#tales of a frozen sailor Jessica’s Rescue
allisonreader · 2 years
Tales Of A Frozen Sailor; Jessica’s Rescue
Growing up he always felt like he had an odd fascination with the Titanic. It wasn’t like he was particularly fond of history. He did alright in his history classes, but there was just something about that ship that set him on edge. Especially when they had to read Jessica Hudson’s letter. In his one class, they had been asked to write an analysis of her letter. Instead of doing that, he wrote an essay on why he thought doing such an analysis was out of place. Explaining that because she had not died in the sinking; it was an invasion of her privacy, to read what she must have thought were her last words. Ones that she had clearly intended for her family. Let alone what her family might think about being thrust into the spotlight. All because the letter revealed the fact that she was a sailor. For those reasons he did not care for that ship, nor the treatment of Jessica’s letter.
When he received the invitation to his friend’s wedding, the theme shocked him. It wasn’t the fact that the event would be formal or that it would be happening on a private cruise. It was the fact that they had decided to get married on the anniversary of the Titanic hitting the iceberg, while using the Titanic as their theme. It left him tempted to say that he couldn’t go. The thought left him a bit unsettled that they wanted to be over the wreck site for their wedding. The gravesite of so many. It was what had brought Jessica’s letter to mind again. A gravesite that had so nearly been hers.
((So to be invited to his friend's wedding that was Titanic themed and to be held on a private yacht, he was not impressed. He could refuse to go on principle. Though that seemed shallow. He’d rather grin and bear it. He cared more about his friends and seeing them married, rather than their questionable wedding theme. He would be gone a few days for this wedding. As not only was it Titanic themed, but it was also going to take place over the wreck site. On the same day that the ship hit the iceberg. Ninety-nine years later.))
Nanna knew what he thought about this wedding and the fact that he wasn’t so thrilled about going. So she took him aside the day before he was supposed to head out.
"You’ll be okay my dear boy. Besides, when you get back, we can read that mysterious letter of mine."
"Okay Nanna. You won’t read it without me?"
"Emery, I have had it for decades already. I can wait a few extra days so we can read it together."
"Thanks Nanna. I look forward to it."
"I know you are. Be safe. We all love you dearly. Phone or text us if you have service."
"Yes Nanna, I will."
Later he wished that he hadn’t been quite so flippant to his grandmother. But he couldn’t have known that at the time.
The trip started off well enough and the real party didn’t start until after the wedding ceremony. Everyone was dressed formally, as per the dress code. Some in more historically inspired outfits than others. His own suit leaned to the more historical side. Which included a pocket watch to complete the look, though it was a little unnecessary- as he was still wearing the watch his grandfather gave him.
The reception started with a five course meal, accompanied by the appropriate wine selections for each. Followed by an open bar and dancing. The music was loud, thumping and modern. The room grew hot with the consumed alcohol and fervent dancing.
He grew warm enough to peel off layers as the night went on. First went his suit jacket, then his tie, which was adorn with gold tie clip from his grandparents. His cuff links came off and into the jacket pocket along with the tie, so he could roll up his sleeves. He even took off his waistcoat, including the pocket watch.
After all of that he was still feeling a bit hot and had probably drank a bit too much himself. So he went on deck to cool down. The air was crisp and the sky was clear. He took a deep breath. No one else was close to him on the deck. There wasn’t much wind and the ocean seemed calm when he looked over the rail. He wasn’t exactly sure how it happened, but he found himself in the cold water. Struggling to find the surface. If he didn’t, he would die.
Nobody had seen him go over and it took them awhile to notice that he was gone. A search of the yacht began. Only after not finding him anywhere on board, did they try searching the water with low hopes of finding him. Or at least finding him alive. Unaware that they would never find him, his family having to be told that he was lost at sea.
The next thing that he knew after going into the water, was finding a solid sloped landing under his feet. He didn’t know what it was, but it had to be better than being in the water. When he surfaced enough he realized that somehow he was in some sort of white corridor with flickering lights, lined with doors, filling with water. Was he dead or dying? Falling into the open ocean shouldn’t end him in a corridor like this. The only thing to do was to move away from the water. Figuring out where he was, and how he got there could happen later. Finding safety was most important. One thing that did catch his attention was the sound of crying. He couldn’t ignore it. The sound was coming from one of the nearby doors. Though he wasn’t sure which one. After calling out and getting a response he was able to find a young lady, dressed as a sailor with short hair and no visible breasts behind a locked door. The things that she claimed didn’t make sense to him. Things which couldn’t be true. Nor did it make sense how he was on a sinking ship. How it didn’t look anything like the yacht that the wedding was on.
After he had gotten her out of the room she was locked in, all he could do was follow her through the maze of corridors. Until they finally made it to deck. It brought into focus how out of place and lost he was.
There were funnels on the ship. Four funnels. The clothing that people were wearing was like things that he had only seen in movies and museums.
It was starting to sink in. He really might be on the Titanic as it was sinking. He was going to die. Most of the men on board did and he was going to be one of those casualties. It didn’t help that he was already wet, as was the young lady he rescued. Of whom he was starting to expect was Jessica Hudson. At least if that was the case, he knew she’d live. Even if he didn’t.
She lead him to a lifeboat yet. The other sailor there relieved to see her as she took control over the man who was less experienced.
"I’m sorry, I can’t fit you on the lifeboat-"
"It’s okay- I understand-"
"Wait! Listen to me. We can’t take you now- but once we’re on the water- we should be able to take a little more weight on. Once the ship is a little lower in the water- jump- we’ll find you. It should at least give you a chance. You’ve given me a chance." She gave him a grim smile as he nodded. Her plan didn’t seem likely to work. These life vests seemed so janky in comparison to the ones that he was familiar with, but he still had put one on.
He did as she asked. It was his best chance to survive. Much to his surprise, she and the younger sailor were able to pull him out of the water. Just in time to finish watching the large ship finish sinking at the unnatural angle that would leave people fascinated for at least a 100 years.
The cold seemed to seep into his very bones as they waited for rescue. No one was eager to talk after the disaster they had just been through and were still living. Unsure if or when rescue would come. At least he knew that by the morning they would all be safe, as long as they lasted those hours. Trying to keep warm was the priority until then.
It didn’t surprise him when it was the Carpathia that rescued them. Those of them in the lifeboat who had been the wettest, needed a bit of extra medical care. Frost bite and hypothermia were the two biggest concerns. Both of which he did need looking after to some degree. He wasn’t sure how long they’d all be on the Carpathia for. It was one of the details that he was a little fuzzy about. He did manage to corner the sailor he rescued and privately layer out all he knew to her.
"Look, I know that you’re a woman-" A look of fear crossed her face. "I’m not going to say anything about such. You saved my life-"
"You saved mine first."
"We saved each other then. That doesn’t mean I’m going to turn you in. I know who you are. You’re Jessica Hudson. An able seaman, a twin- who while you were locked up you wrote a letter to and sealed it inside a bottle. Which will eventually be found and brought up from the ocean floor. Along with the rubbing of your dad’s name Henry Hudson."
"How do you know that? You can’t know that. I’ve never met you."
"You haven’t, but I do know about you. That you’re friends with a fellow sailor John Winters. That you’re older than you claim to be because you aren’t a boy-"
She was suspicious of him. Rightly so. His story sounded crazy. He shouldn’t know as much about her as he did. He hardly believed his story and he was the one who lived it. It still shouldn’t be possible that he was in 1912. He didn’t want to think about what his future might hold. He had nothing. Literally only having the clothes on his back. He knew no one. His grandparents weren’t even born yet. He had no place to go. Everything that he had once known, was now lost to him. All of which he told her and her friend John.
It lead to a conversation about what they were going to do with him. If they even believed his story about him being from the future. It’s not like his proof was anything spectacular. All he could show them was his watch and tell them that there’d be an inquiry when they reached shore. Though the inquiry could be easily surmised after a disaster like they just lived through. Although knowing that it would be a Senator William Smith leading such, might be a little bit more proof and truthful sounding. It was something that would only be proved on shore.
Between the three of them they decided it was the best for him to go home with John. So he’d be traveling to Maine. Where he’d meet John’s mother Naomi and his little sister Amelia. He’d stay with them until he could find a job and get himself on his feet.
He knew that as much as things might not be as completely foreign to him unlike if either John or Jessica had gone into his time, things were still going to be completely different to him. It was going to be a huge learning curve for him. Computers were a long time away and he’d probably never see the technology reach the same place he was familiar with it being. Let alone the fact that he might have to live through two world wars, the depression, and more. Also, there’d be no Star Wars or Star Trek and he might never watch either property again. He was still ignoring facts about his family. Like that his father and Nanna would never know what happened to him.
He couldn’t think about that now. Learning how to live was going to be more important.
In New York he was given a sum from the collected fund for Titanic survivors. Which would at least help him a little bit to get him off the ground. He remained in New York, waiting for "Jesse" Hudson and John Winters to be released from the inquiry. That way he could travel with John to meet his family. He would also get to say goodbye to Jessica as well then. He also took in the sights of a New York City skyline that didn’t match the one he was familiar with. This skyline was missing a couple of extremely iconic buildings that were a couple of decades away from being built yet. That was certainly an odd thought. Though it got him thinking that at least he’d have an idea of what stocks to invest in and which he’d probably stay away from. Maybe if he did well enough, he could even end up in the same circle as his family again. He could potentially see his grandfather grow up.
John’s family shocked him immediately when he met them.
John’s family was very different from his own. It wasn’t even the fact that Benjamin Winters had passed many years ago. Nor was it the fact that the Winters family didn’t have much in money or possessions. What made them so different from his own family was how close and open-hearted all of the members were. Naomi did not play apparent favourites between John and Amelia. The two siblings were playful and friendly together. Completely unlike the relationship with his sister who thought it best to antagonize him and make him a mark for bullies in his younger school days. He was pretty sure that John would fight anyone who would do that to his sister, or even for Jessica Hudson. Both things a far cry from his own mother who thought her oldest could do no wrong, while he could do no right. While Naomi had hugged him as soon as soon after she had hugged John, when she didn’t even know him. The fact that he was a stranger to their family didn’t matter. He was alone and needed help and they were going to stand up and help him. John had him explain his entire story to Naomi and Amelia. Both listened carefully and while Amelia might have tried to tease him a bit, Naomi took him seriously. Between her and John, they helped him set up his new life. He could be honest about one thing, and that was the fact that he had lost everything when the Titanic sank. Everything else besides his name was a half truth. He was no longer born in the 1980's but the 1880's. The entirety of his past had to be twisted to fit into a believable history which could fit into the time period. The Winters family helping provide him with the information that he needed to know and didn’t have. Like cutting wood with an ax, dishes, helping with laundry, cooking and other chores that he had never done before because he had never needed to. Life was different without computers and tv. At the same time as much as everything was different, it was the same. People still acted like people. Though his mother never would have just taken him in like Naomi had. Not with a crazy story like his and knowing nothing about him. Nanna probably would have. He missed her the most currently. But the Winters family tried hard to make him feel welcome and included in their small family.
It didn’t seem to matter to them that he claimed to be from the future. They just claimed him as their own and helped him get accustomed to the time and helped find him a job when he was ready. He ended up in an office doing work that probably wasn’t much different from what he would have been doing in his own time. One thing that Naomi suggested to him was to keep a journal of everything that he wanted to remember from both his own time and what was happening in his day to day life. That perhaps, if any journals were kept, they could potentially make it into the hands of his loved ones, so they’d know what happened to him. He hadn’t even mentioned that worry to Naomi when she suggested that.
It amazed him how quickly he felt a part of the Winters family. Without being able to be with his own, they filled that space and in someways better than his own family members. By far Naomi was a better mom than his own and honestly he preferred John and Amelia in comparison to Alexandra for siblings. Neither of them made fun of him for his name or not knowing how to do something. Plus Naomi didn’t play favourites between any of them. He became as much as one of her kids as either of her biological ones. There were times where he wished he could have met Ben. He had a feeling the Benjamin Winters would have been a lot like the rest of his family. Then came a day when John was going to go down to Georgia to visit the Hudson family and offered for him to join him. He was curious to see where Jessica lived, and to meet the family members who had been mentioned in her letter. They hadn’t spoken to each other since they split ways in New York, and he felt too awkward to try and write her a letter at all. He didn’t blame her for not writing him at all. He was just that weird guy who claimed things that weren’t possible. Or at least shouldn’t be. But he agreed to go with John down to Georgia, as awkward as it might be.
0 notes
allisonreader · 2 years
Tales Of A Frozen Sailor AU; Jessica’s Rescue
Word of warning before you read on. What is below is a messing draft. Having bigger blocks of writing than if I had edited it. This is currently getting a rewrite in hopes of moving past where I’m stuck. Also, this was an option that I considered last year and then again this year for the Inklings Challenge. It’s not even that I dislike what I have, but I just cannot get past a certain point.
Growing up he always felt like he had an odd fascination with the Titanic. It wasn’t like he was particularly fond of history. He did alright in his history classes, but there was just something about that ship that set him on edge. Especially when they had to read Jessica Hudson’s letter. In his one class, they had been asked to write an analysis of her letter. Instead of doing that, he wrote an essay on why he thought doing such an analysis was out of place. Explaining that because she had not died in the sinking; it was an invasion of her privacy, to read what she must have thought were her last words. Ones that she had clearly intended for her family. Let alone what her family might think about being thrust into the spotlight. All because the letter revealed the fact that she was a sailor. For those reasons he did not care for that ship, nor the treatment of Jessica’s letter.
When he received the invitation to his friend’s wedding, the theme shocked him. It wasn’t the fact that the event would be formal or that it would be happening on a private cruise. It was the fact that they had decided to get married on the anniversary of the Titanic hitting the iceberg, while using the Titanic as their theme. It left him tempted to say that he couldn’t go. The thought left him a bit unsettled that they wanted to be over the wreck site for their wedding. The gravesite of so many. It was what had brought Jessica’s letter to mind again. A gravesite that had so nearly been hers.
((So to be invited to his friend's wedding that was Titanic themed and to be held on a private yacht, he was not impressed. He could refuse to go on principle. Though that seemed shallow. He’d rather grin and bear it. He cared more about his friends and seeing them married, rather than their questionable wedding theme. He would be gone a few days for this wedding. As not only was it Titanic themed, but it was also going to take place over the wreck site. On the same day that the ship hit the iceberg. Ninety-nine years later.))
Nanna knew what he thought about this wedding and the fact that he wasn’t so thrilled about going. So she took him aside the day before he was supposed to head out.
"You’ll be okay my dear boy. Besides, when you get back, we can read that mysterious letter of mine."
"Okay Nanna. You won’t read it without me?"
"Emery, I have had it for decades already. I can wait a few extra days so we can read it together."
"Thanks Nanna. I look forward to it."
"I know you are. Be safe. We all love you dearly. Phone or text us if you have service."
"Yes Nanna, I will."
Later he wished that he hadn’t been quite so flippant to his grandmother. But he couldn’t have known that at the time.
The trip started off well enough and the real party didn’t start until after the wedding ceremony. Everyone was dressed formally, as per the dress code. Some in more historically inspired outfits than others. His own suit leaned to the more historical side. Which included a pocket watch to complete the look, though it was a little unnecessary- as he was still wearing the watch his grandfather gave him.
The reception started with a five course meal, accompanied by the appropriate wine selections for each. Followed by an open bar and dancing. The music was loud, thumping and modern. The room grew hot with the consumed alcohol and fervent dancing.
He grew warm enough to peel off layers as the night went on. First went his suit jacket, then his tie, which was adorn with gold tie clip from his grandparents. His cuff links came off and into the jacket pocket along with the tie, so he could roll up his sleeves. He even took off his waistcoat, including the pocket watch.
After all of that he was still feeling a bit hot and had probably drank a bit too much himself. So he went on deck to cool down. The air was crisp and the sky was clear. He took a deep breath. No one else was close to him on the deck. There wasn’t much wind and the ocean seemed calm when he looked over the rail. He wasn’t exactly sure how it happened, but he found himself in the cold water. Struggling to find the surface. If he didn’t, he would die.
Nobody had seen him go over and it took them awhile to notice that he was gone. A search of the yacht began. Only after not finding him anywhere on board, did they try searching the water with low hopes of finding him. Or at least finding him alive. Unaware that they would never find him, his family having to be told that he was lost at sea.
The next thing that he knew after going into the water, was finding a solid sloped landing under his feet. He didn’t know what it was, but it had to be better than being in the water. When he surfaced enough he realized that somehow he was in some sort of white corridor with flickering lights, lined with doors, filling with water. Was he dead or dying? Falling into the open ocean shouldn’t end him in a corridor like this. The only thing to do was to move away from the water. Figuring out where he was, and how he got there could happen later. Finding safety was most important. One thing that did catch his attention was the sound of crying. He couldn’t ignore it. The sound was coming from one of the nearby doors. Though he wasn’t sure which one. After calling out and getting a response he was able to find a young lady, dressed as a sailor with short hair and no visible breasts behind a locked door. The things that she claimed didn’t make sense to him. Things which couldn’t be true. Nor did it make sense how he was on a sinking ship. How it didn’t look anything like the yacht that the wedding was on.
After he had gotten her out of the room she was locked in, all he could do was follow her through the maze of corridors. Until they finally made it to deck. It brought into focus how out of place and lost he was.
There were funnels on the ship. Four funnels. The clothing that people were wearing was like things that he had only seen in movies and museums.
It was starting to sink in. He really might be on the Titanic as it was sinking. He was going to die. Most of the men on board did and he was going to be one of those casualties. It didn’t help that he was already wet, as was the young lady he rescued. Of whom he was starting to expect was Jessica Hudson. At least if that was the case, he knew she’d live. Even if he didn’t.
She lead him to a lifeboat yet. The other sailor there relieved to see her as she took control over the man who was less experienced.
"I’m sorry, I can’t fit you on the lifeboat-"
"It’s okay- I understand-"
"Wait! Listen to me. We can’t take you now- but once we’re on the water- we should be able to take a little more weight on. Once the ship is a little lower in the water- jump- we’ll find you. It should at least give you a chance. You’ve given me a chance." She gave him a grim smile as he nodded. Her plan didn’t seem likely to work. These life vests seemed so janky in comparison to the ones that he was familiar with, but he still had put one on.
He did as she asked. It was his best chance to survive. Much to his surprise, she and the younger sailor were able to pull him out of the water. Just in time to finish watching the large ship finish sinking at the unnatural angle that would leave people fascinated for at least a 100 years.
The cold seemed to seep into his very bones as they waited for rescue. No one was eager to talk after the disaster they had just been through and were still living. Unsure if or when rescue would come. At least he knew that by the morning they would all be safe, as long as they lasted those hours. Trying to keep warm was the priority until then.
It didn’t surprise him when it was the Carpathia that rescued them. Those of them in the lifeboat who had been the wettest, needed a bit of extra medical care. Frost bite and hypothermia were the two biggest concerns. Both of which he did need looking after to some degree. He wasn’t sure how long they’d all be on the Carpathia for. It was one of the details that he was a little fuzzy about. He did manage to corner the sailor he rescued and privately layer out all he knew to her.
"Look, I know that you’re a woman-" A look of fear crossed her face. "I’m not going to say anything about such. You saved my life-"
"You saved mine first."
"We saved each other then. That doesn’t mean I’m going to turn you in. I know who you are. You’re Jessica Hudson. An able seaman, a twin- who while you were locked up you wrote a letter to and sealed it inside a bottle. Which will eventually be found and brought up from the ocean floor. Along with the rubbing of your dad’s name Henry Hudson."
"How do you know that? You can’t know that. I’ve never met you."
"You haven’t, but I do know about you. That you’re friends with a fellow sailor John Winters. That you’re older than you claim to be because you aren’t a boy-"
She was suspicious of him. Rightly so. His story sounded crazy. He shouldn’t know as much about her as he did. He hardly believed his story and he was the one who lived it. It still shouldn’t be possible that he was in 1912. He didn’t want to think about what his future might hold. He had nothing. Literally only having the clothes on his back. He knew no one. His grandparents weren’t even born yet. He had no place to go. Everything that he had once known, was now lost to him. All of which he told her and her friend John.
It lead to a conversation about what they were going to do with him. If they even believed his story about him being from the future. It’s not like his proof was anything spectacular. All he could show them was his watch and tell them that there’d be an inquiry when they reached shore. Though the inquiry could be easily surmised after a disaster like they just lived through. Although knowing that it would be a Senator William Smith leading such, might be a little bit more proof and truthful sounding. It was something that would only be proved on shore.
Between the three of them they decided it was the best for him to go home with John. So he’d be traveling to Maine. Where he’d meet John’s mother Naomi and his little sister Amelia. He’d stay with them until he could find a job and get himself on his feet.
He knew that as much as things might not be as completely foreign to him unlike if either John or Jessica had gone into his time, things were still going to be completely different to him. It was going to be a huge learning curve for him. Computers were a long time away and he’d probably never see the technology reach the same place he was familiar with it being. Let alone the fact that he might have to live through two world wars, the depression, and more. Also, there’d be no Star Wars or Star Trek and he might never watch either property again. He was still ignoring facts about his family. Like that his father and Nanna would never know what happened to him.
He couldn’t think about that now. Learning how to live was going to be more important.
In New York he was given a sum from the collected fund for Titanic survivors. Which would at least help him a little bit to get him off the ground. He remained in New York, waiting for "Jesse" Hudson and John Winters to be released from the inquiry. That way he could travel with John to meet his family. He would also get to say goodbye to Jessica as well then. He also took in the sights of a New York City skyline that didn’t match the one he was familiar with. This skyline was missing a couple of extremely iconic buildings that were a couple of decades away from being built yet. That was certainly an odd thought. Though it got him thinking that at least he’d have an idea of what stocks to invest in and which he’d probably stay away from. Maybe if he did well enough, he could even end up in the same circle as his family again. He could potentially see his grandfather grow up.
John’s family shocked him immediately when he met them.
John’s family was very different from his own. It wasn’t even the fact that Benjamin Winters had passed many years ago. Nor was it the fact that the Winters family didn’t have much in money or possessions. What made them so different from his own family was how close and open-hearted all of the members were. Naomi did not play apparent favourites between John and Amelia. The two siblings were playful and friendly together. Completely unlike the relationship with his sister who thought it best to antagonize him and make him a mark for bullies in his younger school days. He was pretty sure that John would fight anyone who would do that to his sister, or even for Jessica Hudson. Both things a far cry from his own mother who thought her oldest could do no wrong, while he could do no right. While Naomi had hugged him as soon as soon after she had hugged John, when she didn’t even know him. The fact that he was a stranger to their family didn’t matter. He was alone and needed help and they were going to stand up and help him. John had him explain his entire story to Naomi and Amelia. Both listened carefully and while Amelia might have tried to tease him a bit, Naomi took him seriously. Between her and John, they helped him set up his new life. He could be honest about one thing, and that was the fact that he had lost everything when the Titanic sank. Everything else besides his name was a half truth. He was no longer born in the 1980's but the 1880's. The entirety of his past had to be twisted to fit into a believable history which could fit into the time period. The Winters family helping provide him with the information that he needed to know and didn’t have. Like cutting wood with an ax, dishes, helping with laundry, cooking and other chores that he had never done before because he had never needed to. Life was different without computers and tv. At the same time as much as everything was different, it was the same. People still acted like people. Though his mother never would have just taken him in like Naomi had. Not with a crazy story like his and knowing nothing about him. Nanna probably would have. He missed her the most currently. But the Winters family tried hard to make him feel welcome and included in their small family.
It didn’t seem to matter to them that he claimed to be from the future. They just claimed him as their own and helped him get accustomed to the time and helped find him a job when he was ready. He ended up in an office doing work that probably wasn’t much different from what he would have been doing in his own time. One thing that Naomi suggested to him was to keep a journal of everything that he wanted to remember from both his own time and what was happening in his day to day life. That perhaps, if any journals were kept, they could potentially make it into the hands of his loved ones, so they’d know what happened to him. He hadn’t even mentioned that worry to Naomi when she suggested that.
It amazed him how quickly he felt a part of the Winters family. Without being able to be with his own, they filled that space and in someways better than his own family members. By far Naomi was a better mom than his own and honestly he preferred John and Amelia in comparison to Alexandra for siblings. Neither of them made fun of him for his name or not knowing how to do something. Plus Naomi didn’t play favourites between any of them. He became as much as one of her kids as either of her biological ones. There were times where he wished he could have met Ben. He had a feeling the Benjamin Winters would have been a lot like the rest of his family. Then came a day when John was going to go down to Georgia to visit the Hudson family and offered for him to join him. He was curious to see where Jessica lived, and to meet the family members who had been mentioned in her letter. They hadn’t spoken to each other since they split ways in New York, and he felt too awkward to try and write her a letter at all. He didn’t blame her for not writing him at all. He was just that weird guy who claimed things that weren’t possible. Or at least shouldn’t be. But he agreed to go with John down to Georgia, as awkward as it might be.
(And just above is about where I get stuck and can’t quite seem to get past. This next part doesn’t quite count as that.)
December 2011
It had been eight months since Emery; her grandson, had gone missing and was presumed dead. Life continued on, as the holiday party her daughter-in-law showed. She retired early from it. Not up for the festivities. Truthfully she was mourning her grandson. This would be the first Christmas since he had been born, that she wouldn’t be getting him a gift. A memorial had been held for him months ago already. They all knew it was unlikely that he would turn up alive after disappearing off a ship in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean. They had also been warned that they might not ever find his body either. It left her old heart aching. She knew Edward was struggling with the loss of his youngest. Edward and Emery had always been much closer, than her daughter-in-law and Emery had been. While she was sure that her daughter-in-law and Alexa were more effected than they seemed, they weren’t taking it as hard as Edward and she. She had to admit to herself that she was feeling old and like she wasn’t going to spring back from this loss well. If only George were still around for her to lean on. She found herself wandering over to her dresser vanity mirror. She had it covered with pictures of her family throughout the years. There were pictures of her, Emery and George sitting on the back steps of the house, Emery couldn’t be more than seven in it. A time when he still let others call him Emery instead of Erik, his middle name. She had a picture of Edward and Emery together at Emery's high school graduation. Edward looking so proud of his son. There were older pictures too. Like the first time she and George got to hold their grandchildren. She had pictures of Edward growing up and baby pictures of him. She even had a black and white picture of her wedding day to George. And right behind that wedding picture was an old envelope. One that had been given to her on said wedding day. She had forgotten all about it when Emery had gone missing. Tears filled her eyes as she took the envelope back to her bed. "Not To Be Opened Until After April 15 2011" It had always struck her as an odd thing that George's family friend had given them such a mysterious; what she assumed was a letter. But neither she nor George had opened it. After George had passed, Emery decided that he would read it with her when the time had come. Which would have happened after he had gotten back from his trip on the ship. How odd it was- that it was labeled to be read for the day they learned that Emery had gone missing, presumably by going overboard. She carefully opened the letter to read it. It went…
Dear Margaret,
Thank you for waiting for so long to read this letter. And if you’ve tried peeking, I’m afraid most of this letter won’t make much sense, not until after the read after date anyways. Once that date has passed, this letter just might solve a mystery about what happened to your grandson. An odd thing for a letter given to you on your wedding day to mention. As you do not even have a child yet. But you will, a son who will be middle aged if you’ve waited to read this. Nanna, I am your grandson Emery Erik Piston. By the time you read this, I’ll have been gone for however many years. Let me start from the beginning. It’s funny to think about how we had been talking about reading this letter together after I went to that wedding, while I’m the one who has written it. Nanna, at the reception of that wedding, I went out onto the deck for fresh air and fell overboard somehow. The next thing I knew I was in cold water trying not to breathe. After floundering to the surface, I found myself in a corridor of what I soon found out was the Titanic. I was able to rescue Jessica Hudson from the room she was locked in. If I didn’t fall overboard, she would have drowned in that room. Her letter would have been her final words. I am so grateful that I no longer have it memorized. Only the "Dear Ruth, I am about to die," remains. If that’s even accurate or not. There’s so much I want to share with you Nanna, it wouldn’t all fit in a single letter. Not to mention that I would never remember everything that I would want to tell you. Thankfully, I happened to gain a wonderful adoptive mom in this time and she suggested right at the beginning that I keep journals of everything that I want to tell you. Which I have done over the years so far. I don’t think mom or Alexa would appreciate or believe it. There’s times yet I don’t quite believe it. My family will keep them for as long as needed. I hope that once you get those journals that they’ll give you and dad a bit of peace. I have lived a happy, successful and full life. Not as short as you may have thought. I got married, had kids and have seen granddad fall in love with you. Which has lead to me getting the chance to see the two of you get married. I still get to be part of your life, even if you won’t be aware of it until reading this.
Love you Nanna
Love your Emery Erik
Emery Erik Piston-Winters
She was having trouble processing what the letter said. It didn’t seem real. But how could it be a hoax? She was given the letter in person. Handed directly to her, years before anyone could know what happened to her grandson.
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allisonreader · 1 year
Okay, so a little bit of backstory leading into this. This is part of a piece I wrote for Lost in the Past; which was previously the AU I was calling Tales Of A Frozen Sailor: Jessica's Rescue. I was having trouble writing the main part of the story, so I went to get a different POV of what happened at a different time. I just recently reread it and realized how happy I was with it. It’s a bit long, but hopefully worth it.
She had to admit to herself that she was feeling old and like she wasn’t going to spring back from this loss well.
If only George were still around for her to lean on.
She found herself wandering over to her dresser vanity mirror. She had it covered with pictures of her family throughout the years. There were pictures of her, Emery and George sitting on the back steps of the house, Emery couldn’t be more than seven in it. A time when he still let others call him Emery instead of Erik, his middle name. She had a picture of Edward and Emery together at Emery's high school graduation. Edward looking so proud of his son.
There were older pictures too. Like the first time she and George got to hold their grandchildren. She had pictures of Edward growing up and baby pictures of him.
She even had a black and white picture of her wedding day to George. And right behind that wedding picture was an old envelope. One that had been given to her on said wedding day.
She had forgotten all about it when Emery had gone missing.
Tears filled her eyes as she took the envelope back to her bed. "Not To Be Opened Until After April 15 2011" It had always struck her as an odd thing that George's family friend had given them such a mysterious; what she assumed, was a letter. But neither she nor George had opened it. After George had passed, Emery decided that he would read it with her when the time had come. Which would have happened after he had gotten back from his trip on the ship.
How odd it was- that it was labeled to be read for the day they learned that Emery had gone missing, presumably by going overboard. She carefully opened the letter to read it. It went…
Dear Margaret,
Thank you for waiting for so long to read this letter. And if you’ve tried peeking, I’m afraid most of this letter won’t make much sense, not until after the read after date anyways.
Once that date has passed, this letter just might solve a mystery about what happened to your grandson.
An odd thing for a letter given to you on your wedding day to mention. As you do not even have a child yet. But you will, a son who will be middle aged if you’ve waited to read this.
Nanna, I am your grandson Emery Erik Piston. By the time you read this, I’ll have been gone for however many years. But let me start from the beginning.
It’s funny to think about how we had been talking about reading this letter together after I went to that wedding, while I’m the one who has written it.
Nanna, at the reception of that wedding, I went out onto the deck for fresh air and fell overboard somehow. The next thing I knew I was in cold water and trying not to breathe. After floundering to the surface, I found myself in a corridor of what I soon found out was the Titanic.
I was able to rescue Jessica Hudson from the room she was locked in.
If I didn’t fall overboard, she would have drowned in that room. Her letter would have been her final words.
I am so grateful that I no longer have it memorized.
Only the "Dear Ruth, I am about to die," remains. If that’s even accurate or not.
There’s so much I want to share with you Nanna, it wouldn’t all fit in a single letter. Not to mention that I would never remember everything that I would want to tell you.
Thankfully, I happened to gain a wonderful adoptive mom in this time and she suggested right at the beginning that I keep journals of everything that I want to tell you. Which I have done over the years so far. I don’t think mom or Alexa would appreciate or believe it.
There’s times yet I don’t quite believe it. And I’ve lived in a time not chronologically my own, longer than I did live chronologically.
My family will keep those journals for you as long as needed.
I hope that once you get those journals that they’ll give you and dad a bit of peace. I have lived a happy, successful and full life. Not as short as you may have thought.
I got married, had kids and have seen granddad fall in love with you. Which has lead to me getting the chance to see the two of you get married. I still get to be part of your life, even if you won’t be aware of it until reading this.
Love you Nanna
Love your Emery Erik
Emery Erik Piston-Winters
She was having trouble processing what the letter said. It didn’t seem real. But how could it be a hoax? She was given the letter in person. Handed directly to her, years before anyone could know what happened to her grandson.
Those journals would tell her the truth. She’d be able to tell if they were real upon reading them.
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allisonreader · 1 year
A list of character names with the title of the project at the top.
Lost in the Past
(also Tales Of A Frozen Sailor because they share the same characters and have the same situation as set up.)
Jessica Hudson
Emery Erik Piston (goes mostly by Erik)
Nanna (Margaret/Peggy Piston)
George Piston
John Winters
Henry Hudson
Ruth Hudson
Penny Winters
Josie Winters
(There are others, but that's all I'm listing for this one.)
Ryan O'Donald
The Hidden Royals
Edgar Ravenswood
Priscilla Ravenswood
Daniel Frazier
Wilson Homes
Theodore Ravenswood
Elizabeth Ravenswood
Thomas Ravenswood
Patricia Ravenswood
James Ravenswood
Roland Fordsfield
The Shipwreck Story
Gwendolyn Johnston
Vera Johnston
Richard Johnston
Marcus Johnston
Gregory Fields
Samuel Morrison
Martie Samantha Morrison
The Rude and the Restless
Rupert Olaine
Jeremy Olaine
Hazel Bellaraine
And here's a brief description about what each story actually is.
Lost in the Past/Tales Of A Frozen Sailor
Both stories share the basic concept of there being a sailor on the Titanic who gets trapped in a room as the ship is going down and writes a letter and seals it in a bottle which is found at a later date. That's the shared part between the two, other than the characters. In Frozen Sailor (which is "complete") the sailor who wrote the letter is found miraculously preserved and the story goes from there. In Lost in the Past, a young man gets thrown back in time as the Titanic is sinking, he manages to save the writer of the letter after the letter is written.
The Hidden Royals
The Hidden Royals is a story about how a royal family was mostly killed, but how two people escaped the slaughter and how many stayed loyal to the pair while under the tyrant who killed the family. Only for later to take back what is rightfully theirs.
The Shipwreck Story
Which does not actually focus on the shipwreck itself but the fallout of what happens after rescue. Families reunited and torn apart in the same breath, but also extremely loyal to one another while separated.
The Rude and the Restless
Vague inspiration from Beauty and the Beast. But mostly an extremely melodramatic soap story about a man being left at the alter for his brother and him not taking it well. Turning him into a beastly man to be around as he takes it all out on the world. While our Belle stand in is struggling with her own lost, but isn't taking it out on the world and instead is keeping herself busy.
(probably the least developed of any of these.)
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allisonreader · 1 year
🎤—Describe the opening scene
If I was to have my Shipwreck story on screen, the opening scene would probably start with a short scene of Samuel and Gwendolyn meeting on the beach after the shipwreck before the scene fades and says five years later, and showing them more worn as they’re rescued.
If it was for Tales Of A Frozen Sailor… well I think it would have to open on Jessica stuck in the room, her struggling to try and get out and her resignation that she’s going to die in that room. Showing her finding a pen, paper and a bottle to put it in afterwards, showing the room as it filling with water. Jess closing up the bottle. Taking her shoes/boots off, taking off her sweater/coat and folding it up beside her and curling up, looking at her pocket watch as tears stream.
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allisonreader · 2 years
WIP Tag Game
Tagged by @hollers-and-holmes and indirectly by @isfjmel-phleg
Rules: post the name of all the files in your WIP folder regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. Let people send you an ask with the title that intrigues them and then post a little snippit of it or tell them something about it! And then tag as many people as you have wips. 
Tales Of A Frozen Sailor AU; Jessica's Rescue
The Scorn Prince (New!)
The Princess's Journey (Old)
A Different Kind Of Cinderella (Old)
The Mysterious Mansion
Three Lost Souls
The Hidden Royals
The Rude and the Restless
Guilty Conscience
The Shipwreck Story
Extended Connections (Cars Fic, hasn't been touched in over a year)
That's the main ones that I can think of currently.
I don't have that many people to tag. I would have tagged @lady-merian had she not been tagged at the same time as me.
Then for other tags, @sinivalkoista , @rowenabean , @melliabee , @carsgeek24
Anyone else who wants to is free to do so, and as always there's no pressure to have to do so.
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allisonreader · 3 years
The Tour Turned
The next instalment in Tales Of A Frozen Sailor for @inklings-challenge
Each time becoming more story like, than just a collection of articles and such. Though some of those things will probably return as well.
On his grand tour of his grandparents research facility, he and his guide Jill came upon an elderly couple who seemed a fair bit older than his grandparents.
The grey haired woman of the pair froze upon seeing him, clutching the arm of the man hard. He looked around them to see if there was anything that could have caused such a reaction, not seeing anything.
"Are you alright ma’am?" he asked.
"Oh, yes. I’m just fine young man. How kind of you to ask. Might I get your name?"
"Erik Piston. Are you sure you’re alright?"
She smiled softly at him.
"I am. In fact, I should thank you and your family for rescuing my aunt."
"What do you mean?"
"Who’s facility are you in?" Jill chimed in.
He gave her a look. What did that have to do with anything?
"Young man;" she looked at him earnestly, "from what I understand, your family are the ones who mostly funded the expedition to bring my aunt up from the Titanic. Surely you’re aware of Jessica Hudson's letter?"
"Yes… we read it in school and watch the documentary about it."
"One of the things they never mentioned in that documentary, was after they filmed all us nieces and nephews reading the letter for the first time. They revealed to us that they had found Aunt Jess in the same place as her letter. Just a bit further in. I don’t know if it was your grandparents or your parents, but they were major contributors to the funding of the expedition that brought my aunt up. And now she’s going to get a second chance at life once she heals a bit."
"Ah, I didn’t have anything to do with that. I can give my grandparents your thanks though."
Jill butted in, "we should probably be getting back to our tour now. It’s been a pleasure to meet a niece of Jessica’s. I’m the one who realized that she was trying to breathe again."
"Oh thank you my dear," Josie clasped the back of Jill's hand for a brief moment.
"Perhaps both of you should join us in visiting Aunt Jessica. Josie and I were just going to visit her," the man spoke up for the first time.
Jill shook her head. "We shouldn’t intrude on your time with her. I can always show Erik later on our tour if he’s interested."
"Nonsense. You wouldn’t be intruding. You would be improving my day. Please, join Ralf and I. You, young man, actually remind me of my one uncle. A sweet man, well suited for my aunt."
"Only if you’re sure…" he trailed cautiously.
"My wife and her family have been through a lot. You joining us is no burden," Ralf reassured him
"Of course we'll join you then," Jill said before he could say anything. Consuming Josie in conversation about her aunt's well being. The pair drifting ahead of him and Ralf, as they started off to visit Jessica.
"I really don’t want to intrude on your time visiting Miss Hudson," he told Ralf.
"Erik, trust me. Joining us will only brighten my wife’s day. Jessica is going to need all the support she can get if she wakes. She won’t know any of her family. We all know stories about her, but we’re all going to be strangers to her. Even though we’re all old, none of us or the extended family were born before the Titanic sank. Who knows how much longer we’ll be on this earth even. If Josie asks, you don’t have to come in with us."
They stopped in a rather plain hallway that had a window only a couple feet away from a door. It seemed to be the only window in the immediate area and it wasn’t looking outside.
"We’re here. This is the medical area of the facility. Typically used for injuries that might be sustained by testing certain projects that are in development, but have yet to lead to any positive results- or injuries." Jill explained to Erik.
The husband and wife moved back to each other’s sides and quietly went into Jessica’s room. He and Jill watched from window.
"I believe that this window is actually a two way mirror. That way whoever is in the room doesn’t necessarily feel like they’re being watch, even if they do need to be observed."
"Thanks for the commentary, but I think I just want to watch them for now."
"Okay," Jill fell silent.
Josie went directly to her aunt’s side and put her hand gently over her younger looking aunt's hand. Her husband hung back a little. She looked like she was saying something to her, but he couldn’t make anything out.
Eventually her husband moved forward to join her, before they both sat in the chairs by her bed.
He broke the encompassing silence.
"Do you know what all the monitors, wires and tubes are for?"
"Some. She’s being monitored for her heart rate, oxygen levels… all of her vitals really. She’s hooked up to IVs, the different monitors need different wires attached different places to monitor the different things. She’s been intubated because she wasn’t able to take a full breath. I’m pretty sure they even have a camera on her 24/7. Since what she’s been through is kind of unprecedented; outside of various forms of media."
"Were you really first to notice her breathing?"
"Trying to breathe. Yes. Which was terrifying. I had kind of been joking with Dr. Westerly earlier that week that Jessica looked alive, but- I don’t know that I ever truly expected this."
They fell into silence again.
"Oh! My dear boy!" he jumped at his Nanna calling out to him. "I didn’t expect to see you here!"
"Hi, you startled me," he turned to greet her.
"I’m sorry. Dr. Westerly so kindly offered to show your granddad and I where they have Miss Hudson set up."
"And you beat us to her," his granddad added.
"Ah, sort of I guess. We ran into her one niece and her husband, who are visiting Jessica- Miss Hudson…. They asked us to join them."
"How kind. Perhaps we can speak with them afterwards."
"Maybe Nanna. If we want to wait awhile. I do think that they’d probably enjoy it."
"As far as I’m aware, the two of us aren’t in any rush to get anywhere else. I know you certainly aren’t," his granddad said.
"Then we’ll wait. Dr. Westerly, please, if you and Miss Russet have other things to do, we’ll be fine here," Nanna told the two women talking amongst themselves.
Dr. Westerly nodded, and Jill gave a small wave before they both headed off.
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allisonreader · 2 years
Sneak peek/cut pieces from Tales of a Frozen Sailor; Jessica’s Rescue. (Aka, what if Erik ended up in 1912 without a way back to his time.)
Why had his friends decided that a Titanic themed wedding would be appropriate? Especially one going to approximately where the wreck site would be on the ocean floor, on the day that the ship sank 99 years ago.
He called out, "Is anyone there? Can you hear me?"
A frantic call responded after a pause, "Yes! I’m here! I’m locked in a room!"
"I’ll get you out. Just keep talking so I can find you."
"I’m in a supply closet of sorts… I can’t get out… I’ve tried…"
Whoever was trapped sounded like they might be a woman and close now. He just needed to open the right door.
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allisonreader · 2 years
Tales Of A Frozen Sailor AU; Jessica's Rescue will probably make more sense if Tales Of A Frozen Sailor is read first. There will be a lot of the back story holds some weight to it.
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