#talbott x mc?
khamoise · 7 months
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She's pomegranate.
This is kind of the continuation from my previous post!
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they seem super close!
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lisin-drw · 8 months
🌹 Everyone Happy Valentine's Day 🌹 ♡⁠(⁠ε⁠`⁠●⁠)
Wish y'all have a good time with your loved ones 🥰
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I felt like to draw Joslyn comforting Talbott without saying a word and he then responding. Well they had a hard time during the war, didn't they?
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aleapple1216 · 3 months
Birds of a feather, we should stick together Lalala
So I was listening to Billie Eilish's new album and somehow this came to life
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(Jesus I haven't drawn digitally since idk when hehe)
Two more versions because just one isn't enough :
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Thank you so much, darlings. See ya 💋 
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astie-hearts21 · 11 months
I finished TLSQ named "Murder Mystery" and I was surprised how Talbott started smiling like that more often...so sincerely...like this!
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I love him ❤
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She flirts with him😏
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And yeah, she likes to call him "Tally"~😏
(But he didn't like that nickname, but she still call him😉)
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twilit-art · 7 months
"...I have to tell you something."
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Hi... It has been a while! 🥲
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(marriage proposal)
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rosachaotic · 7 months
So uhh
Hphm fankids? Lol
Meet Odette and Odile, Talbott's and Cereza's daughters.
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Hiii could you make a dating Talbott Winger headcannons I love him so much and I really think he’d be like the I hate everyone but you trope
A/N: I'm sorry that it took such a long time for me to write but I was battling with stress and life lately, and now that I'm fine, I started to have so many ideas but I need to finish request and write the chapters that had been waiting for ages in my documents lol.
And thank you everyone, who waited patiently!
P.S: I don't remember whne this ask was sent so I'm gonna put this on my "Summer Celebration" post!
Requests are OPEN!
𝐷𝑎𝑡𝑖𝑛𝑔 𝑇𝑎𝑙𝑏𝑜𝑡𝑡 𝑊𝑖𝑛𝑔𝑒𝑟 𝐼𝑛𝑐𝑙𝑢𝑑𝑒𝑠...
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We all know Talbott is a silent boy, he prefers to stay away from trouble unlike a certain person that has his interest, but it doesn't mean that he doesn't have an adventurous side of him.
Yet, I still believe that he likes to have some kind of... control? When doing something? Like, yeah, he takes risks.
Just not extreme risks
Or, if you were to introduce him to some muggle vehicles, I think he would love to ride a bike with you and watch as your laugh would be carried to hus ears as the sight of you all happy and glowing would consume him.
Yeah, our boi definetly has a way with words.
Except the point that he made you swear to never talk about the first time he tried it as you showed how to bike, and he fell hard while being busy admiring you in return.
You, of course, accepted it with a giggle but not without crossing your finger because Bill demanded he had to know everything about your date.
He also swoons whenever you beat someone's ass in dueling. There were many times you rocked people's shits, especially Merula's since she always demanded one only to loose, to the point that no one actually stood a chance against you and refused to train.
Proud boyfriend Talbott and proud mama Bill moment 🥺😭
Like really, there isn't something you would do/make that he wouldn't be proud of and supportive
Crochet? Amazing, could you make a hat or a swan plushie? Draw? Excellent! Maybe you could teach me a few things, dove? You want to deceive the first years by playing an innocent game? Well, it's not like him... But he would be down with it anyways, especially after the ultimate "puppy eyes" weapon.
For some reasons, I see his whole vibe with you as Harry Style's "Golden" song 😭😭🥰🥰
It's literally the song that phrases your relationship!
"I know you were way too bright for me/ I'm hopeless, broken, so you wait for me in the sky..."
" Don't wanna let you know I don't wanna be alone/ But I can feel it take a hold, I can feel it take a hold..."
"I can feel you take control, I can feel you take control/ Of who I am, and all I've ever known lovin' you's the antidote..."
Since he didn't have his parents from a young age, and that they were killed right in front of him, Talbott had difficulties with associating himself with people around him.
That doesn't mean he hated them, or didn't want to talk. He did, he really did... He just didn't know how, and was scared that they would be gone too.
Especially early in your "friendship" that he often denied, but secretly liked the taste of the word on his tongue, he pushed and pushed people away, especially you... until only he was left.
But hey, it was a good thing that you were a persistent little shit because not only you were able to befriend him and show the true colors of life, show him that many people cared about him, you also took his heart and soul for yourself... like, for good.
Yeah, Talbott is definetly one of those rare guys who would stay loyal to his partner until the day he died and then even more.
If there was one thing you never expected from him by how he seemed so reserved, it was the fact that he was clingy when alone. Like, eagle boy would do anything to cuddle, hold hands with you, kiss and hug and do anything you ask for.
His hand holding is much more frequent than other forms of PDA. Talbott isn't very keen on them, since he hates attention, but hand holding under the table disecretly happens a lot.
He sits with you during breakfast and dinner, evennif you were in a different house, and your friends tease you for it affectionately.
He especially hold your hand thightly when he feels overwhelmed, or sad because of remembering his mother... to feel grounded, because he often feels like he lives in auto mode where he doesn't actually know what he is doing and doesn't have control.
That's when you step in.
When that happens, and Talbott usually tries to make it all go away through drowning himself in his studies, you would often look for him in thr library. But since he didn't want you to disturb your own peace just to find him, and he also didn't want to be found in a fragile state, he would go for less predictable areas.
He knew it saddened you whenever he refused to talk about his problems, he was aware and it broke his heart too... But he was scared.
You were the best thing that happened to him, even when he thought and still thinks he wasn't worth being loved, even when he thought he wouldn't find any ounce of happiness... Because why would he? He didn't have anyone left from his family at such a young age, his other relatives didn't care much and he was bad at socialising.
He fought and fought, but for what?
But then you came, stubbornly wanting to be his friend... Alongside the huge friend group you brought, and now he had a lot to loose but also a lot he gained.
He didn't understand why someone like you, the hero of Hogwarts, would find anything in him to activelly seek out to be friends with him...
But whatever it was, he was glad. Glad for your stubborn heart, glad because thanks to you, he found a new family.
You healed his aching heart with your sweet smiles, reassuring words and selflessness. Slowly but surely, you settled deep in his heart and after time, he realized he loved you... Immensely.
He couldn't pinpoint the exact moment obviously, but maybe... he always loved you, while watching from afar... While you won Quidditch, solved the mysteries about the Vaults, saved the school one many times... Or how you achieved more than average witch in your age, or how you risked your whole school life just to help him find the necklace of his mother.
Perhaps he realized right then and there that yes, he was in love with you and yes, he was already too deep to get out of that hole that was love.
And he didn't want to, for he was used to darkness when you came with the light of your eyes and heart, and saved him.
He could never be that boy he once was, and he didn't want to. Because now, he had you and a future to hold on to.
You both were the ones who confessed first, under the night sky as you both blushed at the cliche sight but you were content, happy to call this amazing, kind, thoughful and strong boy your lover.
Like I said before, there are a lot of things he wants to do with you: Travel together, have late night dinner dates, go to a beach, have a little cabin at the outskirts of Scotland...
But above all... There is one thing he wants to do with you the most one thing that often has him blushing and unable to sleep.
Grow old with you.
Whenever you try to find him, out of class and studying sessions you both have, he is in the Owlery and all the owl LOVES him! Like really, whenever you two hang out in the school grounds, a flock of them comes and finds him and perches on both of your shoulders happily while picking on your hairs or hiding behind them in a way of playing with you.
He loves jewelries, mostly necklaces and bracelets, so whenever you buy something for yourself, he demands one too.
And he also loves matching with you too, so any necklaces, he's matching with you. It's one of the subtle ways of telling everyone that you/he was taken.
All the teachers and your friends knew you two would be end game, from how in love you both seemed and how Talbott started to smile genuinely after such a long time.
But what sealed it for you both was when he asked you to come to the Owlery, that he had an important thing to say and hive to you.
Imagine your surprise when he looked at you so softly and offered the necklace that had his mother's swan feather, accompanied with the pendants of his initials.
"This necklace used to be the sign of all the things I lost, a reminder of death... But I know my mum would have wanted you to have it, the girl who means so much to me, who I imagine my life to be spent with... I want this to be the sign of our love and my loyalty to you, for you to carry on your neck and hopefully never take it out... If you will have it and me..."
Like I said, he is a one-woman kind of boy and when you start a relationship and things started to get serious and deep, Talbott wouldn't shy away from hinting at marriage and a life together.
Because if this didn't show you the depth of his love, I don't know what would.
Another cute gesture he does with you, especially in like 6th or 7th year, is to wrap his arms around you from behind and put his chin on top of your head after laying a tender kiss there. ( why do boys get so much taller in like a few months when I'm stuck at the same height for the rest of my life 😭)
You two often visit and stay until late in the Owlery. That place had become some kind of a safe space for you both, where you can be with each other in silent, read books or simply feed the owls happily.
You liked reading books by yourself, but when your boyfriend had a raspy voice and was food at imitations of the characters, you didn't have to do anything except laying back on his chest as you buried yourself in his smell as he read to you, thightenung his hold on your frame.
But just as you loved being read to, he actually likes it as well. He is just bad at showing and telling that. But whenever you see him looking at a book, then at you with a pout, you know what he wants.
And who were you to deny him of that when he looked so cute?
Madam Pince, even though she resented you for pranking her and was close to banning you from the library, was now looking at you and your boyfriend softly because one, you finally weren't there to break the rules but rather trully reading and two, you also helped her clean the library with Talbott too.
But none of you needed to know.
Now that I mentioned her, all the teachers have had bets about your love life. Like when one of you will confess, when you will have a kiss, when you will have a date etc.
And quite creepily, Minerva and Flitwick almost all the time knows when and where and wins quite a few galleons.
Snape couldn't care less, because he hated your guts... Or mayyybee he was slightly interested since you gifted him a cake and offered good mornings every day even though he would snap and he started to not hate you but just dislike.
Sprout was just happy to see her two favourite students together, alongside with Minerva, and offered her blessing with an enchanted flower that would never wilt.
But Dumbledore? Oh, he always knew from the start and didn't bother with such childish act... but he had bets going on with others in the ministry soo~ (Don't get me wrong, I still hate him.)
You know when Hermione said that girls could get in boys' dormitory but they couldn't enter girls'?
Yeah, there were many times you did that, at the beginning for cuddles... And later in your last year, for different things *wink wink*
Ehem, another act he loves doing are ( and I need to say, if a man did that to me, I would simply melt) taking your hand in his and putting it on his chest, where his heart is and kissing your forehead and lingering his lips there for a few seconds more.
Just imagine the feels and how hard your heart would beat I-
You giving him flowers actually has a funny story because you thought he wouldn't like them, especially early in your relationship
But you couldn't help but think that daisies would look good on his dark, long hair
So you hastily went to Hogsmeade, came back in a hurry and sent a letter to him through your owl to meet you in the Owlery
It was definetly worth seeing the dark red tint on his skin when tou explained why you wanted to give him them
"I wanted to show you that I care and love you a lot, and flowers are a great way to show it, especially since I enchanted them!.. And by your reaction, I'll do that more in the future!"
And yes, you did so... Even after being married for such a long time, eventually having kid/s and in your 60-70
And he never stopped blushing and returning the gesture just as sweetly, always adding a little blessing and thanks to Merlin for bringing you into his life
This headcanons are already taking so long so I'll stop here before it gets out of control lol
And I'll go and continue crying at the corner because I don't have a Talbott in my life 🥺
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autisticarachnid · 2 months
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Day 2 ~ Second Wizarding War
Thalia and Talbott went into hiding as soon as Dumbledore was killed, and hid in a tiny Welsh town- until Thalia discovered she was pregnant around July/August of 1997. The two retreated to the estate of Thalia’s great-grandmother, Lucia Carraro, and hid there for the rest of the war alongside many family members, including Vera, Badeea, Salem and Merula. Thalia gave birth to their first child, Evie, on February 8th, 1998.
Both Thalia and Talbott were so excited, and yet utterly terrified at the same time- they’d just welcomed their first child, but they were in the midst of a war, and people were dying.
All three survived the war without much incident, and Thalia and Talbott went on to have two more children :))
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stupendousbookworm · 2 months
hphm ship week day 1 - dance
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"After all these years... I finally get to dance with you."
Can't believe it takes them almost six years to actually dance together after meeting for the first time honestly, everything would have happened pretty fast if there weren't a billion misunderstandings between them.
i learnt today i'm not fast at art LOL i couldn't finish the coloring so i just left it with some black and white. i hope thats not a problem :(
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jasmineeeuwu · 2 months
What a mess... Death Eater/ Dark Wizard AU
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Not too long after her encounter with Talbott, Felicia begins to regret saving him and taking him to a safer place, although she left before he gained conscious, he managed to see her and started questioning whether if what she did was on purpose or she wanted something in exchange. In his mind a mere act of kindness did not make her any less of a criminal. (Taking into account that the Bennett family supported the dark lord before as the Malfoy family) Using his animagus abilities, he managed to follow Felicia excusing himself that it was just an investigation to see if she was into something fishy. Unfortunately she spotted him and both began an argument in a seedy alley, two muggles (criminals) didn't like to see them in their territory so... one thing let to another and both ended up getting into a "fight". Not willing to stay any longer in this situation, Felicia used her wand to cast a spell that left the two muggles unconscious. Talbott, on the other hand, was grateful but also uncomfortable. He stayed quiet and just casted a memory spell so that those muggles wouldn't remember anything.
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BONUS! —So, uh... Does that mean you'll stop stalking me? —She asked trying to break the awkward silence —I wasn't stalking you, it was an investigation —He justified himself, Felicia turned to look at him with confusion —You're a Death Eater's daughter —You're an Auror —So? —He lifted an eyebrow —You could've left me here with those muggles if you didn't want to save a "Death Eater's daughter" —She made a quotation mark gesture with her fingers. Talbott sighed somewhat embarrassed by her statement but quickly responded back —You saved me not once but twice —With that response, the white-haired woman went quiet, he had a point —Besides, you're not supposed to use magic infront of muggles —Would you have rather let them to beat us to death? —Then you accept that you wanted to save me —You did it too a few minutes ago Whether they liked it or not, non of them could justify their actions, even if they were involuntary.
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khamoise · 3 months
9, 36 and/or 42 for Talbott and Heaven!! 👁🫵💚
9. A kiss on the eyelid.
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Heaven never felt ashamed of her birthmark, the one who had the shape of a weird hand and covered a big part on the left side of her face.
It wasn't until the battle of Hogwarts where Heaven had a sudden fight with Mérula. She couldn't react on time and a blinding green light slashed her face with the force of a thousand volts.
Mérula had just cast only the prototype of a torture spell on her. A single lash from Mérula's wand was enough to knock Heaven over and make her scream in agony with her eyes closed, in denial and afraid to find her own hands full of blood that ran down her face. Luckily for Heaven, she was rescued quickly, before anything worse could happen.
The worst part was actually the days that followed: days of more agony due to the pain that the burn was causing her, and that few medicines managed to calm the pain. She also remained blind in the affected eye for a couple of months, and was sometimes forced to wear an eyepatch to avoid irritating the sensitivity of her injured eye.
For Heaven, her face became unrecognizable. It was swollen, wounded and burned. And suddenly that birthmark that she appreciated so much, that made her stand out in a particular and silly way, was no longer there.
It was the first time that Heaven hated to look herself in the mirror, because the most important feature of her body had been taken from her with no mercy and full of disgust.
She was scared and sad thinking about how her loved ones would receive her when notice the obvious, and felt less and less motivated to leave her room.
But there was someone who actually refused to leave her side all that time.
Talbott became all the support she could ask for and more. He took care of her wounds, while also making sure to remind her every single day how much he loved seeing her alive next to him. Finding new ways to compare her scar to sweet and beautiful things in such a poetic way, as he always used to do.
Little by little, Heaven regained her confidence and over time she found a more optimistic way of seeing her new face.
Now she is the one who makes sure to thank Talbott every day he was by her side, with her very particular and sweet displays of affection, full of kisses and a warm home with a small but lovely family, next to her and Tristan. 💖
36. A clumsy kiss.
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42. A kiss on the shoulder.
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Just a freaky kiss on the shoulder, right? 🥴
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nioumin-draw · 4 months
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"If I were someone else , I’d admiring myself !"
Heya guys meet my new HPMA baby :
The eldest daughter of Teresa Grim and Talbott Winger , Hilda Grim-Winger
Personality:intelligent, ruthless, manipulative,mischievous ,cunning, logic , arrogant , stubborn, short-temper, confident,sarcastic,ambitious ,caring , protective , soft ( sometimes).
Friends: Robyne Thisthewaite , kevin farell ,Lottie turner, William Lee,Marnie Sallow @chirithy564 , Rubeus Hagrid, Daniel page ( crush) , Astrid Cole.
Frenemy : Liam Whitlock - Kim @chirithy564
Enemies : Argus Filch (Nemesis ) ,mrs Norris, Cassandra Vole, Colby and Fischer Frey
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lisin-drw · 9 months
🎇 Happy New Year 🎇
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The materials in ibisPaintX are used.
Reference: 。
Hi! Long time no see. Sorry for not being active last year. It was a tough year for me, but I'm okay now. I still have much love for hphm and want to keep on making fanart for it. There's a lot I haven't told about my hphm mc, and I hope I will be able to draw more about her this year. Thank you for being here with me. Wish you all a happy new year ☺️☺️🧡
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aleapple1216 · 2 months
HPHM Summer Ship Week 2024: First kiss
Hello! I'm bringing you my very late participation for the HPHM ship week @hphm-ship-week; sorry for not posting it on the specific day, I was depressed busy ^^ so here goes nothing.
Also, I understand if you do not reblog this participation since I took a long time to publish and, it would not be fair to the people who submitted their participation in time to the dynamic. Thank you anyway ^^.
What these two jerks only dream about after that disastrous first date:
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Vs what really happened that night:
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Bonus: There was a first kiss that night! But, not really passionate.
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Thank you so much for reading, and I'll bring to you the rest of my participation on the following days ^^U And sorry again
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akaryuga · 1 year
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Sorry, LoL I tried.((
Don't get me wrong I like the official MC, but I just trying to get in (⁠◕⁠ᴗ⁠◕⁠✿⁠) with my favourite witch Merula hehehe(?
Happy to see the new art style (?) Merula finally show up on the loading screen༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ💕
I'm looking forward for the funny weird ad now LOL.
The original one:
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