then went on to list every bone he would break and what motor functions he would lose once his bone heals and what he would break again if he dared to even think of hurting Talia.
Oh, and the killing part about it all wasn’t because the Red Hood would be doing the damage. Nor would the littlest bird either. Apparently, Ubu was tired of costumed freaks walking all over the Mistress’ feelings as if they were somehow worthy of it in the first place.
And Bizarro also like Red Him’s mother.
Crazily enough though, Hal hadn’t wasted any time in planning and asking her out on a date. It wasn’t as upscale as she was used to, but it had a heartfelt touch that he could that she was missing. He had taken her on a picnic in the sky. His ring served as the blanket for them and they sat above Central City (which with Barry and Wally running around easily served as the nicest city in the JL) and they just talked. They didn’t speak about their other lives. He was content with not knowing who was on the other end of her sword, but they talked about the people they collected around them.
They spent like an hour ranting about the dumb shit Jason and Kyle got up to. Jason apparently regularly cooks, but when he does, he forgets to do laundry. Whereas Kyle would remember laundry, but the most nutrients he got when he was by himself was drinking his paint water.
They spoke about their families and how estranged they felt. It was nice to know that even world class assassins had daddy issues also. It made her seem more human in a way.
It was good.
He had a really good time.
So, he asked her out.
Again, and again and again.
Until she ended up having her people help with the rebuilding of Coast City. Until he would come back from space just to wrap her in his arms as they looked over the city.
Coast City would become the headquarters for Head Industries.
They would have a condo in the building directly across from the office building. He would watch as Bats and Birds sneak around so sure that she was up to no good. But even if she hadn’t laid down her sword, Hal knew that she didn’t bring it home with her.
And wasn’t that surreal.
She considered Coast City her home.
He was a part of that.
When the Outlaws moved in and became the city’s protectors, Hal didn’t even protest. They mainly spent their time having family dinners where Talia was able to relax. Hal could almost cry because it was a sense of normalcy that he longed and craved for ever since he received his ring.
And he didn’t have to worry about her. She could take care of herself. Atrocious realized that when she made him swallow a bomb the size of a pearl and blew him up from the inside out.
That wasn’t even to mention her pint-sized niece, Jamila, who seemed to fall in love with every deadly poison she could get her hands on [which Kyle and Guy happily supplies] and finding new ways to hide weapons on her. Hal had almost died of shock when she twisted her snake bites into buugeeng bostaff. She was very fond of them and had demanded that he brings worthy opponents from space to face her on many occasions.
The day the Justice League had found out had been simultaneously the worst and best day of his life. It had been their three-year anniversary and Hal knew he didn’t want to spend another day without her in his life. He was sure he would break worse than he did when he lost Coast City.
He had planned on proposing. He searched every planet he could think of to find the perfect ring. [Which he managed to find with the help of the other Lanterns. He didn’t know what he would do without their support.]
But another one of Superman’s little alien enemies decided that a single day of peace was too much to ask for. And they had the nerve to attack HIS city.
He hadn’t wanted to suit up. It was a rare day off from the corps. He had planned to spend the day with the love of his life, but Supes’ friend brought more friends.
Hal suited up and Talia followed right behind him.
They fought side by side for as long as they could surrounded by the Outlaws and the other Lanterns. The only time they were separated was when she needed to hit the shadows, or he had to fly higher in the atmosphere.
She fought as beautiful as ever. She looked like perfection itself as she led civilians to the underground bunkers and fought off any aliens that got in her way.
When it was all said and done, Hal didn’t even listen to Spooky’s post battle debrief. He turned and headed directly for her. He slid one hand through her hair and another around her waist before kissing the life out of her.
When he pulled away, she smiled so brightly at him that Hal felt his heart skip a beat. He didn’t pay any attention to the looks he was receiving from everyone else. He just dropped to one knee and pulled out the ring. A blinding mixture of alteanan metal and magic with a soft green light that match her eyes that flickered alongside his heartbeat.
“From the day that I met you, I knew that I would never be able to love another. When I saw you, it was like my soul went, ‘oh, there you are. I’ve been looking for you’. These last three years between us has been everything to me. You gave me a family. I had been drifting and never staying some place for too long, but you gave me a home. I’ve never feared anything. But you terrify me, Talia. You scare the living hell out me because I know you could crush my heart so easily and I know there is no reason for you not to. People claim that you can’t love someone unless you love yourself first. That’s bullshit. I don’t love myself, but you? Oh gods, I love you so much I forgot what hating myself felt like. You are owed the love that you so freely give to other people, so Talia Al Ghul, will you please marry me?”
A pin could have dropped with how quiet everyone was, but Hal only had eyes for her.
She was not an overly emotional woman so when the first tears dropped Hal almost panicked. But she dropped to her knees in front of him with constant whispers of yes, yes, yes tumbling out of her mouth before she drew him in for another kiss. He only pulled away long enough to slip the ring on her finger while the cheers of the Outlaws, Lanterns, and Shadows erupted around them. He could hear the exclamations of shocks coming from the other Justice League members. Demon Robin’s screeching and threats of death. Barry and Wally’s shouts of “THREE YEARS?!” And even though a part of him wanted to see Spooky’s reaction.
None of it was more important than the woman in his arms.
#taliaalghulweek2020#taliaalghulappreciationweek#talia al ghul#talia al ghul imagine#hal jordan#talia al ghul prompt#crackship#talia x hal#halia#hal jordan imagine#hal jordan prompt
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trapped and free
Day One: Dream Team | Genderbend
Hal didn’t know what he was doing here. On some mountain in some country. If he was honest, he didn’t know where he was exactly. He just flew aimlessly until his ring ran out of juice. But he could admit to himself that the scenery was nice. The way the colors of sun washed over the area as it began its descent.
Kyle would probably love it.
Hal’s brow furrowed. The kid was wearing some sort of copy of his ring. But what really stood out to Hal was how this kid that didn’t even know him just seemed to know that he was being possessed. He didn’t think that he was some coldblooded killer. He just saw a man that was past his breaking point and then then broken some more by life.
But no one else knew. No one else cared. They hated him and wanted him dead. Its not like Hal didn’t want to die himself. Did he not willingly walk into the fucking sun? Can he get even a glimpse of peace?
Hal lost more than his city to evil. He lost more than his home. He lost his friends and his life. He lost himself. The man without fear. What about the man without anything? He just felt like an empty shell.
He didn’t know how many minutes passed before he realized she was sitting next to him. He laughed inwardly. His subconscious would bring him here. To this place of healing and enlightenment. Her chocolate brown hair blew through the wind. She was dress in traditional clothing of her culture.
“Her mother’s culture this time”, his mind whispered.
She looked beautiful. He thought that a long time ago when he first stumbled across her. Sinestro had been causing problems on in Coast City to draw him out. But he ended up stumbling into the middle of a Shadows’ op. He was pretty sure his heart skipped a beat when he saw her wrap her thighs around his neck before choking him out.
She rolled back to her feet so gracefully before shooting him a small smile, “I’ll see you around, Lantern.”
After that, they just kept running into each other. A friendship developed. He started to feel a little settled. He remembered the first time he showed up to this place. Nanda Pardat. She walked out the compound as if she were a goddess descending to earth. He fell to his knees before her. He didn’t remember crying. He didn’t remember breaking.
But he remembered when she led him to him a lake of green water.
The Lazarus Pit.
She told him that somedays she felt like jumping in. Other days she wanted to drain the world of it all. They sat at the edge while her workers brought food for the two of them eat. He had even gotten a weighted blanket to wrap around himself.
She spoke of how she had been riding backseat in her own body for years and no one said a thing. Her own blood son didn’t know. Her foster son hadn’t even been around to see. Her father and the entity of the pit turned her into a monster, and no one thought to see if it wasn’t something worse.
They talked about how some days felt like they were still trapped.
As of now, the two of them sat there in silence. He tilted his head until he laid onto her shoulder. She ran her hand through his hair as the sun continued to set.
It was peaceful.
Even if it were just for a moment.
When the sun finally set and the moon was high in the sky, he lifted his head and turned to look at her. Before he could say anything, ships began to descend from the sky. He heard her laugh lightly from beside him. With a flick of her wrist, her clothing morphed around her to look like her usual jumpsuit. The fabric was the same as before but not it was skintight. She ran her hand across the ground and uncovered hidden weapons in the land as she armed herself.
Hal could only stare.
She was so beautiful.
“Let’s go, Lantern Jordan,” her voice soothed the tension in his body. “Wasn’t it you who said that hero’s work is never done?”
Arms wrapped around each other; they flew towards the battle.
And with the wind whipping through their hair, it felt freeing.
#talia al ghul appreciation week#taliaalghulappreciationweek#taliaalghulweek2020#talia al ghul#hal jordan#talia x hal
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thirty seconds
Love was supposed to be weak.
They thought it was a game.
Until she was born.
Talia had all the beauty of her mother with all the skill and more of her father.
She was the goddess of sword fighting, battle strategy, beauty, and apathy.
And she was completely off limits.
If the Olympians thought Demeter had been overprotective of Kore, then it was nothing compared to how Aphrodite and Ares were. The last time someone tried to get close to her…. Aphrodite broke his heart to the point where he had no more love to give. Until the man decided to devote his time to just worshipping Talia and being one of her apathetic warriors.
It continued the same way for many years before two different warriors decided to give it a try. One was called the Dark Knight. The Caped Crusader. And the other was called the Man of Willpower. The Man without Fear.
For a long while, it had seemed that the Caped Crusader had managed to win her heart. She bore him a son and when one of his other children had been lost in the underworld before his abrupt reappearance, she took him in as her own before leading him back to the rest of the family.
But for all their love, they weren’t meant to be together. His loved his kingdom too much to leave it for her. For she was the daughter of war, and blood soaked her hands. He could not love a murderer. He scorned her and, in her anger, and grief, she cursed his kingdom to never find peace. For when war came to their doors, may her father turn his back on them and that their strategies never worked for long. All type of monsters came out in the night and the only people spared from her wrath were her two sons.
She wandered aimlessly around the world as she burrowed those feelings back under her apathetic nature. She fought battles with her hands tied behind her back and bloody smiles on her face. She wandered the plains of Olympus in careful view of her mother and father’s eyes. She visited the forges of her stepfather and listened to him ramble about the details he included in making her swords and shields.
When she went back to earth, she wandered closer to the coastal cities of Greece. Closer to the island where her mother rose from the sea. It was where she met him. The brown of his eyes looked like fresh stone of earth with the depth of then. When Helios’ and Apollo’s sun shined were in a certain position, they looked like freshly molten lava.
Talia felt her heart skip a beat.
He was a warrior. She could tell from his build. He relied on his instincts while his willpower gave fueled his determination.
He challenged her to a sword fighting. If he could last against the goddess for at least thirty seconds and more, he would be blessed with the chance to court her. If he could not, then she was free to do whatever she pleased with him. He made her swear on the River Styx.
She was much too intrigued to curse the man for his insolence.
Smiling softly, she unsheathed her sword and watch as this Man Without Fear did the same. On the count of three, the two fought began their short battle. He managed to last for a few short seconds, but it wasn’t thirty seconds.
Still, Talia was intrigued. She didn’t think of what she wanted to do yet, but she stuck to his side. He led her back to the kingdom that he lived in. He was a warrior (and a previous consort of the now married princess). There were many different factions to this kingdom’s army. Those that fought without fear. Those that let their anger guide them. Those who fought with compassion. Those that fought with greed in their hearts. Those who fought with hope. Those that embodied the fear of their enemies. Those who love burned as bright as the sun.
It was strange to be in a place where emotions ruled their every move. She wasn’t used to feeling anymore. But she stayed and she learned, and she loved.
She wasn’t sure when it happened, but there were days were just seeing this man of willpower filled her emotions with she longed thought she had gotten rid of. Even when she traveled the lands, he followed her. He stuck by her side even when her former beloved cursed her name for the plight that befalling her kingdom. Even when her youngest son turned his back on her, he held her up. When her oldest son wanted to leave, it was him who offered her son a place to reside.
She didn’t know what he had done that led to her parent’s giving their blessings. She didn’t even remember them meeting. But she does remember the times where her mother would brush through her hair and excitedly talk about the love that was shared between the two. She would smile and laugh about how it was so bright and pure. How she hadn’t seen a better love story since Paris and Helen of Troy.
When she sparred with her father in the training grounds, he would comment about the man’s fighting style. How if Talia wasn’t the goddess she was, he would be the only man he would approve her to be with. One that could match in the areas that she lacked. Ares had been watching long before he knew of the man’s affections for his daughter. He kneeled with broken fists and knees. A part still untamed. He denied his truth self because he couldn’t stand to cause his friends pain. It was his willpower to be better. He could see it in his eyes the need to cause destruction… the need to let all his grief and anger out being held back by a stubborn mindset and a sense of duty.
Talia made her way back to earth filled with more emotions than she knew what to do with. Her chiton blew through the wind as her sword bump against her hip with every step she took. She let her guide her to him.
He was in the training fields watching over the spar between his mentee and her son. Talia could see the feelings the two boys had for each other, but now, she was only focused on one person and one person only. He turned to look at her as she approached.
She finally knew what she wanted to do.
Leaning into his embrace, she whispered against his lips.
“For thirty seconds and more, love me. Love me for all eternity. Love me even when the sea swallows the sun.”
And he whispered back.
“I have loved you before I even knew you. I belong to you just as you belong to me, beloved. I give you my heart to keep for thirty seconds and more.”
#Talia al Ghul#talia al ghul is jason's mother figure#talia al ghul week 2020#taliaalghulweek2020#taliaalghulappreciationweek#hal jordan#talia x hal
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